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8582th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Wed 23 Jul 21:19post reply

Opening with a new mystery game by Atlus, which is probably Raido 2.

Ninjacat in Tenchu4

3 Idol masters on PSP, like some new breeds of Nintendogs.


3230th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Wed 23 Jul 22:17post reply

Ninjacat in Tenchu4

Where else could you have an opportunity to use a ninja cat? I love video games.

604th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Thu 24 Jul 06:59post reply

Opening with a new mystery game by Atlus, which is probably Raido 2

For a brief moment the cat remind me Luna.


8587th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Siren NT" , posted Sat 26 Jul 08:56post reply

To my surprise, Siren NT is a really good game. It doesn’t look outstanding, it’s dumb on purpose, and it’s a lot of fun.

The general concept is a “what if some random Hollywood studio made an adaptation of Siren 1”, so almost every character is American (including Yao, the immortal mastermind of the cult, which is really hilarious when you think about it), half of the original characters (persona) have made the cut, and since most of the memorable scenes are adapted in NT, the new characters feel even more generic and less believable (the Golgo character is Miyata+Shimura+Jun, Sam is half Tamon, half Uzako, and half random witty direct-to-DVD protagonist...). Of course, everything in the game is dead serious.
The general setting stays the same, except dumbed down (there are very few archives, and those who try to flesh out the characters lack the most basic subtlety). The timeline is now totally straightforward as well.
The few new elements added to the scenario are laughable: the black character who takes the heroic role of Takato is heroically killed off screen in the first 10 minutes like a quota from an early 80 movie, and the couple argue about their relationship in a town full of zombies while their dog daughter dog is missing. But their magical parental power of love helps them find her eventually.

Most of the situations of the first game happen in maps of the first game, with even some of the puzzles returning (but the game is more straightforward and action oriented). But since the world is devided between people who haven’t played Siren 1 and rabid fans of it, the c&p doesn’t matter, it’s actually lovely to play the same sequences again with a slightly different setting and better graphics.

My biggest hope I have now would be for the game to end up with one or two massive plot holes as the happy family walks away in the sunset.

As a game, it’s really good (generic Bio Hazard with a big emphasis on stealth), much better than the first ones, and since it’s set in Hanyuda, there are very few guns which is quite a relief. The new sightjack is actually pretty useful, and even though it doesn’t work at all like Mikami’s level in Siren 2, the game borrow some special elements from the game, which is nice.
All the good gameplay elements of Siren 2 are here, but better, and all the bad ones have been corrected. And one of the biggest flaw of Siren 2 is gone: the shibito are finally cute again.

All in all, it feels like Toyama&co tried to parody what Silent Hill has become. Unfortunately, they are still much more skilled than the poor souls who killed the other series after they left, because even when they play dumb, they still come up with much more disgusting, frightening and coherent ideas than anything SH has done since the first games.

If you loved Siren and have a good sense of humor, go for it, now. If you haven’t, this is a good horror game, maybe technically not on par with most current super productions but still well done, with a great ambiance, and a scenario that only feels stupid when you put it in perspective with the original material – lots of (American) games released this year use worse clichés without any shame.

But I do wonder how Siren 3 will turn out...

26th Post

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"Re(1):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Sat 26 Jul 12:21post reply

Countdown site. Various demons appear in the numbers.

65th Post

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"Re(2):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Sat 26 Jul 18:40post reply

Oh well, maybe a western version of TatsuCap?

Variable Savior
439th Post

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"Re(2):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Sun 27 Jul 04:16post reply


Countdown site. Various demons appear in the numbers.

Interesting. It seems safe to say it's somehow Megaten related (what with the demon silhouettes of Jack Frost and Oni and green eyed cat ala AT) but the question is what exactly is it. I've seen rumors of a sequel to Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army - if thats what it ends up being I'm not initially too excited...

Blood marks heaven's path

656th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Sun 27 Jul 04:40post reply


Countdown site. Various demons appear in the numbers.

Interesting. It seems safe to say it's somehow Megaten related (what with the demon silhouettes of Jack Frost and Oni and green eyed cat ala AT) but the question is what exactly is it. I've seen rumors of a sequel to Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army - if thats what it ends up being I'm not initially too excited...

It has to be something pertaining to Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army! The monsters that appear in the numbers are exclusive designs from the original game (I think ).

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何処までも卑猥に腐るまで I LOVE YOU

8593th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Wed 30 Jul 19:53:post reply

Raidou 2 indeed, PS2 indeed.
Predictabowl !
October. Conversation with demons are back, lots of new demons. A blond young man and an old man appear, and I'm sure we know who that is.

Not so Predictabowl is the addition in the LE of Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne Maniacs Chronicles (fiouu). Nothing is known on the game, but it might be a version of Maniacs with Raidou instead of Dante. If that is so, they would finally be able to reprint the game without any IP problems with Capcom. The game was selling to insane prices on the second hand market, or so I heard.

And, well, it would make sense, since they wanted to make a sequel to Raidou, but the first one bombed rightfully, so adding such a bonus is like two birds with one stone, or something. Very smart decision. Atlus is on fire this year.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 30 Jul 22:45]

8592th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Wed 30 Jul 22:34post reply

Also, Nintendo declares war to the R4 (and other illegal devices allowing to play roms on the DS)

And because of that sudden publicity, people began to wonder What is this R4 thing they are talking about ? Hey, this looks interesting!

Even more lulzy : apparently, has sold some R4 on its site. Fufufufufu.

3663th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Wed 30 Jul 23:45post reply

Just a question Iggy, how hard is siren NT ?

Fortes fortuna juvat...

8593th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Thu 31 Jul 00:41post reply

Just a question Iggy, how hard is siren NT ?

I would say "painfully easy", but I have only played through 1/3 of it, and in normal mode (I suppose you unlock "hard" once you've finished it? Not sure if I want to play through it again though. It's good to have a few cheap laughs, but the joke might run old quickly).
Also I finished Siren 1 multiple times. So I don't know if my opinion really counts.

196th Post

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"Re(6):Sea, sex and another random thread" , posted Thu 31 Jul 03:19:post reply

Also, Nintendo declares war to the R4 (and other illegal devices allowing to play roms on the DS)

And because of that sudden publicity, people began to wonder What is this R4 thing they are talking about ? Hey, this looks interesting!

Even more lulzy : apparently, has sold some R4 on its site. Fufufufufu.

It was even funnier when R4 decided it will release a new firmware that will brick DSs that use "fake" R4s.

