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Pollyanna 2860th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):King of fighter XIII predictions." , posted Sat 20 Feb 11:27
quote: Hopefully if the rumors are true. who will be the characters you think that will be in the game?
Mine is:
k mai mary yuri king takuma angel(i would love to see) rugal geese big krauser yashiro shermie chris billy yamazaki shingo
3-vs-3 3 supers storyline!
Thanks for starting a new topic.
That's a pretty fat wishlist, and I'm surprised at how fast the game was announced, so...I suspect that the characters that had hidden data on the home port of the game (that would complete the teams) will most certainly be included and round out most of the new cast.
So that gives us...who? Billy, Mai, King, Yuri, Vice, Takuma, 98' Iori and that Muay Thai Fatal Fury guy?
I'm thinking the game will mostly consist of things they didn't have time to squeeze into KOF 13. Making this more like "the real KOF 12" than anything. I'm thinking we'll see a new boss with a powered-up Ash as a sub boss, maybe? I'm hoping for one new team, aside from the afore-mentioned roster.
As for my wishlist...well, I don't want to get my hopes up with anything. I'm happy to see just about any character in the new style, even if I don't like them so much, myself.
One big thing I hope they fix is the "getting hit by a big throw" animation. The characters land awkwardly on their feet and it just looks stupid. Raiden's command throw is also embarrassingly poor, even for a character as embarrassingly poor as Raiden.
I hope they have more music, too. 6 songs are not enough. I don't want to have to make my own KOF mix album to listen to while I play the game.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
celebrityfest 41th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(5):King of fighter XIII predictions." , posted Sat 20 Feb 13:45
quote: Hidden data in kof xii? Really who was hidden?
The people I just listed: Billy, Mai, King, Yuri, Vice, Takuma, 98' Iori and that Muay Thai Fatal Fury guy (his name eludes me).
It also had "Dark Ash" and some boss character.
Joe Higashi?
And I wanna see a hi-def Kasumi... >_>
. Well with billy and hwa jai..thats the fatal fury one team: raiden, billy, hwa jai. Mai, king, yuri womens team. if k is on the game thats kyo, ash, and k. Takuma, ryo, and robert...etc. The teams are complete if they do it that way.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v180/celebrityfest/issue1cover.jpg [Image Attached]
Toxico 4861th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):King of fighter XIII predictions." , posted Sat 20 Feb 16:37
The people I just listed: Billy, Mai, King, Yuri, Vice, Takuma, 98' Iori and that Muay Thai Fatal Fury guy (his name eludes me).
It also had "Dark Ash" and some boss character.
don't heed the unused art. There is also at least 1 unused stage that was present in one of the betas, and missing in the final game (was it just one scenario or more than that? Can't really recall)
To be honest, the fact that we are supposedly so close to something of the game it just doesn't make any sense at all, considering how long the production of XII took... How many characters should they be able to add in a year? 3? So unless all of the hinted characters where up to some decent level of completion, I doubt well get a "kof size" roster that most people have been grieving about since long.
So, in all in all, my prediction is that the game won't be shown, or will be delayed. ひょひょひょひ。

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
Iggy 9069th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):King of fighter XIII predictions." , posted Sat 20 Feb 19:52
quote: So, in all in all, my prediction is that the game won't be shown, or will be delayed. ひょひょひょひ。
My wish list would be that the dotters who work on 13 would be the same that worked on 12. And that they finish the most blatantly sloppy characters (Mature, Mature, Mature, and, oh, Chin as well). I hope we get a completed 12, not a horrible mismatch with more weak and unfinished characters with poor designs and horrible animation because they had to hire some cheap studio to finish the job.
Also, I wish they keep what was good in 12. Call 12 an official beta and keep everything from it, including the backgrounds. These were the best looking and most lively backgrounds since... like... Last Blade 2, maybe ?
Just a Person 1345th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):King of fighter XIII predictions." , posted Sat 20 Feb 23:39
quote: Hopefully if the rumors are true. who will be the characters you think that will be in the game?
That's a pretty fat wishlist, and I'm surprised at how fast the game was announced, so...I suspect that the characters that had hidden data on the home port of the game (that would complete the teams) will most certainly be included and round out most of the new cast.
Wait, when was it announced? Is it true? SNKP is working on KoF XIII??
If it's true, that's wonderful news! And it's not even necessary to work very hard in it, just complete KoF XII with the hidden data characters, more stages, a final boss and a storyline and some adjustments in gameplay (...okay, so it is necessary to work very hard in it, after all). With these implementations, that game has a lot of potential to be one of the best upcoming fighting games!
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Badoor 110th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(4):King of fighter XIII predictions." , posted Sun 21 Feb 07:55
quote: Wait, when was it announced? Is it true? SNKP is working on KoF XIII?? I believe it wasnt announced, yet at least officially.
But I'll be putting this just to do it in here.
Teaser picture from arcadia for next month.
Seems like NONA did that art of terry.
As for KOF XIII, being KOF XII completed is 1st of my wishes. Mature is so embarrassingly unfinished, it was probably 1 step above reusing her winning pose sprite as a counter-reversal special/DM.
Rather than merely stating a random favorite character list (kasumi, yamazaki, geese, gato, k', vice, takuma, king) I think I should state ways about how the system used in 12 needs to be freshened up a little.
with early the footage of KOF 12, I though the clash system was interesting in a sort of faux parry system and it's sad that the higher speed led to the clash being a more random occurrence like most other GG style fighters or as a way to move thru projectiles. At least that's how I use it.
The critical counter is a bit overpowered and the CC bar fills up way too often which meant that most of the match your in these more cautionary state rather than regular KOF offensiveness state. I like the change in state but it should be lessened a bit.
and more DMs and SDMs.
mbisonhatclub 135th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(1):King of fighter XIII predictions." , posted Mon 22 Feb 09:20
Embellish the gameplay engine, stop making critical counter seem like a custom combo ripoff (booooring and lame to boot), give characters more attacks, do something more with the DM meter and make it more important than for just doing DMs, fix some characters, add some features, put some bosses, more characters.
TL;DR coming up
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - I can't stress this enough: CHARACTER SPECIFICS. Even Street Fighter games have character specifics. For example, you can't use Dhalsim the same way you use Zangief. Likewise, you can't fight against Dhalsim the same way you fight against Zangief. It doesn't work so easily. Even in Blazblue, considered by many GG fanboys as the watered down casual version of Guilty Gear, each character is pretty unique in strategies and gameplay mechanics that not one character will play too similar to another character, and that's what makes these aforementioned games less mundane. You can't play as Rachel the same way you play Tager or Hakumen, and you can't use either of the latter two against a Rachel the same way, either. In KOF, you don't even have any real setup/zoning characters. Just regular fighters with maybe a projectile, melee, and grapplers. Billy Kane and Whip were there, at least, but they're not even in KOFXII. I think at this point, KOF would suffer drastic broken issues if it ever had a Rachel style character in it, or even a Litchi.
At least in past KOF games, there were some counter-style characters like Blue Mary and Geese Howard or even Ryuji Yamazaki. I was hoping Malin would be a setup-style character when I first heard about her and her yo-yo (was thinking Bridget ripoff obviously) but was disappoint, son. Even SUB-ZERO IN MK2 at least had a floor-freezing setup game and had something where you could sorta control something other than your own character's sprite (Kung Lao's hat toss).
In Arcsys games, it matters which combo setups and enders you use, generally speaking, because some provide more damage and others will give better oki setups. It's not as visible in games like SF and KOF and that's OK, but it could really mean that you'd only ever want to go for one specific combo given one specific situation because it does the most damage, and the only thing you're really worried about is making sure it gets executed, and that's what makes it totally linear.
What I really wish KOF had, in conclusion, was some more variability and some more intricacies.
End of Spoiler
yashiro shermie chris
I AGREE AND I'D SELL MY SOUL TO SNKP but I doubt this is going to happen, so instead, SNKP better have a fucking more articulate gameplay engine for KOFXIII, and of course, more attacks.
