No MGS4 thread? - Forums

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3702th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 06:10post reply

I know the MMCafe is anti-mainstream, but damn, no MGS 4 discussion?

I've finished the game, what about you guys? playing it? not interested? hate it?.



747th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 07:08post reply

Want to play but haven't played any MGS games since MGS1...

Do you recommend this game?

3703th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 08:24post reply

Want to play but haven't played any MGS games since MGS1...

Do you recommend this game?

Do I recommend the game? Yeah, I would, but only if you're a big MGS fan, otherwise it might be boring...

The game is just fanservice wrapped in nice graphics and HUGE cutscenes, so you might be annoyed by the gameplay/cutscene ratio. I finished it in about 23 hours and I think I just played about 7 or 8 hours, perhaps even less.

The game looks wonderful in some parts not so much in others, the faces look great, but they still can't get the hair right, it looks like PS2, most of the textures are low res (walls, floors etc.).

The music is forgetable with a couple of exceptions, and the soldier's chat gets repetitive after a while but it has a nice collection of "war sounds" you know, bullets, bombs and the like.

You get a crapload of weapons but I ended using the same five as in every other MGS: Sniper rifle, grenade launcher, rocket launcher and a machinegun/shotgun combo... yeah, you can customize some weapons but I didn't bother since that one worked for me. There are a few more weapons, but I don't want to spoil anything, since they're story specific items.

And speaking of story... I don't know, I have mixed feelings; they explained EVERYTHING, which is good, but was it really necessary? I mean, I never wanted an explanation about Vamp's powers (now that I think about it, there are some aspects about his abilities that weren't explained, I smell plothole), that was part of his charm, same with the Foxhound and the Cobra Unit freaks.
Anyway, the story is nice in the sense that it wraps the whole saga and gives closure to it.

That did sound rash, but with all that I really enjoyed the game, it's like a son that you love despite any imperfection he might have.

Buy it if you love the MGS saga, rent it if you don't, because it is one of those games you have to play.

1475th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 08:33:post reply

Awesome movie!

It'll probably feel pretty weird to play MGS4 without playing mgs2 or mgs3, because the story just continues on from the previous games as if it's the 4th episode of a TV series. Gameplay is minimal so you'd want to at least be able to understand what the movie is about.

[this message was edited by Zepy on Wed 25 Jun 08:34]

240th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 09:44post reply

Want to play but haven't played any MGS games since MGS1...

Do you recommend this game?

Do I recommend the game? Yeah, I would, but only if you're a big MGS fan, otherwise it might be boring...

The game is just fanservice wrapped in nice graphics and HUGE cutscenes, so you might be annoyed by the gameplay/cutscene ratio. I finished it in about 23 hours and I think I just played about 7 or 8 hours, perhaps even less.

The game looks wonderful in some parts not so much in others, the faces look great, but they still can't get the hair right, it looks like PS2, most of the textures are low res (walls, floors etc.).

The music is forgetable with a couple of exceptions, and the soldier's chat gets repetitive after a while but it has a nice collection of "war sounds" you know, bullets, bombs and the like.

You get a crapload of weapons but I ended using the same five as in every other MGS: Sniper rifle, grenade launcher, rocket launcher and a machinegun/shotgun combo... yeah, you can customize some weapons but I didn't bother since that one worked for me. There are a few more weapons, but I don't want to spoil anything, since they're story specific items.

And speaking of story... I don't know, I have mixed feelings; they explained EVERYTHING, which is good, but was it really necessary? I mean, I never wanted an explanation about Vamp's powers (now that I think about it, there are some aspects about his abilities that weren't explained, I smell plothole), that was part of his charm, same with the Foxhound and the Cobra Unit freaks.
Anyway, the story is nice in the sense that it wraps the whole saga and gives closure to it.

That did sound rash, but with all that I really enjoyed the game, it's like a son that you love despite any imperfection he might have.

Buy it if you love the MGS saga, rent it if you don't, because it is one of those games you have to play.

Nice review..I agree. Well, I liked the game, but I feel its too short..I feel I didnt play enough time. I also felt that there werent new additions introduced. It didnt feel revolutionary at all. I felt that MGS2 and 3 had more interesting gameplay additions. MGS4 felt pretty simple in the gameplay department, didnt impress me at all. MGS considered mainstream? I didnt know that. I mean, it is mainstream, yeah...but...I would like to know what is actually considered "not mainsgtream" by the mmcafe members.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

3704th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 09:53post reply

quote: MGS considered mainstream? I didnt know that. I mean, it is mainstream, yeah...but...I would like to know what is actually considered "not mainsgtream" by the mmcafe members.

