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shin ramberk 347th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(2):R.I.P. For two good dudes..." , posted Wed 2 Jul 01:39
quote: Sad week end.
Do you people REALLY get sad when a celebrity dies? I've always been curious about this... I mean, the most I say when somebody tells me a celebrity passed away is "Oh really? too bad". Are you really attached to the celebrities that you genuinely feel sad? It's not like you knew him or were his friend.
Am I wrong? or am I just a terrible person?
Oh, and this is a general question for everybody, not aimed towards you Naruto.
P.S. Too bad for the 2 good dudes...
I feel the same way you do Onslaught, but I also feel greater sadness if that person had an impact on my life. For example, I'm a fan of Michael Turner's art and I will be sad that he didn't live a longer life and produce more work. He was still young when he passed.
A few weeks ago Tim Russert died. Russert was a reporter and political commentator on TV news programs. I highly respected his reporting style, professionalism and what he brought to news reporting in general. A lot of folks, including myself, feel a big loss at his passing. He was still relatively young.
So the point is that I've never met these people but I did enjoy the work they made and in a way, they did have some sort of impact in my life.
Iron D 2906th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):SUSHINGADA" , posted Wed 2 Jul 09:43
It's already been said, but I doubt most of us cares when some celebrity dies. However, if it was someone who did have some sort of impact on our lives, hell yes it's sad.
Tim Russert, Michael Turner, and especially George Carlin's passing were sad events for me. I didn't cry or anything but today's news media definitely needs more people like Tim Russert and George Carlin...well, he may have been old, but he IS one of the greatest comdedians ever and possibly my personal favorite. It sucks that there won't be any new material from him, and the suddenness of his passing took me off guard.
Michael Turner...well, I was no fan of his artwork, but to say he didn't have an impact on the comics community is to be blind. Plus, reading the testimonials of those who knew himk and hearing about how his passing effected this last weekend's big comic convention...well, it is depressing.
But lastly, I think if someone wants to make a thread as a small tribute to a celebrity's passing I don't see what the problem is. Coming into said thread and thread and posting stuff like "why do guys care about this?" and things of the like...that's just uncalled for. Make another thread on the subject, but don't go into someone else's tribute thread and try to ruin it.
I think the world would be better off without Paris Hilton, but if someone on the Cafe wanted to make a tribute thread for her, I'm not going to just mosey on in and start a flame war just because I can't stand her.
Come on, people. I know this is the Internet, but that doesn't mean that we at the Cafe have to stoop to the average Net idiot's level. I mean, is this the Cafe or a Halo 3 deathmatch?
ONSLAUGHT 3710th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):SUSHINGADA" , posted Wed 2 Jul 11:42
But lastly, I think if someone wants to make a thread as a small tribute to a celebrity's passing I don't see what the problem is. Coming into said thread and thread and posting stuff like "why do guys care about this?" and things of the like...that's just uncalled for. Make another thread on the subject, but don't go into someone else's tribute thread and try to ruin it.
I think the world would be better off without Paris Hilton, but if someone on the Cafe wanted to make a tribute thread for her, I'm not going to just mosey on in and start a flame war just because I can't stand her.
Come on, people. I know this is the Internet, but that doesn't mean that we at the Cafe have to stoop to the average Net idiot's level. I mean, is this the Cafe or a Halo 3 deathmatch?
It was a honest question, and one I've always wanted to make in the countless "RIP some guy" threads I've seen during my internet years. I just wanted to know if the people that make/participate in these threads are really sad, or just made the thread because eventually someone was bound to make one... And how is this a tribute thread anyway? I never saw much Turner talk around here, but suddenly he dies and he's like some saint that died for our sins? I knew who the guy was, I wanked to his drawings during his Witchblade run, I knew he was battling cancer, and now I know he died... too bad, but I won't fake some simpathy just because is the "right" thing to do. Yeah, perhaps that was uncalled for but that's how I feel. And again, I wasn't raining on his funeral, I was just asking a question. Saying "why are you mourning your recently deceased son?" yeah, that's assholish, asking "do you really feel sad because someone you never knew passed away?" is just a question like in any other subject.
NARUTO 3658th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):SUSHINGADA" , posted Wed 2 Jul 17:40
It was a honest question, and one I've always wanted to make in the countless "RIP some guy" threads I've seen during my internet years. I just wanted to know if the people that make/participate in these threads are really sad, or just made the thread because eventually someone was bound to make one... And how is this a tribute thread anyway? I never saw much Turner talk around here, but suddenly he dies and he's like some saint that died for our sins? I knew who the guy was, I wanked to his drawings during his Witchblade run, I knew he was battling cancer, and now I know he died... too bad, but I won't fake some simpathy just because is the "right" thing to do. Yeah, perhaps that was uncalled for but that's how I feel. And again, I wasn't raining on his funeral, I was just asking a question. Saying "why are you mourning your recently deceased son?" yeah, that's assholish, asking "do you really feel sad because someone you never knew passed away?" is just a question like in any other subject.
Of course I'm not as sad as when a Familly memebers or friends dies, buch I'm someone do fell a bit... nostalgic about all the good moments I did have due to those persons. for exemple Michael turner was one of my favorite comics artist and each of his art was a good moment for me... now I can only look backwards, and there won't be any new moments like this. I do fell a bit sad that I never had the chance to meet him as well.
The felling you missed something maybe...
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
Iron D 2907th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):SUSHINGADA" , posted Wed 2 Jul 17:45
quote: It was a honest question, and one I've always wanted to make in the countless "RIP some guy" threads I've seen during my internet years. I just wanted to know if the people that make/participate in these threads are really sad, or just made the thread because eventually someone was bound to make one...
I think the fact that Naruto was willing to make the thread in the first place shows at least a little concern. I doubt it's in the interest of being "PC" as Iggy said, because really who here in this particular forum really cares about being very PC?
quote: And how is this a tribute thread anyway? I never saw much Turner talk around here, but suddenly he dies and he's like some saint that died for our sins? I knew who the guy was, I wanked to his drawings during his Witchblade run, I knew he was battling cancer, and now I know he died... too bad, but I won't fake some simpathy just because is the "right" thing to do.
Again, why would anyone exert the energy of faking concern for someone's death? Especially here? I think the fact that the time was taken to post anything, even a couple of words, shows at least a little concern.
I also don't see how much Turner was talked about has any impact on whether or not his dying should be mentioned. There are plenty of people who aren't talked about often that I'm sure would impact some Cafeers on some level.
quote: Yeah, perhaps that was uncalled for but that's how I feel. And again, I wasn't raining on his funeral, I was just asking a question. Saying "why are you mourning your recently deceased son?" yeah, that's assholish, asking "do you really feel sad because someone you never knew passed away?" is just a question like in any other subject.
I understand what you're asking and I never said you shouldn't ask it (I admit that it's a good question), but I just don't see why the question could have just gotten it's own thread instead of being thrown right out at the beginning of a thread meant to show at least a little respect for someone who has passed away.