Random Thread, Gourmand variation - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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3825th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Wed 23 Jun 22:31post reply

News from Famitsu is that Ni no Kuni is coming to the PS3.

It seems that Squirrel Girl is going to be in BlazBlue.

The US release of Yakuza 4 will have Hostess Clubs. Sega is playing with my heart yet again.


1333th Post

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PSN: Drakee
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Thu 24 Jun 12:17post reply

It seems that Squirrel Girl is going to be in BlazBlue.

Ha! hadoolket and I were just talking about the home version of CS on IRC and I just said "since MvC3 will not have Squirrel Girl I guess Makoto will do for now." OH YOU. Hey, have we ever had a MMCafe IRC channel? Maybe we should. Would anyone go?

Aksys put up a general BBCS FAQ geared toward the NA release and DLC questions, looks like Makoto won't break up the user base in any way and it also looks like we won't be getting the adorable Noel petit nendoroid. PROFOUND SADNESS etc.

As for Yakuza 4, well, I'll care about that when 3 pricedrops to something I'm willing to pay for a game they ripped a ton of missions out of.

2020th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Thu 24 Jun 13:18:post reply

News from Famitsu is that Ni no Kuni is coming to the PS3.
Hmm, but will it come with a system and story that aren't retarded, too?

And don't worry about hostess clubs in the international release. Even if the Americans get to play them, I'm sure that Sega's 1993-level translations will keep people from reading/understanding anything naughty or remotely cultural, tohohoho.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 24 Jun 13:23]

271th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Thu 24 Jun 22:46post reply


It seems that Squirrel Girl is going to be in BlazBlue.

I always find Makoto an HORRIBLE character. Too many moe girls, too less badasses in this new Blazblue.
The new stage seems very good instead, with the Tyrannosaurus and the Dogu...cool.

I have no clue if Makoto will be a free dlc or not, but I'm going to buy the japanese version, so it's important to know that.

1228th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Thu 24 Jun 23:02post reply

There are Final Fantasy Versus 13 scans from Famitsu. For those who were burned by the tube-like FF13, apparently you can go anywhere on the map except on the mountains.

There is also no loading and battle transitions are seamless. I'm optimistic!! (as usual...)

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

3826th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Fri 25 Jun 21:47post reply

There are Final Fantasy Versus 13 scans from Famitsu. For those who were burned by the tube-like FF13, apparently you can go anywhere on the map except on the mountains.

There is also no loading and battle transitions are seamless. I'm optimistic!! (as usual...)

Part of me is hopeful for the game while the more cynical part of me wonders how often the mountains are going to clump together in order to funnel the player in a particular direction.

Has the woefully named Rock of Ages -a game in which you crush various art styles with a big rock- been mentioned here? If not, it should be as a matter of public record.

138th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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Regular Customer

"Re(4):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Sat 26 Jun 00:32post reply


Has the woefully named Rock of Ages -a game in which you crush various art styles with a big rock- been mentioned here? If not, it should be as a matter of public record.

Games where you ARE the ball are always an instant hit with me.

757th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Sat 26 Jun 00:39post reply


Has the woefully named Rock of Ages -a game in which you crush various art styles with a big rock- been mentioned here? If not, it should be as a matter of public record.
Games where you ARE the ball are always an instant hit with me.


1974th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Sun 27 Jun 08:06post reply

To the Ken which places highest in EVO, goes this prize made by Stetson.

This is one of strangest and most wonderful cross-promotions ever. I am now suddenly hoping that a Ken wins EVO.

1976th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Tue 29 Jun 05:11post reply

So a guy is hacking the 3S rom to add in fun things and changes.


I'm not sure if "REBALANCED" is the right word to describe it... but it does look fun to mess around with.

3827th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Tue 29 Jun 11:09post reply

So a guy is hacking the 3S rom to add in fun things and changes.


I'm not sure if "REBALANCED" is the right word to describe it... but it does look fun to mess around with.

I like how the person who made this seemed very particular about stating that this wasn't MUGEN, as if splitting hairs like that is going to make much difference when someone has gone in and monkeyed around with every aspect of the game.

Speaking of ill-advised ideas, I always found Ken's Howdy Doody alt outfit to be a terrible choice. But the idea that someone is going to win a custom built ten-gallon Ken hat is crazy in a beautiful way.

706th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Tue 29 Jun 21:10post reply



2676th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Tue 29 Jun 22:37post reply


-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

By God, what happened here?

708th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Wed 30 Jun 00:45:post reply

This infinite loop torture deprived me of my sleep last night. And I haven't been able to turn it off since I launched it again this morning. I cannot fathom how anyone could turn this thing off.

Also, it's amazing the kind of details one can notice on the 1,632,143rd viewing.

00:38 - Mugen Hayami's dress is stunning. Pure white, no crazy motif, just short enough to let her legs loose while remaining decent, matching sober girl heels. She has le chic.
00:39 - Panchira! You can see the background chorus far in the back, as well, confirming this is most certainly not playback.

00:40 - Atrocious job from the camera crew, missing on the complex footwork at play for Mugen Hayami to shift back towards the center of the stage while handling the microphone's cord masterfully.

00:41 - Sure, one could applaud the amazing ear-rings and leave this shot at that. Yet, I am even more impressed by the haircut, which does a great job at evening her head while suiting her rather long neck. And despite the relative shortness of the cut, Mugen Hayami's hair nicely flows along her rhythm-induced nods. That was a tricky one; we were one unfortunate snip away from a staggering mullet.

00:42 - We might be missing another nice effort in terms of footsteps but great view of her smile + she miraculously manages to stay inside the shot. By the way, Hayami Yû is one of those LP cover 正面 beauties who appeared way more beautiful if faced straight ; she was not as engaging when viewed in profile. Not that you would ever realize this while entrapped in the dimension of Mugen Hayami.

00:43 - Unsufferably cute tongue bite. Also, if you capture that specific frame without the context of the biting motion, she looks like a complete air-head. But I am okay with that.

00:44 - The following three, four seconds are the ultimate culmination of mankind's greatness captured on a mere Beta tape. Such perfection is quite unfair for the lowly beings which crave for our attention. For instance, not a single person in the whole world cares but Oretachi no Sabagê VS. is coming soon. It is the sequel to a low tier PSP release which I can't say was unremarkable since I never played it, but was definitely unremarked. Unlike what the title suggests, the first game already focused on multiplayer; however, what I find interesting in this sequel is that they dropped the original camera for a FPS view. With the recent success of COD in japan, I would not be surprised if we got a FPS craze similar to the weird wave of Japanese RTS games a couple of years ago.

00:45 - There are no words. I am melting. I wonder how much of her choregraphy was improvised. My gut feeling is that she learned some movesets but was allowed to trigger them at will as long as she stayed in the shot by paying attention to the reference marks on stage.

00:46 - I like the outfit of the backing dancers. Good casting, too: they don't really distract you from Mugen Hayami, but their flashy outfit contrasts nicely with her dress. I am not sure I get the leotard/cheerleader theme in context with the song, but it suits their choregraphy. Special bonus points for Ponytail-chan on the far left. In other news, Ganbarion is working on a new One Piece fighting game for 2DS. Also, Yamachika-shachô visited Level Five recently. Hmm!

00:47 - The background girls keep a low profile but the steps they pull out here are not that simple to link together. Of course, you would not notice on your first viewing because of Mugen Hayami's thunder-thighs. Now that I think of it, would a marriage between Yamachika and Hino be the most amazing and powerful game-related romance ever? I mean, besides Koei.

00:48 - Now, that specific shot is widely under-rated on a first impression. Check her head and eyes closely.

00:49 - What she does here is that she quietly double-checks which camera is on, in order to face it straight for the face shot. It's a common trick but you have to admire how naturally she performs it while singing. In order to hide the scanning process and the resulting second of hesitation, she continues rotating her head at a further 45º angle. When Mugen Hayami looks towards her right, this is completely unnecessary because she already spotted the correct camera. She is merely synchronizing the movement along with her own choregraphy in order to make it look natural. 99% idol camo!

00:50 - Here is the proof as she manages to focus on the correct camera instantly. Genius might be too strong of a word but one has to say it is more than professionalism at work and clearly a special talent on display for all. And forever.

I am sure I missed something... Let's watch again.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 30 Jun 01:47]

5039th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Wed 30 Jun 03:24post reply

Ura Chaz

I could say something, but I'd rather wait and see what kind of lightning bolts of judgment will the French government cast upon this impostor.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 17 as of 02/06/10

758th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Wed 30 Jun 04:15post reply

obsessive analysis of 10 second excerpt


2023th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE" , posted Wed 30 Jun 11:50:post reply

This infinite loop torture deprived me of my sleep last night. And I haven't been able to turn it off since I launched it again this morning. I cannot fathom how anyone could turn this thing off.


This is JJJ/Juan caliber randomthread, hearty congrats to Chaz.

Important notes:
00:39 - Panchira! Tohoho, but you missed Hayami's own at :45/:46, and it's white>red.

00:43 - adorable tongue bite: HALP I'M IN LURV

00:00 - Professor, I changed my mind, can we knock out auto-clipping of long replies after all? I must address every point of Chaz's in my reply, but the text cuts too soon! But I am too busy staggering in awe of the 無限ness, so I may not even be able to continue.

edit: 20 minutes after writing this, I have come back because I must watch again. whathaveyoudone


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 30 Jun 13:44]

Count Hihihi
255th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Wed 30 Jun 16:39post reply



-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

It cured my hangover.


589th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Wed 30 Jun 23:15post reply



Cloying idols with loose knees hold no sway against extraterrestrial coreographies.

709th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Wed 30 Jun 23:41post reply

I think you meant to provide this link. Nice boots.


777th Post

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PSN: Ikari_DC
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Thu 1 Jul 03:19post reply

Gotta love Mugen Hayami! That UFO one is nice too.

Hey Chaz, I challenge you to make an analysis of my all time favorite, idol related, TV CM:


A mugen version is not needed because it's 30 seconds of pure awesomeness.

590th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Thu 1 Jul 05:47post reply

I think you meant to provide this link. Nice boots.

Actually I was thinking in something more like this. But thanks for asking!

712th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Thu 1 Jul 07:04post reply


Hey Chaz, I challenge you to make an analysis of my all time favorite, idol related, TV CM:

I won't do that, but it is interesting that you mention the old Fujitsu logo animation.

I have actually been obsessed with this animation for a while. Along with the boobs of Daicon IV, it heavily inspired my when creating this Ugomemo animation :



1229th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Random Thread, endless hayami variation" , posted Thu 1 Jul 18:42post reply

You are talented Chaz!

I have nothing to add, other than my thorough disgust for all of your petty perversions.

Accept your fates as the Messengers of Nora and perhaps you'll be spared from the kibble dish.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

539th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1): The Last Story trailer" , posted Thu 8 Jul 14:23post reply

Hironobu Sakaguchi's latest project now has a trailer.

4511th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2): The Last Story trailer" , posted Thu 8 Jul 14:42post reply

Damn, that looks a hell of a lot better than Xenoblade. Maybe now I'll finally pick up a Wii.