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Loona 298th Post

Copper Customer

| "Re(3):King of fighter XIII predictions." , posted Mon 22 Feb 18:53
I'd be pleased if they simply made sure the once-planned Takuma and King were decently implemented (for Takuma, that's a non-2002 style IMO), added the missing far strong attacks (it's odd to see Ryo stand hard kick low at a distance), proper follow-up plot to XI, better online, and some fluff in the shape of cameos in stages (more of these would also be nice) and some new animations like (character-specific) intros and victory poses.
Ideally, it'd also include a proper version of Rugal instead of the grinning berzerker zombie cyborg we've seen since 98, but Adel has a much greater chance.
One thing I really liked from XI and would like to see back is a separate bar for tactical/defensive moves like cancelling a block into a roll so it won't use up the same bar as supers, but since XII tried to simplify things to renew its player base this is sadly unlikely.
Also, regarding that Terry illustration that was posted, it's interesting that Terry's cap has "NeoGeo" written in it instead of Fatal Fury - that pretty much only happened in pre-KoF days... I'm curious to see what's planned for the 20th anniversary of the Garou series, but the picture sems to hint it won't involve using Terry's finer outfits from FF1 or MotW...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Professor 2583th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Thu 25 Mar 22:01:
News Stuff-
Official site Press report, screens and illustrations at Dengeki Onlineand Gpara Screenshots courtesy of AM-net are mirrored here Detailed report and some photos at http://www.ariesu.com/ First video of the female fighters at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjBn-JzatBY - http://www.youtube.com/user/samalus#p/u Short and relatively uninformative video at Kotaku
-Game is slated for arcades this summer -Female fighters team: Mai, Yuri, King is in the game -Also slots for 6 other characters -Character select has multiple palette selections like Blazblue, 10 selections per character (note: character select screen gives you about 50 seconds)
-Characters can do new "EX" specials and supers by using up their power meter. EX versions of the moves can have various effects ranging from multiple hits, invincibility, hit detection after move hits, and in cases of some projectiles- faster speed, penetration. Most, but not all moves have an EX version. -New "drive cancel" system allows for players to cancel a special or super into another one. Requires the use of the "drive meter". EX moves can be used. -New "Hyper Drive" mode. When the drive meter is at MAX, you can go into Hyper Drive mode, which lets you cancel all normal moves, direction moves (like   ), and also lets you do infinite drive cancels for a limited time.
-4 New stages: Bus Terminal (United Kingdom), Sumo ring in fall season, Jungle in the sunshine, Maharaja.
-Additional tidbits (some unconfirmed): The game is back on its series storyline and will be the conclusion to Ash's chapter Terry has his Buster Wolf Kyo can do an aerial Orochinagi Yuri shoots two fireballs in her EX Raiouken Athena's graphics haven't changed The developers used a physics engine to do Mai's chests (reported by Dengeki)
Also, the game will be included in the next Tougeki battle tournament.
Updates on this post- *Updated post with Ishmael's Youtube links *Updated post with link to News sites, added some tidbits --And that's it for Day 1. More stuff should be floating around tomorrow.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 26 Mar 00:38] |
Just a Person 1356th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Thu 25 Mar 23:59
Great news, thanks Professor!
KOF XIII already looks much better than XII, and it seems there are defined teams this time, which is good! And Ash is going solo, apparently...
I wonder if XIII will be part of the series' canon plot, since Mature is still in the game. Although, if I'm not mistaken, Vice (who BTW, I really hope appears this time) and her were never CONFIRMED as dead after KoF'96, this scenario was just the most likely one since they vanished after Iori attacked them.
Anyway, XIII just needs now a plot, a final boss, some minor balance adjustments, and I'm already sold!
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Toxico 4901th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Fri 26 Mar 00:52:
quote: Thanks for the info! I'm so relieved they FINALLY changed Mai's voice. Either it's a new VA or they told her to calm down, but the character sounds like she won't be a total embarrassment to play as, and that hasn't happened since... 97, maybe?
AKA Garou voice samples, interestingly enough.
Thoughts :
The impact of the graphic presentation is much higher than the previous game (and that was some of it's mains strengths).
Counter message and standard 98' power meter as well. Guard -> CD cancel is in, I suppose that with roll as well.
Empty team slots : 2 for Ash (he isn't even in the center... Is the leader of the team a new character?), 1 for Kim, 1 for Yagami, 1 for Kyokugen; whole new team (3 slots) is available.
The new seiyuu part hasn't been revealed.
WTF to the new Let's hate Ash team : Liz, Duo, Shen woo (and mostly the rest of the planet). Also, Kensou's clothes look red on his pic... New palette or new costume? (<- it was his arm ¬¬)
Edit :
King looks more lady oscarish, like in her AoF 1 days.
Speed and impact effects seems completely revamped (no garou counter stuns)

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 26 Mar 00:57] |
Pollyanna 2890th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Fri 26 Mar 05:02
quote: As for the remaining characters, the names in the X360 rom seem believable: Vice, Takuma and Hwa Jai to fill up the existing teams. Final team could be K'/Kula/Maxima... Remain Dark Ash, iori98 and Billy, I think? And a possible new character as a boss. I can't see how all these characters can make it in the game, but boy am I hyped.
That's what I was thinking.
As long as the "final team" isn't Dark Ash, Iori98 and Billy, I'm pumped. (Well, unless those slots are filled with the sports team, I guess).
The jungle level was indeed removed from KOFXII, making this game the "official" KOFXII in more than one way.
Whatever. I love KOF. I'll play it to death in the arcade if at all possible and if I can find an excuse to buy the home version twice, I'll do it. The game doesn't even have to be all that good. (although it does seem to be stacking up nicely)
quote: I am the only one that find TERRIBLE the new moe design of the girls?
I'm happy they mixed things up. KOF had an absolute wealth of "late teen, early 20s attractive people", now they have broke Yuri and Athena out of that mold and put Mature even farther away than she was already. They've done the same with the guys by exaggerating so many of their designs. (I love you, Nona!!)
I love King's giant hair, too...it's the first time I've liked her.
I like the balance now, but I think if we get a greater influx of moe-looking characters, my feelings will change.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Spoon 1920th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(6):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Fri 26 Mar 06:17
quote: (Well, unless those slots are filled with the sports team, I guess).
I'd like to see SNK do a more modern take on the USA Sports team. They were really unique characters to play as in '98, and even moreso in 98UM.
Brian should be HUMONGOUS, but still blessed with the ability to sail through the air at speeds few can approach, let alone match.
I'm not a fan of the current hiphop/gangsta basketball fashion/attitude, but hey, SNK can make anything silly and fun... sometimes unintentionally.
Don't know what a new Heavy D would be like, though as long as he isn't forced to revolve around d.BxN into super, it's ok.
Pollyanna 2891th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Fri 26 Mar 13:50
Recycle the levels! Go ahead! The more the merrier! The long long beta test is finally coming to an end.
quote: Dear lord, this is incredible. More than I could have hoped for. Now the real question is, if I haven't had a chance to play XII yet, should I even bother?
KOFXII is a better game than people give it credit for, but if you don't have other people to play it with, I can't possibly recommend it. The single player and online aspects of the game are severely lacking.
quote: This game makes me so unbelievably happy.
I know. I KNOW.
Just thinking about the boldness in the game's design is inspirational to me. It's energizing.
I'm so sad to hear people complain about how inferior KOF is to BlazBlue (graphically). I love BB...I think it looks good...I think it takes a very sensible approach to 2D HD. But the new KOF games are like SF3 when it first came out. Weird, but fearless, fiercely original, showing the strength of 2D.
I hope that by its 3rd iteration, the new KOF will be as beloved among fans as 3rd Strike. Too much to hope for, but the positive response that XIII is getting already is refreshing.
