Random thread rainbow edition - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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3252th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Tue 19 Aug 23:58post reply

At some point we need to get organized instead of having a collection of threads that fill up with random information. Somebody needs to get on the ball but it's not going to be me.

The latest BlazBlue video features the new characters.

Michelle Van Der Water -model and RE5 character- has her own homepage.


8608th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 00:25post reply

How about opening a new random thread each time the old one reach 100 posts, like the one before ?
It could work for other stuff as well, the current SF4 thread, Tatsunoko thread, etc.
What does everyone think ?

Either way, there won't be any new price for the PS3 announced at Leipzig, said some guy of SCE.
My question is : why do they even bother to say that now ? Was there a rumor I wasn't aware of ?
Or are they just admitting in advance that their show will be lame, and they already begin to announce bit after bit of "there won't be this exciting thing, oh, and there won't be that exciting thing either" so we're not disappointed ?
I don't get Sony.

3253th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 02:45post reply

I agree, deciding to move on after 100 posts seems like a good rule of thumb. This, of course, can be ignored if the conversation in the thread is too interesting or ridiculous to abandon.

This new trailer for House of the Dead made me smile.

272th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 03:22post reply

I agree, sounds good

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

81th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 06:17post reply


Either way, there won't be any new price for the PS3 announced at Leipzig, said some guy of SCE.
My question is : why do they even bother to say that now ? Was there a rumor I wasn't aware of ?
Or are they just admitting in advance that their show will be lame, and they already begin to announce bit after bit of "there won't be this exciting thing, oh, and there won't be that exciting thing either" so we're not disappointed ?
I don't get Sony.

New prices are announced when the installed base of machines permit to gain something via price drop. Simply, PS3 doesn't have the number of sold pieces to reach the price drop line. They announced the 80GB version instead.
Not the same thing, I know.

By the way, who here has the PS3 and is satisfied with it? I have it and I appreciate the console, but I would see more support from japanese developers. Ah, and stopping to be considered a multimedia center than a console with a powerful assets for games.

8610th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 06:36post reply

Speaking of the PS3, for the first time, Sony shares everyone else's opinion on their lineup.

273th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 06:51post reply


By the way, who here has the PS3 and is satisfied with it? I have it and I appreciate the console, but I would see more support from japanese developers. Ah, and stopping to be considered a multimedia center than a console with a powerful assets for games.

I got the 40gb edition that comes with MGS4 and everything else a couple of months ago.
Well..I have only enjoyed that game. But I can't find anything else within its game library that could make me play it more than my 360 games.
I like the dashboard better and all the options.
BTW, why is it considered a multimedia center? What can I do with it? At least with the 360 I can access my windows media player library and listen to my songs wirelessly. Can I do something like that with my PS3?
The problem is that exclusive games are becoming a thing of the past..and with FFXIII now heading to the 360 as well...there is almost no point in having a PS3..for now.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

Variable Savior
442th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 07:30:post reply


This new trailer for House of the Dead made me smile.

Wow - that trailer was one hundred times better than the game could ever possibly be. On the downside the trailer's also easily the best thing Sega's put out in years...

Blood marks heaven's path

[this message was edited by Variable Savior on Wed 20 Aug 07:30]

1108th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 09:54post reply


BTW, why is it considered a multimedia center? What can I do with it? At least with the 360 I can access my windows media player library and listen to my songs wirelessly. Can I do something like that with my PS3?

Yes! PS3 will also support WMP library sharing, I managed to set this up in my old apartment but since I no longer have Windows on hand and it's been a while I can't say much about it. I do think it's a fantastic media center, moreso than the 360 because you can upgrade hard drives by yourself quite easily without voiding warranty, and it's easy to copy media to the hard drive from external drives, from discs you've burned, etc. Also the Blu-ray thing. I gotta run, but except AN UNBELIEVABLY THRILLING POST about my extremely mixed feelings about PS3 after a year of ownership when I return!

247th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(5):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 09:57post reply

If you asked me 6 months ago which console I wanted and why, I would tell you the following:

360: Blue Dragon, RE5, DMC4

However, FFXIII is coming to 360 so and I refuse to buy a PS3 just so I can play one game. On the same token, RE and DMC are both being ported to PC, so I'm not desperate to get a 360 either. Honestly, right now I'm perfectly happy with my DS and Wii, and except for "Gee, I'd like to play xxxx" reasons, I see no need to plop down hundreds of bones on something else. Sony and Microsoft BOTH need to get some pretty massive, awesome exlusives, and SOON.

274th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 10:30post reply


Yes! PS3 will also support WMP library sharing, I managed to set this up in my old apartment but since I no longer have Windows on hand and it's been a while I can't say much about it. I do think it's a fantastic media center, moreso than the 360 because you can upgrade hard drives by yourself quite easily without voiding warranty, and it's easy to copy media to the hard drive from external drives, from discs you've burned, etc. Also the Blu-ray thing. I gotta run, but except AN UNBELIEVABLY THRILLING POST about my extremely mixed feelings about PS3 after a year of ownership when I return!

Will support WMP librar sharing? I can't share libraries right now? I'm too lazy to try it.
Well..I also use the system to play blue ray movies, which look AWESOME..however..I wish more titles were released.
So you are saying that I can transfer video files from an external drive to my PS3 and watch them without using other third party software?
I'm getting interested in this topic..can you point me in the right direction? (tutorials,,hints,, etc)


"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1027th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 10:50post reply

Sony and Microsoft BOTH need to get some pretty massive, awesome exlusives, and SOON.

Well, there's the new Siren. It's really well done. Playing the original side by side really shows how that team has advanced.

Play to win.

2424th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 11:01post reply

Speaking of PS3, did something happen to Team ICO? I've been waiting forever to hear about any new PS3 projects from them, but nothing.


591th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 14:22post reply

They are working on their game, it is far from completion. The official PR line is something along "wow they are doing something cool and your grandchildren will love it".


1109th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 17:28post reply

I have made the drunken journey from Jamaica Plain to Brighton and now I am here to dispense wisdom! I wish we had 24 hour public transportation here.

Will support WMP librar sharing? I can't share libraries right now? I'm too lazy to try it.
Well..I also use the system to play blue ray movies, which look AWESOME..however..I wish more titles were released.
So you are saying that I can transfer video files from an external drive to my PS3 and watch them without using other third party software?
I'm getting interested in this topic..can you point me in the right direction? (tutorials,,hints,, etc)

By "will" I meant "does." It works! And yes, you can copy files to the PS3 and watch them on it from external drives assuming they're formats the PS3 can read. I've copied divx versions of Sopranos episodes from discs a roommate burned and they play just fine. As for hard drives, I believe they have to be FAT32 formatted, but I think that's pretty much par for the course. I've never tried HFS+ or NTFS drives with a PS3 but I'm pretty sure they won't read.

Another way I liked to get files on there was a program called PS3 Media Center X. It basically sets up a web server for the PS3 on your computer, and you can download files from folders you've shared on it. No fuss and rather convenient. You can find it at http://www.redkawa.com/mediacenters/ps3mediacenterx/

Anyway, yeah... great media center, but what about as a video game system? Hard to say. I really like the hardware, the XMB and the controller. I think the 360 controller is better all-around, but the PS d-pad, as bad as it is, is a million times better than the 360 one and I could not imagine playing Bionic Commando Rearmed on that thing. Still don't have a Dual Shock 3, but I suspect I will soon. I'd like to replay MGS4 with one.

