General Year In Review - Forums

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New Red Carpet Member

"General Year In Review" , posted Sat 20 Dec 16:42post reply

Sincere apologies to Spoon.

Not to be confused with Spoon's thread but this the GENERAL year in review. Not limited to any particular subject, interest, multimedia, et cetera.

These are my opinions, so what is yours?

The highlights of my year:

SEX! - Love it! Cannot get enough of it! Recommend this for everyone. People would not be so angry if they were getting laid.

Rock Band 2 - Although I hate the way EA handles certain franchises, this game is actually fun to play with family and friends. The only game that I have purchased for my Playstation 3 since I bought the ruddy thing. There are not really any other games that has really caught my interest than this.

Wii Fit - Yoga is harder than I thought.

KOF XII - revealed!

100 Bullets - Brian Azzarello finishing strong.

Y: The Last Man - Brian K. Vaughn.

Iron Man (movie) - Best comic book movie of this year. The best movie under the Marvel imprint.

Where The Wild Things Are - Read this to my nephew and he enjoyed it.

A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah - Still reading it.

Angry Video Game Nerd -

Street Fighter Tribute - Great job Udon! Did anyone knew that they were looking for contributions? I wish I had known because I would have at least tried to send in my submissions.

Letdowns of the year:

Ninja Gaiden II (Xbox 360) - Invisible walls, awful camera angle changes, nearly identical graphics from the original Xbox version. This is suppose to be a next generation title right? Only minor changes that I perceived were the on screen body count and all the embedded missed throwing stars on floors and walls.

Guitar Hero: World Tour (PS3/Xbox 360/Wii) - Played the PS3 version at my friend's place. Interested in the drum kit but overall it was all flash and failed to deliver as it was advertised as the Rock Band killer. The playlist shallowed in comparison to Rock Band, drums were not as responsive and gaudy plastic.

Wizard (magazine guide to comics and now STUFF) - This magazine is getting worse and worst. I do not know why I even torture myself with this crap by paying five dollars of nonsense. Wizard tries to cover every multimedia outlet when all I want to do is find out what is happening in comics today. If I want to know about some movie I would read about it in Entertainment Weekly. STICK TO COMICS YOU SCHMUCKS.

Comics in general - How can Marvel still be on top if Joe Quesada is messing things up? "It's magic, I don't have to explain anything." GTFO Joe. DC Comics we need more Kevin Conroy! Image what are you thinking when you allow Rob Liefeld back? Todd McFarlane create another comic instead of Spawn.

KOF XII - Size of the roster and no story. Why even bother with the roman numerals?

Street Fighter Tribute - Not enough variety of character art. WAY too many Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Chun-li/Cammy pin-ups. They had a section dedicated to only Blanka (which was great) but for other characters it was just spread around. Try sectioning by individual character art then group shots; that way at least in the book there would be more than just one pin up page of a character (id est Sodom).

My laptop - I owned the piece of crap for the last 5 years and it finally died on me without warning. The harddrive is still intact though.

Expectations for 2009:

Vacation in the Philippines!
Street Fighter IV.
Building my own computer.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...


Iron D
3115th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):General Year In Review" , posted Sat 20 Dec 17:12post reply


SEX! - Love it! Cannot get enough of it! Recommend this for everyone. People would not be so angry if they were getting laid.

BAH! I lost my virginity in '07, and all I wanted was to have MORE sex in '08 and I got NONE. NONE! Gods be DAMNED that pissed me off, and I'd probably have gone through the year less angry if I HAD gotten some.


Rock Band 2 - kicks ass. Especially with a full band.

100 Bullets - This has been suggested to me so many times, but I haven't had the money to start on it. I also haven't had good experiences with Azzarello...I hated his run on Superman. Then again, it was Superman, whom I hate, so maybe that has something to with it.

Y: The Last Man - See 100 Bullets. I really like Vaughn's work, with the exception of most (keyword: most) of his run on Ultimate X-men.

Iron Man (movie) - Second best in my opinion. I bet you can guess which one I thought was #1...

Angry Video Game Nerd -


Guitar Hero: World Tour (PS3/Xbox 360/Wii) -Actually, going stricly on the playlist, I was slightly more interested in this than RB2. The Doors? More Hendrix? I'm totally there.

Wizard (magazine guide to comics and now STUFF) - The thing that's pissing me off most with Wizard is the fact that they're not trying to be funny anymore. As lackluster as some of their coverage can be at times, I always got a kick out of how hilarious the magazine was. Especially the random captions that throw in. I don't even mind that they're trying to cover everything (although their coverage on everything but comics is awful...especially their videogame coverage).

