Your Gaming Backlogs - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Sun 23 Nov 21:37post reply

So Iggy and Polly posting about Raidou 2 in the Dissidia thread reminded me that I still own Devil Summoner and at some point I completely forgot about it. This compounds an already lengthy backlog of unfinished business in games that I've never gotten around to.

So I made this thread! To remind me, anyway. But you can use it too, if you want to post your own unfinished business. Anything you've really been meaning to get to but never have. When I really think about it, there's certainly a lot I can recall.

So let's see... in no particular order...

Vagrant Story - LOL I hate this game with a passion... I think I've started it over about 4 times and every time I get to the same part and have to stop because my weapons are doing no damage to anything. I'll probably never complete it without cheating.

Koudelka - I bought it cheap, played it for like 5 minutes 8 years ago and haven't touched it since. I don't even know what the story is yet.

Final Fantasy Origins - Couldn't finish either one. I never finished these games when they were new, either. Someday.

Gladius - I actually kind of liked this game. I should probably finish it. Not even sure how far I was, come to think of it.

Metroid Prime - must get past introductory stage to justify $3 purchase...

Devil Summoner - as already mentioned, totally forgot I was playing it. I guess it left quite an impression :P

FF3 DS remake - I made it to the final area, and then I quickly realized how much job and level grinding you have to do just to get through it since it doesn't let you save at that point :(

Battle Fantasia - still haven't finished story mode with half the characters.

Saint's Row - Still haven't finished it. Which is weird, because I've finished Saint's Row 2 so I kind of already know what's going to happen.

Half-Life 2, HL Episode 1&2, Team Fortress, TF2 - Maybe I'll actually install and play them someday? Come to think of it, why did I even buy these?

Super Smash Bros Brawl - LOL but I still don't own a Wii



8733th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Sun 23 Nov 21:52post reply

I have played the first hour of MGS1 three times before noticing I will never like this series, and that my interest for military men is concealed to the porn sphere. I also hate firearms, and that doesn't help.

Thread hijack as soon as the second post? Yes I can!

My main question is...are the battles less boring now? That was the only thing I really disliked about the first game. The fights weren't strategic enough to make up for how slow and clunky they were. They failed as RPG fights and they failed miserably as action game fights.

Well.. I haven't played the first Raidou. I was very interested by the setting and the bigger emphasis on the demons, but I heard enough hate on it to think twice (only one ally on battle? fewer demons than any game in the series? No pixie? No discussion? how can it even call itself Devil Summoner!).
I bought Raidou 2 day one for Megaten Maniacs Chronicles (which I haven't played yet, but Maniacs being amongst my favorite games on the system, I don't mind that) and I thought "well, that way I will be able to see how the series feel and if they fixed stuff up. If not, no big deal, it wasn't my main goal anyway".

So. Having 2 demons in battle feels just how it should. It's like FFXII if you couldn't change what character you control. Of course, it could allow more demons at once if it had bigger fight areas and more enemies at the same time, but I'm not sure whether the fight would be as readable then. Also, the game would require a much bigger budget than it has (and, arguably, deserves).
As they are, the fights are really, really enjoyable. My boyfriend, who can't read Japanese, just sits near me and watch me play when I'm in a dungeon, because they look amusing.
There are TONS of demons. I don't know how many, but it looks like there are even more than in Maniacs. There are many demons you can only get via accidental fusion, so it's always interesting to take the risk.

I also like discussions a lot. I always like random mechanics, so maybe they could throw other people off, but I really enjoy the variations, and how you can also control the level of randomness by choosing your demons (each has a specific way of speaking (chosen amongst a small dozens?) and each demon like/dislike/is uninterested by each type, so to maximize your chance, you should manage you team according to the demon you want to get).
It may have the drawback of clogging your team: you need demons of several types (wind, strength, ice) to pass through specific challenges, and at the same time keep at least some basic speech archetypes to seduce the demons you will find, so you always have to sacrifice demons to make room and take the risk to miss just the type you will need next.

Also, I like fusions and I change sometimes half of my team every hour or so. If you are attached to one demon, you can keep it, but can be difficult when you want to keep 3 or 4 of them.

So, every gameplay portion of the game please me to no end.