And yeah, talk of exclusives doesn't much bother me. I had to have one for MGS4, but I already had one anyway. That's about it for me and exclusives right there. Well, Viva Pinata 2 might finally get a 360 in my house, but that's another story. Another reason I grabbed it was ease of importing, which hasn't worked out too well in my favor quite yet as the shooters I want keep getting announced for 360, and since I'll never have a Japanese 360 I'll never get to play them. Frustrating. However, it did get Battle Fantasia into my hands at last, and since there's still no US PS3 version announced, I feel like I made a good decision on that part. And this matters to no one but me, but the new Aquanaut's Holiday hits PS3 on Sept 25 in Japan. For me, this is big. Very big.

Another consideration is how you feel about PS1 games. I'm sort of obsessed with the 32 bit era, PS1 and Saturn stuff gives me a boner. The libraries of downloadable titles in the US and Europe are quite poor, but the Japanese selection is UNBELIEVABLE. Setting up foreign language accounts is easy and free. Network tickets are somewhat reasonably priced from stores like NCS, and I love to scoop this crap up. 600 yen vs. eBay prices for PS1 games? No contest. This aspect of the PS3 has made me terribly happy.

But that leads into my next big disappointment... backwards compatibility. Unless you're playing on a standard def TV, it doesn't matter what the hell model PS3 you have because UPSCALING SUCKS. The lag it introduces to games is real and it is shitty. For RPGs and such, it's inconsequential. For rhythm games and fighting games, it is absolutely unforgivable. First PS2 game I threw up on my new HD display was KOF XI (which lacks progressive scan support in the US release SUCK MY COCK SNK USA YOU SUCK I HATE YOU JUST GO OUT OF BUSINESS ALREADY.) and I noticed it suddenly became very difficult to perform combos I could do in my sleep. So much for getting rid of my PS2. Or my little CRT for that matter, because some games just look downright lousy. Disgusting combing all over the place.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBYpU69mLgo demonstrates some of the lag mentioned above.

So... yeah. Good and bad, there it is. I kind of agree with the sentiments above that this generation is largely unnecessary and I could probably be happy with a PS2 and a DS, maybe a Wii. Will I still feel this way 6 months from now? We'll see.

3667th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 17:29post reply

and with FFXIII now heading to the 360 as well...there is almost no point in having a PS3..for now.

Yes FF13 did but not FF vesus 13 which is much more waited by the fans, what's the point of giving FF 13 to the 360 when only one episode of the FF13 will be on it? you'll need a PS3 and a PSP in order to have the full serie, the 360 FF13 is a pure joke.
BTW why do the hell Square will wait something like 8 month inorder to launch the 360 version? yes the 360 version will start ONLY when the PS3 version will be finished, which let enough time for SONY to gather cash and get back the exclusivity on the Title... I'm pretty sure that at the TGS08 or E3 2009 Sony will come with the huge "we get FF13 back".

Which would be profitable for everyone, Square will make a little, advertising, and their "share" will sell... and Sony will make the best comercial announcement with the licence going back and thus far killing the 360 reputation. This was said unofficialy buy the european Sony comercial dude... this 360 is supposed to be just a huge joke. 8 month before FF 13will be made... Square excuse is that they didn't have the 360 developement tools. Yeah so how the hell did they develop Infinite discovery or last remnant and the same support?

FF13 on 360? I will belive it ony when it will be in my shop not a second before. Still with 156 millions cosole sold in less than 2 years when the 360 did only a 19 millions in 3 years... and the european market who start to hate the 360 as mauch as the japanese one... no the 360 didn't have a bring future.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Time Mage
2701th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 17:59post reply

NARUTO, your fanboy dreams =/= reality. Seriously.

FFXIII not being finally released on 360? C'mon... Do you REALLY think MS is so stupid? Do you really think Sony would pay to get the exclusive back (if the contract even allows that)?

Also, I don't know why you say that Versus is so important to complete the FFXIII experience. The games will be unrelated, except for a reference here and there. And that thing about fans expecting Versus more than standard XIII? That's the first time I heard it, although I don't really frequent any place where FFXIII fans gather.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

593th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 21:25:post reply


Wow - that trailer was one hundred times better than the game could ever possibly be. On the downside the trailer's also easily the best thing Sega's put out in years...

Actually SEGA had several new trailers ready for GC. That PV is directed by Koichi Hidaka who was already cutting trailers for Capcom and Clover last generation. The score will be composed by Naoto Tanaka who formerly worked on Rockman/Mega Man games (or so tells Mobygames; never heard of that person myself).


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 20 Aug 21:38]

275th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Wed 20 Aug 22:57post reply

It is known that many europeans LOVE anything Playstation. Some people got VERY mad when XIII was announced for the 360. I just wonder..what is the PS3 giving europeans that the 360 can't deliver? I'm just wondering..

Thank you Grave!! You have made me like my PS3 even more.
I assume you have the first generation PS3 with backward compatibility. I don't. I still have my modded PS2, some games were meant to be played on old TVs, right?
All PS3 models can play PS1 games..am I wrong?
If I had known that the japanese PSN had more PS1 games I would have created a J account by now..so...let me do that RIGHT NOW. THANKS for the information!! Hold on..network tickets? I will have to start researching that stuff..I'm fairly new to the PS3 scene..
And yeah,,every time I grab my 360 controller I spit on the D-pad.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

2425th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 02:16post reply

They are working on their game, it is far from completion. The official PR line is something along "wow they are doing something cool and your grandchildren will love it".


Considering how long Wander took I'm not surprised though


593th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 05:44post reply

Great news! You can stop making excuses for PS3!

I think I am in love with Sumo Digital.


8611th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 06:01post reply

The best garage kit of the year.

1028th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 06:34post reply

Great news! You can stop making excuses for PS3!

I think I am in love with Sumo Digital.

Wow, that's really cute.

Play to win.

1110th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 06:54post reply

All PS3 models can play PS1 games..am I wrong?
If I had known that the japanese PSN had more PS1 games I would have created a J account by now..so...let me do that RIGHT NOW. THANKS for the information!! Hold on..network tickets? I will have to start researching that stuff..I'm fairly new to the PS3 scene..

Yeah, they all play PS1 games. And network tickets are just like PSN cards before PSN cards existed, you could buy them at places like Family Mart in Japan, apparently. NCS has the cards now too. They charge a good deal more than face value, but it's pretty convenient and I never mind too much. They send you the code through email so you don't need to have the card shipped etc.

1111th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 09:10post reply

I just wonder..what is the PS3 giving europeans that the 360 can't deliver? I'm just wondering..

Certainly not downloadable titles in a timely fashion in regard to their releases in the rest of the world! I don't know what it is either.

1466th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 10:28post reply


Yes FF13 did but not FF vesus 13 which is much more waited by the fans, what's the point of giving FF 13 to the 360 when only one episode of the FF13 will be on it? you'll need a PS3 and a PSP in order to have the full serie, the 360 FF13 is a pure joke.

