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karasu99 162th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(2):Blazblue obligatory release thread" , posted Wed 1 Jul 09:10
quote: What a shitty store. Can't wait to try this though!
I'm excited too-- the gameplay footage I've seen is pretty spectacular, and I was always a casual GG fan anyway. I can't say I like the character design much, but I didn't especially like GG's either.
As for retailers, Gamestop/EBGames has taken the 'only order as many games as there are preorders' path, presumably to control costs, so anyone who shows up on release day is out of luck. So, I no longer shop there for new games. Best Buy is nearly as bad, from my experience, because they only stock the 20 most popular games at any given time, so finding obscure titles is almost always impossible, so I no longer shop there either. I really wish that there was such a thing as a small, local retailer anymore, because all of the big guys suck.
Pollyanna 2700th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Blazblue obligatory release thread" , posted Thu 2 Jul 06:31
quote: How is the combo DVD that BlazBlue shipped with? Will it help me understand how I should approach the game or will I feel like an even bigger idiot after watching it for not being able to immediately grasp all the intricacies of the game engine?
Maybe both? I only watched the matches and character specific sections. In the character sections, they waste your time outlining every little move, then go into some helpful "general tactics" and combos ranging from totally simple to fairly advanced.
Overall, I think it's a nice addition because it makes sure you're not missing anything big, like "Oh, this character can put 3 projectiles on the screen at once...I was only using one!" or "this move links into this move and it's the most important thing in the world". I had quite a few "Oh, I see!" moments watching it.
I'm already seeing the advantages of playing with an arcade stick. There are numerous things I'm able to do with ease that I couldn't even dream of before. The tradeoff is that for some reason, double fireballs are very difficult! I can't figure it out! I must be missing the part of my brain responsible for double fireballs on joysticks. (fortunately, that's not a very important part, I guess...)
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Pollyanna 2704th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Blazblue obligatory release thread" , posted Fri 3 Jul 07:24:
quote: As someone who doesn't really like GG, this game does not look appealing to me. I mean DAMN does this game look another GG game right down to the character designs and the way the combos look!
I wouldn't recommend the game to someone who dislikes GG, but if you almost like GG, you might like Blazblue. As far as I can tell, I like every system change from GG to BB.
My initial response to BB was "This is neat, but I want Ishiwatari's designs back!". I still do, but now I think "GG had a good run, but this could turn into something better."
I'm still "meh" on the character designs, but all my favorite GG characters didn't show up until the sequels and I like the concepts behind the characters at least.
Even if they just end up being an excuse for losing, I love crazy inventive characters and BB has more than enough for me.
Statement rescinded.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Fri 3 Jul 14:20] |
Pollyanna 2704th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Blazblue obligatory release thread" , posted Fri 3 Jul 14:23
If the combometer isn't going dark, it isn't air recoverable... well, even in GG there was an exception to this: if the opponent is staggered but doesn't mash out of the stagger, then the combometer will not go dark, even though they could've broken the combo. Of course, there are combos involving stagger are impossible to mash out of...
I haven't seen the tutorial videos myself, but maybe they show some combos that are intentionally recoverable as resets? But then, they'd probably mention something like that up front.
It was my mistake, I think. I need to work on my timing on jump cancels. I noticed even combos that usually work go black every once in a while.
It's probably common sense for most people, but I'm glad you told me that.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Spoon 1783th Post
Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):Re(10):Blazblue obligatory release thre" , posted Tue 7 Jul 16:53
quote: help me play this game
The sense of "what attacks have good priority" can be very unintuitive in ArcSys games. There are moves that you think would be good that really aren't (e.g. Faust's jumping S in GG), and there are moves that don't look that great when you first see them, but are actually really good (e.g. a lot of towards+P moves in GG). I'm not going to recommend that you go and read frame data because it sounds like you want something a little more fundamental than that. On the other hand, there are some aspects of BB that and understanding of frame data will better help you appreciate (e.g. all of Carl's ground normals leave him at frame disadvantage).
If you have played some ArcSys games, you'd know that combo damage is a big deal in them. A major part of GG and naturally BB is how well you can capitalize on a random hit. It might be a counter hit, it might not be; but this game isn't SF where the average random hit nets you no more damage than merely the damage of that hit. In ArcSys games, knowing what combos or at least what movement options can arise directly from poking hits is an important part of the game. Random hits happen, and happen a lot. Even if you haven't got the greatest grasp of all the defensive options you have, if the other player doesn't have the ability to do much more damage off of his random hits than the hit itself, he will not be able to beat you if you are scoring combo damage off of your random hits.
Defense and pressure and lockdown are fun to talk about, but if you haven't got the above (the general concept is referred to as "abare"), your success in ArcSys games will be limited.
Movement is important. In GG, many characters had laughably slow walking speeds. You are encouraged to dash, backdash, air dash, and double jump all over the place. The super slow movements are there for a reason, but you need to learn to take advantage of all the faster movement options you have. Try beating Tager's air normals with Hakumen when Hakumen is below Tager: you'll find it's really, really hard to do, and so you should be thinking about whether you should resort to the D button for Hakumen, or whether Hakumen should allow Tager to get above him in the first place.