The rest is ANNOYING AS HELL. Every character talks, talks, talks to no end, they explain you each plot point 3, even 4 times, without making the obvious logical steps so you're always 10 hours ahead of them, and you have to see them discuss 3 TIMES IN A ROW how this guy who mysteriously disappeared must be related to that mysterious masked man, but how ? (oh, and for that specific plotpoint: it's even spoiled in the INTRODUCTION MOVIE).
So now, I just skip the dialogues (it still takes too long to my tastes) and the very few times I don't know where to go because I missed the rare important information I was given, I go read a FAQ to see where I'm supposed to go next. I hate every single character, and even Godô can be incredibly stupid sometimes.
Oh, also, the game is really cheap-looking, and It's been years since I've played a game with pre-rendered backgrounds, and so poorly thought ones (like, you walk out of a place by pressing left, then you appear on the next place (after a fast freeze, still annoying) but there, you face another direction and having "left" pressed makes you come back where you come from).

But the demons are so great, so interesting, the fights are so fun, discussions are the best in any Megaten-related game...
You really need to be able to close your eyes on the obvious flaws to enjoy it.

Oh, also, some elements make me think the game won't be released out of Japan (the way the first kana of the name of demons influences some random blessings, which might require some reprogramming to work in roman alphabet...?)

3770th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Sun 23 Nov 22:01:post reply

post your own unfinished business.

I had like 10 unopened games, but thanks to unemployement I've been able to finish most of them, except for these honorable mentions:

Twilight Princess: I will never touch this again
Resident Evil- The Umbrella Chronicles: I won't touch it because I know it will look horrid.
No More Heroes: Same as above
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition: I finished the Gamecube one like 20 times. I just bought this because some asshole stole my consoles a few years ago, and the disc 1 of RE4 was inside the GC.

On second thought, I think I will pack the Wii and use the space for something else

[this message was edited by ONSLAUGHT on Sun 23 Nov 22:02]

Time Mage
2725th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Sun 23 Nov 22:06post reply

Good idea, as I have also a bunch of games waiting to be played (and also a buch of games I've not bought because I have many games in the waiting line).

> Okami: I bought it last year, and I haven't played it yet. The fact that it's a long game explains the delay somewhat, but that hasn't stopped me from playing through Fire Emblem Radiant dawn TWICE.

> FFXII: Revenant Wings: Bought it on some sort of an impulse, and I don't know when I'll play it. some people tell me it's a great game, some tell me it's too simple and not very well done. In any case, I wanted to play a RTS that wasn't stupidly difficult due to my lack of thinking speed.

> FFT Advance 2: If the other FFTA is an example, I know I should stay away from this one until I have about 300 free hours xD And that's basically why I'm not playing it, because judging from the little I played it, it is going to be an AWESOME game. and with a hard mode unlocked from the very beginning!

> The World Ends With You: Visually and sound-wise is impressive, for the little I played it. But it will probably sit in the shelf for a while.

> Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice: I have yet to buy this one, and I'm pretty sure it won't be as good as the first three (I finished T&T, and I'm still shocked by the amazingness that is the last case), but I have to play it. It can't be bad.

> New Super Mario Bros: Still don't have it, but since it's a Nintendo game, I'm sure it will stay on the stores forever.

> TLoZ Phantom Hourglass: Ditto as the above.

> Metroid Prime 2: I want to play it... If only to remember how good the first one was, and to have the proper background to play...

> ...Metroid Prime 3: The controls intrigue me, and it seems that this time there's more interaction with people, for a change. I have yet to buy it.

> Devil May Cry: Yes, the first one. Whenever I borrow it from a friend, I end up stuck at the third Nelo Angelo fight, and return it to him before trying again. Stupid boss fight with a save point so damn far...

I think that's basically all from me.

And regarding this:
Vagrant Story - LOL I hate this game with a passion... I think I've started it over about 4 times and every time I get to the same part and have to stop because my weapons are doing no damage to anything. I'll probably never complete it without cheating.

Just keep 5 weapons in your inventory all the time with the following characteristics: One edged, one piercing, one blunt, a crossbow, and a silver one for ghosts (specially early on). DO NOT focus on raising the racial stats (I.E.: Human, devil, dragon, etc.), as those stats are difficult to raise and yield much, much less damage than choosing the correct type strike of your weapon. Just use analyze to see which is the lowest resistance of the enemy that is troubling you, and use the correct weapon (i.e.: If the monster's blunt defense is the lowest, use a blunt weapon on it, etc). Just get the weapons of those types with the highest attack rating, and you're done. And favor one handed weapons: Shields are extremely good to reduce damage. Oh, and magical buffs/debuffs are essential in harder fights, too.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

3770th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Sun 23 Nov 22:10post reply


Just keep 5 weapons in your inventory all the time with the following characteristics

I love VS!
I just sticked to my custom weapons. I remember that I finished the game so many times, that I could kill the bosses with a 5 hit combo.
Good times.

