KoF Orochi Collection - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Iron D
3049th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Mon 3 Nov 19:49post reply

I'm sure there are some folks here who have it, albeit probably the Jp version.

I played the American Orochi Collection for psp today (which has '94 and '98) and was a little disappointed. There were major sound glithes (sound effects, music and voices being delayed and sometimes not happening at all) and I'm not sure if it was just me, but there seemed to be some control hiccups here and there as well. I only played '96 so I can only speak for that game, but I don't see the other games faring so well. Oh, and the load times are freaking awful. Basically a bad emulation that is only worth it in order to have portable KoF.

There is a PS2 version out and I'm wondering how that version is. Is it emulated better than the PSP version? Does it have the sound and loading problems?



4530th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Mon 3 Nov 20:16:post reply

There is a PS2 version out and I'm wondering how that version is. Is it emulated better than the PSP version? Does it have the sound and loading problems?

You are speaking about the ps2 Orochi hen version? (that has been out for a long while now). Well, I don't know about the psp one but the ps2 one is fairly faithful to the console releases (aka 'they are pretty good emus'), same slow down, same turdy controls, I think that they even include the same bonuses like the survivals and the single all options, well, that and Arrange sound track. I don't remember practice mode in there (just like in the originals).

The difference is that the ps2 one contains from 95 to 97. Thus 94 and 98 are out 'on their own' as rebout ports (which aren't out in the US me thinks).

Edit : you had color edit mode for every game, AST <-> OST option and a soft graphics <-> normal graphics option. Also sound test for me to put the themes at full volume while cleaning my room


[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 3 Nov 20:21]

Iron D
3050th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Tue 4 Nov 03:46post reply

There is a PS2 version out and I'm wondering how that version is. Is it emulated better than the PSP version? Does it have the sound and loading problems?

You are speaking about the ps2 Orochi hen version? (that has been out for a long while now). Well, I don't know about the psp one but the ps2 one is fairly faithful to the console releases (aka 'they are pretty good emus'), same slow down, same turdy controls, I think that they even include the same bonuses like the survivals and the single all options, well, that and Arrange sound track. I don't remember practice mode in there (just like in the originals).

The difference is that the ps2 one contains from 95 to 97. Thus 94 and 98 are out 'on their own' as rebout ports (which aren't out in the US me thinks).

Edit : you had color edit mode for every game, AST <-> OST option and a soft graphics <-> normal graphics option. Also sound test for me to put the themes at full volume while cleaning my room

Just to be clear, the American and Japanese versions are different in that the American one actually has '94 and '98. At least, the PSP version does.

I don't know if the American PS2 version has the same game selection as the Japanese PS2 version or the American PSP version, but the fact that they are basically being marketed as the same game for different systems makes me believe that it is like the American PSP version.

Which still leaves the question as to the quality of the American PS2 version.


2582th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Tue 4 Nov 09:13post reply

Wait, there wasn't a PSP version in Japan, was there? I know you could download all (or most of) the KOF games for PS3/PSP from the Japanese PSN, but I don't recall there being any collection. As a result, the port might be kind of a hack job.

This is unfortunate, seeing that so many people emulate NeoGeo games on PSP and they probably work better.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

Iron D
3053th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Tue 4 Nov 13:55post reply

Wait, there wasn't a PSP version in Japan, was there? I know you could download all (or most of) the KOF games for PS3/PSP from the Japanese PSN, but I don't recall there being any collection. As a result, the port might be kind of a hack job.

This is unfortunate, seeing that so many people emulate NeoGeo games on PSP and they probably work better.

If the PSP version was new from the ground up, then the lack of quality would make sense. The American PS2 version better not be as bad or someone's head will roll...


Burning Ranger
1580th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Sun 9 Nov 07:45post reply


There is a PS2 version out and I'm wondering how that version is. Is it emulated better than the PSP version? Does it have the sound and loading problems?

Okay, I bought the US PS2 version of KOF: The Orochi Saga.

