BBS maintenance - Forums

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2588th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"BBS maintenance" , posted Thu 22 Apr 21:05post reply

I've did some maintenance today on the BBS-- if you encounter any weird bugs, please report them, thanks. As usual, use the mailform if your account is acting up.


4959th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):BBS maintenance" , posted Thu 22 Apr 21:13post reply

I've did some maintenance today on the BBS-- if you encounter any weird bugs, please report them, thanks. As usual, use the mailform if your account is acting up.

Does this mean that we should do random replies to see if anything is working like it should? .... Say yes

I can see you, but you can't see me

har har

Can we start a gumi now?

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10

2590th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):BBS maintenance" , posted Thu 22 Apr 21:36:post reply

I've did some maintenance today on the BBS-- if you encounter any weird bugs, please report them, thanks. As usual, use the mailform if your account is acting up.

Does this mean that we should do random replies to see if anything is working like it should? .... Say yes

I can see you, but you can't see me

har har

Can we start a gumi now?

R a n d o m . It's what makes this BBS!

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 22 Apr 21:50]

1202th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):BBS maintenance" , posted Thu 22 Apr 23:55post reply


Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

2592th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):BBS maintenance" , posted Fri 23 Apr 00:00post reply


Are you OK?
Let's get serious!
Powaaa daaawn!
Rising Tackoo!
Rock eww!!
Live whyaaa!
Barn Nakko!

4523th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"FGHSGH" , posted Fri 23 Apr 00:16post reply



723th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):BBS maintenance" , posted Fri 23 Apr 00:45post reply




685th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):BBS maintenance" , posted Fri 23 Apr 03:45post reply

Okay, my account wor-

Whoa! That is not my usual Final Fantasy icon!

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

2607th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):BBS maintenance" , posted Fri 23 Apr 04:06:post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler


[this message was edited by Gojira on Fri 23 Apr 04:11]

1986th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"!!" , posted Fri 23 Apr 11:55:post reply

Egads, Professor Moriarty was here!

Come, Watson, the game is afoot!



[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 23 Apr 11:57]

2594th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):!!" , posted Sat 24 Apr 01:22post reply

Egads, Professor Moriarty was here!

Come, Watson, the game is afoot!

1986th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):!!" , posted Sat 24 Apr 12:31post reply


The only input that strikes even more fear in my heart! "He is a man of good birth and excellent education, endowed by nature with a phenomenal mathematical faculty," says Holmes. Indeed, there is a fearful genius in the performer of this button input, as to be expected from the "Napolean of Crime Games BBS's."


123th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):!!" , posted Sat 24 Apr 21:23post reply

MMcafe, The best place in the internet to talk with other rabid fans of the hit show, Mad Men

4975th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):!!" , posted Mon 26 Apr 18:24post reply

Mad Men


In an unrelated note, I would like to ask...

Professor, how do you do this -> Storyline, Pre-Fight Dialogues, Etc (scroll down for dialogues). With this link you not only link to an specific thread, but to an specific reply as well. How do you "view" the proper address of the reply you are searching for? The few times I have managed to do this, I have done it by inputting random numbers at the end of the thread until I fall into my desired post...

There is obviously a secret conspiracy option that I'm not seeing here, similar to that PUNCH YOU UP! classic input....

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10

2613th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):!!" , posted Mon 26 Apr 20:50:post reply

Mad Men


In an unrelated note, I would like to ask...

Professor, how do you do this -> Storyline, Pre-Fight Dialogues, Etc (scroll down for dialogues). With this link you not only link to an specific thread, but to an specific reply as well. How do you "view" the proper address of the reply you are searching for? The few times I have managed to do this, I have done it by inputting random numbers at the end of the thread until I fall into my desired post...

There is obviously a secret conspiracy option that I'm not seeing here, similar to that PUNCH YOU UP! classic input....

Well, you can see a post's number when you put your mouse over its reply button, but come to think, it's a bit of a wonder that I didn't have a permalink button until now. So I've just added it now, thanks for the idea.

I don't think the addition should cause any bugs but again if anyone encounters one, please tell me, thanks.

Humm, is the design & location okay for the button?
Actually, its location may be a bit annoying, I may be moving it somewhere else

Changed it. It's.. ok, I guess? Kind of feels weird since there hasn't been changes made to the interface for so long. What does everyone else think?

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 26 Apr 21:59]

4979th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):!!" , posted Mon 26 Apr 20:56:post reply


Humm, is the design & location okay for the button?

It's ok, after all most of the bbs hidden features, are; well... Hidden 20 users online , and 358 thread views

If you want to be old school, then it should go next to the reply button.... Why not putting it in more than one place for a day or two? Or giving it a different color for a day or two, that way it should.... well, be easier to spot.

edit : never mind! I change my vote, I love it under the post count.


Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 26 Apr 21:11]

3770th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):!!" , posted Mon 26 Apr 21:56post reply

I like the idea of the Permalink button but I'm not certain about its current placement. When it is part of the left column it looks like it is related to the overall information about the user instead of the individual post. Perhaps it could be placed on the upper information bar next to the Post Reply button?

2613th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):!!" , posted Mon 26 Apr 22:01post reply

Still playing around with it-- now it's on the side of the postcount

2617th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):!!" , posted Mon 26 Apr 22:10:post reply

Still playing around with it-- now it's on the side of the postcount

next to reply botton

OK, so which is the best so far?

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 26 Apr 22:51]

9124th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):!!" , posted Mon 26 Apr 23:34post reply

Still playing around with it-- now it's on the side of the postcount

I'd say next to the postcount is better, since it would be less likely to press it by mistake.

Also, thank you Prof for all the maintenance work!
Do you plan to go on tweaking the BBS? If so, do you think it would be possible to add a page function? Like, every 50/100 posts, the thread would go on to page 2?

410th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 00:15post reply

Also, thank you Prof for all the maintenance work!
Do you plan to go on tweaking the BBS? If so, do you think it would be possible to add a page function? Like, every 50/100 posts, the thread would go on to page 2?

Loading all those absurdly long random threads does take a really long time.

Be kind to goblins.