Time Mage
2726th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Sun 23 Nov 22:23post reply

I remember that I finished the game so many times, that I could kill the bosses with a 5 hit combo.
Good times.

I actually can kill the final boss with ONE spell. In my second playthrough. People always underestimate the offensive magic in VS: Hagane Sage Staff FTW!

Some day, I'll work towards getting the Grand Master Breaker title. Some day...

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

127th Post

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"Re(4):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Sun 23 Nov 22:49post reply

I enjoy playing games, but also collect them, so I've got a lot of unfinished games (especially GC and PS2) to go back someday. On the current gen I'm aware of the harshness of Valkyria Chronicles, too much challenge for a beginner in s-rpgs.

Also, Shikigami No Shiro 2 on DC is pretty well unfineshed, but I still play it. But I suck deeply, running out of continues too soon. LOL.

8734th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Sun 23 Nov 23:29post reply

> Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice: [...] It can't be bad.

You're in for a huge disappointment. You could have more fun if you just throw your money at a drunk hobo.

1530th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"hail Gojira" , posted Sun 23 Nov 23:53:post reply


It really does address all my needs. So much unfinished business, so tragic.

Wish Room/Hotel Dusk: I love this to death for its atmosphere (less so for the 3D grafix, and I mean it how I spell it). Only about two chapters in. I have a long train ride soon, so maybe I can stop neglecting.

Dragon Quest IV: I've been meaning to play this for about 10 years since my friends and I never did the Dragon Quest thing (miraculously) even when we were huge RPG guys, but especially now that I have the DS copy and have had it for months and months. I narrowly avoided buying DQ V last July, only to have it sit and glare at me for criminal neglect as well. I REALLY want to play these foundational games.

Phantasy Star II (Sega Ages): Yeah, I'm still on Palma, but my guys have actually grinded (ground?) enough that I don't die all the time. But this was all 8 months ago!

Odin Sphere: Yeah, it was a pretty five minutes, and like Ishmael, lifting up the cat was a revalation for me, but then I figured I should finish Phantasy Star II again. Ooops.

Unbought: Gyakuten Saiban and Famicom Wars DS, Advance Wars, etc. I love the latter and always wanted to play the former. Haven't ever owned any of them. Argh.

The sad truth is that I ended up replaying/refinishing my much beloved Wander and the Colossus last winter instead of actually finishing these guys. And I still have been wanting to replay FF VI and Chrono Trigger for the last year. Sigh...


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 24 Nov 00:03]

1043th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):hail Gojira" , posted Mon 24 Nov 01:19post reply

Renting games is a blessing. That being said, these are the games I've actually purchased and intend on finishing some day:

Enemy Zero
D (got the bad ending :()

Valkyria Chronicles
Wipeout HD
Fallout 3
MGS4 English (Beat it in Japanese)

Silent Hill 2 (2nd time)
Silent Hill 3 (1st Time!)

Mother 2 and searching desperately for Mother 3

That being said, I just beat Mirror's Edge over the weekend. It's really short, but I recommended people give it a rent! Really fun while it lasted (I love speed games).

Play to win.

1681th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):hail Gojira" , posted Mon 24 Nov 02:49post reply


Wish Room/Hotel Dusk: I love this to death for its atmosphere (less so for the 3D grafix, and I mean it how I spell it). Only about two chapters in. I have a long train ride soon, so maybe I can stop neglecting.

The game is wonderful until a certain point. People who have played this point will understand, simply say "the newspaper" around them, and they will mutter "goddamn why". It's not a shark-jumping turn like Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit, but rather it's like the game just spoils everything for you right then and there.

I have F-Zero GX, Metroid Prime (the first one), and the gamecube Paper Mario sitting around.

I still haven't beaten the Red Star, in spite of really liking it.

Variable Savior
451th Post

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"Re(2):hail Gojira" , posted Mon 24 Nov 03:10post reply

I have a mess of unfinished/unstarted games myself:

- Twilight Princess (Wii) = I just got... bored with it. And I really hate the stupid wolf parts.