Another big part of the question is who are you using?
If your answer is, say, Carl, then you have a lot of work ahead of you, especially if you aren't familiar with playing Eddie-style characters.
On the other hand, if your answer is Tager, then just go and wreck people; fish for counter hits with his autoguard moves, magnetize them, then do what you can do end combos with an OTG hit that flings them back into the air and do the anti-air grab; most people will mash for the air recovery and you will grab them and they will die. If they get scared of you and back off, charge up your projectile; few characters can hurt you from full screen when you charge, because you have upper body autoguard.
If you are playing as Arakune, curse the other guy with D and then mash buttons. They will probably die unless they are familiar with Arakune. More seriously, Arakune's movements and normal moves are so strange that it will make a game that is already unintuitive to you even more so, but that might be charming.
Pollyanna 2706th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Blazblue obligatory release thre" , posted Tue 7 Jul 17:53
Nobi: I'm no pro, but I'd like to second what Spoon said about capitalizing on hits. It's not like you have to do insanely long combos (especially if you're just starting out), but you need to know a follow-up for any potential hit you get. Every character has a different "flow" to them, and it's important to keep that flow "moving" for a much of the fight as you can. I say spend a little time in training mode so you know what goes into what and what everything does, then start playing other people. You learn the most that way.
But for the record, I don't take fighting games very seriously. I learn a few tricks and then I just have fun with it. If it requires too much studying or too much "work" then it's just not fun anymore. Depending on how you feel, I don't know if that makes my opinion more or less valid.
quote: Hey, Polly, I am one of the guys who (is currently) playing in that same room with Grave and Hizke (I'm hadoolket). You're very good! I really love your Litchi and Rachel, and shown me where I can improve my Litchi-playing
You taught me a few Litchi tricks, too! I don't use the "Reach" moves myself, so they really threw me in that last match. You totally shut down my Rachel~! Every time you jumped forward, I was expecting something else.
I'm surprised I did as well as I did. I don't play other people much, so I was a bit nervous.
Also, when I finally got to pick the level/music myself I thought "Finally, I'll be free from Bang's song!" then, when I chose random...it gave me the song anyway! It's a conspiracy!
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Spoon 1784th Post
Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(5):Re(10):Blazblue obligatory release thre" , posted Wed 8 Jul 04:21
quote: ...fish for counter hits with his autoguard moves... Tager doesn't have any moves with autoguard. Sledge eats projectile-type attacks, that's all. He desperately NEEDS something with armor or auto-guard to not have like a 10-0 against Arakune and v-13. The only character he's not at a disadvantage against is Hakumen. He just does shit-tons of damage so he's very good at punishing mistakes.
Ah, I was confused.
There were a lot of attacks that I didn't think were projectile attacks that it ate (like some of Noel's normals, etc.), and that gave me the impression that it had pure autoguard. Didn't figure that out till I got to see the Tager vid today.
Yeah, I've heard that his matchup with v-13 is in the upper reaches of ridiculous (8-2,9-1,9.5-.5 or some such), but I wonder if autoguard alone would be enough to deal with that... and if it was, I think that that might make the match kind of dumb.
nobinobita 553th Post
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(4):Re(10):Blazblue obligatory release thre" , posted Wed 8 Jul 11:02
If you have played some ArcSys games, you'd know that combo damage is a big deal in them. A major part of GG and naturally BB is how well you can capitalize on a random hit. It might be a counter hit, it might not be; but this game isn't SF where the average random hit nets you no more damage than merely the damage of that hit. In ArcSys games, knowing what combos or at least what movement options can arise directly from poking hits is an important part of the game. Random hits happen, and happen a lot. Even if you haven't got the greatest grasp of all the defensive options you have, if the other player doesn't have the ability to do much more damage off of his random hits than the hit itself, he will not be able to beat you if you are scoring combo damage off of your random hits.
I'm no pro, but I'd like to second what Spoon said about capitalizing on hits. It's not like you have to do insanely long combos (especially if you're just starting out), but you need to know a follow-up for any potential hit you get. Every character has a different "flow" to them, and it's important to keep that flow "moving" for a much of the fight as you can.
Thanks! That's exactly the kind of advice I was looking for!
Spoon 1787th Post
Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(8):Re(10):Blazblue obligatory release thre" , posted Fri 10 Jul 11:25
quote: It's not the flowchart players that bug me SO much (since they're usually sloppy enough to beat at least), but I was having hell with Jin's throw. I don't know if my brain was broken or it was the lag, but I couldn't reliably reverse it and he can do SO MUCH damage afterward. Combined with the fact that you can easily throw loop people if they don't counter made it a really unpleasant experience. Nearly every Jin I faced did the same (demoralizing) thing.
It's probably just a lag problem or something, though. I don't have any beef with the game or even the players so much.