540th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3): The Last Story trailer" , posted Thu 8 Jul 14:57post reply

Damn, that looks a hell of a lot better than Xenoblade. Maybe now I'll finally pick up a Wii.

If you do, don't forget to pick up Sin 7 Punishment. It seems like they've enhanced/pruced up some of the presentation for international release.

2946th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3): The Last Story trailer" , posted Thu 8 Jul 15:06post reply

Damn, that looks a hell of a lot better than Xenoblade. Maybe now I'll finally pick up a Wii.

If you like RPGs, Xenoblade is reason enough to pick up a Wii, I assure you.

If I compared trailers alone, I would agree that Last Story looks better, but having spent 80 uncommonly fun-filled hours with Xenoblade, I would be quite impressed if it managed to top it.

Looks like it's shaping up fairly well, though...and above all, it looks FUN. To me, it looks like something between Xenoblade and Mass Effect...which are two of the most fun RPGs I've played.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

541th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4): The Last Story trailer" , posted Thu 8 Jul 15:45post reply

Looks like it's shaping up fairly well, though...and above all, it looks FUN. To me, it looks like something between Xenoblade and Mass Effect...which are two of the most fun RPGs I've played.

I can't think but help there's also a bit of Assassin's Creed (II) influence in there with the town and all of its inhabitants, plus bumping into people...

2023th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3): The Last Story trailer" , posted Thu 8 Jul 16:22post reply

Damn, that looks a hell of a lot better than Xenoblade. Maybe now I'll finally pick up a Wii.

I am furious that there are now THREE wonderful-looking RPGs (Arc Rise Fantasia, Xenoblade, Last Story) that are conspiring to make me buy a Wii, which I desperately don't need.

Last Story now gets 5000 bonus points for having your guy actually bump into townspeople and having them yell at you. This is like the reverse antipode of Chrono Trigger's townspeople revolution where you could walk away from a boring conversation.


713th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Vuvuzelas AA" , posted Thu 8 Jul 23:46post reply

Found on Matsuno's Twitter:

(*`з´)▂▂▂▃▄▅ ブォオォオォォオォォォォォ


5075th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Keh- !?" , posted Sat 24 Jul 07:50:post reply

I'm gonna make use that there are two random threads (aka, I'm not dirtying the other one)....

Just... what the hell?

Oh god yes

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 24 Jul 09:34]

290th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4): The Last Story trailer" , posted Sat 24 Jul 17:12post reply

Damn, that looks a hell of a lot better than Xenoblade. Maybe now I'll finally pick up a Wii.
If you do, don't forget to pick up Sin 7 Punishment. It seems like they've enhanced/pruced up some of the presentation for international release.

And Muramasa. 2D blessed platformer, heir of a forbidden legacy stolen form us in the 00's: fun combined with bitmap.

5077th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5): The Last Story trailer" , posted Sun 25 Jul 11:06post reply

Whale wrecks a Yacht in Sud Africa.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear today.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

3850th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Keh- !?" , posted Sun 25 Jul 22:19post reply

Just... what the hell?

Ack! Ick!

New SSF4 costumes. The sight of Zangief in a furry hat makes everything better.

188th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Keh- !?" , posted Mon 26 Jul 03:07post reply

New SSF4 costumes. The sight of Zangief in a furry hat makes everything better.

>Due to popular demand from fans, development of even more costumes is underway!

...just...what? Did people seriously flock to Capcom and chant "MORE COSTUMES! MORE COSTUMES!" Is Ono a fucking retard or did the fans seriously cry for more cosplay?

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

293th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Keh- !?" , posted Mon 26 Jul 16:51post reply

New SSF4 costumes. The sight of Zangief in a furry hat makes everything better.

>Due to popular demand from fans, development of even more costumes is underway!

...just...what? Did people seriously flock to Capcom and chant "MORE COSTUMES! MORE COSTUMES!" Is Ono a fucking retard or did the fans seriously cry for more cosplay?

ahaha Ono is a fucking retard.... imagine that you gotta pay extra costumes for SFvsT....when TvsSF will give you extra costumes for free directly in the game.

473th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Keh- !?" , posted Tue 27 Jul 00:56post reply


ahaha Ono is a fucking retard....

I dont know man...I don't have a good opinion about any of his latest decisions. However, I also have the feeling that he is very enthusiastic and he is actually carrying a lot of projects. I rather have all this than nothing at all.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

4537th Post

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PSN: Buttermonster
XBL: Prepaidpenguin
Wii: rofl

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):" , posted Tue 27 Jul 01:16:post reply


ahaha Ono is a fucking retard....

I dont know man...I don't have a good opinion about any of his latest decisions. However, I also have the feeling that he is very enthusiastic and he is actually carrying a lot of projects. I rather have all this than nothing at all.

Listen to this scholarly gentleman. As much as it is trendy to hate Ono for no reason, he and his team of hooligans helped convince companies that people still want fighting games. Even if you don't like what he is doing right now, someone might step up and make something you might like more. Revitalized interest and all.


[this message was edited by jUAN on Tue 27 Jul 01:20]

474th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):" , posted Tue 27 Jul 01:45post reply

That's exactly what I was trying to say. Thank you Juan.


"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

294th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):" , posted Tue 27 Jul 02:33post reply


ahaha Ono is a fucking retard....

I dont know man...I don't have a good opinion about any of his latest decisions. However, I also have the feeling that he is very enthusiastic and he is actually carrying a lot of projects. I rather have all this than nothing at all.

Listen to this scholarly gentleman. As much as it is trendy to hate Ono for no reason, he and his team of hooligans helped convince companies that people still want fighting games. Even if you don't like what he is doing right now, someone might step up and make something you might like more. Revitalized interest and all.

You're right, the retard thing was referred only to make you buy extra costumes, and claim for more of this.
I don't like his work very much, but I appreciate what he's doing to the Japanese market and fighters scene. Even if I criticize him hard.

2638th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):" , posted Tue 27 Jul 02:43post reply

Nobody's making people buy extra costumes for any reason. In fact, unlike say Blazblue, there is absolutely no reason to feel cheated by not wanting to buy them.

And hey look, they're not on the disc! So there goes that overly long-standing argument.


191th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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Regular Customer

"Re(8):" , posted Tue 27 Jul 09:12post reply

Nobody's making people buy extra costumes for any reason. In fact, unlike say Blazblue, there is absolutely no reason to feel cheated by not wanting to buy them.

And hey look, they're not on the disc! So there goes that overly long-standing argument.

i wasnt even making that kind of point godDAMN

virginia sucks

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

546th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9): Kekekekeke" , posted Tue 27 Jul 15:24post reply

So, any SCII playthroughs being posted yet?

Count Hihihi
260th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(9):" , posted Tue 27 Jul 16:12post reply

I'd rather see Dimps working on something of their own instead of these Ono-projects.


4538th Post

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PSN: Buttermonster
XBL: Prepaidpenguin
Wii: rofl

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):" , posted Tue 27 Jul 22:43:post reply

I'd rather see Dimps working on something of their own instead of these Ono-projects.

I agree. The Rumble Fish series were great, and they had a lot of experience since then. It would be interesting to see what they can do now if they have full control over a project. Fighting game or otherwise.

BUT FOR YOU WILL ENJOY THE LOVING GRIP OF OUR DEAREST ONO CHIN AS HE LOVINGLY TROLLS YOU INTO OBLIVION ^________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________^

[this message was edited by jUAN on Tue 27 Jul 22:50]

9158th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):" , posted Tue 27 Jul 23:02post reply

if they have full control over a project

And budget.
And an editor that would distribute it.

It's not that easy... I, for one, am happy Dimps (and 8ing) found these games to survive through the current times.

4538th Post

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PSN: Buttermonster
XBL: Prepaidpenguin
Wii: rofl

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):" , posted Wed 28 Jul 04:53post reply

And budget.
And an editor that would distribute it.

It's not that easy... I, for one, am happy Dimps (and 8ing) found these games to survive through the current times.


2824th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):" , posted Wed 28 Jul 10:50post reply

if they have full control over a project

And budget.
And an editor that would distribute it.

It's not that easy... I, for one, am happy Dimps (and 8ing) found these games to survive through the current times.

But you see Ono is forcing Capcom's money on them.

And you know is forcing Capcom to go 3-d

If it wasn't for Ono Capcom would surely make a 2-D game that would sell maybe 100,000 copies.

God damn what a Retard

855th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(10): Kekekekeke" , posted Wed 28 Jul 10:55post reply

So, any SCII playthroughs being posted yet?

Apparently the game's already been cracked.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

490th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Re(10): Kekekekeke" , posted Wed 28 Jul 10:57post reply

So, any SCII playthroughs being posted yet?

Apparently the game's already been cracked.

Well that was fast. =/


5080th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Profound sadness...." , posted Thu 29 Jul 10:55post reply

Oh my god, I don't recognize anyone

I somehow wish that this one would just disappear overnight... like it did already once.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

351th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Profound sadness...." , posted Thu 29 Jul 11:06post reply

Oh my god, I don't recognize anyone

I somehow wish that this one would just disappear overnight... like it did already once.

I have to see so I can bitch about it properly.
Kinda like Transformers.

3853th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Profound sadness...." , posted Thu 29 Jul 21:37post reply

Oh my god, I don't recognize anyone

I somehow wish that this one would just disappear overnight... like it did already once.

I have to see so I can bitch about it properly.
Kinda like Transformers.

A "secret interdimensional underground fighting tournament?" How about that!

483th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Profound sadness...." , posted Thu 29 Jul 23:20post reply

Oh my god, I don't recognize anyone

I somehow wish that this one would just disappear overnight... like it did already once.

I have to see so I can bitch about it properly.
Kinda like Transformers.


Jeez, even the freakin' DOA movie looks good next to that... I wish I liked Tekken, because their movie preview looks half decent, actually


397th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Profound sadness...." , posted Fri 30 Jul 01:50post reply

I have to see so I can bitch about it properly.

Ha, I almost wish they hadn't branded it as KOF-- then at least if I saw it as a dumb movie rental opportunity some weekend I might have actually been able to enjoy it. Branded as it is though, I won't be able to stop looking for characters that I have heard of.

398th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Silver Customer

"Re(4):Things are looking up though" , posted Fri 30 Jul 04:56post reply

Ho ho, but here is a bit of good news, at least for those in Japan. And with gorgeous double monitors! That takes me back to 1993 or so.

I think I may even prefer the Darius series to the Gradius series as far as old-style shooters go, which makes it extra strange that I never picked up the PSP version of Darius Burst. Anyone car to comment on it?

986th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Things are looking up though" , posted Fri 30 Jul 08:40post reply

Ho ho, but here is a bit of good news, at least for those in Japan. And with gorgeous double monitors! That takes me back to 1993 or so.

I think I may even prefer the Darius series to the Gradius series as far as old-style shooters go, which makes it extra strange that I never picked up the PSP version of Darius Burst. Anyone car to comment on it?

It isn't such a great game, compared to G Darius and Gaiden. This shooter series was never my cup of tea, but I must admit it was entertaining, at last for about three days (the time I spent on playing all the paths).

