New Random Thread: Packaging Edition - Forums

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"New Random Thread: Packaging Edition" , posted Sat 10 Jul 21:32post reply

Why is it that Japan always gets the sexiest boxart?


348th Post

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"New Random Thread * Generic Metroidvania ver." , posted Sat 10 Jul 22:36post reply

Courtesy the Chapel of Resonance...
Why create a breakout franchise when you can just rip off someone else's?
The sad part is, I almost want to play this

3835th Post

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"Re(1):New Random Thread * Generic Metroidvani" , posted Sun 11 Jul 02:07post reply

Courtesy the Chapel of Resonance...
Why create a breakout franchise when you can just rip off someone else's?
The sad part is, I almost want to play this

Why didn't they just call it Kastlevania and be done with it? Good grief.

In other news, Deadpool shows how to correctly manage your bars.

985th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):New Random Thread * Generic Metroidvani" , posted Sun 11 Jul 06:27post reply

Courtesy the Chapel of Resonance...
Why create a breakout franchise when you can just rip off someone else's?
The sad part is, I almost want to play this

Almost? I'm already sold!! I think now I understand all those poor pokemon-junkies, always craving for more of the same old stuff which is so dear to them...

Lo! and behold what IGA did to us!!!

3836th Post

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"Re(2):New Random Thread * Generic Metroidvani" , posted Mon 12 Jul 01:41post reply

I'm not a vindictive person but some of my favorite sights in tournament action have involved watching Justin Wong lose.

548th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):New Random Thread * Generic Metroidvani" , posted Mon 12 Jul 02:42post reply

Courtesy the Chapel of Resonance...
Why create a breakout franchise when you can just rip off someone else's?
The sad part is, I almost want to play this

Well, ripoff is thrown about an awful lot when it's really just a refinement of an existing product. How many military FPS games get released and applauded by the gaming community these days?

I'm not a vindictive person but some of my favorite sights in tournament action have involved watching Justin Wong lose.

Yeah, I wouldn't have been so much loving that Gamerbee won if it weren't for Wong going on about how awful Adon is and then trying to troll the guy with him.

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"Re(2):New Random Thread * Generic Metroidvani" , posted Mon 12 Jul 08:11post reply

Courtesy the Chapel of Resonance...
Why create a breakout franchise when you can just rip off someone else's?
The sad part is, I almost want to play this

Why didn't they just call it Kastlevania and be done with it? Good grief.

Maybe they should call it Fortressvania (Actually this sounds like a funny castlevania parody video using Team Fortress 2). But honestly it looks great, there hasn't been a decent original (maybe not very original I guess)non-japaneses made real 2D platformer since Henry Hatsworth last year.

In other random news, the Netherlands vs Spain World Cup final definitely shows us again that the world cup final match is not actually a soccer match but instead is an All out Royale Rumble of violence

591th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):New Random Thread * Generic Metroidvani" , posted Mon 12 Jul 18:03post reply


In other random news, the Netherlands vs Spain World Cup final definitely shows us again that the world cup final match is not actually a soccer match but instead is an All out Royale Rumble of violence

Mandatory: sneak peek of FIFA 2010 Champion Edition.

1695th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):New Random Thread * Generic Metroidvani" , posted Mon 12 Jul 18:29post reply


In other random news, the Netherlands vs Spain World Cup final definitely shows us again that the world cup final match is not actually a soccer match but instead is an All out Royale Rumble of violence

Mandatory: sneak peek of FIFA 2010 Champion Edition.

Will Zidane be playable?

349th Post

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"Re(5):New Random Thread * Generic Metroidvani" , posted Mon 12 Jul 22:50post reply

More importantly, will he have a headbutt DM?
...ah, who'm I kidding, I lost interest in soccer weeks ago

544th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"New Random Thread * Point-And-Click Edition" , posted Thu 15 Jul 07:38:post reply

Hotel Dusk 2 is coming UKside. No word on on a US release...But in the meantime, Layton 3 gets pushed forward a week and Aksys localizes 999:9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors.

Speaking of dates: Twinkle Queen Aug 26. What?

Edit: Why can't they make a game about Paul the Octopus?

[this message was edited by sfried on Thu 15 Jul 07:43]

2026th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Random Thread * Point-And-Click Edi" , posted Thu 15 Jul 11:47post reply

Edit: Why can't they make a game about Paul the Octopus?

Someone forgot who the REAL star of Final Fantasy VI was!


1980th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):New Random Thread * Point-And-Click Edi" , posted Thu 15 Jul 15:20post reply

Edit: Why can't they make a game about Paul the Octopus?
Someone forgot who the REAL star of Final Fantasy VI was!

Ultros was cool until he teamed with that bastard Chupon. I don't know when I'll be able to forgive him for bringing Chupon into my world.

326th Post

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"Re(3):New Random Thread * Point-And-Click Edi" , posted Thu 15 Jul 18:44post reply

Edit: Why can't they make a game about Paul the Octopus?
Someone forgot who the REAL star of Final Fantasy VI was!

Ultros was cool until he teamed with that bastard Chupon. I don't know when I'll be able to forgive him for bringing Chupon into my world.

Ultros certainly tried to, but he had a though act to follow, living in the shadow of Gilgamesh.

I tend to have temporary obsessions with certain characters, and not long ago Gilgamesh was in the spotlight. The more I think about it (more than I should and that SE will ever bother to, surely) the more I see a path he takes throuh the FF games - just count his arms: 2 in the FF1 remake, 2 in FF5 (when he grows more), then shows up multi-armed in FF12, and then for some reason shows up with only half of them (with a cheap prostetic for the missing ones) in FF8. I can't help but see hintsat a story there.

He should have his own game.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

3841th Post

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"Re(4):New Random Thread * Point-And-Click Edi" , posted Sat 17 Jul 03:04post reply

Video links:

The lament of the fighting game tournament.

I don't know what this is, but the Mega Man that waddled in at the end made me smile.

