Final Fight Tough/Final Fight 3 Artwork - Forums

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"Final Fight Tough/Final Fight 3 Artwork" , posted Sun 12 Oct 01:09:post reply

A user named TradeMark scanned some of Bengus' FF3 art from the US manual, does anyone have the original FFTough manual (Japanese Super Famicom)? Are there more, better versions of the art? Would you scan them?

Does anyone have this FFTough guide book? It costs about $80–100 used, does it have all the art?


[this message was edited by aerialgroove on Sun 12 Oct 01:13]


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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Final Fight Tough/Final Fight 3 Artwork" , posted Thu 16 Oct 10:41:post reply

A user named TradeMark scanned some of Bengus' FF3 art from the US manual, does anyone have the original FFTough manual (Japanese Super Famicom)? Are there more, better versions of the art? Would you scan them?

Does anyone have this FFTough guide book? It costs about $80–100 used, does it have all the art?


Only found this small Andore pic

[url= ]Link Here

Got it from [url= site

That site had an interesting trivia thing about FF3 Haggar's sprite

Link Here

The guy basically took the ratio of the length of the hair to the body and worked in how long it would take his hair to grow that long and it turned out to be 2 years. I think was the real-time difference between FF2 and FF3.

I found this handicraft thing

Got it from this site

There might be one about Street Fighter II floating around as I saw one


It's not too special though, it looks like a flyer or something.

I am not sure if you were ever going to update the "Things2Buy" or add another link, but I found this database about video game music

Link Here

there is even stuff about old drama cds on there.

Like these


Other random googling brought up these images that are hosted on capcom-europe


They are part of the SFA Anthology section
Link Here

I think that is all I have for now.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Thu 16 Oct 10:43]

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"Re(2):Final Fight Tough/Final Fight 3 Artwork" , posted Fri 17 Oct 05:38:post reply

Hey thanks, yeah I forgot about that Andore FF3 pic, gotta find a better version of that one too.

The SFAA art used to be huge but one day before I actually wanted to download them, Capcom decided to size them down. I don't like them anyway but still sucks that I didn't save the originals. Thanks for the other links, yes I got that flyer too. Actually I got a huge collection of screenshots of merch for the Things2Buy section, just don't have the time to put it up with info. I'll add books first, maybe around Christmans.

That FF3 page is by red cylcone, he's one of my affiliates, not all of the info he posts is official, some of the things are just his opinon. lots of things are more ironic or pseudo scientific, that's his humor.

[this message was edited by aerialgroove on Fri 17 Oct 05:42]

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Final Fight Tough/Final Fight 3 Artwork" , posted Tue 28 Oct 11:17post reply

I am not sure if you would be too interested, but I found this on Nico video

It's a nice excuse to use the Nico feature the Prof. put up.

If I am reading the description correctly, this is a GIF that took 2 years to make.