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414th Post

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"Comicon 2010" , posted Wed 7 Jul 23:26post reply

I figured I'd start this thread now since it's bound to pop up anyway.

This will be my very first comicon so please let me know if there's anything I HAVE to do to get the proper experience. My pass is for Sunday.

Be kind to goblins.


386th Post

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"Re(1):Comicon 2010" , posted Thu 8 Jul 04:43post reply

I figured I'd start this thread now since it's bound to pop up anyway.

This will be my very first comicon so please let me know if there's anything I HAVE to do to get the proper experience. My pass is for Sunday.

Every year I talk about going, but so far I've never managed it, despite moving something like 2000 miles closer a few years back. But I have a bunch of friends who have gone.
I'll be curious to hear everyone's take. After all, there's always next year to talk about attending and then end up not making it there!

3th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Comicon 2010" , posted Thu 8 Jul 05:05post reply

To get the full experience go all 4 days


But seriously, sunday is the worst day to go for the first time, or any time for that matter, it's the last day so there are not that much stands for you to check out, nor there are that many conferences, the only good thing is that it's not that crowded and most of the remaining goodies are half priced.

Be sure to take lots of pictures though, and with many cosplayers as you can!

This year is the second time I go, bought passes for thursday, friday and saturday. CAN'T WAIT

415th Post

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"Re(2):Comicon 2010" , posted Thu 8 Jul 06:15post reply

But seriously, sunday is the worst day to go for the first time, or any time for that matter, it's the last day so there are not that much stands for you to check out, nor there are that many conferences, the only good thing is that it's not that crowded and most of the remaining goodies are half priced.

I think when I bought my ticket Saturday was completely sold out as well as the full pass.

I honestly might have forgotten my camera if you hadn't reminded me. Thanks!

Be kind to goblins.

4510th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Comicon 2010" , posted Thu 8 Jul 11:01post reply

Prep everything early. Bring a backpack and make sure your camera is charged the night before (I made that mistake of not charging it last year and it died on me, had to resort to my crappy phone camera).

Always have your camera at the ready. Lots of cosplayers wander around and provide great photo ops.

Bring your own food. The lines at the con are long and the food there is overpriced and crappy anyway. The bathroom lines are even worse, so don't eat or drink too much if you haven't finished making the rounds.

Once you get the guidebook, plan your route accordingly and mark it on the map. Even though you're going on a Sunday, there's still a TON of human traffic to wade through so aisles get crowded easily. I went on a Sunday two years ago and it was nuts. Most of the booths are usually grouped by types, so all the game companies are in one section, comic/film companies in another, etc.

Hunt for free swag wherever you can find it. Lots of booths offer some pretty cool stuff, so always keep an eye out.

Lastly, have fun and don't spend too much. And if you plan on getting a four-day pass for next year (or even a Fri/Sat ticket now), do it immediately after getting home. I got my ticket near the end of December and Saturday was already sold out by then, and I suspect it'll sell out even earlier this year.

8th Post

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"Re(2):Comicon 2010" , posted Fri 9 Jul 13:34post reply

Lastly, have fun and don't spend too much.
Make sure you bring cash or expect to be raped by the ATM if you need it!

Iron D
3390th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Comicon 2010" , posted Sat 10 Jul 19:46post reply

I'll be there on Thursday. 4 day and Saturday tickets were sold out by the time I had a chance to buy a ticket. Don't even know what's going down that particular day.

Last year was my first Comic-con and I went on a Saturday. It was a pure geeked-out DREAM! I had never felt more alive as an absolute geek as I did at Comic-con.

And DAMN is it good to see so many good looking women who are also geeks. I don't know where they're coming from, but they need to be closer to where I'm at.

Man....I really need a girlfriend.


4512th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Comicon 2010" , posted Sat 10 Jul 21:06post reply

I'll be there on Thursday. 4 day and Saturday tickets were sold out by the time I had a chance to buy a ticket. Don't even know what's going down that particular day.

