Original message (18790 Views )
Toxico 5010th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "The King of Fighters XIII : 2nd thread" , posted Sat 24 Apr 00:01:    
KoF XIII official site (JP), up to date. Official site US , hasn't opened yet.
Last edited : 16 / 5 : Some youku vids (tube version).
Updated on : 09 : 00 AM USA TIME , 03 : 00 PM FRANCE TIME , 10 : 00 PM JAPAN TIME
================================================================ Beta Report & General playing impressions about game ================================================================
By The Professor. Posts are within the thread, but direct links are :
Storyline, Pre-Fight Dialogues, Etc (scroll down for dialogues) 2nd beta
Day 1 Beta Test Report part1 2nd beta
Day 1 Beta Test Report part2 2nd beta
Notes on Mission Mode 2nd beta
Impressions from beta 3
Impressions by Syo on this very same topic as well:
here , they are impressions from Beta 2 on HK.
Pen pen had his own impressions about the game, they are at Orochinagi's main XIII topic.
Pen pen game experience 1
Pen pen game experience 2
Pen pen game experience 3
================================================================ Move list sticker pics ================================================================
The new move list stickers from KoFUnion.
They are grouped by teams. Oh, and it seems that Hwa Jai was there, but players where whoring other characters so much, that he was hard to notice.
Hong Kong version.
Betty , Nippon , Yagami , Garou , Psychos , Hwa Jai (He can get drunk (similar to garou 1 in animation) and change skin color) , Ryuuko , Ikari , Onna , Ash
Japanese version.
first half
second half
I'll try update this regularly with things that we can see or touch ("soft" info will most likely be in the replies).... Oh, and I'll most likely throw my few lines of male bonding frame detail animation in the other thread. Oh, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
obscene voodoo dance teleport
================================================================ BETA 2 : DAY 0 VIDEOS (Honk Kong test only) ================================================================
Uploaded by Oloshinagi's Pen pen :
Pen Pen vid 01. <----------------- Pen pen has uploaded a non yoga! version of this vid.
Pen Pen 02, new stage
pen pen vid 03
Pen pen 04
Pen pen 05
Pen pen 06
Pen pen 07
Pen pen 08
Pen pen 09
Pen pen 10
Videos uploaded on Tudou (Alternative Links Below) : Tudou 01
Tudou 02
Tudou 03
Tudou 04
Tudou 05
Tudou 06
Tudou 07
Tudou 08
Tudou 09
Tube version of Tudou, uploaded by RexxxSoprano
Tudou alternative 01 Tudou alternative 02 Tudou alternative 03 Tudou alternative 04 Tudou alternative 05 Tudou alternative 06 Tudou alternative 07 Tudou alternative 08 Tudou alternative 09
================================================================ BETA 2 : DAY 1 VIDEOS (Test on Honk Kong & Japan) ================================================================
Pen pen Second branch of vids. I changed the numbering of the videos, so that they won't be confused with the previous links. If you are in china, you can watch these in youku, they can be found in this user account
Pen pen 11
Pen pen 12
Pen pen 13
Pen pen 14
Pen pen 15
Pen pen 16 I can see dead people too!
Pen pen 17
Pen pen 18
Pen pen 19
Pen pen 20 -1
Pen pen 20 -2
Pen pen 21
Pen pen 22
Pen pen 23
Pen pen 24
Pen pen 25 Eerghhh!? ( 2 : 25)
Pen pen 26
Pen pen 27
Pen pen 28
Pen pen 29
Pen pen 30
Pen pen 31
Pen pen 32
Pen pen 33
Pen pen 34 Zombies don't get drunk
Pen pen 35
Note : If you enjoyed these vids, you should perhaps click Here. Orochinagi keeps ratings from the internet traffic on their site, so think of it as a thank you note (more trafic = good), since these vids are their exclusive material after all.
Japanese Beta.
Short Hi def Japan 1
Short Hi def Japan 2
================================================================ BETA 2 : DAY 2 VIDEOS (Test on Honk Kong & Japan) ================================================================
Coincidently these are both uploaded by ReXXXSoprano.
Youku vid
Nico nico part 16
Nico nico part 17
HK user uploads .... あの ライデン は!?.... その 声 
HK day 3 vid 01
HK day 3 vid 02
HK day 3 vid 03
HK day 3 vid 04
HK day 3 vid 05
HK day 3 vid 06
HK day 3 vid 07
HK day 3 vid 08
HK day 3 vid 09
HK day 3 vid 10
SNK video, Liz Neomax <- I was forgetting about uploading this one here.
================================================================ BETA 3 : General videos (Testing done in Japan) ================================================================
Video 1 <- possible on 1080p
Video 2 <- possible on 1080p
Video 3 <- Joe & Muchi muchi silk stalkings 
Video 4 <- possible on 1080p Vice ghost palette can be seen clearly. 
Tube version of nico nico Part 18 <- Vice neo max
Pink Soldiers
Nico part 21
Sugar Boy uploads (All of them are 720p compatible) :
Small 1p vid 1
Small 1p vid 2
Bigger 1p vid 3
Match 1
Match 2
================================================================ BETA 4 : Held in Taiwan & Japan, nothing new for this build ================================================================
Mid Boss demo video <- possible on 720p.
Nico part 22
Nico nico 23
Nico 24
Nico 25
A small for the lolz japanese tournament. I think that this is actually the second voice change that Raiden has suffered through the betas.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
New sugar boy uploads. Some neo maxes and other staffu usually not seen before screens (continue, thx for playing screens). Oh, and I realize that while Ogura did all the shiny HD art, the in game conversation between characters are made by Nona.
sugar boy
sugar boy
sugar boy
sugar boy
sugar boy continue screen
sugar boy
sugar boy
sugar boy
sugar boy intermission, new version
sugar boy
sugar boy
New to May 5
Sugar boy May 5
Sugar boy May 5
Sugar boy May 5
Sugar boy May 5
Sugar boy May 5
Sugar boy May 5
Sugar boy May 5
Sugar boy May 5
Taiwan 01
Taiwan 02
Taiwan 03
Taiwan 04
Taiwan 05
Taiwan 06
Taiwan 07
Taiwan 08
Taiwan 09
================================================================ BETA 5 Testing done in japan ================================================================
Nico 26
Nico 27
Nico 28
Nico 29
Nico 30
Nico 31
Nico 32
short Kyo clip
short Shen clip
youku 1 (tube ver)
youku 2 (tube version)
youku 3 (tube version)
youku 4 (tube ver)
youku 5 (tube ver)
youku 6 (tube)
SNK Liz demo clip
Kyo combo demo clip
Short sugar boy clips.