Personally I think all of FF13 is a joke, three titles carrying the FF13 brand? Just a Squenix cash grab.

1112th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 10:46post reply

Personally I think all of FF13 is a joke, three titles carrying the FF13 brand? Just a Squenix cash grab.

I'd prefer that they direct more money and resources to DS remakes like FF4. Every time I play that game my inner child pops a bone. As uncomfortable as that mental image may be, I think it's absolutely great! I'd like it if they did 6 first then came back and did 5.

Iron D
2954th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 16:04post reply


Personally I think all of FF13 is a joke, three titles carrying the FF13 brand? Just a Squenix cash grab.



3668th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 20:27post reply

NARUTO, your fanboy dreams =/= reality. Seriously.

FFXIII not being finally released on 360? C'mon... Do you REALLY think MS is so stupid? Do you really think Sony would pay to get the exclusive back (if the contract even allows that)?

Also, I don't know why you say that Versus is so important to complete the FFXIII experience. The games will be unrelated, except for a reference here and there. And that thing about fans expecting Versus more than standard XIII? That's the first time I heard it, although I don't really frequent any place where FFXIII fans gather.

No kinding... Let see what the future will be for FF13... What you take for a fan boy dream may be something that could happen... Especialy when SONY europe unofficialy said it this way.
We'll says that the 360 exist, when she will be un the market not before.

As for FF versus 13 bieng most wanted that 13... Well most of the FF13 fansite clearly goes this way... The "Serious" KH games seesm to interest or let says that peoples are more cuirous about it that FF13 who will be a regular FF title.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

3256th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Thu 21 Aug 21:53post reply

Speaking of the PS3, for the first time, Sony shares everyone else's opinion on their lineup.

As sad as it sounds this may be one of the games that pushes me to buy a PS3. Not only do I like the setting but I'm fascinated by the idea that Sony has made a game that is even more pretty and inane than Shenmue.

Afrika may also represent the new wave of game production in which the games are sedate and all the action takes place behind the scenes. For example, the Tecmo soap opera had a dramatic new turn with the resignation of Tecmo's president.

8614th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Random thread rainbow edition" , posted Fri 22 Aug 18:52post reply

Madworld and Bayonetta sure look good.

and here's a trailer for Madworld, too.

Me want.

596th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Random thread random edition" , posted Fri 22 Aug 21:41post reply

Rock & Doronjo


1029th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):Random thread random edition" , posted Sat 23 Aug 02:03post reply

Rock & Doronjo

Doronjo, they're Tatsunoko characters?
Some kind of group that sneaks around or something? At least, that's what I got from the trailer.

Play to win.

4432th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Random thread random edition" , posted Sat 23 Aug 02:18:post reply

Doronjo, they're Tatsunoko characters?
Some kind of group that sneaks around or something?

On the time bokkan series, mains 'always' change, but the evil antagonist trio is always the same; they are wacky and for them, things always work like they aren't supposed to.

Example: the ending of one of the series.

They are classic.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 23 Aug 02:28]

1030th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):Random thread random edition" , posted Sat 23 Aug 02:36post reply

On the time bokkan series, mains 'always' change, but the evil antagonist trio is always the same; they are wacky and for them, things always work like they aren't supposed to.

Example: the ending of one of the series.

They are classic.

Wow, they seem like really cool characters.
I'm slowly warming to this game, even though I don't care for MvC style gameplay.

Play to win.

598th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Random thread random edition" , posted Sat 23 Aug 03:05:post reply

Doronjo is not only one of the most popular Tatsunoko characters. She is also the bad guy girl that invented* the anime trope of having one smart, pretentious baddie supported by two goofy, servile idiots, scheming absurdly complex plans together every week only to be sorely beaten and humiliated by the heroes at the end of each episode.

See: Pokémon, Nadia, Meitantei Holmes etc.

*Well, technically it is her predecessor Marjo who invented that trope, but as Toxico said the bad guys in the Time Bokan series are interchangeable and everybody remembers Doronjo rather than the other girls because she had the coolest costume.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 23 Aug 03:09]

1606th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):Random thread random edition" , posted Sat 23 Aug 14:34post reply

Are any of you playing Galaga Legions?

The only reason why I haven't bought it yet is because of the lousy denominations of points that the Xbox Live cards come in.

600th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Wed 27 Aug 16:28:post reply


New scan of TVC with Doronjô and Rock

New Gundam Musou. This time they cut the crap and directly announce it for PS2 as well.

Namco's "secret PSP project" to be unveiled this week at C3×HOBBY will be Gundam Vs. Gundam, as everyone already expected.
(By the way I was wondering, why does "chara hobby" = "C3xHobby" ? What does C3 mean here?)

PSP continues its second career with a hatsune Miku game.

Returning characters from Raidô in Abadon. I put it here for the sake of completion.

First(?) render of Haruka as she will look in RGG3.

And last but not least, a potentially ambitious project from Jaleco on Wii!? This looks like a scrapped PS2 or aborted PS3 project.
Scenario by the lady behind FFXII/Legend of Mana and direction/production by a former Level5 guy.
[edit] The guy is also the lead programmer and director of MMV's Ôsama Monogatari.

Iggy feel free to copipe any of this on B.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 27 Aug 17:01]

45th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Wed 27 Aug 17:25post reply


Namco's "secret PSP project" to be unveiled this week at C3×HOBBY will be Gundam Vs. Gundam, as everyone already expected.
(By the way I was wondering, why does "chara hobby" = "C3xHobby" ? What does C3 mean here?)

And last but not least, a potentially ambitious project from Jaleco on Wii!? This looks like a scrapped PS2 or aborted PS3 project.
Scenario by the lady behind FFXII/Legend of Mana and direction/production by a former Level5 guy.
[edit] The guy is also the lead programmer and director of MMV's Ôsama Monogatari.

Too bad. I was hoping the new secret PSP project would be a new Klonoa.

As for Jaleco, I never thought I would ever see them again. Good to know they are still around.

600th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Wed 27 Aug 18:20post reply

badoor> They released some NepLeague and SuchiePai games recently. Their Ninja JaJamaru-kun DS game, announced and playable at last TGS, seems to have disappeared from the surface of the Earth, on the other hand. Maybe even the developers could never beat that first boss...

Iggy> Done! (it's like we created an infinite time loop!)


601th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Wed 27 Aug 19:20post reply

Death Smiles on 360! Retail game, apparently.

Other stuff:
+ Meteos Wars to be released on XBLA. Hmm without stylus nor mouse, really?
+ Zwei!! on PSP, unsurprisingly (wasn't this announced already? Anyway it is exactly as you would expect).
+ New PSP game with 100 Prinnies and Etna. Looks like a mix between Lemmings and Patapon.


3260th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Thu 28 Aug 01:20post reply

While new adventures in the RGG saga are always welcome I do wonder if Kazuma is ever going to buy a new suit.

I also wonder about Koei's back-peddling onto the PS2. Were their initial next-gen offerings not up to snuff or has their fan base not moved on to the new consoles?

1035th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Thu 28 Aug 06:56post reply

While new adventures in the RGG saga are always welcome I do wonder if Kazuma is ever going to buy a new suit.

