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ONSLAUGHT 3785th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 11:04
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played?
quote: 2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves?
Very underrated. I just can't understand why it gets so much hate. Was it for the graphics perhaps? The music is perhaps the best in the SF series (and this comes from a HUGE SF music freak like me), the character design was awesome and it had tons of ideas that made it stand from other fighters.
quote: 3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly?
Mmmhh, Geese's Raging Storm perhaps?
quote: 4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? If there isn't one currently stuck in your head, then get one stuck in your head and then answer this question.
Okkusenman! (Hey it's an "arrange" theme from Megaman The Power Fighters 2!)
quote: 5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours.
Mmmhh, I think I had one with Chun Li a few years ago, can't remember exactly what it was about though...
quote: 6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game.
quote: 7) Yamazaki?
is crazy
quote: 8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be?
Not too bad, but not near top tier either
quote: 9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF.
Pretty bad
quote: 10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what?
Only her voice, but I think Athena is way annoying than Yuri
quote: 11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there.
Rival Schools
quote: 12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other?
quote: 13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here".
Let's see: Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury 3, the Real Bouts, Art of Fighting 3, Star Gladiator 1 and 2, KoF 95,96,97,2k,2k1,2k2, Any Guilty Gear with exception of X, Warzard, Cyberbots...
hikarutilmitt 481th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(1):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 12:05
2) Incredibly underrated. I love it to death and the training modes in the first 2 games gave me a really quick and huge boost in timing and reflexes back when EX+@ came out on the PSX. I'm one of the few people who can also look past EX3's shortcomings and enjoy it, despite still knowing it has some horrible flaws compared to the previous 2.
3) 720s. Even when jumping.
4) Ken's theme remix from the SSF2THDR title screen.
5) SEGA and Namco announced a Tekken vs VF crossover game for home consoles, had a tag match, weird outfits for EVERYONE and for some reason had, erm, realistic clothing and body damage. I saw things I liked and things I never would want to actually see.
6) Chad
7) Bastard
8) Honestly? Pretty good but not "OMG FANTASTIC!" I can throw down with some good players and still hold my own, but I doubt I'd be winning any major tournaments any time soon.
9) Judging by match videos: average at best.
10) Yuri is awesome, what you say?! Only KOF girls I like more are Kasumi and May Lee.
I miss May Lee. ;_;
11)Fill in the blank: the Street Fighter EX series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there. I wanted to put "Jaleco fighting games in general" here because while generally somewhat crappy, most of their games in that vein were still fun in various ways. I have some sort of odd love for Dead Dance, for instance.
12) As much time as I've put into Street Fighter over the years, probably Virtua Fighter. I practically bathed in it for my last full year of college, played it more after I graduated and kept playing. Then VF5 came out...
13) I honestly cannot fill that in simply because I can't think of any fighting games other than super-recent stuff like maybe BlazBlue or Sugoi! Arcana Heart 2 (both of which I've managed to play!) that I haven't played.
Iron D 3103th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 12:12
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here". Let's see: Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury 3, the Real Bouts, Art of Fighting 3, Star Gladiator 1 and 2, KoF 95,96,97,2k,2k1,2k2, Any Guilty Gear with exception of X, Warzard, Cyberbots...
Those last few aren't surprises. Rugal is the only person on the planet who has played Warzard, and even he probably hasn't played Cyberbots...
quote: 3) Still can't handle 360's, sorry Iron D (I know you love 'em).
Ya damn right. I guess I can see how they would't be everyone's cup of joe though...
Megane 442th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(1):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 12:25
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played? Marvel Super Heroes, beat it with Spidey. It was on the way home from work and I needed some stress relief.
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves? Gets what it deserves.
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly? Hm. Standing 360, and the old Tiger Knee motion (2,3,6,9).
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? If there isn't one currently stuck in your head, then get one stuck in your head and then answer this question. Goes back to the classic: Ryu's SF2.
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours. My friends and I entered a tournament (as in we were the fighters). The stage was the open lobby of one of our college buildings. My first opponent was a buddy of mine with Dhalsim moves. He would just outstretch his feet while I was rushing headfirst to him. I don't remember how but I beat him and moved on to the next level, where I got my ass handed to me by a grappler analogue. Instead of a Spinning Piledriver, it's more of an aerial Rolling Power Bomb - I could see the world spinning around me until I hit the pavement.
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game. I'm not sure. Turkey?
7) Yamazaki? Batshit insane and loving it.
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be? 1 Mashers and below. 2 Beginner. 3 Scrub. 4 Graduate from scrub-hood, but not Good Enough. 5 Good Enough. <- me 6 Really good. 7 Whoever gets into Final 8 in tourneys but gets trashed easily. 8 Wong/Daigo
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF. On the same scale, probably 4.5
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what? Ehhh, she's okay. It bugs me a little that she and others similar to her can hang with other fighters with actual muscles. At least she's not as annoying as BAO.