9th Post

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"Re(5):New Random Thread * Point-And-Click Edi" , posted Sat 17 Jul 03:18post reply

I don't know what this is, but the Mega Man that waddled in at the end made me smile.

I'd wager by the description it is Capcom's answer to Little Big Planet with gracious amounts of fan service sprinkled about.

389th Post

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"Re(5):New Random Thread * Point-And-Click Edi" , posted Sat 17 Jul 03:35post reply

Video links:

The lament of the fighting game tournament.

I don't know what this is, but the Mega Man that waddled in at the end made me smile.

Or, perhaps (and here is the bad craziness talking) perhaps it is a Megaman game where the powerups are all fanservice? I don't know, the Little Big Planet comparison sounds appropriate given the other info about the game returned by Google.

I for one am just happy with the Arthur appearance.

2029th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Giglamesh edition" , posted Sat 17 Jul 13:09:post reply

The more I think about it (more than I should and that SE will ever bother to, surely) the more I see a path he takes throuh the FF games - just count his arms: 2 in the FF1 remake, 2 in FF5 (when he grows more), then shows up multi-armed in FF12, and then for some reason shows up with only half of them (with a cheap prostetic for the missing ones) in FF8. I can't help but see hintsat a story there.
Orthros (or Ultros if you must) is the best. The fact that many incredibly CRUCIAL dramatic scenes in VI also manage to feature an irritable purple octopus and yet they still come off spotlessly is a testament to how perfectly that game was directed. Like, I'm sure the staff gave each other continuous high fives when Orthros appears not only during the OPERA, the most ambitious set piece yet seen in an RPG at that point, but also during the middle of a dogfight with the Imperial air force, and does it well. Astounding.

Gilgamesh probably should have replaced the oddly underwritten Ziekfried in VI, though. Gilg is wonderful. As for the multiple arms, don't forget that in V, he transforms in a battle or two and gets those extra arms that he's sported since. I also noticed that English players experienced intense tragedy at the hands of translation, as usual. When Gilg appears in VIII, he's supposed to say, and my memory's a bit rusty, but "...[Bu]tz, is that you? If so, you should be able to parry this blow!" [Seifer, who is not Butz, does not parry it. Sucka.]

And Gilgamesh in XII is literally the main reason I would want to play the game again. Both sequences are hysterical. "Come, Enkidu, o beloved companion of my heart!"


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 17 Jul 13:15]

10th Post

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"Re(6):New Random Thread * Point-And-Click Edi" , posted Sat 17 Jul 16:42post reply

Or, perhaps (and here is the bad craziness talking) perhaps it is a Megaman game where the powerups are all fanservice? I don't know, the Little Big Planet comparison sounds appropriate given the other info about the game returned by Google.

With this announcement and Ono's teasing about the upcoming "bigger than anything before" game, I wonder if it is going to be something comparable to this but regarding the Street Fighter world.

Oh wait, it exists and I call the beast M.U.G.E.N.

3842th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):New Random Thread * Point-And-Click Edi" , posted Sat 17 Jul 23:04post reply

Or, perhaps (and here is the bad craziness talking) perhaps it is a Megaman game where the powerups are all fanservice? I don't know, the Little Big Planet comparison sounds appropriate given the other info about the game returned by Google.

With this announcement and Ono's teasing about the upcoming "bigger than anything before" game, I wonder if it is going to be something comparable to this but regarding the Street Fighter world.

Oh wait, it exists and I call the beast M.U.G.E.N.

That, or Capcom Fighting Jam 2 is coming.

328th Post

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"Re(1):Giglamesh edition" , posted Sun 18 Jul 11:03post reply

Gilgamesh probably should have replaced the oddly underwritten Ziekfried in VI, though. Gilg is wonderful. As for the multiple arms, don't forget that in V, he transforms in a battle or two and gets those extra arms that he's sported since. I also noticed that English players experienced intense tragedy at the hands of translation, as usual. When Gilg appears in VIII, he's supposed to say, and my memory's a bit rusty, but "...[Bu]tz, is that you? If so, you should be able to parry this blow!" [Seifer, who is not Butz, does not parry it.

He only transforms once in FF5, when you meet him for the 3rd time or so, in Exdeath's castle, so at least to me that helps creates a sense of chronology, unless of can make those extra arms dissapear at will.

It still puzzles me that SE never included the character in FFXI, considering that it's an MMO, so far more expandable than the others... There's already a major NPC with that name, but the game's plots have included the concept of alternate dimensions which could easily fit him somehow... Oh well, who know what 14 will bring...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2030th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Giglamesh edition" , posted Sun 18 Jul 14:49post reply


He only transforms once in FF5, when you meet him for the 3rd time or so, in Exdeath's castle, so at least to me that helps creates a sense of chronology, unless of can make those extra arms dissapear at will.
Nah, he's still got them when he helps you against Necrophobia in the Cleft of Dimensions. It's half a joke, of course, but the implication in VIII is that he didn't die there and that Odin's flying Zantetsuken rips open the cleft and takes him into VIII's world. That's why he not only says, "...[Bu]tz, is that you?", he also wonders to himself when he beats Seifer, "now where's the way to the Cleft of Dimensions..." I guess he's been zipping around through that thing ever since, if you like the playful idea of connecting the games. Granted, that invalidates the (horrible) GBA version of VI since Gilgamesh is back to his pre-transformed state there, but hey.


329th Post

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"Re(3):Giglamesh edition" , posted Mon 19 Jul 09:00post reply

The point was him transforming and always staying transformed, with the loos of the arms on his right side happeneing before FF8. I'd just chalk his FF1 and FF6 remake appearances to happening before FF5, if stringing a narrative together. Pointless, but quirky fun.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2031th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Giglamesh edition" , posted Mon 19 Jul 10:27post reply

Pointless, but quirky fun.