Looks like the system is stacking up reallllly nicely, too.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Iggy 9097th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Fri 26 Mar 20:16
Polly: I think they explained something about HSDM (with Benimaru's Raikoken as a demonstration, normal/HSDM. the details must be in the Prof's post...?)
quote: I hope that by its 3rd iteration, the new KOF will be as beloved among fans as 3rd Strike.
That's probably not to be. KOFXII tried to be something totally new, failed from the very first beta test, and was hurried into something else for the final version, something that was neither KOF nor anything else. This one is coming back to what KOF is (fatser, HSDM, KOF2002 dokocan system, plus the EX moves thanks to SF4)(Vampire what?). Real Bout fans are already sad that the game is "yet another KOF", so I'm pretty sure the serious 3rd crow won't even bother.
Also, YEAH MATURE IS FINISHED! Ebony Tears FTW! I really wonder how it's going to look like (speed, width, EX version). Are jumps higher than in KOFXII? Because if it's not done correctly, Raiden&co might get screwed just by this move alone. And finally, I wonder if throws are finally usable in this game. It would be nice if Mature&Vice could be neither broken nor abysmal. Add Liz with them, and the dominatrix team is complete!
Toxico 4908th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Fri 26 Mar 22:41:
I'm the only one who's bothering with googling for vids?.
Things from XII that I'd hoped they kept, but seems to have been taken away :
-> Two button throws (people have done a lot of accidental defensive throws, and that's the trademark of single button throws).
-> normal attack, canceled to (Charge) CD (no one is doing it)
-> far attacks done manually.
-> long back hop, short back hop.
Well, that's about it. The girls team seem to be strong.
+ Oh, and throw escape is back.
+ The "I don't know what's called, but it's the same as the doko cancel mode" gets turned off if you eat an attack while on it. And you lost your whole bar. (I don't personally think that this is back, it only hampers trying to guard crush an enemy (as the cd guard cancel will cancel your mode)).
+ Cabinet stickers game currently at 70%?. the other half. Ash is beautiful(?) and uses 3 characters slot.
+ There are still 6 character missing (duh!), I don't think that there is an 1p beta test cabinet, so we can't check if they have a sub boss or something in the beta build.
Videos :
take 01 (Yuri has a new dive kick, which actually seems to add some type of air game to her).
take 02 (With King bug. Yuri alternative colors seems to de-color her pants, which is awesome since creates and even more "sports look").
take 03
take 04 (some Yuri)
take 05 (mostly King)
EDIT : Gpara has an article which oddly enough adds some speeches for each character.
Goro speaks, so I want my money back!
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/video/niconico/sm10171032 Nico nico vid from yesterday, some Duo Lon.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 26 Mar 23:36] |
Toxico 4910th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Sat 27 Mar 09:18:
quote: Ycouldn't they have come up with a different way of filling up space besides making everyone wider?
It's to appeal to American audiences.
Consider this : If we judge Lá France by our KoF exposure, we are shocked to discover either elitist sadomazo girls, putative cheap price taxi boys with white hair or a bunch of fat people ganging up together to consume cocaine.
We are certainly yet to be shown the "state of the art" "world reknown parisian bodies", which is a harsh punishment to us all. . Well, we also have the "someone's hot mom from an 80s sitcom/movie" (™), so maybe everything can be forgiven.
Anyways, looks like no Oswald
I bet you'll be able to play poker against him at some point in some kind of days of memories game.
Now, on the actual news, Fighter's front line has updated with coverage info about XIII... I was wondering "why" they took so long to update, but the answer is obvious just by looking at the article: aside from the move lists and pics that we have all known and seen a thousand times already, they also have quick characters run downs describing changes / characteristics here and there.
EDIT : someone is actually playing with Ash
The user has more things in his channel here, though he has only two unseen videos.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 27 Mar 11:33] |
Toxico 4911th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Sat 27 Mar 12:37:
Now, on the actual news, Fighter's front line has updated with coverage info about XIII... they also have quick characters run downs describing changes / characteristics here and there.
No one else seems to be doing this, and I quote myself because I'm bored and famous, so yeah.
Ash Crimson: - Continues to be a charge (akin Guile) character. - Weak Ventose seems to have changed it's effect on impact (unsure of this bit). Strong Ventose is unchanged from 12. - EX Geneé makes appear two bubbles. The position of the bubbles seems to be determined by the couple of buttons used. - Termidore can hit up to five times, but comes out faster. - Sans culotte does not have the "leader effect" like it did in XI and still lacks reach (so, it's like XII).
Elizabeth (Unsure of details / questions outside XII) - Seems to be greatly enhanced. - Added two moves クー・ド・ヴァン、グラン・ラファール (French is an evil language, so I won't be touching this). - Strong "クー・ド・ヴァン" can be connected from "グラン・ラファール" - Strong "クー・ド・ヴァン" seems to posses high body invincibility. - EX Noble Blanche (DM) The second half of the light sphere seems to advance, and seems to prevent guard cancel (Unusure about these lines).
Duo Lon - Added 呪怨死魂, which can over power fireballs (EX only?). It has the apperance of a fog and it's hard to tell if it hits - His EX DM feels like an hurricane mixer (it's a move from bufalo man from the kinnikuman fame. It looks like Bryan 94' DM). - Can't cancel his Qcf into teleport without the usage of the bar.
Shen Woo - New far standing kick (It's actually similar to Ken far standing round house in 3S). - Geki ken seems have slower recovery, EX geki ken knocks down. - Fuku Tora seems to gain reach and speed as an EX. - Tenren Ken is still short but quick. EX version has added range. - Tatsu geki ken (DM) seems to be the same as XI. EX is faster and has some invincibility. - The follow up from the DM seems to be missing (I'm reading this right?). - His old staple combo from XII, cls C -> fwd B -> Qcf + C -> Qcf + B -> DM can only be done by wasting a lot of drive bar. - (I don't get the last part "Small feet when natsugare?" I need to be sued).
The rest of the characters are not as important as a proper meal, drinks and some rest.
obscene voodoo dance teleport

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 27 Mar 14:50] |
Burning Ranger 1647th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Pics + Thoughts..." , posted Sun 28 Mar 00:13
Kotaku has some screenshots, some of which have been seen before: http://kotaku.com/5502918/the-first-king-of-fighters-xiii-screen-shots-bust-out/
Now, my 2 cents:
I like the return of the Women's team. Looks like King will be back in my roster. Also, the return of more than one DM is good, though I still miss the pre-fight animation/banter. Also, looks likes they got rid of that "time trial story mode" from the first game (YES!). Interested to see what else is in store as far as characters, story and music.
I don't want to be fooled twice. XII left a bad taste and I don't want to pay for another mediocre experience (I'm talking home release, since these games rarely make it to nearly nonexistent arcades in the US). But having seen some of the videos and the screen shots, I'm getting a little more optimistic. Cautious, but optimistic.
 So much to do so little time...
mbisonhatclub 148th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(10):Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Mon 29 Mar 04:48:
quote: It sounds like you don't want to play KOF, you want to play an Arcsys fighting game.
True! I am quite spoiled by all the craziness in them, and in Darkstalkers games as well. KOF to me has always been a lot more active than Street Fighter in terms of gameplay, but the only real thing it has over SF is rolling and low jumps, and in the end it is simply still footsies and pokes with not a whole lot of pressure besides that, and SF is moreso praised for "mind games" (for children)
Don't get me wrong, I love the series but I feel they shouldn't fall back only on an old formula just because Capcom did. In fact, it's pretty obvious they're adding EX moves just because SF4 now has them (as a throwback to SF3, though DS had them before then). Capcom has familiarity in both the east and the west where as SNK(P) has grounds mainly in just Japan to what seems like a lesser degree than SF, and of course, they have their lovely fanbase in Mexico, insert huehuea's
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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Mon 29 Mar 04:52] |
Toxico 4919th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Tue 30 Mar 00:10:
Hey, there is the game story in that page!! Would anyone here that understands Japanese please translate it for us?