2618th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 00:24:post reply

Still playing around with it-- now it's on the side of the postcount

I'd say next to the postcount is better, since it would be less likely to press it by mistake.

Also, thank you Prof for all the maintenance work!
Do you plan to go on tweaking the BBS? If so, do you think it would be possible to add a page function? Like, every 50/100 posts, the thread would go on to page 2?

OK, I guess it'll be placed next to the postcount or reply button-- will try both for a few days.

Sorry-- Unfortunately, a page function is one of the things that can't be added to the BBS due to the way it's built. I would if it could. This BBS is almost as old as the 2ch system... so please make a new thread when they're are getting overposted.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 27 Apr 00:33]

3773th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 00:53post reply


Sorry-- Unfortunately, a page function is one of the things that can't be added to the BBS due to the way it's built. I would if it could. This BBS is almost as old as the 2ch system... so please make a new thread when they're are getting overposted.

No problem, those threads that stretch off into the horizon is part of the charm of the board. Thanks for all the work Professor!

9125th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 00:59post reply

No problem, those threads that stretch off into the horizon is part of the charm of the board. Thanks for all the work Professor!

Yeah, now you mention it it wouldn't feel the same without these 200+ long threads. I like living in the constant fear that some Spanish-speaking asshole would pop in and quote everything in one message.

2620th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 01:22:post reply

No problem, those threads that stretch off into the horizon is part of the charm of the board. Thanks for all the work Professor!

Yeah, now you mention it it wouldn't feel the same without these 200+ long threads. I like living in the constant fear that some Spanish-speaking asshole would pop in and quote everything in one message.

That's a good point, actually. I should be able to implement a limit to the length of quote that gets automatically posted in the replies.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 27 Apr 02:11]

9126th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 01:30post reply

That's a good point, actually. I should be able to implement a limit to the length of quote that gets automatically posted in the replies.

Hey, stop! I was actually serious when I said...
... Actually, I'm fine, don't mind me.

2620th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 01:55:post reply

That's a good point, actually. I should be able to implement a limit to the length of quote that gets automatically posted in the replies.

Hey, stop! I was actually serious when I said...
... Actually, I'm fine, don't mind me.

Ok, I've implemented a limit to the Autoquote. I'm not sure how well it'll do; I've kept its margin relatively forgiving so that it won't turn into a nuisanse rather than a convenience.

Again, if anyone encounters bugs from this, please write back.

[edit] In the previous post, I meant "good point" as in terms of making a safeguard for the BBS system so that nobody would accidentally overleave long quotes. It happens to me too when I'm in a rush.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 27 Apr 03:37]

725th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 03:49post reply

No problem, those threads that stretch off into the horizon is part of the charm of the board. Thanks for all the work Professor!

Yeah, now you mention it it wouldn't feel the same without these 200+ long threads. I like living in the constant fear that some Spanish-speaking asshole would pop in and quote everything in one message.

I've grown quite fond of the long sprawling threads here. They reflect activity and interest! Even though they're a pain in the ass when I'm browsing on my phone they're still somehow endearing. They contribute to the hand crafted, pre-Web-2.0 feel that I heavily associate with this site.

I can understand from a useability standpoint why you would want to change this though. Especially if you're interested in making things more user friendly for new users.

1936th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 03:52post reply

new users.

I deny the existence of such things.

The cafe is the most wonderful cachet of crotchety old elitists!

4524th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 04:10post reply

Yeah, now you mention it it wouldn't feel the same without these 200+ long threads. I like living in the constant fear that some Spanish-speaking asshole would pop in and quote everything in one message.

We must treasure everyone's opinions

726th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 04:15post reply

new users.

I deny the existence of such things.

The cafe is the most wonderful cachet of crotchety old elitists!

I plan to one day pass this username on to my grandchildren so they can continue posting about sprite art and animation in fine detail for future generations.

124th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 08:08post reply

Yeah, now you mention it it wouldn't feel the same without these 200+ long threads. I like living in the constant fear that some Spanish-speaking asshole would pop in and quote everything in one message.

I've grown quite fond of the long sprawling threads here. They reflect activity and interest! Even though they're a pain in the ass when I'm browsing on my phone they're still somehow endearing. They contribute to the hand crafted, pre-Web-2.0 feel that I heavily associate with this site.
I also like the long 200+ post in one page view. It's much better when checking back old post(at times very old, like the BB thread which I'm proud to have started it) than the typical pages view. People should not be afraid of these behemoths. Ctrl+F is your friend.

1990th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 10:38:post reply

I plan to one day pass this username on to my grandchildren so they can continue posting about sprite art and animation in fine detail for future generations.

Our descendents are going to have a ball with MMCafe 2110. I'm sure I'll hate Web 3.0 just as much as I hate Web 2.0. Viva BBS!

Edit: Professor, what do you think about putting the permalink next to the User?/Edit buttons, rather than up by post count? That's the area where I go to play around with options and edit posts anyway. It could be amazing!

...or if not, by Reply is okay, too.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 27 Apr 10:46]

4981th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 12:11post reply


Edit: Professor, what do you think about putting the permalink next to the User?/Edit buttons, rather than up by post count? That's the area where I go to play around with options and edit posts anyway. It could be amazing!

...or if not, by Reply is okay, too.

Yeah, actually I liked it better when it was something like this. Add a little space between the perma link and the profile button and it would be perfect.

Y olé!

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10

2621th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 27 Apr 21:04:post reply


Edit: Professor, what do you think about putting the permalink next to the User?/Edit buttons, rather than up by post count? That's the area where I go to play around with options and edit posts anyway. It could be amazing!

...or if not, by Reply is okay, too.

Yeah, actually I liked it better when it was something like this. Add a little space between the perma link and the profile button and it would be perfect.

Y olé!

It may fit right in, but maybe a bit too well. The thing about placing it below the avatar is that, as Ishmael said, it looks a bit like a part of the user-data. If say, someone from another site or forum wants to directlink to that post, I don't think they'll notice the permalink if it's placed there.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 27 Apr 21:14]

1993th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 28 Apr 10:05:post reply

It may fit right in, but maybe a bit too well. The thing about placing it below the avatar is that, as Ishmael said, it looks a bit like a part of the user-data. If say, someone from another site or forum wants to directlink to that post, I don't think they'll notice the permalink if it's placed there.