Are you trying to do a reversal against his throw attempt, or tech his throw attempt?
Blazblue is kind of fun in that you can attempt to do normal throws on people as part of your combo, or even throw them while they are in blockstun. If your opponent is throwing you while you are in blockstun, you will see these huge purple exclamation marks pop up, and you can attempt to escape that on reaction (you have 27F to do it, which is quite a lot of time... it's just that it's probably not something you are used to doing). If an opponent attempts to throw you when you are in a neutral state, you will have much less time to react (data says you have 13F to attempt the throw escape).
As such, if you know that your opponent is going for the throw attempt but you are worried about lag preventing you from doing something like a reversal DP, just wait for the throw attempt and tech it when you see the exclamations pop up. 13F may not sound like much, but it's probably a lot more time than you have to do a successful reversal, especially given some latency.
mbisonhatclub 121th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(8):Re(10):Blazblue obligatory release thre" , posted Fri 10 Jul 19:57:
quote: It's not the flowchart players that bug me SO much (since they're usually sloppy enough to beat at least), but I was having hell with Jin's throw. I don't know if my brain was broken or it was the lag, but I couldn't reliably reverse it and he can do SO MUCH damage afterward. Combined with the fact that you can easily throw loop people if they don't counter made it a really unpleasant experience. Nearly every Jin I faced did the same (demoralizing) thing.
It's probably just a lag problem or something, though. I don't have any beef with the game or even the players so much.
I've had less trouble against Jin players lately and have been able to crush them despite their freeze attempts (and escape from their throw traps like mentioned above), but it's Noel that's disgustingly overprioritized with her 2D attacks. And while I can break them apart with Tager usually, Litchi doesn't really have a way to fend off from it without taking hits herself, and these people think they're pretty good at pressing a few buttons in sequence because they just came off of playing RPGs or something where one button does all the work for you anyway, like how they use one button to make money in stock trading on the internet or online gambling or internet sex
But on that note about Jin, I'm also upset that he's so effective without much effort and I was demonstrating that in our room earlier, I don't even know how to use Jin really! I just pressed certain buttons and hoped it would be the right buttons, so terrible
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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Fri 10 Jul 19:59] |
Pollyanna 2712th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Re(10):Blazblue obligatory release thre" , posted Fri 10 Jul 21:39
quote: Are you trying to do a reversal against his throw attempt, or tech his throw attempt?
Sorry, I used the wrong term. I meant, I couldn't tech the throws for some reason. I understand the system and I normally do just fine teching throws, which I why I was confused. Some evil sorcerer probably just cast a curse on me that night or something.
But what I would like to know...when Jin freezes you on a throw (or in some other cases, maybe?), his combo is darkened out, meaning that you can get out of it, right? But I'm delightfully frozen the whole time. Am I supposed to wiggle the joystick or something to get out sooner? Is this even feasible without breaking the controller?
I've had less trouble against Jin players lately and have been able to crush them despite their freeze attempts (and escape from their throw traps like mentioned above), but it's Noel that's disgustingly overprioritized with her 2D attacks.
I find that there's a "golden range" for avoiding her D spam if a total rookie is using her. As long as you're not in too deep, Litchi should be able to stuff her just fine. Jumping straight up and attacking also works for me. It's her super that bugs me, so much damage, so easy to hit with.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, holy crap you murdered me with Tager's super throw tonight! I felt like I had the fight under control (several times), then BAM one little mistake and I'm toast! It's like you just have to survive with him long enough for your opponent to do something stupid. Still, I have a lot of fun fighting against Tager, even if some of the battles end in crushing defeat.
I dunno...I just wasn't "feeling it" tonight. It's not like I was doing bad or anything, but my mental game just wasn't there. I didn't learn anything (other than to fear Tager under certain circumstances).
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Spoon 1788th Post
Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(10):Re(10):Blazblue obligatory release thr" , posted Sat 11 Jul 08:20
quote: But what I would like to know...when Jin freezes you on a throw (or in some other cases, maybe?), his combo is darkened out, meaning that you can get out of it, right? But I'm delightfully frozen the whole time. Am I supposed to wiggle the joystick or something to get out sooner? Is this even feasible without breaking the controller?
quote: Are you trying to do a reversal against his t But what I would like to know...when Jin freezes you on a throw (or in some other cases, maybe?), his combo is darkened out, meaning that you can get out of it, right? But I'm delightfully frozen the whole time. Am I supposed to wiggle the joystick or something to get out sooner? Is this even feasible without breaking the controller?
The answer is... it depends.
Yes, you can wiggle the stick left and right to reduce the freeze time (think of it like stagger in GG/VF), but depending on what he follows it up with, it might not make a difference. If he freezes you in the corner and then runs up and does a 5A, you are probably not going to be able to shake out of that.