And why is Mai being placed as the Women Team's leader? If I remember correctly, King has always been the team leader, except in '97 and '2000 (and in the second case she wasn't even in the team to be the leader)...
If you look at the female fighter's team, the team has skipped through the leader position many times through the years (I think it started with King in the "first character spot" just like this game, then Kasumi in '96). In the end the team switched so much the so called leader position (and was the only team that did that) that I came into my own conclusion which spelled that "for that team" alone that issue was totally not relevant. I always wondered if developers wanted to add that 'no leader' feeling to the team, which gave me a slight 'we are all equal in a pillow fight anarchy' feeling. After all is the only team they could more or less afford to try this out, since other teams pretty stuck with pro battle prowess main characters in the 'lead' position.
About the story, I'll try to manage something. I always more or less praised KoF for having carefully written texts for peoples storylines (they actually hire a "steady" light novelist writer for these, and he has been involved with them since long I believe). Well, that huge feeling of praising and joy that the size of the text and it's sentence structure gave me, was there since I suppose that it was due to the fact that I never pictured me dazzling around behind the screen with a dictionary trying to figure out doubts equipped with my 'puzzled face'. (Ash nail art diary is 7 pages worth).
The move lists in the site list moves that where previously unknown for some characters.
Also, there it seems to have been a small "publishing scandal" in the website (I noticed it was taken down for a while). The thing is that, SNK seems to have uploaded more info than what we are supposed to know. Within the menus from the site, if you dug around the source code you could find this access button: This one
I think that there it was another one for the boss entry. Also, if you check the the size of the select screen, aside the 31 characters, there is space for 5 more if you try to properly match the both edges of the screen... But they are probably just teasing my will to believe.
Speaking of which, the XII Xbald dumped data was something like this
★01.# "Elisabeth" ★02.# "Duolon" ★03.# "Shen" ★04.# "Kyo" ★05.# "Benimaru" ★06.# "Daimon" ★07.# "Iori" ★08.# "Mature" №09.# "Vice" <--------------------- ★10.# "Terry" ★11.# "Andy" ★12.# "Joe" ★13.# "Athena" ★14.# "Kensou" ★15.# "Chin" ★16.# "Kim" №17.# "Hwa" <--------------------- ★18.# "Raiden" ★19.# "Ryo" ★20.# "Robert" №21.# "Takuma" <---------------------- ★22.# "Ralf" ★23.# "Clark" ★24.# "Leona" ★25.# "Ash" №26.# "Boss_chara" №27.# "Darkash_chara" №28.# "Mai" !! №29.# "King" !! №30.# "Yuri" !! №31.# "Iori98" <---------- not likely now №32.# "Billy" <---------- not likely now
This close match XIII's character select screen, on some points.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 30 Mar 00:26] |
Toxico 4920th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Tue 30 Mar 03:43:
Now that you mention it, that's true. Yuri was also in the "first character spot" in '95, wasn't she?
But I always assumed that Yuri in '95 and Kasumi in '96 were put in the first spot by mistake; the endings in these games always made me think that King was leading the team...
With that train of thought, then Maxima is KoF '99's main character, since K' chickens out in the end and he has to be a war buddy and drag his ass out of the enemy base, while K' gets the hots for him.
EDIT: Kim / Yuri/ Leona vid
About this, I took some major liberties for the sake of me working less on this
(yellow text) After having pierced through Magaki with his spear, signs of Shion disappeared through the dimensional cleft.
Furthermore, as it to ridicule the investigation led by Heidern forces, they come out of their hidding to retrieve Magaki's corpse.
Those who speak of "we who hail from his distant land" ( 「遥けし彼の地」 )
Persistently pursuing the where about of the Orochi power.
While that happens, Yagami Iori falls to Ash Crimson
Elizabeth confronts those actions (unsure if his in the line of 'facing' (asking why) or 'facing' (opposing)).
After Kagura, follows Yagami Iori's powers (「力」) absorption.
Being Yata defeated, Yasakani taken down (note = Yata : Kagura's lineage / treasure name. Yasakani is Yagami's)
Of the three divine treasures, only Kusanagi is remaining
However, at that moment the disturb of Orochi triggers in Yagami
And Kusanagi Kyo collapses from severe wounds.
※ ※ ※ (red text)
Having suffered several accidents, concern is stretching towards KoF.
Even so, the question of who is the strongest...
A KoF of unprecedented scale has begun to be spelled
With the wide world as stage, an unprecedented great scale competition of different fighting styles
Never before a gathering like this has been reported.
And thus, those who posses the proper ability receive the written invitation
And the one sending them is ・・・・・・ 「R」!

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 30 Mar 04:14] |
karasu99 319th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(7):Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Wed 31 Mar 04:14
quote: I predict we will not see her in action, and she will be a demo-only character.
Agreed, she doesn't seem much like a fighter, but I guess it is possible that she will be a 'striker summoning' type of boss? That does not seem too likely to me, but SNKP might surprise us.
Imagine my surprise when I come back from an absence only to find that not only is KOFXIII interesting, but it is also quite attractive.
The stage backgrounds are gorgeous.
Mai's pendulous boobs are ridiculous (and perhaps the time involved in getting them just right was the reason why she wasn't in XII?), but I applaud SNKP for putting so much effort into them. They're hypnotic!
King looks... wow. Her new sprite reminds me why I found her so appealing way back in AOF2.
I am intrigued to hear that there may be a Hwa Jai appearance. Perhaps they will involve his... well, whatever it was that he drank in the first Garou to power up, rather than making him a completely different kind of character, like they did with Tung. That's assuming he will actually be in the game, of course.
Just a Person 1365th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(8):Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Wed 31 Mar 04:53
quote: I am intrigued to hear that there may be a Hwa Jai appearance. Perhaps they will involve his... well, whatever it was that he drank in the first Garou to power up, rather than making him a completely different kind of character, like they did with Tung. That's assuming he will actually be in the game, of course.
That would be really nice. Although some people could complain that Hwa Jai drinking to power up would be an imitation of Hakan oiling himself up to power up in SSFIV, despite the fact Hwa already did that years ago and that the two mentioned power ups are very different from each other...
The thought that intrigues me is that, if Vice is indeed the last member of Iori's team, we don't know if she will use the same outfit as Mature (perhaps only in a different color) or if she would finally have different clothes than Mature. Of course, considering the case of Ralf and Clark in XII (and now in XIII), I am not expecting much originality here...
quote: I wonder if also the rest of the "of his distant land" are going to unceremoniously going to be offed on screen by dark trendy Ash or Heidi.
Maybe they will appear in the next game (assuming there will be one). Maybe XIII isn't the last chapter of Ash's saga. I can see something like this:
2003 - Ash steals Chizuru's power XI - Ash steals Iori's power XIII - Ash steals Kyo's power XIV - everyone (heroes and villains) competes for the right of kicking Ash's ass in the end of the saga
...Yeah, probably it will end in XIII. So, maybe the people from Makai's group will appear as a bunch of midbosses? Or maybe three of them will form the so far unrevealed team? Who knows...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Shin ATproof 1231th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(8):Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Wed 31 Mar 08:14
quote: The stage backgrounds are gorgeous.
Indeed. Seeing characters in the background is quite interesting, I'm having a hard time seeing identical people despite there being so many people in these crowds. And it is great seeing backgrounds that show KoF as a major worldwide event. I loved that about the old games.
quote: Mai's pendulous boobs are ridiculous (and perhaps the time involved in getting them just right was the reason why she wasn't in XII?), but I applaud SNKP for putting so much effort into them. They're hypnotic!
I expected no less than well animated ginormous ninja tits in HD and that is what we got. She's really great to see in action though and totally validates SNKP taking like an extra year to make her.
quote: King looks... wow. Her new sprite reminds me why I found her so appealing way back in AOF2.