Hmm, true! But then again, when a regular Cafe user would want to do it, I would think the first place to look is in the bottom-left. That is actually a tough call, easier linking options for regular posters or outsiders? 尊皇攘夷? errrr

Edit: ha, just anecdotally, when trying to fix my spelling just now, I just moved my mouse to the wrong place twice (Profile permalink, then Reply permalink) in a row before heading down to where Edit actually is because I was distracted by having a button (Permalink) in other locations, for what it's worth...


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 28 Apr 10:32]

4525th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 28 Apr 12:10post reply

Would it be possible to add a couple of fields to the profiles to list stuff like PSN/Live tags?

1205th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 28 Apr 14:42post reply

Also I forgot but, what do I need to do to see everyone's avatar if I am in Japan.

The majority of the avatars are broken or white/blank on my screen.

I remember some kind of problem with proxies or whatnot.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)
PSN: Hunter-KT

585th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 28 Apr 16:52post reply

Being an almost illiterate person I'm not sure about what a permalink button is supposed to do, but I guess it would make more sense to have it next to the "reply" button so it doesn't get mixed with the user's data on the avatar side.

Also, while I think in the Cafe's case it should be 尊博攘夷 rather than 尊皇攘夷, I love you anyway <3

2623th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 28 Apr 20:01post reply

Would it be possible to add a couple of fields to the profiles to list stuff like PSN/Live tags?

Juan- That's a great idea, I've always wanted to add that in. And so voila, it's done!
I think that's about all I can add to the profiles though, it's getting tight.

There might be some bugs. If anyone encounters one, please let me know.

KT- it should be fixed for you now, let me know.

1207th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 28 Apr 20:23post reply

Sorry Professor, same issue occurring on multiple browsers :(

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)
PSN: Hunter-KT

2624th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 28 Apr 20:31post reply

Sorry Professor, same issue occurring on multiple browsers :(

Try once more

2623th Post

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MMCafe Owner
PSN: n/a
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

"Added minor function" , posted Thu 29 Apr 16:06post reply

Added minor option to display friends codes on posts.

1323th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Super convenient!" , posted Thu 29 Apr 16:11:post reply


edit: except for the part about it not working!

re-edit: ha ha! nevermind, I'm retarded

[this message was edited by Grave on Thu 29 Apr 16:13]

1323th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member
PSN: Drakee
XBL: Mikelson
Wii: n/a

"Re(1):Super convenient!" , posted Thu 29 Apr 16:13post reply


4992th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Super convenient!" , posted Thu 29 Apr 16:20:post reply

* Inhales * [Kusaregedo's voice]Dah!?[/Kusaregedo's voice] * Exhales *

..... The next Update Main site MMcafe should be...

The next Update Main site MMcafe should be...
A compendium of that Kyokugen ryuu talk
A note about KoF 2003
A note about SSF IV
A bunch Brandon indecent pics
A huge notice of "skip this and go to the BBS"
........... Done by our grandchildrens

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 29 Apr 16:25]

2626th Post

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PSN: n/a
XBL: n/a
Wii: 2222

MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Super convenient!" , posted Thu 29 Apr 16:30:post reply

Note: Changed location of the friendcodes, looked weird under the title. Also, the option is in your profile settings.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 29 Apr 17:00]

4527th Post

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PSN: Buttermonster
XBL: Prepaidpenguin
Wii: rofl

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Super convenient!" , posted Thu 29 Apr 17:09post reply

Note: Changed location of the friendcodes, looked weird under the title. Also, the option is in your profile settings.

This is nice, thanks!

Also, don't get rid of the drawing board!

2627th Post

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PSN: n/a
XBL: n/a
Wii: 2222

MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Super convenient!" , posted Thu 29 Apr 17:23:post reply

Note: Changed location of the friendcodes, looked weird under the title. Also, the option is in your profile settings.

This is nice, thanks!

Also, don't get rid of the drawing board!

Aye, nice Juri pic by the way!
I have no intentions of ridding the drawing board.

Out of curiousity, Which tool out of the four do people use?

Edit: still moving around permalink to see where it's best fit.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 29 Apr 17:24]

4528th Post

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PSN: Buttermonster
XBL: Prepaidpenguin
Wii: rofl

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Super convenient!" , posted Thu 29 Apr 20:09post reply

Out of curiousity, Which tool out of the four do people use?

I normally use shi paint bbs. All the stuff i do is pretty simple, and the tool is pretty light.

2637th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Super convenient!" , posted Fri 30 Apr 04:12:post reply

* Inhales * [Kusaregedo's voice]Dah!?[/Kusaregedo's voice] * Exhales *

..... The next Update Main site MMcafe should be...

A compendium of that Kyokugen ryuu talk
A note about KoF 2003
A note about SSF IV
A bunch Brandon indecent pics%
A huge notice of "skip this and go to the BBS"

I was strongly contemplating on doing that 2 years ago, but I couldn't find the codes I needed to make something like that work without giving an extra load on the server.

Now that I've got it, maybe it'll actually happen...?

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 30 Apr 04:18]

3780th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Super convenient!" , posted Fri 30 Apr 04:52post reply

* Inhales * [Kusaregedo's voice]Dah!?[/Kusaregedo's voice] * Exhales *

..... The next Update Main site MMcafe should be...

A compendium of that Kyokugen ryuu talk
A note about KoF 2003
A note about SSF IV
A bunch Brandon indecent pics%
A huge notice of "skip this and go to the BBS"

I was strongly contemplating on doing that 2 years ago, but I couldn't find the codes I needed to make something like that work without giving an extra load on the server.

Now that I've got it, maybe it'll actually happen...?

Very nice! Although that random BBS image selection could lead to some scary results...

587th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Super convenient!" , posted Fri 30 Apr 05:46post reply


Very nice! Although that random BBS image selection could lead to some scary results...


2638th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Super convenient!" , posted Fri 30 Apr 10:09post reply


Very nice! Although that random BBS image selection could lead to some scary results...