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there. Darkstalkers.
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other? It's either MSH, or Street Fighter 3:TS
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here". Real Bout, any of them. They're largely unknown in my area.
Maou 1549th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 12:38
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here". Let's see: Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury 3, the Real Bouts, Art of Fighting 3, Star Gladiator 1 and 2, KoF 95,96,97,2k,2k1,2k2, Any Guilty Gear with exception of X, Warzard, Cyberbots...
Those last few aren't surprises. Rugal is the only person on the planet who has played Warzard, and even he probably hasn't played Cyberbots...
3) Still can't handle 360's, sorry Iron D (I know you love 'em).
Ya damn right. I guess I can see how they would't be everyone's cup of joe though...
But dude, I want to be a good Sodom, I really do! "Die Job Death Car?"
RE: Cyberbots...didn't a lot of people play Cyberbots? I remember seeing it in magazines, assuming this was the one from like 10 years ago that used the Saturn ram cart and had huge huge robots, including a Gouki robot as a secret.
Iron D 3106th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 13:06
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here". Let's see: Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury 3, the Real Bouts, Art of Fighting 3, Star Gladiator 1 and 2, KoF 95,96,97,2k,2k1,2k2, Any Guilty Gear with exception of X, Warzard, Cyberbots...
Those last few aren't surprises. Rugal is the only person on the planet who has played Warzard, and even he probably hasn't played Cyberbots...
3) Still can't handle 360's, sorry Iron D (I know you love 'em).
Ya damn right. I guess I can see how they would't be everyone's cup of joe though... But dude, I want to be a good Sodom, I really do! "Die Job Death Car?"
You're just going to have to accept it: you'll NEVER be a good Sodom player. In fact "don't touch my mustache!".
quote: RE: Cyberbots...didn't a lot of people play Cyberbots? I remember seeing it in magazines, assuming this was the one from like 10 years ago that used the Saturn ram cart and had huge huge robots, including a Gouki robot as a secret.
Nah, no one has ever played Cyberbots. You must be thinking of that other game...you know...um...Karate Champ.
Pollyanna 2614th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 13:32
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played?
Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves?
I've never been a fan, but I've never been a detractor, either. I have no idea how popular or unpopular the games really are.
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly?
Nothing really. Standing 720? There are a lot of moves I can't do like...one after another, but no particular motion.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now?
Yattaman no Uta, although it's not the Tatsunoko vs Capcom version stuck in my head.
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours.
I don't tend to remember my dreams, unfortunately. I dreamed I was a sentai hero last night, though.
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game.
7) Yamazaki?
Don't use him, but love him all the same.
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be?
Terrible. Though it's hard to say with fighting games, since it seems like most people who play them are really serious.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF.
At least average. When I watch tournament videos, the people do the same thing I do...they just do it much better.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what?
As a part-time Yuri user, I'm not sure if I'm qualified to answer that. I'll just say "less annoying than Malin".
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there.
Advanced VG! If they could improve as much as they did from 1 to 2 again, we'd have a real winner.
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other?
Hrrrm...dunno. I'm STILL playing KOF XI regularly as I have since it came out, but when I was younger I know I put a tremendous amount of time into GGX, KOF 98, DOA2 and Vampire Hunter.
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here".
Any Mortal Kombat after 3? That shouldn't be much of a surprise, but I think I have everything else covered.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Iron D 3109th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 15:37:
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played?
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (on PSP).
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves?
I really can't stand it, but from what I can tell that seems to be the general consensus so I'd say it gets the attention it deserves.
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly?
I cannot get that Break Spiral super of Duck King's to work. Geese's usual Raging Storm motion is a pain in the ass too.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now?
Currently my brain is alternating between the TvC version of Alex's theme and John Talbain's theme from Darkstalkers.
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours.
I once had a dream where I was hanging with Honda and Dhalsim. For some reason, Honda was sitting behind a big pot and was really pissed for some reason. He was yelling and ranting while Dhalsim kept trying to calm him down. Weird stuff.
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game.
The United Arab Emirates.
7) Yamazaki?
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be?
Decent, but I'm not winning any tournaments anytime soon, if ever.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF.
I'm going to steal Pollyanna's answer word for word: At least average. When I watch tournament videos, the people do the same thing I do...they just do it much better.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what?
She sure as hell is. Glad to see someone agrees with me on this.
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there.
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other?
Definitely Alpha 3. First I played it alot in arcades, then on PS1. Then I bought it when I got a DC, then years later I got Alpha collection, THEN I got the PSP version. And I played the crap out of all of the versions of it. I seem to love the game more as time goes on.