First off, some details:

- The PS2 version does include KOF94 and KOF98.
- There does not seem to be an option to turn on the Arranged Soundtrack in the games. However, there is a media mode and arranged tracks are unlockable after completing challenges.
- The game retails for $14.99, which means each game is roughly $3 each, which I believe beats the virtual console prices.

Now, for gameplay. This collection seems on par with the other SNK collections. Gameplay feels just like the arcade--it doesn't seem like there are any animation losses that I can tell. Sound seems to work fine too--however I did notice two minor glitches with the sound. One occurs during the load period between matches...if music is playing (like the transition music in KOF98), it will sometimes skip. THis does not happen during gameplay. ALso, during challenge mode, sometimes the announcer will say different things when the match starts (example, "Round 2, Ready? Perfect!"). Oh, and load times--not bad at all (a few second in most places, and it only occurs before match sets, not when individual characters load (like in KOF96 Saturn version).

Otherwise seems like a good buy. I only wish I could set the BGM in KOF96 to arranged. I really liked the arranged music for that game.

Advanced Cybernetic Organism "Burning Ranger"

Iron D
3055th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Sun 9 Nov 18:38post reply


There is a PS2 version out and I'm wondering how that version is. Is it emulated better than the PSP version? Does it have the sound and loading problems?

Okay, I bought the US PS2 version of KOF: The Orochi Saga.

First off, some details:

- The PS2 version does include KOF94 and KOF98.
- There does not seem to be an option to turn on the Arranged Soundtrack in the games. However, there is a media mode and arranged tracks are unlockable after completing challenges.
- The game retails for $14.99, which means each game is roughly $3 each, which I believe beats the virtual console prices.

Now, for gameplay. This collection seems on par with the other SNK collections. Gameplay feels just like the arcade--it doesn't seem like there are any animation losses that I can tell. Sound seems to work fine too--however I did notice two minor glitches with the sound. One occurs during the load period between matches...if music is playing (like the transition music in KOF98), it will sometimes skip. THis does not happen during gameplay. ALso, during challenge mode, sometimes the announcer will say different things when the match starts (example, "Round 2, Ready? Perfect!"). Oh, and load times--not bad at all (a few second in most places, and it only occurs before match sets, not when individual characters load (like in KOF96 Saturn version).

Otherwise seems like a good buy. I only wish I could set the BGM in KOF96 to arranged. I really liked the arranged music for that game.

That's what I wanted to hear. Thanks BR. I'm going to snap it up right now.

So for anyone interested, know that the PSP version is glitched to hell as far as sound is concerned and the loading times are awful. AND it's about twice the price of the PS2 version.


Burning Ranger
1581th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Tue 11 Nov 13:50post reply


That's what I wanted to hear. Thanks BR. I'm going to snap it up right now.

So for anyone interested, know that the PSP version is glitched to hell as far as sound is concerned and the loading times are awful. AND it's about twice the price of the PS2 version.

Glad I could help.

I spent some time playing KOF98...I didn't really notice any problems with the gameplay, but then again I'm more of a casual player. I'm actually very interested to hear what purists say.

I'm even more impressed that the guys at SNKP finally found a way to do decent emulation of Neo Geo software on the PS2. Who would have thought that a machine with nearly 10 year old tech could do that?

Advanced Cybernetic Organism "Burning Ranger"

Iron D
3057th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Tue 11 Nov 20:11post reply


I'm even more impressed that the guys at SNKP finally found a way to do decent emulation of Neo Geo software on the PS2. Who would have thought that a machine with nearly 10 year old tech could do that?

What? Both of the Fatal Fury collections and the Metal Slug Anthology are all well emulated. I own all three and have found no problems with any of them.


751th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Tue 11 Nov 22:58post reply

No option to turn on arranged music? That sucks! I love the arranged music, I'll pass on that compilation if there isn't that option.

898th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Wed 12 Nov 10:54:post reply

No option to turn on arranged music? That sucks! I love the arranged music, I'll pass on that compilation if there isn't that option.