Cripes, Iggy is eating Juan

Let the buffet begin

1211th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Super convenient!" , posted Mon 3 May 09:41:post reply

Wow I can see everyone's avatars now!!! :)

Thank you and sorry I didn't reply sooner!

...oh but wait. I reloaded the page and for some reason it went back to everyone's avatars gone.... is it based on my ip address? I tried a few different browsers.

Image BBS is also AWOL for me, but to be honest I don't want to cause you a lot of work. Everyone's personalities shine through the text just fine!

Edit: Oh and now it's working as of 3:20 PM...

Double super edit: OMG I can see the Image BBS !!! :)
Professor, you're a very nice man.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Tue 4 May 10:16]

2644th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):Super convenient!" , posted Wed 5 May 00:35:post reply


Edit: Oh and now it's working as of 3:20 PM...

Double super edit: OMG I can see the Image BBS !!! :)
Professor, you're a very nice man.

No problem, enjoy!

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 5 May 00:42]

2648th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Nicovideo Redirector Update" , posted Fri 7 May 06:30:post reply

It's not a BBS change, but the Nicovideo Redirector (it's on the BBS' menu, red) has been updated and it now shows videos directly on the page. Please try using it and if there's any bugs, please let me know.

Anchoring now works; you can link a video by adding #sm~~~ (whatever) to the end of the address: that is

or, you can add the whole address to the end and it *should* work as well. Like

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 7 May 13:49]

1556th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Nicovideo Redirector Update" , posted Fri 7 May 12:37post reply

If I look at this thread enough maybe the Professor will finally say "Oh I'll be bringing back the main site as well"

2649th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Nicovideo Redirector Update" , posted Fri 7 May 13:51:post reply

If I look at this thread enough maybe the Professor will finally say "Oh I'll be bringing back the main site as well"

Hey wait it's Zepy, has he been hiding under a Cave? (STG company)
Errr wait, what's he saying... wha.. I don't underst...


[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 7 May 13:54]

5010th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):!!" , posted Sun 16 May 23:39:post reply

MMcafe, The best place in the internet to talk with other rabid fans of the hit show, Mad Men

I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy

while this isn't the actual place, I would like to thank Ishmael for noticing that I'm approximately half the man that Iggy is (?)

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 16 May 23:42]

3795th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):!!" , posted Mon 17 May 06:11post reply

while this isn't the actual place, I would like to thank Ishmael for noticing that I'm approximately half the man that Iggy is (?)

What will happen when Iggy powers up to level 10,000? Will he unleash his ultimate technique? Will he unlock a new color scheme? Will he spin a silk cocoon, pupate on the side of Tokyo Tower, and emerge as a giant, beautiful butterfly? Whatever happens, I'm certain we will have to sit through several filler episodes until it the climax of this story arc.

9135th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):!!" , posted Mon 17 May 19:41post reply

What will happen when Iggy powers up to level 10,000? Will he unleash his ultimate technique? Will he unlock a new color scheme? Will he spin a silk cocoon, pupate on the side of Tokyo Tower, and emerge as a giant, beautiful butterfly? Whatever happens, I'm certain we will have to sit through several filler episodes until it the climax of this story arc.

I will probably go where my heart belongs, and catch with my fellow dogs in Moscow.

5065th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):!!" , posted Wed 21 Jul 03:05post reply

I noticed that the professor was doing some test threads to then erase them after (I suppose) checking something....

And as such, I suppose that I should test your worth with something that's just so bad, that it's good

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

2733th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):!!" , posted Wed 21 Jul 03:08post reply

I noticed that the professor was doing some test threads to then erase them after (I suppose) checking something....

And as such, I suppose that I should test your worth with something that's just so bad, that it's good

Hint 1: open a thread into a new window

392th Post

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PSN: robotchris
XBL: robotchris
Wii: n/a

Silver Customer

"Re(8):!!" , posted Wed 21 Jul 03:14post reply

I noticed that the professor was doing some test threads to then erase them after (I suppose) checking something....

And as such, I suppose that I should test your worth with something that's just so bad, that it's good

The Vestron Video and Northstar Entertainment logo bumpers at the beginning made watching that totally worth it! The fact that the actual content was great as well was like a bonus.

9151th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):!!" , posted Wed 21 Jul 03:29post reply

Hint 1: open a thread into a new window

Thanks Prof!!
I always wanted something like that, but thought it was not important enough to actually ask for it.

5066th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 21 Jul 03:34post reply

Hint 1: open a thread into a new window

Thanks Prof!!
I always wanted something like that, but thought it was not important enough to actually ask for it.

I noticed that there are also changes in the main site of the board.... This is just like Nostradamus predicted! but just eleven years late!

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

2034th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 21 Jul 13:18post reply

I noticed that there are also changes in the main site of the board.... This is just like Nostradamus predicted! but just eleven years late!

OH MY GOD BBS LIVE ON THE FRONT PAGE! It's like an alternate reality web 2.0 has arrived, but this time, I actually like it!

This is an awesome, sensible transformation.
"The BBS IS the cafe."



I AM the senate!


853th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 21 Jul 16:48post reply

I noticed a Southtown map on the front page with a reference to Second South. I never realized it was 'just outside of town' like that.

But now I'm curious where the Zero Cannon shot at.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

5067th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 21 Jul 17:09post reply


But now I'm curious where the Zero Cannon shot at.

No where. It doesn't exist in the Garou continuity.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

2736th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Re(10):!!" , posted Wed 21 Jul 20:10:post reply

Iggy: It's all thanks to the advancement of the modern web browser that something like that can be done with simple CSS elements and Javascript. I can't imagine what HTML5 will be able to bring.

Toxico: The world site is coming to its end?

Maou: Very compact, isn't it? Right now it functions kind of like a flat image, but that might be changed in the future.

Amakusa: Glad you've enjoyed the map. It blew up a small part of Port Town, just around Temjin's stage from AOF2. However, note that KOF is a parallel storyline/not canon to the other SNK games, so as Toxico said, it never "happened". I actually had it planned for the map, but killed it off since it'll confuse things.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 21 Jul 22:02]

1986th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Re(10):!!" , posted Thu 22 Jul 04:07post reply

In Opera and Chrome, opening a thread sees the toolbar (BBS Message List | Check Replies // ImageBBS | Nico etc.)