It would be cool if you could customize his appearance, but that would require every part of the game to be in engine.

Play to win.

4149th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Thu 28 Aug 09:18post reply

this jaleco thing is the wait...what?-iest thing
I have seen in some time. Good for them! Could it possibly be internal??

Iron D
2960th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Thu 28 Aug 10:42post reply

While new adventures in the RGG saga are always welcome I do wonder if Kazuma is ever going to buy a new suit.

It would be cool if you could customize his appearance, but that would require every part of the game to be in engine.

I thought RgG/Yakuza 3 was supposed to take place in feudal Japan. Or am I thinking of something else?


4420th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Thu 28 Aug 12:13post reply

I thought RgG/Yakuza 3 was supposed to take place in feudal Japan. Or am I thinking of something else?

You're thinking of RGG Kenzan, which is a prequel.

Iron D
2961th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Thu 28 Aug 13:46post reply

I thought RgG/Yakuza 3 was supposed to take place in feudal Japan. Or am I thinking of something else?

You're thinking of RGG Kenzan, which is a prequel.

Ah. Thanks for the clarification. Although I knew that the game which turns out to be Kenzan was a prequel, I thought it had been numbered 3 (similar to something like Devil May Cry 3). So this new game is actually the fourth in the series...crazy, considering we haven't even received 2 stateside yet.


602th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edition" , posted Thu 28 Aug 16:53post reply

Many people assumed RGG Kenzan was the third one before any info came out on RGG3 (which happened slightly before the release of RGG kenzan, if I recall correctly). Which is why you probably have read/heard RGG Kenzan being referred as RGG3 and kept associating both titles.


Iron D
2963th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Thu 28 Aug 17:14post reply

Many people assumed RGG Kenzan was the third one before any info came out on RGG3 (which happened slightly before the release of RGG kenzan, if I recall correctly). Which is why you probably have read/heard RGG Kenzan being referred as RGG3 and kept associating both titles.

Well, that explains that then. I probably missed any news about the real RGG3 because I assumed it was about RGG Kenzan. Thanks, Chaz.


603th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Thu 28 Aug 21:03post reply

More images of KOgorgeousF12. Playable at AM#Show!

A new version of Tekken 6 will also be shown, according to Kobayan gossiping on the next Arcadia. No details on extra characters yet.


8619th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Fri 29 Aug 01:44post reply


Tekken 6 BR (Bloodline Rebellion)

The 2ch thread had interesting suggestion for the BR thing : Bob's Return, Bob Rythm, Bob Resurrection, Bob foreveR, Bloody Roar, BRavia...

Notice the two new character of Sugocana 2 and those of Demon... thing over there as well.

604th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Re(1):Re(1):Random thread Re(1) edition" , posted Fri 29 Aug 01:49post reply

Come on Iggy, the R is obviously for Rigolo.

So no one knows, regarding the meaning of "C3xHOBBY"?


3261th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Fri 29 Aug 02:53post reply

I guess SNK doesn't want to overwhelm us with too much KoF at any one time. A few frames here and a new background there is probably all we can handle every six months.


Notice the two new character of Sugocana 2 and those of Demon... thing over there as well.

That boys with demon wings game wasn't doing much to get my interest before but now I'm curious about the girl with the snake slithering under her dress and the guy with the shoulder mounted octopus.

4151th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Fri 29 Aug 02:57:post reply

wasn't Ash's fire all horrifying looking before? Looks nice now. is that what SNK is showing us here?

Or was it just Kyo's fire?

also, just as an oddity - Gpara translated part of my interview with hirokazu yasuhara in their kaigai news. they didn't even put his name in kanji, I guess because he lives here. How open-minded of them! It's funny to see though. Gamasutra News Blog indeed!

[this message was edited by exodus on Fri 29 Aug 03:07]

4433th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Fri 29 Aug 03:01post reply

wasn't Ash's fire all horrifying looking before? Looks nice now. is that what SNK is showing us here?

Or was it just Kyo's fire?

It was Kyo's Orochinagi the thing that looked like a greasy red blanket on top of the enemy.

It's funny that since there are no character names I have throubles distinguishing between Kyo and Duolon.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

4153th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Fri 29 Aug 03:37post reply


It was Kyo's Orochinagi the thing that looked like a greasy red blanket on top of the enemy.

hmm, indeed.
is there a good character list out there now? in the top screen of the new batch I don't recognize the red haired guy who's on reserve...

4435th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Fri 29 Aug 04:06:post reply


is there a good character list out there now? in the top screen of the new batch I don't recognize the red haired guy who's on reserve...

I would bet on that being Ralf....
Characters we know so far:

Confirmed through flyers: Elisabeth Blanctorche, Ash Crimson, Kyo Kusanagi, Leona Heidern and Goro Daimon.

Confirmed through trailers: Benimaru Nikaido, Athena Asamiya, Terry Bogard, Kim Kaphwan.

On these Pics: Ryo Sakazaki, Unkwown 1 (I claimed him to be Ralf).

Confirmed out of the cast: Chang Kohean & Choi Bounge (aren't they in one of those backgrounds?), and I think that one arcadia showed Bao in a background, that would mostly take him out of the cast if correct.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 29 Aug 04:07]

282th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Fri 29 Aug 04:07post reply


Well, my take is that every industry needs a crazy chap like him. I actually like him, I just wish he would actually do more games and less bragging.

Now if you excuse me..Let me board my P-51 Mustang and fly into kamikaze glory

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

605th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Fri 29 Aug 04:38post reply


is there a good character list out there now? in the top screen of the new batch I don't recognize the red haired guy who's on reserve...

Isn't that Shen Wu between Kim and Ash on the left?
Right guy looks like Clark with red hair (2P?).

Top left guy next to Kyo and Lolina is Ryuuko1 outfit Robert, right?

Ralf with his usual bandana next to Terry and Lolina.


4155th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu edi" , posted Fri 29 Aug 04:47:post reply


I would bet on that being Ralf....

On these Pics: Ryo Sakazaki, Unkwown 1 (I claimed him to be Ralf).

I'm pretty sure that isn't ralph, simply because I believe the guy in the bottom screen on the far right is ralph.

the middle screen is very intriguing, on the left. there we have two black haired people. Maybe the middle one is Elizabeth - but who's on the left? Duolon? Robert? SUSPENSE.

whoops, that middle one is kyo. still, the left is a mystery, as is the red haired character.

[this message was edited by exodus on Fri 29 Aug 04:50]

607th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu ed" , posted Fri 29 Aug 05:01:post reply


the middle screen is very intriguing, on the left. there we have two black haired people. Maybe the middle one is Elizabeth - but who's on the left? Duolon? Robert? SUSPENSE.

Robert Robert Robert. The catogan, the Ryuuko1 vest, the color tones. Robert.
Duolon looks nothing like that. Different hairstyle, different skin color, different clothing.

[edit] If we assume all characters are seen with their 1P outfit, who is red-haired at SNK outside SamSpi and ADK games? Kyo was for a while, but I doubt they come back on the change. The Buriki guy doesn't really look like that.


