Zeiram and IRIA: Worth to investigate? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Copper Customer

"Zeiram and IRIA: Worth to investigate?" , posted Sat 15 Nov 16:32post reply

I was looking for some sidescrolling action fair when I stumbled upon Hyper Iria. Doing a little research led me to the Zeiram series, and while the whole premise sounded good on paper, I wondered if anybody here has seen it to know it it's worth the time for the story alone?

I tried out a little bit of Hyper Iria on emu just to get a feel for the series. With what little of what I can understand with the A.I. giving me directions, seems good so far...

That said, I know Ed is probably shaking his fist at me right now (*deletes copy right away*), although I would get it and an SFamicom/SNES converter if I should ever stumble upon a copy. Then there's always Virtual console...


899th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Zeiram and IRIA: Worth to investigate?" , posted Sun 16 Nov 06:47post reply

I was looking for some sidescrolling action fair when I stumbled upon Hyper Iria. Doing a little research led me to the Zeiram series, and while the whole premise sounded good on paper, I wondered if anybody here has seen it to know it it's worth the time for the story alone?

I tried out a little bit of Hyper Iria on emu just to get a feel for the series. With what little of what I can understand with the A.I. giving me directions, seems good so far...

That said, I know Ed is probably shaking his fist at me right now (*deletes copy right away*), although I would get it and an SFamicom/SNES converter if I should ever stumble upon a copy. Then there's always Virtual console...

It's one of the oldies but goodies IMO. It's been a long time since I've seen it but I seem to remember some decent action sequences plus the final boss guy had a memorable design.

282th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Zeiram and IRIA: Worth to investigate?" , posted Sun 16 Nov 08:22:post reply

It's one of the oldies but goodies IMO. It's been a long time since I've seen it but I seem to remember some decent action sequences plus the final boss guy had a memorable design.

From what I've seen, I can vouch for the design (not the usual scantly-clad heroine) and some of the settings, but that's based on what I've seen from the game. I'm not quite sure how the live-action movie was carried out, which is why I ask.

To elaborate: I haven't had a good experience with live-action sci-fi Japanese films. The best I've seen is Ryuhei Kitamura's Alive and the Casshern film, and those came off as particularly cheesy and felt bad for watching it (though not as bad as I felt after watching Pistol Opera). I'm a little nervous about how concept sci-fi like Zeiram could be pulled off without making it look like they were all Saturday-morning sentai.

[this message was edited by sfried on Sun 16 Nov 08:32]

1140th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Zeiram and IRIA: Worth to investigate?" , posted Sun 16 Nov 09:25post reply

I loved the movie when I first saw it, probably around 94-95 when I was still really young, and I saw it again either late last year or early this year and I think it holds up in terms of entertainment value. There's a lot of very cool practical effects that I still think look good. It's worth checking out. Iria I haven't seen in years though, I had the old US DVD release but there's a remastered version out now and I imagine it looks a good bit better than the dual layer single disc release did. It's a good time.

I've had Zeiram 2 for years and still haven't watched it yet, but maybe I will tonight and report back.

441th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Zeiram and IRIA: Worth to investigate?" , posted Sun 16 Nov 23:22post reply

It's one of the oldies but goodies IMO. It's been a long time since I've seen it but I seem to remember some decent action sequences plus the final boss guy had a memorable design.
From what I've seen, I can vouch for the design (not the usual scantly-clad heroine) and some of the settings, but that's based on what I've seen from the game. I'm not quite sure how the live-action movie was carried out, which is why I ask.

The movie looked great cos it had the winning team of Keita Amemiya and Takayuki Takeya, who many consider to be the best sculptor in the field today.

282th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Zeiram and IRIA: Worth to investigate?" , posted Mon 17 Nov 06:19post reply

The movie looked great cos it had the winning team of Keita Amemiya and Takayuki Takeya, who many consider to be the best sculptor in the field today.

So I'm guessing the set design is great?