I recommend the import PS2 version which has the AST option built in from the start. It doesn't have 94 but 98 UM is coming soon anyways.

Ah well, kudos to SNKP USA for making the game $15 bucks. But let's make sure to let them know that we don't want them to outsource the emulation to Terminal Reality ever again.
(I think they emulated SNK Collection Vol. 1 as well as this one)

In retrospect...maybe they hired Terminal Reality to add 94 and 98. Maybe they thought they were doing something "nice" for the fans...

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Wed 12 Nov 11:03]

4539th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Wed 12 Nov 11:21post reply


In retrospect...maybe they hired Terminal Reality to add 94 and 98. Maybe they thought they were doing something "nice" for the fans...

I rememberthem saying "no 94 rebout, but 94 will make it to the US somehow". Now, using those very same words, things smell bad for 98UM, howeverit could also be that they only added it to diminguish their low sales expectations.

But aren't the ASTracks inside the disc? So you can't select them just because they felt like it? That feels... Well, exactly the opposite as "doing something nice for the fans".


898th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):KoF Orochi Collection" , posted Wed 12 Nov 12:38post reply


That feels... Well, exactly the opposite as "doing something nice for the fans".

Like I said...maybe they THOUGHT they were when they hired Terminal Reality...and they were wrong.

115th Post

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Regular Customer

"Wii version (US)" , posted Fri 5 Dec 17:27post reply

just in case anyone wanted to know in the possibility they'd rather pick this version up over the ps2 copy, and i try to address any questions about it anyone might have and some of these notes address previous questions i was asked about it

-contains kof94 up to 98
-osts only; ast only listenable in sound tests after unlocking
-no noticeable sound glitches or skips
-visual whoops during intros such as forgetting to paint the background all white (ie iori's scene in the kof95 intro is black bg instead of white)
-no video setting features if you were looking for 480p or 16x9 mode
-blood and booze and bouncy boobs if anyone is seriously wondering
-"my love" does not play at the psycho soldiers ending of kof95 but you can still listen to it in sound test after unlocking
-you can use the wiimote, nunchaku, classic, and gamecube controllers
-no load time between matches or characters, only inbetween loading a kof game and switching back to menu
-control response could be better but it's not terrible
-extra characters (orochi iori/leona/nft/rugal/saisyu etc) made available without code once unlocked by completing pretty easy challenges
-kof on wii! in america! i'm just surprised
-shermie is great bring her back to life you fuckers

Iron D
3084th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Wii version (US)" , posted Fri 5 Dec 19:15post reply

just in case anyone wanted to know in the possibility they'd rather pick this version up over the ps2 copy, and i try to address any questions about it anyone might have and some of these notes address previous questions i was asked about it

-contains kof94 up to 98
-osts only; ast only listenable in sound tests after unlocking
-no noticeable sound glitches or skips
-visual whoops during intros such as forgetting to paint the background all white (ie iori's scene in the kof95 intro is black bg instead of white)
-no video setting features if you were looking for 480p or 16x9 mode
-blood and booze and bouncy boobs if anyone is seriously wondering
-"my love" does not play at the psycho soldiers ending of kof95 but you can still listen to it in sound test after unlocking
-you can use the wiimote, nunchaku, classic, and gamecube controllers
-no load time between matches or characters, only inbetween loading a kof game and switching back to menu
-control response could be better but it's not terrible
-extra characters (orochi iori/leona/nft/rugal/saisyu etc) made available without code once unlocked by completing pretty easy challenges
-kof on wii! in america! i'm just surprised
-shermie is great bring her back to life you fuckers

So it's EXACTLY the same as the PS2 version...which for the most part is a good thing (too bad about the ASTs thought).


3146th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Wii version (US)" , posted Sat 6 Dec 11:19post reply

I picked it up for the Wii because I like the classic controller and I turn my Wii on more than my PS2. I've only played 98, but it plays well from what I've seen.

1155th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Wii version (US)" , posted Sat 6 Dec 13:34post reply