[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Fri 29 Aug 05:03]

4437th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Famitsu ed" , posted Fri 29 Aug 05:03:post reply

Whay my eyes see on those pics are (in order):

KyoKim - Shen - Ash vs Kyo - Terry - Ryo

kof 99 Robert - Kyo - Athena vs Ash - Shen - Terry (cap mostly)

Benimaru - Shen - Kyo vs Terry - Athena - Ralf

And -of course-, Exo than bathing Iggy in a corner.

Edited with chaz Kyo -> Kim notation.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 29 Aug 09:16]

4155th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Fami" , posted Fri 29 Aug 05:09post reply

hmm yeah, could be ryo, though he is clasically blonde.

buriki guy is kind of closer, looks-wise.

gahhhhhhh I'm waiting for a Joe announcement. Where is Joe ;_;

607th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Fami" , posted Fri 29 Aug 05:14post reply

Whay my eyes see on those pics are (in order):

Kyo - shen - ash vs kyo - terry - ryo

It is what I saw originally but if you pay attention, the "Kyo" of each team has a specific face, whereas they should share the same one. In fact, the left "Kyo" in that picture is Kim.

I checked up my All About SNK and figured out quite a few redhaired SNK characters. But none of them really approach this dude's jawline and hair color.


252th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Fami" , posted Fri 29 Aug 05:24post reply

I agree with Toxico, I definately saw Robert and Ralph in there, probably Shen as well, and my best guess regarding the top picture is Ryo. His gi was red in AoF3, and though that doesn't explain the hair, he seems to have that 'serious' expression Ryo's been known for lately (Oddly enough it almost looks like Akuma as well, but we know that's out). The other possibility is that it's one of the new-to-KoF characters from the rest of the Neo-Geo library. Wasn't it confirmed somewhere that we'd be getting Rage of the Dragons and/or Matrimelee charas?

Count Hihihi
98th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Fami" , posted Fri 29 Aug 07:34post reply

The guy with the red hair is the redesigned Brian Battler. Or they decided to alter Ryo a bit because Shen Wu stole his head. Not happy to see him in the game. Ugh.

I hope there are no Rage of the Dragons / Matrimelee characters in the game.

All I want is Heidern. And more charge motion characters.

a·bel·o·gist - a person who argues in defense or justification of anything SFIV related.

660th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Fami" , posted Fri 29 Aug 08:10post reply

My god KOF XII looks DAZZLING! It makes me want to skip my classes and brood at its images all day...

I hope there are no Rage of the Dragons / Matrimelee characters in the game.

All I want is Heidern. And more charge motion characters.

I feel like this game's roster will be either amazing or extremely dull and safe. While the characters I most want in this game are either dead (Vice and Shermie)or hated with extreme passion (Hinako) I still hope for at least ONE female grappler. Who knows! Maybe KOFEX2's lucious female wrestler Jun might just make an appearance.

*crosses fingers*

いつまでも残酷に腐るまで I LOVE YOU
何処までも卑猥に腐るまで I LOVE YOU

4436th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Fami" , posted Fri 29 Aug 09:08post reply

Wasn't it confirmed somewhere that we'd be getting Rage of the Dragons and/or Matrimelee charas?

I think not, the only contract for "other company" game characters was with Data East, and I think that that was for only one game.

SNK did said that they would add more oscure characters, and that the game will have a small cast.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

3671th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Random thread Fami" , posted Fri 29 Aug 17:53post reply

SNK did said that they would add more oscure characters, and that the game will have a small cast.

May I ask when? I mean, I don't rememebr SNKP saying something like this...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

609th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Random SQEX eats Tecmo Rainbow Thread" , posted Fri 29 Aug 18:12:post reply

Pervert uncle SQEX-jiisan sexually assaults young maiden Tecmo-chan in public. The witnessing crowd does not react.

Gyakuten Sangoku
Sakatsuku DS


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Fri 29 Aug 19:44]

3262th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random SQEX eats Tecmo Rainbow Thread" , posted Fri 29 Aug 21:42post reply

Pervert uncle SQEX-jiisan sexually assaults young maiden Tecmo-chan in public. The witnessing crowd does not react.

Squenix can sense as little as one part per million of blood in seawater. Considering the amount of hemorrhaging Tecmo has been doing lately it's no wonder the predators are closing in.

4438th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random SQEX eats Tecmo Rainbow Thread" , posted Fri 29 Aug 23:18:post reply


SNK did said that they would add more oscure characters, and that the game will have a small cast.

May I ask when? I mean, I don't rememebr SNKP saying something like this...

I read it while keeping myself "up to date" on these very same boards from your usual news breeding mmcafe goblin.

Pervert uncle SQEX-jiisan sexually assaults young maiden Tecmo-chan in public. The witnessing crowd does not react.

Hah, sounds like my family meetings

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 29 Aug 23:20]

389th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Random SQEX eats Tecmo Rainbow Thread" , posted Fri 29 Aug 23:58post reply

Pervert uncle SQEX-jiisan sexually assaults young maiden Tecmo-chan in public. The witnessing crowd does not react.
Squenix can sense as little as one part per million of blood in seawater. Considering the amount of hemorrhaging Tecmo has been doing lately it's no wonder the predators are closing in.

I'm sad to see Tecmo go, but this is just the natural course of things. Games have gotten so huge as an industry that the top companies can only be the biggest most predatory ones. I think more and more companies are going to start bowing out and getting acquired. It's already been happening with Sega-Sammy, Bandai Namco etc.

Again, I'm sad to see Tecmo go, but I don't think the world will be a worse off place with Squeenix getting bigger. They aren't the company we grew up with, but they do occasionally put out good games.

Compare them to EA or Activision. When I was a kid all EA and Activision games were crap. They were terrible developers, but they were never in it to make great games anyway, they just did everything they could to make the big bucks. They just kept buying and buying until there was no one left to challenge them. And now they're the 2 biggest games publishers in the world. The world is a poorer place if those 2 companies continue to grow and dominate the industry.

I can't blame Square or Nintendo or anyone else for selling out and playing the corporate game. They at least are capable of making a great game once in a while, so I'd say they are the lesser of the evils out there.

3265th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random SQEX eats Tecmo Rainbow Thread" , posted Sat 30 Aug 00:22post reply

I'm sad to see Tecmo go, but this is just the natural course of things. Games have gotten so huge as an industry that the top companies can only be the biggest most predatory ones. I think more and more companies are going to start bowing out and getting acquired. It's already been happening with Sega-Sammy, Bandai Namco etc.

Again, I'm sad to see Tecmo go, but I don't think the world will be a worse off place with Squeenix getting bigger. They aren't the company we grew up with, but they do occasionally put out good games.

Compare them to EA or Activision. When I was a kid all EA and Activision games were crap. They were terrible developers, but they were never in it to make great games anyway, they just did everything they could to make the big bucks. They just kept buying and buying until there was no one left to challenge them. And now they're the 2 biggest games publishers in the world. The world is a poorer place if those 2 companies continue to grow and dominate the industry.

I can't blame Square or Nintendo or anyone else for selling out and playing the corporate game. They at least are capable of making a great game once in a while, so I'd say they are the lesser of the evils out there.