9154th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):!!" , posted Thu 22 Jul 04:43post reply

In Opera and Chrome, opening a thread sees the toolbar (BBS Message List | Check Replies // ImageBBS | Nico etc.)

It's fine on my Chrome...?

5070th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):!!" , posted Thu 22 Jul 05:19:post reply

In Opera and Chrome, opening a thread sees the toolbar (BBS Message List | Check Replies // ImageBBS | Nico etc.)

It's fine on my Chrome...?

I noticed that there is an actual "cheat code" to make the menu / tool bar duplicate.

First you open the BBS page (it must have the basic tool bar activated). Then you press the button that says "MMCafe", then you'll switch to the cafe and the tool bar will be visible; Finally you press that pic of the BBS and you'll jump into the BBS and the menu will be duplicated. If you activated the Image BBS menu previously you'll have up to three tool bars in there.

If you select the threads or posting options, the extra menu will be there constantly duplicated, but as long as you select something on any menu the second menu will disappear. By that logic, having the main menu disappear every time the main page of the MMcafe is loaded will fix the bug.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 22 Jul 07:41]

1987th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):Re(10):!!" , posted Thu 22 Jul 08:39post reply

In Opera and Chrome, opening a thread sees the toolbar (BBS Message List | Check Replies // ImageBBS | Nico etc.)

It's fine on my Chrome...?

I noticed that there is an actual "cheat code" to make the menu / tool bar duplicate.

First you open the BBS page (it must have the basic tool bar activated). Then you press the button that says "MMCafe", then you'll switch to the cafe and the tool bar will be visible; Finally you press that pic of the BBS and you'll jump into the BBS and the menu will be duplicated. If you activated the Image BBS menu previously you'll have up to three tool bars in there.

If you select the threads or posting options, the extra menu will be there constantly duplicated, but as long as you select something on any menu the second menu will disappear. By that logic, having the main menu disappear every time the main page of the MMcafe is loaded will fix the bug.

In my case, I have a link directly to, and from there when I click on any post/thread, I get the duplicated menu. The menu is slightly shorter, as it does not contain the entry for "Check Replies". , "Check Replies" pops out another window, and so has no effect on the menu disappearing.

5070th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):!!" , posted Thu 22 Jul 09:21post reply

I noticed that there is an actual "cheat code" to make the menu / tool bar duplicate.

First you open the BBS page (it must have the basic tool bar activated). Then you press the button that says "MMCafe", then you'll switch to the cafe and the tool bar will be visible; Finally you press that pic of the BBS and you'll jump into the BBS and the menu will be duplicated. If you activated the Image BBS menu previously you'll have up to three tool bars in there.

If you select the threads or posting options, the extra menu will be there constantly duplicated, but as long as you select something on any menu the second menu will disappear. By that logic, having the main menu disappear every time the main page of the MMcafe is loaded will fix the bug.

In my case, I have a link directly to, and from there when I click on any post/thread, I get the duplicated menu. The menu is slightly shorter, as it does not contain the entry for "Check Replies". , "Check Replies" pops out another window, and so has no effect on the menu disappearing.

Like this, right? I got that with my cheat codes

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

1988th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):Re(10):!!" , posted Thu 22 Jul 09:36post reply

I noticed that there is an actual "cheat code" to make the menu / tool bar duplicate.

First you open the BBS page (it must have the basic tool bar activated). Then you press the button that says "MMCafe", then you'll switch to the cafe and the tool bar will be visible; Finally you press that pic of the BBS and you'll jump into the BBS and the menu will be duplicated. If you activated the Image BBS menu previously you'll have up to three tool bars in there.

If you select the threads or posting options, the extra menu will be there constantly duplicated, but as long as you select something on any menu the second menu will disappear. By that logic, having the main menu disappear every time the main page of the MMcafe is loaded will fix the bug.

In my case, I have a link directly to, and from there when I click on any post/thread, I get the duplicated menu. The menu is slightly shorter, as it does not contain the entry for "Check Replies". , "Check Replies" pops out another window, and so has no effect on the menu disappearing.

Like this, right? I got that with my cheat codes

Not disputing it, just mentioning another quirk of it :D

2738th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):!!" , posted Thu 22 Jul 12:02:post reply

Spoon: Thanks for telling me, that was a pretty blatant error. I've tried fixing things, is it any better now?

Dupe Cheat code is patched!

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 22 Jul 12:17]

3846th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):!!" , posted Thu 22 Jul 12:23post reply

While I will miss not knowing what portable gaming system people ended up voting for the changes to the main page and BBS more than make up for it.

I AM the senate!

I am all men as I am no man and therefore I am... going to have the same complex as pretty much every fighting game boss ever created.

2038th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):!!" , posted Thu 22 Jul 15:21:post reply

I AM the senate! I am all men as I am no man and therefore I am... going to have the same complex as pretty much every fighting game boss ever created.

Dictator Vega: a Caligula for the modern age!

Lately I'm excited to visit the Cafe main page to admire the BBS preview and just to see what random image BBS picture will appear...this anticipation alone should revive the image board. I eagerly await the day when the Zero 3 SCANLINE LEGEND series fittingly appears there.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 22 Jul 15:31]

5099th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):!!" , posted Fri 6 Aug 16:52post reply

Inspired by Chaz, I thought that maybe I should try my hand at handling the powers of evil.... It's not like I do that every half an hour, har har

obscene voodoo dance teleport

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

Count Hihihi
265th Post

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Copper Customer

"Pretty Please" , posted Tue 17 Aug 18:59post reply

Hey Prof!

I was wondering if I could get my nickname changed for the bbs? I was thinking about having it changed to TheRedKnight. Please?


2767th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Pretty Please" , posted Wed 18 Aug 00:10post reply

Hey Prof!

I was wondering if I could get my nickname changed for the bbs? I was thinking about having it changed to TheRedKnight. Please?

Really, you don't want to be Count Hihihi any more? That's a pity but yes it can be done, no problem.

