KOF Thread 4- KOFXIII is out! - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"KOF Thread 4- KOFXIII is out!" , posted Wed 14 Jul 15:07:post reply

Quick notes from lunch break-

1.Story Mode-

The first two stages are dirt easy, then things get harder. But the game is overall easy to beat since the CPU isn't that strong at least by default, and you can always get mission bonuses by rolling around a few times or whatnot. The missions seem to be the same for every round.. or fighter, not sure. You keep getting the same easy quests over and over throughout the game, and you eventually start to ignore the missions until you find yourself in a tight spot.

I didn't meet a mid-boss, probably because I was trying out too many things and not aiming for a good score. There's an intermission after the 3rd or 4th stage-- it's the same thing we've seen in previous videos.

There's split paths at the end of the game. After the last match at Rose Stadium, you either get a bad ending, or advance to the boss. There might be other paths, but those were the two that I've saw during my limited time on the game. Details are at the bottom of this post.

2.Training Mode

Training mode seems to be something more for advanced players than novices, and here's why:

If you go into training mode, the game ends when the training mode's timer runs out. That is, you don't go into normal/arcade mode; goodbye game credit. In normal mode, I think the game runs about 8 stages, and again, the AI in the first two stages are brain-dead at default setting. So the mode seems to be more of a something for advanced players who want to try out some specific combos with plentiful meters.

3.Other Tidibits

Overall, the game is fun to play so far. The game's speed seems to be slower than the more recent KOFs (excluding XII); it's nowhere as hard to punish jumps as say, XI or NeoWave. Because of the speed, the timing on doing cancels/buffers may seem off for first-time players.

As seen in videos already on the net, there's lots of tidbits in the background. Duck King's chick with blue hair is in the USA stage, for example.

King and Yuri have kept their Special KO motions in the product release. In fact, they not just have one, but two animations. The usual motion where they fall back, and a new one for chip damage, in which they fall forward.

K' doesn't have any palettes that erases his shades. His pants uses two seperate palette sets for his left and right legs, and there's a coloring where one side turns red.

Iori's palette with the crecent looks nice. Kyo's looks like a simple circle and it seems a bit weird.

Now keep in mind that this is all from memory so there's probably a few mistakes here and there.
SPOILER (highlight to view)

I- Bad Ending Path
The screen switches to Saiki and his minions at that throne-looking location in the trailers, and they're all bowing down to him. They all look worried; the screen zooms to Botan and you can see a streak of sweat running across her face. Saiki is sitting down on his chair, looking a bit pissed.

A conversation like this takes place: "Damn, you guys are useless. We have just about enough energy to open the gate. We're going to have to rewind time. But don't think that this kind of miracle is gonna happen again!"

The scene then changes and Ash is seen in a dark location where there's the red orb from the intermission. Except, the red orb has totally lost its glow. Ash smiles and walks away. The screen fades, and you see "Game Over".

II-Boss Path
After beating the last opponent at Rose Stadium, the screen zooms into the stadium's back monitor where Rose is seen talking. She suddenly freezes in the middle of the conversation, and we find out that... someone has frozen time.

Suddenly, the Ka No Chi cult members all appear in the stadium (you've seen the scene in previous trailers), and by orders from Saiki, they all fly off to different locations to finish off their last task. Well, all of them.. except Mukai.

Mukai is looking pissed (because he lost in KOF2003) and he asks Saiki to give him another chance against the fighters. Saiki, pissed at Mukai, drains the living life out of him and then transforms into his ultimate form, turning into a red being that looks a lot like Magaki from KOFXI, except with more muscles and no pants (he looks like a Magaki with the muscles of SF3's Urien).

The boss battle takes place in the ruins of Rose Stadium; the ground looks like the black hardened aftermath of molten lava.

Saiki's name is written something like 斎己 or 斎忌 in phonetic Kanji letters as we learn from his pre-bout conversations. Again, he looks like a red muscular Magaki, but with something that looks like black tar on his hands. The tar-like substance is pretty much the single weapon he uses in his fight. And sweet cripes, he's probably one of the slowest KOF bosses in history.

Unlike Magaki, Saiki's not too agressive, but it's still pretty hard to beat him. He can get hit at times by the most simplest moves like a foot sweep, but he can also grab you since your foot goes into his throw range. His four main attacks are- a tar projectile that holds you down for additional attacks, a grab that coats you with tar and chips down your life, a projectile counter that returns your fireball as the aformentioned tar, and a full-screen multihit attack like Orochi's, except the screen turns black with tar, not white. He moves very slow, but he has a teleport so you can't corner him.

I haven't beaten him yet. There's continue bonuses like in previous KOFs, but I wasn't desperate enough to play from the end. Also, there's no missions during the last boss, which makes things even harder.

[edit]According to reports, Saiki is apparently just the middle boss...? An Ash posessed by Saiki (plays like Ash with all moves EX) is said to come out afterwards, and possibly yet another character after that

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 14 Jul 17:40]


2692th Post

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"Re(1):KOF Thread 4- KOFXIII is out!" , posted Wed 14 Jul 15:09:post reply

THE TOXICO MOVIE ARCHIVE (Pre-Release info only) - The following is an archive from past posts thanks to Toxico.
NOTE: ALL comments in this post are from Toxico.

The first thread, the thread started with very little confirmed info, so it's mostly chit chat. Near the end goes into kyokugen ryuu vs kyokushin talk, pretty cool. I'm always cool (?).
The second thread, the first post has an index with vids and misc info.
The third Thread
Game main site jp version, has full cast & trailers.
Game main site, US version..... It hasn't opened yet.
SNK youtube channel. Has a bunch of short high def vids, and trailers for other games and stuffs.
.... Pics from the trailer, dengeki and gpara . Also Gamespot pics, they are just too many

Nico nico parts (Last update on 04/7. Old Beta test, partial roster.)
Nico nico part 35 Mature can use that skull shaped explosion. She didn't have that in XII.... I think.
Nico 36 - 1. This vid is also from a version with no full cast.
Nico 36 - 2. Yes, the actual nico vid was too long, and the uploader actually decided to split it.
Nico 43 AoF 2 Ryo vs AoF 3 Ryo
Nico part 37 / Nico part 38 // Nico nico part 39 - 1 / Nico nico part 39 - 2
Nico 40 - 1 / Nico 40 - 2 / Nico part 41 / Nico nico 42 / Nico part 44
Famitsu 1 / Famitsu 2

20 / 5 : Full cast Beta (HK) (Last update on 22/5)

New pen pen 01 Kula vs McSima. Maxima last a while.
New pen pen 04 K' looks cheap. Bare chested Maxima on round 1.
New pen pen 05 Kula wins some rounds.
New pen pen 10 , new cut scene, I don't get chinese at all ? specially with that front size.
New pen pen 17 , it seems that this one will be the last vid of the first day (20/5).
New pen pen 20 . Vice fwd + A, spotted.
New pen pen 21 . Ash has one of those charging moves from MI
New pen pen 22 . Liz team bgm seems to be bugged, they are (currently) using their XI bgm. It looks like HD cancels need no charge
New pen pen 25 . Dai Maoh / Ma Jr Andy is my favorite palette so far.
New pen pen 26 . I didn't realized that Mature's is actually a giant snake dropping on top of the enemy.
New pen pen 28 . An acceptable Kensou. Sadly he doesn't last long.
New pen pen 29 . More 中国 拳法.
New pen pen 31 . Kula standing CD resembles her old +
New pen pen 35 - 1 / New pen pen 35 - 2 Maxima has leg thrusters now. ? (part.1)
New pen pen 36. Maxima Gets Yuri naked at 2 : 40
New pen pen 37 . There is a girl checking out the game. Shen's full charged Geki punch freezes the screen (like a DM)
New pen pen 42 . Raiden's cls is an overhead (the second hit).
New pen pen 43 . At 1 : 30 , Kyo slams Liz into the ground, and that causes someone to fall down from a three.
New pen pen 44 . Hwa Jai's Drink seems to be a DM (freezes screen, wastes a bar). More importantly, once he drinks, his Neutral stance changes to the pucking beer animation that he had in garou 1. I didn't think they would go so far. ????? I already liked Hwa even before this change ????? ホア・ジャイ 命

New pen pen 02 / New pen pen 03 / New pen pen 06 / New pen pen 07 / New pen pen 08 / New pen pen 09
New pen pen 11 / New pen pen 12 / New pen pen 13 / New pen pen 14 / New pen pen 15 / New pen pen 16
New pen pen 18 / New pen pen 19 / New pen pen 23 / New pen pen 24 / New pen pen 27 / New pen pen 30
New pen pen 32 / New pen pen 33 / New pen pen 34 / New pen pen 38 / New pen pen 39 / New pen pen 40 / New pen pen 41
22/5 vid.... Some HD bar combo. I hope that I'm not the only one that end ups freaked out when someone adds to the characters the "san".

SNK Vids (Last update on 13/07)

Arcade opening sequence -- / -- Official PV of the game
Training mode (sponsored by Rose ♪) -- /- - K' doing arcade target actions

Technical Reference Videos
Chapter 1, (Ash) -- /- - Chapter 2, (Liz Team) -- /- - Chapter 8, Yagami Team
Chapter 3, Japan Team part 1 / Chapter 3 - 2 Japan Team
Chapter 4, Garou part 1 / 4 Garou part 2
Chapter 5, China part 1 / Chapter 5 China 2 ... With his drink counter bonus, new DM & Ex stance moves Chin is looking quite good. I finally learned how his counter works
Chapter 6, Ikari part 1 / chapter 6 Ikari part 2
Chapter 7, Onna part 1 / chapter 7 Onna part 2
Chapter 9, Ryuuko part 1 / chapter 9, Ryuuko part 2
Chapter 10, Kim team part 1 / Chapter 10, Kim team part 2
Chapter 11, K' team part 1 / Chapter 11, K''s team part 2

Arcadia Player's Guide
Arcadia Player's Guide part 1 (Staff interview)
Arcadia Player's Guide part 2 (Small tournament]
Arcadia Player's Guide part 3 (That tournament, but with commentary)

Aim for Tougeki
Tutorial "Aim for tougeki!" Video 1 This is, I think, going to be a series of 5 matches. Here is the first one (the best of 3) with Mitsuhiro Ichiki (I think) vs Cap
Tutorial "Aim for tougeki!" Video 2 Less talk and more killing than the first vid. Ichiki vs M'
Aim for Tougek vid 4 Ichiki vs Kyokugen Do
Aim for tougeki vid 4 It's Ganpi's turn....
Aim for Tougeki 5 Ichiki vs Shoki
Aim for Tougeki Extra Ichiki vs SNK work crew

Neo Max moves
Terry / Andy/ Joe -- /- - Athena / Kensou / Chin
Ralf / Clark / Leona -- /- - King / Yuri / Mai
Yagami / Mature / Vice -- /- - K' / Maxima / Kula
Ryo . That fruit cake blast at the end was totally uncalled for.
Takuma . No comment at his modified Chesto scream at the end.
Hwa Jai Keh--!! They censored Hwa laughing with his tongue at maximum length, pucking whatever he drank before..... According to the blog, that extra freebie part of the taunt is available to the drunken Hwa Jai.
Raiden.... How the move was retweaked to resemble Neptune man's Bomber is quite funny

Terry max HD combo
King's Surprise Rose... This could be seen before, but her EX Dm is modeled after her AoF 2 desperation move.

3 Wallpapers uploaded
Surprise! SNK Honk Kong uploaded some exclusive match footage on their official channel

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 14 Jul 19:12]

5087th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Slight site update....." , posted Wed 14 Jul 15:34:post reply

Great details there Professor. 斎祀? "Worshiping purification"?... Then again I'm perhaps some few years too early to interpret names.

I'll reserve this 3rd post location, and if more movies show up I'll update them here. If you can't be happy with being the king, then you should at least should aim to be the dark power that moves things behind the throne, me says

Our good friends of KoF Union have the patience and zeal to browse throw zillions pages 2ch thread to extract what is of interest to us. A will and effort that I can't seem to make on my own

Tar man

Dark Ash(?) is Dark

EDIT : Dengeki has an interview with the staff... I'm about to leave town in once I wake up (because I'm theoretically asleep right now), so I won't be able to touch this until who knows when. So my cute little fairy heart is hoping for Iggy to beat me out to the translation.

EDIT 2 : SNK released a new HD version of the arcade op. Professor, could you replace the Arcade opening sequence vid on the second post (url is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GnAkMyprnM ) with this one?

EDIT 3 : Blog update It's a thank you note for following the block.

Oh, and in the game site you can read KoF XIII 稼働開始 .... let's just leave it as "The game is out".


Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 31 Jul 06:38]

850th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):KOF Thread 4- KOFXIII is out!" , posted Wed 14 Jul 17:18post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Saiki having a transformation wasn't what I was expecting... and I wouldn't be surprised if Saiki was only the midboss. It's not like SNK to dump almost no info for us right before the 'last boss' like that.

End of Spoiler

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

2691th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):KOF Thread 4- KOFXIII is out!" , posted Wed 14 Jul 17:22:post reply

Apparently so; reports say that there's a posessed Ash with in infinite EX mode right after that.. and possibly someone else after that as well. We'll probably hear stuff in the next 7-8 hours or so.

It's hard to play single mode in the arcades on launch date though.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 14 Jul 17:40]

2025th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KOF Thread 4- KOFXIII is out!" , posted Wed 14 Jul 17:45post reply

Man, I'm not even a KOF player and the Professor's starter thread still has me so excited! What a treasure trove...makes me want to play! This post is classic front-page Cafe news material, if you ask me. I wonder if we would get more new visitors...


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"Re(3):KOF Thread 4- KOFXIII is out!" , posted Wed 14 Jul 17:59post reply

Apparently so; reports say that there's a posessed Ash with in infinite EX mode right after that.. and possibly someone else after that as well. We'll probably hear stuff in the next 7-8 hours or so.

It's hard to play single mode in the arcades on launch date though.

Would you be able to get some feedback from other random players just for the hell of it? I'm kind of curious of their impressions

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2693th Post

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"Re(4):KOF Thread 4- KOFXIII is out!" , posted Wed 14 Jul 18:57:post reply

Apparently so; reports say that there's a posessed Ash with in infinite EX mode right after that.. and possibly someone else after that as well. We'll probably hear stuff in the next 7-8 hours or so.

It's hard to play single mode in the arcades on launch date though.
Would you be able to get some feedback from other random players just for the hell of it? I'm kind of curious of their impressions

I'll make a short compilation from online reports later on if you want; people freak out when they get talked to.

My personal impression, it feels different from any of the previous KOFs. The game speed, hit delay, and character's size ratio to the whole screen makes it feel a bit to me like, say, somewhere in between Real Bout 2 and KOF98. You'll still be seeing a lot of jumps, but they can be punished from reaction. It feels like a step back into the old days, and at the same time, a step forward into the next decade with the new systems. Which is probably why I'm liking the game thus far.

The combos that worked in previous games still generally work, but there's a lot more to learn thanks to the drive meter. Though, I have a feeling that in the end, people might conclude that long combos scales away too much damage and drain meters ineffectively. Still, it's an additional freedom and option of strategy that's been added to the game.

Some of the Neomaxes comes out so fast that you can hit it right after a guard, and that takes away a nice chunk of life because there's no scaling. The way some of the Neomaxes can punish you after a careless move feels almost like Ryu or Sagat's Revenge Attack combo from vanilla SF4. Though of course it's justified in XIII when keeping in mind the required meters. And again, you have to think about whether it's worthwhile to burst out all that meter, or to hold on it for the later rounds. Strategy, strategy.

Of course, if there's any abusive bugs or moves, that spoils all the efforts that's been put into the game system. Hopefully that won't be much of the case.