The best practice is to flail the stick anyway so that at least you have a chance of getting out should the opponent try for something way slow. It's not just mashing furiously that counts, though; if you react too late to the freezing hit, you're unlikely to be able to mash out in time.
mbisonhatclub 121th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(10):Re(10):Blazblue obligatory release thr" , posted Sat 11 Jul 12:42
quote: I find that there's a "golden range" for avoiding her D spam if a total rookie is using her. As long as you're not in too deep, Litchi should be able to stuff her just fine. Jumping straight up and attacking also works for me. It's her super that bugs me, so much damage, so easy to hit with.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, holy crap you murdered me with Tager's super throw tonight! I felt like I had the fight under control (several times), then BAM one little mistake and I'm toast! It's like you just have to survive with him long enough for your opponent to do something stupid. Still, I have a lot of fun fighting against Tager, even if some of the battles end in crushing defeat.
I dunno...I just wasn't "feeling it" tonight. It's not like I was doing bad or anything, but my mental game just wasn't there. I didn't learn anything (other than to fear Tager under certain circumstances).
Admittedly, being able to pull that off on the appropriate occasion most of the time is my main crutch with Tager when I can't do the other glorious things I see other Tagers do
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Pollyanna 2716th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Late to the party" , posted Wed 15 Jul 10:38
The original Guilty Gears still look good to me though. I never had a problem with the "LOL 2 frame animations" cos they came out in a quick and timely fashion and they looked just fine.
Blazblue has some of the best quick-rapidfire-weak-attacks I've seen though. I think they realised people would spend alot of time mashing the A button, so they made em look extra nice and smooth.
Maybe Blazblue seems choppier relative to other games you've been playing. Like if you just finished playing Third Strike or that ps3 Naruto game, everything else will look choppy by comparison.
I always felt that GG (and BB) were so fast that super fluid animation would be wasted. I think they've come up with a very elegant solution to sprite design. They're clean, expressive and crisp...and their relative simplicity allows them to whip them out without a huge amount of hassle.
Like... I love the way KOF XII looks...it has the best sprites the 2D fighting genre has ever seen, but that result comes at a price and it seems like SNK has bitten off more than they could chew in many ways.
So, what I'm saying is that realistically, every fighting game can't look like that and the ArcSys approach is a great solution.
I am, however, extremely disappointed at how many people think KOF XII looks bad (visually) in comparison to BlazBlue. My local arcade had the two games side by side and while I was busy being enraptured by the muscles in KOF XII, I thought BlazBlue looked decidedly flat and choppy in comparison.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Pollyanna 2885th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):CONTINUOUS SHIT - now on YOUR console!" , posted Sun 14 Mar 07:22
quote: Her moveset and all of her sprites are identical to Nu's from what I understand, save for the color... well, maybe not identical, but only about as different as everyone is from their CT versions? I haven't played her personally. But that's what I'm led to believe from encountering her in play and from dustloop, etc.
She's one of the more changed characters, but some were hardly changed at all (Tao). I've spent a lot of time with CS, and I like it, but I'm getting really sick of suffering through certain combos. Ragna can do some really nasty stuff that he's just...eventually going to hit you with if he keeps hammering (and he will). Of course, getting hit by one of Bang's brutal combos is demoralizing, but more than that, they're just so SLOW! I get bored! Having a "free" burst(s) counteracts this a bit, though.
I also think they handled Rachel REALLY poorly. I don't have a problem with her being weak...I usually end up using low-tier characters anyway...but they just weren't creative with it. She feels sloppy. For example her air like...isn't even safe on COUNTER anymore. I realize that move needed to be nerfed, but doing something like that is just stupid. Why include it at all?
Hakumen and Carl are wayyy more fun now, though...and I feel like Jin is "fixed". Hazama is a bit boring after you get over the first "hump" with him, though. I use Tsubaki a lot, but she sure is weak...
Wahhhhhh...I really can't wait to play with everyone. I can't wait for SSF4, even!
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
mbisonhatclub 154th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(5):attention PS3 pretties: BBCT tonight" , posted Tue 13 Apr 03:02:
quote: I'm sorry I didn't stay longer, but my connection was absolutely BETRAYING me. I've never had lag on BlazBlue before, so I was starting to lose my temper. I'll just say it was a fluke and hope for better next time.
Apologies for whatever was going wrong; part of it was probably because I was streaming at the same time
Most of the others were okay with the connection it seems, especially after I got sound to work in the stream so we could listen in on the stupid stuff we say, so hopefully it was just some transient thing with the servers/connection that'll be alleviated next time we play
Also I do not know why you feel outclassed, hardly any of us are pros at it anyway and obviously I play too much of it online as evident from my d-card
Furthermore, we invite other people to join us! Preferably, with a mic/headset, because we like to have stupid repulsive conversations while playing, but it's not mandatory
We'll also probably be playing some Tekken and Battle Fantasia, Tekken which I'm crap at and the latter which I'm still just learning as well, and not to mention Lost Planet 2 Demo (hopefully to become full version in May) which we still enjoy shooting bugs out of the sky and getting electrocuted by the giant blanka monster bug, and whatever else games we can get our hands on for PSN multipass/play
But LOL@Street Fighter HDRemix (I refuse to play it seriously, suckit Uglydon/BrokeBackbone Mountain, sorry IronD!)