Count Hihihi
266th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Pretty Please" , posted Wed 18 Aug 15:21post reply

Hey Prof!

I was wondering if I could get my nickname changed for the bbs? I was thinking about having it changed to TheRedKnight. Please?

Really, you don't want to be Count Hihihi any more? That's a pity but yes it can be done, no problem.

I like change!


2771th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Pretty Please" , posted Thu 19 Aug 00:38:post reply


I like change!


[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 19 Aug 00:38]

266th Post

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PSN: no
XBL: no
Wii: no

Copper Customer

"Re(4):Pretty Please" , posted Thu 19 Aug 02:09post reply


I like change!


Thanks! So generic, mmm..


5119th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):!!" , posted Sun 5 Sep 06:09post reply

I have just popped up two says two things, ho ho ho.

Firstly, I do believe that since the newly opened youtube channel is fashioned as a feature of the site, it should have some type of permalink in the tool bar or in the home of the site (preferably the main site, since fitting "youtube channel" would be too much so ace wise for the tool bar, har har).

Secondly I have to say that recently I have gotten myself caught up on this... Some characters from that series pretty much sum up my feelings about the cafe and it's members (good personality, pretty, smart, adaptable and you are better off not asking for more details ). Also, any series that features Wakamoto reading a Yakuza yaoi doujin to his Oyabun, or playing violent gang war hot blooded baseball as the ace pitcher or playing the Dracula role as part of a prank to scare off pesky little children has an important place in my book.

And -of course- I also punch fluffies when I'm stressed

obscene voodoo dance teleport

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 19 as of 12/08/10

2793th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):!!" , posted Tue 7 Sep 01:33:post reply

I have just popped up two says two things, ho ho ho.

Firstly, I do believe that since the newly opened youtube channel is fashioned as a feature of the site, it should have some type of permalink in the tool bar or in the home of the site (preferably the main site, since fitting "youtube channel" would be too much so ace wise for the tool bar, har har).

Well, the channel is... not going to have too many videos, really. Maybe two dozen extremely short clips up until mid-september, and that might actually be it for the whole year? Of course there'll be a link up, once there's enough videos.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 7 Sep 01:34]

2794th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Iggy and Chazumaru" , posted Tue 7 Sep 01:37:post reply

There's a question I need to ask, please mail from here.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 7 Sep 01:38]

5134th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"testing" , posted Sat 11 Sep 05:52:post reply

exactly that,it's a test

har har

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 20 as of 09/09/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 12 Sep 12:47]

2866th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Archives" , posted Mon 22 Nov 00:02:post reply

For anyone interested in checking posts from the ye-old years, there's now an archive section at the bottom of the BBS. Images are for the most part, broken.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 22 Nov 00:24]

5187th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Archives" , posted Mon 22 Nov 04:08:post reply

For anyone interested in checking posts from the ye-old years, there's now an archive section at the bottom of the BBS. Images are for the most part, broken.

The BBS has been dragging this since long ago, but could some color function or something be added to browse through the BBS pages?

For examples if I go to "Archive" and I click on file "100" within the 2003 year.... and then I go shopping or something, when I return and I sit down in the pc there is absolutely no sign that points out that I am browsing through file "100" on the year 2003. This could be easily solved (in theory(?)) by highlighting the selected option with some type of color.

The fact that you have to keep "where" you are browsing in order in your head really makes it hard to know where you are... I know I have had a hard time when I systematically search a past thread, only to stumble several times in the same page since I have no clue of where I am right now, even when the archives where only numbered from 1 to 9 this already proved to be bothersome.

For the record I just traveled back to the time where you had to download avi files in order to see tournament finals and where I didn't knew how to use the [ quote ] function, har har

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 22 Nov 04:53]

2121th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):testing" , posted Mon 22 Nov 05:00post reply

har har

あ、鮎川!その笑い方がおかしい! --春日

But meanwhile, it's true, archive-browsing is sometimes just a little tricky since I don't think the -year- shows up anywhere on old posts. It's still nice to have them all there, though!

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
(Too bad we don't have an archive of the Evacuation Board together with the birth of Fake Shingo vs. 'the real' SNKNeoGeo3253525)

End of Spoiler


2867th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Archives" , posted Mon 22 Nov 06:30:post reply

For examples if I go to "Archive" and I click on file "100" within the 2003 year.... and then I go shopping or something, when I return and I sit down in the pc there is absolutely no sign that points out that I am browsing through file "100" on the year 2003. This could be easily solved (in theory(?)) by highlighting the selected option with some type of color.

Done for the archives-- is it working?

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 22 Nov 07:19]

5188th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Archives" , posted Mon 22 Nov 08:51:post reply


Done for the archives-- is it working?

Kind of, whenever you press F5 the highlight takes a big hike and doesn't come back. It would be good if that one could be used for the "new archives" ( << New 42 ~~~ 2 Old>> and " open 1 ~~~ 8 " brackets at the bottom of the page).

edit :

If you select Old Archives and "open in new window" the basic tool bar won't load (thus, making it "impossible" to go back from the archives to the main page of the bbs without opening it again from scratch. The same happens with topics from the archive opened in a new window.


あ、鮎川!その笑い方がおかしい! --春日

The smile might be a little odd, but it has it's uses, kah kah kah.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 22 Nov 09:27]

2122th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Archives" , posted Mon 22 Nov 09:44post reply


The smile might be a little odd, but it has it's uses, kah kah kah.

Toho! Well-used! And I meant less the 微笑み since Ayukawa can do anything she wants, and more the har har. She couldn't. "Tee hee," perhaps. But then again, I don't notice this until two months late. We should all laugh like Orthros, ideally, in any event. うひょひょ


5188th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Archives" , posted Mon 22 Nov 09:59post reply

We should all laugh like Orthros, ideally, in any event. うひょひょ

You do say Orthros, but won't you mean Ultros Instead? yeah yeah yeah. オルちゃん いけめん ナンバーワン

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

2867th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Archives" , posted Mon 22 Nov 10:09post reply

Kind of, whenever you press F5 the highlight takes a big hike and doesn't come back. It would be good if that one could be used for the "new archives" ( << New 42 ~~~ 2 Old>> and " open 1 ~~~ 8 " brackets at the bottom of the page).

edit :

If you select Old Archives and "open in new window" the basic tool bar won't load (thus, making it "impossible" to go back from the archives to the main page of the bbs without opening it again from scratch. The same happens with topics from the archive opened in a new window.