Sugar boy May 7
Sugar boy May 7
Sugar boy May 7
Sugar boy May 7
Sugar boy May 7
================================================================ BONUS! Videos from the previous Beta (Beta 1) ================================================================
Vid 01 Vid 02 Vid 03 Vid 04 Vid 05 Vid 06 Vid 07 Vid 08 Vid 09 Vid 10 Vid 11 Vid 12 Vid 13 Vid 14 Vid 15 Vid 16 Vid 17
Early short high def 1
Early short high def 2
Early short high def 3

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 18 May 04:32] | | Replies: |
Professor 2604th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Quick Report" , posted Sat 24 Apr 14:59:
Move names
Hwa Jai Dragon Kick    Drinking    Dragon Tail    Dragon Dance     Dragon Backbreaker     Final Dragon Kick     
Da Cide    Gore Fest     Splash    Mayhem    Negative Gain     Awaking Blood     
1- Hwa Jai looks like Joe-- in fact, I think they just replaced his head. His normal move set looks the same too. However he plays quite differently, at least from the Joe that we know from XII. For one thing, Hwa Jai doesn't have a projectile and he seems better off fighting in close range.
His dragon Kick from FF1 functions like a Tiger Kick when done with weak kick, but it doesn't have invincibility, or very little if any. Done with the feirce, it's similar to FF1 and he flys across the screen. He can also do it in the air, which gives it different performance than on the ground. Done with weak, it makes him kick downwards like a dive kick. Feirce makes him fly forwards in the air. So, you can do a weak dragon kick into the air and then drop back down with another weak dragon kick if you have a hyperdrive meter.
His Dragon Tail is a golden heel that can be done on the ground and in the air. I think it's unblockable on a crouch? Might be wrong, but I've seen a crouching Yuri get hit a few times with it.
It's not printed in the command list, but he has rapid punches similar to that of Joe's.
He can drink and turn color like in FF1 but its function is a mystery right now-- it doesn't seem to change the properties of his special or attacks. From what I heard, it's supposed to make his attacks do more damage or speed him up, but the move might not actually be functioning at this point of development.
2- Vice Vice doesn't have her Outrage/Ravenous kicks but she's still fun to use. I'm not sure if she has her Mithan's Robe; people were using Da Cide after the Mayhem. Vice's Da Cide functions a bit differently and it now pulls the opponent right in front of her. I think it's supposed to be coupled with an EX move. Her new move, Splash, is like the Withering Surface from KOF98; she jumps towards the opponent and throws them. If she misses, she does her traditional stretching pose on the ground.
Awakening Blood is interesting-- Vice looks away from the screen and undresses her upper garment a bit, revealing a red tatoo on her back. Then the screen goes black, the mark of her tatoo appears, and we see that the opponent's hit when the screen turns back to normal.
3- Other Tidbits There's pre-bout dialogues for each round when you're playing single player mode. It's pretty much the same as in SNK vs Capcom, but with new artwork. And yes, each character has a set of graphics for facial expressions.
Also, there's an intermission scene between stages when you're playing single player mode. See updated writing in a few posts below.
The NEO MAX moves looks very good for some characters and kind of bland for some others. Ash's, which is up on the official site, is one of the more boring ones-- he just holds the opponent and engulfs himself together with them in his flame, kind of like how Kyo did to Goenitz in KOF96's ending.
I'll have more details on the game in like 3 or so hours, Gunsmith asked to Q&A me then. We were supposed to have met up but things happened.
But... I think most of the new stuff can be seen in the HongKong videos anyways? I'm sure half the materials I've wrote on this post can be seen in them too. Tudow doesn't load well for me so I can't check.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 25 Apr 14:33] |
Toxico 4969th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Lizubeto Neo MAX dm. Blog update." , posted Sat 24 Apr 18:30:
from SNK, with love.
Oh, and we are "moving" the thread here, the other one is just there to call ourselves pretty & intelligent on miscellaneous subjects not related to the Beta.
But... I think most of the new stuff can be seen in the HongKong videos anyways? I'm sure half the materials I've wrote on this post can be seen in them too. Tudow doesn't load well for me so I can't check.
Oh, you are just teasing me~ and I love it. Currently there are a bunch of character that, haven't been shown at all. And others that we don't know anything since they got offed quite quickly, so at this point everything counts (ala Depeche Mode).
The Tudou vids are more or less standard boxing among players, the Pen pen account ones are cooler, with more new things shown.
Oh, oh oh oh oh
They are speaking that for this first loke test, to this build they have added 3 important features.
1.- Hidden(?) unexpected Mue Tai fighter, if you don't know who he is, you will carve his name in your head thanks to that Dragon Kick.
2.- NEO MAX DMs. When designed these moves, SNK took 2 things into consideration. 1.- They need to be flashy has hell. 2.- They should represent the character personality, (I say, they are presented themselves as a sort of My speciality type of thing for the character; they are supposed to be distinctive (like, Roberts do some classy kicks. Ryo goes serious ichigeki hissatsu and Takuma outdoes his already great oyaji power)).
3.- "Targets" for storyline gameplay. As discussed previously, from time to time you'll get different messages on "do X thing in X time". Achieving this will grant you in round bonuses (like life recovery, power bars, or things like those). If the bonus is not applicable for the present round, it will be granted in the following. And if this is the last round of the stage, the bonus will be granted on the next stage.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 24 Apr 19:22] |
Professor 2600th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(1):Lizubeto Neo MAX dm. Blog update." , posted Sat 24 Apr 20:10:
quote: 3.- "Targets" for storyline gameplay. As discussed previously, from time to time you'll get different messages on "do X thing in X time". Achieving this will grant you in round bonuses (like life recovery, power bars, or things like those). If the bonus is not applicable for the present round, it will be granted in the following. And if this is the last round of the stage, the bonus will be granted on the next stage.
Just to clarify on this thing. When you're playing single player mode, there's a text box underneath your life bar and it gives you various missions, like 'roll 3 times', or 'do a combo with X amount of hits". It's just an optional thing on the screen and you can just ignore it, but if you accomplish the task, the game rewards you with a bonus.
I forgot to mention, single player mode didn't feature a boss at the current time. After you finished fighting another team in Rose Coliseum, the game ended with a message from the developers and a scene from the intro movie where the Ash chapter characters dropped from the sky.
BTW one bad news- still no taunts. Start button does nothing.
Did Elisabeth tilt her head a bit when she was in waiting position of her counter teleport in KOFXII?
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 24 Apr 20:20] |
Professor 2602th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Additional stuff" , posted Sun 25 Apr 00:18:
Ok, I just had a casual Q&A session with Orochinagi's Gun. We kept switching from subject to subject, so I'm positing a digest here with a few stuff I ran out of time to mention.
Game System _______________________________
Character colors It's already known that Terry has Robert's costume palette as one of his colors. Well, Robert also has Terry's colors, and he looks just like him, albeit a bit more thin and without a cap. Just imagine it: you can use a capless Terry and do a Ryuko Ranbu combination DM to opponents. Kensou has a Duolon color; someone picked both of the characters in their team and they looked like brothers. Raiden's venom color is seen in videos, but he also has a color where he's shirtless. Also, Vice has a color where she's semi-transparent and you can see the background through her. She's a ghost!