I don't know, you don't see much talk about big budget titles, yet you see people wanking at the thought of a new Disgaea or at the sequel/remake of an obscure Atlus game, which is not bad, but I would like to see more threads for other games besides fighters.

Iron D
2899th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 09:59post reply

There is no game I want more than MGS4 right now. I'm hyped, I'm stoked...I just want it! I've played ever MGS game except Portable Ops, which I haven't purchased only because I'm so broke. That's of course also why I can't even get close to playing MGS4 anytime soon...I can't afford a PS3 and I don't know anyone who owns one.


I don't know, you don't see much talk about big budget titles, yet you see people wanking at the thought of a new Disgaea or at the sequel/remake of an obscure Atlus game, which is not bad, but I would like to see more threads for other games besides fighters.

I actually miss way back in the day when almost every thread was about a different fighter. This was originally a fighting game board, after all. Compared to then, I'd say there's way more non-fighter talk than there used to be.


1569th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 10:37post reply

I got it and love it. Got a PS3 just for it. I wish there were more areas like the first two parts. I loved the sneaking aspects the most.

The story is very weird. They try to tie in every character together and I am reading the data base from the PSN to try and put it all together in my head.

I am really loving MG Online. This is my first real console online experience(I never got into Brawl or Mario Kart Wii online). I suck though. I don't react quickly enough and forget to aim at the head, but I love it.

346th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 10:52post reply

I'm waiting for the Substance/Subsistence/???? version that adds VR missions. I'm still kicking myself for buying MGS3 right when it came out.

Be kind to goblins.

241th Post

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"Re(7):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 11:08post reply

I got it and love it. Got a PS3 just for it. I wish there were more areas like the first two parts. I loved the sneaking aspects the most.

The story is very weird. They try to tie in every character together and I am reading the data base from the PSN to try and put it all together in my head.

I am really loving MG Online. This is my first real console online experience(I never got into Brawl or Mario Kart Wii online). I suck though. I don't react quickly enough and forget to aim at the head, but I love it.

Yeah I really liked the first two parts. I love the game, but I still wish there was more variety to it.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

220th Post

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"Re(6):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 14:17post reply

I can't afford a PS3

I feel ya there. MGS4 is really the only game I want for PS3 (well that and Devil May Cry 4, but that'll be out for PC eventually), but with the money problems I've had lately I know I won't be able to afford it for several years. And I'm sure the "Substance" version will be out by then anyways. I read somewhere that Kojima was very dissapointed with the PS3s capabilities not living up to expectation, and was only able to accomplish about %40 of what he'd wanted to with 4.

4471th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"EGGS" , posted Wed 25 Jun 14:22:post reply

I am really loving MG Online. This is my first real console online experience(I never got into Brawl or Mario Kart Wii online). I suck though. I don't react quickly enough and forget to aim at the head, but I love it.

I had fun with MGO online too. My scores suck, but thats because I concentrate on sneaking on people, stunning them, and stabbing them on the ass.

I agree with pretty much what ONSY said. The game was not as technically impressive as they were advertising it to be (HDD INSTALLS HAHA.) MGS4 did have some pretty neat moments.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The Ray vs Rex fight, motorcycle chase

End of Spoiler

I still think my favorite game in the series is MGS3. Seemed to have more interesting gameplay, characters, boss fights, and style.

think well your answer

[this message was edited by Juan on Wed 25 Jun 14:25]

544th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 16:07post reply

I am in the same mind frame as you. As much as I desire to own and play it, I just do not see it in my expenses at the moment. If I can find it as a rental or borrowing it from a friend only then I will play it. Other than that it can wait.

I'm waiting for the Substance/Subsistence/???? version that adds VR missions. I'm still kicking myself for buying MGS3 right when it came out.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

2387th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 16:59post reply

I don't think it's being very faithful to its roots. It feels more like a FPS with a very small bit of sneaking than a "tactical espionage" game with FPS elements. There's all these silly toys and moves meant to increase your ability to sneak, and you never really need to use them at all.

Also, no backtracking. Some people may really appreciate that, but I liked going back to areas I was familiar with. It made the challenge more tangible instead of the game throwing random crap at you in unfamiliar quantities. But I guess that's just me and these days "gamers" don't like to deal with card keys and the things they imply, just go from point A to point B and they're happy clams.