Maou: Believe it or not, the BBS actually gets more hits than the index. People direct-link all the time. It would be good to do an update though, really!

Toxico: Done, thanks!

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 14 Jul 20:09]

2694th Post

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"Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfirmed." , posted Wed 14 Jul 19:49:post reply

Lots of materials getting reported today. I'll let others gather info for tomorrow onward though.

Saiki pics

K' Team ending pics

KOF Blog is updated with a different but cripsier version of this.

The following are reports from other players and I haven't confirmed their validity.
Still, it's worth the read nevertheless.

Additional colors are selectable for some characters by pressing start during the palette select?

Some teamups have an illustration after the credit roll like 97'?

Mature has an infinite at the edge of the screen?
Death Row x3 (Drive Cancel)> Despair> do Despair's extra attack at the apex of its hop> Death Row x infinite at its fastest timing

Spoiler (hightlight to view)

Someone on 2ch beat the game with the Liz team and had the following to report. Note that KOFXIII has to be played though multiple teams to figure out the whole story.

After beating Saiki, the "gate" which was supposed to open from all the energy collected during the tourament starts closing, much to Saiki's surprise. A few of his minions have apparently been defeated before completing their jobs. Saiki and Botan are stunned, and Ash takes advantage of the situation to grab Saiki's energy out of him, saying that the Ka No Chi members should perish, "just as according to history". However, Ash gets possesed by Saiki instead, because his body for some reason "suits well". The energy emmited from the fusion is so strong that it blasts away the nearby Botan.

Though Dark Ash is beaten, the gate is still a bit opened. Saiki screams for his life, saying that they can keep on trying over and over again by passing though the gate and traveling through time. But Ash stands in the way and the gate closes. Telling Liz that he was planning to do things more smartly, Ash fades away. It turns out that Saiki is his ancestor, so Ash wiped out his own existance by stopping him.

Time starts to move again, and Rose finishes her closing ceremony speech. Sheng and Duolong remain in the stadium even after closing. Liz finds herself inbetween her two team members. A tear of drop falls from her face. The only thing remaining is Ash's hairband.

Credit roll.

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 14 Jul 21:52]

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"Re(5):KOF Thread 4- KOFXIII is out!" , posted Wed 14 Jul 20:24post reply

Thank you professor and Toxico. You're coverage have left me pretty excited about KOFXIII. And the recent info left me in a pretty speculative mood.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
So it seems that SNK is maybe making political commentary with their Tar Man Boss. He seems to be a Bad Person, or BP for short.

End of Spoiler

2694th Post

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"Re(1):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Wed 14 Jul 21:48:post reply

mbisonhatclub- As you've requested, here's a quick sampling of the player's voices from abroad.

-The tragedy that was XII has ended
-The game's touch, its "rythm", is so different from past KOFs, it shouldn't carry the franchise's name
-The game's taken the same path as SF4 and returned to its roots
-The game's speed is slow. But it's probably going to still end up being unbalanced, and with insta-death combos like all other KOFs
-As usual, Kim is broken
-Simple, stressless. Not the crap that XII was.
-The rom-only set is cheap
-People stop coming in when you're using the K' team
-My favorite characters are like, so different from before
-This isn't the KOF that I remember. The last boss is so butt naked
-The Ikari team has got a serious case of metabolic syndrome
-K', Ash, Liz, Duolong. Top tiers.
-Hey you can rip the girls again. But the boss is even more damn nude
-Everyone's just using the old characters.. but at least the old players are coming back to the arcades

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 14 Jul 22:13]

178th Post

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"Re(2):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Wed 14 Jul 22:18post reply

mbisonhatclub- As you've requested, here's a quick sampling of the player's voices from abroad.

Thank you! I really appreciate it. So there is some potential balance issues so far from what it seems but that usually means the game will get more attention--when has an unbalanced game not gotten attention? :3

-Hey you can rip the girls again. But the boss is even more damn nude
I just had to laugh at this one

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Orochinagi WebHamster

"Re(1):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Wed 14 Jul 22:19post reply

aaaaahhhhhhhhhh my stick is trembling with anticpation!!!!

How does it feel?

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"Re(2):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Wed 14 Jul 22:32post reply

aaaaahhhhhhhhhh my stick is trembling with anticpation!!!!

Oh my god, it's our resident Shermie fan back from the grave, but was not inside MMCafe's own Grave (or maybe he was). Well, I mean the one that is not me or Photonsomethingorother

join the m.bison hat club today
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2695th Post

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"Re(3):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Wed 14 Jul 23:19:post reply

It's the Gunman!!!

No Shermie No Buy?

If anyone is wondering why there's still no videos on the general internet, it's hard to take footage since most arcades strictly forbid any form of recording. The mom and pop shops are more easy on that sort of thing, but they'd generally wouldn't take the risk of buying the full XIII kit after.. well, the failure of XII. A lot of people are crying that their local arcade didn't get the game.

But IMO it's just a matter of time. Plus the weekends are coming, and noone can stop the mob of players.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 14 Jul 23:34]

20th Post

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Orochinagi WebHamster

"Re(4):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Thu 15 Jul 00:12post reply

It's the Gunman!!!

No Shermie No Buy?

Hi hi!

Well, she's in the background, so.... :3

It really sounds like they've made the game as fan friendly (and I mean old skool) as possible. I recently turned on 2k2 and blimey those cancel combos are a bit hard. XIII, with the slower speed and easier execution makes it all the more tempting.

I wonder if SNKP will try to follow Arcsys by creating DLC characters... they really need DLC at this point! If so.... here's hoping ^^

How does it feel?

2696th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Thu 15 Jul 00:37:post reply

Gunman! I think you need to add www to your avatar address, it kind of goes weird.

I actually found the combos easier to do than in 98. The input timing can be quite slower than previous KOFs at times. Also, the drive cancel timings can be a bit hard at first, and you need to know the right time frames. SNKP probably realized that and made those videos.

I don't know if SNKP'd actually have the energy to offer additional characters, though the idea sounds good.

As long as it's not unlockable naked Saiki, that is.

Fyi, everyone's calling him Dio for very understandable reasons. He's got shadows on his face, he stops time (at least in terms of storyline), and Ash's body "suits him well" like the blood of a Jojo.

I wonder though, who everybody would want in terms of additional characters.

Oh cripes, don't say Shermie

[edit] It seems like Vice's throw bug from the beta tests is still present! Wow.
Also, though it seems to be very very rare, there's a few reports of the game freezing. It could be a hardware issue limited to that particular unit though.

And that's about it for the day.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 15 Jul 01:29]

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"Re(6):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Thu 15 Jul 01:16post reply


I wonder though, who everybody would want in terms of additional characters.

Well! I would love to see Duck updated with new graphics. Or Tung. Either way I would get my true wish of 'Garou 1 opponents' edit team. Although XI really had it good with some strange choice extra characters, so I'd also love to see any 'strange choice'.

Regarding DLC, I'm glad in a way that we have moved away from the old graphical style since that means that we won't have the same old squad of extra characters from previous KOFs like Goenitz and Geese... unless they plan on updating them graphically! In which case I don't mind.

I don't think we should count extras out, but I worry that any that we get might be broken or not so hot (a la XII).

5054th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Boss vid" , posted Thu 15 Jul 01:25:post reply

Muda muda! As we can see, both bosses where created using Ash sprite as a basis.


Hi hi!

Well, she's in the background, so.... :3

I wonder if SNKP will try to follow Arcsys by creating DLC characters... they really need DLC at this point! If so.... here's hoping ^^

I don't really think there is enough effort left, even if the port takes a year or so in the making.... And we are being trolled

By "being trolled", I mean by Gunsmith ghost I demand a naked Brandon boss.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 15 Jul 01:44]

2697th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Boss vid" , posted Thu 15 Jul 01:40:post reply

Muda muda!

I don't really think there is enough effort left, even if the port takes a year or so in the making.... And we are being trolled

Nice! Thanks for the URL.
Looking back at Saiki from a video, he.. almost looks like some adult oriented mugen character, at least against Mai. I hope there's some other hidden boss aside from Dark Ash.

That Gunsmith plays with only four buttons! That makes him real!

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 15 Jul 01:48]

3720th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Boss vid" , posted Thu 15 Jul 02:59post reply

thanks for the infos, Professor and Papa mono...

Still what surprise me the most is that SNK created what? 8, 9 characters juste for the ingame cut scenes and none of them is in the game.

IMO it was logic to face Botan... And even mukai somehow.
And it's even more strange that this KOF didn't have one single New character at all....Expecially when Adel, Bothan, and any other from the badies would have been fine...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

4514th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Boss vid" , posted Thu 15 Jul 03:22post reply

it's even more strange that this KOF didn't have one single New character at all....

Uh, Hwa Jai?

851th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Boss vid" , posted Thu 15 Jul 03:27post reply

thanks for the infos, Professor and Papa mono...

Still what surprise me the most is that SNK created what? 8, 9 characters juste for the ingame cut scenes and none of them is in the game.

IMO it was logic to face Botan... And even mukai somehow.
And it's even more strange that this KOF didn't have one single New character at all....Expecially when Adel, Bothan, and any other from the badies would have been fine...

I'm sure having a larger group was their intention to begin with, and I never thought Botan was a good choice for a player character, being the manipulator. In part the large number of NPCs was to make up for the fact that Orochi was being run by four people.

The thing that gets me is, they're called "Those from the Past" and they really were from the past. I always thought it was a figure of speech, but then, what were they really trying to do?

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

137th Post

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"Re(3):Boss vid" , posted Thu 15 Jul 03:57post reply

thanks for the infos, Professor and Papa mono...

Still what surprise me the most is that SNK created what? 8, 9 characters juste for the ingame cut scenes and none of them is in the game.

IMO it was logic to face Botan... And even mukai somehow.

It doesn't surprise me too much, at least after all of the NPCs at the end of the NESTS saga who were also just "there", more or less.

2634th Post

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"Re(4):Boss vid" , posted Thu 15 Jul 04:11post reply

The weird thing is that from the ending blurbs they seem to be writing Ash out of the series. Normally I would support this, but sprites in this era have become rather precious so you'd think they would avoid making the usual sweeping roster changes for a while.


716th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Boss vid" , posted Thu 15 Jul 04:23post reply

Amazing thread, thanks a lot. I like the Boss! This game sounds like a finished XII as expected amazing. Let's hope the online infrastructure of the home version will be fine so that people I know (besides Iggy) are interested in playing this game.


375th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(7):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Thu 15 Jul 04:42post reply

Well! I would love to see Duck updated with new graphics.

Duck would also be my number 1 choice! I like playing as him, he looks cool, and adds some diversity (not another Kyo clone or whatever).
Thinking about it, it's kinda surprising they resisted the urge of adding Shingo so far, as sprite clones are cheap, on top of him being a KoF regular. But that's not the kind of console-exclusive characters I'm hoping for.

3839th Post

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"Re(8):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Thu 15 Jul 04:58post reply

Thanks for this thread, it's a great read!

Thinking about it, it's kinda surprising they resisted the urge of adding Shingo so far, as sprite clones are cheap, on top of him being a KoF regular. But that's not the kind of console-exclusive characters I'm hoping for.

I'm calling it now: the DLC team will be Shingo, Momoko and Bao.

9150th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Thu 15 Jul 08:12post reply

I wonder though, who everybody would want in terms of additional characters.

No Shermie No Buy

Oh cripes, don't say Shermie

No Shermie No Buy.

2028th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Rumors, spoilers, reports. All unconfir" , posted Thu 15 Jul 12:10:post reply

This is the most exciting thread in weeks. It is probably the thing that really will make me play KOF finally after all these years.

Or maybe this Kula shot is.
Orochinagi WebHamster
Holy cow, it's Gunsmith! Well, one of these three intense stimuli will surely make me buy the game at any rate. Or hit the arcade next week, whichever.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 15 Jul 12:14]

2698th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 14:46:post reply

Today's a busy day so it'd probably be a smaller update than yesterday, but here's a quick lunch break bonus-

I ' m N O T R a i d e n !

Hidden colors
Some characters have an additional set of 10 colors that can be picked by hitting the start button at the palette select screen. They're more of the exception than the majority. I've only seen Yuri and Raiden thus far. Surprisingly, the more obviously popular characters like Iori and Mai doesn't have it.

But even more shocking is...

Raiden turns into Big Bear when you go into his hidden palette. SNKP must really have a love for him. Note that it's a head swap, so his moves and illustrations are the same as Raiden's.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 15 Jul 14:57]

1654th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 14:56post reply

Today's a busy day so it'd probably be a smaller update than yesterday, but here's a quick lunch break bonus-

I ' m N O T R a i d e n !

Hidden colors
Some characters have an additional set of 10 colors that can be picked by hitting the start button at the palette select screen. They're more of the exception than the majority. I've only seen Yuri and Raiden thus far. Surprisingly, the more obviously popular characters like Iori and Mai doesn't have it.

But even more shocking is...

Raiden turns into Big Bear when you go into his hidden palette. SNKP must really have a love for him. Note that it's a head swap, so his moves and illustrations are the same as Raiden's.

Wow, that is really cool. I really hope I get the chance to play KOFXIII one of these days.

5058th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 15:16:post reply


I ' m N O T R a i d e n !

Simply Amazing

...I remember that in early updates SNK spoke jokingly of Clone Kyo vs text dialogs.... I wonder if they did include him (and Iwata Mitsuo's Voice Samples) as an extra color for vanilla Kyo.

Rose Berstein jpop mode found it at neo gaf.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 15 Jul 15:50]

325th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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"Re(2):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 18:32post reply

OK, the palette variations shown so far already showed an impressive amount of work, but this Big Bear thing is just awesome (would be cool if it implied a change in the character name, but not really needed). This is the one sort of thing that 3D has an esier time pulling off (and SNK worked nicely with it in FFWA) and would make me not mind if the main KoF series switched to that format.
Man, I'd love it if Ryo has a special palette that gave him a beard - I helped to that with a Mugen version of character, it's nowhere near as had as redoing all of Raiden's, although the higher detail in these sprites probably make it harder than simply replacing some colors - FFWA Mr Karate needs more nods in KoF games, if Kensou gets to mature a bit as well...

Regarding the rest of the revelations, wasn't there supposed to be a 3rd boss battle or something? Maybe it's there, but only achievable under certain conditions, like a few perfects and/or NeoMax finishes, or playing through without using the 2nd and 3rd character in your team... time will tell...

Well, this time stopping plot element can certainly help to explain why KoF's been working on comic book time. As for all those NPCs not fighting, it's happened before, and then there's cases like the Kensou/Lon/Dragon power thing that's been teased at since 99 and is yet to see proper closure - reminds me of the Sluggy Freelance concept of Yet Another Dangling Plotline.
Ash being undone from existance brings to mind that Itchy & Scratchy & Poochy episode from the Simpsons - (almost) nobody likes him, so out he goes with little chance of return.

I'm not sure if DLC character will apply to the home versions, but if it happens, the one caracter I expected to see in a plot game after XI was Adel, considering the whole Rose possession thing... it's almost odd that that amounted to sponsoring/hosting the tournament with no further involvement...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2699th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 18:48:post reply

Before starting off on today's update, word of warning: some of the shots are crappy. It's hard to take any to begin with, and when you do, you get smacked around.

1.Hidden Palette sets, Part 2
Raiden isn't the only one with a face swap in his hidden palette set.

W h o i s t h e m a n i n t h e T E N G U M A S K ?

And yes it's a head swap for Takuma.
Ryo doesn't have a hidden palette set.