EDIT: HOWEVER, SSF4 looks like a prospective game we will be playing, so if you are still exclusive to Street Fighter and don't like combo games, we will be hitting up that in the near future, and perhaps I should make a separate thread because people might miss this message due to not reading a thread that seems exclusive to Blazblue talk
EDIT2: Status for KOFXII:
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - no
End of Spoiler
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Tue 13 Apr 03:09] |
Grave 1328th Post
PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):Console Continuum Shift news" , posted Wed 2 Jun 22:08
quote: Personally, as a Hakumen user, I went through a lot of crappy matches in BBCT because he wasn't very good. Now I've got a taste of awesome life with his BBCS version, I hope they don't weaken him.
Honestly though, he is at a pretty fair spot. The only reason he isn't S rank is his meter dependency for his combos. Yeah, there needs to be some work on the S rank to bring them down a notch, but not too much I hope.
Honestly, in most of my low-level play experience I rarely felt like I lost a match because Hakumen just wasn't good, it's just that my particular Hakumen wasn't that good. Regardless of where he may have fallen in the tiers I never felt handicapped by him in any way.
...that said, I am totally in love with CS Hakumen and I can't wait for the console version. If he gets nerfed hard 6 months down the line I will be a sad panda but that's how it goes. Still, committing to do followup balancing after a fighting game's console release... this is unprecedented, isn't it? I love you more and more all the time, Arc System Works.
Looking forward to relearning what I've already forgotten with Hazama and picking up Tsubaki!
Pollyanna 2944th Post
PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Holy Shift! Incoming dlc chars" , posted Wed 7 Jul 07:10
quote: Has anyone heard how much all this dlc for BB is going to cost? Normally I would shrug off dlc stuff as an evil of this current console generation but since a chunk of the roster in this game is pay-for-play it's a real concern.
In Japan, it'll be about $20 for the new characters. Like...$6 each? The other stuff, if I recall, consists of alternate colors and stuff you can unlock yourself if you don't just LOVE spending money. My guess in America is 4.99 or 5.99 per character. Just a guess, though.
I'm quite excited about the DLC, myself, probably because I've already played the arcade version of CS to death. But I also like how it makes the game "future proof". I'm sure they're planning another arcade version with the new characters and rebalance, so this breaks the obnoxious cycle of "waiting forever and paying full price for a minor update that you've already played to death in the arcade." I realize this isn't an issue for American players so much, but the game is also $20 cheaper in America and I'm not sure it was made with them in mind in the first place.
The balance patch is especially exciting, because the introduction of the DLC characters first will give ArcSys a huge "test sample" to see who needs to be fixed and how.
quote: For who is questioning about the character, it's another shitty moe person. A little, very very little magician girl who holds apparently 3 personalities, one of them being a boy. Gimme back my ABA..... -_-
ABA is arguably my favorite fighting game character ever, but I'm pumped about Platina, too. She looks totally ridiculous. I can't wait to see how she switches personalities. I wonder if the 3rd (hero) personality will just come out for supers or if it'll be like Raoh for Zappa where you have to meet some requirement to call it out.
Hahaha... her theme song rips off "Romance" by Penicillin!
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
mbisonhatclub 173th Post
PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Regular Customer
| "Re(1):Holy Shift! Incoming dlc chars" , posted Wed 7 Jul 09:20
quote: PS. is also announced the return of NU-13 as dlc.
Which, by the way, you can unlock normally without downloading/buying anything, same with Mu-12
For the love of God, I know it's not you guys, but don't go around posting to the Aksys forums and linking these ripped DLC songs and character images in that FAQ thread they have as if that'll force their hand. That's just plain fucking stupid. They'll figure out that they were ripped but they won't be so inclined to remove stuff off Youtube and the like. But they're not going to speak unless Arcsys themselves say something.
The character DLCs are 560msp on the 360, which I guess is about 7 to 8 dollars? I don't really know the Live monetary system, but hopefully in the US they downgrade the price to about 5 like Polly suggested, because BB is still quite a niche franchise--hear that, SNKP? You may want to consider that with US KOFXIII, too! Every other DLC is alt. colors (purely cosmetic) or if you suck, because unlimited characters are unlockable without buying them, but it will be quite an uphill climb to do that. Only Makoto, Valk, and Platinum are really anything that matter as far as gameplay. But a lot of people like to criticize the high price of the total DLC value and include the stuff that you don't have to buy to affect the gameplay, and that's like saying you had to buy the costumes in SSF4 in order to give yourself something refreshing
I've been considering switching to Jin in BBCS because Litchi has way too many options for pressure and comboing, especially for a character that seemed generally intended for a form of keep-away and long-ranged attacks
Also, off-topic: is there a way to change my username on this BBS to hadoolket besides re-registering?
quote: Hahaha... her theme song rips off "Romance" by Penicillin!
