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Toxico 4589th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):A londonian is me" , posted Mon 15 Dec 20:59:
I don't recall anyone here living there... But maybe someone has, and can share the experience?
I think Red Falcon was from England... Or was he an alien that pretended to had british accent?
Oh, and also to play WH2Jet.
But, it has to be Jet? While Jet is, perhaps the more traditional game in the saga, being the one that has the most comprensible "game play order" and being the most "SF like" game in the series; it is exactly for that that is the one that provide the least "World Heroes experience" in the saga (along with 1), and is the less agressive and original one. Then again if you don't want Rasputin to rape you in a flower bed or Kidd to strongly smash your sweaty body against the wall, it is perhaps the best game to find out 'what your personality' in the saga is.
EDIT : Ah, I was forgetting, while I like the music in jet for 1p game the best within the series; while playing 2p game you can only hear one tune... So get ready those playlist if you are going to play too many hours straight..... And remember to hit the bull 30 times.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Last updated : 09/12/08 (58 personajes)
[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 15 Dec 21:05] |
Nekros 144th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(3):A londonian is me" , posted Tue 16 Dec 05:28
quote: London is ahh..what can I say...nice? not nice? I dont know...its depressing in a way....tsk, oh boy..good luck sir.
Thank you, sir.
Good things about London: * The Starbucks are cheaper than in Paris, and the cookies are, like, 3 times larger. But Starbucks is insanely expensive here, so that's nothing to brag about.
Bad things about London: *Everything else. *Boy are they ugly. *And it rains all the time, according to the Wii weather Channel. And if they say so on the Wii weather Channel, then it's absolute fact and all the photographs of sunny London have been photoshopped. You can tell because of the pixels.
London is not so ugly....at least better than any Italian cities. But I suppose it depends straight where you came from. So where are you from, Iggy?
I visited London last year, to me is a nice city and English people are very polite and friendly (but ok, I'm from a country of mere garbage...)
Iggy 8770th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):A londonian is me" , posted Tue 16 Dec 08:15:
We Parisians will never forgive the brits for the infamy of 1413. Fortunately, Nature itself has avenged us by making them physically disgraceful (especially compared to our gorgeous Parisian features). But now, my delicate Mediterranean complexion is going to be violently assaulted by the rude Saxon weather and its gruesome humidity! Oh, the infamy!
Yanks, you say? Never heard of those. Must be one of these fancy barbarians Lafayette had to help defeat a few puny english battalions...? I never cared much about new countries. They are like fashion fads: I'm sure we'll barely remember them a few years from now.
Rugal: The brasserie Lipp? Bah! This is but Belgian grosse cuisine!
----------------------- I've only been in Nagoya for a few days, but the feeling I had was rather close to Ktallguy's. But I was with some friends from Kyoto, full of their old culture, so I may have been biased. Osaka rocks, though.
EDIT : oh, and I don't know where I will be living, but I'm looking at the fancy places in west London. We'll see.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 16 Dec 08:20] |
Ktallguy 1053th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(3):A londonian is me" , posted Tue 16 Dec 10:16
quote: You're all disgusting. With your watery, rainy, dingy, glum, gray eastern US and European cities.
It's all about Cali folks. Dry and warm (okay, dry and HOT), good food and beautiful women people.
Portland might as well be an Eastern city, with how gray and rainy it is. Bah!
I love California too. But NY is better in some ways.
I hate how sprawling LA is, and how everything in SF closes too early, and SD is just kind of meh (lived there 5 years).
But I still love Cali :)
Play to win.
ktallguy 1054th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(5):A londonian is me" , posted Wed 17 Dec 01:09
quote: Back to Nagoya, Ktallguy, you could do worse...one of my old-time buddies lived there for a while and now has a house outta town a ways. If you're into groovy jazz bars and unusual scenes, Nagoya evidently is pretty fun. I haven't been there, actually, but this friend of mine could definitely recommend a place or two depending on what you're looking for. You can always e-mail if you want to find out about actual places. Yessir.
Re: leaving Paris: for shame! London's fine, but it's like the bad 3P outfit of Paris' P1. Ah well.
That's actually nice to hear, because I like interesting little underground scenes. In Tokyo I'd always go to some cool bar off the beaten path, so if there is anything similar in Nagoya I'd want to know soon, as I have to pick an apartment within walking distance :lol
I'm sure you could do much worse than London though. I mean, hell, Austin Powers lives there right? And there's that snogging business I hear so much about, that's fun, right?
I really wish I could go to Europe this year. I unexpectedly got an extra week of vacation, but unfortunately my GF can't leave the country because of some VISA issues. So we'll probably visit Canada.
Play to win.
Iggy 8772th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):A londonian is me" , posted Wed 17 Dec 20:52
quote: I assume that sending them a gretting card would be nicer & more enjoyable than having someone that looks like the elephant man say hi to them.
Oh, Toxico... But that's exactly the point !
To answer the main question: I haven't traveled for pleasure for a long time. Be it Japan or London this time, it's always for work. The drift? Transportation and hostel are always paid by my clients or employers! It's handy, and that's just because I talk 3 languages. I tried to learn a 4th last year, but I failed miserably.
Also, most of Europe is roughly the same size or smaller than the US ; and our railway system is in good shape (for how long, that's another question). Paris/Berlin can be as cheap as 50€ ; if you have a friend there that has a couch where you can sleep, you can stay a full month for not much. And most of Europe (except those English bastards) uses the same currency, so I can go to Portugal or Austria without having to buy a foreign currency anymore.
Chile, Mexico or Canada? That's another story.
Oroch 1042th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(6):Re(10):A londonian is me" , posted Thu 18 Dec 01:43:
quote: Also, something many Americans forget and that's very important in some (most?) big European cities: we have great public transportation systems.
I don't know anyone in Paris who actually own a car, and most of them (us) haven't even learned to drive one. It's a really big portion of most people's budget that we can use freely. On the other hand, as soon as we venture outside Paris to more savage places, we're as helpless as Bambi's mom crossing a highway.
shit thats the one thing i miss about euroland, not having to worry about a car, just getting on a bus/tram/subway/train and being able to get around anywhere, fairly quick too but america is lolxboxhuge, we can't survive on small cars and buses alone(nyc is the exception), i do wish we had a more developed railway system though, we've got the potential for it
just got a flat the other day because i hit a nail, 260$ for one fucking new tire
[this message was edited by Oroch on Thu 18 Dec 01:45] |