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ONSLAUGHT 3703th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 08:24
quote: Want to play but haven't played any MGS games since MGS1...
Do you recommend this game?
Do I recommend the game? Yeah, I would, but only if you're a big MGS fan, otherwise it might be boring...
The game is just fanservice wrapped in nice graphics and HUGE cutscenes, so you might be annoyed by the gameplay/cutscene ratio. I finished it in about 23 hours and I think I just played about 7 or 8 hours, perhaps even less.
The game looks wonderful in some parts not so much in others, the faces look great, but they still can't get the hair right, it looks like PS2, most of the textures are low res (walls, floors etc.).
The music is forgetable with a couple of exceptions, and the soldier's chat gets repetitive after a while but it has a nice collection of "war sounds" you know, bullets, bombs and the like.
You get a crapload of weapons but I ended using the same five as in every other MGS: Sniper rifle, grenade launcher, rocket launcher and a machinegun/shotgun combo... yeah, you can customize some weapons but I didn't bother since that one worked for me. There are a few more weapons, but I don't want to spoil anything, since they're story specific items.
And speaking of story... I don't know, I have mixed feelings; they explained EVERYTHING, which is good, but was it really necessary? I mean, I never wanted an explanation about Vamp's powers (now that I think about it, there are some aspects about his abilities that weren't explained, I smell plothole), that was part of his charm, same with the Foxhound and the Cobra Unit freaks. Anyway, the story is nice in the sense that it wraps the whole saga and gives closure to it.
That did sound rash, but with all that I really enjoyed the game, it's like a son that you love despite any imperfection he might have.
Buy it if you love the MGS saga, rent it if you don't, because it is one of those games you have to play.
Tai-Pan 240th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(3):No MGS4 thread?" , posted Wed 25 Jun 09:44
quote: Want to play but haven't played any MGS games since MGS1...
Do you recommend this game?
Do I recommend the game? Yeah, I would, but only if you're a big MGS fan, otherwise it might be boring...
The game is just fanservice wrapped in nice graphics and HUGE cutscenes, so you might be annoyed by the gameplay/cutscene ratio. I finished it in about 23 hours and I think I just played about 7 or 8 hours, perhaps even less.
The game looks wonderful in some parts not so much in others, the faces look great, but they still can't get the hair right, it looks like PS2, most of the textures are low res (walls, floors etc.).
The music is forgetable with a couple of exceptions, and the soldier's chat gets repetitive after a while but it has a nice collection of "war sounds" you know, bullets, bombs and the like.
You get a crapload of weapons but I ended using the same five as in every other MGS: Sniper rifle, grenade launcher, rocket launcher and a machinegun/shotgun combo... yeah, you can customize some weapons but I didn't bother since that one worked for me. There are a few more weapons, but I don't want to spoil anything, since they're story specific items.
And speaking of story... I don't know, I have mixed feelings; they explained EVERYTHING, which is good, but was it really necessary? I mean, I never wanted an explanation about Vamp's powers (now that I think about it, there are some aspects about his abilities that weren't explained, I smell plothole), that was part of his charm, same with the Foxhound and the Cobra Unit freaks. Anyway, the story is nice in the sense that it wraps the whole saga and gives closure to it.
That did sound rash, but with all that I really enjoyed the game, it's like a son that you love despite any imperfection he might have.
Buy it if you love the MGS saga, rent it if you don't, because it is one of those games you have to play.
Nice review..I agree. Well, I liked the game, but I feel its too short..I feel I didnt play enough time. I also felt that there werent new additions introduced. It didnt feel revolutionary at all. I felt that MGS2 and 3 had more interesting gameplay additions. MGS4 felt pretty simple in the gameplay department, didnt impress me at all. And..is MGS considered mainstream? I didnt know that. I mean, it is mainstream, yeah...but...I would like to know what is actually considered "not mainsgtream" by the mmcafe members.
"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
Pollyanna 2516th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):MGS 4 killed my PS3" , posted Sun 29 Jun 18:44
Guess I'll weigh in. Loved the game...just...tolerated the ending. I felt like it introduced plot twists just to introduce plot twists and sort of betrayed the story they were building up to. Or rather, more like they just didn't quite thematically "cinch" it to me. Maybe I just had unreasonable expectations after the MGS3 ending.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - I was hoping we'd see Big Boss salute Snake in the graveyard because Snake was dead, not because Big Boss was mysteriously and pointlessly alive.
End of Spoiler
In terms of the cinemas, I agree with Sfried that the dialogue was a bit redundant at times. It was as if they were trying to make it friendly for people who were new to the series at the cost of boring people who COULD follow it. That's not a bad idea or anything, but from what I gather, people who weren't already into the series couldn't follow it anyway. So, yeah...I have no problem with hour long cinemas, but I want an hour of content, not, say...40 minutes of content and 20 of killing time or repeating things I already know.
On the gameplay end, they had a lot of great new ideas, but not enough time to play with them. I felt like nearly every "section" of the game was rich and engaging in its own way, but was over as soon as you got into it. I think this is sort of illustrated by the immense number of unnecessary weapons and add-ons you have to choose from (or like the Mk-II, which I used...once?). I really just used the tranq gun like...90% of the time.
Speaking of using the tranq gun, I liked how there were action scenes where you just kicked a bunch of ass to balance out scenes where it was better to avoid conflict or use tranq shots.
The feeling of "I didn't get to do enough" or "it was over too soon" is really nicely alleviated by the addition of Metal Gear Online. I played the beta quite a bit (and loved it), but I'm waiting for more character customization options before I pick it up again. In the credits, they had a number of girls listed as "soldiers" in the MGO cast, so I'm assuming you'll get to make female characters eventually. I'd settle for attractive men too, though. I'd like some levels with Geckos running around, too...it'd mix things up.
Ah...and it could use a little re balancing, too.
Oh, and the blu-ray that came with the LE was actually pretty good! I was surprised! It was a little annoying that they bothered interviewing the Japanese VAs, but didn't let us hear them voice the characters, though.
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