Orly, I must give this song a listen then
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Grave 1337th Post
PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):Holy Shift! Incoming dlc chars" , posted Wed 7 Jul 10:02
I'm kind of irritated about the response so far as well, mostly because the Aksys crew is made up of really, really nice people and they're all about giving the fans what they want. They're all like, "Hey Grave! Remember that Deathsmiles Xbox faceplate you wanted but couldn't even come close to winning at PAX East? Here, have one when you buy the limited edition!" And they strongly hinted at selling the Noel Petit Nendoroids through their store... Oh yeah, and the games are pretty sweet too!
I said many times that I would have gladly paid more than $60 for the amount of fun I got out of BBCT and getting BBCS for $40 is a total steal. Will I buy the DLC characters? Obviously. Will I buy a bunch of color sets? Probably! I look at vanity things like extra colors and gamerpics etc. as something of a tip jar for the company in question. Didn't take a lot of effort to churn out, you're not missing any part of the experience by avoiding them, but they're a fun little bonus and they help the folks on the receiving end out.
It's a far cry from having a bunch of multiplayer maps for sale the day the game comes out, I think. Initially I though that Makoto was landing a lot closer to the game's release date than I would have liked... but I'm also insanely curious to see how she plays. Maybe the only reason I don't feel like I'm getting bent over is because of how much I like this game, but regardless of why I perceive it this way it just doesn't reek of the same evil that most DLC does to me.
tl;dr: arc and aksys love me and care for me and capcom is stupid butts
Pollyanna 2953th Post
PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Holy Shift! Incoming dlc chars" , posted Thu 29 Jul 03:47
We should start a new topic. It's a new game!
quote: I would say Ragna and Tager are closest. You take away their additions and they're relatively the same as before save for some changes in properties of some attacks, but they can basically nail the same combos as before. Maybe Tao, but I don't know her well enough to say. You should have played with us! Me, Grave, dimsumboi4u and others had a room up, and even Pollyana joined at one point but left after a few battles.
Tao was hardly changed at all. She's definitely closest. Ragna feels the same, but he's so much more effective that it ends up being a big difference.
I wouldn't played a lot longer last night, but my connection was awful! I didn't play a single good match all night. I had a router apocalypse that hopefully has been fixed, but if not, I'll plug the PS3 straight into my modem if I have to!
I've heard others complain about shoddy connections, though, so maybe it's not all me? Playing CT, (excluding the last time we played together) I would blow a combo every once in a while due to some random hiccup, but with CS, I've been totally unable to play half the cast due to incessant, random pauses. My Hazama was a disaster, and he's usually one of my strongest.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Baines 260th Post
Copper Customer
| "Color edit" , posted Thu 29 Jul 05:03
quote: Of course, I am consistently shocked by the lengths that players will go to to cheat...or just the general poor sportsmanship I see online. I should be desensitized to it by now, I suppose.
I don't know if that makes a strong argument for or against the color editing, though...as anyone who would do something that ridiculous will undoubtedly find a different way to be a pain in the ass.
The moment you offer a color edit function, certain people respond.
One group immediately decides "A solid <color> <character> will look awesome!", without any concern for how making a character one single color will make it harder for the other player to tell what the character is doing.
A second group will immediately try to edit out the clothing of the female characters, to varying degrees of success. Now Chun-Li is topless and Vanessa is completely nude, and your game just went from "Rated T for violence" to "Rated M for badly drawn nudity". Not so bad when your game was offline only, but these days your game is online and little Timmy's mommy might happen to see no-panties Shermie shoving some guy's face between her legs.
A third group looks for whatever edge color edits can offer. The basics will go for a solid color character. The fancier ones will work on a camouflage for certain stages. The subtle, given the ability, may only edit out a certain thing (like making a projectile less obvious).
Not so immediate is the fourth group, who will go online and start looking for posted color guides to do any and/or all of the above.
Any of the above, in a world of online gaming, will cause either problems in gameplay/balance or potential ratings flak.
Nekros 296th Post
Copper Customer
| "Re(6):boobie lady" , posted Mon 2 Aug 21:59
quote: The one feature that is amazing is the ability to bring up training mode while you wait on a lobby. I would have loved this in SF/SSF4, particularly when you make a tournament or a team match and it takes forever to get all slots filled.
New interview with Blazblue producer hints next release character will be Valkenhayn.
And.. something else may be in preparation?
"Yes. There'll be a few other characters. One of them should really be a surprize to everyone... Everyone should be like "For real!?" Its announcement will be a bit in the future, but we think it's a character that everyone's been waiting for. But for the current time, the next character following Makoto will be a really cool one." Obviously, everyone is waiting for Platinum the Trinity, I'm going mad listening to her theme on loop to get hyped up like a hypedog
Though if they actually mean other characters beside Valk and Plat...wait, who else were we waiting for? Jubei? Kokonoe? LINHUA? Or Torakaka
Or perhaps Gary, the four armed monster who is the one truly behind all this mess
If it's ture, the "FOR REAL?" thing is Jubei or a character related to Guilty Gear (sounds stupid ok, but who knows?).