I found it quite short and easy, save for some insanely overpowered final bosses. The game was so dull that I didn't even bother with the mission mode, save for some lvl.1 and lvl.2 ones.

I'd suggest to avoid this Darius Burst and try any really worthy shooter, such as Rei/Zero Cho Aniki instead...

548th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Hey guys, what's EARTH SEEKER?" , posted Sun 1 Aug 04:19:post reply

Said to be made by ex-Capcom staff (Crafts & Meisters).

Some art and some screenshots (1 2).

Edit: Some Andriasang info.

[this message was edited by sfried on Sun 1 Aug 04:22]

13th Post

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PSN: pooplos-z
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New Customer

"Re(5):Things are looking up though" , posted Sun 1 Aug 04:54post reply

Ho ho, but here is a bit of good news, at least for those in Japan. And with gorgeous double monitors! That takes me back to 1993 or so.

I will never forget the first time I went to Akiba Hey and let my escalator ride slowly reveal that cabinet to me. Amusingly enough, it was Gradius 3 and not Darius running on it.

3854th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Hey guys, what's EARTH SEEKER?" , posted Mon 2 Aug 23:53post reply

Said to be made by ex-Capcom staff (Crafts & Meisters).

Some art and some screenshots (1 2).

Edit: Some Andriasang info.

The game begins 1,000 years after the crash landing. You'll have to team up with the planet's native residents, known as Guardians, to combat the monsters created by your ship. The Guardians aren't too fond of you because of what your ship did to their planet, but they're willing to work with you in exchange for booze.

So you colonize an already populated area, screw up the ecosystem by introducing invasive animals, and then try to placate the locals by giving them fire water? That sounds like quite the game.

770th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(8):Hey guys, what's EARTH SEEKER?" , posted Tue 3 Aug 06:26post reply

Said to be made by ex-Capcom staff (Crafts & Meisters).

Some art and some screenshots (1 2).

Edit: Some Andriasang info.

The game begins 1,000 years after the crash landing. You'll have to team up with the planet's native residents, known as Guardians, to combat the monsters created by your ship. The Guardians aren't too fond of you because of what your ship did to their planet, but they're willing to work with you in exchange for booze.

So you colonize an already populated area, screw up the ecosystem by introducing invasive animals, and then try to placate the locals by giving them fire water? That sounds like quite the game.

Sounds like an allegory for European colonialism. COOL.

5091th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Hey guys, what's EARTH SEEKER?" , posted Tue 3 Aug 08:38:post reply


Sounds like an allegory for European colonialism. COOL.

Curse you! I was going to do a smart remark such as "add moustaches, potatos, beer & slavery and we have world history right there". Now is all for naught

Oh, who I am kidding? I'm missing gold, tabacco and marijuana.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 3 Aug 08:40]

776th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(10):Hey guys, what's EARTH SEEKER?" , posted Tue 3 Aug 11:15post reply


Sounds like an allegory for European colonialism. COOL.

Curse you! I was going to do a smart remark such as "add moustaches, potatos, beer & slavery and we have world history right there". Now is all for naught

Oh, who I am kidding? I'm missing gold, tabacco and marijuana.

I had no idea that moustaches were a new world crop!


548th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(11): Solatorobo: Tail Concerto 2?" , posted Tue 3 Aug 16:29post reply

"Eew, furries...Get that thing away from me..."

(Admittedly, I have never played Tail Concerto but am interested in this title.)

1701th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Color cycling!" , posted Wed 4 Aug 23:10:post reply

So, anyone interested in gorgeous, HTML5-dynamically-colored pixel art?

Artist is Mark "Loom, Secret of Monkey Island" Ferrari.

Mannerly Highbrow politely asks you to play MS Paint Adventures.
Also play:

"Don't give me that crap about real life. There ain't no such animal."
-Felix Leiter-

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Wed 4 Aug 23:11]

403th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Color cycling!" , posted Thu 5 Aug 01:13post reply

So, anyone interested in gorgeous, HTML5-dynamically-colored pixel art?

Artist is Mark "Loom, Secret of Monkey Island" Ferrari.

Holy crap, you've made my week! That's simply beautiful work. Thanks for posting the link! Now I will have to spend the rest of my morning tearing it apart to understand the internals...

783th Post

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PSN: Ikari_DC
XBL: IkariDC
Wii: Toolazytolookitup

Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Color cycling!" , posted Thu 5 Aug 02:00post reply

So, anyone interested in gorgeous, HTML5-dynamically-colored pixel art?

Artist is Mark "Loom, Secret of Monkey Island" Ferrari.

Holy crap, you've made my week! That's simply beautiful work. Thanks for posting the link! Now I will have to spend the rest of my morning tearing it apart to understand the internals...

The Q&A with the artist is very interesting as well:

780th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Color cycling!" , posted Thu 5 Aug 03:53post reply

So, anyone interested in gorgeous, HTML5-dynamically-colored pixel art?

Artist is Mark "Loom, Secret of Monkey Island" Ferrari.

Dear god, it's beautiful!
Thanks for sharing that! Seriously, it made my heart sing a little.


865th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Color cycling!" , posted Thu 5 Aug 04:07post reply

So, anyone interested in gorgeous, HTML5-dynamically-colored pixel art?

Artist is Mark "Loom, Secret of Monkey Island" Ferrari.

You know I would like to see a game with those arts. Its beautiful.

2640th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Color cycling!" , posted Thu 5 Aug 04:18post reply

The Q&A with the artist is very interesting as well:

Deluxe Paint II <3


1702th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Color cycling!" , posted Fri 6 Aug 00:48:post reply


The Q&A with the artist is very interesting as well:

It gets a little bit too technical, and he sounds somewhat "cranky" ("in my time we had to make-do with what we had...!" XD ), but it was good.
Thank you.


You know I would like to see a game with those arts. Its beautiful.

Maybe the Seize the day calendar will be remade in open source.

On the other hand, you have the aforementioned Loom and Monkey Island.
Add to that Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis where you have some spiffy water effects too

EDIT: Why did I say "spiffy"? I can't even remember knowing the word!

Mannerly Highbrow politely asks you to play MS Paint Adventures.
Also play:

"Don't give me that crap about real life. There ain't no such animal."
-Felix Leiter-

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Fri 6 Aug 00:51]

1233th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Color cycling!" , posted Fri 6 Aug 21:23post reply

So, anyone interested in gorgeous, HTML5-dynamically-colored pixel art?

Artist is Mark "Loom, Secret of Monkey Island" Ferrari.

Incredible, I need to read that interview attached to it. But ... wow. Maybe browser based adventure games can come back ... ? :)

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

2642th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Sat 7 Aug 07:20:post reply

TxSF to be revealed soon?
Although the invitation says Street Fighter x Tekken, the press release says the event is organized by Namco-Bandai, so I guess we'll be hearing about their take on the game soon enough.

Oh, and evidently it will be playable? Or not. It's pretty vague :/


[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 7 Aug 07:32]

4518th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Sat 7 Aug 08:23post reply

TxSF to be revealed soon?
Although the invitation says Street Fighter x Tekken, the press release says the event is organized by Namco-Bandai, so I guess we'll be hearing about their take on the game soon enough.

Oh, and evidently it will be playable? Or not. It's pretty vague :/

Sounds like they'll just hold a 6-on-6 tournament at the event itself after Ono and Harada demo the game to everyone. If that's the case then it seems TxSF is farther along in development than SFxT (or the time constraints of the panel kept SFxT from being playable at the Comic-Con event).

5100th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Sat 7 Aug 08:53post reply

If that's the case then it seems TxSF is farther along in development than SFxT.

Namco has this tendency of posting fugly 6 second trailers of Jin sweating his ass off before even thinking about going into game development (which usually is.... around 2 years for "build from zero" games, I think)... So there is no need to hope for anything yet at all.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

2643th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
Wii: 80085

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Sat 7 Aug 11:59:post reply

Yeah it just mentions a tournament of the "best SF and Tekken players," but I guess that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to play this game that's being shown. Although if they didn't, that would be a pretty dick move.


[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 7 Aug 12:00]

553th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Color cycling!" , posted Sat 7 Aug 15:54post reply

So, anyone interested in gorgeous, HTML5-dynamically-colored pixel art?

Artist is Mark "Loom, Secret of Monkey Island" Ferrari.

Incredible, I need to read that interview attached to it. But ... wow. Maybe browser based adventure games can come back ... ? :)

Maybe they have.

417th Post

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PSN: Mozex
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"Scott Pilgram vs the World" , posted Mon 9 Aug 22:08post reply

Sprite based 2D platformer coming to Playstation, and it's a movie tie-in!


Preview video looks promisin.

Be kind to goblins.

9160th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Tue 10 Aug 00:18post reply

Apparently, SquarE is doing a survey on what character people would have liked to see in Dissidia.
....... Sequel?
Did the Tuning version fix any of the shortcoming of the original game?

2045th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Tue 10 Aug 10:07:post reply

Did the Tuning version fix any of the shortcoming of the original game?

By deleting the Dissidia data and replacing the game with Tobal 2?


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 10 Aug 10:13]

784th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Scott Pilgram vs the World" , posted Tue 10 Aug 10:35post reply

Sprite based 2D platformer coming to Playstation, and it's a movie tie-in!


Preview video looks promisin.

So Edgar Wright is penning and directing the movie which is being scored by Nigel Godrich with additional songs by Beck and Cornelius and even some original 8bit Nintendo tunes and the game has art direction and animation by Paul Robertson.

Why are all the best artists in their fields convening on Scott Pilgrim??


1234th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Tue 10 Aug 11:36post reply

Did the Tuning version fix any of the shortcoming of the original game?
By deleting the Dissidia data and replacing the game with Tobal 2?

Hahaha that would be cool :)

I wish the first game was a bit more ... balanced? But then again it is a game about grinding until you die and getting that uber item to own everything.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

334th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Tue 10 Aug 18:07post reply

Apparently, SquarE is doing a survey on what character people would have liked to see in Dissidia.
....... Sequel?

The concept of the game seems to be asking for it really - still, it'd have been nice to have en english version of the survey...
IIRC, one of the people in charge really wanted to have Kain from 4 there, and a lot of fans would have liked to see Gilgamesh as more than a summon - but that might break the hero+villain scheme if they don't remove anyone... (then again, more characters per game could also mean a shot at Mash/Sabin from 6)
XI and XII only had 1 character each, so adding a 2nd one would be expected for a sequel - for XI they thought about adding Prishe, but since Shantotto can also work as a villain thanks to a recent mini-expansion, that looks viable...


Did the Tuning version fix any of the shortcoming of the original game?

AFAIK that was just a Japanese re-lealease with things they had already added or tweaked for the western version, only keeping the Japanese voices - stuff like more Shantotto scenes (still not a lot) and the odd tweak like the levels at which certain character would get some move, or the properties of some moves, nothing that major if I recall.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

406th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Wed 11 Aug 01:41post reply

Everybody pretend for a second that I'm talking about the cool Japanese region version Ryu ga Gotoku, not the sad, hobbled US region Yakuza 3:

Ryu ga Gotoku as viewed by actual yakuza members (and former members).