Andy also has a hidden palette set and it *kind of * gives him a face swap; he wears a ninja-nose-mask very much like that of Eiji Kisaragi's. Technically, it's just a color swap on a part of his face. Also, there's selections that changes color on the upper half of his face instead, making him look like he's wearing a Zoro mask.

K' has a hidden palette set as well, and although it doesn't change his face or anything, the colors are quite ridiculous. You normally can't see it, but the developers apparently split the coloring of his body into four different sections: The left leg, right leg, left body, and right body.

So... leave it to SNKP to take full advantage of that situation, in the weirdest possible way. In one of the colors, K' looks like a fighting Windows Logo. And no, it was too ugly to take a shot of.

Joe and Ralf apparently have hidden palettes as well (unconfimed).

Also, I forgot to mention that all 10 of the color selections change for anyone that has a hidden palette set. So in the case of Raiden, he has 10 color variations/costumes where he's not wearing his mask. One of them gives him black hair.

2.Special KOs
Chip damage Ahoy
Tousan go men!

Kim- Does a series of kicks, then glitters his teeth
Hwa- Fake drink move; jumps up to grab his bottle, but doesn't catch it
Raiden- FF2 taunt; Cmoooon!
Iori- Classic 95 taunt where he leans forward
Vice- Twirls around her neck like she's bored and needs a massage
Mature- Puts her hand across her face
Mai- crouches towards the screen a bit and wobbles around her chest
Yuri- Looks towards the screen and randomly does one of three variations: looks normal, looks surprised with big round eyes, does a peace sign
King- Holds a rose, then tosses it in front of herself and kicks it at opponent (no hit detection)
Ryo- Powers up his chi like in the AOF series
Robert- Same as Ryo
Takuma- Old AOF2 taunt (I think)
Maxima- Does something that looks like his 99 intro where he analizes his enemy, but looking towards the screen, and without as much artwork done on the graphics
K'- Forgot his taunt. But he takes off his shades in his victory pose.

4. Bosses
Saiki is weird. He's really tough to beat with some characters, and really easy with some others. In particular, it's extremely easy to beat him with characters that have a good attack that goes forward but ends you a short distance away after a guard, like Andy's Zaneiken, Terry, or Kim (Hangetsuzan). Some characters like Yuri can even get a perfect because the CPU just doesn't react well to it. Basically, it trys to counter with its special throw and fails. Dark Ash has the same problem, though he does another move instead.

A massive load of photos are available at someone's Tweetphoto.

Pics from other players:
A better shot of Mr. Karate
Bonus illustration for Edit team?
Oswald, image is upsidedown
Baby Ash
Young Ash and Elisabeth

The first half of the game's ending is the same for everyone. The details can be seen in the tweetphotos above but here's a synopsis: Saiki trys to fully posess Ash's body but Ash resists him, standing firm and not moving. Saiki is left screaming for his life in Ash's body, telling him to step into the gate so that they can return back in time and start over. Elizabeth calls Ash's name. Ash overpowers Saiki's posession, and takes his last seconds to smile to Elisabeth, telling her that he made a mistake at the very end and it's time for him to go. Ash fades away from existance. Elishabeth is left shouting, and the screen turns back to the Stadium. Time starts to move again, and Rose finishes her closing ceremony speech. The screen fades black, and the team-specific ending begins.

BTW, Dengeki Online previously reported that King plays an important role in the game's storyline. But so far she feels like any other character.

King team's ending is pretty much like a de ja vu of a few endings in past KOF games, nothing really new. They're at PaoPao Cafe and celebrating with a bunch of other female characters including Vanessa, Marin, Jenet, Xianfei, Kasumi, and Hotaru. They start heating into an argument with Jenet and a few others, poking fun at how she couldn't even make it to the tournament. Hotaru looks worried and asks Richard Meyers if things are ok. Meyers looks at them like it's something that happens all the time and sighs.
/End of Spoiler

[Edit]Things added to this post after it was posted:

Joe and Ralf apparently have hidden palettes as well (unconfimed).

Also, I forgot to mention that all 10 of the color selections change for anyone that has a hidden palette set. So in the case of Raiden, he has 10 color variations/costumes where he's not wearing his mask. One of them gives him black hair.

Pics from other players:
Bonus illustration for Edit team?
Oswald, image is upsidedown
Baby Ash
Young Ash and Elisabeth

A better shot of Mr. Karate

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 15 Jul 19:51]

21th Post

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Orochinagi WebHamster

"Re(3):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 19:35post reply

Charge for it SNKP! Make the head swaps only available as DLC! I'll pay for it! I WILL SAVE YOU FROM EVER GOING BANKRUPT AGAIN!!!!

How does it feel?

180th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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"Re(4):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 20:27post reply

Charge for it SNKP! Make the head swaps only available as DLC! I'll pay for it! I WILL SAVE YOU FROM EVER GOING BANKRUPT AGAIN!!!!

I'd even pay a lot for a SHERMIE DLC

Although I'm curious, what's the Yuri hidden palette like?

join the m.bison hat club today
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2700th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 20:28:post reply

Charge for it SNKP! Make the head swaps only available as DLC! I'll pay for it! I WILL SAVE YOU FROM EVER GOING BANKRUPT AGAIN!!!!
I'd even pay a lot for a SHERMIE DLC

Although I'm curious, what's the Yuri hidden palette like?

She gets her hair back! I didn't notice it while playing, wow.
Someone apparently liked one of her hidden colors so much they took a bunch of photos, below.




[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 15 Jul 20:39]

2700th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 21:24post reply

Videos from Youtube user Sugarboy

1696th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 21:30post reply


She gets her hair back! I didn't notice it while playing, wow.
Someone apparently liked one of her hidden colors so much they took a bunch of photos, below.


Looks like Rachel from Martial Champion

3841th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 21:45:post reply

Holy crap, the front page has been updated!

It's been a long time since I've been this amused by the retro joy of head swaps. Not trying to pawn the heads off as brand new characters and instead treating them as bonus sprites tossed in for fun probably helps. That, and Yuri cosplaying as Rachael from Martial Champion is good for a laugh.
EDIT: Whitesword beat me to the observation.

The suggestion that Ash may have erased himself made me realize that even though I don't play him very often I would still miss the big fop. But after the ending of KoF97 where... something or other happened and all the characters still managed to come back I'm not counting out any character who is considered part of the primary cast.

But even if Ash goes off to that great nail salon in the sky KoF still features this bishonen:



I wanted to try out Big Bear in KoF but now I know which color palette I will use for him. Even if I lose the fight I'll still win because I made people fight against a guy that looks like that.

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Thu 15 Jul 21:46]

181th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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"Re(7):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 21:55post reply


But even if Ash goes off to that great nail salon in the sky...
I don't mean to speculate, but I reckon they are due for a dream match, but I only say that because it's the end of a saga and that's the usual tradition of KOF, despite the fact that that's only happened twice.

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Just a Person
1420th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 22:05post reply

Thanks for the scans, Professor! Baby Ash looks surprisingly cute, and kid Ash actually looks like a boy instead of a girl.

Am I seeing things or is King TOPLESS when her clothes are torn and she is knocked out facing the ground? Gross...

As for the plot...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Quite unexpected. It sucks that the majority of Those from the Past do not fight at all, but Ash's sacrifice is interesting. I wonder, though, if there is any ending that shows that he's actually saved somehow in the end (I mean, in KoF 2003 one wouldn't expect that Ash was after the Orochi treasures until unlocking Chizuru and teaming her up with Iori and Kyo, so there may be a special team combination with more details on Ash's fate).

End of Spoiler

As for the question of other characters we would like to see, I'd choose only Adel for XIII. However, if SNKP decides to make another dream match for the Ash story arc, they will have quite a lot of characters to recreate from scratch and add to the XIII roster (Chizuru, Billy, Yamazaki, Mary, Vanessa, Ramon, Momoko, Ozwald, Jenet, Gato, Tizoc, Whip, Malin, Kasumi, Eiji... quite a big list).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

2701th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 22:17post reply

Thanks for the scans, Professor! Baby Ash looks surprisingly cute, and kid Ash actually looks like a boy instead of a girl.

Am I seeing things or is King TOPLESS when her clothes are torn and she is knocked out facing the ground? Gross...

As for the plot...

As for the question of other characters we would like to see, I'd choose only Adel for XIII. However, if SNKP decides to make another dream match for the Ash story arc, they will have quite a lot of characters to recreate from scratch and add to the XIII roster (Chizuru, Billy, Yamazaki, Mary, Vanessa, Ramon, Momoko, Ozwald, Jenet, Gato, Tizoc, Whip, Malin, Kasumi, Eiji... quite a big list).

Ah no, it's just that her undergarment and the color of the ground is inseperable in that shot.

I'm amazed that people remember Martial Champion... it's such a cult game.

717th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 22:45post reply

Tengu: amazing.

Big Bear: amazinger.

Joe's ending: amazingest!


327th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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"Re(3):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Thu 15 Jul 23:17post reply

W h o i s t h e m a n i n t h e T E N G U M A S K ?

And yes it's a head swap for Takuma.
Ryo doesn't have a hidden palette set.

Totally worth it, expectations exceeded!

If this in the arcade version, it now crosses my mind that those outfits that were shown in the XII mook (Ikari team in her classic outfits, Ryo with long sleeved, etc...) could be DLC instead of these alternate heads. I bet thinner Ralf&Clark would be enough to make this game profitable and finance the next one.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2703th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 00:22:post reply

Youtube user Sugarboy now has a number of additional videos up on his account, accessable from the below URL. Thumbs up to his efforts on bringing 720P quality vids.

It's better to just jump to that URL, but for lazy folks, here's a current list.

KOF XIII (Yagami team's ending)
KOF XIII (Ladies team's ending)
KOF XIII (Japan team's ending with the credits and game over screen)
KOF XIII (Ash or any random team's ending)
KOF XIII (Saiki's after match scene)
KOF XIII (Saiki's pre-match scene)

The credits are interesting.. four art directors? It's difficult to know if there's past SNK artists working on the game since everyone is credited by their real name this time, except for the executive producer Soimen.

[EDIT] According to reports, Ryo and Yuri apparently pushes King to live together with them when you see the AOF team ending. King blushes and kind of panics. Meanwhile, Takuma and Robert are busy going into a physical argument over Robert trying to propose to Yuri.

A contributor wrote transcripts of all the team endings here.. damn that's a lot of text.

..Apparently, Adel isn't in any of the endings. Did the developers just ignore his existance to bring a conclusion to the Ash saga?

And I think that's a wrap with the updates. There probably won't be much to report tomorrow and I'm sure other English contributors on the net will be writing about gameplay tidbits by the weekends.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 16 Jul 02:03]

5059th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 01:20:post reply


The credits are interesting.. four art directors? It's difficult to know if there's past SNK artists working on the game since everyone is credited by their real name this time, except for the executive producer Soimen.

That explains.... a lot Thx for taking all this work gathering info about the game, Professor.

Quick youtube search....
Full screen sans colottes (you know what I mean)

Part two


Soundtrack Release Date by SNK.

Squid Ink Ash victoly pic, it's different from the Normal Ash one

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 16 Jul 02:31]

Count Hihihi
257th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 02:00post reply


..Apparently, Adel isn't in any of the endings. Did the developers just ignore his existance to bring a conclusion to the Ash saga?

This is the only thing that worries me about the game. I'm liking everything else so far.


1983th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 02:31:post reply



Somehow, I'm reminded of that other game with Mizoguchi, Fuun Saiki...
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F52mifEsWw ]Bounce -> walk under -> is too awesome

[this message was edited by Spoon on Fri 16 Jul 07:37]

182th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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"Re(5):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 02:33post reply

Thanks, I appreciate all the handiwork and compiling. Just one more question; is there by chance a palette for "British Kyo" ('99 True Kyo)?

join the m.bison hat club today
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Shin ATproof
1255th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 04:00post reply


I'm amazed that people remember Martial Champion... it's such a cult game.

I remember playing it for hours and hours in Las Vegas and then like 10 years later Pepsitou makes some Doujins with Rachel and I went "LOL oh wow! I remember that game!"

Thank you for the report btw, I cannot wait for of the Arcades in my area to pick up the game. The news has been so awesome that I'm even more hyped for this game than I was already.

I'm still holding out hope for Adelheid and 98Iori. I just have a feeling they are hidden/time released. If not, then I'm expecting Console characters.

Fact: Everything with Norio Wakamoto and/or JAM Project is awesome.
SEmon con langosta y camarón!

5061th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 04:24:post reply

Thanks, I appreciate all the handiwork and compiling. Just one more question; is there by chance a palette for "British Kyo" ('99 True Kyo)?

White Kyo was like, the first weird palette color revealed to the audience. Unfortunately it's only the color; he doesn't have those cross details and zippers that really made the difference between old Kyo and 99' one.

Copype from myself at Oloshinagi, just between you and me I bet I got something wrong

Yagami : Oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Staff : How dangerous! Let's step back! Roll the cameras! Right Over here!
Reporter : During the victory interview of the japan team, suddenly Yagami senshu has made an attack (lit use "has transpassed")
Yagami : Do you have anything to complain on me bursting in into this victory ceremony, Kyo?
Kyo : .... Victory? Is it victory?
Ash (Ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪)
Kyo : You just don't understand, You can't even feel how much I have to thank you for this.
Kyo : ..... Yagami, Don't you have that feeling as well? (he lit uses" you haven't encountered / found something like this too?")
Yagami : Aaa, that Feeling. This day will become your funeral day (responds with "I have met it" and "death anniversary")
Kyo : Hm, ........ Will it be like that
Kyo : Today I'll use that felling of of annoyance that this whole mess has caused me to totally blow you down! (Not really literal, meh)
Yagami : I'll be the one that will show you the entrance to hell, but he rest of the trip you'll have to do it by yourself!
Yagami : DIE------!!!!!!
Ash : And thus things remain the same as always... Ah ha ha ha hah♪ <- thanks doc prof

Ok, If I have to interpret the ending, I'll say that Iori is pissed because he is Iori, and Kyo is pissed because he "didn't" got to see what Ash was aiming to and couldn't stop him from ending out like he did. I take that the Ash flash backs are things that Ash said previously (where as during the tournament or the previous game) and Kyo is remembering them in anger.

That's it, I'm off to sail my mates har har,

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 18 Jul 14:22]

3721th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 06:09post reply

A contributor wrote transcripts of all the team endings here.. damn that's a lot of text.

If I may ask Professor what happens in the psycho soldier ending?

Fortes fortuna juvat...

14th Post

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New Customer

"Re(7):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 08:47post reply

Very interesting info so far! Also, it's refreshing that after so many years, we finally see animated characters again in the cutscenes (they do look a bit better than XII's few scenes anyway). Sure, there hasn't been anything like this before, but they took the extra effort to make the story mode seem interesting.

So the only bosses are Saiki and Dark Ash?



I can't be the only one who saw Zangief through these colors, except less hairy. First we have Yuri posing as Racheal, now this.

2710th Post

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"Re(6):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 19:15:post reply

A contributor wrote transcripts of all the team endings here.. damn that's a lot of text.
If I may ask Professor what happens in the psycho soldier ending?

Psycho Solider Ending.
Athena, Kensou, Chin, Bao and Momoko are being interviewed.

Interviewer: Congratulations on your victory!
Athena: Thank you so much! It was all due to the support of our fans!
Interviewer: You guys are on everyone's minds right now! There's even talks about a TV show and movie based on all of you!
Kensou: Whoa, for real...?

-Suddenly the lights go out-

The other Reporters: Whoa, what? Did the lights go out!?
???: HaHaHa!
???: I am Sigma! The true ruler of this world!