I'm LOLing at King's design in this game. Granted she looks great but good lord King's breasts are huge! Which is funny since this was a character that originally was trying to hide the fact that she is a woman, now she some giggling bazookas (Yuri too; hooray for awesome color edits!).
quote: I am intrigued to hear that there may be a Hwa Jai appearance. Perhaps they will involve his... well, whatever it was that he drank in the first Garou to power up, rather than making him a completely different kind of character, like they did with Tung. That's assuming he will actually be in the game, of course.
Agreed, it'll be interesting to see how Hwa turns out, hopefully not a headswap of Joe which I half expect Vice to be [Mature] only with an eyepatch on the opposite side and maybe a slightly different stance.
Sí mon con langosta y camarón
Toxico 4922th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Wed 31 Mar 08:54
If Vice is indeed the last member of Iori's team, we don't know if she will use the same outfit as Mature (perhaps only in a different color) or if she would finally have different clothes than Mature. Of course, considering the case of Ralf and Clark in XII (and now in XIII), I am not expecting much originality here...
Well, I suppose that the best we can expect is different neutral stance, and some different normal attacks. Also a difference in the injury (something like a head band or a face band aid, not an eye patch).
I'm really praying that they don't give lame shotesque normal moves to her (like they did in '98). Also, if Iori is supposedly weaker now due to the lack of Orochi power, I want Mature & Vice to be totally Yandereish with the poor zap..... But I do realize that I'm asking too much. In all accounts.
Maybe XIII isn't the last chapter of Ash's saga. I can see something like this:
It could also be the case that they get screwed over, but some of them survive and are forced to go into hiding (like what happened with the NESTS cronies).
I'm LOLing at King's design in this game. Granted she looks great but good lord King's breasts are huge! Which is funny since this was a character that originally was trying to hide the fact that she is a woman, now she some giggling bazookas.
From the several possible naked KOs that King could be a victim of in AoF 1, I don't remember if you could check if she was bandaged with something in there. In AoF 2 we had the same issue happening (from no chest, to porn actress bo0bs).

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
Spoon 1922th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):KOFXIII Stuff" , posted Thu 1 Apr 01:02
quote: Really, Yuri and Athena will soon be returning to kindergarten if they keep being de-aged in appearance...
And they will still have meticulously animated boobs.
I remember a long time ago, there was some heated discussion about boob sizes and .... SC, I think it was. The gist of it now that I remember was that Ivy having boobs and being sexy is good, because she's supposed to be cool and sexy. But after a few sequels, her proportions got to the point where they were detracting from her coolness, and she became sexy (of sorts) and ridiculous.
King's cleavage is, undeniably, enormous. I can only complain so much about painstakingly crafted 2D fighting game boobs, but the combined volume of those things have got to equal or exceed the volume of her head. Maybe the plot point is that she's become a mother now...
Toxico 4929th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Keh!!??" , posted Tue 6 Apr 15:28
quote: I don't buy this
That seems to be the info sent to arcade operators
Oh, so the "I don't (won't) buy this", ended up being literal (like, there is no way that I can afford a board ) Thx for the info.
-> New loke test vid : here Yuri, Leona, Ash vs 94' hag Onna. One of the players seems to have Gynophobia as he can't get far enough from the girls.
That vid more or less confirm one thing... And that's that we are not going to see more interesting / strange characters (like Kensou, Chin and ..... I don't remember the selection screen right now) until we can get our greasy fat hands in the game.
Oh, and I suggest that we keep this thread until something interesting shows up (like, new loke test, or more characters). That way I can speak to myself eternally quoting myself and adding links with small tidbits (I'll be ok sanity wise in a deserted island, I tell you).

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
Just a Person 1368th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(6):Keh!!??" , posted Thu 8 Apr 03:59
quote: It's not Mature, but dresses like Mature . Aside from that, nothing can be seen. Mature is pic 12.
You have great eyes, because mine couldn't see anything in this picture, neither Mature's clothes nor body details indicating it's not her (or anyone else) in it...
Well, so from your impressions, the 6 new characters would be
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Takuma, K', Maxima, Kula, Vice and Hwa Jai
End of Spoiler
, right? I wonder why Kula and Whip can never be in the same team...
As for Mukai's group, will SNKP be able to draw sprites for each one of them in time for the game? Or will the programmers take the 2001 easy route and have one of the members of the group kill all the others before fighting the player's team?
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Toxico 4938th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Keh!!??" , posted Thu 8 Apr 04:16:
Well, so from your impressions, the 6 new characters would be , right? I wonder why Kula and Whip can never be in the same team...
Hmmm dunno, I think Maxima has a pseudo decent underground following in japan (a bunch of middle aged angry sideburnless office guys, I bet), so he has a croud to please. The developers said that they have a soft spot for him, since he represents a different type of character, usually not found in the game (down to earth, two feet on the ground grown up man. Oh, and cyborg too). Kula and Whip seems to be more or less in the same strike zone (Th3 4ngrY L0l1 t13r), but in whole different levels of seriousness.
About the cast, yeah; that's pretty much what I see.... Aka unreleased XII rom chars + Techno biker gang street Violence K' team.
I suppose that the next big question, is that if they are going to add more than 1 edit character into the fray... Since there it where signs of more than 1 edit chara in the XII rom unused info.
Oh, and I think that expecting more than 2 or 3 bosses is silly, since most bosses are usually scrapped after they get their silly plans ruined. There are some bosses that are pseudo regulars in the cast though ハイジ, がんばって!!
Youtube versions of the intro have surfaced since long , More links (servers) is always a good thing.... I think.
Oh, and that 4/1 pic that was posted about XIII debug bios seems way more suspicious now.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 8 Apr 05:34] |
Toxico 4939th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Keh!!??" , posted Thu 8 Apr 19:12
Official site updated... So, checking the SNK site every 4 hours pays back after all! 
Updated with : The trailer for the introduction movie, and Anti Ash Alliance team story.
So, the first story was for Ash, then for Liz... That would mean that the next team story will be Kyo's team. Har har. They probably won't reveal the "oh surprise" cast choices until it's the turn for their storyline to show up.
.... Oh oh, my thoughts so far: Hwa Jai was a character that looked like Joe.... On drugs! He was insane, cranky and evil, but was pretty much weird and weird. And that was before consuming that canned contraption, which made him even weirder & wilder. Hwa Jai was pretty much a very characteristic character for Garou 1, as when speaking of the game the comment of "yeah, and AI opponents all do weird unique stuff" "Like the capoeira that hangs on the roof, or Billy that throws his club, or that guy that goes berserk with the pepper drink". So as cheezy and basic as his (and Raiden) designs are, they do stand for something!
I'm certainly looking forward to what Nona's artistic sense can do with a character that was aggressive in his facial expressions, flinched weirdly with stupid faces when hit, and powered up by becoming a mean drunk.
Oh, and Metal Slug XX will be out in Xbald Live arcade.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
Just a Person 1369th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(9):Keh!!??" , posted Thu 8 Apr 22:41
quote: Updated with : The trailer for the introduction movie, and Anti Ash Alliance team story.
So, the first story was for Ash, then for Liz... That would mean that the next team story will be Kyo's team. Har har. They probably won't reveal the "oh surprise" cast choices until it's the turn for their storyline to show up.
Wow, Ash's story seems to be absurdly long...
Toxico, if you don't mind, could you please tell us later what Ash's and Anti-Ash team's stories reveal about them? Of course, I'm not asking you to fully translate them (as I said, Ash's story is absurdly long for me to even ask you such a thing), just to post a short summary of them.
There was a KoF fansite that used to have the full stories for each team in each game posted in English, but I forgot which fansite it was... and even if I remembered, there's no guarantee that it wasn't closed yet...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Tai-Pan 446th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(8):Keh!!??" , posted Thu 8 Apr 23:32
quote: Hmmm dunno, I think Maxima has a pseudo decent underground following in japan (a bunch of middle aged angry sideburnless office guys, I bet), so he has a croud to please. The developers said that they have a soft spot for him, since he represents a different type of character, usually not found in the game (down to earth, two feet on the ground grown up man. Oh, and cyborg too). Kula and Whip seems to be more or less in the same strike zone (Th3 4ngrY L0l1 t13r), but in whole different levels of seriousness.