I actually talked with the author about Ryu ga Gotoku and real yakuza a few months back, and he at that point had already settled on the idea of bringing it up with some of his contacts.

I'm surprised to see that Sega actually got quite a few things right, and what they got wrong has a lot to do with making the game more theatrical.

418th Post

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PSN: Mozex
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"Re(2):Scott Pilgram vs the World" , posted Wed 11 Aug 23:11post reply


So Edgar Wright is penning and directing the movie which is being scored by Nigel Godrich with additional songs by Beck and Cornelius and even some original 8bit Nintendo tunes and the game has art direction and animation by Paul Robertson.

Why are all the best artists in their fields convening on Scott Pilgrim??

Holy crap! Pirate Baby Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 just scrambled my brain with it's awesome zombie fetus powers!

I played the demo for Scott Pilgrim last night and it's lots of fun. The art and animation are fantastic; I see myself purchasing this and playing with friends.

Be kind to goblins.

3858th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Thu 12 Aug 02:55post reply

Everybody pretend for a second that I'm talking about the cool Japanese region version Ryu ga Gotoku, not the sad, hobbled US region Yakuza 3:

Ryu ga Gotoku as viewed by actual yakuza members (and former members).

I actually talked with the author about Ryu ga Gotoku and real yakuza a few months back, and he at that point had already settled on the idea of bringing it up with some of his contacts.

I'm surprised to see that Sega actually got quite a few things right, and what they got wrong has a lot to do with making the game more theatrical.

Here I was worried that this article would collapse under the weight of its high concept. Instead, it was an interesting take on the popular mythology of yakuza within its own ranks and in Japan at large. I particularly liked how the subjects were waxing nostalgic for those innocent days of criminal activity they enjoyed in their youth. It reminds me of how when I was reading this thread from Maou I recalled several fond memories of arcades that are no longer around even though they were horrible dives.

2643th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
Wii: 80085

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Thu 12 Aug 05:42post reply

Everybody pretend for a second that I'm talking about the cool Japanese region version Ryu ga Gotoku, not the sad, hobbled US region Yakuza 3:

Ryu ga Gotoku as viewed by actual yakuza members (and former members).

I actually talked with the author about Ryu ga Gotoku and real yakuza a few months back, and he at that point had already settled on the idea of bringing it up with some of his contacts.

I'm surprised to see that Sega actually got quite a few things right, and what they got wrong has a lot to do with making the game more theatrical.

Thanks for that link, I just got around to reading the article. It was a refreshing read and a nicely unique idea for an interview. The author gets bonus points for detailing a dialogue between the three men instead of just reporting on the gist of their feelings. It made the whole thing sound even more honest and down-to-earth.

I do wish there would be more articles like this in gaming, taking story-based games and getting a little real-world context to separate entertainment from inspiration. Like this article from a couple of months back on Phoenix Wright and the Japanese legal system that it's based on. Though some of it sounds a bit exaggerated... is it?


Burning Ranger
1667th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"New Ace Combat...this time for PS3" , posted Thu 12 Aug 08:13post reply


The second game set in the "real world" with an air battle over Miami. Also, the game appears to include helicopter flying, chopper gunners, and a remix of "Invasion of Gracemeria" (Ace Combat 6) theme. Trailer shows QT events, but I doubt that's what the game is all about. Waiting for the next trailer with more footage.

Yes, I know the game seems heavily inspired by Modern Warfare 2. And I am a little upset it's deviating from the AC-version of Earth.

But, I am interested in this game. I admit, I do play some MW2, and I've always wondered what it would be like fighting in the air battle over the invasion of the Washington DC.

So much to do so little time...

14th Post

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PSN: pooplos-z
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New Customer

"Re(3):Scott Pilgram vs the World" , posted Thu 12 Aug 09:06post reply

I played the demo for Scott Pilgrim last night and it's lots of fun. The art and animation are fantastic; I see myself purchasing this and playing with friends.

I love the fact that most of the complaints are that there is no online coop.

"You mean I actually have to go to my friends house to play with him?!"

784th Post

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PSN: Ikari_DC
XBL: IkariDC
Wii: Toolazytolookitup

Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Scott Pilgram vs the World" , posted Thu 12 Aug 15:14post reply

I played the demo for Scott Pilgrim last night and it's lots of fun. The art and animation are fantastic; I see myself purchasing this and playing with friends.

I love the fact that most of the complaints are that there is no online coop.

"You mean I actually have to go to my friends house to play with him?!"

Yeah it sucks, but the game is a blast! It's a carbon copy of Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari/River City Ransom gameplay-wise from beginning to end. There's even the secret shop in the tunnel and all!

I should summon my gamer friends ASAP into my house to play it, I wanna see those combined attacks and the 4 player special attack.

408th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Scott Pilgram vs the World" , posted Fri 13 Aug 03:58post reply

I played the demo for Scott Pilgrim last night and it's lots of fun. The art and animation are fantastic; I see myself purchasing this and playing with friends.

I'm really liking this game so far, since it's a huge amount of fun, but my conscious brain is telling me to resist the constant barrage of media on all levels in support of the movie. I'm pretty sure that my deep love for Bare Knuckle-esque brawlers will win out in the end.

I feel really good for Bryan O'Malley though! It's been a little while since a small press comic morphed into a Battleship-class mediagasm of this magnitude!

786th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Fri 13 Aug 05:17post reply

Everybody pretend for a second that I'm talking about the cool Japanese region version Ryu ga Gotoku, not the sad, hobbled US region Yakuza 3:

Ryu ga Gotoku as viewed by actual yakuza members (and former members).

I actually talked with the author about Ryu ga Gotoku and real yakuza a few months back, and he at that point had already settled on the idea of bringing it up with some of his contacts.

I'm surprised to see that Sega actually got quite a few things right, and what they got wrong has a lot to do with making the game more theatrical.

Heh, I was about to post that the other night, but you beat me to the punch. That's one of the best pieces of gaming related journalism I've read. My favorite is when they start talking about the food:

"M: I like the fact that you power up by eating real food. Shio ramen gives you a lot of power — CC Lemon, not as much. It all makes sense.
S: The breaded pork cutlet bento box is like mega power. More than ramen. That's accurate."

I love how intuitive that logic is.


409th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Gold Customer

"Re(5):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Fri 13 Aug 07:02post reply


Heh, I was about to post that the other night, but you beat me to the punch. That's one of the best pieces of gaming related journalism I've read. My favorite is when they start talking about the food:

"M: I like the fact that you power up by eating real food. Shio ramen gives you a lot of power — CC Lemon, not as much. It all makes sense.
S: The breaded pork cutlet bento box is like mega power. More than ramen. That's accurate."

I love how intuitive that logic is.

Well, that brings up something that I loved about Yakuza 3-- how, when you go to a convenience store or restaurant, you have so many choices of items. As a result, you then need to actually think about what you're buying. The fact that the items are often real items (instead of generics like 'health drink' that are staples of other games) intensifies this impression.

I love that I actually have to think about this small part of the game.

AND it makes me hope that Yakuza 4 is localized with more sensitivity.

The thing I enjoyed the most was the fact that one of the yakuza actually had heard of one of their number running an orphanage (but that it was a scam).

5110th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Fri 13 Aug 09:50:post reply

Since we all know what is the unspoken tradition in this place, I would like to say that I didn't even realized that this one was out already... (Not owning an Xbald nor interest in getting one isn't of any help either).

Seeing bosses of that size seems to be the most redeeming feature of the game... Also I suppose that playing as the magicians should not be so utterly boring.

I would certainly kill if they have the guts to add this character later... Specially with that sprite.

Oh... And that english voice acting is so.... let us just say "let's hope that it's optional" as usual.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 13 Aug 10:00]

788th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Fri 13 Aug 10:30post reply

oh wow, I had no idea that game was out. It actually looks much more fun than what I was expecting!


15th Post

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PSN: pooplos-z
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New Customer

"Re(7):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Fri 13 Aug 13:10post reply

Oh... And that english voice acting is so.... let us just say "let's hope that it's optional" as usual.

Thankfully, you can change the spoken dialogue. I've been enjoying it lately. Honestly I really didn't know what to expect from this, but once I got used to what they were going for, it became a lot more fun.

This sounds kind of scary, but in order to get the full enjoyment of taking on these bosses, you have to play it with an MMO state of mind. Getting a group of people to work as a team is the best way to enjoy the boss encounters.

The stage design is to be expected, mostly patchwork. The UI is kind of cumbersome. It's kind of grindy, too.

If you guys are interested in hearing more I'd be glad to share. Just giving my two cents.

3860th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Random Thread, Gourmand variation" , posted Fri 13 Aug 22:34post reply

Since we all know what is the unspoken tradition in this place, I would like to say that I didn't even realized that this one was out already... (Not owning an Xbald nor interest in getting one isn't of any help either).

I'm not certain why nobody will say the name of that game in this thread but I'm not going to be the one to break the streak. I will say, however, that video makes the game look like a mess but a much more entertaining mess than I had expected it to be.

Going back to that Yakuza article, I wish someone had asked the experts about the previous game. Yakuza 2 brought to light aspects of underworld culture that probably deserve more discussion.

2644th Post

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"Re(4):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Tue 17 Aug 06:52post reply

Some screens of... something leaked, albeit obscured by text balloons.


SFxT? TxSF? Tekken 7?
Whatever it is, it will be at Gamescom


5112th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Tue 17 Aug 07:12post reply



SFxT? TxSF? Tekken 7?
Whatever it is, it will be at Gamescom

It's probably another Tekken since...

1.- The tournament seems to be called Iron fist (ran by Mishimas).
2.- There is some tekken tag line art eastern egg inside the images.

I say.... Regardless of what it is, I'd better have another animal... And more multi language characters. y olé.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 19 as of 12/08/10

2647th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Tue 17 Aug 08:17:post reply


It's probably another Tekken since...

1.- The tournament seems to be called Iron fist (ran by Mishimas).
2.- There is some tekken tag line art eastern egg inside the images.

I say.... Regardless of what it is, I'd better have another animal... And more multi language characters. y olé.

The old art with Kazuya and Paul is just a poster's reflection off the screen I think. In the first pic it's clearly obscured by Harada-san's head. The only art that's actually on the screen aside from text and all the random CROSS-like patterns is that close-up of Kazuya's face.


[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 17 Aug 08:18]

3862th Post

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"Re(7):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Tue 17 Aug 08:35post reply


It's probably another Tekken since...

1.- The tournament seems to be called Iron fist (ran by Mishimas).
2.- There is some tekken tag line art eastern egg inside the images.

I say.... Regardless of what it is, I'd better have another animal... And more multi language characters. y olé.

The old art with Kazuya and Paul is just a poster's reflection off the screen I think. In the first pic it's clearly obscured by Harada-san's head. The only art that's actually on the screen aside from text and all the random CROSS-like patterns is that close-up of Kazuya's face.

If nothing else the post-fight victory screen looks awesome.

Count Hihihi
263th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(8):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Tue 17 Aug 10:49post reply


It's probably another Tekken since...