Comics in general - Final Crisis is a pleasant change from the usual big event fare. I still think that Joe Q. gets more heat than he deserves. Under his watch, Marvel has become better than it's been since perhaps the early 90's. Not saying that he hasn't done some stupid stuff (*cough*ONEMOREDAY*cough), but overall I think he's done an admirable job.

Expectations for 2009:

Graduating from college.
Getting a career going.
My sister coming back from the South.
Street Figher IV.
Moving in with one of my best friends and hoping that things go well with that.
Hopefully getting some more sex.


Count Hihihi
160th Post

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"Re(1):General Year In Review" , posted Sat 20 Dec 19:41post reply

2008 was totally BADASS. I wish you both an equally BADASS 2009!

586th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):General Year In Review" , posted Sat 20 Dec 20:51post reply

Why did I not see that coming?
2008 was totally BADASS. I wish you both an equally BADASS 2009!

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

4603th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):General Year In Review" , posted Sat 20 Dec 22:41post reply


Angry Video Game Nerd -

It was an incredibly lame and bad year for me, and to be honest; the only thing that kept me going where those 'hittler speaks of dragon ball movie' trailers. That and beating people in World Heroes Gorgeous.

Well, I also read Katsu! and fell in love right away with Adachi's art & narrative style (it's so abstract ), let's hope that his other works manage to live up to my expectations.

Last updated : 09/12/08 (58 personajes)

3359th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):General Year In Review" , posted Sun 21 Dec 06:24post reply

Moving in with one of my best friends and hoping that things go well with that.
Hopefully getting some more sex.

Are these two plans interconnected?

335th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):General Year In Review" , posted Sun 21 Dec 07:45post reply

I really like how you think Mr. DigitalBoy!!
Well..monetary speaking..This has been an awful year for me..It sucked. I’ve been most of my time unemployed..Don’t know whats going on with the world. But I have had time to catch up with the good European movies I love. Everything else (but money) was great…Lot of sex and parties and Video games. I really enjoy getting drunk and playing with my band in rock band. I like it cause even though I can play real instruments, it gives you the chance to feel like a rock star with non-musician friends and family. Did I say lots of sex and alcohol? I won’t discuss fighting games because everybody else is already doing it. A game that has caught my attention is Fallout 3…I’m just addicted to it. And I rarely get addicted to games anymore. It was a great year for me in terms of music..Dream Theater, Nince Inch Nails good metal albums..I just loved it. I agree with the AVGN comment!!
I had a good year in college terms..however, having to start college almost from scratch when you move to a new country SUCKS ASS. I really hope next year I don’t get older and I finally get employed by decent people.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

Iron D
3118th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):General Year In Review" , posted Sun 21 Dec 12:29post reply

Moving in with one of my best friends and hoping that things go well with that.
Hopefully getting some more sex.
Are these two plans interconnected?

Nah, no buttsex. Not from him, anyway.

All kidding aside, actually moving in with him from where I'm at would theoretically decrease my chances of getting laid. I'm currently living on a college campus, where there are lots of women around. When I move in with him, I won't be on a college campus anymore, resulting in the number of available/willing women decreasing.

I'm scared.


1553th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):General Year In Review" , posted Sun 21 Dec 14:44post reply

The year in review! Hmm! Maybe I will bend this into a version of Ishmael's My Games of the Year that Were Not Actually Released This Year Because I Am Always Two Years Behind. But first!

Good things:

Seeing Genius Party premiere in Washington DC and talking with Watanabe Shin'ichirou.

Buying a DS two years after I planned.

New York.

Getting a job. At first.

Weak things:

Life after graduation.

Getting a job.

New York in the winter.

Now that that's out of the way:
New Old Games of the Year

1. Phantasy Star II Sega Ages: Great brutal fun! Such a stunning atmosphere.

2. Wander and the Colossus, playthrough 2: still one of the finest things ever to grace a television. I recommend a replay for your game of the year (past) awards, too.

3. Wish Room/Hotel Dusk: But only if I can get out of chapter 3. Who the hell does this fountain pen belong to, and how can I make things happen? The art will keep it going.

4. Rockman 9: I don't have any systems that are new enough to play this, but I approve of everything about this game.

Once I finish Wish Room, I look forward to adding Dragon Quest IV to my Best Games of 2008 because then the list will include a game from 2007 that is actually from 1991. The future is now! In the past!


309th Post

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"Re(2):General Year In Review" , posted Sun 21 Dec 23:07:post reply

My general 2008 in review:

Three semesters of taking Japanese and still going strong.

My first exposure to D&D.