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here".
KoF 02, 03, AoF3. All of the other fighters I haven't played are fairly obscure.
[this message was edited by Iron D on Wed 17 Dec 18:02] |
Maese Spt 461th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(1):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 17:53
Oh, god, how do I love threads that give me an excuse to dissert about the most interesting theme I know: me, myself, and my likings. Let's open the gates of narcissism.
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played? Can't remember exactly, but probably SFIV
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves? I enjoyed the first installement quite a lot on the arcades back on the day, and I still think that some of the characters were really interesting. I'd like to see more of Pullum or Skullomania. I lost track after SFEX2, tough.
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly? I am terribly bad at 360ş moves and the like. Heck, I can't even pull out properly a miserable without a friggin' arcade joystick. That's how patetically clumsy I am.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? If Final Fight counts as a fighting game, then I'd say "Big katana boss", that is, Sodom's BGM.
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours. I don't remember having dreamt about a fighting game in my life. If I had, probably it must had been some Street Figther stuff.
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game. The Vatican
7) Yamazaki? I always loved the yakuza-type thugs, so I like him as a character... but I've almost never played him.
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be? Medium level, I guess, but probably somewhat less than average.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF. I totally suck. I don't even qualify as a beginner.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what? Are you kidding, man??!! She's TEH AWESOMENESS! The best character in KoF and/or AoF by far and, not incidentally, the only one I can play with some guarantee of winning a round against pretty much anybody. Both gameplay-wise and character-wise, it's one of my all time favourites. Back in the day, it totally blew my mind to see how she developped from being the damsel in distress on AoF to beating he crap out of everybody from the second game onwards. One of the most clever and original ideas SNK has ever pulled out, in my opinion.
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there. Justice Gakuen/Rival Schools. And probably Pocket Fighter too.
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other? Soul Edge
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here" Darkstalkers. Or was it Vampire Savior...? I dunno, the only game on the series I have played is the last one on its PSX incarnation. I plan to corect this situation on the near future, tough.
Iggy 8773th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 21:20
I like these threads !
1) last fighting game you played? Tatsunoko vs Capcom
2) The SFEX series The training mode (challenge mode?) of the first game on PS1 was great. Everything else was garbage, and should be forgotten forever. Thank god, it is.
3) difficult motions standing 720°
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? Can I say Taiyô wa Noboru, Okami's main theme? It's also the theme when you fight the 3rd form of Tatsunoko's final boss, so... If not, I tried to think of something else and got 2 at the same time: Alex's theme in SF3, and Pyron's theme in Hunter.
5) dreams related to fighting games None that I can think of...
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game. Austria?
7) Yamazaki? Ney.
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be? Below average. I'm generally not very good, and the lack of opponent doesn't help.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF. Same answer.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what? (I'll take it as "the current, post 98 Yuri") I like her because she's so damn annoying (and because she's usually lost amongst 30 or so other characters). If she was the only girl of the game, it would be very different.
11)the Justice Gakuen series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there.
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other? Vampire Savior 1. KOF 98 close second.
13) it may surprise you, but I've never played Karnov's Revenge.
quote: Rugal is the only person on the planet who has played Warzard, and even he probably hasn't played Cyberbots...
You should apologize to Devilot right now! And I actually played a bit of 1P Warzard. That's pretty much all I have to say about it.
Time Mage 2740th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 21:33:
Any excuse to waste time is welcome by me:
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played? SSFIIT, GBA edition: Had to kill some time and I didn't have any other game at hand.
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves? I'd say they get either the attention they deserve or maybe a little less. Hardocre SF fans tend to despise the series, mainly due to the generic normal moves (and, in fact, seeing most everyone with the same animations for the jumping kicks/punches and crouching medium kicks/muches was pretty bad), but on the other hand, the gameplay was excellent and had the awesome practice mode that taught many of us the antics of comboing.
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly? The pretzel motion, Fei Long's "Chicken Wing" motion, and the standing 720, mainly. The first two are below but not to far from 50% success. The standing 720 I can only do if I buffer it from blockstun or out of a dash.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? Right now, it's Fe Long's stage version of SSFIITHD Remix. Pretty good version, IMO.
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours. I don't remember any FG related dream, but I'm sure I've dreamt in the past about winning a tournament.
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game. The Republic of Congo.