Then again, this doesn't necessarily mean that Tecmo is going to disappear. Squeinx has owned Taito for a few years now and that company -such as it is- continues to exist. Perhaps Tecmo will still be around as a name but Square will now make the big decisions and mind the bills. Judging from their recent actions Tecmo probably needs all the help it can get in that area.

610th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Random SQEX eats Tecmo Rainbow Thread" , posted Sat 30 Aug 00:50:post reply

When I was a kid all EA and Activision games were crap. They were terrible developers

When was that? I have pretty fond memories of EA games from when I was a kid (around the Mega Drive days). They were also quite before their times in terms of pushing the people behind the games they were making (which of course made their handling of the PS2 era even weirder). They only turned insufferable around the PlayStation days - and if that period was your childhood, i understand your feeling.

It is also obvious that my tastes had evolved by the time I became a teenager, and EA was not trying to get me anymore. So it was only natural that I would not like their new line-up (although this does not excuse their behavior and impact on the business around 1995~2005 in my book).

If I remember correctly, Activision is the very first third party publisher in existence. So i would guess they had their good and bad times as well.

I don't enjoy any of their games, but I was under the impression they suddenly and unexpectedly surged to power with proper investment in high quality projects (COD 1&2, Guitar Hero) with all the money made from Tony Hawk, which itself was quite innovative at the time of its release. And then the merger with Blizzard secured their condition on the long-term. Only after all that did Activision become less commendable.

In a nutshell, unlike what you seem to imply, I am under the impression these two publishers rose to power for perfectly valid reasons and were rewarded for publishing innovative games and/or product that answered the crowd's needs better than their competitors, and pursuing smart business expansion policies that did not hurt the market and possibly paved the way for other publishers to understand how to grow healthier. They only resorted to less amicable practice and policy once they got hold of the alpha male position (EA in the Nineties, AcBlizz nowadays).

Also consider that the consumers' perception of their practice changed because of that new position.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 30 Aug 00:53]

Iron D
2968th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random SQEX eats Tecmo Rainbow Thread" , posted Sat 30 Aug 01:00post reply


When was that? I have pretty fond memories of EA games from when I was a kid (around the Mega Drive days).

Road Rash 1-3 FTW!


8622th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 01:17post reply

Endless stream of fighting game bosses on Niconico

Iron D
2969th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 03:53post reply

Endless stream of fighting game bosses on Niconico

Since I can't read any Japanese, I have no idea what the heck I'm supposed to be doing to see anything here.


8623th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 04:17post reply

Since I can't read any Japanese, I have no idea what the heck I'm supposed to be doing to see anything here.

Do you have a niconico account ? I don't remember the site the prof gave to watch Niconico without an account...

The best off, with all games ranged chronologically, is especially interesting. 97&98 wwwwwwww

283th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 05:25post reply

Endless stream of fighting game bosses on Niconico

Since I can't read any Japanese, I have no idea what the heck I'm supposed to be doing to see anything here.

I'm on the same train <=(

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

Iron D
2970th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 07:10post reply

Endless stream of fighting game bosses on Niconico

Since I can't read any Japanese, I have no idea what the heck I'm supposed to be doing to see anything here.

I'm on the same train <=(

I'm guessing a lot of Cafeers are on the same train, which makes me wonder what the point of putting up a site in all Japanese without any instructions on what we should be doing is. If I'm not mistaken, there are only about 3 or 4 folks here who could actually read Japanese.

Guess it's a mute point since you need to be a member to view this particular link anyway...


391th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 08:13post reply


Since I can't read any Japanese, I have no idea what the heck I'm supposed to be doing to see anything here.

I'm on the same train <=(

Here you go:


This is the old link to the NicoNico viewer. I'm not sure if it still works though.

Here's a link to a walk through on how to register for a NicoNico account:


285th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 08:35:post reply

Endless stream of fighting game bosses on Niconico

Since I can't read any Japanese, I have no idea what the heck I'm supposed to be doing to see anything here.

I'm on the same train <=(

I'm guessing a lot of Cafeers are on the same train, which makes me wonder what the point of putting up a site in all Japanese without any instructions on what we should be doing is. If I'm not mistaken, there are only about 3 or 4 folks here who could actually read Japanese.

Guess it's a mute point since you need to be a member to view this particular link anyway...

Well, I think that’s the charm of the café. The bar has to be up there…It would be any other forum if it wasn’t that way….no? So I cope with it, I’m aware of my ignorance

Oh..thanks for the links

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

[this message was edited by Tai-Pan on Sat 30 Aug 08:40]

2552th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 09:53post reply


I'm guessing a lot of Cafeers are on the same train, which makes me wonder what the point of putting up a site in all Japanese without any instructions on what we should be doing is. If I'm not mistaken, there are only about 3 or 4 folks here who could actually read Japanese.

Guess it's a mute point since you need to be a member to view this particular link anyway...

I could understand complaining if someone put up a link to a huge page of text with no pictures, no description and a comment like "this is hilarious, check it out" (which has happened before), but this is just a link to a video which could be reached through a simple registration page. In the time it takes to complain, you could probably run it through google translator and be watching the video.

Also, as stated, the instructions have been posted before, and a simple "could someone help me out" gets a positive response.

But I realize I'm kind of being a hypocrite here...complaining needlessly about a post with (what I see as) a needless complaint, so I'll turn this into something constructive...

How many people here DO know Japanese?

At least a working knowledge. I can think of 8 off the top of my head?

I'm nowhere near fluent, and I can't form sentences worth a damn, but I'm good enough to get through most RPGs without a problem, and Gyakuten Saiban...very slowly.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

Variable Savior
444th Post

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Gold Customer

"Language aside" , posted Sat 30 Aug 10:18post reply


How many people here DO know Japanese?

I've my own question for those of you who speak Japanese - where did you learn how? I've looked around locally for someplace to learn it and have come up blank - the only possibility is college and I worked during the day so that's out. I've toyed with the idea of trying that Rosetta Stone program you see on TV but somehow I have trouble believing that would work....

Blood marks heaven's path

3723th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 11:38post reply


I could understand complaining if someone put up a link to a huge page of text with no pictures, no description and a comment like "this is hilarious, check it out" (which has happened before), but this is just a link to a video which could be reached through a simple registration page. In the time it takes to complain, you could probably run it through google translator and be watching the video.

Also, as stated, the instructions have been posted before, and a simple "could someone help me out" gets a positive response.

Ah, elitism, the bread and butter of the cafe!


773th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 12:14post reply


I could understand complaining if someone put up a link to a huge page of text with no pictures, no description and a comment like "this is hilarious, check it out" (which has happened before), but this is just a link to a video which could be reached through a simple registration page. In the time it takes to complain, you could probably run it through google translator and be watching the video.

No, but it doesn't give any compelling reason to register for said site.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

1487th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 13:50post reply

Prinny side scroller

I completely missed this among all the other famitsu game announcements

Iron D
2971th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 16:16post reply


I could understand complaining if someone put up a link to a huge page of text with no pictures, no description and a comment like "this is hilarious, check it out" (which has happened before), but this is just a link to a video which could be reached through a simple registration page.

Which is information that I didn't know because 1) Iggy didn't mention it and 2) I CAN'T READ JAPANESE!