As for the story, it's a decent movie experience. I was surprised that they managed to make the mess of a story work without being an absolute clusterfuck, considering everything they tossed in there. But geez, the cutscenes just drag on forever. It's one thing to have an epic story, but I think they went overboard trying to tie the whole thing together. And even with all that tying they still manage to make the bosses of the game really alienated from the overall story.


49th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(4):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 18:41post reply

Oh well, I beat it yesterday.
Good "game", it feels too much like a movie to me, but is decent.
It is really well developed and cool gameplay-wise till the end of chapter 4. The final chapter and the ending are really boring and VERY long. Too long.
The combat system feels more like a Resident Evil 4 wannabe than a FPS/TPS thing. That is good imho, most of FPS are absolute crap without personality at all.
And you aren't always forced to be a Rambo hero, you can choose to act stealth in the majority of situations.

3654th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 22:37post reply

Al ready finished it 4 times...and I still misses some ranks, and special items. IMO I like it. it's not a overpowered next gen titl, but a good sequel to MGS3.

The octo-camo, the new Gekko enneis or such offers quite some originality to the fights, even if the soldiers AI isn't that much evolved from the older episode.

Chapter 3 offers some good stuff to the serie, and the characters ar still as great as usual.

Really I liked it a lot and stilltrying to get the big boos rank...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

1453th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 22:45post reply

Anyone find it ironic how so many people laughed at the Sega CD back in the day for being movies with minor gameplay but flash-forward 15 years later and this is what we expect in a big title now?

Still though I want MGS4 bad, but have to make due with my 360 for awhile.

Iron D
2900th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Thu 26 Jun 01:47post reply

Anyone find it ironic how so many people laughed at the Sega CD back in the day for being movies with minor gameplay but flash-forward 15 years later and this is what we expect in a big title now?

Heh. Night Trap FTL. However, I've always, ALWAYS wanted to play Snatcher and Policenauts. I was hoping that they'd be added bonuses to one of these substance/subsistence add-ons, so here's hoping that's the case with the add-on version of this game.


178th Post

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"Re(8): "METAL GEAR?!"" , posted Thu 26 Jun 02:46:post reply

I watched the entire thing on Youtube (before the bastards at Konami pulled it). Great movie, but the dialogue was a little...redundant. "The War Economy" and "Nanomachines" in particular.

Anyways, I might be in the minority here, but after having seen everything, I don't feel compelled to get it. There are segments in there that just remind me of a series of quick time events. The I prefer to stick out to MGS3.

Heh. Night Trap FTL. However, I've always, ALWAYS wanted to play Snatcher and Policenauts. I was hoping that they'd be added bonuses to one of these substance/subsistence add-ons, so here's hoping that's the case with the add-on version of this game.

What about Boktai? You should definately try out these hugely underrated Kojima games.

[this message was edited by sfried on Thu 26 Jun 02:54]

3193th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Thu 26 Jun 03:59post reply

Anyone find it ironic how so many people laughed at the Sega CD back in the day for being movies with minor gameplay but flash-forward 15 years later and this is what we expect in a big title now?

I guess it's all in the execution. I sort of doubt that even the people who were creating Sewer Shark thought that they were making something worthwhile.

Also, put me down as another person who wouldn't mind playing MGS4 but doesn't have a PS3. It used to be easier to keep up on the latest videogames when all you had to do was toss a few credits into an arcade cabinet.

Iron D
2901th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):" , posted Thu 26 Jun 09:06post reply


What about Boktai? You should definately try out these hugely underrated Kojima games.

Well, I'm interested in Boktai, sure. But Snatche is one of those rare games where I know I'll enjoy it just by seeing a few screens of it. There was something about the look of the game and what I heard of the gameplay that just sounded so intriguing to me. The fact that it was also generally well looked upon by the game reviewing community all the way back in '94 didn't hurt either.


1451th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"ode to Mega CD" , posted Thu 26 Jun 09:29:post reply

Re: Snatcher: Definitely. Keep in mind that Japan actually used the Mega CD decently well, and it wasn't unprecedented what with the PC Engine-CD being bigger than Mega Drive/Genesis ever was. The foreign markets got flooded with FMV Sewer Shark Hell, but think of all the Japanese games to use the CD's ability to do movies to great effect...Sonic CD (what an opening!), Lunar 1, Lunar 2 (an hour of animation back then? And pretty at that!), Snatcher, Shining Force (...maybe), Vay, Popful Mail...