Very interesting you mention that. I remember back in the day Maxima, Kula and Whip had a huge following in Argentina. I always wondered why.
"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
Toxico 4941th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Keh!!??" , posted Fri 9 Apr 02:14:
Wow, Ash's story seems to be absurdly long...
Toxico, if you don't mind, could you please tell us later what Ash's and Anti-Ash team's stories reveal about them?
I was thinking on siting down at some point, and going through what we know so far in a big swoop. Not only about the storylines, but also about the development blog entries. And yes, when I can afford to sit down and review things.
There was a KoF fansite that used to have the full stories for each team in each game posted in English, but I forgot which fansite it was... and even if I remembered, there's no guarantee that it wasn't closed yet...
Was it this one? That's the official pre tournament team texts for every year and team. Just select a game and search for the button that reads "team story". That site seems to be translated by snk, so expect it to mess it up with name spelling, gobble up some sentences and even find some katakana and kanji here and there. You shouldn't read SNK story summaries without the engrish, I tell you.
Since you can easily google the ending of the games, that pretty much gives you nearly the whole scope of what's going on in every game.
Very interesting you mention that. I remember back in the day Maxima, Kula and Whip had a huge following in Argentina. I always wondered why.
One positive thing about '99 and post '99 is that new characters play new (for KoF, at least). Considering on how the characters have a new playstyle, with a respective flavor and more or less popular character designs, it shouldn't surprise you that they have a following. Oh, K', Kula & Whip where also extremely cheap in most NESTS era games, so cheeze ball craving players will fall into them as well.
2ch I guess, found it on gamefaqs

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 9 Apr 02:31] |
Ishmael 3752th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Keh!!??" , posted Sat 10 Apr 02:00
quote: .... Oh oh, my thoughts so far: Hwa Jai was a character that looked like Joe.... On drugs! He was insane, cranky and evil, but was pretty much weird and weird. And that was before consuming that canned contraption, which made him even weirder & wilder. Hwa Jai was pretty much a very characteristic character for Garou 1, as when speaking of the game the comment of "yeah, and AI opponents all do weird unique stuff" "Like the capoeira that hangs on the roof, or Billy that throws his club, or that guy that goes berserk with the pepper drink". So as cheezy and basic as his (and Raiden) designs are, they do stand for something!
I'm certainly looking forward to what Nona's artistic sense can do with a character that was aggressive in his facial expressions, flinched weirdly with stupid faces when hit, and powered up by becoming a mean drunk.
That's a good observation about FF1; it was probably the last of the Yie Ar Kung Fu style fighting games. All the enemy characters could be built around wild playstyles and gimmicks since they weren't going to be controlled by the player. In contrast, FF2 with its large playable cast that was built around balance instead of flashy theatrics obviously came out in a post-SF2 world.
I suspect it was the colorful, unique style of the FF1 characters that allowed so many of them to make the transition to modern fighting games. Well, poor Michael Max will probably never return from limbo but fighting games probably don't need another boxer, even if it is one that throws tornados.
karasu99 327th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(10):Keh!!??" , posted Sat 10 Apr 06:28
quote: That's a good observation about FF1; it was probably the last of the Yie Ar Kung Fu style fighting games. All the enemy characters could be built around wild playstyles and gimmicks since they weren't going to be controlled by the player. In contrast, FF2 with its large playable cast that was built around balance instead of flashy theatrics obviously came out in a post-SF2 world.
I suspect it was the colorful, unique style of the FF1 characters that allowed so many of them to make the transition to modern fighting games. Well, poor Michael Max will probably never return from limbo but fighting games probably don't need another boxer, even if it is one that throws tornados.
Since this is turning into a FF1 conversation, I am obligated to comment on it.
The Yie Ar connection is a good one, and it also explains why non-playables who have made it out of FF1 always have changes made to them. Alright, so I am basing this almost exclusively on Tung, since Duck and Raiden didn't have that much changed-- but they got rid of 'scared Billy' from after he throws away his stick as well.
It makes me wonder how they will change Hwa-- he will certainly still have his liquor... er, I mean his 'potion' , but there are a few ways I can think of that they will implement his drinking of it-- either a special or a 'meter' like they use for various 'special' things in BlazBlue and Guilty Gear. Or I suppose they could do it like EX versions of his moves. Then again they could surprise us and leave it out entirely if Hwa has joined AA.
Toxico 4946th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Keh!!??" , posted Wed 14 Apr 08:19:
New vid I kinda liked round 1, but the rest is meh. It seems that time is a little low considering amount of damage characters do.
Oh, and they seem to be "rescuing" one of Fu'un ken tag game mechanics. Check 0:33 when 2p Mai lays an airbone strong attack, and then continues to combo on the ground. It happens at 0:47 as well, with an airbone strong kick.
If you ask me this small feature adds a lot to the game (for example, when I corner an enemy they usually try to escape by jumping away. If I catch them I can only give one attack because they where in the air, and if that 1 attack was slow I'm even left open to a possible counter attack.... Which is lame. Also, the genre is called "fighting game", not "parachuting away whenever I'm afraid".
BTW, I remember something really interesting.... I followed more or less closely the development of XII and when SNK was in the initial stages, and more or less they didn't knew how tough it would be to work in the game, they did a lot of promises about the game that never came to fruition (they even had to more or less act like they didn't promised nothing later...)
The chitty chatty was:
- Good "female & male" balance ratio in cast members (they where trying to make it 1:1, but they knew things never go that nicely).
- Storyline game that would finish the current story arc. And a boss.
- Surprise characters from old games that you won't see comming (Raiden and tentatively Hwa Jai).
- They'll try to re-boost the original premise of Ryuko vs Garou
Hmmmnnn I can't remember more "promises" know, but by noticing the characteristics of this game taking that into accounts.... Well, it feels like they can now deliver what they couldn't before.
Oh, I remember joking around with Rid or Iggy about that female ratio thing when XII came out and had only 2.5 playable female characters.
obscene voodoo dance teleport

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 14 Apr 11:39] |
Toxico 4948th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Ivento" , posted Fri 16 Apr 04:01:
Blog update, dilly dally about the story I'll check it later.
Things that I cared.... And I think I got right, har har. I'm completely skipping parts that didn't get. Needs a grain of salt
They promised a surprise ending that you won't be seeing coming, and that would more or less could be open to each individual interpretation (I think)
They won't talk about Ash true goals just yet.
Ash won't have a team and will remain an edit character.
When speaking about KoF'ISM' they tried to select the cast thinking on both, popular preference and visual impact; and try will try to work on the characters so that they feel as unique as they can. .... I think he was speaking about liking the idea of doing a suiken character that would turn more and more red the more he drinks... Yeah, that's we know who. I wonder if they'll go for it.
Character text interaction is there to take character representation as further. Working in representing 4 languages or so in the game would have been just too tough, but they are at least trying to carefully work as much as possible in each character identity portrayal (For example, Ash being almost french, Liz being a neesama, etc). Those pics there are showing how they didn't choose the most simple keigo structure for the character explained there.
There would be some text interactions that would be something to look forward to, specially those between characters that go a long way story wise. They would also like further explaining some 'unspoken relationships' between some characters (the imaginary example they give would be something like "the conversation between Kanedanagi & Kyo would be something special).
obscene voodoo dance teleport

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 16 Apr 04:50] |
Toxico 4959th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Sprites are up on the website." , posted Thu 22 Apr 18:15:
Thanks for the scans! Takuma looks so COOL. I think that's the best character portrait I've seen all year. He just exudes KARATE SPIRIT.