Seeing the relatively obscure Spoony Experiments gain popularity. (I'm not much of an AVGN fan.)

Contra 4 and

The start of the Retraux trend which leads me to

Chrono Trigger DS: Where has my childhood been all these years? Oh, here it is... (in case you're wondering, no, I never owned the game, but have originally played up to Ocean Palace but never got past that...)

The year Nintendo took franchises from Sony's back catalog.

The year Perfect Dark became prophetic (See President).

2009 should be the year I graduate, and I dare say we've only become to scratch the surface of the meaning of BADASS.

[this message was edited by sfried on Sun 21 Dec 23:12]

1701th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):General Year In Review" , posted Mon 22 Dec 10:22post reply


Well, I also read Katsu! and fell in love right away with Adachi's art & narrative style (it's so abstract ), let's hope that his other works manage to live up to my expectations.

His other works will live up to your expectations in that they are all very, very, similar. He has templates for characters he draws that you can count on both hands, the style and behaviour of many characters across stories is very similar (it's great to see him play the "people who have been around each other a lot so they can be sarcastic/terse with each other, though of course nobody really understands each other perfectly"... except when you see it in every single one of his stories).

1045th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):General Year In Review" , posted Mon 22 Dec 12:10post reply

Moving in with one of my best friends and hoping that things go well with that.
Hopefully getting some more sex.
Are these two plans interconnected?

Nah, no buttsex. Not from him, anyway.

All kidding aside, actually moving in with him from where I'm at would theoretically decrease my chances of getting laid. I'm currently living on a college campus, where there are lots of women around. When I move in with him, I won't be on a college campus anymore, resulting in the number of available/willing women decreasing.

I'm scared.

moving off campus?

carry a gun

Iron D
3119th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):General Year In Review" , posted Mon 22 Dec 13:44post reply


moving off campus?

carry a gun

Gun? Gotcha. Putting it on my Xmas list now.


1061th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):General Year In Review" , posted Mon 22 Dec 14:33:post reply

2008, the end of an era:

1. MGS4 was amazing, yet I'm happy that the MGS series is over. I want a new series with less baggage from Kojima. Still my favorite game this year.

2. Projects getting busy, staying until 10PM becomes a regular occurrence, and 12PM happened more often than I wanted. However I got a new boss, and he is totally awesome and supportive. I've learned so much from him this past year.

3. Shipping one title meant less 10PM nights, but another project piled on top saw their return. However TGS was fun stuff.

4. Got in a car accident, I was fine but my car was totaled. Probably the worst event of my year. But there was a silver lining, as....

5. I got an opportunity to transfer to my company's Nagoya office, which I happily took, as I've been wanting to work in Japan for a long time and perfect my Japanese. I start in about a month. So I would have had to sell my car anyway.

6. Went on an awesome vacation to the Turk Islands with my girlfriend to celebrate. Amazing stuff.

Notable Games:

- Dead Rising
- Lost Odyssey (didn't finish it but I did enjoy what I played)
- MGS4 and the new Siren were both really excellent.
- Little Big Planet, which is the first game that my girlfriend happily grabbed the controller to play.
- Layton series has been very great, starting on #3
- Crisis Core and Monster Hunter as well as Policenauts kept my PSP busy.
- Replaying Silent Hill 2 and going to play 3 for the first time soon.
- Finally, I'm playing the Mother series on GBA. Mother 1 was excellent and Mother 2 is a bit ... whimsical for my tastes. I was more moved by Mother 1, so I hope that Mother 2 gets better.

This year had so much... content, and next year will have so much change. I'm looking forward to experiencing it though.

Oh and I'm very happy Obama got elected, as Bush and the last 8 years make me want to throw up. :(

I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year!

Play to win.

[this message was edited by ktallguy on Mon 22 Dec 14:35]

Iron D
3120th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):General Year In Review" , posted Mon 22 Dec 16:18post reply


- Crisis Core and Monster Hunter as well as Policenauts kept my PSP busy.

Wait...there's a Policenauts for PSP? Let me guess....Japan only?


Oh and I'm very happy Obama got elected, as Bush and the last 8 years make me want to throw up. :(

Hear, hear! Politically, these have got to be the longest 8 years ever.


228th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(8):General Year In Review" , posted Mon 22 Dec 17:55:post reply

As far as gaming and media, its been great. Dark Knight, Iron Man, Persona 4, lots of great DS games like Ecclesia. Probably one of the better years for games imo.

But honestly 2008 has been the worst year by in large, in my entire life. Several deaths, horrid jobs and job changes, social/sex life crash, car accident, betrayal of best friend and others, and laid-off the wk before Christmas. With glimmers of hope yanked from me throughout the year like crack on a stick.