I noticed too that it would be better if the newer logs are actually viewable from the old archives page as well. So it is--- there's a second page to it.

About the F5 reload, I can try to come up with a solution maybe later but please live with it for now. The only client-side solution I can think of is recording the highlighted area on a cookie.

The basic tool bar, I should be able to fix on the fly.

2123th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Archives" , posted Mon 22 Nov 10:18post reply

You do say Orthros, but won't you mean Ultros Instead?

イジワル?!イジワル?! Don't tease the octopus, kids!


5190th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Archives" , posted Mon 22 Nov 12:38:post reply


About the F5 reload, I can try to come up with a solution maybe later but please live with it for now.


Erm- What I'm trying to say is that it's not exactly a pressing matter and is not something that will probably will "destroy this message when the count reachs zero". I bet that I'm probably the one that back tracks ancient old year threads the most and even then I don't find this something of the utmost immediate importance (I have managed to live with it up until now, and today's system is much better than the one from yesterday... Thus I'm only advocating by my usual job occupation of staff chief, where my main obligation is to sit back observing what everyone else does and absolutely and utterly crush their dreams / efforts / aspitations tripling they workload while I sit back and enjoy the cookies).

On a relevant note, today I discovered that the one that made the illustrations for Godslayer / Crystalis is named 横山浩子 (Yokoyama Hiroko)... My current busy state prevents me from further searching more relation between that drawer and the company, but I'll write about that on a nail or something..... Any help with this one? A 15 second search revealed that way too many people share that name.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 22 Nov 12:43]

3939th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Archives" , posted Tue 23 Nov 01:26post reply

Thanks for the archive function Professor. Parts of the archive make for an interesting slice of pop culture history. Other parts read like an unearthed pile of old, poorly written school essays or, even worse, old love letters. Looking through posts from days gone by brings up feelings of nostalgia and embarrassment in equal measure.

1662th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Archives" , posted Wed 24 Nov 07:59post reply

Wow, archives are a real big dose of nostalgia. I can't believe I made so many threads about the UDON Street Fighter comic. I'll read through some of these over the X-Mas break and see how the Cafe has changed.

2898th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Test" , posted Fri 24 Dec 16:50:post reply

[Update] Added a Nicovideo Redirector icon to the toolbar. Not that most people would use it. - Nico
This is just a test - Nico

[edit]minor change made to pop the window out.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 7 Jan 21:35]

5227th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Test" , posted Fri 7 Jan 16:04:post reply

BTW, there's a new tag/button for nico links for ease of posting.

To think that I didn't noticed in the first 2 or 3 warnings of this!

Testing~ - Nico.... As the narrator states, the man capable of using Geese's legendary Atemi techniques donning a sweet, pretty navy blue uniform! - Nico

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 7 Jan 16:19]

2961th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Question ideas for arcade guide map" , posted Sun 6 Mar 00:56:post reply

An arcade guide map of Tokyo is currently in the works as a new content for this site. I'm doing a quick reference section right now and I'm wondering what kind of preferences that people would chose their arcades for. Examples that I've come up with so far are below. If anyone has any additional suggestions, I'll try and add them in, thanks.

Current references:
Q1: Which arcades are the overall best?
Q2: Where are the best competitions?
Q3: Arcades are usually loud and filthy. Are there any clean ones?
Q4: Where's a good place to rest and practice alone?
Q5: Are there places where the smoking isn't so bad?
Q6: Are there good arcades that only the locals know?

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 6 Mar 01:04]

2714th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Question ideas for arcade guide map" , posted Sun 6 Mar 06:30:post reply

An arcade guide map of Tokyo is currently in the works as a new content for this site. I'm doing a quick reference section right now and I'm wondering what kind of preferences that people would chose their arcades for. Examples that I've come up with so far are below. If anyone has any additional suggestions, I'll try and add them in, thanks.

Current references:
Q1: Which arcades are the overall best?
Q2: Where are the best competitions?
Q3: Arcades are usually loud and filthy. Are there any clean ones?
Q4: Where's a good place to rest and practice alone?
Q5: Are there places where the smoking isn't so bad?
Q6: Are there good arcades that only the locals know?

Since it usually comes up in Nesica x live discussion, maybe you could include pricing?

Edit: Also related, if not covered by the above, maybe include which arcades support NesicaxLive?

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sun 6 Mar 06:35]

5271th Post

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"Re(2):Question ideas for arcade guide map" , posted Sun 6 Mar 06:33post reply


Since it usually comes up in Nesica x live discussion, maybe you could include pricing?

Adding Youtube channel and / or website might help as well, there are some that are popular to people that can't go there thanks to that, kinda like Acho.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

875th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Question ideas for arcade guide map" , posted Sun 6 Mar 06:33post reply

An arcade guide map of Tokyo is currently in the works as a new content for this site. I'm doing a quick reference section right now and I'm wondering what kind of preferences that people would chose their arcades for. Examples that I've come up with so far are below. If anyone has any additional suggestions, I'll try and add them in, thanks.

Thanks for putting together this guide. Sounds like a real labor of love!

Here are some burning questions I'd love to have answered.

-Where can I play Warzard?
-Where can I play JoJo?
-B. Rap Boys
-Astra Super Stars

I guess I'm basically interested in playing older titles. It would be really cool to highlight if an arcade has some rare games.

2129th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Question ideas for arcade guide map" , posted Sun 6 Mar 08:19post reply


-Where can I play Warzard?
-Where can I play JoJo?

I found at least one of each of these while I was in Tokyo, but they were sad and lonely and unloved. Immersing yourself in the environment as these machines blare their attract demos while nobody cares may cause deep and profound sadness.

2962th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Question ideas for arcade guide map" , posted Sun 6 Mar 11:04post reply

A pricing and retro suggestion is good, I'll think about adding that! Actually, pricing is already labeled for each of the arcades, so that should be easy. Warzard is.. humm, I can't recall an arcade that has it *gasp*

Website links will be noted.