Pre-bout demos In single player mode, there's pre-bout dialogues before EACH ROUND. It's a nice addition, but it's not hard to imagine that it could get annoying.
Stage intermission Read previous post above.
Missions Read previous post/reply above.
Graphics Graphics are very good and it's very unfortunate that SNKPlaymore hasn't released crisp HD video samples, because the shaky-cams just don't do justice to the game. The size of the characters have been shrinked by a bit and their screen ratio is more similar to that of previous KOF titles. They turn big (zoom in) at victory poses and Neomax moves.
The new backgrounds are wonderful. The India stage is created with a nice combination of 2D and 3D art. Each of the elephants are drawn in 3D, and they look very natually convincing; you can see their ears paddling gently as they slowly move their face. The people on top of the elephants are drawn in 2D though, and the combination works out fine.
SNK said on their official blog that the backgrounds will react with the player. I assume that it means we'll see something like the Chicken in KOF97's Bali stage that hopped around when the player fell. I haven't noticed any of that in Today's test though, maybe it's too subtle.
However, I did see that the new USA stage changes its appearance on each round. In the first round, the background is fenced and you can't see the outside well. Second round, the fence is down and you can see a news reporter on a chopper. The third round, there's even more choppers, and a blimp with a statue of Liberty drawn on it.
Dizzyness Yes, dizzying is back in KOFXIII. It seems to be rare and I've only seen it once with King.
Taunts No Taunts! I thought I read somewhere that taunts are back in KOFXIII, but they aren't, at least at the current stage of development. Start button does nothing.
Throws Throwing is done with a stick direction and C or D. Unlike in KOFXII, you can escape from them.
NeoMax Feels a lot like the Max2 from KOF2002, especially since you need to go into Hyperdrive mode in order to execute it. As far as I've seen most of the moves don't seem to have invincibility. So there were a few times where the characters couldn't even trade hits with their opponents. I've seen Terry get hit.. "Go Baaaaarn!" *Smack* "KO!!!"
Ash, Elisabeth, Ryo, Takuma, Ralf, Terry, and Joe's Neomax can be seen in videos already. As for some of the other characters--
Kyo Does his finger pointing pose from the trailer back in KOFXII and shoots out a long flame-- if it hits, pillars of fire come out from behind him and fill up the screen.
Mai Does her Max2 from 2002, except without the hip dances. The pose she does at the end looks similar to the official illustration that was released on KOFXIII's initial annoucement (Nipponichi pose, but with her hand a bit more in the front).
King "Venom Shot" is like a wide Venom Strike that glitters and fills up about a quarter of the screen.
Clark Ultra Clark Buster is a bit weird- he grabs the opponent, flys up and comes back falling upside down while doing an Argentine backbreaker, essencially crushing the opponent between the ground and his shoulders. It's weird becuase sometimes he misses grabbing the opponent, but executes it anyway while holding nothing in his hands.
Misc stuff about characters
Mai Her Down-hold-up Musasabi attack can be canceled at the wall like in previous games, but I don't think the throw and other moves are there.
Yuri Wobbles a bit in victory pose. She really seems to like her Yoyuuchi pose, she's even doing it in the victory screen illustration. Has her Chou Upper. She has a dive kick similar to that of Rufus or Yun in the Street Fighter series. Also has her hip attack. And yes, she's got short hair now. You can't see it well in the videos, but they're kind of jagged at the back of her neck.
Has her double strike now. I've been told she had it since the last beta-- my bad!
Duolon Has a short-range projectile that moves slowly and has a short range. He can move right after he does it though, so it can probably be used for setups. Kind of looks like a puff of poisonous cloud.
Takuma Koh-ken is big! Does he have his Zanretsuken? Not sure.
Hwa Jai Has a ranbu super where he hits the opponent while floating in the air. He seems to love drinking. Even drinks in his victory screen animation. His bottle can be knocked out when he's drinking, and the animation is well done.
Terry His Power Wave fades out after moving a distance. I don't remember that in XII.
Andy His EX Shoryudan makes him twirl twice. In doing so, he really flys across the screen.
Etc Announcer is good! It's a male. Actually sounds like English and not Engrish.
People used a lof of Iori, Kyo, Terry, and Shen. The new characters were often picked, but not much Hwa Jai.
SNKP will be having more beta tests in the next few days. Are they trying to push schedule before the holiday period in Japan, or are they trying to steal some spotlight against Super SF4?
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 25 Apr 02:00] |
Toxico 4971th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "More vids, move list." , posted Sun 25 Apr 01:54:
Pen pen second day 01
He is uploading more as we speak, and has much, motto, mucho, más footage than yesterday. I'll update the first post after everything is in order, but meanwhile you can check his current uploaded finds in ñurl=http://www.youtube.com/user/penpen35]his channel
Tentative move list... It seems like the nice folks of KoF union are compiling a move list of the game.
Oh, and pretty cool impressions, about what has been said to this point:
Takuma Does he have his Zanretsuken? Not sure.
He does have it, and neatly; it's akin to the AoF 1 Zanretsuken (he maims you with his two hands, and instead of fishing it with an upper, he does a stance while the enemy falls down).
SNKP will be having more beta tests in the next few days. Are they trying to push schedule before the holiday period in Japan, or are they trying to steal some spotlight against Super SF4?
Or perhaps production costs are sky rocketing again, and they can't delay it that much

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 25 Apr 06:28] |
Just a Person 1384th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):The King of Fighters XIII : 2nd thread" , posted Sun 25 Apr 10:28
Wow, thanks for all the feedback, Professor!!
It really seems that KoF XIII will be everything that KoF XII seemed to be but with no success. SNKP seems to be working a lot on the characters and also on the plot! And with the Women Team, the '96 Yagami Team and cool-stanced Takuma (don't really care about Hwa Jai being a head-swap of Joe, but I'm okay with it), there's nothing else I could ask...
Well, actually I could ask for the teammates cheering or sitting depressed in the background during the fights, like we used to have in '94-'98. But I can understand that it would be quite time-consuming for the developers and that they have more important things to develop in the game. Still, I hope this feat can be added in a future KoF XIV or XV.
And yes, I believe there will be a KoF XIV and XV. Maybe not with these names, but I'm confident SNKP will manage to succeed this time!
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Toxico 4971th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):The King of Fighters XIII : 2nd thread" , posted Sun 25 Apr 12:44
Oh, if you haven't caught the draft yet, the first post is updated with several video links, and possibly multiple source servers to watch from. Is the most up to date post of this thread.
It seems that the japanese SNK staff that was gathering data on these loke tests... strongly requested players not to take any footage from the betas. That's why is very hard to find anything that is not filmed in HK.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The intermission starts with Rose being interviewed by a reported about the KOF tournement, and she's says something to the point of "Oh, money is no concern".
The scene then switches to Botan and her gang watching Ronse on TV (same scene as that in the intro movie released a week or so ago), and then switches to a front view of Botan, who says something to the extent of "things are going to plan".