Pollyanna 2955th Post
PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10): Chipmunk girl is out" , posted Thu 5 Aug 03:24
I was ready to buy lots of colors and announcer voices, but the price is just too high. $8 for a new character in an Arc System game is worth it, because the chances are, they'll be interesting, and I'll be playing them for hours and hours. But those announcer voices...will people really pay that much? Lower-priced, more character-specific color downloads would be nice too. (I had to get pack 2 for Dizzy Mu, though.)
quote: Makoto is already out for the 360 and hitting the PS3 in say, about 9 hours according to the producer. People are calling her a golf game character. Has anyone tried her yet?
I was really scratching my head when you said "golf game", but I think I get it now...hahaha. Her Drive attacks have to be timed very carefully...their strength goes up, then down on a little gauge, like you would see for your swing in a golf game. The catch is, it's really fast. Like, 1-1/2 second, I guess...and they seem to differ a bit between attacks. It's not especially easy to get them consistently and online probably isn't going to help with that.
She has a lot going on, with 3 variations on her "dash forward" attack and about 8 options once you do it. Being able to decide which is the best for any given situation at a moment's notice is going to be difficult.
I'm in for a lot of losses, but I'd really like to get good with her. I just hope I don't lose my patience with the sea of Ragnas online. It's so easy to be dangerous with him. In fact, even though I've only used him a handful of times, I would say he's one of my best characters. Same goes for Bang. Oh well, I've still got Litchi.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Pollyanna 2968th Post
PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Gallonesque" , posted Mon 11 Oct 05:18
quote: I'm surprised that no one has mentioned that Valkenhayn is available (on the US PSN store at least). I happened to check for him while grabbing the Lord of Shadow (CURIOUS!) and Vanquish (EXCITED!) demos. Just downloaded him and about to give him a try.
I love him! I didn't think I would, but all (or, most at least) of the characters are so fun and unique to play that I end up spending hours with them in training mode, whether I intend on using them or not. Going in and out of the wolf mode (switching 3 times in one combo!) is a lot of fun and really easy. I'm so glad you don't have to hold any buttons.
I haven't had time to take Valk online yet, and I doubt I will anytime soon thanks to my harrowing work schedule, but I wonder if this will turn into a another Guilty Gear situation for me, where every new character is my new favorite. I'm all Makoto and Mu now, with Valk likely to follow and Platina almost certainly to follow after that.
After the update, I may use Rachel again, though. She has to do too much keepaway for my tastes now.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Professor 2883th Post
MMCafe Owner
| "Re(3):Hazama does moonwalk" , posted Fri 10 Dec 02:17:
quote: The Nesica system and BBCSII launched today.
Does the erm, "machine" has many sightings already in the arcades; or didthe system properly bombed with it's current business model, as it was foretold??
As far as I know, most arcades that had BBCS on a Viewlix cabinet is replacing the game with the BBCSII+Nesica set, and some other places are replacing low-income games that were on their Viewlix with it as well. So no, I'd hardly call it a bombed project, at least in terms of its launch.
Unfortunate news for some fighting game fans is that this, together with SF4AE coming out soon, puts KOF13 in a tight position, given that its income is pretty low for a new title.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 10 Dec 02:33] |
mbisonhatclub 231th Post
PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(4):Hazama does moonwalk" , posted Sat 11 Dec 21:22
quote: Unfortunate news for some fighting game fans is that this, together with SF4AE coming out soon, puts KOF13 in a tight position, given that its income is pretty low for a new title.
This worries me about the prospects of them actually putting KOFXIII on console since it's the one fighting game I want to play next year, unlike the other titles--SSF2.5Alpha Edition, Boringness Promoter vs Half-assed 3, kind of iffed about the worse balance of BBCSII, I might bother with Arcana Heart 3, and I'm not the biggest fan of the Tekken series (but I'll still bother with it on occasion).
Since SNK can't really win a popularity vote over Street Fighter, they could stand to aim for a little more personality or color (other than black, see Ikari team) to compensate. One problem is that SNKP tries to present KOF at a too-literal level, so fun animations are really out of reach for them. I hardly ever see winposes in any of the videos, there's no special intro animations, and nobody does taunts because of the pace of the game--it's nice that KOFXIII is trying to be a straight-forward fighting game without too much BS, but it's doing too much of that, that each character will seem a little too plain or banal, or lacking in color--see Ikari team, or even Iori team. Changing color palettes at character select doesn't count. And thus, the game overall will seem a little too plain and unappealing, and it doesn't have the level of familiarity/popularity that Street Fighter does to help it out, except in Brazil and other Asian countries where they pirate stuff anyway.
Animated special intros are a lot better than text for character interactions, by the way
What I'm saying is, you need more than just better grafics--there's gotta be some cosmetic or presentation-wise appeal. Iori won fans over with his general posture and demeanor in KOF95, but it just doesn't show, lately.