That's the very definition of Gilgamesh, so I think we are doing the right thing! IF I were to make a narrative, I think it still all needs to start with V, since the reason he's travelling at all (at least when he was first reintroduced in VIII) was because of the Cleft of Dimensions, and he only fell into that in the end of V. And since he's clearly been stuck there for a while until Zantetsuken rips the sky open in VIII, I'd say that VIII definitively comes next. Thereafter, I'd say any game can come next! Enkidu, my heart's companion! Let's sally forth (on strange fanfic-y conversations)!


330th Post

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"Capcom Vs Namco Vs Capcom" , posted Tue 20 Jul 23:53post reply

I don't know if I should be pleased or worried - with such different styles and control schemes this kinda screams "square peg in round hole" for either case...

I'm sure someone like Yoshimistsu can be made to fit both just fine, but your average SF character tends to have skills fit for a Tekken boss (SC can get away with odder stuff in the regulars though). One good thing that can come from this is putting the more down-to-earth SF characters like Makoto in the spotlight in the Namco-made game, I guess.

Dammit SNK, you should be doing this (again), not Namco! I'm sure neither game will live up to the love letter to the golden age of fighting games that was the NGPC SvC though.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

391th Post

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"Re(1):Capcom Vs Namco Vs Capcom" , posted Wed 21 Jul 02:44post reply


I don't know if I should be pleased or worried - with such different styles and control schemes this kinda screams "square peg in round hole" for either case...

I'm sure someone like Yoshimistsu can be made to fit both just fine, but your average SF character tends to have skills fit for a Tekken boss (SC can get away with odder stuff in the regulars though). One good thing that can come from this is putting the more down-to-earth SF characters like Makoto in the spotlight in the Namco-made game, I guess.

Dammit SNK, you should be doing this (again), not Namco! I'm sure neither game will live up to the love letter to the golden age of fighting games that was the NGPC SvC though.

My biggest wish here is that we weren't just talking about Tekken on the Namco side (or for that matter just SF on the Capcom side).

After the huge ensemble cast of Namco X Capcom, it would be great to have a game that pulls in not just Armor King and Dhalsim but also Valkyrie and the other guy from Forgotten Worlds. Even though they surprise us on occasion (a la Tatsunoko vs Capcom) Capcom has always been hugely SF-centric in their contributions to crossovers.

3844th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Capcom Vs Namco Vs Capcom" , posted Wed 21 Jul 02:51post reply

What puzzles me about this rumor is what either company would have to gain from this move. When SNK and Capcom did their crossover thing it made sense with where the companies and their fighting franchises were at the time. But since I doubt a crossover would do better than either SF4 or Tekken 6 why attempt such a thing? Unless they are doing it just to be doing it, in which case I approve.

In other news it looks like Nobunaga is making his dramatic return. It seems that partnership with Fortinbras is already paying off.

331th Post

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"Re(3):Capcom Vs Namco Vs Capcom" , posted Wed 21 Jul 03:33post reply

What puzzles me about this rumor is what either company would have to gain from this move. When SNK and Capcom did their crossover thing it made sense with where the companies and their fighting franchises were at the time. But since I doubt a crossover would do better than either SF4 or Tekken 6 why attempt such a thing? Unless they are doing it just to be doing it, in which case I approve.

As primarily an SNK fan I grudgingly admit that those two have been far more successful in getting the mainstream public to associate the fighting game genre with their names - a Capcom/SNK crossover would help promote SNK's name, as it's generally lesser known. It's almost like CvS and TvC are "Capcom versus Who Are These Guys?" for most people. after SF4 TvC poked the market along with the MvC2 rerelease, MvC3 came from that, so in a way this is a natural progression. Profit's the name of the game here (again).

Still, for the multiverse-minded crossover fan, it's fun to think you can now probably link Fighter's History Ox to Tekken's Kuma or SC's Lizardman thanks to KoF MIRA, SvC and NvC... (ok, so you probably already could thanks to the previous crossover game...)

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

Just a Person
1424th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Capcom Vs Namco Vs Capcom" , posted Wed 21 Jul 11:16:post reply


I don't know if I should be pleased or worried - with such different styles and control schemes this kinda screams "square peg in round hole" for either case...

I'm sure someone like Yoshimistsu can be made to fit both just fine, but your average SF character tends to have skills fit for a Tekken boss (SC can get away with odder stuff in the regulars though). One good thing that can come from this is putting the more down-to-earth SF characters like Makoto in the spotlight in the Namco-made game, I guess.

Dammit SNK, you should be doing this (again), not Namco! I'm sure neither game will live up to the love letter to the golden age of fighting games that was the NGPC SvC though.

The idea of two simultaneous games putting Namco and Capcom together is absolutely brilliant, except for one thing: isn't it quite stupid to announce a huge crossover when ANOTHER huge crossover was announced not long ago and still has a lot of hype to create until its release date??

I mean, sure, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 would have a totally different gameplay from both supposed NxC/CxN games, but nevertheless, it would still be competing against them in the fighting games market. The Marvel/Disney businessmen probably won't be very happy about it, if this news turns out to be true...

Oh well, it's partially Marvel's fault anyway, since MvC3 should have been produced YEARS ago, but they preferred to produce the terrible "Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects" instead... great decision, sure; who needs Ryu and Megaman when you have a group of generic and lame brand-new characters to pit against your super-heroes??

EDIT: By the way, I fully agree with karasu99; Namco X Capcom (the PS2 RPG game) showed that both companies have a lot of interesting old and new game franchises outside of Street Fighter, Soulcalibur and Tekken; such franchises should have their characters in these games as well (again, supposing this rumor is true). Even if the Tekken 6 and Street Fighter IV engines may reduce the weirdness possibilities, it'd be amazing to play as Valkyrie, Regina and other out-of-ordinary characters!

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Wed 21 Jul 12:02]

332th Post

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"Re(2):Capcom Vs Namco Vs Capcom" , posted Wed 21 Jul 17:54post reply


The idea of two simultaneous games putting Namco and Capcom together is absolutely brilliant, except for one thing: isn't it quite stupid to announce a huge crossover when ANOTHER huge crossover was announced not long ago and still has a lot of hype to create until its release date??