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be? Depends on the game: - SSFIIT: Above scrub level, but below intermediate player level. - SFA2/3: The same as SSFIIT, probably a bit higher. - SFIII Third Strike: Pretty good, yet not tourney-winner good. I can go toe to toe with some of the highest ranked players in the country (although I lose most of the time), and I have placed high in various local tournaments with quite good competition. In a popular US or Japan arcade I guess I'd only be an average player, though. On the other hand, considering I play Remy and Elena, I think it's not that bad.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF. I'm not very good, and I just can't get better. There's something in the KOF system that never connects with me. I'm not a scrub, you know, but even in KOF98, the one I'm better at, I can't do anything other than being a pain with Goro, Ralf and Kim.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what? She's more "meh" than annoying for me, actually. I never liked her too much, and neither I hated her. She's just there, wasting a character slot.
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there. I'd say Fatal Fury. MotW was an awesome game, but like most games with a new system, it lacked polish everywhere. If it could get a sequel that evolved the MotW system a bit while making it less dumb (hiya stupidly easy JD and zero landing lag after a jumping attack), it would be awesome.
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other? Street Fighter III: Third Strike by a very large margin. I've just spent entire afternoons playing the game in 6-8 hours sessions with a friend, and even if I don't play that much, when there's a fighting games meeting, TS is always played for at least a couple of hours.
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here" I honestly can't think of a popular FG I've NEVER played... I've never played Virtua Figher 1 and 3, now that I think of it. And any MK after 3, I don't think I've played those either.
EDIT: I played Warzard in an arcade a few times (enough to get some levelups with Leo), but I've never seen Cyberbots.
"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"
[this message was edited by Time Mage on Wed 17 Dec 21:39] |
Nekros 145th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re:Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 22:58
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played? If does count, Guardian Heroes on Sega Saturn. If not, I don't remember. Maybe tonight I'll give a check on Basara Cross.
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves? I didn't consider this series as crappy as most hardcore SF fans stated but it's a mediocre fighting game with mediocre engine, graphics and characters. Nothing more.
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly? The standing 720 with most pads, the preztl motion (I rubbed the plastic of my dual shock doing that) and almost every button combo in 3D fighters.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? Rock theme from MOTW.
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours. Just two nights ago, I dreamed buying a mook of console SFIV where Ibuki was added. Also, I've dreamed about playing a SFIV arcade and back in time about SVC Chaos with a cartoonish graphics.
6)Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game. The Republic of San Marino.
7) Yamazaki? Cool Yakuza Guy, as The Count would say: BADASS!
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be? Mmmhhh, usually above average in SSF2X and Zero series, average/mediocre on SF3, depends on the opponent.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF. Not as skilled as in Capcom fighters, I lose often with skilled/good players, even when they have though matches against me.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what? I don't like her, nor dislike. She can improve as a character if she will get more mature and attractive.
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there. Vampire Series. I always dreamed about a new graphic engine (sprite based) for a 4th game. I was very excited in Sammy vs Capcom project focusing on Vampire, but it endend in nothing.
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other? Vampire Hunter/Savior, SF2: CE, the 3 Zero games and CVS 2.
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here" Virtua Fighter 3 and the Fighters History series.
Ikari Loona 238th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(1):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Wed 17 Dec 23:07
1) If Streets of Rage 1 on the Megadrive doesn't count, then it was Soul Calibur IV.
2) It didn't feel like a main series games given it's original characters, but playwise it was fun and fluid, and super-cancelling was a fun innovation, so I'd say the positives outweight the negatives. Didn't try the tag-team mode in the last game in the series though.
3) 360s, 720s, Sommersault Justice, classic Raging Storm, Deadly Rave... Ivy's Summon Suffering probably also deserves a mention.
4) Usually Kyo's Esaka from KoF94, an imagined string orchestra version of Goenitz's theme in KoF 96 and Geese's theme is also a frequent visitor.
5) Closest would be to imaging myself levitating Dhalsim-style, sort of jumping into a floating cross-legged position mid-air.
6) Portugal
7) Yamazaki would be the ultimate SNK boss if he kept both hand out of his pockets. Nice defense/counter-based concept playwise, baddass presence stylewise (his first KoF gave him a classy look, but I still prefer his thug looks from the FFs).
8) Average to decent - it's my base for all fighting games, but my limitations are combo-ineptness and trickier motions (see above).
9) Since I play the CPU for the plot, I've only developed so much, barely ever remembering to even roll. When I've 1st seen people playing the game to its full capability I realized how far behind I was.
10) She's stagnated, mostly, although the SF-parodying can be a neat touch at times. SNK might do well to drop the girly act and make her matured not unlike they've been gradually doing with Ryo. She did manage to learn to fiht decently after being kidnapped, I'd expect more Sarah Connor-like determination from her. Then again, in the KoF games she doesn't react to Mr. Big or Geese, so maybe in that timeline the AoF incidents nevr happened...
11)Art of Fighting. Am I the only one that thinks rationing your use of specials and punching projectiles is a good thing?...