1.- The tournament seems to be called Iron fist (ran by Mishimas).
2.- There is some tekken tag line art eastern egg inside the images.

I say.... Regardless of what it is, I'd better have another animal... And more multi language characters. y olé.

The old art with Kazuya and Paul is just a poster's reflection off the screen I think. In the first pic it's clearly obscured by Harada-san's head. The only art that's actually on the screen aside from text and all the random CROSS-like patterns is that close-up of Kazuya's face.
If nothing else the post-fight victory screen looks awesome.

Match vid: Paul vs Ryu


699th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Tue 17 Aug 10:59post reply

NO!!! Tekken characters are over p-p-powered!!!
Match vid: Paul vs Ryu

I don't know how to live
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593th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Tue 17 Aug 21:06:post reply

Some screens of... something leaked, albeit obscured by text balloons.


SFxT? TxSF? Tekken 7?
Whatever it is, it will be at Gamescom

It looks like Tekken 7, but wasn't Namco supposed to disclose some info about TxSF at the Gamescom? Oh well, my memory is a bit hazy after seven days of debauchery throughout northern Europe, so maybe I'm making things up.

In any case I should be attending the Gamescom the day after tomorrow, so if I'm lucky enough I might be able to get a glimpse of the real stuff. I'll make sure to keep you guys posted about it. Not that I'm too confident that the game would actually be worth the effort, but one can only hope!

EDIT: I can't type properly

[this message was edited by Maese on Tue 17 Aug 21:08]

264th Post

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"Re(9):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Wed 18 Aug 07:20post reply

Match vid: Paul vs Ryu

Pual shouldn't have Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick nor Royuu have Jack's flight. And isn't that victory pose of Pual's lifted from Zangief in Pocket Fighter?

700th Post

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"Re(10):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Wed 18 Aug 10:22post reply

Just as Baines finished pointing out the inconsistencies of the match video.

Digitalboy grabs Baines, with Digitalboy's both hands on shoulders, they have direct eye contact.

Baines looks into Digitalboy's brown bloodshot eyes, feeling nervous, Baines utters, "Bu~".

Before Baines even finishes the first syllable, Digitalboy puts his right index finger to Baines lips. And simply whispers to Baines, "Shhh...just let it go. Let it go."

Pual shouldn't have Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick nor Royuu have Jack's flight. And isn't that victory pose of Pual's lifted from Zangief in Pocket Fighter?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Count Hihihi
268th Post

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"Re(10):the other Tekken x Street Fighter" , posted Wed 18 Aug 15:25:post reply

Match vid: Paul vs Ryu

Pual shouldn't have Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick nor Royuu have Jack's flight. And isn't that victory pose of Pual's lifted from Zangief in Pocket Fighter?

Funnily enough, a character in the PS2 Sakigake!! Otokojuku game has hair similar to Paul and also happens to have a silly spinning kick combo..


[this message was edited by Count Hihihi on Wed 18 Aug 15:27]

494th Post

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"The Other Fighting Game" , posted Wed 18 Aug 19:09post reply

To anyone who cares:

In order to properly recreate the series in HD, Warner Bros. needed to film actors performing the moves like they originally did 20 years ago, just now with better high-definition cameras. [.....] Since the previous actors are now 20 years older and - in most cases - wouldn't look to be the right age in high definition, Warner Bros. has hired new actors for the various roles and have been busy capturing them over the past few months at a Warner Bros. Studio in Los Angeles.

That's some dedication to fandom. I may have to check it out.


3863th Post

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"Re(1):The Other Fighting Game(s)" , posted Wed 18 Aug 21:09post reply

Dormammu is a tall guy.
Gpara link, so be careful who's looking over your shoulder.

To anyone who cares:

In order to properly recreate the series in HD, Warner Bros. needed to film actors performing the moves like they originally did 20 years ago, just now with better high-definition cameras. [.....] Since the previous actors are now 20 years older and - in most cases - wouldn't look to be the right age in high definition, Warner Bros. has hired new actors for the various roles and have been busy capturing them over the past few months at a Warner Bros. Studio in Los Angeles.

That's some dedication to fandom. I may have to check it out.

The idea that they are going through so much effort to recreate the old MK games is so misguided and insane that I have to admire it.

731th Post

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"Re(2):Catherine" , posted Thu 19 Aug 08:07post reply

It's pretty funny that many game sites were calling this Persona 5.

I for one am intrigued/excited even though I was hoping that Atlus would have shown a true SMT sequel (was Strange Journey considered SMT4?)

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199th Post

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"Re(3):Infernal Catherine Wheel" , posted Thu 19 Aug 09:31post reply

No, that's too much

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"Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Fri 20 Aug 02:04post reply

Namco's take on Ryu.
Pretty realistic, but kind of evil looking. His cheekbones look too dark for some reason, like he's chiseled.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

3866th Post

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"Re(1):Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Fri 20 Aug 02:39post reply

Namco's take on Ryu.
Pretty realistic, but kind of evil looking. His cheekbones look too dark for some reason, like he's chiseled.

I'm glad to see that the Namco folks recoginze that Ryu's face may change but those wild, Bert-like eyebrows are a constant.

I'm not certain I understand what this picture of SF Hassling the Hoff is all about but that's probably for the best.

793th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Fri 20 Aug 03:39:post reply

Namco's take on Ryu.
Pretty realistic, but kind of evil looking. His cheekbones look too dark for some reason, like he's chiseled.

Looking good. I'm glad they're using that Akiman illustration as reference. I think they could stand to follow the drawing more closely though, especially with the nose. Not just for the sake of copying existing art, but because Akiman has been rendering Ryu for so long that he's basically become a unique human being in his art, compared to the Tekken model which is still a bit generic with the straight nose.

I'm glad (and a little sad) that Namco's models will probably end up looking more like the Capcom characters than Street Fighter IV does. Oh man, it'd be awesome if they hired Akiman to do some art for Tekken vs Street Fighter. I'd love to see his take on the Tekken characters.

The more I look at the Namco model the more I find to nitpick. His mouth and chin could be broader, and the top of his head more narrow. If you shaved Akiman (and Ikeno's) version of Ryu, he'd probably have a bit of a pinhead skull shape. The Namco charcter has too much hair. Looks too much like it was styled.

Ryu is probably the hardest character ever to draw/model/depict in any visual form.

His design is so basic and iconic, so subtle. There's nothing to hide behind. It's up to you as an artist to actually imbue that design with life, make it interesting, give it character.

Anyone can draw a guy with a red headband in a Karate gi. But there have been less than a dozen artists that can make it look like Ryu.

Attempting to draw Ryu is one of the best ways to face your weaknesses as an artist.


[this message was edited by Nobinobita on Fri 20 Aug 04:06]

Just a Person
1426th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Fri 20 Aug 03:56post reply

Namco's take on Ryu.
Pretty realistic, but kind of evil looking. His cheekbones look too dark for some reason, like he's chiseled.

Looks great! But it would be nice if Namco shared just a little bit more of this game than just a partial preliminary image of one character.

SFxT already has some early gameplay videos; I wonder if TxSF is in the same development stage...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

2959th Post

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"Re(3):Catherine" , posted Fri 20 Aug 04:01:post reply

It's pretty funny that many game sites were calling this Persona 5.

PV here, for those interested.

Since they were recruiting for Persona 5 at first, I can only imagine that they turned it into this fairly early in the project. I think they said it was to "train the staff in HD" or something? If that's the case, I have high hopes for P5...visually, at least.


I for one am intrigued/excited even though I was hoping that Atlus would have shown a true SMT sequel (was Strange Journey considered SMT4?)

I don't have a source on this, but I remember hearing that would-be SMT4 was turned into Strange Journey. The game is caught in the middle for me. It's a letdown as SMT4, but it's insanely good for an "SMT portable".

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Fri 20 Aug 04:05]

793th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Catherine" , posted Fri 20 Aug 04:11post reply

If that's the case, I have high hopes for P5...visually, at least.

I hope Kazuma Kaneko resumes his role as character designer and art director.


3867th Post

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"Re(2):Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Fri 20 Aug 04:48post reply

When it comes to Atlus games I've mostly admired them from a distance instead of actually being a fan. But Catherine's decision to drop the religious trappings in favor of sexy time does intrigue me.

Namco's take on Ryu.
Pretty realistic, but kind of evil looking. His cheekbones look too dark for some reason, like he's chiseled.

Looking good. I'm glad they're using that Akiman illustration as reference. I think they could stand to follow the drawing more closely though, especially with the nose. Not just for the sake of copying existing art, but because Akiman has been rendering Ryu for so long that he's basically become a unique human being in his art, compared to the Tekken model which is still a bit generic with the straight nose.

I'm glad (and a little sad) that Namco's models will probably end up looking more like the Capcom characters than Street Fighter IV does. Oh man, it'd be awesome if they hired Akiman to do some art for Tekken vs Street Fighter. I'd love to see his take on the Tekken characters.

The more I look at the Namco model the more I find to nitpick. His mouth and chin could be broader, and the top of his head more narrow. If you shaved Akiman (and Ikeno's) version of Ryu, he'd probably have a bit of a pinhead skull shape. The Namco charcter has too much hair. Looks too much like it was styled.

Ryu is probably the hardest character ever to draw/model/depict in any visual form.

His design is so basic and iconic, so subtle. There's nothing to hide behind. It's up to you as an artist to actually imbue t

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
Who is this gentleman named Ryu anyway? In SF2 alone Ryu went through three different portraits. Four, if you count HD. Is the doughy, somewhat over-inflated Alpha sprite of Ryu the correct Ryu? Is the greasy haired CvS the actual face of Ryu? As you noted, because his design isn't weighed down with a lot of bric-a-brac even the most minor of changes stands out. For me, SF4 Ryu is closer to the Ryu in my mind's eye than it seems to be for others but I still know that the next time he's redesigned he will look slighty but totally different.

417th Post

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"Re(4):Catherine" , posted Fri 20 Aug 06:03post reply

Wow, quite a bit to talk about in this thread-- I suppose I will take it one at a time.

PV here, for those interested.

Since they were recruiting for Persona 5 at first, I can only imagine that they turned it into this fairly early in the project. I think they said it was to "train the staff in HD" or something? If that's the case, I have high hopes for P5...visually, at least.

Wow, I have to say that Catherine is really really exciting looking (and I mean that in a non-ero sense... no, REALLY ). I'm especially impressed because it looks so attractive visually and design-wise. Somehow they manage to pull off erotic in a very deliberate sense without crossing the line into trashy.

And now the rest:
Who is this gentleman named Ryu anyway?

For me, there's no question at all: the SFIII Ryu. He's older, he's looking just a bit rough, with his slight five o'clock shadow, and he's got that... stare. Looking at Akiman's art for him, you just get the impression that he's so serious that he never even blinks.

419th Post

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"Re(2):The Other Fighting Game(s)" , posted Fri 20 Aug 07:07:post reply


In order to properly recreate the series in HD, Warner Bros. needed to film actors performing the moves like they originally did 20 years ago, just now with better high-definition cameras. [.....] Since the previous actors are now 20 years older and - in most cases - wouldn't look to be the right age in high definition, Warner Bros. has hired new actors for the various roles and have been busy capturing them over the past few months at a Warner Bros. Studio in Los Angeles.