Maybe Capcom's seeing fighting game interest as something cyclical, with the 90s being a ripe time, the 200Xs as a quiet one, and now they're trying to turn the 201Xs into another golden age - create something for everyone, and hope the interest spreads then pop out some sequels to keep the cash coming.

As for odd character choices, the Namco games have a history of catering to that, from Gon to Darth Vader, with bears along the way - that side of the crossover at least should be fine.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

9152th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"CvNvC, SSF4 Arcade" , posted Wed 21 Jul 20:36post reply

I'd really wait for an official announcement for CvNvC.
I have the feeling all the sites link to the other in guise of source, and the older the article is (a few days), the more hard-proof it is considered. Like, where does the "Namco would use the Tekken6 engine, and Capcom the SF4 engine" comes from?
That reminds me of the hype about the Ico/Wanda HD port. I'm not getting my hopes high right now.

In the meantime, the beta tests of the arcade version of SSF4 are soon to start, and the flyers have an interesting sentence hinting at possible new characters added to the game (but you can take it as the new character(s) being just all the 19 characters added since the SF4 arcade version)(but then, why a giant question mark?)
Nothing about a rebalance, though. Not that the game would really need one, but I'm sure Gen, Makoto and Hakan could use some slight buffs here and there.

3845th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):CvNvC, SSF4 Arcade" , posted Thu 22 Jul 00:28post reply

My question is, who is working on all these projects? Is Ono and company working on both the SSF4 arcade game and the big secret thing? Is SSF4 arcade mostly done or not that big of an upgrade? Is the secret thing so far off on the horizon that both projects can be handled by the same people? Is the Comic-Con thing even a game and is Ono going to instead announce a sequel to the live action Chun-Li movie? I guess we will know this weekend.

One thing we do know is that there are new characters popping up in MvC3.

Nothing about a rebalance, though. Not that the game would really need one, but I'm sure Gen, Makoto and Hakan could use some slight buffs here and there.

I would love for Hakan to get a little something. It won't help me win when I play the poor sap but it will help me not lose quite as badly.

9153th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):CvNvC, SSF4 Arcade" , posted Thu 22 Jul 00:37post reply

Is the Comic-Con thing even a game and is Ono going to instead announce a sequel to the live action Chun-Li movie?

482th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):CvNvC, SSF4 Arcade" , posted Thu 22 Jul 11:00post reply

Is the Comic-Con thing even a game and is Ono going to instead announce a sequel to the live action Chun-Li movie?Well...


You know what, Capcom should just stop the half-assing of suckiness that they did with the SF Movies and go all the way and have M.Night direct the sequel too.


393th Post

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"Re(4):Arcana 3" , posted Thu 22 Jul 12:28post reply

So apparently Arcana Heart 3 is making it to PS3/X360. Someone remind me: did it suck? I still have dry heaves thinking of the PS2 port of AH2.

483th Post

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"More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Thu 22 Jul 12:38post reply

Apparently a post on SRK that got deleted has these information:

1. SSF4 getting 7 new characters, with only Rolento and Alex being formally revealed this weekend (coincidentally--but not mentioned in the post--PSN had 7 new avatars released in the last week or so: Rolento, Alex, Hugo, Q, Elena, R.Mika, and Charlie).
2. New Darkstalkers game that will apparently include two new characters: a harpy and a witch with white hair.

</Grain of salt>


187th Post

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"Re(1):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Thu 22 Jul 12:45:post reply

Apparently a post on SRK that got deleted has these information:

1. SSF4 getting 7 new characters, with only Rolento and Alex being formally revealed this weekend (coincidentally--but not mentioned in the post--PSN had 7 new avatars released in the last week or so: Rolento, Alex, Hugo, Q, Elena, R.Mika, and Charlie).
2. New Darkstalkers game that will apparently include two new characters: a harpy and a witch with white hair.

</Grain of salt>

No Karin in that list? Aww.

I want to personally thank the person(s) involved in greenlighting The Legend of Chunli. I mean, I want to know the name(s) of the person(s) and what they look like.


Also, I'm pretty interested in AH3 now that it's seeing a PS3 release. That could mean one thing especially: NETPLAY

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Thu 22 Jul 12:45]

4530th Post

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"Re(5):Arcana 3" , posted Thu 22 Jul 13:32post reply

So apparently Arcana Heart 3 is making it to PS3/X360. Someone remind me: did it suck? I still have dry heaves thinking of the PS2 port of AH2.


1697th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):New Random Thread: Packaging Edition" , posted Thu 22 Jul 14:19post reply


Mighty Thor

Ammy vs Thor

484th Post

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"Re(2):New Random Thread: Packaging Edition" , posted Thu 22 Jul 14:36post reply


Mighty Thor

Ammy vs Thor



2036th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New Random Thread: Packaging Edition" , posted Thu 22 Jul 14:49post reply



True, but the sun still rises, whereas we all know how Thor ended up.


285th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Thu 22 Jul 22:33post reply

Apparently a post on SRK that got deleted has these information:

1. SSF4 getting 7 new characters, with only Rolento and Alex being formally revealed this weekend (coincidentally--but not mentioned in the post--PSN had 7 new avatars released in the last week or so: Rolento, Alex, Hugo, Q, Elena, R.Mika, and Charlie).
2. New Darkstalkers game that will apparently include two new characters: a harpy and a witch with white hair.

</Grain of salt>

No Karin? For real? Mika over Karin? Ono is always the dumbest in selecting characters.

Darkstalkers made by Ono? Fail.
A harpy? Very stupid, maybe is based on Silene from Devilman, that is basically a perverted/angry Felicia with wings and bird's limbs instead of cat's.
A teenage witch with white hair? Uncool, and terribly western in my opinion.

I thought myself characters better than a witch and a harpy.

Just a Person
1424th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Thu 22 Jul 23:03post reply

No Karin? For real? Mika over Karin? Ono is always the dumbest in selecting characters.