After Botan's scene, it changes to a sideview of dark place resembling a king's throne. Mukai is seen kneeling down to someone in the chair. "You're called Mukai, right? You're really useless, you know." "I understand.."
Then we find out that it's Ash that's laying on the chair, seemingly kind of board as he looks at his manicured fingers. "In fact, you should just die."
Camera switches to something that looks like a zoom-up of a red orb, and the intermission ends.
End of Spoiler
I remembered something good:
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
That red eye that flashes sometimes, was present in KoF 2003 & KoF XI. It pop ups in some crucial parts and seems to symbolize Orochi's presence. That very same eye can be seen when Mature does her Neo Max Dm. I'm assuming that Vice uses it too, it seems that that eye will become a sign of Orochi's power (kinda like the skull shaped pillars from the old school games).
End of Spoiler

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
Professor 2606th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "More details on Intermission Scene" , posted Sun 25 Apr 14:26:
Did anyone post videos of the storyline yet? I think it won't be possible since they've got restrictions like Toxico said.
Anyhoos, I had the chance to watch the intermission a bit better so I'm redoing/rephrasing my report from before.
Now keep in mind that no photo nor taping is allowed and the scene runs quickly, so I don't have everything word by word. but at least you can get a good idea of how it goes.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The intermission demo starts off with Rose being interviewed by a reporter.
"That's correct. The Bernstein foundation is holding this tournament on its own. Oh, money is of no concern."
Scene switches to Botan and her gang, watching Rose on a wall of screens (same scene as that from the intro).
"Things are going as planned. With the tournament now in place, all we have to do now is open the gate."
(Note: I think she said, "With the tournament colisium set on the top of Orochi's resting place, all we have to do now is to open the gate".)
Scene switches to a sideview of a dark location that looks like a king's throne. Mukai is kneeling before someone on the chair.
"So your name was Mukai, right? You're completely useless, you know that?"
"It's all my fault sir. But Botan, she is handling things accordingly."
The camera zooms into the character that's slouching on the chair and looking kind of bored. And we see that's it's Ash, except he looks a bit different than usual. He's wearing a white costume, and has his hair down and long, no hair band. Actually, the scene can be seen in KOFXIII's opening trailer, around 0:26 seconds.
"Magaki's dead, Shion's missing, and we've only got one chance. You guys should all just die. Your lives are worth crap, but at least you can make some decent use out of it."
"I understand sir. Thank you for your kind words."
Camera switches to something that looks like a zoom-up of a red orb, and the intermission ends.
So is it the Ash that we've known since KOF2003, or some kind of an evil twin? Only time will tell.
End of Spoiler
Note: Again, I'm not confident about the dialogues word by word because they're taken from my short notes, especially some of the last parts. But it should give you a good idea of how it goes.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 25 Apr 20:09] |
Professor 2607th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):More details on Intermission Scene" , posted Sun 25 Apr 14:53:
Some misc' stuff and dialogues
Athena "Psycho Medly" NeoMax makes her hit the opponent, then do teleport attacks from multiple directions on the screen as she wears outfits from the previous KOF games. The developers didn't go though the trouble of making animations for each of the attacks, so they're just single frames that appear for a split second.
Benimaru Neomax: He does a stylish pose where he raises one of his hand, and then shoots a laser of lightning across the whole screen.
Hwa Jai His voice is very high toned, kind of like Adon from Capcom's Street Fighter Alpha series. His Neomax looks standard but it's a bit weird. He attacks the opponent with a stronger version of his horizontal Dragon Kick, and when he hits, the screen flashes white. When it turns back normal, you see Hwa Jai on the ground, his hands raised in the air as though he's either doing a victory pose or praying. But when you look at his face, he looks totally crazy like a mad Yamazaki, drooling (or spilling out booze?).
Kensou Neomax is like his huge short-range energy-ball from previous games, not too flashy.
Yuri Neomax is a huge Raikouken. Not too flashy. Her pre-fight dialogues are hilarious.
Pre-fight dialogues First and formost, these are from memory and short notes so they're not word for word and lines are missing. Please don't, DON'T blame me for any mistakes. They should give you a good idea of how the dialogues go though, and should be better than nothing at all.
Iori vs Kyo Kyo: Man, you've lost your flames, but you still haven't changed a bit, have you? Iori: Shut up and Die, Kyo. Kyo: Oh what's this, are you rushing for some reason? It isn't like you now, is it? Iori: Shut up! I said die!
Yuri vs Robert Robert: Hey Yuri, let's go out after this! Yuri: Oh I'm sorry, I need to attend a celebration afterwards. But I'll see you at the hospital! Because I'm going to send you there!
Mai vs Raiden Mai: Mr. Bear, is that you? Raiden: No! I'm Raiden! I-AM-RAIDEN! Mai: Huh? What's up with you? Why are you wearing a mask? Raiden: Don't ask sensitive questions like that!
Yuri vs Raiden Yuri: Is it true that you hate Koalas? Raiden: That's right. Koalas, you can't understand a thing that they're thinking. Yuri: But Koalas are bears too! Raiden: No! A bear and a Koala is different! Don't put them together!
Yuri vs Vice Vice: Cripes, your voice just gives me headaches! I need to shut you up!
Yuri vs Mature Yuri: An eye patch! What happened to your eye? Did you have an accident? Are you diseased? Mature: Oh no, it's not something like that. Would you like to see it? Yuri: Erm, I have a bad feeling about it... No thanks, I'll pass.
Mai vs Hwa Jai Mai: Oh my God, another guy that's just wearing nothing but boxers! Hwa: What? So you know about Joe?
King vs Mature Mature: Oh, what a beauty we have here! You're just as beautiful as a rose. King: Well watch out, because this rose has thorns! Mature: I enjoy ripping pedals off from beautiful roses. It must be wonderful to see and hear you in agony too.
King vs Elisabeth King: Looks like you've got class. Why not come have a drink at my bar when we're finished? Elisabeth: Yes, let us drink-- to my victory!
Athena vs Ash Athena: I didn't realize it before, but you have a strong will... you're determined to do something. Ash: And so what? Not like I want anyone to understand.
Athena vs Athena Athena: Huh? What is this? Are we having some kind of an event or something?
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 25 Apr 23:10] |
mbisonhatclub 158th Post 
Regular Customer
| "Re(5):Small page update... HE IS HERE" , posted Tue 27 Apr 18:38    
quote: I loved the glitch on Takuma's NeoMax where Iori went up and never came down. When the match ended, Iori was declared the winner. What happened in the meantime? Where did he go? How did he get down? How was he decided the victor? This is a mystery as compelling as any. A tale for the ages.
I am a bit concerned about the Neo Maxes, though. Three levels seems like a lot, since you have to have your hyper drive on as well. It's nice that HD is its own thing, and doesn't cost a level in itself...but I'd rather have the "two levels during HD/3 levels out of HD rule", especially since it looks like they're fairly easy to stuff. Maybe I'm just concerned because I'm going to be killing myself trying to get them off because they're so cool.