Kensou: Stop! We won't let you get away with that!
Sigma: What!? Who is that!?
Kensou: I'm PSYCHO-RED!
Athena: I'm PSYCHO-BLUE!
Everyone: And together, We are the PSYCHO RANGERS!!
Sigma: Damn you, PSYCHO RANGERS! I summon you, come out, MODDED HIZOKU RON!
Ron: Leave it to me, master Sigma... Fight me, PSYCHO RANGERS!
Kensou: It's you, MODDED HIZOKU! Everyone, let's go!
Kaori: Be careful, PSYCHO RANGERS!
Commander Chin: Use the PSYCHO BOMBER!

Kensou: Like, that would be so cool!
All the others: Dream on!

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 16 Jul 22:05]

2705th Post

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"Re(6):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 19:37:post reply

I'm not sure where its origination is, but a MOTW Terry screen shot is lurking around the internet. As far as I know, it's a photoshop job: Terry doesn't have a hidden palette set.

There's also a soundtrack list for the upcoming OST set lurking around, but I'm not sure of its accuracy. It doesn't have Elisabeth's track listed, for one thing. But on the other hand, it does have "27 Lose (Defeat Demo)" printed there, which is something that nobody's mentioned on the Internet as far as I know: In single player mode, the victory screen jingle is different when you lose the match.

Thanks, I appreciate all the handiwork and compiling. Just one more question; is there by chance a palette for "British Kyo" ('99 True Kyo)?

mbisonhatclub: I'm not... sure, sorry. I don't remember him too well from 99, was he wearing a while jacket? I'll try checking next time.


I'm amazed that people remember Martial Champion... it's such a cult game.

I remember playing it for hours and hours in Las Vegas and then like 10 years later Pepsitou makes some Doujins with Rachel and I went "LOL oh wow! I remember that game!"

The original character designer actually has his own doujins out.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 16 Jul 19:47]

48th Post

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"Re(7):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 19:46post reply

I'm not sure where its origination is, but a MOTW Terry screen shot is lurking around the internet. As far as I know, it's a photoshop job: Terry doesn't have a hidden palette set.

There's also a soundtrack list for the upcoming OST set, but I'm not sure of its accuracy. It doesn't have Elisabeth's track listed, for one thing.

Thanks, I appreciate all the handiwork and compiling. Just one more question; is there by chance a palette for "British Kyo" ('99 True Kyo)?

mbisonhatclub: I'm not... sure, sorry. I don't remember him too well from 99, was he wearing a while jacket? I'll try checking next time.

I'm amazed that people remember Martial Champion... it's such a cult game.

I remember playing it for hours and hours in Las Vegas and then like 10 years later Pepsitou makes some Doujins with Rachel and I went "LOL oh wow! I remember that game!"

The original character designer actually has his own doujins out.

Hey Mr. Professor, Do you know if Kim has any hidden palette options? It would be interesting to see what they would do with him....though I really doubt it- seeing as big bear on his team already has an alt.

And how are the sprites/graphics? I have been hearing that the graphics are nice and the filter is a little bit different than the one shown in the March screen shots back in the day. It would be nice to hear how clean/blurry the graphics look from someone who has actually played the game.

Either way- seems like the general consensus of the game is good.

2706th Post

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"Re(8):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 20:03:post reply

Hey Mr. Professor, Do you know if Kim has any hidden palette options? It would be interesting to see what they would do with him....though I really doubt it- seeing as big bear on his team already has an alt.

And how are the sprites/graphics? I have been hearing that the graphics are nice and the filter is a little bit different than the one shown in the March screen shots back in the day. It would be nice to hear how clean/blurry the graphics look from someone w

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

I don't think Kim has one. Neither does Hwa Jai.

In terms of the graphics, the high-res screenshots that you see on commercial news sites like Gamespot Japan and 4Gamer is pretty much what you'll be seeing at the arcades. Note for instance this picture. You can see that the characters are a bit more pixelated than the backgrounds, but there's some form of anti-alias going on to soften the edges (look at Mature's right arm).

Back in the second beta, the filter seemed more like a generic photoshop setting and just blurred the sprites to something horribly analog looking, almost like playing KOF98UM or 2002UM on an LCD cabinet. The current filter, as the screenshot shows, is much better, nothing too noticable when playing the game. It's not as crisp as XII, but I've heard some gamers complaining that they hated the "blocky graphics in XII, it's way better now in XIII".

So it's got the kind of graphic that goes well with both pixel-art enthusiasts like myself, as well as players from the post-bitmap generation.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 16 Jul 20:14]

49th Post

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"Re(9):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Fri 16 Jul 20:34post reply


I don't think Kim has one. Neither does Hwa Jai.

In terms of the graphics, the high-res screenshots that you see on commercial news sites like Gamespot Japan and 4Gamer is pretty much what you'll be seeing at the arcades. Note for instance this picture. You can see that the characters are a bit more pixelated than the backgrounds, but there's some form of anti-alias going on to soften the edges (look at Mature's right arm).
Back in the second beta, the filter seemed more like a generic photoshop setting and just blurred the sprites to something horribly analog looking, almost like playing KOF98UM or 2002UM on an LCD cabinet. The current filter, as the screenshot shows, is much better, nothing too noticable when playing the game. It's not as crisp as XII, but I've heard some gamers complaining that

Yes, I noticed that the graphics have a much more crisp look, and thought for a minute- my mind was playing tricks on me, since I remembered how awful they looked at first compared to the current GS Japan/4Gamer images.. It definitely shows that the current filter is optimized for the size of the character sprites- and the characters seem to retain their original colors without blurring them out (at least on a much less noticeable level).

Its too bad on the Kim alt- It would have been cool if they had an extra 10 colors for everyone, it didn't necessarily have to be nifty headswaps, I would have been happy with more colors than the original 10. Either way, can't complain too much as a lot of my expectations for this game have been met material wise.

Now I just really want to play it!! Thanks Professor.

2711th Post

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"KOFXIII: Martial Champion Madness" , posted Fri 16 Jul 20:41:post reply

Personal random thoughts.

1. Characters.
-Shoto characters seem to be dominating the game right now. Kyo, K', Kula. Also Ash, Elisabeth and Duolong --though I haven't faced Liz and Duolong yet. IMO it's too early to say who's high amonst the tiers, but I don't think Kyo will be falling from his rank because he has pretty much everything in terms of his moveset.

-In XIII, It's easy to smack someone jumping because the jumps aren't as fast. Only problem is, you'd need a good anti-air. For many of the characters, their normal attacks don't seem to have too much range (at least in terms of anti-air).

Characters that have a good anti-air and can do a combo from weak crouching kick seems to be preffered amongst the players.

-Some characters can do combos from a special without using a drive meter. For Instance, Yuri's feirce Saifa comes out slow but has a quick enough recovery that she can even smack her opponent with a feirce punch before they land. K's is quite awful since his uppercut can hit after his Iron Trigger afterattack.

-Projectiles in general are fast and useful, but not almighty. They're a good novice killer, but advanced players won't have much trouble. Don't quote me on this, but it seems like characters with good projectiles like King and Takuma don't have reliable anti-airs without using their supers. Note that the power meter doesn't fill up if it doesn't even get guarded by the opponent.

-It's really rare to find a Hwa Jai. I'm trying to figure out how to use him myself. Recovery from his weak aerial dragon tail is awfully good, but otherwise his special attacks seem to be punishable. I think his super drink may be the key to fighting with him. Note that you can get hit while drinking, but you'll still turn color. People aren't used to fighting him so they end up trying to guard his dragon back breaker, thinking that it's a ranbu.

-Raiden is fun to use.. does his poison mist come out faster than in XII? Weak poison almost seems like Raiden's handy-tool. Come out quick, connects from his fierce attack, works as a sort of anti-air if done early, and seems to be a good source of chip damage. Holding on the kick button (for a dropkick) while doing his shoulder tackle doesn't cancel the tackle like it did during the beta.

-Mai might be a good projectile character killer since her jumps are fast and far. But it's hard to tell since she's rarely used. Seems to have problems when cornered.

-Yuri has lots of options for attacking and can be quite fun to use. Not as often used like the way everyone did in the Hong Kong beta tests. She's good at offence, but might have issues in defence.

-King can have problems when she's cornered without a meter, but otherwise seems to be a fairly good character. Venom strike has relatively good recovery, aerial venom strike is good for zoning when done with weak. Not a nice character to use when going against beginners that don't know how to fight projectile characters. As always, tornado kick is a recipe for death when guarded deep. Surprise rose seems like a good anti-air even at single stock.

-Takuma's EX Koouken catches everyone by surprise and seems like a good finisher when the opponent has no life remaining. It just appears whereever the opponent is, very scary.

-Haven't met a good Maxima player just yet. I'm not sure how to use him, he's as slow as Molasses and his guard point is a mystery to me; I'm assuming that they're very timing-specific. Then again, a good guard point like Zeus' punch from WHP would be....

Drive Cancels are very timing specific. Check SNKP's videos if you can't get them to work.

The missions in 1P mode loops. There's only like 8-10 of them and they keep shuffle-looping forever throughout the round.

At the edge of the screen, a good number of combos like Takuma's Hien Shippukyaku> Zanretsuken conencts without doing it EX or Drive.

Saiki and Dark Ash actually have pre-fight dialogues for all the characters.

The dialogues in KOFXIII are done by novelist Akihiko Ureshino, so they're pretty good and funny. These are straight out of my bad memory so there's tons of lines missing, but for example--

Raiden vs King:
King: Man, huge guys like you remind me of some bad memories.
Raiden: Huh what? What do you mean?
King: I used to know of someone that was just fat, smelly, and obnoxious.
Raiden: Grr! I've never been so mad about someone else getting badmouthed!

Raiden Vs. Saiki:
Saiki: Hey how about that! Pigs have evolved during the years that they can now speak!
Raiden: What the hell are you talking about?
Saiki: Oh wait, looks like I was wrong. It's not a pig. It's just a big, huge fatso!!
Raiden: Why you---!!

Vice vs King
Vice: Hey, you look... Good, heh heh.
King: What? What are you talking about?
Vice: Oh sugar, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
King: Er, I'd rather not talk about things like that..

Victory quotes are good as well. In Joe vs Joe, he says something to the extent of "I'll beat you next time with a law suit, you pirated copy!"

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 16 Jul 22:24]

2713th Post

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"KOFXIII: Martial Champion Madness" , posted Fri 16 Jul 22:18:post reply

Really not much to report on; most of the stuff have already been revealed in the past 2 days.

1.Hidden Colors
Camo Ralf
Tigerrr Pants!
K' New Super: Blue Screen Of Death

Rachael with a pony tail
Rachael, better view of pony tail
Rachael loses

And so-- K', Andy, Joe, Takuma, Yuri, Ralf, and Raiden are confirmed to have hidden color sets.

2.Screenshots from other players
Camo Ralf
Girly Team illust
Mixed up Hero team illust

K': Fixes the position of his shades
Chin: Continuously Chugs up his drink--- it keeps raising his booze meter until it's stopped!
Terry: Fixes the position of his cap
Joe: Cracks his knuckles

And.. I think that's about it for now. Best luck to the players and arcades getting cabinets on this weekend!

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 17 Jul 10:18]

2713th Post

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"Re(1):KOFXIII: Martial Champion Madness" , posted Sat 17 Jul 09:41:post reply

Come to think, did they slash off Ron and Misty's existence too? (Aside from the Psycho soldier ed.)

Toxico: The team Japan ending, the line that Ash says at the very end means "And thus things remain the same as always".

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 17 Jul 13:59]

2029th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Sat 17 Jul 13:20post reply

Holy crap, the front page has been updated!

It's hard to overstate why that makes me so happy, but somehow it does. And now that KO picture will be on the front page forever, too---superb!


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"Re(7):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Sat 17 Jul 18:03post reply

mbisonhatclub: I'm not... sure, sorry. I don't remember him too well from 99, was he wearing a while jacket? I'll try checking next time.

Yeah, with a black t-shirt that has a black cross design outlined in white with blue jeans, though I think Toxico answered this question, already. Thanks, though.

I kind of wonder why the Rachael color scheme is the only one of her braid palettes that people are taking pictures of, because I was trying to find her OG color scheme with her hair back.

SNKP better give me Leona's classic outfit as a hidden palette in the home version, OR ELSE...!

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2714th Post

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"Re(8):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Sat 17 Jul 22:45:post reply

Psycho Soldier Ed

According to KOF player Dune, Hwa may have a bug where he goes off the screen

Videos uploaded by Youtube user Giby, from Arcade Infinity, California.
And no, there's nothing slow about the video, that's the speed of this game.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 17 Jul 23:12]

1557th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Sun 18 Jul 11:07post reply

I got to play KOF13 a few days ago and I have to say this game is great! It plays like KOF!

It's pretty cool how every character has pre-fight dialogues with every other character

5061th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Sun 18 Jul 14:18:post reply

Psycho Soldier Ed

According to KOF player Dune, Hwa may have a bug where he goes off the screen

Videos uploaded by Youtube user Giby, from Arcade Infinity, California.
And no, there's nothing slow about the video, that's the speed of this game.

Is this different from the playlist previously posted? (I haven't watched anything of it yet).

Very few observations :

Standard Yuri doesn't have a bra, but Rachel Yuri does indeed have one. Oh, and I remembered that her Naked KO in AoF 2 SNES didn't got censored, But instead got a bra added har har har

Ranger Athena was among the unused draws for King of Fighters XII, ergo the ending might have been already planned by that point.. Talk about thinking ahead. That 闇 の 帝王 clone totally cracked me up.

K' KOing Dark Ash in the final stage.... Fighting nail and tooth to find out Who is the biggest sorry, dark, deep emo.


Ikari team ending txt only, on english. The previous page has a small run down on Iori's ending.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 18 Jul 14:32]

2715th Post

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"Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Sun 18 Jul 21:54:post reply


Is this different from the playlist previously posted? (I haven't watched anything of it yet).

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Toxico's video.. the reflection on the screen.. Holy cripes, are people playing side by side at California's Arcade Infinity?

More videos by Youtube user Sugarboy-- Many endings

Andy's Ending quote is an homage to FF1.
Terry: YEAR!

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 18 Jul 22:05]

Just a Person
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"Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Mon 19 Jul 00:15post reply

Standard Yuri doesn't have a bra, but Rachel Yuri does indeed have one. Oh, and I remembered that her Naked KO in AoF 2 SNES didn't got censored, But instead got a bra added har har har

What do you mean, she didn't have a bra in the Arcade in AoF2? Did SNK leave her topless? Because if they could do that, I'm pretty sure Mai would be a more likely victim... unless you mean that she originally wore a strapless bra; I remember that.

Anyway, Standard Yuri does wear a bra in the first picture you posted. It's hard to notice because the straps are white and her skin tone is light, but it's not impossible to notice them.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

3722th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Mon 19 Jul 03:44post reply

Thanks for the info Professor.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

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"Re(2):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Mon 19 Jul 03:45post reply

Toxico's video.. the reflection on the screen.. Holy cripes, are people playing side by side at California's Arcade Infinity?
Eh, I thought that was just the par for American arcades...? I've only ever heard of it not being side by side in Japan, but I usually played in local non-big areas like in the Monterey Bay area and Great America and never have been to AI before.

Speaking of which, a friend of mine online said he came back from AI and played KOFXIII, saying "it plays perfectly well" and said the game's "potential finally showed itself when playing others" and "feels much better after the CC shenanigans." Now I'm really super anxious to hear about a console port and it better have some damn good netplay to make up for the disaster from last year.

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"Re(3):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Mon 19 Jul 04:09post reply

Now I'm really super anxious to hear about a console port and it better have some damn good netplay to make up for the disaster from last year.