That's some dedication to fandom. I may have to check it out.

The idea that they are going through so much effort to recreate the old MK games is so misguided and insane that I have to admire it.

I shudder to think that time is being wasted to make this game. I should also mention that I'm perhaps the only male of my generation who can't stand the Mortal Kombat franchise.

Still, what kind of Game Dork would I be if I wasn't even interested in it on a technical or historical level? Anyway, I saw this here link about the motion capture sessions for the original game, if anyone else is interested. It's pretty fun stuff, I thought.

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Fri 20 Aug 07:09]

1238th Post

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"Re(3):The Other Fighting Game(s)" , posted Fri 20 Aug 08:49post reply

Still, what kind of Game Dork would I be if I wasn't even interested in it on a technical or historical level? Anyway, I saw this here link about the motion capture sessions for the original game, if anyone else is interested. It's pretty fun stuff, I thought.

Wow, this is really cool! Thanks!

I don't really care about Mortal Kombat too much, but after watching videos of the newest one, I'm happy that with this one there is a sense that they are taking it seriously as a fighting game. The animations are great, damage and hit effects are better than any fighting game I've ever seen, and it's just slick looking in general.

I totally agree about the comments about Ryu's personality shining through. I think that we'll only be able to tell with the Namco version when he gets animated. I really wonder how fireballs and stuff will work (haha).

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

702th Post

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"PS3 Jailbreak?" , posted Fri 20 Aug 11:21:post reply

the-Magicbox reported that George "I-am-the-guy-who-jailbroke-the-iPhone" Hotz "jailbroke" the Playstation 3. Apparently you can download your games to the harddrive and play it from there and share DLC. It is in the form of a USB thumbdrive//dongle.

Some places are taking pre-orders on this which are as high as 180 US dollars.

Oh, and it only jailbreaks certain firmware of the PS3.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

[this message was edited by Digitalboy on Fri 20 Aug 11:29]

2048th Post

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"infinite kombat" , posted Fri 20 Aug 13:56:post reply

I'm perhaps the only male of my generation who can't stand the Mortal Kombat franchise.
Hahaha, surely you jest.

I sure like the first 18 seconds of the movie song, though.

..........my god, thanks to Chaz and his endless Youtube, all my problems are solved!


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 20 Aug 14:00]

593th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Fri 20 Aug 17:11post reply

Namco's take on Ryu.
Pretty realistic, but kind of evil looking. His cheekbones look too dark for some reason, like he's chiseled.

Looks great! But it would be nice if Namco shared just a little bit more of this game than just a partial preliminary image of one character.

Seeing that they finally didn't show any relevant news about the game, I'm glad I decided to scram from the damned convention center after spending there less than one hour and wasted the rest of the day admiring the cathedral's façade! Germany does have some pleasant vistas after all!

That Ryu looks a bit too evil to my taste, but that was to be expected from Namco's artists anyway. However, I think we had already reached an agreement on what the canonical version of Ryu's face is supposed to be, gentlemen.

1241th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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"Re(4):Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Fri 20 Aug 17:37post reply

However, I think we had already reached an agreement on what the canonical version of Ryu's face is supposed to be, gentlemen.

Stellar. What's the story behind this one? :D

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

301th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Persona goes ecchi" , posted Fri 20 Aug 22:38:post reply

New game from Atlus, on PS3 and 360.

It's called Catherine and features Vincent from P3P as main carachter. The trailer looks freaky and ecchi as never seen a Megaten before.
It's not an rpg, developers say it's an action-adventure title with adult themes (sex-scene! XD)

[this message was edited by Nekros on Fri 20 Aug 22:38]

Just a Person
1428th Post

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"Re(4):The Other Fighting Game(s)" , posted Fri 20 Aug 22:39:post reply

I don't really care about Mortal Kombat too much, but after watching videos of the newest one, I'm happy that with this one there is a sense that they are taking it seriously as a fighting game. The animations are great, damage and hit effects are better than any fighting game I've ever seen, and it's just slick looking in general.

Yeah, MK9 (or whatever its name is) looks very promising! Quite violent too (and not in a ridiculous way like before), although I don't really care about the gore. The animations look good, although they could look better, but Boon still has time to work on that.

One thing that sucks so far is the fact that during team matches, it seems that the first defeated character from every team just vanishes (in the case of this video, falling into the acid pool), only to magically reappear out of nowhere in the second round... call me nostalgic, but I really loved the way these matches happened in the first game, where the first defeated character would just remain fallen in the ground (the arcade version of UMK3 also did that); that would be much cooler. Even more if the fallen fighters could still be hit during the battle, somehow like in the Marvel vs. Capcom series after the battle ends.

About the story of MK Team filming new actors for a HD version of the three first games, is it a wise move? I mean, they would spend a lot of money and time in three remakes that might be irrelevant with the new game coming up... it would be easier to just replace the actors with 3D models, IMO.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Fri 20 Aug 22:46]

732th Post

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"Re(5):The Other Fighting Game(s)" , posted Sat 21 Aug 06:37post reply

VALKENHAYN=R=HELLSING teaser near the end of the video. The ribbon they put on his tail is a very cute touch.

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301th Post

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"Re(6):The Other Fighting Game(s)" , posted Sat 21 Aug 06:56post reply

VALKENHAYN=R=HELLSING teaser near the end of the video. The ribbon they put on his tail is a very cute touch.

Hoooowllllll!! And he charges the opponent like Gallon! Very cool, Arc!

419th Post

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"Re(7):The Other Fighting Game(s)" , posted Sat 21 Aug 07:23post reply

VALKENHAYN=R=HELLSING teaser near the end of the video. The ribbon they put on his tail is a very cute touch.

Hoooowllllll!! And he charges the opponent like Gallon! Very cool, Arc!

I was kind of surprised to see how much of an homage he seems to be to Gallon. But then I guess if you're thinking of 'werewolf' and 'fighting game', the only other choice you have is... what, that guy from Bloody Roar?

795th Post

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"Re(5):Catherine" , posted Sat 21 Aug 13:14post reply

Wow, quite a bit to talk about in this thread-- I suppose I will take it one at a time.

PV here, for those interested.

Since they were recruiting for Persona 5 at first, I can only imagine that they turned it into this fairly early in the project. I think they said it was to "train the staff in HD" or something? If that's the case, I have high hopes for P5...visually, at least.

Wow, I have to say that Catherine is really really exciting looking (and I mean that in a non-ero sense... no, REALLY ). I'm especially impressed because it looks so attractive visually and design-wise. Somehow they manage to pull off erotic in a very deliberate sense without crossing the line into trashy.

Heh, most of the time i read your posts and think (-__- ) "hmmm yes yes, sou da ne"

It's nice to see an adult oriented game that seems like it's comfortably made for adults and not trying too hard. There have been to many "mature" games recently that are just really hammy ("LOOK MORAL CHOICES! BOOBS! DRAMA! MAKE YOU CRY!"). I'm kind of getting a Haruki Murakami vibe from Catherine. All the mega-ten games have always had a really surreal atmosphere to em, but something about this game feels like it might be influenced directly by Murakami's writing. Maybe it's the sheep men? (Dance Dance Dance)

And now the rest:
Who is this gentleman named Ryu anyway?
For me, there's no question at all: the SFIII Ryu. He's older, he's looking just a bit rough, with his slight five o'clock shadow, and he's got that... stare. Looking at Akiman's art for him, you just get the impression that he's so serious that he never even blinks.

I like every iteration of Ryu, but the Third Strike version was just tops. He really felt like he'd come into his own. He had such a mature manly presence, like someone who had finally reached a level of mastery over his craft. One of my favorite things about Ryu is how dead serious he is about fighting, how he looks absolutely resolute during the fight, but then he's extremely easy going and relaxed at all other times (except when he's doing his laundry)

There are alot of great character interactions throughout all the Street Fighter games. Capcom is especially magnificent at doing group illustrations where every character's personality shines through in distinct ways (I'm specifically thinking of that illustration of the characters as high school students and Cammy is the new kid... but I can't find it on the internet right now)


2052th Post

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"Re(6):Catherine" , posted Sat 21 Aug 15:09post reply

Maybe it's the sheep men?
it's always all about the sheep men
(Dance Dance Dance)
And let's not forget about the all-important and wonderful Wild Sheep Chase.


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"Re(7):The Other Fighting Game(s)" , posted Sat 21 Aug 18:37post reply

VALKENHAYN=R=HELLSING teaser near the end of the video. The ribbon they put on his tail is a very cute touch.

Hoooowllllll!! And he charges the opponent like Gallon! Very cool, Arc!

It's so odd but cool that Arcsys makes more references to Capcom games than Capcom ever does by themselves (check out Unlimited Makoto distortions). Then again, Arcsys supposedly does house former Capcom staff...

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"Re(5):Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Sat 21 Aug 19:59post reply

However, I think we had already reached an agreement on what the canonical version of Ryu's face is supposed to be, gentlemen.

Stellar. What's the story behind this one? :D

What story? I've already told you, that's the canonical Ryu (and Chun Li) for you!! :D

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Actually that's a pic from the good ol' Capcom Illustrations artbook, and believe ot or not it's supposed to be drawn by one of Capcom's big names (I sadly forgot who). The original pic is actually a lot bigger and shows a whacky blueprint of Shadowloo's secret base and its deadly devices, in the same crappy, pulp style... but I can't find the whole thing on the Internet for the life of me.

End of Spoiler

3868th Post

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"Re(6):Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Sun 22 Aug 02:29post reply

However, I think we had already reached an agreement on what the canonical version of Ryu's face is supposed to be, gentlemen.

Stellar. What's the story behind this one? :D

What story? I've already told you, that's the canonical Ryu (and Chun Li) for you!! :D

It's by Akiman so that pic is canon shot straight out of a cannon!

2053th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Sun 22 Aug 03:07post reply

It's by Akiman so that pic is canon shot straight out of a cannon!

Hawhaw, I remember how the old art for SF II threw me off so much that I didn't get interested until Zero 2 (and Sakura) appeared. Oh, those bloodied up GI Joe faces...


163th Post

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"Re(6):Catherine" , posted Sun 22 Aug 09:04post reply

There are alot of great character interactions throughout all the Street Fighter games. Capcom is especially magnificent at doing group illustrations where every character's personality shines through in distinct ways (I'm specifically thinking of that illustration of the characters as high school students and Cammy is the new kid... but I can't find it on the internet right now)


1997th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):Tekken x SF Ryu" , posted Sun 22 Aug 11:31post reply

It's by Akiman so that pic is canon shot straight out of a cannon!
Hawhaw, I remember how the old art for SF II threw me off so much that I didn't get interested until Zero 2 (and Sakura) appeared. Oh, those bloodied up GI Joe faces...

I remember seeing the HF and WW SNES boxarts and not batting an eye.

Either I already had a taste for the ironic back when I was very young, or I was too young to notice their true qualities.