[this message was edited by sfried on Thu 31 Jul 03:19]

68th Post

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"Jet Wii Radioooooo!!!" , posted Fri 1 Aug 05:26post reply

Apparently, a rumor devoloped at Comic-On, may turn out to be true:

Iron D
2939th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Jet Wii Radioooooo!!!" , posted Fri 1 Aug 07:09post reply

Apparently, a rumor devoloped at Comic-On, may turn out to be true:

FUCK yes! Jet Set/Grind Radio is so overlooked it isn't even funny. Though the original was much better than the sequel (almost all of the things that made the original so fun to play were taken out) I'm still glad to see that this series may not yet be dead.

As long as they bring back the magic of the first game and the soundtrack continues to kick all kinds of ass, then I'll buy this even though I don't even own a Wii. I'll just play it on my buddy's Wii.


1582th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Jet Wii Radioooooo!!!" , posted Fri 1 Aug 07:16post reply

Apparently, a rumor devoloped at Comic-On, may turn out to be true:

FUCK yes! Jet Set/Grind Radio is so overlooked it isn't even funny. Though the original was much better than the sequel (almost all of the things that made the original so fun to play were taken out) I'm still glad to see that this series may not yet be dead.

As long as they bring back the magic of the first game and the soundtrack continues to kick all kinds of ass, then I'll buy this even though I don't even own a Wii. I'll just play it on my buddy's Wii.

I ready for DJ Professor K to lay some beats on me. However, there is still the lingering doubt that SEGA can pull off a good sequel to this game.

1472th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"The Concept of Love" , posted Fri 1 Aug 14:37:post reply


As long as they bring back the magic of the first game and the soundtrack continues to kick all kinds of ass, then I'll buy this even though I don't even own a Wii. I'll just play it on my buddy's Wii.

This would be cool! Jet Set Radio Future is one of -the- great games (never played JSR, though Future has way better music), and I'd love to see Sega actually sell it on consoles people own. Naganuma Hideki is the coolest thing to happen to game music in years.


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 1 Aug 14:38]

552th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):The Concept of Love" , posted Fri 1 Aug 15:33post reply

I do not care if it goes back to the original or the style of the sequel. I want this to happen. Will Smilebit be a part of the development?

As long as they bring back the magic of the first game and the soundtrack continues to kick all kinds of ass, then I'll buy this even though I don't even own a Wii. I'll just play it on my buddy's Wii.
This would be cool! Jet Set Radio Future is one of -the- great games (never played JSR, though Future has way better music), and I'd love to see Sega actually sell it on consoles people own. Naganuma Hideki is the coolest thing to happen to game music in years.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

8594th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The Concept of Love" , posted Fri 1 Aug 16:38post reply

Unfortunately, if this ever happens, it will be plagued with "innovative" ways to use the crappy remote into it to make everything 20% more tedious.

Iron D
2940th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The Concept of Love" , posted Fri 1 Aug 17:11post reply

Unfortunately, if this ever happens, it will be plagued with "innovative" ways to use the crappy remote into it to make everything 20% more tedious.

I can already see using the Wiimote to spray paint (which if they do this I hope they make more like the original). Tricks could possibly work, too.

I guess I'm getting too presumptuous...the game hasn't even officially been announced yet. But the fact that a mere rumor could get me this excited shows how much I love this series.


69th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Humming The Bassline" , posted Sat 2 Aug 01:34post reply


- devolped by Kuju
- art-style similar to the DC JSR
- involved a gaijin concept-artist

details here:

What's next? Panzer Dragoon made by Factor 5? Or a Koei Burning Rangers? Damn Sega...

1583th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Humming The Bassline" , posted Sat 2 Aug 03:17post reply


- devolped by Kuju
- art-style similar to the DC JSR
- involved a gaijin concept-artist

details here:

What's next? Panzer Dragoon made by Factor 5? Or a Koei Burning Rangers? Damn Sega...

That's the same guy who did the UDON Rival Schools comic. His work looks better here. I guess JSR agrees with his style more.

The outsourcing is a little weird. What happened to Smilebit? Didn't they do Mario and Sonic?

197th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Humming The Bassline" , posted Sat 2 Aug 05:59:post reply


- devolped by Kuju
- art-style similar to the DC JSR
- involved a gaijin concept-artist

details here:

What's next? Panzer Dragoon made by Factor 5? Or a Koei Burning Rangers? Damn Sega...

What's wrong with Kuju? Batallion Wars was okay... (In fact, didn't they change their name to Headstrong recently?)
Unfortunately, if this ever happens, it will be plagued with "innovative" ways to use the crappy remote into it to make everything 20% more tedious.

So long as it isn't developed by Sonic Team, it won't have those issues.

That said, I could definately see WiiBalanceBoard support for this.

[this message was edited by sfried on Sat 2 Aug 06:15]

1104th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):The Concept of Love" , posted Sat 2 Aug 12:06post reply

I can already see using the Wiimote to spray paint (which if they do this I hope they make more like the original). Tricks could possibly work, too.

I would hate this. I liked the pacing of JSRF much better and I don't think one button tagging hurt the game.

198th Post

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"Re(5):The Concept of Love" , posted Sat 2 Aug 13:27:post reply

I can already see using the Wiimote to spray paint (which if they do this I hope they make more like the original). Tricks could possibly work, too.

I would hate this. I liked the pacing of JSRF much better and I don't think one button tagging hurt the game.

It's quite simple realy.

Hold Wiimote vertically like a spraycan and press A. No waggle.(When controller is held at any other angle it's probably just Jump or any other normal function.) Problem solved.

[this message was edited by sfried on Sat 2 Aug 13:29]

Iron D
2941th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):The Concept of Love" , posted Sat 2 Aug 16:42post reply

I can already see using the Wiimote to spray paint (which if they do this I hope they make more like the original). Tricks could possibly work, too.

I would hate this. I liked the pacing of JSRF much better and I don't think one button tagging hurt the game.

It's quite simple realy.

Hold Wiimote vertically like a spraycan and press A. No waggle.(When controller is held at any other angle it's probably just Jump or any other normal function.) Problem solved.

Eh. I thought JSRF's lack of the "tracing" painting made spraying mindless, less challenging, and overall less fun.


70th Post

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"Blaz Blue Characters Trailer" , posted Sat 2 Aug 18:09post reply

Seems good, it features the old ones plus the cat-girl and the goth-loli (plays similar to Testament, apparently). At the end, the pictures of the chinese chic, kaonashi and a couple of new ones (a samurai-ninja man and a sort of Harry Potter wannabe with a female golem).
Characters are more darkish and crazy even compared to Guilty Gear!

