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Kikkoken 1163th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(7):Hey! All you floppy french !" , posted Wed 20 Aug 16:39:
quote: sure they look the same, i.e. girly, but thats easily explained by the fact that they are French
the only French i know who this doesn't apply to is kikkoken, and maybe iggy if the lighting is just so, and gerard depardieu of course
Hey! I am not totally ungirly-looking. When I'm in the same room with a hairy straight guy, I often surprise myself adopting girly attitudes, caressing my hair, jutting out my lips and playing my tongue inside my cheeks in a suggestive way, just like girls. When flowers are lying around, I will no doubt pick one and place it behind my ear. This way, I sure get attention (and more!) from the hairy guy.
Justice? I only know their "ABC..." single, which I like, but I far prefer Fancy, with their "Kings of the world" debut album. What's the connection? Well, it seems Fancy's lead singer wrote the refrain to the previously mentioned song. Having said that, Fancy is much more punk rock-oriented than Justice.
[this message was edited by Kikkoken on Wed 20 Aug 16:42] |