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 26 Jun 09:30]

2820th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Thu 26 Jun 11:34post reply

You know, despite all it's flaws and it's obtuse story line in places I was able to keep playing MGS4. Despite some stiff controls in places the few moments of gameplay were great fun. And there were places in MGS4 were I generally cried. Something that few games have ever done.

MGS4 may be the best and worst of Next generation video games rolled into one. It's probably a game that only Kojima can get away with (Squarenix wouldn't have the humor to carry you through some of the longer cut scenes). We'll probably never see anything like it again in games to be honest.

420th Post

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Gold Customer

"MGO Names?" , posted Fri 27 Jun 02:43post reply

If anyone is up for a game I'd be happy to join them just send me a email ingame to "colostomizer" in MGO and I'll be happy to play a game or two with any of you guys!

As for mgs 4, Fun game for me indeed. I felt as if the game was a bit to much on the cut scenes but then again the game is about story telling especially in this chapter.

Probably the big thing that bothers me is maybe a few facts and floating ideas in metal gear even after downloading the free metal gear database for MGS 4 on the psn network.

I enjoyed the game and Onslaught said it best I think this is good for fans. It maybe a little bit okay for new players if they are willing to take the dive that and I feel also the controls for the game is pretty user friendly as well.

This song is so true

3705th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"MGS 4 killed my PS3" , posted Sun 29 Jun 15:54post reply

Yeah, I was on my second run, when suddenly the game crashed, and after that the damn PS3 won't read any kind of disc! I've restored the system but nothing happens.
Anyone heard something similar?

1078th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):MGS 4 killed my PS3" , posted Sun 29 Jun 16:07post reply

Yeah, I was on my second run, when suddenly the game crashed, and after that the damn PS3 won't read any kind of disc! I've restored the system but nothing happens.
Anyone heard something similar?

I've heard of PS3s choking on blu-ray reading and being fine with everything else, but not losing the ability to read altogether. Strange. It happened to one of those illiterate Kotaku guys during Iron Man, if I recall.

2516th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):MGS 4 killed my PS3" , posted Sun 29 Jun 18:44post reply

Guess I'll weigh in. Loved the game...just...tolerated the ending. I felt like it introduced plot twists just to introduce plot twists and sort of betrayed the story they were building up to. Or rather, more like they just didn't quite thematically "cinch" it to me. Maybe I just had unreasonable expectations after the MGS3 ending.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I was hoping we'd see Big Boss salute Snake in the graveyard because Snake was dead, not because Big Boss was mysteriously and pointlessly alive.

End of Spoiler

In terms of the cinemas, I agree with Sfried that the dialogue was a bit redundant at times. It was as if they were trying to make it friendly for people who were new to the series at the cost of boring people who COULD follow it. That's not a bad idea or anything, but from what I gather, people who weren't already into the series couldn't follow it anyway. So, yeah...I have no problem with hour long cinemas, but I want an hour of content, not, say...40 minutes of content and 20 of killing time or repeating things I already know.

On the gameplay end, they had a lot of great new ideas, but not enough time to play with them. I felt like nearly every "section" of the game was rich and engaging in its own way, but was over as soon as you got into it. I think this is sort of illustrated by the immense number of unnecessary weapons and add-ons you have to choose from (or like the Mk-II, which I used...once?). I really just used the tranq gun like...90% of the time.

Speaking of using the tranq gun, I liked how there were action scenes where you just kicked a bunch of ass to balance out scenes where it was better to avoid conflict or use tranq shots.

The feeling of "I didn't get to do enough" or "it was over too soon" is really nicely alleviated by the addition of Metal Gear Online. I played the beta quite a bit (and loved it), but I'm waiting for more character customization options before I pick it up again. In the credits, they had a number of girls listed as "soldiers" in the MGO cast, so I'm assuming you'll get to make female characters eventually. I'd settle for attractive men too, though. I'd like some levels with Geckos running around,'d mix things up.

Ah...and it could use a little re balancing, too.

Oh, and the blu-ray that came with the LE was actually pretty good! I was surprised! It was a little annoying that they bothered interviewing the Japanese VAs, but didn't let us hear them voice the characters, though.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

2392th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):MGS 4 killed my PS3" , posted Mon 30 Jun 06:09post reply

Yeah, I was on my second run, when suddenly the game crashed, and after that the damn PS3 won't read any kind of disc! I've restored the system but nothing happens.
Anyone heard something similar?

I've heard of the blu-ray drive getting fried for some people who were playing MGS4 too long.

So much for the surprisingly low rate of PS3 defects!