Good netplay is a must if they actually want to move copies of this outside of Japan. Or maybe even inside, I don't know. If it's as bad as we've come to expect from SNK there's no way I'd pick this up for $60, or even $40 because it'd be useless except for the handful of times a month I have friends over to play fighters.

Someone told me that XBLA NGBC actually has decent netcode, but I'm hesitant to pick it up because of SNK's previous XBLA games. Can anyone weigh in on this?

Shin ATproof
1256th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Mon 19 Jul 04:56post reply

I can't afford NGBC (and about a dozen XBLA games I want) at the moment but I've spoken to a lot of people, some of whom I believe their opinion on a game: The netcode is actually pretty good.

Fact: Everything with Norio Wakamoto and/or JAM Project is awesome.
SEmon con langosta y camarón!

5061th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Mon 19 Jul 06:35post reply


What do you mean, she didn't have a bra in the Arcade in AoF2? Did SNK leave her topless? Because if they could do that, I'm pretty sure Mai would be a more likely victim... unless you mean that she originally wore a strapless bra; I remember that.

Gah- I totally didn't noticed. I knew about that bra exposed victory from AoF 2, but I always thought that all of her clothes where blown to bits by whatever special effect you used to KO her.

Youtube search says More american vids

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

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Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

2716th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Mon 19 Jul 15:23:post reply

Combo vids

Lupin's art featured on SNKP's site!

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 19 Jul 15:28]

2032th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Mon 19 Jul 16:25post reply

Lupin's art featured on SNKP's site!

Awesome! I can't even remember what name Gen/Lupin used to post with on the BBS itself, but he always made our image board look great!


2717th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Tue 20 Jul 02:08:post reply

More videos from Arcade Infinity by Youtube user Kane317.

The gameplay in those particular videos aren't too impressive, but IMO it pretty much shows the current fate of KOFXIII: Kyo, K', and another strong character of the player's choice. It's not that the other characters are too weak, but that the two characters are very strong and stable. That's how the roster will end up when you're playing to win and don't have any particular love towards the game's characters.

It's too early to say who's strong and who's not, but back in KOFXII, players figured out that Kyo was the beast on day 1 (then again, the game disappeared from most arcades by day 60 and that kind of hints its lack of depth).

I haven't seen anyone doing Mature's infinite, but multiple reports say that it's for real, and not too hard to accomplish.

In other tidbits, reports say that Takuma's EX Hien-Shippukyaku can be done without meter for some reason.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 20 Jul 02:48]

Shin ATproof
1258th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Tue 20 Jul 03:44:post reply

Plan to head down to AI myself, I'll try getting some footage of my own.

As for Kyo, well he didn't seem to get any nerfs and all buffs so it isn't very surprising that he'd still be on top in this game. I think its a bit early to worry about balance or the variety of teams and its effect on the life of the game though. Lots of people like KoF11 despite all the Kula/Gato/Oswald shenanigans...certainly this game looks like it'll do much, much better than KoF12 anyway...

SNKP better have something big planned for the Console version. I really like how this game turned out and want it to continue.


I haven't seen anyone doing Mature's infinite, but multiple reports say that it's for real, and not too hard to accomplish.

That is a problem. Hope that'll get ironed out in either an Arcade patch or the eventual Console version.

In other tidbits, reports say that Takuma's EX Hien-Shippukyaku can be done without meter for some reason.

That is an even bigger problem. I hate Takuma in this game. I really hope that gets fixed.

Fact: Everything with Norio Wakamoto and/or JAM Project is awesome.
SEmon con langosta y camarón!

[this message was edited by Shin ATproof on Tue 20 Jul 03:50]

3843th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Tue 20 Jul 04:53post reply

How is the character balance for XIII shaping up when compared to previous KoF games? Did the older games feature a fairly even roster or did a few overpowered jokers ruin the party for everyone? I ask this out ignorance; because there has never been many KoF fans in my part of the world I've never bothered to check on tier rankings.

Lupin's art featured on SNKP's site!

Congrats to Lupin! I always enjoyed his idiosyncratic style so it's good to see him reaching a wider audience.

2950th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Tue 20 Jul 06:32post reply

How is the character balance for XIII shaping up when compared to previous KoF games? Did the older games feature a fairly even roster or did a few overpowered jokers ruin the party for everyone? I ask this out ignorance; because there has never been many KoF fans in my part of the world I've never bothered to check on tier rankings.

Are we talking tournament level balance, or medium level play balance?

The home version of KOF XI is pretty good if you ignore the console exclusive characters and 02 UM has poor balance overall, but a large enough number of high-tier characters to make for a good experience. I would assume that 98 is decent, since so many people say it's the best KOF game and so many of the characters play the same. Nobody plays the other games anymore, and I didn't spend much time with them, myself, so I can't say.

Even 12, where Kyo and Iori were insanely overpowered, had a fair division of playable characters a notch under them. Even if you put Kyo AND Iori on your team, you still have another slot to fill.

I can't speak for KOF XIII in comparison to other KOFs (too early), but I think KOF as a series stacks up okay against other 2D fighters. Anything beats those Vega/Sagat/Blanka teams in CvS2. Really...in a game with so many characters, seeing 6 guys in a row use the exact same team was pretty demoralizing. (although admittedly, arcade KOFXI was the same way)

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852th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Tue 20 Jul 07:12post reply

As a casual player I distinctly remember having to deal with Iori and Kula a fair number of times no matter which version of the game. It was kind of sad in that all the Iori players pretty much did the exact same thing so it was fairly simple to beat them.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

5063th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Tue 20 Jul 10:45post reply

I would assume that 98 is decent, since so many people say it's the best KOF game and so many of the characters play the same. Nobody plays the other games anymore, and I didn't spend much time with them, myself, so I can't say.

5 ~ 6 characters can dominate the whole cast, and they are pretty much boring to fight. The reason why hardcore 98' players disliked 98UM it's because it introduced more and more annoying tiers instead of the usual old cheap characters, and as such in the end players choose not to let go of their "hard practiced" dominance and kept playing the old game, instead of learning new things, learning new characters or fighting it as the underdog.

2003' hero team edit ending first is the normal edit ending, and then a pic.... This is the best glance we have had so far of the edit pics

Ash, Kyo, Iori It's not an special edit ending, but the uploader advertise this as such.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

2718th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Tue 20 Jul 14:52:post reply

How is the character balance for XIII shaping up when compared to previous KoF games? Did the older games feature a fairly even roster or did a few overpowered jokers ruin the party for everyone? I ask this out ignorance; because there has never been many KoF fans in my part of the world I've never bothered to check on tier rankings.

Lupin's art featured on SNKP's site!
Congrats to Lupin! I always enjoyed his idiosyncratic style so it's good to see him reaching a wider audience.

98, 2002, and XII(believe it or not) had pretty good game balance. Many of the others either had overwhelmingly strong characters or bugged characters.

In recent games, KOF2003 was notorious for its "D&D Duo"-- Daimon Goro and Duolong. Both characters were really strong in the game, but what made them even worse was that 1.The game system was flawed and Goro could do unavoidable throws, 2.Duolong could do infinites and insta-death combos.

KOFXI wasn't as broken system-wise, but it had its share of unbalanced characters; Kula, Gato, Ozwald. Kula and her jumping fierce was an obvious issue from Day 1, and it was really questionable how SNKP could've overlooked something so basic.

It's too early to tell how KOFXIII will end up. My personal guess is that it'll end up like Samurai Shodown 6: fun to play, good controls, not too speedy, lots of options at least on the surface, questionable game balance due to a handful of characters.

Notes on KOFXIII's damage scaling according to observations by KOF player Dune

1. Damage scaling doesn't seem to differ whether you're in Hyper Drive mode or not.

2. Scaling is done according to the number of moves you've done, and not the number of hits. For example, whether you do a fierce punch into a super or a zanretsuken into a super, the damage from the super is the same.

3. The Scaleback rate is 5 percent per attack. Dune hasn't checked what happens after 20 attacks (because in theory, that'll be a 100% scaleback rate).

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 20 Jul 16:14]

1th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Tue 20 Jul 16:30:post reply

More videos from Arcade Infinity by Youtube user Kane317.

The gameplay in those particular videos aren't too impressive, but IMO it pretty much shows the current fate of KOFXIII: Kyo, K', and another strong character of the player's choice. It's not that the other characters are too weak, but that the two characters are very strong and stable. That's how the roster will end up when you're playing to win and don't have any particular love towards the game's characters.

It's too early to say who's strong and who's not, but back in KOFXII, players figured out that Kyo was the beast on day 1 (then again, the game disappeared from most arcades by day 60 and that kind of hints its lack of depth).

I haven't seen anyone doing Mature's infinite, but multiple reports say that it's for real, and not too hard to accomplish.

In other tidbits, reports say that Takuma's EX Hien-Shippukyaku can be done without meter for some reason.

Been awhile since I've been on the board. Hello guys, I've known Madman from back in the mailing list days before forums/bbs were common ground. About our vids...

We're still working getting our skill level up. I explained in other forums that we only have one cabinet, and when our local champ is around (which is fairly often) then nobody gets any practice time in.

Usual like is 5-6 people, and on Fri and Sat it's 9+ people. To illustrate, the first day I was for 4-5 hours and I probably only got 30-40mins game time, with 30-40mins GAP in between playing (not really helping with the adaption period).

Fear not, our skill level is slowly creeping up but it'll never approach Asia standards (I lived in HK for ten years and there's simply not enough competition).

Enjoy the vids, from now on I'm going to try to select more exciting matches to upload :)

I don't know if this has been posted. If you're in training mode, challenged, and lose the challenge, the new challenger goes into the single player + mission mode or whatever it's called.


[this message was edited by Kane317 on Tue 20 Jul 16:56]

2731th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Tue 20 Jul 21:02:post reply

Been awhile since I've been on the board. Hello guys, I've known Madman from back in the mailing list days before forums/bbs were common ground. About our vids...

We're still working getting our skill level up. I explained in other forums that we only have one cabinet, and when our local champ is around (which is fairly often) then nobody gets any practice time in.

Usual like is 5-6 people, and on Fri and Sat it's 9+ people. To illustrate, the first day I was for 4-5 hours and I probably only got 30-40mins game time, with 30-40mins GAP in between playing (not really helping with the adaption period).

Hi Kane, welcome to the BBS!
Wow, the ML days. Sorry if I can't recall things off the top of my head, that's like nearly 15 years back and I have a weak memory, forgive me.

Thank you for your videos. I'm sure that not only this BBS but SNKP focused sites and forums in general appreciate your efforts. Taking footage can be hard, especially with the headache of adjusting the brightness and white balance. It might help to take a few minutes to find the right configuration during gameplay (not during character/order selection). Kudos.

30-40 minute waits are like beta testing lines, no wonder the players are having a hard time learning. What do you think of the game thus far?

Quick update-

Videos from Japan by Youtube user Smoai. Decent quality image, no audio.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 21 Jul 01:12]

5064th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Wed 21 Jul 01:29post reply


Quick update-

Videos from Japan by Youtube user Smoai. Decent quality image, no audio.

Smoai is the site of an arcade, I think; and within a day or a few days they upload a ridiculous quantity of gameplay footage... I personally think that for this case is better to list the videos like this:

Competitive movie 1

Competitive movie 2

Competitive movie 3

Competitive movie 4

Competitive movie 5

Competitive movie 6

Competitive movie 7

Oh, and damage scaling is the same as it was in XII (* dramatic tune * chan chan chan!!).

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

1984th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Wed 21 Jul 02:04post reply

Per-move combo damage scaling

Interestingly, this is the same approach that SF4 uses, except that SF4 scales about 10% per move of the combo rather than 5%.

1th Post

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New Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Wed 21 Jul 05:57post reply

Been awhile since I've been on the board. Hello guys, I've known Madman from back in the mailing list days before forums/bbs were common ground. About our vids...

We're still working getting our skill level up. I explained in other forums that we only have one cabinet, and when our local champ is around (which is fairly often) then nobody gets any practice time in.

Usual like is 5-6 people, and on Fri and Sat it's 9+ people. To illustrate, the first day I was for 4-5 hours and I probably only got 30-40mins game time, with 30-40mins GAP in between playing (not really helping with the adaption period).

Hi Kane, welcome to the BBS!
Wow, the ML days. Sorry if I can't recall things off the top of my head, that's like nearly 15 years back and I have a weak memory, forgive me.

Thank you for your videos. I'm sure that not only this BBS but SNKP focused sites and forums in general appreciate your efforts. Taking footage can be hard, especially with the headache of adjusting the brightness and white balance. It might help to take a few minutes to find the right configuration during gameplay (not during character/order selection). Kudos.

30-40 minute waits are like beta testing lines, no wonder the players are having a hard time learning. What do you think of the game thus far?

Quick update-

Videos from Japan by Youtube user Smoai. Decent quality image, no audio.

Oh, I never adjust the color and whiteness, maybe I should although I wouldn't know where to begin. It's always point and shoot for me.

Just curious, how many machines per arcade on average? If it's like HK than it's 2-4 machines usually. Over in AI it's only 1 :(

How do I like it? I love it! I foresee this to be an instant classic, all the right KOF elements in HD basically. I'm getting used to the timing now and since I haven't recorded anything since, most of the regulars are getting better as well.


185th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Wed 21 Jul 07:12post reply

Per-move combo damage scaling

Interestingly, this is the same approach that SF4 uses, except that SF4 scales about 10% per move of the combo rather than 5%.

Blazblue actually scales by the type of move used and also penalizes by repetition of certain moves by way of damage and of course shrinking the frame time before one is allowed to tech/recover, it'd be kind of good to see more of this specific scaling done as certain moves into other moves can prove to be too useful and relied upon otherwise

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

1985th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):Re(10):KOFXII: The Curse of the Koalas" , posted Wed 21 Jul 11:56post reply


Blazblue actually scales by the type of move used and also penalizes by repetition of certain moves by way of damage and of course shrinking the frame time before one is allowed to tech/recover, it'd be kind of good to see more of this specific scaling done as certain moves into other moves can prove to be too useful and relied upon otherwise

Blazblue has an interesting point that you mentioned in that it adds additional scaling when a move connects more than once in a combo.

Move-specific proration values aren't too radically new anymore (it's kind of disturbing to me that I can cite 3S as an example of it not being a radically new thing... we're so old!), but the take on it which GG had was interesting: certain moves would ONLY apply their proration if they started the combo, while other moves would always apply it! In a reverse of Blazblue, Sol's sidewinder actually increases in damage with every clean hit of it in a combo! But then again, sidewinder was specifically designed to act as Sol's new loop combo move.

The shrinking of hitstun is a pretty necessary thing in a game where everybody has such powerful abilities to move and hit the other guy, though sometimes it has the unfortunate effect of needing players to spend a lot of time figuring out combos. On the plus side, a lot of creativity can come out as players figure out ways to sustain combos.

A point that even now strikes me as interesting is that in more modern (say, after 1990s) fighting games, it is quite possible for an entire combo to do less damage than the most damaging move in the combo. In Rumble Fish 1 even, comboing light attacks into a super results in a combo that does less damage than the super alone.

Sometimes I think that the real people we should be getting to balance fighting games are people whose principal trade is finance; who better understands expected values, falloff and inflection points, and proration better than them?

2033th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"KOF blessings" , posted Wed 21 Jul 13:14post reply


Been awhile since I've been on the board. Hello guys, I've known Madman from back in the mailing list days before forums/bbs were common ground. About our vids...

KOFXIII is the most powerful reuniting force I have ever seen on a BBS, ever. Manga-style tears of joy are streaming down my cheek as a result of all the web 1.0 heroes being revived by this second (thirteenth) coming. Where's a good loketest in Tokyo now?