Well, the formula should be high risk, high reward. I know getting there is quite a job in itself, but it actually doesn't seem to be that difficult getting all that meter from personal observation, and at least now, hyperdrive mode doesn't terminate if you're hit.
Now if it didn't do much damage at all, it'd be annoying and not worth the time or effort. But say IKs in Guilty Gear were even atrociously easier and you wouldn't lose the chance to try for them again if you missed. That'd be messed up in a system where newbies already have trouble picking the game up and all of a sudden a ~pro~ waxes them in 2 seconds. It's no fun.
But hey unlike what I think of KOFXII which I'll keep to myself here, I'm actually impressed by what I'm seeing here in KOFXIII and I have more faith in it than I think I should, and now I'm very anxious to try it out despite the bitter aftertaste of the previous game. We'll actually have another game we can play together! And probably we'll have more people from MMCafe joining in the fun too, which would be great because Grave and I had been trying to get you guys to join us for games
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Professor 2622th Post 

MMCafe Owner
| "Opinions, notes, and a few more dialogues" , posted Tue 27 Apr 22:33:    
Note: This post ended up absurdly long. The first half is just opinions; skip to the bottom for the better stuff.
Now that the second testing is over, just to place a few personal observations on the game. Overall, KOFXIII was pretty good and it was probably the best beta test that SNKP has had in the past few years. With the abolishment of XII's critical counter system and addition of the drive meter, the game's system certainly seems to be more polished. There's also the tidbits like dialogues and stage extras, very much like the games from SNK's golden era. SNKP probably decided to go with text dialogues to cut back on drawing spites, but it works.
People weren't using the drive meter as much as they could; it was a beta test, so they wanted to save the meters up to see the Neomax attacks. But the drive meter opens the window to many new combo possibilities. We won't know if it'll be a balance breaker or not until the final product comes out. Personally, I don't think it'll cause too many issues-- abusable normals and non-super commands have been more of the problem with past KOF titles, And hopefully, we won't see too much of that in XIII.
In general, people could build enough meter for a Neomax around the middle of the second round. But it's another question of whether it's worth it to use up all your meters to do that move. It seems more of an attack for your last round, when the match is closing to an end, or you're winning (or losing) by a long shot.
The controls didn't seem as badly loose as XII, but given the new system, you'll need to be careful if you're the type of player that keeps on inputing a command over and over. Doing a hyperdrive cancel doesn't require any sort of special button input, so if you accidentally do a projectile command right after an uppercut, it's going to come out and you'll lose a drive meter. (note: remember, hyperdrive mode is executed with B + C, But you can also do a hyperdrive cancel at any time as long as you've got one or more bars.)
It's really a pity that SNKP hasn't released HD videos of the game. The graphics are really something.
A few small notes on the new characters- Yuri doesn't seem like she has a chargable Kouh-ken. Also, I couldn't get Yuri's kicks out; is it even really in the game? KOFUnion's list said Rapid kick button, but it just didn't come out. On another note, I don't think the videos show it too much, but she has her slaps.
King's AOF1 costume is a nice new change, albeit it's probably to cut back on animation efforts. And as a number of people (Evidence A - Evidence B) pointed out in the previous thread, she's.. kind of big? It's easy to recognize her chest size, but when you play the game, you'll quickly come to realize that she's also got huge hips. Perhaps there's a counterbalance thing going on there. In terms of gameplay, Trap shot > Tornado Kick (after the opponent flys away from the Trap shot kicks) was one of the non-DM hyperdrive cancels she could do.
Mai is overall useful and I'm sure that people will be using her as one of their standard characters like Kyo, Terry, and Iori. Her Neomax, much like those of other characters, seems to have no invincibility. I think it might be fast enough to connect from a feirce punch despite being an off-the-wall attack, but don't quote me on that.
Vice seems pretty powerful and also fun to use, simply since she's got lots of moves. But at the current stage of development, she's also a bit buggy as can be seen in the videos from HK.
Takuma's attacks seemed powerful in terms of damage and hit detection. But in general, his moves also seemed to come out a bit slower than other characters, though only by very small framecounts (not too obviously like a Juggernaut).
Hwa Jai seemed the least popular of the new characters, probably due to a number of reasons: he's a totally new character, he looks like a Joe clone, and his command move list seems limited. But he seems like a powerful character, especially after he's built up his meters.
SNKP is really running on a short schedule for XIII, which is a bit scary. The game is slated for a mid-July release and it's also been entered in the Tougeki Battle Tournament-- a good way to attract arcades to purchase the game.
However in order to take advantage of the tournament, SNKP needs to keep on track since Tougeki holds its preliminaries up until August and runs its final tournament in September. Yet, the game is a little bit bugged at the current time (though nothing fatal).
Are they holding back on the last 3 characters according to publicity schedule, or due to development? If it's the latter, I feel sorry for its staff. It already seems that they'll be making personal losses next week with the long beta test-- it's national holidays during that period in Japan.
And last but not least, I found a few dialogues in my notes that I left out last time. Again, these are completely based on short notes and memory and lines are missing, so apologies for any mistakes.
Yuri vs Takuma Takuma: Your Karate may may be stronger than just self-protection. But your attitude is weak! Yuri: There's a million ways of doing Karate! And this is mine! Takuma: Your arrogance needs a good beating!
King vs Kyo Kyo: Your self-taught kickboxing only works against alcoholics! King: Wanna try me out? Life and death is just around the corner!
Mai vs Shen Shen: I heard that Japanese girls were quiet and modest. But what the hell are you!? Mai: Oh shut up!
King vs Athena Athena: Wow, it must be so cool to be in a team of girls! King: Hey, wanna trade members? It'd be great to have an under-age! Mai and Yuri are plain crazy when they're drunk! Athena: Oh, kinda like the way my master fights with pandas?
[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 28 Apr 03:06] |
Toxico 4992th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Double Update & character review (Ash)...Vice" , posted Wed 28 Apr 18:36:    
Official site.
First, we have the Garou densetsu team story (I don't think I'll review it). Second we have more screenshots available (not many though).
Lastly, we have another blog update here.
This one is quite interesting, it seems like they are going to analyze the character's... well, characteristics through blog updates, similarly to how they did it with DoctorNG's blog for '02UM.... I'll check if it says something interesting.
About Ash : (big resume here, I won't go into details).
They speak of how the effects of the Sans Culottes change the "focus" of the character, that it changes the 'balance' between his offensive and defensive, since you don't need to charge while you are under his effect. (Their are basically, saying in the most beautifully way possible that the moves does, what it did in 03' or XI).
Germinal effect is still there, but now it works differently: The victim won't be able to use neither power bar nor hyper drive gauge for a while. (the site includes a pic of Germinal).