300th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):Question ideas for arcade guide map" , posted Mon 7 Mar 01:43:post reply

A similar guide for Hong Kong would be nice too. Possible?

EDIT: Where can I Play Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix 2?


[this message was edited by TheRedKnight on Mon 7 Mar 01:45]

384th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Question ideas for arcade guide map" , posted Wed 9 Mar 19:03post reply

Since other games have been asked about...

Where could one find Buriki One?

The Samurai Shodown 64 titles wouldbe nice too, but not nearly as important.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2965th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Question ideas for arcade guide map" , posted Wed 9 Mar 19:39:post reply

Thanks for the inputs. The guide was actually in development since last year but it's been in haitus. With Evo-Garden announced, I thought it'd be a good occasion to finish it off.

It'll be an overall guide rather than something that features a game list for each and every store. Because there's over 50 stores on the guide, that'll just require too much effort on updates (note: I'm only covering the shopping areas). However, the guide indicates if the stores have CRT cabinets, so that should be a hint whether as to they have old games.

Noibinobita: Jojo is actually popular! There's quite a few arcades that still have the game.

Rednight: I can't do a Hong Kong guide, no idea. Kinnikuman is still playable at a good number of locations!

Loona: By lord, that's a rare title. The only place I know of is Alpha Station, and they actually still run tournaments there. If you want to see them, they're up on nicovideo- here's the list. The Videos links are on their titles. Use this site's NicoRedirector if you don't have an account.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 9 Mar 20:57]

1111th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Question ideas for arcade guide map" , posted Wed 9 Mar 23:50post reply


Loona: By lord, that's a rare title.
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

you could always goto redfalcon's house and play it

3137th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and running" , posted Fri 15 Jul 22:52:post reply

Arcade guide is finally up and running after a long hiatus due to the disaster!

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 15 Jul 22:53]

4148th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Fri 15 Jul 23:00post reply

Arcade guide is finally up and running after a long hiatus due to the disaster!

What great news!

1568th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Fri 15 Jul 23:54post reply

Arcade guide is finally up and running after a long hiatus due to the disaster!

Wow amazing work!

813th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sat 16 Jul 00:05post reply

Very cool!

I had never thought about guessing what "TRF" meant.

It saddens me that the small Asakusabashi scene disappeared too soon to appear in this guide.


434th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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Gold Customer

"Re(1):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sat 16 Jul 00:31post reply

Arcade guide is finally up and running after a long hiatus due to the disaster!

Nice - I could have used this a couple of years ago.

I take it soon enough there'll be a permanent link to this in the main site, next to the ones for the NicoNico redirector or the South Town map?

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

4258th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sat 16 Jul 01:48post reply

Arcade guide is finally up and running after a long hiatus due to the disaster!

I'm gonna post this and the southtown map on insert credit later :3

701th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sat 16 Jul 02:53post reply

Arcade guide is finally up and running after a long hiatus due to the disaster!

That's awesome Professor! Thanks for posting it, and especially thanks for posting the cigarette smoke level gauge. I never thought it would be something I paid attention to until I visited Europe and found that 98% of the population smokes between 2 and 20 packs a day. I take it Japan is nearly the same?

4259th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sat 16 Jul 03:25post reply

I never thought it would be something I paid attention to until I visited Europe and found that 98% of the population smokes between 2 and 20 packs a day. I take it Japan is nearly the same?

Yeah, it's similar.

One of my least favorite things about large game events is how many european and japanese journalists and developers show up, who have to light up IMMEDIATELY upon leaving any sort of doorway. it's disgusting.

2205th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sat 16 Jul 03:55post reply

The arcade guide got a front page posting on SRK.

I hope that this doesn't result in a forum invasion of our quiet country cafe.

2225th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sat 16 Jul 06:30post reply

I hope that this doesn't result in a forum invasion of our quiet country cafe.

yankee go home
Just kidding.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
or am i

End of Spoiler

I mean, hello, SRK people. Please teach me how to do crouch cancels.


4260th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sat 16 Jul 07:45post reply

I hope that this doesn't result in a forum invasion of our quiet country cafe.

I think it'll be a-okay!

3139th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sat 16 Jul 20:59:post reply

I was actually working on the guide just the day before the quake, taking photos and such. The original idea was to release it during spring break so that tourists coming in Sakura season could make good use of it. Didn't happen.

Because of that, and also keeping in consideration that the situation in fukushima isn't contained, I was debating on whether I should even complete the guide. But I'm starting to see tourists again in the city, so decided it wouldn't be too bad to finish and post it up.

Spoon: Actually, I contacted them about the guide since it would be better to have people notice it at an early stage. It's summer time and Tougeki/TGS is also coming up in 2 months.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 16 Jul 22:37]

4149th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sun 17 Jul 05:38post reply

I hope that this doesn't result in a forum invasion of our quiet country cafe.

I think it'll be a-okay!

The more people who come by to discuss cheese and other gastronomical delights the better.

2226th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):The MMCafe Arcade Guide, now up and run" , posted Sun 17 Jul 09:37post reply

The more people who come by to discuss cheese and other gastronomical delights the better.

If newcomers appear, my goal will mainly be to convince them that the Cafe is primarily an epicurean site that just happens to also really love video games, as opposed to the reverse.


3477th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Switching BBS Display" , posted Tue 8 May 18:44:post reply

Just a quick not to anyone who hasn't realized. If you're an old BBS user and the pages look like they're a part of the main site, you can return it to the classic state by hitting "Switch to Classic View" at the top. You can switch it again to the new look as well.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 8 May 18:46]

562th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Switching BBS Display" , posted Wed 9 May 09:52post reply

Just a quick not to anyone who hasn't realized. If you're an old BBS user and the pages look like they're a part of the main site, you can return it to the classic state by hitting "Switch to Classic View" at the top. You can switch it again to the new look as well.

Odly, I only see the new link when following links from Twitter in my hpone, using the browser as usual gives me no difference - which I kind of prefer, I'm just used to the plain look.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"