ヘイ博士。 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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3167th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"ヘイ博士。" , posted Fri 19 Sep 10:10post reply

Um, disregard that last e-mail I gave you. I pretty much figured out what to do. Hope you're having fun with it too like I am.


3727th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(85):博ヘ士イӍ" , posted Fri 19 Sep 10:53post reply

Um, disregard that last e-mail I gave you. I pretty much figured out what to do. Hope you're having fun with it too like I am.

So, you received the Yaoi after all! Sugoi!


2501th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(85):ヘイ博士" , posted Fri 19 Sep 13:25:post reply

Um, disregard that last e-mail I gave you. I pretty much figured out what to do. Hope you're having fun with it too like I am.

So, you received the Yaoi after all! Sugoi!

Ayes, gotcha. FYI, you unlock the game's new character by beating the Academy mode. Use this if the game gets too hard for you.

Btw, onslaught, you have an idea what the acronym Yaoi stands for? It's quite exhilarating.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 19 Sep 13:26]

3728th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(85):ヘイ博士" , posted Fri 19 Sep 13:36post reply


Btw, onslaught, you have an idea what the acronym Yaoi stands for? It's quite exhilarating.

Mmmmhh, gay cartoon porn?


8650th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(85):ヘイ博士" , posted Fri 19 Sep 17:54post reply

Mmmmhh, gay cartoon porn?

"No climax, no point, no meaning". I thought it was older, but Wikipedo tells me it was created in the late 70s, and was always about androgynous men drawn by and for fat chicks who can't get laid.
Oh well. So much for my Genroku jidai skills.

3729th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(85):ヘイ博&" , posted Fri 19 Sep 23:58post reply

Mmmmhh, gay cartoon porn?

"No climax, no point, no meaning". I thought it was older, but Wikipedo tells me it was created in the late 70s, and was always about androgynous men drawn by and for fat chicks who can't get laid.
Oh well. So much for my Genroku jidai skills.

This place is like a neverending fountain of wisdom!


664th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(85):ヘイ博&" , posted Fri 19 Sep 23:59post reply

Mmmmhh, gay cartoon porn?

"No climax, no point, no meaning". I thought it was older, but Wikipedo tells me it was created in the late 70s, and was always about androgynous men drawn by and for fat chicks who can't get laid.
Oh well. So much for my Genroku jidai skills.

So are they the same demographic that enjoy Bara?

いつまでも残酷に腐るまで I LOVE YOU
何処までも卑猥に腐るまで I LOVE YOU

2502th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(85):ヘイ博&" , posted Sat 20 Sep 01:03post reply

Mmmmhh, gay cartoon porn?

"No climax, no point, no meaning". I thought it was older, but Wikipedo tells me it was created in the late 70s, and was always about androgynous men drawn by and for fat chicks who can't get laid.
Oh well. So much for my Genroku jidai skills.

Bingo, that's the most well known one.

There's no definitive answer, but some people consider it an abbreviation for "Anus feels so good" and "Please stop, anus hurts"

3168th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(85):ヘイ博士" , posted Sat 20 Sep 06:05post reply


I have to beat Academy Mode. Got it. Xie xie.


The mistress has it now.