Variable Savior
440th Post

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"Re(7):The Concept of Love" , posted Sun 3 Aug 01:26post reply

Eh. I thought JSRF's lack of the "tracing" painting made spraying mindless, less challenging, and overall less fun.

I completely agree. There really was no point to the larger tags in JSRF - you just walked by and held the button; it was just like the small tags. The way the game handled the opposition didn't help either - at least in JSR you had the challenge of completing the larger tags before some freakish enemy started wailing on you. I don't know exactly how responsive Wiimote motions would be but all and all I'd rather see a return to the original system.

Blood marks heaven's path

553th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Humming The Bassline" , posted Sun 3 Aug 15:48post reply

Before you get excited, calm down. It's not what you think...


- devolped by Kuju
- art-style similar to the DC JSR
- involved a gaijin concept-artist

details here:

What's next? Panzer Dragoon made by Factor 5? Or a Koei Burning Rangers? Damn Sega...

What's wrong with Kuju? Batallion Wars was okay... (In fact, didn't they change their name to Headstrong recently?)
Unfortunately, if this ever happens, it will be plagued with "innovative" ways to use the crappy remote into it to make everything 20% more tedious.
So long as it isn't developed by Sonic Team, it won't have those issues.

That said, I could definately see WiiBalanceBoard support for this.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

198th Post

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"Re(7):Humming The Bassline" , posted Sun 3 Aug 17:26post reply

I see people here are not fans of British developers.

8597th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Humming The Bassline" , posted Sun 3 Aug 22:38post reply

Yaoi fangirls grow stronger and stronger: after that game where you followed some random androgynous guy in the shower, an adventure game whose main character likes to cosplay and dress-up as a woman.


554th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Humming The Bassline" , posted Mon 4 Aug 01:56post reply

British developers is not the reason I am saying "shit."

I am saying "shit" because it is a rumor. I want something substantial.
I see people here are not fans of British developers.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

3239th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Humming The Bassline" , posted Mon 4 Aug 04:57post reply

At something called the DKΣ3713 event [who the hell thought that was a good name?] Square-Enix had some spiel about FF and, more interestingly, news that Parasite Eve 3 is coming to the PSP.

605th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):Humming The Bassline" , posted Mon 4 Aug 09:29post reply

At something called the DKΣ3713 event [who the hell thought that was a good name?] Square-Enix had some spiel about FF and, more interestingly, news that Parasite Eve 3 is coming to the PSP.

İs this the sign of her return to the consoles. The game moves step by step.


3665th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Humming The Bassline" , posted Mon 4 Aug 17:44:post reply

At something called the DKΣ3713 event [who the hell thought that was a good name?] Square-Enix had some spiel about FF and, more interestingly, news that Parasite Eve 3 is coming to the PSP.

It's not parasite eve 3 it's a spin off....

Fortes fortuna juvat...

[this message was edited by NARUTO on Mon 4 Aug 17:44]

45th Post

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Rare Customer

"New R-Type Dimensions for xbox 360" , posted Tue 5 Aug 04:47:post reply

-Developed by Tozai (who are also doing the new Lode Runner for xbox live arcade and not much else is know about them)
-Could be on DVD but probably be on Live arcade since its published by Microsoft
-Could be new shooter, remake (2 "dimensions" to 3 "dimensions"), tactics or something else.

I am glad that microsoft is appealing to shmup fans with Ikaruga, Trigger Heart Excelica Omega Five, Otomedius,Dodonpachi and now R-type.
I guess they missed the boat on Gradius Rebirth.

[this message was edited by badoor on Tue 5 Aug 05:01]

44th Post

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Rare Customer

"R-type Dimensions coming to xbox 360" , posted Tue 5 Aug 05:00post reply

-Developed by Tozai (who are also doing the new Lode Runner for xbox live arcade and not much else is know about them)
-Could be on DVD but probably be on Live arcade since its published by Microsoft
-Could be new shooter, remake (2 "dimensions" to 3 "dimensions"), tactics or something else.

I am glad that microsoft is appealing to shmup fans with Ikaruga, Trigger Heart Excelica Omega Five, Otomedius,Dodonpachi and now R-type.
I guess they missed the boat on Gradius Rebirth.

8600th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's uglyness" , posted Thu 7 Aug 01:08post reply

She was designed for the American market, with a lot of advice from Capcom USA.
I understand much, much better now.

And Ono : TAKE THE HINT. Please.

Just a Person
1203th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 01:26post reply

She was designed for the American market, with a lot of advice from Capcom USA.
I understand much, much better now.

And Ono : TAKE THE HINT. Please.

Do you think she's ugly? For real?

I thought she was ugly in her first artwork; then, Capcom redid the artwork and she was much better. I think Viper is very hot, besides having some similarities with Angelina...

Of course, Chun-Li will always come first in my preference.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

8601th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 01:32post reply

Do you think she's ugly? For real?

Let's say "poorly designed and criminally out of place", it you'd rather.

658th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 03:29:post reply

She was designed for the American market, with a lot of advice from Capcom USA.
I understand much, much better now.

And Ono : TAKE THE HINT. Please.

Do you think she's ugly? For real?

I thought she was ugly in her first artwork; then, Capcom redid the artwork and she was much better. I think Viper is very hot, besides having some similarities with Angelina...

Of course, Chun-Li will always come first in my preference.

That's what I have been thinking the whole time! Did Capcom assume all Americans would fall for an Angelina clone? That is such a low blow! To think us Americans would fall for such gratuitous hips and lips!

Besides, we all know that the token sexpot character of the SF2 world has always been Zangief.

いつまでも残酷に腐るまで I LOVE YOU
何処までも卑猥に腐るまで I LOVE YOU

[this message was edited by Evenor on Thu 7 Aug 03:39]

3242th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 03:56post reply

So C.Viper is Dee Jay 2.0? It all makes sense.

In other news my love of games that aren't particularly good continues unabated so I was thrilled when I learned that Onechanbara Vortex is coming to the US. Now 360 owners in the US can thrill to the zombie killing adventures of Aya and her melon-headed sister.

71th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 05:34post reply

She was designed for the American market, with a lot of advice from Capcom USA.
I understand much, much better now.

And Ono : TAKE THE HINT. Please.

LOL, Viper is simply horrible in terms of character design, from EVERY point of view (not only American, or Japanese, or European...).
Abel appeals a lot us players because he fits very well with SF2 characters -they're the most loved ones, you know- and he remarks that generic, uninspired design for LOTS of American action games, like fps and so on. American and European players simply die (at least, the players I use to know) for something that don't have identity and is more simply and generic than japanese games that have -at least- a strong visual style.