Darkstalkers made by Ono? Fail.
A harpy? Very stupid, maybe is based on Silene from Devilman, that is basically a perverted/angry Felicia with wings and bird's limbs instead of cat's.
A teenage witch with white hair? Uncool, and terribly western in my opinion.

I thought myself characters better than a witch and a harpy.

Karin should be in the game, indeed. She could replace Rolento. As for Q, he's cool but if this news is true, I hope he gets some development this time (unlike what SSFIV did to Makoto, Dudley and specially Ibuki). But I kinda liked this list overall, just wish Karin was in it (storyline-wise, it would make more sense to add her than either Rolento, who already fulfilled his role in SF, or Elena, who wasn't supposed to leave her country until SFIII if I remember correctly.

But I liked the description of the alleged new characters for DarkStalkers. Harpies are very cool, and as for the witch, I guess we'd have to see her fighting first to judge her; she could be either very cool or very lame.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

713th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Arcana 3" , posted Thu 22 Jul 23:31post reply

So apparently Arcana Heart 3 is making it to PS3/X360. Someone remind me: did it suck? I still have dry heaves thinking of the PS2 port of AH2.

AH 3 was pretty fun, actually. I heard something from a friend that Arc is actually taking care of this port, due to Examu's "we have a hard time doing a good home port" crap.

485th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Thu 22 Jul 23:46post reply

Apparently a post on SRK that got deleted has these information:

1. SSF4 getting 7 new characters, with only Rolento and Alex being formally revealed this weekend (coincidentally--but not mentioned in the post--PSN had 7 new avatars released in the last week or so: Rolento, Alex, Hugo, Q, Elena, R.Mika, and Charlie).
2. New Darkstalkers game that will apparently include two new characters: a harpy and a witch with white hair.

</Grain of salt>

No Karin? For real? Mika over Karin? Ono is always the dumbest in selecting characters.

Darkstalkers made by Ono? Fail.
A harpy? Very stupid, maybe is based on Silene from Devilman, that is basically a perverted/angry Felicia with wings and bird's limbs instead of cat's.
A teenage witch with white hair? Uncool, and terribly western in my opinion.

I thought myself characters better than a witch and a harpy.

A) Where'd you get the part that the witch was teenage,
B) What's so uncool with white hair?
C) What the hell's wrong with being western?
D) It's about damn time a dark fantasy game had witches.

Now the Karin bit I'm just as frustrated as you are.


9155th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 00:21post reply

I'm as much prepared to hate the new Vampire than any other rabbid fan, but, really, without even taking into account that we haven't seen anythin,
terribly western in my opinion.

Have you ever played Vampire?

(As for Karin not being there, that would be weird, but Mika, Rolento and Q would more than make it up for me.)
(And Alex. You know what I would like even more? If there was indeed 7 characters, but the list was wrong, and Alex would had missed a 4th opportunity to show up.)
(Also, who plays Charlie/Nash, really? He was only there to support the whole "prequel to SF2" thing, and the fact Guile wasn't added until Zero Upper, but why would anyone need him at that point?)

486th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 00:50post reply

I'm as much prepared to hate the new Vampire than any other rabbid fan, but, really, without even taking into account that we haven't seen anythin,
terribly western in my opinion.
Have you ever played Vampire?

(As for Karin not being there, that would be weird, but Mika, Rolento and Q would more than make it up for me.)
(And Alex. You know what I would like even more? If there was indeed 7 characters, but the list was wrong, and Alex would had missed a 4th opportunity to show up.)
(Also, who plays Charlie/Nash, really? He was only there to support the whole "prequel to SF2" thing, and the fact Guile wasn't added until Zero Upper, but why would anyone need him at that point?)

Yeah, the Charlie bit doesn't quite make sense; Guile/Charlie is a lot more same than Ryu/Ken. Unless they develop Charlie enough so the G/C difference is more Ryu/Akuma, then it might work out.

Right now their noticeable differences are: different kind of ridiculous haircut, wider(?) Flash Kick, Charlie's lack of a Knee Thrust, single hit Footsweep, and his Sonic Break and Kicks-ranbu Super.


763th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 00:52post reply


No Karin? For real? Mika over Karin? Ono is always the dumbest in selecting characters.

Darkstalkers made by Ono? Fail.
A harpy? Very stupid, maybe is based on Silene from Devilman, that is basically a perverted/angry Felicia with wings and bird's limbs instead of cat's.
A teenage witch with white hair? Uncool, and terribly western in my opinion.

I thought myself characters better than a witch and a harpy.

I think they may be trying to spread out the most requested characters. Kind of like how Chun didn't appear in SFIII till Third Strike, or Mai in KOFXIII. It's a decent fallback to force interest in later titles.

I'm really not looking forward to Dark Stalkers in 3d, but I do think a harpy would be a great addition to the cast. Luon from Red Earth was a really really cool character. Rather than go the standard route of making a thin, haggard, vulture woman, Capcom referenced Chinese lore and turned her into a voluptuous avian celestial in Tung Dynasty underwear. COOL!

A Silene style character could be cool, especially if it were male. It could play off of how Morrigan and Lillith are visually inspired by Devilman.

286th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 01:21post reply


Have you ever played Vampire?

Yup, I love the series. I hate the westernization of japanese franchises, not will welcome something similar done to Vampire.
The game is Japanese 100%, not speaking about design or characters, but about STYLE.
I don't think a witch is a right choice, for the following reasons:

- not using a stereotypical fantasy figure in this game, 'cause we are PLENTY of games with wizards and witches.
- Capcom still have a character named Tabasa
- Vampire is NOT FANTASY (referring to "fantasy" like lotr or d&d)

Side note: I just suppose she's teen, but knowing Capcom, giving us an old hag isn't exactly "marketing" (but very interesting to me!)

also, I remember the bastard son of Vampire and westernization: the american animated series.
Seriously, do you want that marine character appear ion the new game? With that COD and FPS madness nowadays, do you think Ono will NOT consider to INSERT A MARINE in Vampire?
I fear he will do that. And with pleasure.