2647th Post

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"Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Wed 25 Aug 10:01post reply




797th Post

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"Re(1):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Wed 25 Aug 13:36post reply



I heard about his passing this morning. I was hoping it was just a rumour. This is shocking and tragic news. He was a great director and a hell of a comic artist too.

His latest film, The Dream Machine looked truly wonderful. I was expecting to enjoying his films for decades to come. It's rare in the world for a man of his talent to get the opportunity to produce such uncompromising films with such an incredible crew of artists and actually find an audience for them. His films are gems. The world is a poorer place without Satoshi Kon.


798th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Wed 25 Aug 13:54post reply

Here's a really good old article about Kon from Time Magazine circa Tokyo Godfathers:


I got misty eyed reading it.

Here's a particularly notable quote:

"We're going to let him keep doing what he wants, and I think the audiences will eventually come to him," says Mad House president Maruyama.

This kind of trust is really rare. Satoshi Kon's films were made with real conviction. Every aspect of them is uncompromising (but not inaccessible). You can tell everyone involved really poured their hearts and souls into them. They were not big budget films yet they are some of the most beautiful, visually astonishing movies you will ever see, animated or otherwise.

Man, I already miss him.


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"Re(3):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Wed 25 Aug 19:17post reply

I feel bad that I didn't know of his name until he passed away, but I'm aware of his work.

He left a real tearjerker of a goodbye on his blog, which someone posted on 2ch. It's in Japanese but I'll just post the link to the text file: http://www.mediafire.com/?ha39azircif6cxa

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3870th Post

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"Re(4):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Wed 25 Aug 22:02post reply

What unexpected and sad news. Whether he was fiddling around with the idea of perception verses reality or carrying on about all the joys and sorrows that come from a love of entertainment media, Kon always brought a unique view to his projects.

2778th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Thu 26 Aug 00:26post reply

Oh my... I just read his final words from three months ago. It's awful that he got Pancreatic cancer at such an age. I hope that he was able to spend his last days in peace at home as he wished. May he rest in peace.

16th Post

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"Re(6):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Thu 26 Aug 01:01post reply

What a disheartening surprise... He will be missed dearly. Does anyone know how far along Yume Robo was? It is always sad when someone so prolific is taken before they are able to finish a project.

The moe-pocalypse is one step closer.

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"Re(7):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Thu 26 Aug 01:52post reply

This is a real sudden downer. Paprika was the 1st blu ray I bought and watched. It was also my introduction to Satoshi Kon's work which I quickly became a fan of. He will be missed.

558th Post

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"Re(7):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Thu 26 Aug 14:00:post reply

The moe-pocalypse is one step closer.

This is what I fear:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
We will have nothing but dreadful directors such as Makoto Shinkai making more "iyashi" flicks. And there will be no room for a 3rd season of Stand Alone Complex.

End of Spoiler

In other words, no more "provocative" films/series. Everything will be nailed down by the giant hammer that is pandering and profits. Dai Sato was correct.

[this message was edited by sfried on Thu 26 Aug 14:07]

799th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(8):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Thu 26 Aug 14:20post reply

The moe-pocalypse is one step closer.
This is what I fear:In other words, no more "provocative" films/series. Everything will be nailed down by the giant hammer that is pandering and profits. Dai Sato was correct.

Don't give up. Masaaki Yuasa is still kicking all kinds of ass consistently.



2825th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Thu 26 Aug 14:35post reply

Actually Ken Akamatsu was just saying Moe is about to fade out, and I believe him as really nothing can top K-on in terms of Moe (and I actually like K-On). Except maybe Yotsuba, but other than that I don't see any Moe series making near K-on's money.

I expect will see a rise in more challenging programming as studios test new things out in an attempt to make money. In a way it looks a lot like the market after DBZ and SM ended it's run.

Also real sad to hear Kon died. Perfect Dark is the perfect animated thriller as some of the most effective scenes worked because it was animated.

597th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Thu 26 Aug 16:50post reply

The moe-pocalypse is one step closer.
This is what I fear:In other words, no more "provocative" films/series. Everything will be nailed down by the giant hammer that is pandering and profits. Dai Sato was correct.

Hey, what's wrong with Makoto Shinkai? Sure, he keeps telling the same story over and over again, but the same thing could be said of most creators. At least his is a somewhat interesting story...

1998th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(9):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Thu 26 Aug 17:13post reply

The moe-pocalypse is one step closer.
This is what I fear:In other words, no more "provocative" films/series. Everything will be nailed down by the giant hammer that is pandering and profits. Dai Sato was correct.

Don't give up. Masaaki Yuasa is still kicking all kinds of ass consistently.


Is Yusuke Nakamura an artist on that series? Every time I see images of it I think it's an Asian Kung Fu Generation album art.

558th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Thu 26 Aug 23:41post reply

The moe-pocalypse is one step closer.
This is what I fear:In other words, no more "provocative" films/series. Everything will be nailed down by the giant hammer that is pandering and profits. Dai Sato was correct.

Hey, what's wrong with Makoto Shinkai? Sure, he keeps telling the same story over and over again, but the same thing could be said of most creators. At least his is a somewhat interesting story...

I'm sick and tired of forced psuedo-love stories set a centerpiece for his films. Makes me want to punch both characters at once.

800th Post

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"Re(10):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Fri 27 Aug 07:58post reply

A translation of Satoshi Kon's last words:



598th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Fri 27 Aug 16:26post reply


Hey, what's wrong with Makoto Shinkai? Sure, he keeps telling the same story over and over again, but the same thing could be said of most creators. At least his is a somewhat interesting story...
I'm sick and tired of forced psuedo-love stories set a centerpiece for his films. Makes me want to punch both characters at once.

You are a heartless person ;_;

561th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Satoshi Kon dies" , posted Fri 27 Aug 16:48:post reply

You are a heartless person ;_;

I'm just not a hopeless romantic. And I hate daydreamers like those two. (Not to mention the character art was unfitting given the beautiful scenery. Moe-pocalyps, indeed.)

But reading Mr. Kon's letter makes me feel heartbroken, especially when someone close is also undergoing a similar situation (not cancer related, thankfully, but still).

All this talk of death reminds me of that movie Departures/Okuribito.

[this message was edited by sfried on Fri 27 Aug 16:51]

2648th Post

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"One Moment Please" , posted Sat 28 Aug 03:50post reply

It's never easy reading anyone's dying words. I feel sorry for the guy, still having had regrets like that. When talents just can't be passed on, it's a huge loss to the world.

Back to gaming, a link on Square Enix's Saga portal seems to hint at a new Saga game?


It's just blurping colors right now, so try not to stare at it too long if you're expecting anything more


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"Re(1):One Moment Please" , posted Sat 28 Aug 05:45post reply


Back to gaming, a link on Square Enix's Saga portal seems to hint at a new Saga game?


It's just blurping colors right now, so try not to stare at it too long if you're expecting anything more

I really hope this isn't just some sort of cell phone game. I want something offensive like Unlimited Saga 2 (on a console)!

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shin ramberk
367th Post

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"New Saga game? Questions regarding this..." , posted Thu 2 Sep 13:24post reply

Fellow Cafe members I have a ton of questions regarding Square Enix's Saga series. I recently learned that a new Saga game is getting release but that it is a remake of the Gameboy game. This is correct, right? I also learned that this game was originally released in the US under the name of Final Fantasy Legends III. There was also a previous DS remake of Saga 2 (which was Final Fantasy Legends II in the US). This is all correct?

How does Unlimited Saga for the PS2 fit into the Saga series? Was this game any good?

I grew up playing Final Fantasy Legends I and II on the Gameboy and became ecstatic when I heard there was a DS remake and a new game coming out. I became disappointed when I heard that these remakes had only been released in Japan.

Were there any other Saga games released in the US other then Final Fantasy Legend I, II and III? I never played III, how did that game compare to the other two? I know that the game engine was rather peculiar/interesting and is rather dated.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. :)


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"Re(1):New Saga game? Questions regarding this" , posted Thu 2 Sep 16:12post reply

I really tried hard to enjoy Unlimited Saga...

Really really tried...

Reall... *whoosh*

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

1704th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):New Saga game? Questions regarding this" , posted Thu 2 Sep 21:06:post reply


Thanks for sharing your knowledge. :)

I'll share mine, even if it's just the Internet.

Answers for your questions:
- First paragraph all correct. :)

- Unlimited Saga is, euh... The last non-remake original SaGa game so far, plot-wise there is no SaGa continuity (that I'm aware of, at least), so unrelated to the others, gameplay-wise it follows the basis from Romancing SaGa's 1 and 3 and SaGa Frontier where you choose your main character from a group and follow his/her own story (generally converging in the end) and has a very distinct tabletop RPG/board game look and feel, as you play on boards and you have to spin a roulette (or Reel) for every action in and outside battles, like throwing dice on tabletops.
As for "is it any good"... it's very divisive, got a lot of hate due to its high level of randomness and lots of overcomplicated stats that make it quite dense and player-punishing, even more than the already usual in SaGa games. Then again, I guess that's precisely what SaGa fans love it for (Iggy?).

- No other SaGa games appeared in the US until Unlimited and RS: Minstrel's Song, and they sold very poorly, that's probably why the DS remake didn't make it.
SaGa III has the distinction of being the only one not directed by the series' man in charge, Akitoshi Kawazu, therefore being the most FF-ish, standard JRPG-ish of the whole lot.

EDIT: Or then again, read the next post.

Mannerly Highbrow politely asks you to play MS Paint Adventures.
Also play:

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-Felix Leiter-

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Thu 2 Sep 21:13]

9168th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Saga game? Questions regarding this" , posted Thu 2 Sep 21:08post reply

Fellow Cafe members I have a ton of questions regarding Square Enix's Saga series

The topic would require a long and detailed answer, but that's all I can do for now.

I recently learned that a new Saga game is getting release but that it is a remake of the Gameboy game. This is correct, right?

It is. The new one is a remake of the 3rd Gameboy Saga game, roughly one year after the remake of the 2nd.

I also learned that this game was originally released in the US under the name of Final Fantasy Legends III.

I have no idea about the heathen things that may or may not be released in your god-forsaken country.

How does Unlimited Saga for the PS2 fit into the Saga series? Was this game any good?

No Saga game has any sort of continuity from a scenario point of view (except, slightly, the first 2 ones). The concept of each world is different.
Also, each series stays (albeit very thinly) somehow consistent within itself. Saga 1 and 2 share a lot of characteristics. Romancing Saga 1, 2 and 3 evolve from that, but develop a lot of very particular traits. Saga Frontier 1 and 2 are based on that, and do their own thing on it. U:Saga then does its own thing. For example, I love the RS series and U:Saga, but dislike Frontier and the GB games.
The only thing that ties the series together is the direction of Akitoshi Kawazu and his uncompromising design choices, for better or for worse. It's a little bit like Lynch or Cronenberg: once you fall in love with one of those wacky filmmakers, you follow them through their whole carrier, even if some of the movies are weaker (to your tastes) than the masterpieces.