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Professor 2883th Post
MMCafe Owner
| "Re(5):Hazama does moonwalk" , posted Sat 11 Dec 21:55
quote: This worries me about the prospects of them actually putting KOFXIII on console since it's the one fighting game I want to play next year, unlike the other titles--SSF2.5Alpha Edition, Boringness Promoter vs Half-assed 3, kind of iffed about the worse balance of BBCSII, I might bother with Arcana Heart 3, and I'm not the biggest fan of the Tekken series (but I'll still bother with it on occasion).
Since SNK can't really win a popularity vote over Street Fighter, they could stand to aim for a little more personality or color (other than black, see Ikari team) to compensate. One problem is that SNKP tries to present KOF at a too-literal level, so fun animations are really out of reach for them. I hardly ever see winposes in any of the videos, there's no special intro animations, and nobody does taunts because of the pace of the game--it's nice that KOFXIII is trying to be a straight-forward fighting game without too much BS, but it's doing too much of that, that each character will seem a little too plain or banal, or lacking in color--see Ikari team, or even Iori team. Changing color palettes at character select doesn't count. And thus, the game overall will seem a little too plain and unappealing, and it doesn't have the level of familiarity/popularity that Street Fighter doe
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I don't think you have to worry about a console port, it's inevidable. Compitent netcode, I'm not too sure, but we can all hope.
Yes, the game lacks in additional animations. Even the taunts are mostly recycled animation from normal attacks or win poses. SNKP just doesn't seem to have the manpower to work on the extra animation. And I have no idea why they didn't make the taunts cancelable in 13. You're a total sitting duck until the motion finishes.
BBCSII, my personal opinion is that it's too early to make tier lists, but the game indeed seems a bit unbalanced. However, we can see that as a good thing since it gives us the first chance to see whether a publisher will make good use of the Nesica system and distribute patches for the game balance.
mbisonhatclub 239th Post
PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(8):Hazama does moonwalk" , posted Tue 21 Dec 04:26
quote: You know, when you called KOFXIII boring, I was going to say "Almost as boring as watching Litchi in CS!" I would be eating those words right now, but instead, I'm only eating the sentiment!
Touche, but I call KOFXIII boring when it's just frickin K`/Raiden/random support matches, like the videos Kusanagi-style was linking earlier
But watching that Nico ratio-based competition video made me so happy to see awesome Vice and awesome Kaphwan, and Chin showing Raiden a thing or two, and I would really love to see more ratio-based competition videos and not acho tier-hugging videos of the SAME SETS OF PEOPLE OVER AND OVER AND OVER
I imagine Platinum's only real gimmick is that she's a magical loli and that's what makes her appealing to the otaku who don't want to embarass themselves playing Arcana Heart 3 instead (which I'm still getting anyway)
Oddly enough, I hardly ever get to play against a competent Litchi online at the moment, the world is filled with Ragnas and Tagers, and I'm using Tsubaki still
I think the voice pack being used for BBCSII most videos is that of Taokaka's seiyuu which has been available on PSN for sometime, but I'm not sure
When you look at the changes from BBCT to BBCS then BBCS to BBCSII, you can really tell how big the changes are that Arcsys makes--I've never really noticed that in Guilty Gear until lately when Grave pointed that out to me, and playing a character in one game is almost like playing a completely different character in the sequels, save a couple exceptions. It's almost as amazing as when you first experienced Kyo in KOF96 after having gotten so used to his standardized moveset in 94 and 95. I do kinda wish for his punch combos to return, by the way, but this is for the KOF thread to discuss
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mbisonhatclub 242th Post
PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(3):Continium Shift II to console" , posted Wed 22 Dec 10:53:
Was it not in plain english(tm) or something?
Since my last post was so cryptic, here it is in plain english.
Blazblue Continuum Shift II being on the PSP is better than the lack of announcement Capcom had at Jump Festa.
1) Claims of new reveals at Jump Festa! 2) No reveals made at Jump Festa supposedly as a response to leaks/rumors with remarks "you shouldn't listen to rumors/leaks"--True, we shouldn't just believe what we say, but who said they were our nanny? 3) Excuses of why characters can't be in MVC3 by CAPCOM only for them to later tell us "Oh, don't listen to that hogwash, that's not all true." 4) I'm poking fun at the situation in my own way 5) I totally forgot to add this in earlier: Megaman was brushed off because he wasn't "unique enough" and neither was Strider, apparently, but apparently (according to frame-ologists), Akuma is so unique that he must be thrown in MVC3! BRILLIANT
If I come off as needlessly vulgar, it's never really personal, I exaggerate my reactions all the time--but if you are mad because I insulted your fanboy company then all I have to say is sucksfest to you because I'm an equal opportunity destroyer
If you have any questions, complaints, concerns, come at me bro
It seems I've been too hard on Capcom afterall. I just realized they've been working so hard. My apologies!
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Wed 22 Dec 12:44] |