9156th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 01:55post reply

Yup, I love the series. I hate the westernization of japanese franchises, not will welcome something similar done to Vampire.

1) Vampire's character selection screen.
2) Vampire's artworks for all characters.
3) Felicia.

Western style doesn't always mean Udon.

3847th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 02:33post reply

So has the Darkstalkers rumor once again jumped ahead of the Namco rumor? I've lost track.

Also, does Marvel have no female characters worth mentioning? As of right now it's turning into a girls' night out on the Capcom side.

1989th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 04:59post reply

So has the Darkstalkers rumor once again jumped ahead of the Namco rumor? I've lost track.

Also, does Marvel have no female characters worth mentioning? As of right now it's turning into a girls' night out on the Capcom side.

Seeing as how MvC games have a tendency to turn into a lightshow of projectiles and assists, it's surprising that they haven't decided to stick Dazzler or Jubilee into the game.


Wait wait wait, it's entirely possible that they might just be putting in Tessa/Tabatha with white hair!
Or would they be going for something more like... this.

complaining about R.Mika

I had actually never expected to hear this on mmcafe. R.Mika just seems like one of those characters that this place naturally loves! But then again, Karin is queen of a great many hearts here.

287th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(9):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 05:41post reply

According to the original rumors post, the witch being teen si confirmed.


All Comic-Con Gaming news:

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions to show off Final Spider-Man. (not yet clear on specifics, all access is currently strictly knowledge to Marvel/Activision employees.)

New X-Men "First Class" game and Captain America Game to be revealed.

Arcade Update announcement of Super Street Fighter IV to include 7 additional characters. Footage of "Alex" and "Rolento" is shown off.

Footage of New Darkstalkers Game featuring demonstration of 2 new characters whom are a white-haired teen witch girl and a harpy.

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 to show off new characters Trish, Dr. Doom, Chun-Li and Super Skrull with playable demo.

DC to announce new Green Lantern game, Game highlight is 3 different Green Lantern characters with 3 different gameplay styles.

Early Tekken 7 footage to be shown with only one new character shown, resembling a Yakuza-like female that has facial scars resembling that of kakihara from "Ichi the killer"

394th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(9):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 06:09post reply

I had actually never expected to hear this on mmcafe. R.Mika just seems like one of those characters that this place naturally loves! But then again, Karin is queen of a great many hearts here.

Yes, it is surprising to me as well-- I for one love R. Mika.

I'm really not looking forward to Dark Stalkers in 3d, but I do think a harpy would be a great addition to the cast. Luon from Red Earth was a really really cool character. Rather than go the standard route of making a thin, haggard, vulture woman, Capcom referenced Chinese lore and turned her into a voluptuous avian celestial in Tung Dynasty underwear. COOL!

It would make my week to hear that any of the characters from Red Earth made it into a new Vampire game. Lots of them would be great fits! My sole reason for liking Capcom Fighting Jam in any way whatsoever was that it included Red Earth characters, if only because their spritework is so nice...

2951th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Capcom non-rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 06:35post reply

In non-rumor Capcom news, Ghost Trick is awesome. Has anyone else played it, or is everyone waiting for the English release? I'm not going to rant and rant about it, but I will say that it is the first DS game that really honestly looks great, not just "looks great for a DS game". If you aren't excited already, you should be. Also, it's actually fun to PLAY, not just read.

Last Ranker is pretty good, too, though I don't know if anyone here is interested or not. When I first saw the trailers, I thought the combat looked sluggish, but I didn't realize that there are no menus. It's pseudo-realtime with different attacks assigned to different buttons. The random encounters are boring, but the duels are awesome.

The concept is that you challenge different "rankers" to duels in order to advance in rank. Although the game isn't as non-linear as it makes you believe, there are about 100 different rankers to fight...most of them highly entertaining. Think of it like Suikoden, only you challenge each of the stars to a duel. There are a wealth of really enjoyable crazy rankers, but the main cast is very strong, too.

The soundtrack is strong (with lots of battle themes), I love the character designs and there's a good balance of plot and action, without a lot of "talking in circles" that plagues so many RPGs these days. Although it hits some obvious technical limitations here and there, it looks very good for a PSP game.

With portable games, I'm always torn between "is this really good or is this just really good for a portable game". In Last Ranker's case, it's a very decent RPG, but still a good notch under Xenoblade.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

9157th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Capcom non-rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 07:15post reply

Ah!!! I wanted to write about Ghost Trick, but I forgot!!! Silly me.

Yeah. The game looks great, plays great, reads great. We're back to Takushu at the top of his energy, doing a game he really likes, with full editorial freedom. No Gyakuten 4/Keiji bullshit.

If you're interested in the game, be careful of not getting spoiled about the scenario, though. The game is essentially a puzzle game with a great story, and once you've played through it once, there's nothing to replay. So don't spoil yourself half of the fun! The puzzles are entertaining, fresh, and not really hard.

Basically, if you liked the Gyakuten writing and characters, then I don't see how you couldn't love this game. The scenario and characters might not get close to the incredible perfection that was Gyakuten 3, but then, nothing does, and the rest more than makes up for it.
Also, again, the game looks very, very good. Having a solid artistic direction really helps.

2952th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Capcom non-rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 08:02post reply

Ah!!! I wanted to write about Ghost Trick, but I forgot!!! Silly me.

Yeah. The game looks great, plays great, reads great. We're back to Takushu at the top of his energy, doing a game he really likes, with full editorial freedom. No Gyakuten 4/Keiji bullshit.

If you're interested in the game, be careful of not getting spoiled about the scenario, though. The game is essentially a puzzle game with a great story, and once you've played through it once, there's nothing to replay. So don't spoil yourself half of the fun! The puzzles are entertaining, fresh, and not really hard.

Basically, if you liked the Gyakuten writing and characters, then I don't see how you couldn't love this game. The scenario and characters might not get close to the incredible perfection that was Gyakuten 3, but then, nothing does, and the rest more than makes up for it.
Also, again, the game looks very, very good. Having a solid artistic direction really helps.