12) Probably a split between KoF 96 and 97.
13) MvC2
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Iggy 8775th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Thu 18 Dec 00:00
Oh, oh, oh, let me change my vote for the series that needs a sequel: Justice Gakuen is great and all, but I think a simple compilation with all the fighting and not-fighting games could be enough.
What we really need is a brand new, actualized and shiny POWER STONE ! There was something so charming in this game. 1) fight begins. Players just walk around apathetically, hit other players or random treasures. 2) Player 1 gets 2 powerstones. 3) Everyone suddenly turns against him. 4) Player 1 dies. Player 3 gets lucky in the brawl and collects all the power stones. 5) Everyone flees in horror during 10 seconds as Player 3 unleashes absurd amounts of power across the whole stage. 6) His power runs off. Everyone turns against Player 3 to make him pay. 7) Repeat.
I always thought the game had the potential to surpass Smash Bros, but never was given enough attention and faded without getting a proper chance. Now, with the arcades dead and online play, we could have insane Power Stone matches with 8 or 10 crazy characters wreaking havoc for hours of stupid fun.
Nate 962th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Thu 18 Dec 02:36
quote: 3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly? Guile/Balrog-Vega type inputs:
I hated these too but there's a shortcut for pulling these off reliably! Now I can whip out Killer Bee Assault whenever I please.     
As for my answers:
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played? Genocide Sa-Ga. Yeah I don't know either.
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves? There are some painfully bad character designs but I do like Pullum Purna and a few others for their sheer ridiculousness. The training mode, as people mentioned, was an awesome idea. There were a few other wonky things about the games too, but overall they had good ideas that ended up being executed poorly. Some good music, though!
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly? Standing 720, lots of old crazy SNK motions but not Raging Storm because that has a shortcut. My problems are more with pulling off things in sequence properly, especially in games like Guilty Gear.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? If there isn't one currently stuck in your head, then get one stuck in your head and then answer this question. Pullum Purna's theme, now that I mentioned her.
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours. i can't remember any in particular but how bout that Smart Chang-tan?
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game. Iceland
7) Yamazaki? He's not really a my chara but I know how to play him fairly well. I'm never really upset to see him in a game, at least.
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be? Probably like 4.5/10. I have far more trouble pulling off combos in SF games than in KOF.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF. 7/10 because KOF combos make a lot more sense to me. I can throw down but sometimes it depends on the year. 96 and earlier are harder because of the lack of command normals to chain things together.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what? They just need to let her age a bit, like I've said before. They never will, but it'd be awesome to see a Buriki-era Yuri being a mature woman and kicking ass.
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there. Vampire, Justice Gakuen, Fuu'un/Savage Reign (only if it's good or hilariously bad), Nejibako (we'll see if it ever becomes a series), POWER INSTINCT...I cannot seriously pick just one
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other? I've logged a lot of time with KOFs from 97 on and Vampire Savior but probably the most time has been spent playing Soul Calibur 3. Ah college.
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here". Most of the Guilty Gears past XX, Melty Blood series, Arcana Heart 2 and upgrades, Samurai Spirits Tenka, Nejibako, KOF XI...quite a few newer ones.
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
karasu99 29th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(1):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Thu 18 Dec 02:52:
quote: Yes, this is pointless. I just like asking the Cafeers these kinds of questions.
Today it seems anything will distract me from working. Oh well. Maybe I should just lean into it.
1)last fighting game you played? Real Bout Special, as Mai, of all people.
2) The SFEX series: Underrated, but only because I never hear it discussed. Not even here, really.
3) What motions are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly? Geese's unsimplified raging storm.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? Since Iron D had to mention it, Axel's music from Garou 2.
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games. Describe one of yours. I used to have dreams of performing Zangief's over the top wrestling throws years ago while working at a frustrating job.
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game. ARGH! Beaten by seconds by Nate to Iceland. So, I'll choose... Panama.
7) Yamazaki? Yes, thank you.
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be? Exactly in the middle, sadly. I had glory days of being good before the really good players learned their trade. Now I'm mediocre at best.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF. Better than SF, but still sadly in the middle. I'm better at Garou though, but you didn't ask.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what? Big time. There were years in KOF where it was very subtly hinted that she, not Ryo, was Takuma's real successor as head of Kyokugenryu, so I have no clue why she's still running around in the same outfit she wore in Ryuko2, from-- what, 1993, and with the same stupid cutesy moves. She needs a major revision more than most other KOF regulars, but I think she only avoids the design scrutiny leveled against Iori and such because she's not nearly as popular.
For the record, I had no idea that that answer would be so long and rant-like.