His Neo Max is called フリュティドール (Fructidor?) And was designed with the idea of "destroying an enemy". I think it reads that they are considering modifying this move a little from the loke test version (演出面では、ロケテストバージョンからもう少し調整を加えようかと思っています).
They are also speaking of how they have worked for you to work on traps with his EX moves & his slow moving but easy to use Thermidor
Betty's team is next.
Even more EDITED :
New high def vid
............... Vice neomax
Silk stalkings Joe

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 29 Apr 19:56] |
Toxico 4992th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Quick question: NeoGeo community" , posted Thu 29 Apr 19:56    
quote: With the heat that's going around revolving KOFXIII, a quick question came to my mind. Is there an active and "dominant" NeoGeo community still around? In the old days, there was Neo-geo.com and Orochinagi but they're both kind of going slow.
When we touch Neo Geo, one of the main... Well, weak points of the current state of the internet diss is that there is no such a thing as an unified community. There is mainly segmented communities and each one of those has their own bits and bits of information & events scattered through the place in such disorder that you might think that someone shot themselves with a shot gun in the head.
So, to better satisfy your curiosity, you'll need to focus mainly on what you are interested in "getting" from the community (common conversation, strategy threads, OT talk, game footage like combo vids, matches and the like).
As far as I know the biggest communities right now are the ones in shoryuken & cyberfanatix... You are free to check them up, but there is this thing about them that; sometimes you are forced skirmish through +80 pages of replies of why Mature's & Vice's Neo Maxs are not significantly different, or why they added Hwa Jai when they should have replaced him with Gato / Oswald / Yamazaki / etc. That just zaps the best out of me (my best isn't that much either, har har). I personally only touch certain topics, at certain times, but that's just me.
However in order to take advantage of the tournament, SNKP needs to keep on track since Tougeki holds its preliminaries up until August and runs its final tournament in September. Yet, the game is a little bit bugged at the current time (though nothing fatal).
Are they holding back on the last 3 characters according to publicity schedule, or due to development? If it's the latter, I feel sorry for its staff.
考え: If we believe the unused data of the XII disc, all of the characters drawn so far weren't at 0% created when XIII was announced... With that in mind, K's team is the only team that is going to be 100% animated from scratch for this game. As of now, I feel both, fear & exhilaration against the possibility that they might be drawn with a level of detail that is completely different from the rest of the cast... For better or worse.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
Professor 2629th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):Quick question: NeoGeo community" , posted Thu 29 Apr 21:27:    
quote: As far as I know the biggest communities right now are the ones in shoryuken & cyberfanatix... You are free to check them up, but there is this thing about them that; sometimes you are forced skirmish through +80 pages of replies of why Mature's & Vice's Neo Maxs are not significantly different, or why they added Hwa Jai when they should have replaced him with Gato / Oswald / Yamazaki / etc. That just zaps the best out of me (my best isn't that much either, har har). I personally only touch certain topics, at certain times, but that's just me.
Aha I see, that kind of confirms my assumption. In that case, it seems that Cyberfanatix is the largest NeoGeo community at the current time. Shoryuken is a renowned Capcom site and I can't imagine people posting the weirder news there, like another mildly stripping KOF game for mobile phones, this time in the form of Battleship.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 29 Apr 21:50] |
Toxico 4994th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):K' officially confirmed" , posted Fri 30 Apr 19:43:    
Speaking of Hwa Jai, considering the extremely mind dazzling subtlety of the designs references so far (character stances, graphics and the like), I can't believe anything but that bottle being some sort of weird medicinal power up or energy drink that is fairly strong & obscure in Thailand.
quote: Added to the site character page. Seems he's wearing his sunglasses by default now (theme's not bad either).
His sprite & art exceeded my expectations by far. Considering that he now has his glasses by default, I wonder if he is going to do something interesting in the chain driver, like throwing the glasses at you, and then picking them up in the air prior to the beating.... I won't hold my breath for that one, since it's just easier just to have a "tossing pair" ready for action at all times (in this last account, I'm guilty of miss using glasses as well ).
Now I have a certain level of confidence that Maxima will look better than those hideous fakes... And I think that he is the larger character of the cast until know stats wise, I'm looking forward to that.
Oh, there is this bracket of game mode, where they explain you things on the 1P game that have been discussed already (targets, ranks, etc). Now, the interesting part is that that "game mode" has a tab that is currently grayed out... That would mean that there is going to be even more details for the 1P mode game, or some things that are yet to come about versus play.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 30 Apr 19:58] |
Professor 2642th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):No K' at 4th Beta Testing!" , posted Sun 2 May 10:41:    
quote: You made me think of a marvelous scene with a bunch of kids running merrily to the arcade with eyes filled with hope saying "let's play with K'!", only to stumble into a Yakuza dressed Toxic with a shinai in his shoulder screaming and swinging the sword around "There is no K' for you here, you stinking brats! go home!".
.... It's an.... interesting(?) choice in publicity to hint more characters prior to a beta test while not showing him on the stage... Maybe they were trying to maximize the feedback from the fans pushing questions like "when is he being shown" or something? I can only see this as a some type of shaky line that SNK is drawing themselves, isn't this angering K' fans?
"Mommy mommy! I wanted to play with K' but that evil man wouldn't let me!" By the time the child arrived back at the arcades, the adults had already dismantled the KOFXIII machines. The traumatic experience was to leave a scar on the child's heart forever, and a fear of all things made from bamboo wood.
About the K' announcement, the only explanation I can think of is that, Japan is currently in the middle of a long-term holiday and Friday was the only business day. They may have taken the opportunity to make one last update before the rest of the big break, not thinking of the traumatic consequences it could cause to little children.
Also, I'm assuming that this 4th beta is simply to gather reference data to see how much income it can accumulate in normal territory (aka income testing). It didn't seem that there were staff there who were taking notes like in previous tests.
Edit: Toxico- Raiden's tackle fakeout with B or D still exists. This actually poses a bit of a problem in KOFXIII since his dropkick is done by holding one of the two buttons. In other words, if you're holding on for a dropkick, your tackles get canceled.
Also, that fiddler on the roof clip was nice--
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 2 May 23:24] |
mbisonhatclub 162th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(5):Quick question: NeoGeo community" , posted Wed 5 May 02:42    
quote: Vanessa
In case you wondered if the source material has been well treated, this character bearing the exact same name as that character seems to suggest a non-surprising answer.
Oh, my... what have they've done with my Oat meal Neo geo. I wouldn't be surprized if they end up actually making a KOF Dokimajo game at this rate.
Which, in a way, is unfortunate, because SNK can actually do good at times without IPs. Tsukibito for the Nintendo DS was a nice change of pace. It would've been even better if it had a more polished User interface.
Nevertheless, they've built such a good IP in their golden years. It includes not only characters, but an interesting and vast world, albeit with some conflicting timelines. It'd be a shame to see it get treated as nothing but 200 yen cell phone games.