- Final Fantasy III (DS) = lost interest once I realized all the side quests can only be unlocked by exchanging letters with other gamers. And the grinding Gojira mentioned didn't help either

- No More Heroes = I really liked this but never feel the need to get back into it

- Odin Sphere = I really need to start this one of these days

- Neo Geo Battle Colosseum = just didn't think it was particularly good (especially after KoFXI)

- SvC: Chaos = see above and multiply by 100

- KoF:MI = paid $9.00 for it; still got ripped off

- Jet Set Radio Future = loved it but lost interest somehow

- Disgaea 2 = After D1 and MK I'm afraid to play this game due to addiction issues

- Phantom Brave = see above

- Metal Gear Solid 1 = bought for $10.00, never played, probably never will

- Metal Gear Solid 4 = would require I take my PS3 out of the box...

- Guilty Gear (PSX) = also $10.00 but I'll never even take it out of the plastic

- Metroid Prime = I don't even know why I own this

- Mario Sunshine = just got to be a pain

- Zelda: Four Swords = a gift I forget I own and don't particularly care that I do

- Chrono Cross = liked this one too but quit after I couldn't figure out what the hell the order of magic spells at the end of the game was for

- Hotel Dust = I soooo wanted to love this game but found it rather boring instead

- Elite Beat Agents = can't tolerate the music of the fourth (fifth?) song and can't suffer it long enough to pass that section

- Okami = seemed fun but I just couldn't get into it

- Skygunner = seemed like it should have been fun; but wasn't

- Boom Blox = I still mess with this once in a while

- Super Smash Bros Brawl = if completing the 1 player mode means finishing the game then I'll never be done

Blood marks heaven's path

351th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Mon 24 Nov 03:13post reply

Half-Life 2, HL Episode 1&2, Team Fortress, TF2 - Maybe I'll actually install and play them someday? Come to think of it, why did I even buy these?

I recommend setting the difficulty to easy if you ever start playing these. Hard mode doesn't change the AI at all it just makes everything do more damage so you die randomly for no particular reason quite often. I had much more fun playing episodes 1+2 on easy.

Be kind to goblins.

Iron D
3072th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):hail Gojira" , posted Mon 24 Nov 04:09post reply


- Odin Sphere = I really need to start this one of these days

- Neo Geo Battle Colosseum = just didn't think it was particularly good (especially after KoFXI)

- SvC: Chaos = see above and multiply by 100

- Jet Set Radio Future = loved it but lost interest somehow

Heh. I can take this chunk right out of VS's list and apply to mine, for the same reasons even!

But then my list is freakin' looooong still.

Xbox: Star Wars KotR (haven't started), Jade Empire (haven't started), The Warriors (played first couple stages), Shenmue II (got stuck playing through the first time on DC, still intend to beat it some day)

GC: Sonic CD (so close to beating it, but haven't done so for some reason), Sonic the Fighters (only beat it with one character), Mega Man Anniversary Collection (don't know when I'll actually get around to starting this)

PS2: Ratchet and Clank, Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol. 1 and 2 (haven't beaten every game with every character but intend to do so), Guitar Hero III (Fuck you, Lou! FUCK YOU!), Metal Slug Anthology (haven't beaten 3,4,5 or 6), Fire Pro Wrestling (just too damned much to do in this game), Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi, Comix Zone, KoF XI (still need to beat it many characters)

DC: Skies of Arcadia ('s been awhile...still intend to play it someday)

Old school: Earthworm Jim 2 (still haven't beaten this game...freakin hard), Contra: Hard Corps (see EJ2), Contra III, The Adventures of Batman and Robin (SNES), Vectorman II, Maximum Carnage...

Yeah, I've got enough backlog to last me the rest of my life. This list doesn't even include games that I've beaten but intend to play through again soon like Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force III and so on and so forth.


Shin ATproof
1223th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Mon 24 Nov 04:18post reply

The answer to all of these is:

"Just haven't had the time to play/finish them."

Rogue Galaxy
Dragon Quest 8
Final Fantasy 12
Tales of Symphonia
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete
Xenosaga Episodes 2 & 3
Wild Arms 3
Wild Arms Code Alter Code F
Wild Arms 5
Phantasy Star Universe
Chrono Cross
Izuna the Unemployed Ninja
Shadow of the Colosus

Sí mon con langosta y camarón

644th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Mon 24 Nov 08:12post reply

This thread put me into shame. If you'll excuse I'm gonna sit around the corner and cry.


2487th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Mon 24 Nov 09:18post reply

> New Super Mario Bros: Still don't have it, but since it's a Nintendo game, I'm sure it will stay on the stores forever.