Also, as stated, the instructions have been posted before, and a simple "could someone help me out" gets a positive response.

I (and many others) have already asked for help with Japanese links many times. Eventually it gets old. We shouldn't have to ask for help with Japanese with every single damn bit of news from Japan.

Besides asking for help over and over again, why would I also want to go hunting through past threads to find out how to register for a site that I'll rarely at best ever actually use?

But I realize I'm kind of being a hypocrite here...complaining needlessly about a post with (what I see as) a needless complaint, so I'll turn this into something constructive...

Pretty easy to say my complaint is useless when you have enough Japanese knowledge to "get through most RPGs without a problem".


2553th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 17:03post reply

Which is information that I didn't know because 1) Iggy didn't mention it and 2) I CAN'T READ JAPANESE!

I still think you could have plugged the page into google translator or babel fish or whatever in the time it took you to post your comment, but I realize that isn't the issue here.

I'm sorry, it's not my place to complain about the validity or invalidity of your complaint. It's more like...the principle.

Like...I don't see how making a post that a number of people from the cafe would be interested in is any infringement on you. At worst, you have to scroll down further, or waste your time reading a couple of words. How is that any different than what you're posting?

People post entire conversations/topics in Spanish and I can't read a word of that. Conversations go on and on (just like this one) that have nothing to do with the topic...or nothing to do with anything at all. All of this is okay, but when someone posts something that's actually RELATED to video games you say something?

All I'm saying is that we have a wide variety of topics/posts here and not all of them are for everyone. If it bothers you to have to ask for a translation...then don't. Just ignore the post and talk about something else. I think that's much more reasonable than having people censor what they post because it isn't in a language that everyone here can understand. It's not like they're insulting you in Japanese or anything.

There are plenty of topics and posts here that irritate the hell out of me, and there are a number of posters that bug me so much that sometimes I won't even read what they write. But regardless of that, I believe they can post whatever the hell they want and there's no point in trying to get them to stop.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1625th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 17:31post reply

Endless stream of fighting game bosses on Niconico

I object! He only fought regular Bilstein in Star Gladiator 1, not True Bilstein!

8624th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 17:54post reply

Which is information that I didn't know because 1) Iggy didn't mention it and 2) I CAN'T READ JAPANESE!

OK, so. I said it was a link on Niconico, and since it's the billionth time I've done such a thing, I thought people started to know what it was, or already asked about it the first times, had help like the one Nobinobi provided or just told to themselves "OK, it's yet another of those stupid things that make Iggy giggle, I don't care" and scrolled down to the following post.
Apparently you missed the 999 million 999 thousand 999 first times, or maybe you forgot. What should I do ? Since you may forget again next time, and mentioning as a kind of warning the name of the site is not enough, should I say in red, bold letters THIS SITE IS IN JAPANESE, DON'T CLICK BECAUSE YOUR HEAD MIGHT EXPLODE, or just refrain from posting because it might confuse some people and those who would get it or have registered an account from the times before, well, they're on their own now ?

Iron D
2972th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sat 30 Aug 20:41post reply

Iggy and Pollyanna:

Apparently you missed the 999 million 999 thousand 999 first times, or maybe you forgot. What should I do ? Since you may forget again next time, and mentioning as a kind of warning the name of the site is not enough, should I say in red, bold letters THIS SITE IS IN JAPANESE, DON'T CLICK BECAUSE YOUR HEAD MIGHT EXPLODE, or just refrain from posting because it might confuse some people and those who would get it or have registered an account from the times before, well, they're on their own now ?

Stop taking my comments so personally. This was actually kind of a reaction to this generally happening at the Cafe. There ARE many times that someone will post a link to a site that's completely in a language that most Cafeers aren't familiar with (I've seen this done with Japanese, German, Spanish and French...I think I even remember seeing Portuguese and Italian links) as if we all are fluent, and there will be no instructions or no mention of whatever the hell it is we're supposed to be doing there. THIS is what bugs me. NOT the fact that it's in Japanese in particular.

The reason I brought it up now? Well admittedly I HAVE seen Niconico mentioned here before. I just haven't had the interest in the conversations to see what the hell a Niconico was. Despite my bringin it up now, I DO usually avoid conversations that don't interest me because...well...they don't interest me. The mention of fighting game bosses drew my attention though. So yes, you may have mentioned accessing a Niconico account 9,000,000 times or whatever, and I must have missed most of them, simply because it wasn't until now that I've had any real interest in anything involving the site.

But now that we've had this argument (and thanks to Nobinobita) I now know what the heck to do with Niconico link. So no Iggy, you don't have to put a big, red, all caps message with every Nico link you use.

All I'm asking is that when ANYONE does throw up a link in some language that most Cafeers might not understand (and it's not Nico...I guess) and the link does not at least provide pictures, that there could be a little clarification of what we are looking at, instead "here's some info on that new JRPG!" followed by a link entirely in Kanji with no pics.


285th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(8):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 05:50post reply

I think Polly perfectly described the café’s nature. You can always ignore whatever you don’t like or understand. The thing is that you can’t expect to change some things because this is not a newspaper nor any other form of formal information delivery. Nobody owes anything to anybody. Iggy can write entire pages in Japanese without taking the time to explain or translate if he doesn’t want to. Neither he nor anybody else is doing this for money. What I’m trying to say, the café has always been like this, if you change some of those attributes, it would end up being like the IGN Forums..Thats the beauty of this forum..isn’t it?

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

8625th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 06:04post reply

OK, I may have overreacted. It must be poor Charlene's elimination by that Bernard asshole that got me all cranky. Hakim will pay.

Yeah, so, either way...
I don't know if anyone is paying attention to the Wii's VC, but two surprising things are scheduled on the Japanese one in september:

First, Square releases Seiken Densetsu 2 (that's Secret of Mana for some people overseas). That's the first SQEX game that had potential as a port or a remake (like FF4 or Chrono Trigger).
The recent epic failure of the whole World of Mana project must really have killed the entire franchise for SQEX... Or maybe they are using the VC to see whether the franchise still has its fans? I'd be curious to know if they plan to release Seiken 3 this way...

The other one (which is not technically VC but) is the super stealth release of Gradius Rebirth, as if Konami didn't want anyone to hear of the project. The official Nintendo page has more to say on it than Konami itself!
There's a striking parallelism to be made with Rockman 9, which is nearly promoted as seriously as any new Capcom project...

Iron D
2973th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 06:49post reply

I think Polly perfectly described the café’s nature. You can always ignore whatever you don’t like or understand. The thing is that you can’t expect to change some things because this is not a newspaper nor any other form of formal information delivery. Nobody owes anything to anybody. Iggy can write entire pages in Japanese without taking the time to explain or translate if he doesn’t want to. Neither he nor anybody else is doing this for money. What I’m trying to say, the café has always been like this, if you change some of those attributes, it would end up being like the IGN Forums..Thats the beauty of this forum..isn’t it?

Eh...the last sentence was something I can agree with, but the rest of this post...I'm just trying to point out common courtesy.

I'll go ahead and just leave it at that.


213th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(5):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 07:12post reply


How many people here DO know Japanese?

At least a working knowledge. I can think of 8 off the top of my head?