Well if they really wanna screw around with their KOF franchise like that, I want them to make me a game based on the daily life routines of New Face/Orochi/CYS/whatever team, because they are awesome enough to warrant a daily life "game" or some kind of music game at least because they were a band and it would make sense for them to participate in something like Guitar Hero + keyboard. I would definitely buy a bajillion copies of this myself
But it doesn't help that these cel phone "games" are exclusive to Japan so I can't even be bothered to take a look at them, or else I'd have gotten that gals volleyball thing just for Shermie
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
mbisonhatclub 165th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(3):The King of Fighters XIII : 2nd thread" , posted Thu 6 May 03:00:    
quote: SNKP has ALWAYS been working within a schedule on KoF (every sane developer does) and it's never been a problem before XII. Actually if you recall they pushed back the release of XII a million times before deciding to finally come out with it.
For one, yeah, they did have a schedule obviously, every year, but on the other hand, it isn't as if after 94 they didn't have the benefit of reusing a lot of their sprites to save time for the following years--on the other hand they did modestly update the sprites on occasion, such as in 96 but for the most part, the framework was already setup in 94
quote: No, the problem was not that they worked with a schedule, it was that they had already spent FAR too much time and budget developing XII...XIII is following a cycle more like every other KoF that was made pre-XII.
Well shit son, they had the groundwork for it laid out already in KOFXII. All they have to do is finish off the rest of the material. The problem wasn't spending far too much time at all; in fact somehow I can imagine a little bit of jacking off was done, and promoting the graphics too much and not worrying much about the gameplay in hopes that the BRs that love KOF so much would gobble it up thinking "OH MY SWEET JEJE, KOF IN HIGH RES GRAPHIX MANG" So much time and money was spent emphasizing the graphics that one has to wonder if they pooled (not sic) people from the other departments such as programming and music to help out with the graphics since those two elements were apparently lacking. Either they're severely understaffed (I'd understand that) or the executives up top don't know how to distribute workloads properly or manage a project well at all (I'd bet that applies anyway), OR the rest of the staff available was either not offered a job or they were too lazy to help out because they were busy perusing their copies of the new Yuri and Friends that no longer include Yuri.
And what happened was that they felt the pressure from falling behind other fighting games, namely SF4, and in spite of such, rushed their unfinished project out the door in hopes that their 60 dollar demo would be welcomed in blithely open arms of the devout KOF fans only to be surprised by the reception, and on top of that, the netcode was terrible which made for even worse criticism considering today's demand for online playability
7 years ago KOFXII might have been acceptable; instead, we got Neowave. Even then, KOFXII is a minute late and a dollar short. I'd have been totally okay with them having put it on the backburner for a short while and used other things to bring in the profits like more Days of Mammories games that I'll never have a chance to bother with anyway considering they're cell phone-based, and then they could have used that to start funding the project again into what it is becoming now (KOFXIII), and I wouldn't have felt cheated out of 60 dollars for something that most people including myself would review as something not as entertaining or worthwhile as either SF4 or Blazblue Continuum Shift or even Tekken 6--or hell, that new Soul Calibur game.
I do hope that when KOFXIII gets released that they go the route of BBCS and SSF4 and charge 40 dollars rather than 60, but then again, can they really afford that?
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Thu 6 May 03:09] |
Count Hihihi 244th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(4):The King of Fighters XIII : 2nd thread" , posted Thu 6 May 04:02    
quote: SNKP has ALWAYS been working within a schedule on KoF (every sane developer does) and it's never been a problem before XII. Actually if you recall they pushed back the release of XII a million times before deciding to finally come out with it. For one, yeah, they did have a schedule obviously, every year, but on the other hand, it isn't as if after 94 they didn't have the benefit of reusing a lot of their sprites to save time for the following years--on the other hand they did modestly update the sprites on occasion, such as in 96 but for the most part, the framework was already setup in 94
No, the problem was not that they worked with a schedule, it was that they had already spent FAR too much time and budget developing XII...XIII is following a cycle more like every other KoF that was made pre-XII. Well shit son, they had the groundwork for it laid out already in KOFXII. All they have to do is finish off the rest of the material. The problem wasn't spending far too much time at all; in fact somehow I can imagine a little bit of jacking off was done, and promoting the graphics too much and not worrying much about the gameplay in hopes that the BRs that love KOF so much would gobble it up thinking "OH MY SWEET JEJE, KOF IN HIGH RES GRAPHIX MANG" So much time and money was spent emphasizing the graphics that one has to wonder if they pooled (not sic) people from the other departments such as programming and music to help out with the graphi
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
Yesterday I told someone that mmcafe is a great forum without useless posts. Damn. Sorry, my fault.
Kotaku Ono and the Fanboy spirit.
mbisonhatclub 167th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(5):The King of Fighters XIII : 2nd thread" , posted Thu 6 May 21:30    
quote: mbisonhatclub: you paid $60 for KoF XII? I got it right when it came out, for just over $30. I got it from Play-Asia, and grabbed the Korean version as it was the cheapest and wasn't region locked. Besides, I knew it was crap when I ordered it, so I wasn't disappointed. :)
And I hate myself for it everyday! Sometimes I cut myself in the corner while crying myself to sleep in the bathtub while offending anyone here who actually has friends who do that because I'm a heartless internet jerk. Even more upsetting was that the guy at the store even gave me a chance to play it for a small bit before I bought it, and before that I had only heard complaints about the graphics, and I played it thinking it was just OK and figured that there was more to explore once I got home. So I came home and played around with it for a bit and discovered that there was nothing more to it than what I played at the store...yeah. I believe I bought BBCT on the same day at the recommendation of Grave and others not expecting much since I wasn't much of a GG player, but it turned out I was enjoying that so much more (especially when Grave showed us the Bang Install) that it only enhanced my disappointment with KOFXII.
I know they worked so hard on the graphics, but it is because they worked so hard on the graphics and almost nothing else that it fell short of my desires. I even told myself not to expect anything good to come of KOFXIII but right now I'm so hype for it that I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it. I know, I know, I know, I want it, I want it.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Toxico 5003th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Site update" , posted Fri 7 May 21:28:    
quote: Minor observations I forgot to mention for Makishima:
As of right now, he has no throwing moves and has a bunch of shooting moves, so it seems that his moves are gonna get a funny renewal, similarly to what happened to Ralf.
Initially I thought that they where gonna use that usual 80's crazy haze killer droid Anorld Brounsshinegger inspired look, but they seem to be going more with a classic, low body line astroboy / cyborg 009 kinda look.... I was about to complain, but he looks like a "cylinder build" 70s character that doesn't stop shooting when innocents are in the line of fire. 
SNK, short demo clip of Liz... I'll read the article after tiding up a little.... and am done eating brains.
The review was pretty short, but that still doesn't convince me to do a "word per word" literal translation (and, isn't the site going to get totally translated to Engrish by SNK at some point?). I'm personally quite interested in these 3.