I'm quite interested in the fact that his chest scar can be slightly seen underneath his Gi. Perhaps on some moves where his clothes move a lot, we might be able to see it more clearly, which would be a pretty swell detail if you ask me.
... I was having these wild, deranged fantasies about the possibility of Vice being to some extent being recognizable yet being covered in bandages, a little tone down from Yoshihiro Togashi's Mukuro, but she seems 100% the Vice of the old days with no signs of anything going on.
Oh, I always found weird that no one went Oh my f***ing god, why are you alive against Mature (since XII was initially supposed to... make sense)... I would like some of that to be hinted here (as, why is everything back to normal).
Now, where is my angry drunk????? And who voices him???
KAH, KA KA KA KA KA KA KA. Not only sprites, but mp3 samples seems to last longer, and Yagami's storyline is up.
Pizza time
I'll try to have something translated by tomorrow, and we'll do a new thread on the loke test day, so mean while don't do anything that will make me kill you.
Duo lon wants you.
New stage. Chin drinks. Ash & Shen seem to have their "effects" DMs.
Additional techniques
ラルフ:必殺技「ガドリングアタック」、超必殺技「馬乗りバルカンパンチ」 Ralf : Gattling attack & Unamori Vulcan Punch.
ユリ:必殺技「空牙(ユリ超アッパー)」 Yuri : Chou upper
キング:屈みDが特殊技に変更 King : Capacity to cross up with her D (I'm getting this like I should?)
不知火舞:必殺技「溜めムササビの舞」 Mai : Charged (ground) Musasabi no Mai.
アッシュ:「サンキュロットモード追加(必殺技が溜めなしで発動可能、キャセル可能技が追加)、パワーゲージ消費量が2本に変更」、超必殺技「ジェルミナール」 Ash : Sans culotte mode (effect from XI), but only upon 2 bars usage. Thermidore is back
シェン:「爆真モード追加(攻撃力アップ)、パワーゲージ消費量2本に変更」 Shen : SSJ effect is back, but only upon 2 bars usage.
アンディ:超必殺技「絶・飛翔拳」 Andy : New Hishouken DM
鎮元斎:必殺技「瓢箪をぐびりとあおると攻撃力アップ&防御力ダウン」 Chin : Drink counter that power ups his attack power.
obscene voodoo dance teleport..... * hic *
Trendy flames

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 22 Apr 19:10] |
Iggy 9119th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Takuma & Vice" , posted Thu 22 Apr 19:54
quote: Thanks for the scans! Takuma looks so COOL. I think that's the best character portrait I've seen all year.
You haven't seen his stance on the official site yet, have you? Ooooohoho.
The scenario of the Yagami team is fantastic. Both secretaries are indeed dead, but they don't really care about such trivial concepts. They appears as shadows first before taking their usual shape, and offer Yagami their help, because they like him, and so they can go against the guys who want Orochi's power, while he can go hunt down Kyo. I especially like the part "Iori felt the 3 eyes staring at him". Since they are dead, Mature's eye patch doesn't make any sense, it's just a fashion statement. Which I think is even better, in a way. Vice just doesn't care about fashion. Also, Chizuru is still depressed and takes xanax, or something.
Just a Person 1379th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):Takuma & Vice" , posted Thu 22 Apr 22:04
quote: Thanks for the scans! Takuma looks so COOL. I think that's the best character portrait I've seen all year. You haven't seen his stance on the official site yet, have you? Ooooohoho.
The scenario of the Yagami team is fantastic. Both secretaries are indeed dead, but they don't really care about such trivial concepts. They appears as shadows first before taking their usual shape, and offer Yagami their help, because they like him, and so they can go against the guys who want Orochi's power, while he can go hunt down Kyo. I especially like the part "Iori felt the 3 eyes staring at him". Since they are dead, Mature's eye patch doesn't make any sense, it's just a fashion statement. Which I think is even better, in a way. Vice just doesn't care about fashion. Also, Chizuru is still depressed and takes xanax, or something.
Sorry, but are you serious? Mature and Vice (who should get her own clothes by now instead of the same ones than Mature, by the way) are dead and came back as shadows who help the same man that killed them? Chizuru is depressed and addicted to medications?
Wow, that's weird... Ah well, at least Takuma and Vice are in the game, I love both of them!
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Toxico 4960th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Takuma & Vice" , posted Thu 22 Apr 22:40
Mature and Vice (who should get her own clothes by now instead of the same ones than Mature, by the way) are dead and came back as shadows who help the same man that killed them?
They have one common wardrobe, period. Oh, and remember that they did take Yagami's side on 96' instead of their boss Goenitz. Oh, and I think that they joined forces in a "if you mess up I'll tickle kill you" in 96. This one seems to mirror that circumstance to some extent, but with immaterial curves.
Chizuru is depressed and addicted to medications?
That was just figurative speech.... I think she just behaves like a salary man that got cut off his marvelous job at the company after taking 10 loans to pay for the house of his new family, along with his pregnant adolescent blind wheelchair bound for life wife.
Gpara Hi-res art for the new lads in town
That reminds me though, I was supposed to have met up with a certain someone this weekend, but he's now gone to a better place, high above the clouds...
He probably became intimidated with your external beauty and hectic anti European Natto stories. I bet he is hidden in a wooden box in some port as we speak, hoping to be a successful stowaway.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
Professor 2594th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(4):Takuma & Vice" , posted Fri 23 Apr 01:34:
quote: Sorry, but are you serious? Mature and Vice (who should get her own clothes by now instead of the same ones than Mature, by the way) are dead and came back as shadows who help the same man that killed them? Chizuru is depressed and addicted to medications?
That was just figurative speech.... I think she just behaves like a salary man that got cut off his marvelous job at the company after taking 10 loans to pay for the house of his new family, along with his pregnant adolescent blind wheelchair bound for life wife.
Just to clarify curiousity for the non-readers, the novel for Iori's team says that the two secretaries are supposed to be dead, and also hints that they've returned through some unexplained force.
As his cigarette burned to its last ashes, Iori abruptly slurred. "You're nothing but the dead, what do you want after all this time?"
As Iori watched, the shadows squirmed and slowly started to take form, turning into two beautiful women.
The story goes on with the two secretaries telling him that they're not pissed off at him, and they're back because the Orochi powers are being stolen by the weird new fellows. The previous storylines on the site explained that the Orochi seal was once again broken with Chizuru and Iori losing their powers (though it'd still take a few hundred years before the Orochi himself can come back). So I guess that kind of explains how the two secretaries can come back.
As for Chizuru, she's just resting in her house all day and night, completely lifeless and depressed that she's lost her powers. And it gets her even more depressed with self pity when Iori makes a visit. Because he's doing just fine, and he just beated his way through the bodyguards all over her house without the need of any superpower (yes, Chizuru's a millionaire).
BTW I'm surprised that noone pointed out Vice is a redhead now-- next to Iori, she makes his look like Chocolate icing off a huge eclair patisserie
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 23 Apr 01:47] |
Toxico 4961th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Takuma & Vice" , posted Fri 23 Apr 14:13
Beside, they don't resent him so much. It's worth it to be killed once or twice if you can poke fun at Iori in his face for a whole afternoon.
Are you saying that, it only hurts at first, but then it feels really, really really good? 
Dengeki Has their own take on the characters introduced yesterday.... It's funny how famitsu site hasn't updated yet with that info.... They probably take longer to update, but will have exclusive in game screens of these guys going at it 
Oh, on a side note; it seems that there are going to be 3 beta test going on at the same time. 1 in Osaka, another one where I don't remember (probably Tokyo) and the 3rd one in Honk Kong.... The real deal about this thing, is that the HK one is going to start a day earlier than the japanese ones, so there is a chance that in 12 or so more hours we will start seeing Vice footage and things that could be interesting.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
Tai-Pan 451th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(6):Takuma & Vice" , posted Sat 24 Apr 03:46
I'd love to hear more of your insights regarding the representation of Karate in KOFXIII or any other game for that matter. I agree that Ken and Ryu aren't particularly authentic representations of Shotokan, but they're originally supposed to be practitioners of a made up style called "the assassin's fist" or something like that right?