2736th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):KOF blessings" , posted Wed 21 Jul 16:13:post reply


Been awhile since I've been on the board. Hello guys, I've known Madman from back in the mailing list days before forums/bbs were common ground. About our vids... WELCOME BACK TO THE STAGE OF HISTORY

KOFXIII is the most powerful reuniting force I have ever seen on a BBS, ever. Manga-style tears of joy are streaming down my cheek as a result of all the web 1.0 heroes being revived by this second (thirteenth) coming. Where's a good loketest in Tokyo now?

The thing is, it actually feels like a fully developed new game, which was something that SNKP lacked for nearly a decade, or at least half of that.

KOF13 Location testing...? Well the game is out so...

Kane: Great to hear that you're enjoying the game! There's usually just 1 or 2 sets per arcade, with the 1P and 2P's side faced shoulder to shoulder. Only thing is, there's a LOT of arcades. If someone's hogging the machine, you can go somewhere else for practice and whatnot.

More videos by Giby

According to reports, another bug found: Goro's EX Jiraishin can be done without meter, just like Takuma's Hien Shippukyaku. (Technically, you'll need maybe a dot of meter power)

I haven't checked it myself yet, but that sounds really bad.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 21 Jul 22:12]

2036th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOF blessings" , posted Wed 21 Jul 16:15:post reply

Egads, you're right, I was obsessing with yet-to-be-released home ports and wasn't thinking straight. Problem solved!


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 21 Jul 16:39]

854th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):KOF blessings" , posted Wed 21 Jul 16:54post reply

I watched most of the endings.. and a couple things occurred to me.

When was the last time the ending of KOF... was a straight up victory ceremony? Quite a number of the endings are that.

Terry having Mary in arm, Andy having Mai in arm... Joe gets... tackled by a man(ly woman) in a dress?? Actually I'm more surprised that Mai is there and Andy isn't freaking out.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

5069th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOF blessings" , posted Thu 22 Jul 02:57:post reply

According to reports, another bug found: Goro's EX Jiraishin can be done without meter, just like Takuma's Hien Shippukyaku. (Technically, you'll need maybe a dot of meter power)

I haven't checked it myself yet, but that sounds really bad.

Jiraishin was the quake, right? if you check through this vid you can see Goro EXing a lot of them in the vs squid ink Ash fight, and all of them use a bar.

Now, what I'm guessing either is; the bugs are much more specific than we see (as in, to be triggered they might need an specific color, an specific stage, an specific match up or an specific quick button press, like those 95' dodge -> special move bugs).

Or not all the machine packed aren't the same version; so you might find some bugs in one of them, that are fixed for the rest of the machines... That would also explain some games freezing and some other don't.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 22 Jul 03:13]

2737th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):KOF blessings" , posted Thu 22 Jul 03:39:post reply

According to reports, another bug found: Goro's EX Jiraishin can be done without meter, just like Takuma's Hien Shippukyaku. (Technically, you'll need maybe a dot of meter power)

I haven't checked it myself yet, but that sounds really bad.

Jiraishin was the quake, right? if you check through this vid you can see Goro EXing a lot of them in the vs squid ink Ash fight, and all of them use a bar.

Now, what I'm guessing either is; the bugs are much more specific than we see (as in, to be triggered they might need an specific color, an specific stage, an specific match up or an specific quick button press, like those 95' dodge -> special move bugs).

Or not all the machine packed aren't the same version; so you might find some bugs in one of them, that are fixed for the rest of the machines... That would also explain some games freezing and some other don't.

Ah sorry, I forgot to mention: Takuma's EX Shippu and Goro's Jiraishin can be done without meter, but it depletes a meter if there is any. In another words, it's supposed to be useful when they don't have anything, like when they're the first character in the match.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 22 Jul 03:55]

5072th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KOF blessings" , posted Thu 22 Jul 12:43:post reply

An SNK trailer of Ichiki getting owned, this is part of a blog update

1080p gameplay , extreme close up.

1080p gameplay, second part.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 22 Jul 12:51]

2th Post

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"Re(5):KOF blessings" , posted Thu 22 Jul 19:58post reply

5 new videos uploaded onto my YouTube. Gameplay is getting more competitive, some maxcancels, and close games as well. Give us a month and we'll be up to speed.


Count Hihihi
258th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):KOF blessings" , posted Fri 23 Jul 00:59post reply

I noticed that the game lets you choose a button layout before picking your characters. Are there more than Type A and Type B? Is the Hong Kong layout supported?


3th Post

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New Customer

"Re(7):KOF blessings" , posted Fri 23 Jul 02:24post reply

I noticed that the game lets you choose a button layout before picking your characters. Are there more than Type A and Type B? Is the Hong Kong layout supported?

I'm sure you can pre-set it during setup.

HK is:



Count Hihihi
259th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(8):KOF blessings" , posted Fri 23 Jul 18:24post reply


HK is:


Yeah, that's it. I might have to learn it if I plan on visiting HK. I can't grasp Type A and don't want to bother learning it if they use DABC in HK for this game too.


5074th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):KOF blessings" , posted Sat 24 Jul 01:49:post reply

More smoai vids.... Are they speaking on chinese?

On location match 1

On location match 2

On location match 3

On location match 4

On location match 5

EDIT : Ho, they are already promoting the Master Guide for the game

While I was not looking SNK seem to have updated their game blog yet again; this time they are reviewing the related merchandise that has shown up recently in the market... The most interesting thing is about the Master Guide, if I'm reading this correctly the book will include Ogura art, details about the storyline and some other tidbits aside the supposedly complete gameplay details.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 24 Jul 02:23]

5th Post

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"Re(10):KOF blessings" , posted Sat 24 Jul 18:11:post reply

More smoai vids.... Are they speaking on chinese?

Yes. It specifically sounds like Taiwan Mandarin too (vs China).


[this message was edited by Kane317 on Sat 24 Jul 18:12]

2744th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):KOF blessings" , posted Fri 30 Jul 01:19:post reply

Heavenly Hwa Jai Attack

And that's really about it for now. The game's already been out for more than two weeks and people have pretty much gotten used to it. Things will probably be silent until Tougeki, when the top players unveil the bugs and abuses they've unfortunately found in the game.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 30 Jul 01:23]

5083th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):KOF blessings" , posted Fri 30 Jul 05:16:post reply

Things will probably be silent until Tougeki, when the top players unveil the bugs and abuses they've unfortunately found in the game.

Most certainly.

This week blog update talks about how the game is having movement outside japan, with 4 international spots for Tougeki qualifiers which starts on August 1st. There is also a quick video about the game on chinese.

Now my main worry is.... Will SNK present at tougeki the same game that there is right now on the arcades? or will they do a 1.1 version where they remove some of those bugs and Mature's infinite? More than worry, I would feel encouraged if they (for the first time ever) started to re update the a game release, issue that capcom was crazy back in the day. (I played like... twenty versions of X-men children of the atom, all with different bugs and some with different combos).

Also, on a whim; I was reading yesterday the blog entry on KoF 2002 UM un-used details... Some how I liked a lot the entry and suffered a little on how they couldn't work on some of those ideas (like the extra stages or the Wild Ambitions DMs for Andy and Joe). I also wonder why they didn't finished the stages for the Tougeki version then again that second version budget was nearly zero. (as hinted by it's retail price). I wish they would do that for XIII as well, a detailed entry about un-used backgrounds and moves.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 30 Jul 05:35]

399th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):KOF blessings" , posted Fri 30 Jul 05:36post reply

Also, on a whim; I was reading yesterday the blog entry on KoF 2002 UM un-used details... Some how I liked a lot the entry and suffered a little on how they couldn't work on some of those ideas (like the extra stages or the Wild Ambitions DMs for Andy and Joe). I also wonder why they didn't finished the stages for the Tougeki version then again that second version budget was nearly zero. (as hinted by it's retail price). I wish they would do that for XIII as well, detailed un-used backgrounds and moves.

Agreed, since there are almost certainly such things that exist. I miss the NeoGeo days when after the cart was released dozens of enterprising individuals would dig through dip switches to find unused moves, animations, etc. (like was discussed about Ryuuko no Ken lately).

I was surprised that SNKP bothered with the Tougeki version of 2002UM, since (from the other thread where it is being discussed) it seems like relatively little has been adjusted. That's why I didn't bother with it (yet).

5084th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):KOF blessings" , posted Fri 30 Jul 06:36:post reply

I was surprised that SNKP bothered with the Tougeki version of 2002UM, since (from the other thread where it is being discussed) it seems like relatively little has been adjusted. That's why I didn't bother with it (yet).

That was a... How should we say it?... "A nice Samaritan behaviour".

Let's look at the whole story : For example once a game is released, they ship around, let's suppose xxx.thousand units. If within a certain time frame the game manages to sell a certain big percentage of it's units; then Sony would consider them worthy of having a repacking as playstation's best or something like that, and that would mean that in certain day, the providing company will be allowed to create another xxx.thousand units they decide for the game and is usually distributed at a much lower price, since the game is not new at all. Usually that second packing of the game has nothing different as software per se, but the manual or the box are of lower quality materials (this is made to cut costs and lower the final package price even more).

This has been a long tradition since the psx~1 days (you should go to your game collection, and check which only has a "playstation" logo on the box, and which has a "playstation's best" pasted in there). This has been created so that Sony has some level of control over the amount of units of a game that is rotating in the market... We don't need more of those "Atari's ETC" industrial waste disposal cases, now; don't we?

Now, what SNK did here, was that for their "playstation's best" edition of KoF 2002 UM (game that literally sold almost every available unit shortly after it's release (it also wasn't a large unit product)), anyway, for that re edition of the game, instead of giving the consumer the same exact package as they where supposed to do, they did a slight upgrade on the mechanics (let's call it... version 1.2). Which isn't clearly enough to be considered another "version" of the game (like, from vanilla 2002 to 2002um) but is still a nice freebie that they threw at us when they weren't supposed to do anything nor give anything for free to us at all.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 30 Jul 06:43]

5094th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation inside)" , posted Fri 30 Jul 19:05:post reply

Preview of his theme as well.

Edit 1 :

お前ら ごときが
俺に 勝てる わけが ない だろ?

"You bunch couldn't possibly mean to beat me, do you?"

Most fields on his profile are 『不明』 'unknown'
Blood type is O
His fighting style is 『肉弾戦』 "Nikudansen" , is an warfare style where soldiers fling themselves at the enemy.
His height and weight are stated as 178cm and 59kgs respectively, but is noted that they will vary later (when he fuses with Ash).
His character tag line is 『 時闇 を 統べる もの 』 "He who controls / masters the Dark Hour"

Now, according to the early KoF union site rips, there is still a boss tag that hasn't been used yet. However there is no apparent space left on the home page selection screen (adding more characters would trash the symmetry of the site... Then again this could be re-designed later (I remember they did something like that for SvC Chaos, where they re sized the screen each time a character was added, thus the site couldn't possible be a hint on the total character number))

Edit 2 :

Arcadia Magazine Cover

Dengeki Has full body art for Saiki's two forms: dressed and ready to mud wrestle.

Ready to go!

obscene voodoo dance teleport

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 4 Aug 07:08]

2745th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation insi" , posted Fri 30 Jul 20:56:post reply


Arcadia Magazine Cover
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Very very quick notes on that latest issue of Arcadia magazine--

1. Arcadia's top tier picks are K', Mature, and Iori. The three characters weren't listed in any order of ranking because that's the teamup that the magazine expects to see a lot at the Tougeki tournament (preliminaries starts from Aug.1). The magazine also picked Kyo, Elisabeth, and Maxima as their secondary choice of characters.

2.Raiden and I *think* it was Takuma, was also mentioned because they have some powerful combos. In fact, Takuma apparently has a knockout/100% combo that can be done as long as he has about 70% of his drive meter full.

IMO, Raiden is powerful but hard to use. He has some weird attributes, like his closeup fierce kick is an overhead. He's in my choice of teamup.

Toxico: Hopefully there'd be some sort of update, at least for the home console version. There's some balance issues too, with K' and Iori making the game feel like XI all over again.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 30 Jul 23:46]

5087th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation insi" , posted Sat 31 Jul 06:01:post reply


Arcadia Magazine Cover
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Very very quick notes on that latest issue of Arcadia magazine--

Sugaboy at cyberfanatix Provided some scans about this month arcadia magazine.

Now we don't need to rely on the Professor's 立ち読み skills

Oh, and Saiki's name is created with the kanjis of purification ( 斎 ) and worship ( 祀 ).... I mention this because I just couldn't get it before seeing it on the official site.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 31 Jul 06:43]

5th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation insi" , posted Sat 31 Jul 11:00post reply

Thanks for all the translations.

Here's a couple more vids:
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=FA82012A5EB0111F - Arcade Infinity Casuals July 29th '10


2747th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation insi" , posted Sat 31 Jul 15:31:post reply

Thanks for all the translations.

Here's a couple more vids:
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=FA82012A5EB0111F - Arcade Infinity Casuals July 29th '10

Kudos to your high-quality videos. Everyone's gotten quite good!

Looking back at Takuma's combo, it's basically an infinite loop.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 31 Jul 15:43]

5088th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation insi" , posted Sat 31 Jul 17:44post reply

Yes, YES!

Let's hope for more magnificent secret ending pics such as that one. (Credit -> Orochinagi's Penpen )

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

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Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

5089th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation insi" , posted Sun 1 Aug 07:49post reply

Yes, YES!

Let's hope for more magnificent secret ending pics such as that one. (Credit -> Orochinagi's Penpen )

I was reading some random posts, and there it seems to be a code to change your team every time some pics a fight with you in the arcade game. It basically goes like this.

First, just play normally like you would, either in practice mode, arcade mode or vs mode.

Now, when a new challenger pops up, before they press start you have to input the code for practice mode game (press and hold all four buttons simultaneously). As soon as the enemy is prompted to select a button configuration, you will do so as well.

I haven't checked it, so I'm not sure if I'm reading this right, or lacking some content for the bug to work... This one actually sounds great.

Tougeki rules are actually banning bugs from the competition... that would mean that there it won't be a patched release for this at the time of the tournament (or likely never perhaps until console release ).

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

1994th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation insi" , posted Sun 1 Aug 09:31post reply


Tougeki rules are actually banning bugs from the competition... that would mean that there it won't be a patched release for this at the time of the tournament (or likely never perhaps until console release ).

Hmm, any detail on the nature of this ruling?

A long-held standard on bug abuse is that any bug that stalls the game (e.g. dead body infinites in MvC2, Gambit flying off the screen and never coming down in MvC2, crashing the game in all kinds of games, etc.) is banned.

On the other hand, some behaviour is actually bugged, but seems so normal that it's hard to construe as buggy. And then there are weird cancels in all kinds of games that are actually really useful, etc. etc....
... and then there's HnK, where the whole game seems like a bug, but it's ok.

7th Post

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New Customer

"Arcade Infinity HD Direct Feed KOF XIII" , posted Sun 1 Aug 18:03:post reply

Arcade Infinity HD Direct Feed KOF XIII is out. Keep an eye as we're uploading more in the next day or two.



[this message was edited by Kane317 on Sun 1 Aug 18:04]

2748th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation insi" , posted Sun 1 Aug 20:04:post reply

Toxico: That is one weird Berubala pic. About the team select, I think it was like this-- if you start off the game in practice mode, you can switch teams whenever someone comes in. Same thing when you're joining in; hold a button when pressing start.

Kane: That's quite a nice quality. Will be looking forward to more!

Spoon: Hwa Jai's bug and vice's two bugs are banned, and doing them will count as a disqualification. Since Vice's bug can happen unintentionally, it's strongly possible that nobody will use her for the tournament. There's apparently also a bug where Ralf's Neomax can freeze the opponent when it trades hits with a move from the air, but that one's recoverable with a hit so it's not a disqualification.