Website's got you covered.

Let us know what goes down at that Capcom panel, especially the exclusive that Inafune's going to reveal. I'll be going on Friday, hopefully Nintendo will be there with a playable 3DS.

Iron D
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"Re(5):Comicon 2010" , posted Sun 11 Jul 17:00post reply

I'll be there on Thursday. 4 day and Saturday tickets were sold out by the time I had a chance to buy a ticket. Don't even know what's going down that particular day.

Website's got you covered.

Let us know what goes down at that Capcom panel, especially the exclusive that Inafune's going to reveal. I'll be going on Friday, hopefully Nintendo will be there with a playable 3DS.

Going to that one for sure. Will let y'all know what's up as soon as I get back (though some other source will surely have beaten me to the punch by then).


280th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):Comicon 2010" , posted Tue 13 Jul 02:50post reply

Apparently, Arc System Works will announce something on 23 July.... I don't think is related to Inafune's new game to be revealed at ComicOn, but who can tell?

4513th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Comicon 2010" , posted Tue 13 Jul 03:25post reply

Apparently, Arc System Works will announce something on 23 July.... I don't think is related to Inafune's new game to be revealed at ComicOn, but who can tell?

They will? I'll try to get into that panel then. Hopefully it won't be too crowded.

4516th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"back attack" , posted Mon 26 Jul 04:11post reply

Just returned from the con, so exhausting. I was only planning on attending Friday but was able to score a comp pass from a relative and went on Saturday also.

Scoped out the Capcom booth, they had playable demos of Monster Hunter 3, Dead Rising 2, Ghost Trick, Okamiden, and of course MvC3. They also ran the Megaman Universe trailer in one of the kiosks. Tried out the Ghost Trick demo, definitely picking it up when it hits.

Dead Rising 2 display, complete with moose head

Ghost Trick stuff on display: banner game and soundtrack wall TV with trailer T-shirt

Okamiden: wall display fan

Stopped by Udon's booth and saw a few sketches by Omar Dogan: Juri Lolibuki Discobuki

Also scored a special cover of SF Legends Ibuki #1 autographed by Dogan himself for just $10, shown here, along with the special comic cover of MvC3 handed out at that panel.

Namco's Splatterhouse booth, complete with angry 'roided Rick

Rockband 3 stage

Pic of playable LittleBigPlanet 2 at the Sony booth. They also had the PS Move demos set up. Tried out the 'Fight' game, not quite as responsive as I'd hoped.

Bonk making a comeback

LittleBigPlanet Marvel avatars from the Marvel Games panel: 1 2 3 4

The MvC3 panel was terrible. Not only was there no new info, but the actual gameplay segment went horribly wrong. The game ran in grayscale the entire time, the audio was distorted at the beginning, and the display even cut out at one point. Didn't help that one side was completely obliterating the other, making for a boring match. The last part of the panel was just them playing the 'remixed' BG music for Cap, Chun, Ryu, and Iron Man, which I didn't really care for.

Fortunately the SF4 panel on Saturday made up for that disaster, and the whole room went nuts when SFXT was shown. As for the whole Darkstalkers bit, I think Ono was just toying with the crowd and already got the green light to do it. Here's hoping he can do the exclusive reveal of it at the con next year.

Not much action at Nintendo's tiny booth other than playable Metroid Other M and Dragon Quest IX. What gives, Nintendo? Can't even show off the 3DS? Lame.

Konami didn't really have much other than Yugioh and Karaoke Revolution demos, so I passed on that. There were some nice Snake figures on display at the Square Enix booth though.

Overall, a pretty solid con this year, with only a few disappointments. Dan approves.

189th Post

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"Re(1):back attack" , posted Mon 26 Jul 04:31post reply

Fortunately the SF4 panel on Saturday made up for that disaster, and the whole room went nuts when SFXT was shown. As for the whole Darkstalkers bit, I think Ono was just toying with the crowd and already got the green light to do it. Here's hoping he can do the exclusive reveal of it at the con next year.