Iron D
2942th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 06:42post reply

So C.Viper is Dee Jay 2.0? It all makes sense.

Dee Jay 2.0? Was Dee Jay's design done the same way? Because Dee Jay kicks ass.

Viper? be perfectly honest I thought her desing was pretty lame and out of place to begin I've just seen her so much that I've gotten used to her. Not to the point of liking the design but...well she's in there now so there's not much that can be done with that.

Stupid Capcom USA dumbasses...


1743th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 11:56post reply

Dee Jay 2.0? Was Dee Jay's design done the same way? Because Dee Jay kicks ass.

Viper? be perfectly honest I thought her desing was pretty lame and out of place to begin I've just seen her so much that I've gotten used to her. Not to the point of liking the design but...well she's in there now so there's not much that can be done with that.

Stupid Capcom USA dumbasses...

I guess he was meaning the fact that Dee Jay was designed by an American.

And I know I'm really late but...YES! JSR rumors.

245th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 12:42post reply

She was designed for the American market, with a lot of advice from Capcom USA.
I understand much, much better now.

And Ono : TAKE THE HINT. Please.

Fu@#$ng Jesus Christ!!! How pathetic is that!!! JEEEEESUS, I get so angry when japanese developers try to make characters to fit american markets..ARGHHH!!!!!!!!

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

764th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 12:45:post reply

I don't care too much about how she looks. I just like the way she plays in IV. I don't care if she looked like a female Rufus, I'd play him/her if he/she was fun.

But yeah, I know her design isn't great. If she had a different outfit that wasn't Mature/Vice/Vanessa inspired, she'd probably be getting a lot more attention.

[EDIT] Basically, if Viper had better tools as a fighter, she would have been more popular. She wasn't popular because she has too many weaknesses and she is hard to win with, especially for beginners and even intermediate-level players.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Thu 7 Aug 12:48]

1105th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 13:08post reply

I appreciate the effort? I dunno... though none of the new designs really jump out and grab me, I don't really dislike any of them and I don't think they look "out of place" like a lot of people were afraid they would. Most of all, I just can't wait to play with them.

Maybe Abel appeals to US audiences the most because we're all very sorry about the mean things we said and did to Alex and want to show him we can be nice to medium-sized grapplers?

Iron D
2943th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 16:01post reply

I don't care too much about how she looks. I just like the way she plays in IV. I don't care if she looked like a female Rufus, I'd play him/her if he/she was fun.

And that's the most important thing. Though I wasn't sure if you specifically would say that she was fun to use, seeing all the hell you're going through to try to get her to work competitively.

I didn't know Dee Jay was designed by an American. Was there any reason why his design was used? Did Cap Japan do some contest for a new character design or something?


Time Mage
2699th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 17:16post reply

I didn't know Dee Jay was designed by an American. Was there any reason why his design was used? Did Cap Japan do some contest for a new character design or something?

For SSFII, two of the four new challengers were designed by Capcom America: Dee Jay and (guess who?) T. Hawk. The two most uninspired designs in all the SFII era are their responsibility.

On the other hand, while I think C.Viper doesn't fit with the cast (too KOF-esque, although if I'm getting used to her), but I don't think she's a bad design per se. I think her unpopularity comes from what EddyT said: She's difficult to use and difficult to win with, and people want to win. That, coupled with the fact that Abel is such an appealing character (very fitting design in the SFII cast, somewhat easy to use, MMA practitioner...), I'm not surprised she lost in popularity to him.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

Iron D
2944th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 19:34post reply

For SSFII, two of the four new challengers were designed by Capcom America: Dee Jay and (guess who?) T. Hawk. The two most uninspired designs in all the SFII era are their responsibility.

Wow. I like Hawk too, although I know I'm about one of like, three people on the planet who do.


606th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 21:24post reply

She was designed for the American market, with a lot of advice from Capcom USA.
I understand much, much better now.

And Ono : TAKE THE HINT. Please.

So whats their excuse about Rufus?

Yes, she doesnt fit well with the SF2 cast maybe in SFIII she could fit in. Even Seth fits in even though he's heavily based on SF III characters.


3665th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's ug" , posted Thu 7 Aug 21:50post reply

Do you think she's ugly? For real?
Let's say "poorly designed and criminally out of place", it you'd rather.

Like Iggy said many players in france, were complaining about Viper design when she was revealed, says that she's a KOF characters who lost her ways....

Fortes fortuna juvat...

247th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(10):Finally, an explanation on C.Viper's u" , posted Thu 7 Aug 23:13post reply

For SSFII, two of the four new challengers were designed by Capcom America: Dee Jay and (guess who?) T. Hawk. The two most uninspired designs in all the SFII era are their responsibility.

Wow. I like Hawk too, although I know I'm about one of like, three people on the planet who do.

I really like Hawk. I think that the worst design of the SF2 era is Fei Long.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1744th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Finally, an explanation on C.Vip" , posted Fri 8 Aug 01:47post reply

I really like Hawk. I think that the worst design of the SF2 era is Fei Long.

That funny because Dee Jay was created to prevent a Ken/Ryu, Yun/Yang effect with Fei Long. That said, y'all sure Hawk was made by an American? I know Dee Jay was designed by James Goddard (sp?) aka DJames at SRK.

3720th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 8 Aug 09:33post reply

For SSFII, two of the four new challengers were designed by Capcom America: Dee Jay and (guess who?) T. Hawk. The two most uninspired designs in all the SFII era are their responsibility.

Wow. I like Hawk too, although I know I'm about one of like, three people on the planet who do.

I fail to see what's wrong with Dee Jay and T. Hawk... Sure, they look boring, but no more boring than Honda, Balrog, Fei-Long or Ryu/Ken. I'm pretty sure that if Capcom Japan was the creator, nobody would be complaining about the designs...

251th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 8 Aug 12:49post reply

For SSFII, two of the four new challengers were designed by Capcom America: Dee Jay and (guess who?) T. Hawk. The two most uninspired designs in all the SFII era are their responsibility.

Wow. I like Hawk too, although I know I'm about one of like, three people on the planet who do.

I fail to see what's wrong with Dee Jay and T. Hawk... Sure, they look boring, but no more boring than Honda, Balrog, Fei-Long or Ryu/Ken. I'm pretty sure that if Capcom Japan was the creator, nobody would be complaining about the designs...