Vice's two bugs: 1.Her Splash freezes the opponent when it trades hits with a character on the ground. 2.Some characters will freeze if she catches them in the air with her Overkill (Iori, Vice, Sheng, Mature, Terry, Andy, Takuma, Ash, Mai, Maxima)

So Mature's infinite, Takuma and Goro's no-meter EX moves are apparently allowed. And this also most likely means no update during Togeki period.

Also this may be somewhat related to vice's bug- according to reports, neither side eats any damage when a throw and a hit makes a trade.

So for example, if an anti-air throw trades hits with a jump kick, both sides end up unscratched. I haven't tried it, but it's apparently very good for Raiden's antiair since the opponent drops on the ground when there's a trade.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 2 Aug 01:34]

5093th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation insi" , posted Tue 3 Aug 15:41:post reply

dunno who saw this first

It's almost a joke how much threatening is Mature when she can pull that invincible Despair into infinite not even that close to the corner.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 3 Aug 15:49]

3855th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation insi" , posted Tue 3 Aug 22:41post reply

dunno who saw this first

It's almost a joke how much threatening is Mature when she can pull that invincible Despair into infinite not even that close to the corner.

Between that neverending parade of K' and Mature doing her thing that video made for some grim viewing.

2750th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(10):Saiki profile isu apu. (traslation ins" , posted Wed 4 Aug 03:01post reply

Soundtrack listing
It matches up with what was previously leaked, I think?
Likewise to most OSTs nowadays, no voice recordings.

5094th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Blacky profile isu apu (translation inside)" , posted Wed 4 Aug 04:41:post reply

Odd day for an update...

間もなく 時が 灰に 変わる······

"In no time the Ashes will change......"

His name is actually stated as 『 血 の 螺旋に 狂う アッシュ 』 something in the lines of "Enraged by the blood spiral Ash".
His tag line is 『 冥き 炎 』 "Infernal Flames"
Just as Saiki, he has an extra profile field for age 『 年齢 』 , which other character lacks, but is left blank
Most fields on his profile are 『 不明 』 unknown, and most others are the same as Vanilla Ash
Blood type is O
Birthplace is 『フランス 育ち 』 "Grew up in France"
Birthdate is Feb 14
His fighting style is 『 我流 (特殊な 炎を 使う) 』 "Self-taught (utilizes an unique flame)"
His height and weight are 178cm and 59kgs

It is noted that while the appearance belongs to Ash, Saiki is the one inside

Small article with pics in dengeki and gpara (both are pretty much the same).


A little bit OT, yet it would seem that contrary to popular belief IT IS the age of the naked bosses サラ・コナー へ どこ だ?

Sasuke vs Commander = YES! I can't believe they still remember this game! (same goes for A.S.O. though).

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 4 Aug 08:48]

5098th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Blacky profile isu apu (translation ins" , posted Wed 4 Aug 09:29:post reply

Togueki quaifiers (youtube version of the previously posted nico vid)

More Shouki And more K'.... Better def than the previous one.

I assume that since the game is barely out, people don't have the confidence to pic someone other than characters that are ridiculously easy to use.

BTW, I noticed that the guy that played a beastly Q in IIIS a few tougekis (or evos) ago and almost got to the title then now is there again.... playing as Ken

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 6 Aug 03:57]

5098th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Blog update (trans inside)" , posted Thu 5 Aug 12:28:post reply

Blog update... They basically talk on how they achieved the alternative color palettes and what led them to try that out in the game (basically, while the main programming team was working like crazy on finding bugs some time prior to the release, dotters that didn't belong to that team just happened to have nothing better to do). Quite an interesting report, maybe I'll get to it later.

Not exactly a precise translation, since you folks know already I'm an unbalanced indivual, hyo hyo. I also don't like words per words translations, unless it's for an opera or something. I didn't include some small details because they didn't interested me enough.

There is also the chance that I got some things backwards since I'm special

The answers come from Yamaguchi, the art producer of the game.

- What is the concept of "alternative character" (裏カラー)?

Alternative characters are in KoF XIII as part of some "gameplay elements" that I have been trying to include since long and is there only for fun, even though it was something a little unreasonable, I'm happy to say that it actually ended up being done quite satisfactory.

- How was this done?

The team responsible for the dotting are of the characters was more or less instructed to create several dot seccion areas for the characters, and the characters where more or less constructed by "leaving out" the color from the dot areas that don't belong to what you selected at that given time. This type of effect can also be reflected on the Special KO animations from Yuri and King

- And the idea behind the alternative color?

This idea has been in consideration since long ago. Initially we would have been happy only with Big Bear and Mr Karate. Eventually thoughts about Yuri's lost ponytail struck us and then a lot of another ideas started popping out. It was certainly a lot of work to achieve in so very little time, and it added a lot of work hour to the designers, that pretty much shows how we had a tight schedule until the end (har har)

- How was the fan reaction to this feature?

This little feature was pretty much thought of thanks to the fan reaction. When fans selected Joe or Ralf 10th colors at the location test I wanted to gather input, but having thought a 10th special color for these two very low usage characters was quite a miscalculation (har har)
During the Shinjuku location test several players where using Ralf in his carno pants, and when Joe's tiger pant where discovered, they started to show up all over the place.
At time time, the main producer was working like crazy in the reported bugs and testing the sturdiness of the game and increasing the programmers work hour at that time would have been difficult, as that the main producer Kikuno told me how the those 10th colors input was pretty much interesting, and that if I wanted to add more work to the team on that then it would be entirely my call. Yamaguchi being not a programmer but a producer, agreed instantly.

- Working as the producer may have been quite stressing... Any thoughts on the alternative colors?

Andy -> "That's definitely a ninja", it was carefully thought with darker palettes and a better variation of colors.
Joe -> "Just... What's with that color?" we wanted to give that expression

- One animal is creeping out in Osaka, lovely isn't it?

Raiden -> Big bear is it. During development there it was an argument over black basic colors or blue basic colors for this character, we had to go back to fatal fury 2 to check that one out.

- We can't possible overlook our main masked fighter

Takuma -> Mr Karate. Mr Karate and Big Bear where decided from the start since they are different set of characters. In order to achieve the frightening feeling of the color of a Tengu we choose really different colors for this one.

Ralf : This camouflage patter game much more problems than what I originally thought, since the start this color was decided due to some amazing illustrations that Eisuke Ogura showed to us and right away we thought "that's cool".

- Desert partern camouflage If doing camouflage in hight def can be a pretty mean handy work compared to coloring him grey, that's what I honestly believe.

Yuri -> Her new hair cut was well liked, but in development many people made an statement on how it was missing and thus some different mindsets where created with like and dislike. We worked on including all of the 4 original AoF 2 color palettes.
K' -> Modifications made for him to be a masterpiece by the producer, that's what we thought when we saw him. His 10th color is an tribute to a popular card game. (Toxico -> so it's not a windows reference )

- Lastly a thank you.

As a developer, I expect that those 10 extra colors will turn characters into "unexpected" feeling. Extra coloring these 7 characters was quite fun... Now working on the other 24 on the other hand would be... (laughs)

- A big thank you for Yamaguchi, certainly I think that everyone thanks him for his work as well.

Yamaguchi: .... (laughs)

For those 10 colors we really wanted fans to "explore". Next update will be about the stages.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 6 Aug 03:57]

Count Hihihi
262th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Blog update (trans inside)" , posted Fri 6 Aug 04:21post reply


K' -> Modifications made for him to be a masterpiece by the producer, that's what we thought when we saw him. His 10th color is an tribute to a popular card game. (Toxico -> so it's not a windows reference )

Culdcept, oh boy!


2754th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Special teamups, etc" , posted Fri 6 Aug 13:08:post reply

Guide is out.

Teamups with a special illustration after the credits
Already discovered:
Ash Kyo K'
Athena Yuri Kula
Elisabeth Mai King
Ash Duolong Shen

Not yet on Net:
Benimaru Robert Andy (Sub hero team)
Hwa Chin King (Booze team)
Goro Raiden Maxima (Giant men team)

Alternate stage music
In the beginning of the match, hold on the start button until the fight begins. The music will change to the opponent team's theme from KOFXI. Exceptions are Kim's team (KOF96 theme) and Female team (KOF2003 theme) since there weren't teams for them in XI.

Last boss path
Achieve over 2.5 million points to get to Saiki, otherwise it's the bad ending.

Background characters
Appearances are random per character, 50%

France Stage
Shermie, Vanessa, Seth, Ramon

India Stage
Cheng Chinzan, Chang

Japan Stage
Todo Ryuhaku, Nakoruru, Shingo, Hinako

USA Stage
Duck King, Duck King's chick, Mr.Big (blimp print), Galford

UK Stage
B.Jenet, Chris, Yamazaki (poster)

China Stage
Xiangfei, Rin, Tung Fu Rue

Jungle Stage
ChamCham, Griffon Mask, Marco Rodriguez

Ritual Stage
Marco Rossi, Mars people, Fio Germi

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 6 Aug 13:58]

5099th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Special teamups, etc" , posted Fri 6 Aug 14:20:post reply


China Stage
Xiangfei, Rin, Tung Fu Rue

りん じゃて? Ahhh.... It's

Oogosho, har har

Oogosho again

Oogosho for the last time today, I think

He is an old 98' player who never really dropped the game, and was on those japan vs someone else thingies... (was he captain on those? I don't remember).

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 6 Aug 14:37]

2040th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Special teamups, etc" , posted Fri 6 Aug 14:35post reply

りん じゃて? Ahhh.... It's

Not as beautiful as 麒麟 in full, mind you, but it will do. I was so crushed that it was not part of the 新常用漢字 this year.


297th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):unused sprites" , posted Sat 7 Aug 17:38post reply

I read the mook has images of unreleased characters and a different design for Kula.
Any scan?

352th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):unused sprites" , posted Sat 7 Aug 22:58post reply

Probably not what you're looking for, I think these came from XII? And I'm pretty sure they've been posted here before. But you never know...

Unused sprites

Unused characters

5103th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):unused sprites" , posted Sat 7 Aug 23:21:post reply

Probably not what you're looking for, I think these came from XII?

Correct in both accounts: that is not what he is looking for since / and those are from XII.

I have been looking for some time, but seems that from the eigo communities around no one has digital pics of that part of the guide. We Latins shouldn't be any different (I doubt someone in the whole continent will order the guide, let alone scan it for free). Also I can't believe that the term スペイン語圏 actually exist . Down with the crown!! har har har.

I haven't checked 2ch, but I was hoping for the Professor to pop up with hand cam pics of it while I was asleep... Sadly the Professor didn't showed up at all... And I couldn't sleep at all either

They should surface in time, but I don't think that we should find them right away (I mean, I bet a lot of people haven't even received their orders from the book). I guess I'll check 2ch later, when my own personal booze power up wears down.


New American hidef vid. I find quite amusing the fact that there is a large crowd of green people kneeling to a green Hwa Jai


smoai updated with a ridiculous amount of vids, the players are quite experimented and at times do come out as shameless using that K' or Liz cheeze indiscriminately. There is a quite interesting Chin sticked in there near the middle, along with some other cool things like a that loop Takuma combo that the Prof mentioned before.

Check vids that are dated for today, like "2010 0807 KOF XIII 野試合"

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 8 Aug 05:41]

5104th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):unused sprites" , posted Sun 8 Aug 10:03:post reply

We Latins shouldn't be any different

Forum fighters seems to have some of the pepper.

Original source seems to be from here

Oh, and since the guide obviously doesn't include more characters than the ones that can be selected already, that pretty much rules out any other bonus character added for later (these official guides always have all of the secrets and all of the miscellaneous things with no exception). In theory more characters could be patched in later, but this is unlikely as hell, so don't count on it.

OT -> I can't beat Brandon

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 8 Aug 10:33]

2757th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):unused sprites" , posted Sun 8 Aug 21:37:post reply

Probably not what you're looking for, I think these came from XII?

I haven't checked 2ch, but I was hoping for the Professor to pop up with hand cam pics of it while I was asleep... Sadly the Professor didn't showed up at all... And I couldn't sleep at all either

They should surface in time, but I don't think that we should find them right away (I mean, I bet a lot of people haven't even received their orders from the book). I guess I'll check 2ch later, when my own personal booze power up wears down.

Sorry about that, but EB is an annoying company. I was sure that it'd leak on net in a day or two anyways.

It's a bit disheartening to see so many people using only about 5 characters out of the whole 31 cast.

IMO, the game is well balanced overall as long as the top tiers are patched up. Hopefully the home release will be good. For some reason, this game reminds me a lot of 98.

I almost forgot! The dialogues. There's apparently some differences between diaglogue in the English and Japanese releases. For instance, Kim and Kula's dialogue has nothing at all about goldfishes in the JA release. Instead, Kula gets pissed at Kim for treating her like a kid, and Kim mumbles that he's going to need to discipline her while she's still young.

On the other hand, Kula and Benimaru's dialogues are pretty much the same for both EN and JA. Beni is a perv and he realizes it too.

Damage scaling
This goes against what's previously been reported, but according to the guide, damage drops by 5% per hit, not per move. So that means a multi-hit attack can have some bad effects on combos. The scaling stops when the damage goes down to 20% (50% for supers and Neomax). Normally, that's around the 17th hit. The minimum damage is 4 points (note: an average weak attack does 25 points).

Also, there's a lot of exceptions.
-Some multi-hit attacks and all supers/Neomax hits at the same rate as its first hit until the move is over. (ie: if the move hits at 75% damage, it'll stay at that rate until it's over).
-On a MAX cancel (super into a Neomax), the Neomax hits at the same rate as the super.
-Some moves (like the last attack on a multi-hit super) hits at 100% damage

* Full Life bar = 1000 points for all characters.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 9 Aug 02:58]

866th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(7):unused sprites" , posted Mon 9 Aug 05:50post reply

Forum fighters seems to have some of the pepper.

Original source seems to be from here

Oh, and since the guide obviously doesn't include more characters than the ones that can be selected already, that pretty much rules out any other bonus character added for later (these official guides always have all of the secrets and all of the miscellaneous things with no exception). In theory more characters could be patched in later, but this is unlikely as hell, so don't count on it.

OT -> I can't beat Brandon

Maybe they would Go the route of Street Fighters and Guilty Gear Road and make a new versi ( Super King of Fighters XIII XX ) for the characters that didnt made it to the game I'm looking at you Shroom-little girl-long white haired mystery man and Billy- Iori 98.

Actually "Super" title would be awesome.

298th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(8):unused sprites" , posted Mon 9 Aug 19:31post reply

Maybe they will add characters in the home version, as usual.

2758th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Reference for using King in XIII" , posted Mon 9 Aug 21:21:post reply

I've made a quick writeup since King and Raiden are my main characters.
And Raiden is a no-brainer to use.

Quick reference guide to playing with King

Reports say that Mai can evade during special throws with her AB roll. Buggy. I'd assume it could also work on lock-on specials.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 10 Aug 02:13]

2759th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Reference for using King in XIII" , posted Tue 10 Aug 23:43:post reply

Matches from Seven Island Arcade

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 10 Aug 23:44]

9161th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Reference for using King in XIII" , posted Wed 11 Aug 00:09post reply

Quick reference guide to playing with King

This is the best proof that sometimes, less=more.
If you think about writing down more of those on other characters, I'll read them with all the interest my brain is currently capable to distil.

2760th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Reference for using King in XIII" , posted Wed 11 Aug 01:54:post reply

Quick reference guide to playing with King

This is the best proof that sometimes, less=more.
If you think about writing down more of those on other characters, I'll read them with all the interest my brain is currently capable to distil.