And 2009 is looking even worst what with the almost inevitable collapse of the US and shit the world will soon have to deal with.

I keep trying to cheer up and focus on what matters in life(love, health, shelter,etc). But its difficult.

[this message was edited by Black_Hayato on Mon 22 Dec 17:57]

1061th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):General Year In Review" , posted Tue 23 Dec 01:40post reply

As far as gaming and media, its been great. Dark Knight, Iron Man, Persona 4, lots of great DS games like Ecclesia. Probably one of the better years for games imo.

But honestly 2008 has been the worst year by in large, in my entire life. Several deaths, horrid jobs and job changes, social/sex life crash, car accident, betrayal of best friend and others, and laid-off the wk before Christmas. With glimmers of hope yanked from me throughout the year like crack on a stick.

And 2009 is looking even worst what with the almost inevitable collapse of the US and shit the world will soon have to deal with.

I keep trying to cheer up and focus on what matters in life(love, health, shelter,etc). But its difficult.

I'm really sorry to hear that.
Just remember, good things will come as long as you tough it out a bit. Everything will be all right in the end.

I downloaded Policenauts from the Japanese Playstation 3 Store, and downloaded it to my PSP.

Play to win.

336th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(9):General Year In Review" , posted Tue 23 Dec 02:57post reply

As far as gaming and media, its been great. Dark Knight, Iron Man, Persona 4, lots of great DS games like Ecclesia. Probably one of the better years for games imo.

But honestly 2008 has been the worst year by in large, in my entire life. Several deaths, horrid jobs and job changes, social/sex life crash, car accident, betrayal of best friend and others, and laid-off the wk before Christmas. With glimmers of hope yanked from me throughout the year like crack on a stick.

And 2009 is looking even worst what with the almost inevitable collapse of the US and shit the world will soon have to deal with.

I keep trying to cheer up and focus on what matters in life(love, health, shelter,etc). But its difficult.

I totally agree with ktallguy in terms of media. But I also agree with this post. Its been such a shitty year for me. Got laid off just before xmas. And the job market stinks so I don't see a very bright future for me. I guess I will try to be strong and positive like any bon jovi song and try to think positive about my future....But I can't stop thinking on how the world is going to hell..

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

456th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):General Year In Review" , posted Tue 23 Dec 04:14post reply


Oh and I'm very happy Obama got elected, as Bush and the last 8 years make me want to throw up. :(

I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year!

w00t for Obama! It's good to see a fellow South East Asian as president!

Games and Movies wise I feel like it's been a wasteland the last 4 years. It seems like every new hit game is tailor made to make me cringe. Also, Street Fighter going 3d broke my heart. Like seriously, I still feel like I've lost an old friend, or rather, she's had a new makeover and now prefers to hang out with people who drink miller lite and watch football and TV dramas like Lost or Heroes and there's just no connection at all anymore... but there have been some very bright spots like Monster Hunter and Metal Gear 4 (which I only started recently and has been great so far!). Oh and that ps3 Naruto game is suprisingly good, gobsmackingly gorgeous to look at, and fun to play!

Plus Obama is president, so i'm happy. It's been a good year.

587th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):General Year In Review" , posted Wed 24 Dec 18:19post reply

Tai-Pan/Black Hayato: I can empathize with you two. While I did not mention in my opening post that a huge majority of my personal life is disheartening. I just did not know if it was appropriate to include that information on this board. I personally feel that I am in quicksand. I mainly visit this board for cheering up. Sex really helped me get through this year too. Hang in there guys.

Black Hayato: Nice avatar. I thought I was the only one that enjoyed Cromartie High.

As far as gaming and media, its been great. Dark Knight, Iron Man, Persona 4, lots of great DS games like Ecclesia. Probably one of the better years for games imo.

But honestly 2008 has been the worst year by in large, in my entire life. Several deaths, horrid jobs and job changes, social/sex life crash, car accident, betrayal of best friend and others, and laid-off the wk before Christmas. With glimmers of hope yanked from me throughout the year like crack on a stick.

And 2009 is looking even worst what with the almost inevitable collapse of the US and shit the world will soon have to deal with.

I keep trying to cheer up and focus on what matters in life(love, health, shelter,etc). But its difficult.

I totally agree with ktallguy in terms of media. But I also agree with this post. Its been such a shitty year for me. Got laid off just before xmas. And the job market stinks so I don't see a very bright future for me. I guess I will try to be strong and positive like any bon jovi song and try to think positive about my future....But I can't stop thinking on how the world is going to hell..

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...