Thats the reason I mentioned Fei Long, he is such a boring design, just a copycat. Why nobody complained about him?

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

8602th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 8 Aug 16:04post reply

Thats the reason I mentioned Fei Long, he is such a boring design, just a copycat. Why nobody complained about him?

Because the others are lame. Fei Long just... doesn't exists. Nobody remembers Fei Long, so nobody complains about him.

Time Mage
2700th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 8 Aug 17:09post reply

I'm pretty sure that if Capcom Japan was the creator, nobody would be complaining about the designs...

That's not my case, at least. When they were announced, I had absolutely no idea on who designed what (eh, I didn't even know two were designed by Capcom Japan and two by Capcom America), and I didn't like those two from the beginning.

Fei Long is kinda boring, but I like the character.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

1602th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 8 Aug 17:25post reply


Because the others are lame. Fei Long just... doesn't exists. Nobody remembers Fei Long, so nobody complains about him.

This sounds worse, actually.

But, Ono remembered! Hooray!

8603th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 8 Aug 18:13post reply

Actually, I stopped acting smart for a second and tried to remember what I thought when SSF2 first came out.

I think I hated Dee Jay immediately, because he sucked, he looked uninspired, sounded weird, and his background was ugly. He was much improved in SSF2X, but it still wasn't enough.

T.Hawk... His design was just as dumb as Honda or Dahlsim (the fun kind of dumb), he was OK to play with and I really liked his stage and music.

I liked Cammy's background, music and play style, but her design felt strange. I think what bugged me was she had some moves that tried to look powerful, but her sprite was too thin. It didn't match. I think the designers of SF3 learned a lot from her: Ibuki's moves are exactly the kind of attacks Cammy should have had.

And the character I used the most, the only one I used as much as some returning characters, was actually Fei Long. I liked Dragon in WH, but something felt wrong with his moves. He was lacking something.
Fei Long's moveset was just right, and the way he moved actually felt powerful even though he was one of the shortest characters of the game, exactly what Cammy lacked.
Even though there was nothing new in the Bruce Lee cliché, it was played right, and that's not as easy as it sounds.

Of course, he appeared in a game where Capcom struggled to catch on with SNK's more innovative designs and games, he even looked pale back then, and each new fighting game made him look even more forgettable. But now I think about it, he fits quite well in SF2, and has a few good points.
I think I'm actually glad they took him for the home version of SF2².

Iron D
2945th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Mmhhh..." , posted Sat 9 Aug 19:09post reply

Actually, I stopped acting smart for a second and tried to remember what I thought when SSF2 first came out.

I think I hated Dee Jay immediately, because he sucked, he looked uninspired, sounded weird, and his background was ugly. He was much improved in SSF2X, but it still wasn't enough.

T.Hawk... His design was just as dumb as Honda or Dahlsim (the fun kind of dumb), he was OK to play with and I really liked his stage and music.

I liked Cammy's background, music and play style, but her design felt strange. I think what bugged me was she had some moves that tried to look powerful, but her sprite was too thin. It didn't match. I think the designers of SF3 learned a lot from her: Ibuki's moves are exactly the kind of attacks Cammy should have had.

And the character I used the most, the only one I used as much as some returning characters, was actually Fei Long. I liked Dragon in WH, but something felt wrong with his moves. He was lacking something.
Fei Long's moveset was just right, and the way he moved actually felt powerful even though he was one of the shortest characters of the game, exactly what Cammy lacked.
Even though there was nothing new in the Bruce Lee cliché, it was played right, and that's not as easy as it sounds.

Of course, he appeared in a game where Capcom struggled to catch on with SNK's more innovative designs and games, he even looked pale back then, and each new fighting game made him look even more forgettable. But now I think about it, he fits quite well in SF2, and has a few good points.
I think I'm actually glad they took him for the home version of SF2².

A fine example of how people have different tastes. I can't really relate to the whole "looking powerful" thing here. Heck, I barely even understand what Iggy means by that. And I have no complaints about any of the new challengers' stages. Heck, Dee Jay, Cammy and Fei Long's still rank as among my favorites of all time.

There isn't a single SF character that I don't like. I used to not like Boxer and Remy, but after seeing the awful designs of characters like the KoF's USA Sports team (with the exception of Heavy D!), or almost anyone from Art of Fighting, I've come to appreciate them.


4427th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Mmhhh..." , posted Sun 10 Aug 05:38post reply

A fine example of how people have different tastes. I can't really relate to the whole "looking powerful" thing here.

Look at one of Keanu Reeves fight on Matrix and then look up at some of Tony Jaa movies, perhaps you might understand with that.

For the record, I thought that T. Hawk was cool UNTIL I saw his country flag, he doesn't represent anything other than a native american; it felt like they could have made if Fei long was finish, Ryu french and Guile a comunist.

Then again is like going to Brazil and seeing that people are not green and just are human beings capable of speaking.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

607th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Mmhhh..." , posted Sun 10 Aug 05:49post reply

A fine example of how people have different tastes. I can't really relate to the whole "looking powerful" thing here. Heck, I barely even understand what Iggy means by that. And I have no complaints about any of the new challengers' stages. Heck, Dee Jay, Cammy and Fei Long's still rank as among my favorites of all time.

I think he means that seeing a man with a small hammer and trying to break down the wall its possibble but its also weird to see. the example sound weird, too. But I guess thats the point.
There isn't a single SF character that I don't like. I used to not like Boxer and Remy, but after seeing the awful designs of characters like the KoF's USA Sports team (with the exception of Heavy D!), or almost anyone from Art of Fighting, I've come to appreciate them.

I find Ryu boring. Waaaay more than Fei Long.


1603th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Mmhhh..." , posted Sun 10 Aug 07:11post reply

I used to hate the USA Sports Team, because they seemed so powerful and crazy and I sucked at KOF. I hated Chang and Choi, too... though I still kinda hate them now.

Nowadays I find the silliness of the USA Sports Team tremendously compelling, and the team that I'm trying to get good at in 98UM with contains Lucky (who is considered right at the bottom) and Brian (who is actually pretty strong now!).