> Devil May Cry: Yes, the first one. Whenever I borrow it from a friend, I end up stuck at the third Nelo Angelo fight, and return it to him before trying again. Stupid boss fight with a save point so damn far...

Oh yeah, I had these two also. NSMB I never got anywhere with; I thought I would like it more but when I was in the airport trying to play it I just couldn't help but feel shame at those mini-games. And DMC I'm still stuck on the first magma spider. I've beaten it before, but I deleted the save a long time ago so I forgot what to do.


And regarding this:
Vagrant Story - LOL I hate this game with a passion... I think I've started it over about 4 times and every time I get to the same part and have to stop because my weapons are doing no damage to anything. I'll probably never complete it without cheating.
Just keep 5 weapons in your inventory all the time with the following characteristics: One edged, one piercing, one blunt, a crossbow, and a silver one for ghosts (specially early on). DO NOT focus on raising the racial stats (I.E.: Human, devil, dragon, etc.), as those stats are difficult to raise and yield much, much less damage than choosing the correct type strike of your weapon. Just use analyze to see which is the lowest resistance of the enemy that is troubling you, and use the correct weapon (i.e.: If the monster's blunt defense is the lowest, use a blunt weapon on it, etc). Just get the weapons of those types with the highest attack rating, and you're done. And favor one handed weapons: Shields are extremely good to reduce damage. Oh, and magical buffs/debuffs are essential in harder fights, too.

Thanks, I might actually give it another try. Though I still feel like Quest's stuff just rubs me the wrong way most of the time. I feel like I should be clocking in before I play their stuff because they feel too much like work to me.


2596th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Mon 24 Nov 12:01post reply

Great topic. I can't keep up with commenting on everything, but there were a few things I'd like to say:

Thanks for the review. It sounds promising enough for me to pick up. If I could tolerate the last 20 hours or so of Persona 4 (it was good for a while at least) I'm sure the excessive and repetitive dialogue won't bug me too much.

Actually, I feel like that kind of writing is just the norm in games today. Like people think it's somehow better to have the characters talk more, even if they just say the same thing over and over again.

Also, I've never played Maniax. I played SMT3, but when I was told that Maniax was slightly easier on "normal" and people were complaining about the inclusions, I passed on it. Now, rather what I heard was true or not, I just want an excuse to play SMT3 again.


I found Koudelka to be the most infuriating, unplayable game ever. I can't even imagine how horrible it would be to go back to it now. In the battles everyone STOPS before doing anything. Encounter-pause-menu-pause-decision-pause-move-pause-attack-pause. I really wanted to like it, though. Is it on the back log because you're a big Shadow Hearts fan or what?

Time Mage

(I'm just using this as an excuse to talk about games)

I liked FFTA2, but I also didn't finish it. I don't regret the time I spent with it, but I'm glad I stopped when I did all the same. Having "hard" available from the start was a huge improvement, but it didn't save most of the fights from being totally boneheaded or one-sided.

The insistence on including Vaan and Penelo in the "plot" was a little lame, but I think Penelo is so adorable that the only thing that bugged me about it was that I couldn't get her on my team until the end of the game.

Anyway, huge improvement over the first game (which I still liked) in almost every way.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

2489th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Mon 24 Nov 12:28post reply



I found Koudelka to be the most infuriating, unplayable game ever. I can't even imagine how horrible it would be to go back to it now. In the battles everyone STOPS before doing anything. Encounter-pause-menu-pause-decision-pause-move-pause-attack-pause. I really wanted to like it, though. Is it on the back log because you're a big Shadow Hearts fan or what?

Exactly, yeah. The little side references that the Shadow Hearts series would make to "Koudelka" in name and god-knows-what-else got to me. Being the first effort I wasn't really expecting it to be a good game though, more like I want to force myself to play through it just to complete the cycle.


8736th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Mon 24 Nov 21:03post reply

Also, I've never played Maniax. I played SMT3, but when I was told that Maniax was slightly easier on "normal" and people were complaining about the inclusions, I passed on it. Now, rather what I heard was true or not, I just want an excuse to play SMT3 again.
Who can find anything to complain about the inclusions of Maniax ? Beside Dante who could sound unreasonable (and now he's gone in Chronicle) the inclusions are a few interesting boss battles, an optional dungeon, a dozen of bonus demons, some bug checks and skipable game over/elevator.
Also, the normal mode is easier than regular Nocturne, and Hard is harder. It's just rebalancing, and it cures some of the most frustrating elements (except the Motto battle, which is more amusing than anything).