I agree on almost every point, but I do think it has a decent replay value for the type of game it is. Since you start out completely in the dark, a lot of scenes have a different meaning once you find out more of the truth. The game is so good at showing you just the right thing and having the characters say just the right thing so that you know a little, but you never know too much. I agree that spoiling yourself will ruin the experience, but I wouldn't say that replay is meaningless. Thankfully, it's much for fun to PLAY than GS, so repeated playthroughs to enjoy the story aren't hampered by the game itself.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

Burning Ranger
1663th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 08:53post reply


A teenage witch with white hair? Uncool, and terribly western in my opinion.

Don't you get it? Nippon makes video games for us now!

What if it had a sparkling young vampire in it?

So much to do so little time...

187th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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Regular Customer

"Re(7):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 09:02post reply

Yup, I love the series. I hate the westernization of japanese franchises, not will welcome something similar done to Vampire.

1) Vampire's character selection screen.
2) Vampire's artworks for all characters.
3) Felicia.

Western style doesn't always mean Udon.

No, but regardlessnesslyment, Ono is touching. Get it away.

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11th Post

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New Customer

"Re(8):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 12:36post reply

This has been making the rounds

Any guesses, fellas?

487th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(9):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 13:28post reply

This has been making the rounds

Any guesses, fellas?

My train of thought was....

- is this really real?
- (it looks pretty legit enough, but my photoshop detection skills haven't been levelling up lately)
- they look like Generic Guy Head Placeholders instead of real character silhouttes
- if they're really silhouettes that left dude looked like Seth. or Retsu
- wait, how many bald guys are in SF that are yet to appear? They're both bald, gotta be placeholders
- wait, why just 2? I thought there were seven. mannn
- hmm, maybe it's like the other older SF games where you don't see where the cursor is pointed at but you can select secret fighters
- still, they wouldn't put placeholder dudes there if that's the case
- if they plan on expanding that to include the rumored seven that'd be a weird layout, unless they take out the random select.
- mannnn


764th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(10):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 14:25post reply

My sole reason for liking Capcom Fighting Jam in any way whatsoever was that it included Red Earth characters, if only because their spritework is so nice...

Hauzer will always be one of my favorite fighting game characters. I had some epic Hauzer vs Jedah shodowns with one of my best buds back when Capcom Fighting Jam came out. That game's a mess, but it did bring home some of the Warzard characters, and their level up and counter mechanics were alot of fun. I hope Warzard gets some sort of virtual console release someday.

2636th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):More Capcom fighting game rumors" , posted Fri 23 Jul 15:57post reply

This has been making the rounds

Any guesses, fellas?

They look like... black circles? On a... select screen?


Burning Ranger
1665th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"New Observations about MvC3" , posted Sat 24 Jul 12:18post reply

I'm excited about some things from the new MvC3 build shown at Comic-Con. Aside from Thor and Ameratsu, of course:

- Every character has his own music (heard Ryu's, Chun-Li and Captain America)
- More complete move lists (Cap has Final Justice)
- New variations of moves (Ryu can throw ShinkuHadokens straight up now)
- New Stages (SHIELD Helicarrier in NYC (Secret Invasion), Arkalay Mansion Lab (Tyrant!))

Sorry if this has been mentioned before...I tend to be late to the game on these things. Vids of the new build @

So much to do so little time...

291th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):New Observations about MvC3" , posted Sat 24 Jul 17:07:post reply


- Every character has his own music (heard Ryu's, Chun-Li and Captain America)

Oh yes, I love character-specific themes!
Speaking about Cap's theme, and referring to the Warzard thread, Leo's theme from Warzard is very similar both in rythm and structure, but slower.
Is the composer from Warzard the same of MSH and sequels?

Oh softed-fur Ammy, bless us all with your gameplay video:

Also, I noticed that one of the comment that pops up during a combo is "viewtiful". Good Capcom, very good.

[this message was edited by Nekros on Sat 24 Jul 19:53]

489th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):New Observations about MvC3" , posted Sat 24 Jul 20:28post reply

I also noticed that their pre-battle quote changes to this when the team is Iron Man, Cap, and Thor:

"Avengers Assemble!"


350th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):New Observations about MvC3" , posted Sat 24 Jul 23:14post reply

I also noticed that their pre-battle quote changes to this when the team is Iron Man, Cap, and Thor:

"Avengers Assemble!"

Kudos to Capcom for the special intro; however, that was without a doubt the weakest "Avengers Assemble!" I've ever heard. Even that old Avengers beat-em-up had more impact when they said it..

Also, apologies if it's already been noted, but running on empty and no sleep so I'm too tired to check. In the latest version of the intro it seems like there's more sillouettes behind the Marvel and Capcom logos - 4 of them correspond with this week's reveals (Doom, Kl'rt, Trish, Chun-Li), 2 are Cap'Am and Felicia. On the Capcom side I can see Viewtiful Joe. Any guesses for who's on the Marvel side?

291th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):New Observations about MvC3" , posted Sun 25 Jul 02:30post reply


Also, apologies if it's already been noted, but running on empty and no sleep so I'm too tired to check. In the latest version of the intro it seems like there's more sillouettes behind the Marvel and Capcom logos - 4 of them correspond with this week's reveals (Doom, Kl'rt, Trish, Chun-Li), 2 are Cap'Am and Felicia. On the Capcom side I can see Viewtiful Joe. Any guesses for who's on the Marvel side?

I've spotted someone with a cape or trench coat (I checked several times, the figure is not Dante).
Magneto or Gene, for sure.

1990th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):New Observations about MvC3" , posted Sun 25 Jul 02:43post reply

If the game really did have Gene, we could have an Amaterasu/VJ/Gene team... CLOVER, WISE FWOM YOUR GWAVE

293th Post

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Copper Customer

"New Random Thread: Ono is a bitch" , posted Sun 25 Jul 05:06:post reply

Ono at ComicOn:

- Ask people to show one dollar if they want a new Vampire game. All the people search their pocket then show up the money. Picture taken by staff.