11)Fill in the blank: the RYUKO NO KEN series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there. For some reason SNK dropped this series incredibly fast, unlike Garou, which has had ridiculous numbers of sequels. In all seriousness, does anyone here know any of the reasoning why? Ryuko3 only suffered in terms of character design.
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other? Real Bout Special, hands down.
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here". Can't really think of one. Okay, KILLER INSTINCT, but that's a lie, because I played it once, didn't care for it, and subsequently only played it ever again while drunk. Scratch that-- VERY drunk.
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Thu 18 Dec 02:59] |
Time Mage 2743th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Thu 18 Dec 06:02
quote: The thing I've found with Capcom's button tap supers is that you have to execute them with a certain rhythm. What I did to eventually get Morrigan's non-Darkness Illusion EX attacks to work was first vizualize what I had to hit in sequence and then try to get it so that hit each part with maybe a half second between each press. I think this might have something to do with playing a lot of rhythm/music games as well, though. Maybe that'll help? For me it made even Anakaris' level 3 super easier.
I don't think so, since I suck at rhythm games, heh. Maybe that's why I can't pull those moves off? I just try to hit the buttons as fast as possible, but either I screw up the sequence, or I press them too slow.
Thanks for the advice, anyway, I'll try my luck again in SFIV. I read the shungokusatsu is easier there because you can enter the last three inputs at the same time, so it'd be like this: , ,    
"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"
Toxico 4594th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Thu 18 Dec 06:36
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played?
Samusupi Tenka
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves?
げのげだな, not only characters are incredebly dull & boring to play, but you can also use Custom combos to protect yourself with an universal safe invincible attack. Seriously, it's less original and less fun than SF2.
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly?
Ryo's MAX Ryuko ranbu it's pretty hard to get. Also I don't know 90% of Darkstalker's button dialing moves.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? If there isn't one currently stuck in your head, then get one stuck in your head and then answer this question.
I was reading Yawara! last night, and due to certain slight similarities (wink, wink); world heroes themes rampaged through my mind as I kept on reading. Mainly I "heard" WH2J USA stage music.
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours.
I don't think that I have ever dreamed being a character, But many times I dreamed about playing in the arcades, winning and teasing my enemy in the utmost humiliating ways... It seemed so real .
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game.
Once you realize that the World has more than 120 countries, you do realize that the 30 or 40 countries that are in videogames just don't cut it. Chile for example, has never had any proper representation (I think Los Andes was a very hard near end stage on a SNES plataform game). Even in things that go crazy with country representation, it's hard to find Chile anywhere, (like Kinnikuman. The only hero from Chile was a huge moai thing that got destroyed by the main character extremely quickly in this current time travel tag team arc).
7) Yamazaki?
was way cooler in the garou games
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be?
People used to bane me, curse me and label me as an 'evil inhuman sorcerer' in Z2 or Second Impact, but it has been too long since that.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF.
I used to be dangerous, but I have been retired for so long... Old soldiers do fade away, it seems 
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what?
Never gave it anythought. She was cooler when she had that Ryuuko 2 perfect win 
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there.
Neo Geo Super Dodge Ball. Easily. The game just crossed the line from a "quiet & tranquil" sports game to being an "hyper active, hard to play" competitive game. Cancels, buffered moves, combos, stuns, frame advantages, cross ups, psyhologichal warfare. Not to mention the Kunio Kun street punk charisma. The game just had too many fighting game aspects and was crazy & fun. Too bad they stopped it in one game (or rather, when bankrupt after that one).
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other?
Be surprised by this : KoF 99'. The "second places" for those "most played games" are pretty normal (like Korin, or Tekken Tag).
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here".
I'd said "I don't care to touch Mortal Kombat" but that's the exact opposite to a surprise. I haven't played any doujin game factory after Variable Geo

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Last updated : 09/12/08 (58 personajes)
nobinobita 454th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(1):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Thu 18 Dec 18:22:
Ah fun post! I'm late to the game but here goes!
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played?
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves?
Underrated. The first two were fun, had responsive controls and great graphics that worked with the limitations of the system. I love those blocky graphics because they still conveyed the right sense of form and weight, like an under-drawing. They were simple but deliberate (something that is sorely lacking in most current games).
Also the series has had fantastic art by Bengus and Ikeno, who really came into his own on SFEX2.
ALSO, the game introduced some great gameplay concepts. SFEX introduced the concept of linking specials into supers (fire ball into double fireball). The combo system was fun and there were combos that used 4 meters when you could only stock 3 (the fourth one was filled up as you comboed). There was also a great tutorial mode that walked you through how to do all these combos. I'm not 100% sure if what I stated is fact, it's just the first game I recall doing these things.
It's also the first SF game I recall having throw inputs and throw cancels.