At the time I thought that Fei Long was a perfect addition because I wondered why SF2 DIDN'T have a Bruce Lee-alike. I always wondered why Dee Jay had two moves that seemed so similar to Guile, though (a sonic boom and an "upkicks" move done the same as a flash kick). I thought that Cammy looked kinda neat, but her portrait looked really out of place, and that her moves seemed really crappy... aside from the Frankensteiner, which was either total BS (it seemed impossibly hard to hit her out of it with a normal) or totally useless (against anybody who could DP/headbutt/etc. it on reaction). I thought T. Hawk was fitting since the game is about fighters from different cultures, but then again, it's not like I had any idea of how Native Americans fought. Of course, these are some of my recollections from when SSF2 came out in '93, and I was in like grade 4 during then. I think it goes without saying that we'd have different impressions of things when we're in grade school compared to now, in addition to how highly refined our tastes and sensibilities have become since SF2 debuted.

2418th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Mmhhh..." , posted Sun 10 Aug 08:37post reply

We need Joe back. Remember Joe? No, not Higashi. I mean the awesome one that was based on the Cobra Kai guy in Karate Kid, who punches through walls and makes words fly off his jacket.


239th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(9):Mmhhh..." , posted Sun 10 Aug 14:12post reply
3:13 - Closest you're gonna get.

3244th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Mon 11 Aug 04:40post reply

I may not agree with all of Iggy's feelings about the New Challengers although I think that his suggestion about how Cammy should play is brilliant. But what his comments did do is remind me of just how unnecessary the NC felt to me when they were introduced. Dee Jay felt unfinished, Fei Long was another non-entity Bruce Lee clone, and Cammy and T.Hawk were trapped in between play mechanics that worked better with other characters and their own moves that I didn't feel were as fun as they should be. It wasn't their designs, or their moves or their silly leather fringed vests that bothered me, it was that they didn't seem to bring anything dramatically new to the table. Spoon is quite correct that our tastes change over the years but initial impressions can stick with a person far longer than they really should.

In order to make this post be about more than just my pointless rambling I'll also note that the hostess girls in Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku 3 will be played by real girls.

Iron D
2946th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Mon 11 Aug 16:45post reply

I may not agree with all of Iggy's feelings about the New Challengers although I think that his suggestion about how Cammy should play is brilliant. But what his comments did do is remind me of just how unnecessary the NC felt to me when they were introduced. Dee Jay felt unfinished, Fei Long was another non-entity Bruce Lee clone, and Cammy and T.Hawk were trapped in between play mechanics that worked better with other characters and their own moves that I didn't feel were as fun as they should be. It wasn't their designs, or their moves or their silly leather fringed vests that bothered me, it was that they didn't seem to bring anything dramatically new to the table. Spoon is quite correct that our tastes change over the years but initial impressions can stick with a person far longer than they really should.

Just out of curiosity...I'm not sure of how old everyone here is, but I know that I was in about 4th grade (like Spoon) and as a kid, my thoughts on the new characters weren't nearly as...specific as you guy's seem to be. My question is simply whether these were your exact thoughts on the character when they were first introduced about 14 years ago.

I mean as a 10-11 year old, my thoughts were pretty much "Cool! Another chick!", "Cool! Another Brotha!", "Cool! Another grappler!" and "Cool! Bruce Lee!". I mean, I still like the characters now, but my original thoughts on them weren't any more complex than that.


8604th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"New GoF game" , posted Mon 11 Aug 18:05post reply

I must have been... 15 at the time I think ?


A new French-bread game will be released for the comicket, a new GoF.

No character from the previous game will appear. All the girls are original, and for a reason they are all bear the name of famous clans from the 16th century.

765th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):New GoF game" , posted Mon 11 Aug 18:55:post reply

A few things I thought when I played Super SF II for the first time.

"Man, these characters are boring to play."

"T.Hawk doesn't look Mexican."

"DeeJay is a wanna-be Guile."

"Great, Bruce Lee is in the game and he sucks."

"That chick shows her ass when she wins, I guess that's pretty cool."

I think I was 16 when the game came out.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Mon 11 Aug 18:56]

Just a Person
1204th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):New GoF game" , posted Mon 11 Aug 20:29post reply

I'm probably one of the few people here that actually liked the New Challengers. I didn't like T.Hawk the first times I played with him, but Dee Jay, Fei-Long and Cammy became my favorites from the moment I got to test them (although Cammy is the only one that I still enjoy nowadays).

I was 8 or 9 years-old when SSFII was released, by the way.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1605th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):New GoF game" , posted Tue 12 Aug 02:20:post reply

I must have been... 15 at the time I think ?


A new French-bread game will be released for the comicket, a new GoF.

No character from the previous game will appear. All the girls are original, and for a reason they are all bear the name of famous clans from the 16th century.

I've been following this game since I'm a fan of GoF, and I have to say that the playable demo that was released at C73 was either incredibly brilliant such that I could not appreciate it, or it wasn't any fun at all.

Now, I must admit that it took me more than a year of playing other games and reading Ippo to learn to like PLAYING the first GoF, so I'm going to assume that it really is just brilliant and that I don't get it yet.

But the fact that a release date is now set means that now I actually do have something to look forward to when Comiket rolls around! I'd like to say that it's been awhile since that has happened, but then I remember that it hasn't, since C73 was just last year... and I was anticipating the demo of that same game.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Tue 12 Aug 02:22]

2492th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Kinu drawing Fate's Saber for Comiket74" , posted Tue 12 Aug 20:26:post reply

A few things I thought when I played Super SF II for the first time.

"That chick shows her ass when she wins, I guess that's pretty cool."

I think I was 16 when the game came out.

First thing I remember thinking, "Man, what's up with Guile's girly voice?"

Anyhoos, Capcom related.
Never would I have thought there'd be a day when Kinu Nishimura would draw Saber from Fate / TypeMoon...
In her lion outfit.

FYI, Capcom's milking the hell out of the illustration. You need to make 10,000 yen (about 92$) of purchases to get a free paperbag with that illustration. Mooo.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 12 Aug 20:33]

1482th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Kinu drawing Fate's Saber for Comiket74" , posted Tue 12 Aug 21:46post reply

Anyhoos, Capcom related.
Never would I have thought there'd be a day when Kinu Nishimura would draw Saber from Fate / TypeMoon...

10,000 yen worth of goods to be eligible for that paperbag is insane! Capcom really knows how to milk the fans

I'm not sure if you already knew, but Nishimura did the art for one of the cards for the LE version of Fate/Tiger Colosseum Upper too

583th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Kinu drawing Fate's Saber for Comiket74" , posted Tue 12 Aug 21:48:post reply

Comiket Mainstream Comiket

I am slightly confused. I had never been to comiket but I assumed no official publisher was present at these things, especially given the grey legal area around how circles make use of their IP. Of course now the frontier is slightly blurred out between doujin circles turning pros and traditional publishers distributing console/arcade versions of doujin games...