How do you feel about Makoto? She's pretty much a Kyokushin fighter right? I mean, she's got the bone crunching "god hand" punches, the famous bottleneck/bull horn slicing knife hand, the super crisp jump kicks and more. I'm more of a Karate fan than actual practitioner though, so perhaps these are all more pop cultural type details rather than subtle ones like what's going on with Takuma's new stance.
As you know there are dozens of different Karate styles. And then you have variations among the different schools. You could be a Shorin-Ryu style student at one school and then you go to another Shorin-Ryu school and you will notice some variations on the techniques. But if you studied enough and all the styles you would be able to notice all the differences and subtleties that you can find in any art form. Remember that the styles originated in different parts of Japan and then the schools branched following different teachers with different ideals.
Well. Takuma's new fighting stance is called Neko Ashi Dachi and it belongs to the Okinawan Shorin-Ryu school. They call it Cat Stance in the US (as the name implies). Most american Shorin-Ryu practitioners tend to point the back heel at 45 degrees outward from the front. However, I learned Shorin-Ryu from an Okiwanan that firmly believed in practicing the arts the hard way (Picture Oyama). So we would point the back heel at 90 degrees outward just like Takuma does on his new stance. There are many reasons behind this belief. Shorin-Ryu is very specific and it relies on simple, short, powerful moves. It's hard to describe google it. Takuma represents the extreme side of this style, as his character design goes perfect with the old Budo Shorin-Ryu style. Then you have Ryo who is younger and blahblahblah so his design fits perfectly well with the newer school of Shorin-Ryu which is more relaxed. His 96 stance is an exaggerated version of the neko Ashi Dachi. I have only seen two people in my life doing the stance that way. And it was way before 1996. I'm always thinking: How does SNK know all this stuff? They must have a Karate consultant or expert in the team or whatever. I just don't understand. Let me know if you wanna know more about the Kyokugen style. Just keep in mind that every one of the Kyokugen moves makes complete sense and it's as good as it gets from a design point of view.
I'll get to Capcom characters later.
"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
Toxico 4966th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Takuma & Vice" , posted Sat 24 Apr 04:26
quote: I'm always thinking: How does SNK know all this stuff? They must have a Karate consultant or expert in the team or whatever. I just don't understand.
I always believed that, there is someone in there that is just an extreme martials arts otaku (probably E. kawasaki, har har). Unless you practice, you really need, like, really deep knowledge gained by instigating & investigating as much official sources as you could possible get your hands on.
Oh, and SNK said that they keep an "encyclopedia" of characters & character concepts that they like to work on. Most likely, that very same encyclopedia contains deep rooted research on several styles and records of matches, concepts and / or people to investigate and that could posses cool things & details to be on the look out for.
Let me know if you wanna know more about the Kyokugen style. Just keep in mind that every one of the Kyokugen moves makes complete sense and it's as good as it gets from a design point of view.
It's only me but, isn't Yuri's usual fighting stance inspired on one of the most basic kata's for learning karate moves? If that's so, then I always thought that it was cool, since it hinted that she started training karate after getting kidnapped.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
Tai-Pan 452th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(8):Takuma & Vice" , posted Sat 24 Apr 05:46
quote: I'm assuming that Yuri is being left out of this discussion.
Well I don't see her as part of the Kyokugen clan, even though she is story wise. None of her moves make sense in real life. I think it's part of her design: She's careless, young, cute, a beginner in the arts, etc. The Kyokugen dojo makes sense, think about it:
Takuma is the Sensei. He represents the essence of the style. He is the art on it's purest form. He is the ideal Sensei/Oyama, etc. Ryo as his son knows a lot about the art. Yet is is young and hot blooded. Not only he practices the art but also likes to ride his bike, etc. Robert makes sense too. His moves are real but he is flashy and elegant. His posture is perfect and much better than Ryo's. Not because he knows more but maybe cause his looks goes well with his clean design etc. His FW+WK kick is an exquisite move. I love that kick in real life. And Robert executes it perfectly, plus it looks AWESOME as he wears those nice pants and shoes. Then (like in every dojo) we have the outsider (a good student) who actually understands the true essence of the school and wants to inherit the legacy of such school. That would be Marco Rodriguez. I love this guy for many reasons.
Now Capcom. The Shotokans suck. Their moves are just stripped down versions of VERY basic martial arts attacks. Those characters are so simple it makes me sad. But I guess that during the SF/SFII time none of this mattered. It makes sense.
Makoto is a different story. It seems as if the Street Fighter crew was looking for redemption through Makoto. Remember what I said about the KOF guys? Now multiply it by 10. The SFIII engine and animation allowed them to create the perfect Karate video game character. If the KOF guys represent the distilled form of Karate, then Makoto would be Romanée-Conti variety of Karate video game designs. I have spent years looking and analyzing every one of her moves and how perfect they are.
"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
Loona 313th Post 

Bronze Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Takuma & Vice" , posted Tue 27 Apr 18:15    
quote: I remember her storyline being something like, she started to study the traditional family style, but got bored pretty quickly and went into a rebellious phase. Due to that she more or less trains (and fights) in ways that she thinks will be more fun instead of the old method.... I think that the whole reason of her entering AoF 2 was to have the rest of the family recognize her own personal style as something that... was not wrong.
Yes, but didn't she have the haohshokoken as a regular moves in a relatively recent KOF? I thought that they were trying to imply that she was something of a prodigy (after all these years)? Perhaps it is the beer remembering and not me.
In 94 all Kyokugenryuu characters could use the HSKK as a regular special - that changed in 96, and by 98, when Takuma returned to the game, only he coul use it that way.
I love the Kyokugenryuu team, and while Yuri is a bit of an exception, she's still an interesting case, as she seems far more experimental with her moves than everyone else, with interesting results (like the extra "explosion" when her old aerial projectile landed, which was absent in Ryos' despite him being able to perform his at any time during a jump).
Plot-wise, I recall something about Ryo not being too keen on Yuri training (or just getting into fights), so maybe sh tries to about it her way to distance herself from his attitude (even after the whole kidnapping thing, which I figure gave her extra motivation). Practically irrelevant, but with the differences between the AoF/FF timeline and the KoF one, I wonder if there was any kidnapping in the KoF continuity - AFAIK there are no intros between anyone from the Kyokugenryuu team and Geese or Mr Big in any KoF game. If there was no kidnapping, that might let Yuri get away with caring less about the training she's been given at home, and thus why her moves became so different over the years...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Toxico 4983th Post 

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Takuma & Vice" , posted Tue 27 Apr 18:49    
quote: Practically irrelevant, but with the differences between the AoF/FF timeline and the KoF one, I wonder if there was any kidnapping in the KoF continuity - AFAIK there are no intros between anyone from the Kyokugenryuu team and Geese or Mr Big in any KoF game. If there was no kidnapping, that might let Yuri get away with caring less about the training she's been given at home, and thus why her moves became so different over the years...
Well, just a few days ago I was playing Orochi Hen, and I remember Ryo (or was it Robert) having an special victory dialog vs the boss team, that was something in the lines of "And don't you forget, this was punishment for those previous things". Even Yuri said something mean like "Repent for your sins in hell". Oh, those special victory dialogs where never dropped in the jp releases (sans '97).
It's funny that if you "just" judge it by what the in game story tells you, all of the guest characters are utterly trapped in the Garou Densetsu 2 storyline and can't get out, despise how desperately they try to do so (like, changing their clothes to the Motw game). Even the Motw characters are not doing what they are supposed to be doing in their games... I think. And I'm not even touching the fact that Raiden & Hwa Jai are in season.
I suppose that with the text storylines released with every game at hand I might be able to measure how much of the Garou storyline has been messed up in the KoF series.... But I'm not crazy enough to do that.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10