3rd Year here. Still needs alot of work.

287th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(10):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 09:08post reply

Hey Iron, It also makes me feel like crap that I can't keep up with these people. I'm just a reader here. I will never provide exciting and obscure video game news here. I'm just a regular straight guy with no mystique at all. Hell, I'm not even French!!!! How can you compete with that!!! But yeah...I enjoy this place and the people here... By the way, did you create the Niconico account? I'm too lazy to do it. Please let me know if it worked for you. Peace

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

Iron D
2974th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 10:24post reply

Hey Iron, It also makes me feel like crap that I can't keep up with these people. I'm just a reader here. I will never provide exciting and obscure video game news here. I'm just a regular straight guy with no mystique at all. Hell, I'm not even French!!!! How can you compete with that!!! But yeah...I enjoy this place and the people here... By the way, did you create the Niconico account? I'm too lazy to do it. Please let me know if it worked for you. Peace

Nah. Too lazy as well. I've always hated having to register for sites. Maybe eventually...


2494th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 17:48:post reply

Let's cool down a bit. It's been a long-time trait for this BBS's users to occasionally post non-English messages. On the other hand, though it's up to the poster whether or not to do so, it'd be good to write a line or two of description if you're posting something that might be of interest to other viewers. Like, Sega making Vocaliod music game for PSP

Also, if you stumble upon something non-English that you're interested in, try asking. I'm sure that someone wouldn't mind giving a few short descriptions on whatever it is.

Anyhoos, here's the previous thread on how to watch Nicovideo

I've just scratched up a script, this should make things easier in the future when anyone needs to watch a Nico video without an account. Signing up for an account is a headache, especially since you need to pass through a grace period.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 31 Aug 20:29]

1626th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 20:28post reply


I've just scratched up a script, this should make things easier in the future when anyone needs to watch a Nico video without an account. Signing up for an account is a headache, especially since you need to pass through a grace period.

Should be noted that this won't work with Mylists. Just individual videos.

2496th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 20:35:post reply


I've just scratched up a script, this should make things easier in the future when anyone needs to watch a Nico video without an account. Signing up for an account is a headache, especially since you need to pass through a grace period.

Should be noted that this won't work with Mylists. Just individual videos.

Yeah, only videos.

[edit]K', it now works with mylists, albeit very, very rougly.

For mylists, use http://tokka.s59.coreserver.jp/search/mylist/YJSearchExample.php
cripes, looks like there's no way to view mylists without an account.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 1 Sep 00:06]

610th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 20:43post reply


I've just scratched up a script, this should make things easier in the future when anyone needs to watch a Nico video without an account. Signing up for an account is a headache, especially since you need to pass through a grace period.

Woah, that's awesome, Prof. Can we pass this link along on other forums or do you prefer that it stays rather confidential for some reason?

Also I guess we reached the self-defined Size limit of the Random Newspost.


8626th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 21:09post reply

Also I guess we reached the self-defined Size limit of the Random Newspost.

You noticed it, you create the next !

86th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Another shooter coming to 360" , posted Sun 31 Aug 22:10post reply

Oh well, Cave announced Deathsmiles for the 360 in Japan. Nothing else is known about the release being a disc one or a Live title.
This is good, it has some Parodius/Keio/Cotton wibe in it, but I don't think it's good having a japanese 360 only to play shooters (you know, the failure rate...).

2496th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Sun 31 Aug 22:24:post reply


I've just scratched up a script, this should make things easier in the future when anyone needs to watch a Nico video without an account. Signing up for an account is a headache, especially since you need to pass through a grace period.

Woah, that's awesome, Prof. Can we pass this link along on other forums or do you prefer that it stays rather confidential for some reason?

Also I guess we reached the self-defined Size limit of the Random Newspost.

Sure, feel free to pass it along and whatnot. The script basically redirects, so there's not much for me to take credit on.

[edit] Now added support for mylist and wordsearches, and added links to rankings.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 1 Sep 04:09]

3266th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Mon 1 Sep 05:01post reply

Thanks for the script Professor! Is there somewhere on the page that a link to the Nicovideo Redirector is located or should we write down the URL for future reference?

Iron D
2976th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Mon 1 Sep 07:44:post reply


I've just scratched up a script, this should make things easier in the future when anyone needs to watch a Nico video without an account. Signing up for an account is a headache, especially since you need to pass through a grace period.

Woah, that's awesome, Prof. Can we pass this link along on other forums or do you prefer that it stays rather confidential for some reason?

Also I guess we reached the self-defined Size limit of the Random Newspost.

Sure, feel free to pass it along and whatnot. The script basically redirects, so there's not much for me to take credit on.

[edit] Now added support for mylist and wordsearches, and added links to rankings.

Freaking sweet. Thanks, Prof.

Edit: Whenever I click on a link after putting the URL into the script, I'm taken back to the login page. Am I doing something wrong?


[this message was edited by Iron D on Mon 1 Sep 09:26]

1473th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Mon 1 Sep 10:35post reply


I've just scratched up a script, this should make things easier in the future when anyone needs to watch a Nico video without an account. Signing up for an account is a headache, especially since you need to pass through a grace period.

Woah, that's awesome, Prof. Can we pass this link along on other forums or do you prefer that it stays rather confidential for some reason?

Also I guess we reached the self-defined Size limit of the Random Newspost.

Sure, feel free to pass it along and whatnot. The script basically redirects, so there's not much for me to take credit on.

[edit] Now added support for mylist and wordsearches, and added links to rankings.

Freaking sweet. Thanks, Prof.

Edit: Whenever I click on a link after putting the URL into the script, I'm taken back to the login page. Am I doing something wrong?

Hey Iron D, the link above to the boss collection is actually just a link to a "My List" of assorted videos, which is why it doesn't load automatically from the Prof's script. If you use the following link, available from the My List, in the Professor's NicoNico Loader, you should be able to watch it: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1069115


Iron D
2976th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Mon 1 Sep 11:48post reply


I've just scratched up a script, this should make things easier in the future when anyone needs to watch a Nico video without an account. Signing up for an account is a headache, especially since you need to pass through a grace period.

Woah, that's awesome, Prof. Can we pass this link along on other forums or do you prefer that it stays rather confidential for some reason?

Also I guess we reached the self-defined Size limit of the Random Newspost.

Sure, feel free to pass it along and whatnot. The script basically redirects, so there's not much for me to take credit on.

[edit] Now added support for mylist and wordsearches, and added links to rankings.

Freaking sweet. Thanks, Prof.

Edit: Whenever I click on a link after putting the URL into the script, I'm taken back to the login page. Am I doing something wrong?
Hey Iron D, the link above to the boss collection is actually just a link to a "My List" of assorted videos, which is why it doesn't load automatically from the Prof's script. If you use the following link, available from the My List, in the Professor's NicoNico Loader, you should be able to watch it: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1069115

Thank you very much, Sir.


2497th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Random fighting game bosses" , posted Mon 1 Sep 13:20:post reply

Thanks for the script Professor! Is there somewhere on the page that a link to the Nicovideo Redirector is located or should we write down the URL for future reference?

I've added the link to the BBS menu for the time being. That should make life quite easier.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 1 Sep 14:23]