But is this becoming a trend?
Are there many pro publishers taking part in comiket these days?
Might we see Saigado sell stuff on an SNK-sponsored stand someday?

[edit] Thanks Prof


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 13 Aug 05:12]

2493th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Kinu drawing Fate's Saber for Comiket74" , posted Tue 12 Aug 23:25:post reply

Comiket Mainstream Comiket

I am slightly confused. I had never been to comiket but I assumed no official publisher was present at these things, especially given the grey legal area around how circles make use of their IP. Of course now the frontier is slightly blurred out between doujin circles turning pros and traditional publishers distributing console/arcade versions of doujin games...

But is this becoming a trend?
Are there many pro publishers taking part in comiket these days?
Might we see Saigado sell stuff on an SNK-sponsored stand someday?

There's actually a corporate area at the Comiket, where companies come and sell merchandise. Nothing sells better than limited edition stuff to the otaku crowd. Most of the booths are PC game makers but there's also some bigger companies.

To pick a few big names, Gonzo, Enterbrain (Famitsu publisher), Aniplex, Media Factory, and Arc System Works is there. Gainax is usually there too, but they're apparently skipping this summer since they don't have a big title right now.

It's mostly anime publishers and otaku-oriented publishers (like Dengeki) that you'll see at comiket, since they have more understanding of the event and they're more strongly effected by the market. The older publishers like Shueisha (Shonen Jump) aren't there, as likewise with general game makers. Though surprizingly, Shonen Sunday and Shonen Magazine are doing a collaboration.

[Edit] Holy Moses, so she drew Rin as well! Wicked.
[Edit2] Shinkiro doing Gilgamesh.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 13 Aug 00:06]

3245th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Wed 13 Aug 01:33post reply

So ArcSystems is moving into the pillowcase market? Is there a large demand for that sort of thing? Wait, nevermind, I don't want to know the answer to that one.

Just out of curiosity...I'm not sure of how old everyone here is, but I know that I was in about 4th grade (like Spoon) and as a kid, my thoughts on the new characters weren't nearly as...specific as you guy's seem to be. My question is simply whether these were your exact thoughts on the character when they were first introduced about 14 years ago.

I mean as a 10-11 year old, my thoughts were pretty much "Cool! Another chick!", "Cool! Another Brotha!", "Cool! Another grappler!" and "Cool! Bruce Lee!". I mean, I still like the characters now, but my original thoughts on them weren't any more complex than that.

I'm sure at the time my thoughts were expressed in a Beavis and Butthead-esqe "that's cool/that sucks" burst of brevity. While I did have opinions at the time they weren't really well thought out and certainly not well expressed. It wasn't until I started posting on gameboards [starting back with the old GPOW board] that I decided that if I wanted to talk about games I needed to figure out how to talk about games.

1745th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Thu 14 Aug 04:00post reply

I mean as a 10-11 year old, my thoughts were pretty much "Cool! Another chick!", "Cool! Another Brotha!", "Cool! Another grappler!" and "Cool! Bruce Lee!". I mean, I still like the characters now, but my original thoughts on them weren't any more complex than that.

Unsurprisingly, I pretty much mirrored Iron D's thoughts on the characters around that age. I think I had a little bit more "Cool! A native american" for T.Hawk but I've always liked the New Challengers.

1024th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 15 Aug 11:58post reply

I remember reading in some magazine that Dee Jay was the first character designed by Americans back in the day, and thinking that was really cool.

I think the Alpha designs resonated with me the most back in the day though. There was some awesome Chun, Sakura and Guy art that I thought was the most awesome thing back in the day.

Play to win.

262th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 15 Aug 12:41post reply

I remember reading in some magazine that Dee Jay was the first character designed by Americans back in the day, and thinking that was really cool.

I think the Alpha designs resonated with me the most back in the day though. There was some awesome Chun, Sakura and Guy art that I thought was the most awesome thing back in the day.

Well when SFA was announced, I kind of liked the idea of going back in time. However, I didn't like the anime feeling of the game, even though I LOVED anime back in the day. And even though I felt the artwork was alright, It didnt make such an impression on me as the old SF2 art had made.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1605th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 15 Aug 13:15post reply

I love Bionic Commando Re-armed. I highly doubt another game that I like as much is going to be released this year. But that might just SLIGHTLY have to due with how much I loved the NES/Famicom one. And it's on both PS3 and 360!

263th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 15 Aug 13:24post reply

I love Bionic Commando Re-armed. I highly doubt another game that I like as much is going to be released this year. But that might just SLIGHTLY have to due with how much I loved the NES/Famicom one. And it's on both PS3 and 360!

Yeah..Bionic Rearmed and Braid have been the games I have enjoyed the most in 2008 so far

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

243th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 15 Aug 14:28post reply

starting back with the old GPOW board

Wow, now THAT takes me back! Makin' me feel old, dude...

658th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 15 Aug 16:29post reply

Pretty BlazBlue match

This is from EVO 2008.

いつまでも残酷に腐るまで I LOVE YOU
何処までも卑猥に腐るまで I LOVE YOU

3249th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 15 Aug 22:05post reply

Pretty BlazBlue match

This is from EVO 2008.

Altough I'm still not certain if this game is my thing it certainly is nice to look at. The game is so shiny that I want to fly off with it and put it in the lining of my nest.

Wow, now THAT takes me back! Makin' me feel old, dude...

Now that you mention it I'm not exactly feeling young myself. Especially in the mornings.

265th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Fri 15 Aug 23:20post reply


Wow, now THAT takes me back! Makin' me feel old, dude...
Now that you mention it I'm not exactly feeling young myself. Especially in the mornings.

Please don't start with that..I could beat you anyday

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1026th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):Re(10):Mmhhh..." , posted Sat 16 Aug 02:58post reply

I love Bionic Commando Re-armed. I highly doubt another game that I like as much is going to be released this year. But that might just SLIGHTLY have to due with how much I loved the NES/Famicom one. And it's on both PS3 and 360!

I have very little experience with the original game, but I managed to burn 4 hours last night on it.

Very tightly made, fun game.

Play to win.

78th Post

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Occasional Customer

"2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Mon 18 Aug 23:56post reply

Saw this thing:

The game (called Kumatanchi) is very idiot imho, but it has a very nice and colorful graphics and a surprisingly well done animation. Second dimension still lives today.

269th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 00:34post reply

Saw this thing:

The game (called Kumatanchi) is very idiot imho, but it has a very nice and colorful graphics and a surprisingly well done animation. Second dimension still lives today.

