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Maou 1516th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):The Anime Thread" , posted Sun 9 Nov 03:41
quote: Board's been a bit slow lately so I figured I'd stir it up a bit. And what better source of controversy than Japanese animation?
You are damn right. I'm glad you created this topic because I have something to ask. I've been enjoying Cowboy Bebop again, which is my favourite anime of all time. I was wondering if any members of the cafe can recommend me any anime a la cowboy bebop. I really liked the mature characters and the whole story. It's an anime I can enjoy with my wife as adults.
I only ever watched the first episode, but Samurai Champaloo seemed pretty stellar, being from Watanabe, who is wonderful. Other obvious choices: anything Miyazaki and Ghibli have laid their hands on...sophisticated works theoretically targeted "at children" but in fact worthy of adults, seeing as how M wants to have a lot more expected of children than most children's entertainment. So, grab Nausicaa and Laputa for starters, right away!
For adult-targeted animation in a James Bond kind of way, Lupin III (Cagliostro, and Secret of Mamo).
Tai-Pan 306th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(3):The Anime Thread" , posted Sun 9 Nov 04:26
quote: Board's been a bit slow lately so I figured I'd stir it up a bit. And what better source of controversy than Japanese animation?
You are damn right. I'm glad you created this topic because I have something to ask. I've been enjoying Cowboy Bebop again, which is my favourite anime of all time. I was wondering if any members of the cafe can recommend me any anime a la cowboy bebop. I really liked the mature characters and the whole story. It's an anime I can enjoy with my wife as adults. I only ever watched the first episode, but Samurai Champaloo seemed pretty stellar, being from Watanabe, who is wonderful. Other obvious choices: anything Miyazaki and Ghibli have laid their hands on...sophisticated works theoretically targeted "at children" but in fact worthy of adults, seeing as how M wants to have a lot more expected of children than most children's entertainment. So, grab Nausicaa and Laputa for starters, right away!
For adult-targeted animation in a James Bond kind of way, Lupin III (Cagliostro, and Secret of Mamo).
Thank you sir. I forgot to say that I'm not beginner when it comes to anime. I have already seen what you suggested. But thank you!!! However.. I think there are not enough adult oriented offerings
"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
nobinobita 432th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):The Anime Thread" , posted Sun 9 Nov 06:17
Thank you sir. I forgot to say that I'm not beginner when it comes to anime. I have already seen what you suggested. But thank you!!! However.. I think there are not enough adult oriented offerings
I was watching Bebop over dinner the other night... SO GOOD! Even better than I remember!
A friend of mine got his father into Anime by showing him Cowboy Bebop. His dad was a cop and a gun nut, so he ended up being totally won over by the attention to detail put into the firearms on the show. He said the guns were totally accurate in the way they looked, sounded, their firepower, and even the number of bullets they held before reloading (the guy counted). He said it was more accurate than any other movie or show he'd seen and whoever made it was a real gun lover. Of course he stayed for the ride and ended up loving the characters and the stories too.
My friend then tried showing his dad Love Hina, which didn't work out quite as well haha.
Anyway, if you want a good adult targeted anime I highly recommend Kemenozume.
It's probably the best TV show I've seen, and just one of my favorite stories all around. I'm amazed it was ever made at all. It's got a very unique story, very well developed characters and it's carried out in a very loose, freewheeling style.
It's one of those rare commercial productions where you can tell that it was a personal project for everyone involved.
Some episodes are entirely animated by a single person (key frames, inbetweens and all, even the background layouts).
For some background information on the show, please visit the very very excellent Anipages:
I haven't bothered telling you what the story is about because I think it's best to go into this show cold. I implore you to give the show a shot and stick with it, cos it's really something special. There's probably some high quality torrents of it floating around.
I hope it someday gets a comercial release in the states.
Tai-Pan 308th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(5):The Anime Thread" , posted Sun 9 Nov 07:57
Anyway, if you want a good adult targeted anime I highly recommend Kemenozume.
It's probably the best TV show I've seen, and just one of my favorite stories all around. I'm amazed it was ever made at all. It's got a very unique story, very well developed characters and it's carried out in a very loose, freewheeling style.
It's one of those rare commercial productions where you can tell that it was a personal project for everyone involved.
Some episodes are entirely animated by a single person (key frames, inbetweens and all, even the background layouts).
For some background information on the show, please visit the very very excellent Anipages:
I haven't bothered telling you what the story is about because I think it's best to go into this show cold. I implore you to give the show a shot and stick with it, cos it's really something special. There's probably some high quality torrents of it floating around.
I hope it someday gets a comercial release in the states.
WOW, I like it. I dont know how but I must get it soon. SOON
"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
karasu99 0th Post

New Customer
| "Re(6):The Anime Thread" , posted Mon 10 Nov 07:39
I resisted Evangelion for years, but watched it recently and was surprised when I really liked it. It retains a lot the air of romance that's part of giant robot shows from the 70's and 80's but you never really end up liking any of the characters, which is in itself a draw.
Can't wait to track these down, but the rate at which they're being dribbled out over years is pretty ridiculous.
quote: Just finished watching Shin Evangelion 01, it's great. The new dialogues and the whole Angels stuff refurbished intrigues me a lot, with some very good new designs (like the Magi menus or the creepy Eva simulator). I don't like very much the anime till the arrival of Ramiel, it was too similar to the series counterpart, but has very good animation. Can't wait to see the next episode, with more added contents!
Btw, do you like Eva?