For this reason, the remake of RS1 on PS2 (Minstrel Song) and the remake of Saga 2 on DS are remakes as well as new games in the series, because the designer has evolved. Imagine if David Lynch was remaking Twin Peaks in 2010: it would be the same yet vastly different. Also, the game Wild Cards on WS is part of the Saga series, though unofficially, because of Kawazu. You can tie other Kawazu games to this, depending on how deeply involved in the process he has been (he has been executive producer for many projects, but on a Saga game, he's producer, director, script writer, system planner, etc, etc). Same goes for some members of his team (as Kawazu is getting old).
Legend of Mana is more part of the Saga series than of the Mana series, for example. Last Remnant on 360/PC has only been supervised by Kawazu, but has been created by people having almost only worked on Saga games, and it is a test, the first game of the team on its own, to see if they can go on making games for this niche even after Kawazu will go into retirement. The FFCC games, through much loosely, are also part of the family.

Saga 3 is not part of the Saga series, as it has been made by an entirely different (and extremely weak) team, while the Kawazu team was working on RS1. Its design choices go against everything the Saga series have been standing for. The remake of Saga3 on DS only use the engine created for Saga2 and try to make money out of it, but no important member of the Saga team is involved in the project. As a Saga fan, I can disregard this entry and sleep soundly (and, of course, curse the guy who decided to release again this steaming pile of garbage).

To answer your question about U:Saga, it was the most unplayable, unfriendly and brokenly designed game of the series, which is already known for its unfriendliness and shoddy execution.
It is also one of my favourite games of the years 2000-2010. I wrote a very long text about it, but it is in French and the website is currently down. Its awesomeness can only be grasped by people who want to spend 40 hours to look for it, and then 60 or more hours to enjoy it. Its beauty is not of this mundane world.

shin ramberk
368th Post

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"Re(2):New Saga game? Questions regarding this" , posted Fri 3 Sep 00:36post reply

Thank you all for your answers and feedback on my questions. I suppose if I found a cheap copy of Romancing Saga I'd pick it up and try it out. I'm going to avoid Unlimited Saga (thanks for your honesty Iggy!) I love the first two Saga games even though they were a bit bizarre. :)


1999th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):New Saga game? Questions regarding this" , posted Fri 3 Sep 04:28post reply

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

The real question is this:
At what point with certain games is it the case that you have brainwashed yourself into liking the game after withstanding dozens of hours of abuse from it? I imagine that by the incredible amount of money that games used to cost, that the investment held the poor child who worked for weeks to buy it a captive (at least a captive audience) and inflicted some form of Stockholm Syndrome onto him.

Of course, internet piracy has all but destroyed this for anybody who knows how to use bittorrent.

9169th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New Saga game? Questions regarding this" , posted Fri 3 Sep 06:54post reply

I think Romancing Saga Minstrel Song (the remake for PS2) is the most finished and polished entry of the series. It is also (was supposed to be) Kawazu's final project. Also, it is notable for having bad voice acting in Japanese, so even a prick as myself cannot hold anything against the US version (which I have never listened to, but still). Also, it has the best music of the series (and the series is generally famous for its music).

The real question is this:
At what point with certain games is it the case that you have brainwashed yourself into liking the game after withstanding dozens of hours of abuse from it? I imagine that by the incredible amount of money that games used to cost, that the investment held the poor child who worked for weeks to buy it a captive (at least a captive audience) and inflicted some form of Stockholm Syndrome onto him.

I think it depends on the game. The original RS1 was certainly the brainwashing type. It was so bizarrely flawed in every aspect that you really had to force yourself liking it in spite of everything.
U:Saga is also flawed, but it also tries so many things (and fails at most of them) that I cannot help at marvelling at all the bold decisions that have been made, and to enjoy the extremely bizarre nature of them.
Long story short: Kawazu used to be a tabletop RPG player (D&D and the like) and he's always wanted to recreate that feeling. Not the games themselves, like Neverwinter Nights or Baldur's Gate did, but the physical feeling of discovering a new set of tools that will allow to build an adventure: complicated rules that you need to learn beforehand, intricate world setting laid down before you by the console/the game master (I'm too lazy to check if it's how you say in English) and no pre-scripted scenario: the action of the players mend the story.
It is especially clear in the 3 RS games and the remake of RS1.
U:Saga goes in that direction even farther than any other entry in the series, and farther than any sane person would have wished (for example, you don't move your characters, you move their pawn on a hand-drawn map of the location you're in). And I cannot help feeling endeared by such an uncompromising design, whatever the hassle of actually playing the game can be.

735th Post

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"Re(4):New Saga game? Questions regarding this" , posted Fri 3 Sep 07:56post reply

I think Romancing Saga Minstrel Song (the remake for PS2) is the most finished and polished entry of the series. It is also (was supposed to be) Kawazu's final project. Also, it is notable for having bad voice acting in Japanese, so even a prick as myself cannot hold anything against the US version (which I have never listened to, but still). Also, it has the best music of the series (and the series is generally famous for its music).

The real question is this:
At what point with certain games is it the case that you have brainwashed yourself into liking the game after withstanding dozens of hours of abuse from it? I imagine that by the incredible amount of money that games used to cost, that the investment held the poor child who worked for weeks to buy it a captive (at least a captive audience) and inflicted some form of Stockholm Syndrome onto him.
I think it depends on the game. The original RS1 was certainly the brainwashing type. It was so bizarrely flawed in every aspect that you really had to force yourself liking it in spite of everything.
U:Saga is also flawed, but it also tries so many things (and fails at most of them) that I cannot help at marvelling at all the bold decisions that have been made, and to enjoy the extremely bizarre nature of them.
Long story short: Kawazu used to be a tabletop RPG player (D&D and the like) and he's always wanted to recreate that feeling. Not the games themselves, like Neverwinter Nights or Baldur's Gate did, but

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Iggy basically covered U.Saga perfectly. Even though what made me a fan of the series were the Frontier games I always had respect for what U.Saga tried to do. It was pretty interesting how SE marketed this game in the US as well(I remember on their official website that they would basically taunt players with statements like " ONLY FOR THE STRONG" and "YOU CANT HANDLE THIS GAME!"). That being said I am truly scared of playing U.Saga again because I feel like I would set myself up for failure due to its complexity.

If any of you are interested I would recommend checking out this guys youtube channel. He goes over basics of the game as well as much more. Strangely enough his name is very similar to one of the cafe's most notrious members....

Imbiggy Channel

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2057th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):New Saga game? Questions regarding this" , posted Fri 3 Sep 10:33:post reply

I hate SaGa Frontier!
Therefore, I am extremely, non-judgmentally interested in this comment:
Even though what made me a fan of the series were the Frontier games I always had respect for what U.Saga tried to do.
My Stockholm Syndrome with Frontier aside (I beat it with two characters, hoping I would somehow regret it less), I am super-curious to hear how it hooked you, since even Iggy never seemed to see much in these ones, I recall. (Well, I love Hamauzu's soundtrack for II, I guess.) I always took Iggy's word for it that the other ones were much more fun (I believe they were) and that I just had the bad fortune of getting the bad(-dest?) apple of the series when I really should have been playing Romancing SaGa 2 or the GameBoy ones.


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 3 Sep 10:34]

736th Post

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"Re(6):New Saga game? Questions regarding this" , posted Fri 3 Sep 12:12post reply

I hate SaGa Frontier!
Therefore, I am extremely, non-judgmentally interested in this comment:
Even though what made me a fan of the series were the Frontier games I always had respect for what U.Saga tried to do. My Stockholm Syndrome with Frontier aside (I beat it with two characters, hoping I would somehow regret it less), I am super-curious to hear how it hooked you, since even Iggy never seemed to see much in these ones, I recall. (Well, I love Hamauzu's soundtrack for II, I guess.) I always took Iggy's word for it that the other ones were much more fun (I believe they were) and that I just had the bad fortune of getting the bad(-dest?) apple of the series when I really should have been playing Romancing SaGa 2 or the GameBoy ones.

That is a good question! Well, you have to understand that SaGa Frontier was the first game I played from the series. (Actually, looking back at it now, Final Fantasy Legends II was the first game I played from the series but I honestly didn't pay much attention to it, even though I probably should have.) I was around 10 when it came out (1998?) so it might have just been my malleable mind/hunger for any RPGs at the time. It also may have been that, at the time, I would always play RPGs with my childhood friend. Maybe that support is what helped me associate the game with good times.

Though I've messed around with the game a lot, I've really played through only 4 times in my life. My favorite playthroughs were with Asellus, Lute, Emelia, and T260G (NO FUTURE). At the time I really enjoyed the music, but also the gameplay. The whole random aspect of learning skills made playing the game exciting to me! And the ability to easily get lost and get viciously gang-banged by enemies always made me second guess where and what to do (I'm looking at you Bio Research Lab!). Other than that I don't know what else I can say. I know my reasons are pretty biased but I do understand why people hate it so much. (My biggest complaint is the storylines for each character were almost nonexistent.)

After that I went on to SaGa Frontier 2 but I never even got to the 10 hour mark. It never hooked me! When I have time though I plan to try out that fan translated RS3. Also, I really hope those DS remakes come stateside, because they look great!

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1253th Post

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"Re(6):New Saga game? Questions regarding this" , posted Fri 3 Sep 12:17:post reply

I have respect for U-saga too.
In fact I would love for someone to take the basic idea and improve upon it.

But the fact was that cause and effect were just completely obtuse in the game, so I could never really understand if I was doing something right or wrong. Despite my best efforts. I really liked the atmosphere and music though.

There was something really magical about the game that drew me in. I actually didn't mind the tabletop feel of moving the character through the environment, it was like a further simplified Riviera (GBA). I liked how there were obstacles in the environment that only some characters had the ability to surmount, and that if you didn't build up those skills you had to find a way around.

I think if the presentation was more modernized, if there was a bit more transparency to the movement and combat, and there was the addition of some kind of dynamic storytelling depending on the characters in your party and your place in the overall narrative, you could make an amazing game out of U-saga. I really believe that.

It would be nice if you just picked one character and you could gather up the other characters and tackle their quests in one playthrough, but depending on the order you picked them up you would have to solve the quests in different ways... sorry I'm rambling but the concept of U-saga is so amazing, just the execution of certain elements doomed it from the start :(

Edit: I watched a bit of that U-saga channel that Evenor posted. Holy crap, I've learned more about U-saga in 5 minutes than I have in the hours I put into it. Makes me want to pick it up again :( :(

Edit 2:

What the hell, there's a monster Ecosystem!! Wow!

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Fri 3 Sep 12:43]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"ode to T260G/death to Frontier" , posted Fri 3 Sep 14:27:post reply

Evenor: Interesting! It was the first SaGa I played, too, but my reaction was of course the reverse. But don't worry, even if I hate Frontier and everything it stands for, like in some past thread we can all still get together and agree that T260G's last battle theme is funky as hell.

KTallGuy's edits and/or amazement
This is probably pretty indicative of the whole U:SaGa debacle. The continuous amazement you can evoke from people when you show them what the impossible, abstruse, Esperanto-like foreign-ness of SaGa logic actually means is fascinating. Like, I'm fascinated just by watching how fascinated other people can be when they see the mechanics of a game that were understood by approximately 2% of the playing audience.


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 3 Sep 14:45]