Yeah, on topic... for sheer curiosity, I bought the casual RPG Sekai wa atashi de mawatteiru (Atlus is releasing it in the West, under the name My World My Way, I think) and it was fun. I stopped playing around half of the game because it was the same thing again and again, but I may finish it some day.
Imabikisô is terrible, and I couldn't find the energy to try the 6 other scenarios. I do hope 428 will be better.
I should be playing more Real Bout 2 as well, if only to look slightly less miserable when I meet Chaz again. Of, and World Heroes 2 Jet.

1044th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Tue 25 Nov 03:37post reply

Supposedly 428 will be really good.
At least, that's what my friend says.
Imabikisou looked too scary for me!

Play to win.

573th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Wed 26 Nov 19:22post reply

Where to begin?

What I currently own:
PSone - Legend of Dragoon, Dragon Warrior VII, and Strider 2

Dreamcast - Cannon Spike

PS2 - Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X-2, Silpheed, Red Ninja, Shadow of Colossus, Beyond Good & Evil, Rygar, Lupin the Third, Final Fight: Street Wise, God Hand, and Odin Sphere

XBox - Gun Valkyrie and Psychonauats

Gamecube - Veiwtiful Joe 2 and X-Men Legends II

XBox 360 - nothing worth mentioning

Wii - up to date!

PS3 - also up to date! Of course, the only two games I have for this system is Rock Band 1 & 2.

Future purchases:

DS - Dragon Ball: Origins (expecting this in the mail)

XBox 360/PS3/Wii - Meh. As far as I know there are not any games that I am looking forward to (other than KOF XII).
Supposedly 428 will be really good.
At least, that's what my friend says.
Imabikisou looked too scary for me!

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

3345th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Wed 26 Nov 23:11post reply

Bargain bins are the baine of my existence. They seem like a great idea because I can pick up titles I might not have otherwise played for a very small amount of money. But those discount piles are are a problem for the exact same reason. I have far too many orphan games that I picked up on the off chance I might enjoy them someday. For example, I just found I own a Dreamcast copy of Dino Crisis. Where did that come from? I don't think I've ever even put that disc into my DC. Did I buy it on the thought that I might someday become interested in the niche genre of dinosaur survival?

Then there are those games that I feel I should enjoy but I can't seem to get into. MGS3 lets me shoot fish and eat anything that isn't fast enough to get away from me so it should be right up my alley. Instead I found that I liked the minimal "stealth" requirements in the previous MGS games and that the fixed camera and inability to see the vision cones of the enemies were frustrating me in MGS3. But because the game seemed like something that should be enjoyable I dug through another one of bargain bins and pulled out a copy of MGS3:Subsistence. Now that I could twiddle with the camera to my heart's content I figured I could finally get down to the business of eating animals. Instead, I found all sorts of other aspects of the game that drove me nuts. I keep telling myself that I will play that game someday but I don't know when that day will be.

575th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Your Gaming Backlogs" , posted Thu 27 Nov 06:58post reply

That is pretty much where I buy my games though. If the game is a bargain and still in the plastic wrap, I will get it. If I can not find the game and my best bet is in the bargain bin. Of course, a majority of my back log stems from the bargain bin.

Bargain bins are the baine of my existence. They seem like a great idea because I can pick up titles I might not have otherwise played for a very small amount of money. But those discount piles are are a problem for the exact same reason. I have far too many orphan games that I picked up on the off chance I might enjoy them someday. For example, I just found I own a Dreamcast copy of Dino Crisis. Where did that come from? I don't think I've ever even put that disc into my DC. Did I buy it on the thought that I might someday become interested in the niche genre of dinosaur survival?

Then there are those games that I feel I should enjoy but I can't seem to get into. MGS3 lets me shoot fish and eat anything that isn't fast enough to get away from me so it should be right up my alley. Instead I found that I liked the minimal "stealth" requirements in the previous MGS games and that the fixed camera and inability to see the vision cones of the enemies were frustrating me in MGS3. But because the game seemed like something that should be enjoyable I dug through another one of bargain bins and pulled out a copy of MGS3:Subsistence. Now that I could twiddle with the camera to my heart's content I figured I could finally get down to the business of eating animals. Instead, I found all sorts of other aspects of the game that drove me nuts. I keep telling myself that I will play that game someday but I don't know when that day will be.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...