And it had Skull o Mania.
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly?
I'm not adept at 360s, 720s, raging demons, and 3d tekken train combos.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? If there isn't one currently stuck in your head, then get one stuck in your head and then answer this question.
"This is the truuuue luv makin'"
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours.
I actually used to dream about PLAYING Capcom fighters that I could only read about in EGM.
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game.
Someone needs to make a cool Mongolian fighter. There's probably already been one, but I don't recall (unless you count Ramenman disguised as Mongolman).
7) Yamazaki?
I have a friend that looks just like him.
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be?
After 2 decades I'm still a scrub. I enjoy mid level play. I can handle the basics, but I'm absolutely creamed by high level players. I play more for fun and for the wonderful marriage of sites, sounds and interactivity.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF.
I stink at this series though I can annoy people with Ash.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what?
Her moves are funny, especially in CVS2. Also she can look quite scandalous with a proper color edit.
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there.
Dark Stalkers, Daraku Tenshi, Groove on Fight, Waku Waku 7, Warzard. Oh! And Tobal! And of course Rival Schools!
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other?
Third Strike
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here".
Hmmmmm tough one. I really really want to play Golden Axe the Duel, Astra Superstars and Martial Masters. Anyone here play any of those?
Also, did anyone else ever play YuYu Hakusho Final for the Super Famicom? I LOVED that game! Aside from being based on the only series I liked as much as Dragonball as a kid, it also had what I remember to be awesome gameplay.
It had a fun and intuitive juggle heavy combo system and it's the first fighting game that I recall having a practice mode as well as the ability to let you tech out of juggles (which was really intuitive cos I always reflexively pressed L and R in SF2 and other games in hopes of recovering from juggles). The game also had cool secret transformation moves for certain characters. I'm sure it's broken like crazy, but I sure loved it back in the 16bit days.
Thanks for such a fun post!
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Thu 18 Dec 18:38] |
kofoguz 650th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Fri 19 Dec 04:54
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played? Ok, Either its KoF XI with friend in arcade, KOF MIRA on ps2 with brother or CFJ to try.
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves? In my town its popular. I played it a few times. Cant say I'm a big fan but it was fun. Pullum and Area was my favourites.
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly? I had an cant-use-charge-characters disability. Now its over. I overcome the motion    and Geese Cage motion, I even can pull Kusaregedo Throw if I jump and concentrate but still cant do 360, 720 and sometimes   X2.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? If there isn't one currently stuck in your head, then get one stuck in your head and then answer this question. After reading "stuck" I cant let go of Elena's stage music. If I try hard Elizabeth's theme replace that. Also CvS or 2 color edit music was great, too. How do you guys know the song names anyway?
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Ok, I got plenty like being in game and I was Kula (not that I expect but it was cool). Lately I saw a SvC2 game with Bulleta in it. But I never forget the wet dream,orgy with Yashiro and Shermie ( they were like hot humans, not cartoon/sprite version of themselves) anyway that was a hot night.
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game. Eventhough Ottoman has three (Sophie/Cassandra/Lizardman) My beloved country has none. Yes Turkiye.
7) Yamazaki? Always a good addition. Never sorry when he leaves or enters.
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be? I would like to answer after playing vs someone.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF. I guess I am above average.Not tourney worthy, though (I guess). But I was absolutely a noob at'97.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what? Only to my opponents.Especially at '99.
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there. Let me see. AoF first of all. Why only 3+1 games Fatal Fury have about 10 games or more? Oh the +1 game (Buriki One) should port somewhere also. Pocket Fighters, doesnt matter SNK or Capcom to do it. Just do it. Fighting Layers definetely want to see a sequel what would look like. Of course Darkstalkers. But they should be very careful not to ruin anything, yet do something creative. Or make the first sequel absolutely nostalgic then try something different. Surprise us. (but in a good way. Also SvC and Ngbc deserves second chances.
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other? '99 or XI.
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here". '96. I was in school and arcade seems like an addiction here. So I was forbidden to go arcade. I missed '96. With loading times I didnt even try then.
Ok I played Warzard once but either it was too hard, or I was too, noob But I couldnt even beat second monster. Marvel Super Heroes. Marvel Vs SF. Bloody Roar. Also TvC.
kofoguz 651th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(4):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Fri 19 Dec 06:01
quote: Forgive my ignorance, but can't we say it's the same? A little like current Italian people could consider a Roman Empire character theirs? I mean, Turkey is a young state, but it is considered as the successor of the Ottoman empire, isn't it?