- Announces official regional tournaments of SSFIV.

- Announces more costumes for SSFIV.

- Announces extra characters in the arcade version of SSFIV, to be shown at TGS.

- Announces a new version of SF3 TS, with enhanced online play.

- Presents Street Fighter X Tekken, a new game developed by Capcom with SFIV engine. Trailer and gameplay footage showed.

- Announces Tekken X Street Fighter, a new game developed by Namco with Tekken 6 engine. Tekken creator is a big SF fan, did you know?

[this message was edited by Nekros on Sun 25 Jul 05:07]

3848th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Random Thread: Ono is a bitch" , posted Sun 25 Jul 05:13post reply

I really hope I don't die of old age before the bigwigs at Capcom greenlight a new Vampire game. But I never thought I would live to see Kazuya get new animation on his Spinning Demon kick so I guess anything is possible.

1991th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):New Random Thread: Ono is a bitch" , posted Sun 25 Jul 05:44post reply

The last 30 seconds are quite funny

5077th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Sun 25 Jul 06:32:post reply


The last 30 seconds are quite funny

I'm full of hate and cookies; and I thought that I should share that.

In game footage

More Images Fuujin ken is in

same images, Ign quality

In game video, Kaz & Nina vs Ryu & Chun Li

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 25 Jul 07:40]

1992th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):New Random Thread: Ono is a bitch" , posted Sun 25 Jul 06:36post reply

The vids of MvC3 on SRK showing Thor and Amaterasu in action make Amaterasu look hilariously, preposterously powerful. Thor can dish out quite a bit of damage, but he doesn't seem to dominate the entire arena like Amaterasu seems do.

Amaterasu looks like so much fun to play though! I hope the other characters are as much fun to use...

Burning Ranger
1666th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Sun 25 Jul 08:16post reply


In game video, Kaz & Nina vs Ryu & Chun Li

Tekken characters playing like SF characters...I may need to get in to Tekken more, just for background.

Then again, I would have thought a Tekken vs Virtua Fighter game would have been made before this.

So much to do so little time...

Hagen de Merak
1067th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Sun 25 Jul 08:18post reply


The last 30 seconds are quite funny

I'm full of hate and cookies; and I thought that I should share that.

In game footage

More Images Fuujin ken is in

same images, Ign quality

In game video, Kaz & Nina vs Ryu & Chun Li

I wonder if both capcom and namco's versions will be released at the same time, or if they will be months apart. The latter would be best.

694th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Sun 25 Jul 09:17post reply

I am okay with this for now.

Not excited but okay.

I think the only way I will be somewhat happy is the roster is NOT a copy and paste from Super Street Fighter 4. You hear that Capcom? I want to see some more characters from SFIII series. I want Alpha 3 type dictator Vega/Bison too...

A boy can dream can he not?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

545th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers in 3D!" , posted Sun 25 Jul 11:09post reply

Some SFIV 3DS Edition screens

Just a Person
1425th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Sun 25 Jul 12:29post reply

I wonder if both capcom and namco's versions will be released at the same time, or if they will be months apart. The latter would be best.

I agree; release both games at the same time could enhance the sense of rivalry between both companies and make each side's supporters consider to play both to discuss which one is better, boosting the hype for both.

However, I think this may not happen; from the trailers and pictures, it seems that SF x Tekken is already quite developed, but Namco didn't show anything about Tekken x SF, so it may not be as advanced...

Anyway, I loved this news! It would be cooler if both games also featured characters from other games of each company, though.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

142th Post

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"Re(3):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Sun 25 Jul 13:57post reply

1st: I'm still surprised how fast this announcement came up after MvC3. Granted it does seems to be ways off from release as stated in the presentation, but if MvC3 is supposed to come out next year, when will SFxT be out, 2012?. And that;s not even considering the Namco side, Tekken X Street Fighter.

2nd: While I am not terribly fond of the tekken series, I am looking forward to the massive match-up of Rufus vs Bob.

3rd: Capcom might have deserted the use of 2D sprites, but at least it's good to see that they still maintain their green recycling habit by reusing models, animation, voice recordings, and even camera locations across multiple games.

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"Re(4):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Sun 25 Jul 14:36post reply

I have a feeling that the new SSF4 arcade characters are going to end up being characters that were being developed for SFxT. So it's a tag game? A team game? Or would the Chun/Nina thing be called a striker/assist? I just hope that Namco's version is the TTT2 that they've been needing to do for a long time.

As for release, my guess is Capcom will release theirs first, then Namco. While it might be epic to pit the two versions against each other and see which one gets more play, it just doesn't make any financial sense. Unless they have a devious plan to monetize between them.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Sun 25 Jul 15:19post reply

I have a feeling that the new SSF4 arcade characters are going to end up being characters that were being developed for SFxT.



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"Re(4):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers in 3D!" , posted Sun 25 Jul 22:11post reply

Some English language details courtesy of Andriasang.

Some details include:

Development on the game started one or two months ago.

The targeted release date is around two years from now.

Ono is thinking that SFvT will be 2 on 2 fighting but seeing as how he has until 2012 to decide that could change.

The staff working on the two games have agreed not to share any details about what they are developing.

Some SFIV 3DS Edition screens

Those screens look nice but I still would like to see a 3DS in person before I let myself get too excited about any of the games coming out for it.

4515th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Mon 26 Jul 03:29post reply




5108th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Fri 13 Aug 02:56post reply




Oh God no....

Someone please hire Golgo while we still have time...

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

3861th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):kangoroos vs oil wrestlers" , posted Fri 13 Aug 22:46post reply




Oh God no....

Someone please hire Golgo while we still have time...

I would like to see a new Darkstalkers game for two reasons. First, I would actually like to play the game. Second, the irrational wailing of people on the internet would be entertaining in an Aya Hirano sort of way.