That's nice but its not really a fully 2D game.
What about Braid? THATS where second dimension still lives!!

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

585th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 00:42post reply

Saw this thing:

The game (called Kumatanchi) is very idiot imho, but it has a very nice and colorful graphics and a surprisingly well done animation. Second dimension still lives today.

Developed by Vanillaware (Odin Sphere). This explains that.


3251th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 01:53post reply

Saw this thing:

The game (called Kumatanchi) is very idiot imho, but it has a very nice and colorful graphics and a surprisingly well done animation. Second dimension still lives today.

Developed by Vanillaware (Odin Sphere). This explains that.

So they took the prologue section of Odin Sphere where you could play with a cat and made an entire game out of it?

206th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 05:32post reply

Saw this thing:

The game (called Kumatanchi) is very idiot imho, but it has a very nice and colorful graphics and a surprisingly well done animation. Second dimension still lives today.

Developed by Vanillaware (Odin Sphere). This explains that.
So they took the prologue section of Odin Sphere where you could play with a cat and made an entire game out of it?

Just what the heck do you do in this game, anyways? Looks like a pet sim with point-and-lcik adventure elements.

588th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 07:13:post reply


So they took the prologue section of Odin Sphere where you could play with a cat and made an entire game out of it?

They have no direct influence on either the concept or characters of the game, this is only contractual work for Dimple. The production aspect is handled by the former Circle responsible for Habanerotan (linked to VW by one member of their staff). Check Zepy's entry on ic for more info.

Just what the heck do you do in this game, anyways? Looks like a pet sim with point-and-lcik adventure elements.

That is pretty much spot on.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Tue 19 Aug 07:17]

2423th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 07:18post reply


Just what the heck do you do in this game, anyways? Looks like a pet sim with point-and-lcik adventure elements.

I get the impression you just turn the DS on and watch Kumatan do random stuff until your batteries go dead, stopping to occasionally jab her in the face with your stylus.


610th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 07:22post reply

Saw this thing:

The game (called Kumatanchi) is very idiot imho, but it has a very nice and colorful graphics and a surprisingly well done animation. Second dimension still lives today.

Is it me or the main character looks a lot like pedo bear. Or in this case love of his life.


1484th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 08:39:post reply

They have no direct influence on either the concept or characters of the game, this is only contractual work for Dimple. The production aspect is handled by the former Circle responsible for Habanerotan (linked to VW by one member of their staff).

The guy from Ashinaga is a graphic designer at Vanillaware so you see the similarities in the animation styles, he makes great sprite animations.

Also they're using doujin voice actors for the game, so it's basically almost a complete doujin project, except it's being published commercially.

I suspect the gameplay will probably involve a lot of watching and... more watching, like in Habanerotan.

[this message was edited by Zepy on Tue 19 Aug 08:42]

588th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 09:19post reply


Also they're using doujin voice actors for the game, so it's basically almost a complete doujin project, except it's being published commercially.

Then let's just hope they don't start promoting the use of R4 carts to play the game...


386th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 15:00post reply

Saw this thing:

The game (called Kumatanchi) is very idiot imho, but it has a very nice and colorful graphics and a surprisingly well done animation. Second dimension still lives today.


That's the most beautiful looking game I've seen all year! The animation in it is really SUPERB. For pure character animation i'd say it moves even better than Odin Sphere.

The guy from Ashinaga is a graphic designer at Vanillaware so you see the similarities in the animation styles, he makes great sprite animations.

Also they're using doujin voice actors for the game, so it's basically almost a complete doujin project, except it's being published commercially.

I suspect the gameplay will probably involve a lot of watching and... more watching, like in Habanerotan.

This information has actually made my jaw drop. I used to go to this guy's website years and years ago when he just had a few animations and alot of drawings of his blue haired girl mascot. I had no idea he'd go on to work at Vanillaware (I really really loved Odin Sphere) and also produce the very adorable Habenerotan. All this combined with the fact that I'm also currently getting into DS development as an independant studio has made my heart burst.


That's nice but its not really a fully 2D game.
What about Braid? THATS where second dimension still lives!!

What makes you say that? The game looks pretty dang 2-d to me. If you're saying it's not 2d because it uses object based animation, so it's not "full animation", then Braid is even less 2d since it uses even more object oriented rotational type animation. Braid is nice, and it's doing a great thing opening the doors for more 2d games and indie games.

Lets celebrate that both braid and Kumatanchi are nice looking 2d games made by independent developers that are miraculously being released on popular consoles.

Is it me or the main character looks a lot like pedo bear. Or in this case love of his life.


79th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Tue 19 Aug 18:30post reply


That's nice but its not really a fully 2D game.
What about Braid? THATS where second dimension still lives!!

Braid....not a fully 2d game too :P
And it has animations beetween "fairly good2 and "too simple". Not my game, definitely in terms of graphics. The use of colors and the ost are its better issues, imho.

270th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Wed 20 Aug 00:32post reply


That's nice but its not really a fully 2D game.
What about Braid? THATS where second dimension still lives!!

Braid....not a fully 2d game too :P
And it has animations beetween "fairly good2 and "too simple". Not my game, definitely in terms of graphics. The use of colors and the ost are its better issues, imho.

I agree..I agree. However, I see Braid more as a classic pltformer; on the other hand, what is Kumatanchi? A beautiful 2D show? What is the gameplay about?

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

80th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Wed 20 Aug 01:01post reply


That's nice but its not really a fully 2D game.
What about Braid? THATS where second dimension still lives!!

Braid....not a fully 2d game too :P
And it has animations beetween "fairly good2 and "too simple". Not my game, definitely in terms of graphics. The use of colors and the ost are its better issues, imho.

I agree..I agree. However, I see Braid more as a classic pltformer; on the other hand, what is Kumatanchi? A beautiful 2D show? What is the gameplay about?

Looks a crappy game for girls like the ones you care for puppies or similar. Also, it use katakana so it means the game is for children audience.

8609th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Wed 20 Aug 01:26post reply

Also, it use katakana so it means the game is for children audience.

Troll or lol ?

387th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(6):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Wed 20 Aug 01:54post reply

Also, it use katakana so it means the game is for children audience.

Troll or lol ?

I think this game is going to be dead on popular with 2 very different demographics.

271th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Wed 20 Aug 03:20post reply

Also, it use katakana so it means the game is for children audience.

Troll or lol ?


"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

207th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(7):2D never dies! And rocks...maybe." , posted Wed 20 Aug 22:09post reply

Troll or lol ?


...or lol-e?