Actually its true. When I first see their story, I said, "Finally, some fighters from our lands". I live in Anatolian/Mediterrenean city so I was a little bitter, cause character from Anatolian part was a man who become monster, but enough with the oversensitiveness (some legacy from 1910's) Lizardman is awesome. Also little note for story goofs, Lizardman's anger for Gods, is a nice story and all but if he lives in Ottoman time, he cant be mad to the gods cause Ottomans didnt believe multiple Gods. Even before Islam Turks were worshipping Only Sky God (Gök Tanrı). So no "Gods" for you. Its same for Cassandra and Sophitia. Cause I think Greece left the Myth Gods, even before Ottoman. I could be wrong though.
Longstory short eventhough I would like to see a character from nowadays, we could count Sophitia, Cassandra and Lizardman.
Oroch 1043th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(5):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Fri 19 Dec 08:48
quote: Forgive my ignorance, but can't we say it's the same? A little like current Italian people could consider a Roman Empire character theirs? I mean, Turkey is a young state, but it is considered as the successor of the Ottoman empire, isn't it?
Actually its true. When I first see their story, I said, "Finally, some fighters from our lands". I live in Anatolian/Mediterrenean city so I was a little bitter, cause character from Anatolian part was a man who become monster, but enough with the oversensitiveness (some legacy from 1910's) Lizardman is awesome. Also little note for story goofs, Lizardman's anger for Gods, is a nice story and all but if he lives in Ottoman time, he cant be mad to the gods cause Ottomans didnt believe multiple Gods. Even before Islam Turks were worshipping Only Sky God (Gök Tanrı). So no "Gods" for you. Its same for Cassandra and Sophitia. Cause I think Greece left the Myth Gods, even before Ottoman. I could be wrong though.
Longstory short eventhough I would like to see a character from nowadays, we could count Sophitia, Cassandra and Lizardman.
isn't the god emperor from anatolia?
chazumaru 634th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(3):Random fighting game related questions" , posted Sat 27 Dec 13:06
1) As of your reading this question, what is the last fighting game you played? Tatsunoko Vs Capcom.
2) The SFEX series: overrated, underrated or gets the amount of praise and or negativity it deserves? Depends on which perspective. Quality-wise, it is probably at the right place as I believe many people must have at least some fond memories of EX+α, while most don't care about the others (and probably many people hate the PS2 game).
As a case of study, the game is very interesting and definitely underrated. The choice of hardware for the arcade version, the staff and reason of being behind Arika, the simultaneous development with SFIII, the interesting IP issues (such as Arika-created characters remaining the property of Arika)... There are tons of elements discuss about. And it gave the world Skullomania.
3) What motions for moves in fighters are you still not able to pull off at least semi-regularly? Geese's Deadly Rave. It doesn't help that the timing is sliiiightly different in each game.
4) What music from a fighting game is stuck in your head right now? If there isn't one currently stuck in your head, then get one stuck in your head and then answer this question. Makoto's theme Jungle Jazz, remixed by McVaffe. I have the in my MP3 player so it comes back often in my ears.
5) We've all had dreams related to fighting games (unless I really am the only one). Describe one of yours. I am pretty sure I had some dreams like that, but I have very weird dreams absolutely every night so I can't recall any fighting game-specific dream right now.
6) Name one country that has never had a representative in a fighting game. That is a weird question. Lichtenstein? If you mean "a country that actually surprises you", I cannot think about any North Korean fighter.
7) Yamazaki? Real Bout 2 is a wonderful game.
8) Honestly, how good of a SF player do you consider yourself to be? Crap. I used to be decent 3rd Strike player, though (not tourney level but decent). But that was a long time ago. Never went deep into any other SF series.
9) Same as 8, except apply it to KoF. "Meh". I used to know a lot of shit/bugs/100% combos for KOF2000, but that is also when I grew apart from the series. My Heidern can(could?) annoy some people in '98. Not scrub but not much more.
10) Is Yuri Sakazaki annoying as shit or what? The joke got old fast. However I love Nate's idea of an older Yuri.
11)Fill in the blank: the ______ series needs another game more than any other fighting game series out there. Well, I can think of a bunch of games that definitely need a sequel even though I would not care about it. I would be very interested in seeing a modern take on all the ideas behind the original Ryuuko/AOF series (all the design ideas behind the two first episodes + the animation technique of the third one). I think we had a discussion about how a fourth episode could/should have been, a long time ago on MMC.
12) What single fighting game have you played overall more than any other? Vampire Hunter and Real Bout 2. Probably RB2 by now.
13) Fill in the blank again: it may surprise you, but I've never played "insert fighting game here". Do you mean seriously, or played at all? It may surprise you, but I've never played... Err... Arcana Heart. I think. Maybe once?
quote: Nah, no one has ever played Cyberbots.
What the hell are you talking about!? It even has a console port! Having played the first episode Powered Gear is probably way more uncommon.