Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P? - Forums

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P?" , posted Sat 29 Nov 16:32post reply

The Sun had some spoilers

I don't quite get what's been going on. They do this after The Dark Knight? The second highest grossing movie of all time? I know this stuff isn't permanent, but I just don't understand the twist.


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"Re(1):Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P?" , posted Sat 29 Nov 19:49post reply

The Sun had some spoilers

I don't quite get what's been going on. They do this after The Dark Knight? The second highest grossing movie of all time? I know this stuff isn't permanent, but I just don't understand the twist.

Well, the next movie could be centered around passing the batman persona from bruce wayne to a new generation, just like Batman Beyond

Count Hihihi
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"Re(2):Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P?" , posted Sun 30 Nov 02:24post reply


passing the batman persona from bruce wayne

Does not compute.

446th Post

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"Re(1):Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P?" , posted Sun 30 Nov 02:52post reply

The Sun had some spoilers

I don't quite get what's been going on. They do this after The Dark Knight? The second highest grossing movie of all time? I know this stuff isn't permanent, but I just don't understand the twist.

Golly! That's one stupid twist!

I think DC just felt the need to do something contraversial to boost their comic sales for a little bit.

Also, I think Grant Morrisson wants to do something contraversial with the franchise especially after the success of the Dark Knight so he can get some attention and make a transition into Hollywood.

In the past he was very vocal about how he thought Superman Returns sucked and he's been pitching his own relaunch of the franchise.

It's comics like this that made me stop reading Superhero comics in the late 90s.

443th Post

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"Re(1):Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P?" , posted Sun 30 Nov 02:57post reply

The Sun had some spoilers

I don't quite get what's been going on. They do this after The Dark Knight? The second highest grossing movie of all time? I know this stuff isn't permanent, but I just don't understand the twist.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Essentially, this has to be one vague ending for Batman. I am still trying to sit back and piece the holes on my spare time.

Batman is supposedly "killed" in a exploding helicopter Martin Hurt who is supposedly Thomas Wayne. Though it is questionable himself in the comics where he is stated to be the piece that doesn't fit or something like that. Inconclusive evidence. At the same time I believe it was also a screw in believing Alfred to be the actual father of Bruce as he was essentially smashing Martha behind Thomas back. True or not? Unsure really. I still think it was a plot device to screw with Bruce's head.

Then you have Jezebel Jet who apparently is the black glove with through word play in the comics not signifying a specific gender. Bruce didn't trust her to begin with in accordance to the last issue of RIP because he feels he attracts evil women.

You have the Joker, seemingly smashed by Bruce wayne's son Damien and an apparent accomplice of the black glove. He was kind of forced by the black glove to go up and finish things against Batman but when his propensity of dislike to be used by other people causes him to do other things.

Next you have the whole emotional back up response of Bruce Wayne making the Zur en Arh personality when Bruce got drugged when Batman cannot be present. That is also a play on words as it is the last words Thomas and Martha muttered to their son as a bit of Zorro in Arkham.

Personally I might reread this all again I am trying to put all the pieces together and make sense of everything.

But Badoor is essentially correct about passing on the bat cowl. According to the New York Comic con pictures of Nightwing, Tim Drake, Jason Todd and Hush are all together with the words underneath them "I am Batman"

I'll update as this goes along as I am currently busy at the moment to give more information.

End of Spoiler

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579th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P?" , posted Sun 30 Nov 06:25post reply

Dammit GekigangerV you beat me to it. I was planning a comic book thread asking about what everyone in the Cafe was reading. But it is not too late in this thread!

To piggy back on Batman: R.I.P.
This is the Grant Morrison that is incoherent. I do not understand this guy, sometimes he shows how good he can weave a good story and sometimes he just likes to have surprised buttsecks with the readers. It seems to be the latter on Batman: R.I.P. My head hurts after reading this story line.

Final Crisis - This Grant Morrison is coherent. I would like to see the fate of the DC heroes in this one.

Secret Invasion - Marvel's major event crossover. But I am mostly reading the main mini-series that shares the name. Has the last issue came out yet? Why has Marvel became such an event whore? I know that there are two (2) more major events that comes after Secret Invasion.

The Sun had some spoilers

I don't quite get what's been going on. They do this after The Dark Knight? The second highest grossing movie of all time? I know this stuff isn't permanent, but I just don't understand the twist.

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1274th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P?" , posted Sun 30 Nov 12:01post reply

Golly! That's one stupid twist!

I think DC just felt the need to do something contraversial to boost their comic sales for a little bit.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Wow... and I thought the new look and job he gave to Mary Marvel in Final Crisis were already controversial enough...

End of Spoiler

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245th Post

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"Re(3):Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P?" , posted Sun 30 Nov 13:37:post reply

Golly! That's one stupid twist!

I think DC just felt the need to do something contraversial to boost their comic sales for a little bit.

Batman didnt really die in RIP. In interviews it happens before final crisis where he's alive and captured

as for RIP being incoherent, i havent fully read it yet but based on what i have read from different forums, it makes sense

[this message was edited by D`Cloud on Sun 30 Nov 16:42]

1485th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P?" , posted Sun 30 Nov 14:12post reply

Batman will stay dead for good as soon as the Joker stays locked up in Arkham for good.

580th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Can someone tell me about Batman R.I.P?" , posted Mon 1 Dec 10:41post reply

The story line hurts my head, while the writer can be incoherent. Sorry if it was interpreted this way.
as for RIP being incoherent...

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...