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190th Post

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"Re(2):back attack" , posted Mon 26 Jul 04:52post reply

By the way, since you forgot to mention anything Arcsys, Makoto gameplay at Comic-con

join the m.bison hat club today
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4517th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):back attack" , posted Mon 26 Jul 05:43post reply

By the way, since you forgot to mention anything Arcsys, Makoto gameplay at Comic-con

Couldn't find their booth, and they didn't have a panel, that's why I didn't mention them. Plus I had to waste most of my day standing in line for those panels (the MvC3 one was packed, and I had to stand behind some smelly guy for 45 minutes...not fun).

12th Post

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"Re(4):back attack" , posted Mon 26 Jul 14:44post reply

By Megaman Universe you mean the teaser trailer, right? You didn't see any footage, did you? DID YOU?!


4th Post

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"MVC3@SDCC" , posted Thu 29 Jul 05:44post reply

I played Marvel vs Capcom 3 amongst several other games at comic-con, thing is I saw this page and supposedly has the complete roster for the game, thought I'd share it with you guys and see what you think

Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, Mr Fantastic, Captain America, Iron Man, War Machine, Elektra, Thor, X-23, Magneto, Dr Doom, Shuma-Gorath, Emma Frost, Deadpool, Super Skrull, Taskmaster, Juggernaut, She Hulk

Ryu, Mike Haggar, Frank West, Chuck, Spencer (Bionic Commando), Dante, Chris, Morrigan, Arthur, Amaterasu, Albert Wesker, Zero, Chun-li, Viewtiful Joe, Trish, Tron Bonne, Hsien-Ko, Akuma, Felicia.


Personally I don't think it's the real deal, cause why have Mr Fantastic when you already have super skrull? Although I do like the idea of taskmaster I feel tremendous sadness for Capcom including clover characters and leaving Gene from Godhand out.

261th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):MVC3@SDCC" , posted Thu 29 Jul 06:51post reply

Personally I don't think it's the real deal, cause why have Mr Fantastic when you already have super skrull?

Hasn't already been said (more than once) that none of the Fantastic Four are in the game?

3852th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):MVC3@SDCC" , posted Thu 29 Jul 10:13post reply

Personally I don't think it's the real deal, cause why have Mr Fantastic when you already have super skrull?
While some of the more educated guesses out there may prove to be correct, I'm not going to trust any MvC3 character listing. I don't know if Capcom is doing a little better job of keeping a lid on things or what, but this isn't going to be like SSF4 where we knew the roster before we even knew about the game.

Hasn't already been said (more than once) that none of the Fantastic Four are in the game?
I think the harpy and teenage witch with white hair have a better chance of making it into MvC3 than the FF does.

1566th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):MVC3@SDCC" , posted Fri 30 Jul 13:29post reply

Yeah I am not sure I buy those circulated lists. I seen this link here with a pic of Doom, Skrull, and what looks like to be Silver Surfer.

856th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):MVC3@SDCC" , posted Fri 30 Jul 13:43post reply

Personally I don't think it's the real deal, cause why have Mr Fantastic when you already have super skrull?

Hasn't already been said (more than once) that none of the Fantastic Four are in the game?

It's also been said that Emma Frost isn't in either.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

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3670th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Comicon 2010" , posted Fri 30 Jul 19:33post reply

wtf they kicked me out this year. never going back to comiccon again

all i did was ask some kid if he was saving that seat. when he turned to look at me, he poked his eye on the pen i was holding! he screamed and guys rushed in and cuffed me!

416th Post

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PSN: Mozex
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"Re(2):Comicon 2010" , posted Sat 31 Jul 01:36post reply

wtf they kicked me out this year. never going back to comiccon again

all i did was ask some kid if he was saving that seat. when he turned to look at me, he poked his eye on the pen i was holding! he screamed and guys rushed in and cuffed me!

Hahaha, the infamous pen incident.

It wasn't really you was it?

Be kind to goblins.