- They realize that they "delivered" the update a day behind from were they where supposed to.
- Thanks to her Atemis, Command grab & move set, Elizabeth is meant to be a well rounded & liked character, the new moves come from KoF XI. They where aiming to have a character with no useless moves. (He also speaks of a bunch of technical data about normal moves with fire~ball~passing~through properties (this was in XI too, right?), and how some EX move can be used to follow up combos)
- Shen is meant to be an offensive character that doesn't give the enemy room to breath and can guard crush the enemies easily... The best way to work around his poor ground~air defensive abilities is to simply don't let the enemy enough time to breath. Bitch slapping fireballs a la KoF XI was strongly requested by fans, & currently the move only works like it does in KoF XII (command throw) so they are going to try to equip 2 versions of the move to the character (I'm kinda unsure about this part). EX tatsu geki ken has a good invulnerability window (this can be seen in the vids)
- Duo Lon is a character meant to be as strong & aggressive as Shen, while conveying a whole different feeling, it's a type of character that attacks with great speed & reach. His 「呪怨死魂」 mist thingie is a slow traveling fireball that can be easily outrun by Duo Lon and is meant to empathize his aggressive character.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 7 May 23:37] |
Just a Person 1391th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):Site update" , posted Fri 7 May 22:35    
quote: Maxima joins K' on the official site, what a surprise entry.
If the sprites are to scale, then he's shrunk a bit, maybe prosthetic upgrades? He's also blonder than before...
I really like Maxima's new sprites! Yeah, he does look blonder than before, which is funny since his artwork shows him with dark brown hair...
Are you sure that he shrunk, though? He still looks quite tall to me, about the same size as Daimon - and unlike Daimon, Maxima has his head facing down and his knees seem to be quite bent, so he may be even taller than he looks. And he's still quite bulky - but of course, he may look less bulky now that most male fighters in KoF are on steroids...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
karasu99 351th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(2):Site update" , posted Sat 8 May 02:57    
quote: I really like Maxima's new sprites! Yeah, he does look blonder than before, which is funny since his artwork shows him with dark brown hair...
Are you sure that he shrunk, though? He still looks quite tall to me, about the same size as Daimon - and unlike Daimon, Maxima has his head facing down and his knees seem to be quite bent, so he may be even taller than he looks. And he's still quite bulky - but of course, he may look less bulky now that most male fighters in KoF are on steroids...
I was shocked that he wasn't made the biggest of the whole cast, especially since his character seems to demand it. Although, I do like his compact stance-- it is as though he has tremendous mass. Plus he's very... squared off. He was never a favorite of mine, but they have done him justice.
So, with the next update a week off, I suppose we will finally know the last cast member, unless they pull a 'KOFXI' on us and add a bunch of guest fighters on time release/special circumstance. So the hope for Syo Kirishima is not completely lost!
Toxico 5003th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Site update" , posted Sat 8 May 03:10    
quote: SNKP seems to like making a lot of things bigger than they used to be. .... .... No, I won't.
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Famitsu, Gpara & Dengeki have info about the nexts loke tests & full body shots of the Tin can man of the moment. I'm having this feeling that K' team won't be playable long after it's completely revealed on the website, just like what happened with Takuma & Vice.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
Spoon 1951th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(2):Site update" , posted Sat 8 May 03:40:    
quote: Maxima joins K' on the official site, what a surprise entry.
If the sprites are to scale, then he's shrunk a bit, maybe prosthetic upgrades? He's also blonder than before...
I really like Maxima's new sprites! Yeah, he does look blonder than before, which is funny since his artwork shows him with dark brown hair...
Are you sure that he shrunk, though? He still looks quite tall to me, about the same size as Daimon - and unlike Daimon, Maxima has his head facing down and his knees seem to be quite bent, so he may be even taller than he looks. And he's still quite bulky - but of course, he may look less bulky now that most male fighters in KoF are on steroids...
Considering that there's a thick jacket and other gear he's wearing, his arms would seem to be thinner than Terry's. Who knew that delivering pizza for 15+ years would do such wonders for your physique!
Ralf and Clark are miracles of patriotism, so I guess it's ok for them to be abnormally huge.
[this message was edited by Spoon on Sat 8 May 03:52] |
Iggy 9133th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Whip or Kula? The answer is..." , posted Fri 14 May 19:14    
quote: I'm really sorry it is not Whip. Also I didnt like the hair, it looks like it's made of plastic. I dont know maybe I'm just upset its not Whip.
She's as stiff as K'... And now I think of it, so was her original sprite. ... ... Actually, her original sprite wasn't that good to begin with, wasn't she? I really hoped they used the opportunity to re-do her, but looking at her move list, she hasn't changed a bit... Meh.
Kim's team scenario is about Choi and Chang not wanting to participate to KOF. They find out Raiden and Hwa Jai may participare as well, and since they are criminals as well, they go and convince Kim that he needs to build a team with these two. Hwa and Raiden meet each other for the first time in years (after Garô1, they cut all ties with Geese and went back to their homelands), and find out Kim called them (and they know him because they saw him in the newspapers. It's normal for Hwa, since he never was in the same game as Kim, but Raiden should remember him... Oh well)
Kim doesn't know nor care that they aren't working with the bad guys anymore, he starts talking at length about Justice and Taekwondo, while the other two see him as an opportunity to regain their lost reputation.
Toxico 5008th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Whip or Kula? The answer is..." , posted Fri 14 May 21:39:    
She's as stiff as K'... And now I think of it, so was her original sprite. ... ... Actually, her original sprite wasn't that good to begin with, wasn't she?
Well, her sprite wasn't that ugly since she was more or less being bathed in Ice, and the effect was kinda detailed compared to the low quality kof sprites. The sprite of the pages don't have "extra effects" added, so most likely that Kula sprite will also be bathed with Ice (like Athena) & will give a somewhat different in game impression.
Oh, K's theme got arranged. It's funny how Kula nor K' have blood types.
The official blog got updated, with those tournament videos & japan team analysis (Which, sadly, I don't care in the least). Kyo has a 4 bar demo combo.
Nico 30 .... Finally, some Kensou, but he gets his ass handed down to him. Also some badly played zombie Chin, to qualm Iggy's strangest desires.
Full body pics of Kula : dengeki , famitsu or in gpara

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 14 May 23:04] |
Toxico 5011th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "A new movie from the SNK site..." , posted Thu 20 May 15:25:    
It's Andy neo max, it seems like you can perform the NEO MAX mode without actually entering the Hyper drive mode, just as I feared.
Terry combo
Joe neo max + hi def Shermie.
With these videos uploaded, it's obvious to think that they'll update the site in a few more hours or so. Sadly I won't be awake to see that happen.
.... And, in theory, right now in Hong Kong there are KoF XIII cabinets with the full cast set for testing, if that's the case, then at the end of the day players might upload some vids.
NG heroes, an arrange ASO theme, I think.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 16 as of 13/04/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 20 May 16:13] |