I think I'll stick to just King for now, but thank you for your comment. Currently, I'm using a Team of King, Raiden and Yuri.. If I do end up writing something, it'll most likely be on those two characters. I'm also using Hwa Jai but haven't figured him out yet.

One note about game balance: leaving aside the top 4 characters (K', Kyo, Elisabeth, Iori) and the three wild cards (Mature, Takuma, Raiden), it's still too early to talk about a full tier list.

There's a few things that viewers probably don't realize when they're watching videos on the Internet. For instance, order select is very vital in XIII since the game is strongly dependent on meters. That's why many players pick K' as their first character; he can do powerful combos without meters and also build them up well. Players that use Mature would set her in second place since having some meter makes it easier to do the infinite, plus she can build up full meters for the third character.

Also, combo videos shouldn't nessesarily be used to judge the strength of the characters. Most (if not all) characters can do over 800 damage if they go into HD and use up their meters.

Seven Island Video part 2

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 11 Aug 03:26]

7th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Reference for using King in XIII" , posted Wed 11 Aug 16:02post reply

Your King guide was so awesome. In fact, I copied and pasted it (course giving you credit) over here: http://dreamcancel.com/forum/index.php?topic=33.0

If you want me to take it down let me know.

In the meantime, a couple combos:


5107th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Reference for using King in XIII" , posted Thu 12 Aug 03:01:post reply


Part 3 Islands

Part 4 Islands

smoai casuals

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

You pretty much could tell that players where more or less new to the game, and I liked that ... Smoai also has a tube version of those nico vids, but they are split all over the place, and I can't tell what's what part wise. Check their channel if you where hoping for alternative links on those.

By the way Professor, what was exactly Hwa Jai's drink effect? I know that it increases damage
(+15%) and that improves two moves and lasts 14 seconds... But is there anything else?

Blog update about stages

Bastards! this is the worst day for me time wise to check out the blog update. Those 3 unused stage pics (russia, moais and silicon valley clone) where pretty cool.... Let's just hope they finish them if they do any teaks to the game (either console or arcade)... Though they do have a bad record for discarded stages... Perhaps on the next game?

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 12 Aug 10:41]

2762th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Mass damage list" , posted Thu 12 Aug 16:46:post reply

Kane: Thank you for yout compliment. Feel free, but one request: can you post a link to the original, telling viewers to go there for the latest version? It's likely that I'll make updates without warning.

Toxico: Drinking raises his attack damage by 15% for 14 counts on the game's timer and improves 3 moves (Dragon kick, Dragon tail, Backbreaker), and that's really it. The count is by the game's timer and not real-time, unlike the case for Raiden's Drop Kick.

I really can't say much about Hwa since I've only started using him recently, and I've never met a good Hwa user either--they're rare to begin with. The guidebook says that drinking gives longer traveling distance and invincibility to his weak Dragon Kick, and even longer traveling distance to his fierce version. His Dragon Tail travels further as well, and the fierce version puts him at an advantage when guarded. I've heard that the Dragon Tail comes out faster as well, which would be good since they're extremely slow and not even an overhead. The drink also gives him more damage on his Dragon Backbreaker.

I was hoping that Hwa's drink would give him some massive upgrade, but so far it doesn't seem to be a practical move. He can apparently do a 100% combo when he's boozed up, though.

I hear that he's best as the third character; his moves don't have good priority but he has some massive combos.

[Edit] Those random matches on Island Part 4 and its community-only footages are way more fun to watch than the other serious matches. Nico account is required to view the community videos though, and the uploader asks that they not be reposted.

[Edit 2]
Terry Combos

Here's a scrunched list of the maximum combo damage that's currently known for the characters. Note that they aren't a good indicator for which characters are strong (most of them can do over 90% damage), and the combos may not nessesarily be practical in terms of meter usage unless it's the last round.

100% (1000 and up)
K', Kyo, Ash*, Iori*, Ryo, Takuma, Mature, Yuri*, Shen, Kim, Hwa, Raiden, Maxima, Athena, Chin*, Ralf

90~99% (900-999)
Benimaru, Terry, Andy, Robert, Kula, King*, Vice, Clark

80~89% (800-899)
Elisabeth, Goro, Leona, Kensou*, Joe

70~79% (700-799)
Duolon, Mai

* Asterisk denotes unconfirmed combos reported by players.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 13 Aug 03:26]

5109th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Mass damage list" , posted Thu 12 Aug 23:26:post reply

60~69% (600-699)

Saiko ball! <---- It's a 5 bar combo, the name of the video suggest as such.

ExDM + Chupilca = dead

For these following, the fights have been already seen... but along with that hideous french comments, there is also some new footage, like pics from the event

Joycam The KoF XIII Tougeki'10 Qualification 1

Joycam The KoF XIII Tougeki'10 Qualification 2

Joycam The KoF XIII Tougeki'10 Qualification 3


Athena death combo

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 18 as of 02/07/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 13 Aug 03:24]

2762th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Mass damage list" , posted Thu 12 Aug 23:42:post reply

60~69% (600-699)

Saiko ball!

ExDM + Chupilca = dead

For these following, the fights have been already seen... but along with that hideous french comments, there is also some new footage, like pics from the event

Joycam The KoF XIII Tougeki'10 Qualification 1[url]

Joycam The KoF XIII Tougeki'10 Qualification 2[url]

Joycam The KoF XIII Tougeki'10 Qualification 3

Updated Athena [x 2 times], thanks! I just dearly hope that it's a 5 p.meter combo; with that Athena video, it's hard to tell whether she's doing a normal special or an EX since she keeps shining.

Seeing the game in Francais is quite interesting!


Meter-less Goro and Takuma in action

Video taken a few days into playing

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 13 Aug 03:27]

198th Post

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"Re(3):Mass damage list" , posted Fri 13 Aug 05:13post reply

60~69% (600-699)

Saiko ball!

ExDM + Chupilca = dead

For these following, the fights have been already seen... but along with that hideous french comments, there is also some new footage, like pics from the event

Joycam The KoF XIII Tougeki'10 Qualification 1[url]

Joycam The KoF XIII Tougeki'10 Qualification 2[url]

Joycam The KoF XIII Tougeki'10 Qualification 3

Updated Athena [x 2 times], thanks! I just dearly hope that it's a 5 p.meter combo; with that Athena video, it's hard to tell whether she's doing a normal special or an EX since she keeps shining.

Seeing the game in Francais is quite interesting!


Meter-less Goro and Takuma in action

Video taken a few days into playing

All that hype for Mai and noone even uses her except for target practice

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

2763th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Mass damage list" , posted Sat 14 Aug 21:11:post reply


All that hype for Mai and noone even uses her except for target practice

Mai was fairly powerful during the 1st and 2nd beta tests, but when SNKP downscaled her, they apparently went a bit overboard. She's very limited to tactics in the product version. Still, she's a fun character to use at casual play.

Dune videos from Seven Island
Dune videos from Seven Island pt.2

Minor update made to the King guide. The two small tips (special section) can be used for other characters and it's very, very useful.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 14 Aug 21:29]

51th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Finally Played the game!!" , posted Sun 15 Aug 06:17:post reply

I just had the honor of playing this game for about half an hour at arcade infinity and I am truly impressed. While the time I played was too little to notice bugs and the likes, I cannot stress how beautiful the game looks. Definitely the best looking and animated 2d game in a while. Seriously - blazblue may have the resolution game on lock- but this kof is so colorful and just so next gen in many ways. I'm glad snkp stepped their graphic game up.

I can't wait until this game comes out for the ps3. But I guess we should not be expecting it for a while right? I'm sure snkp want the arcade iteration to maintain it's buzz before releasing an updated home version. It definitely seems like thy are playing it smarter than 12.

[this message was edited by Chillypepper on Sun 15 Aug 08:42]

2765th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Finally Played the game!!" , posted Sun 15 Aug 18:50post reply

I just had the honor of playing this game for about half an hour at arcade infinity and I am truly impressed. While the time I played was too little to notice bugs and the likes, I cannot stress how beautiful the game looks. Definitely the best looking and animated 2d game in a while. Seriously - blazblue may have the resolution game on lock- but this kof is so colorful and just so next gen in many ways. I'm glad snkp stepped their graphic game up.

I can't wait until this game comes out for the ps3. But I guess we should not be expecting it for a while right? I'm sure snkp want the arcade iteration to maintain it's buzz before releasing an updated home version. It definitely seems like thy are playing it smarter than 12.

If you play it enough times, you'll start to notice the points that the game lacks in terms of graphics (only 1 victory pose, same sprites for dizzy pose & time over pose, etcetc), but otherwise, it's very good and it becomes very hard to return to the MVS era.

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Finally Played the game!!" , posted Sun 15 Aug 20:26post reply

I just had the honor of playing this game for about half an hour at arcade infinity and I am truly impressed. While the time I played was too little to notice bugs and the likes, I cannot stress how beautiful the game looks. Definitely the best looking and animated 2d game in a while. Seriously - blazblue may have the resolution game on lock- but this kof is so colorful and just so next gen in many ways. I'm glad snkp stepped their graphic game up.

I can't wait until this game comes out for the ps3. But I guess we should not be expecting it for a while right? I'm sure snkp want the arcade iteration to maintain it's buzz before releasing an updated home version. It definitely seems like thy are playing it smarter than 12.

If you play it enough times, you'll start to notice the points that the game lacks in terms of graphics (only 1 victory pose, same sprites for dizzy pose & time over pose, etcetc), but otherwise, it's very good and it becomes very hard to return to the MVS era.

What does that have to do with graphics m8? It's lack of content not graphics.

Been a long time reader here but decided to make an account cause I wanted to ask you about the importance of order.

You said that in this sequel the order is really important because there are characters that build stock fast and should be placed first and characters that are good with stocks so they should be placed second or last. Can you divide all the characters into these 2 categories when you have time please? :)

With that logic clark should be first cause he has a pure advantage cause his normal punch and kicks do more damage than the others. I think same goes for vice although she is buggy and no footage is out :(

P.S. great site btw. It is the only webpage that has the latest content of XIII and not cursing, off topic things etc etc

698th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Finally Played the game!!" , posted Sun 15 Aug 20:47post reply

I just had the honor of playing this game for about half an hour at arcade infinity and I am truly impressed. While the time I played was too little to notice bugs and the likes, I cannot stress how beautiful the game looks. Definitely the best looking and animated 2d game in a while. Seriously - blazblue may have the resolution game on lock- but this kof is so colorful and just so next gen in many ways. I'm glad snkp stepped their graphic game up.

I can't wait until this game comes out for the ps3. But I guess we should not be expecting it for a while right? I'm sure snkp want the arcade iteration to maintain it's buzz before releasing an updated home version. It definitely seems like thy are playing it smarter than 12.

If you play it enough times, you'll start to notice the points that the game lacks in terms of graphics (only 1 victory pose, same sprites for dizzy pose & time over pose, etcetc), but otherwise, it's very good and it becomes very hard to return to the MVS era.

What does that have to do with graphics m8? It's lack of content not graphics.

Been a long time reader here but decided to make an account cause I wanted to ask you about the importance of order.

You said that in this sequel the order is really important because there are characters that build stock fast and should be placed first and characters that are good with stocks so they should be placed second or last. Can you divide all the characters into these 2 categories w

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

2767th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Finally Played the game!!" , posted Sun 15 Aug 23:25:post reply

What does that have to do with graphics m8? It's lack of content not graphics.

Been a long time reader here but decided to make an account cause I wanted to ask you about the importance of order.

You said that in this sequel the order is really important because there are characters that build stock fast and should be placed first and characters that are good with stocks so they should be placed second or last. Can you divide all the characters into these 2 categories w

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Then that's perhaps a better phrase. Perhaps even better, "Graphical content". The game is still unfortunetely lacking on some graphical patterns that were present in previous KOF titles, but I am sure that they will be added in future releases when or if they are made by SNKPlaymore.

Order of selection has always been an important factor in the KOF series but it tends to be somewhat moreso in XIII. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I am a mere casual player not concerned in competition and I can't make solid assertions to all the characters leave aside the very obvious ones, and to some extent, the ones I have used. You'll probably get more results if you take the subject to more player-intense sites, like Kane's dreamcancel.com.

Personally, I have no idea on Clark or Vice since I've not yet played against anyone who can use them well. Those whom I've played have usually placed them as the second batter. The very ironic thing is, with a month already past since the game's release, it'd seem natural that people would be getting better at their characters. Instead, they either get bored with the game and stop playing, or switch to one of the higher tiers.

By the way, Welcome the the BBS. There's probably not much cursing nor arguments here since the site isn't dedicated to anything or any game in particular; most of the users are very casual gamers.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 16 Aug 02:00]

1th Post

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New Customer

"Re(4):Finally Played the game!!" , posted Mon 16 Aug 04:58post reply

Thanks :D

Well the game looks awesome and I am sure I won't get bored with it. I still play with my friends the KOF 98 UM XBLA v. on regular basis and we are waiting for 2002 UM and this one.

I also don't think that the tier lists are true as well. Look how deadly Chin is in the right hands. People pick K' and Kyo cause they are comfortable with them from the previous installments.

The only character than needs a serious nerf is Liz for obvious reasons.

Anyway I am still hyped for this as the first day that it was announced and the first videos appeared. I hope this one succeeds because KOF have been my favorite game since I remember. Keep providing us with good videos and content cause we need our fix till the console version :D:D

475th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Finally Played the game!!" , posted Mon 16 Aug 05:07post reply


If you play it enough times, you'll start to notice the points that the game lacks in terms of graphics (only 1 victory pose, same sprites for dizzy pose & time over pose, etcetc), but otherwise, it's very good and it becomes very hard to return to the MVS era.

Even though the new KOF era looks beautiful; it's lacking the ingredient that made the KOF world so attractive and deep. As you mentioned, the game lacks the content that differentiated it from earlier Capcom fighters. Characterization makes KOF. I will play this game and I'm really excited about it, but I still don't see it as a KOF game.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

52th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):Finally Played the game!!" , posted Tue 17 Aug 16:57:post reply

Right before I heard about the game details, I had assumed that they were going to iron out all the story details, character interactions, finalize the move sets (Neomaxes....etc), and up the character selection screen.

All the colors, taunts,and hidden palettes were extra credit, as this is an engine they are still improving upon. I figure that they will continue to add graphical content in the next few iterations....to the point that the next KOF might have as much personality as the older KOFs, all in high resolution.

But now- I am wondering, how long before they announce a console release? Will they take a while this time in order to let the arcade release soak in? And who will handle the distribution to the states and EU? I remember Ignition handled those duties for XII. Wouldn't it be awesome if aksys (guilty gear, blazblue) handled publishing and distribution for this game? They seem to have a pretty good marketing/distribution game. SNKP needs all the help they can get to help this game succeed.

[this message was edited by Chillypepper on Tue 17 Aug 16:58]

5115th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Blog update" , posted Thu 19 Aug 17:10:post reply

Another Blog update, giving out details about Saiki and some Nonaish sketches.

So pretty much now I'm two blog updates behind from my original intention of reviewing them a little... Let's blame that on Rudra no Hihou and Elnard, har har har har.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 19 as of 12/08/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 26 Aug 16:58]

9164th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Blog update" , posted Thu 19 Aug 20:20post reply

Let's blame that on Rudra no Hihou

Nobody should ever be allowed to blame anything regarding Rudra no Hihou.

2th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Blog update" , posted Fri 20 Aug 15:27post reply

Btw guys do we know when Tougeki ends? There are rumors that SNKp will patch xiii after the tournament.

2777th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Blog update" , posted Fri 20 Aug 22:07:post reply

I've come to realize that the OST is apparently missing one or two short tracks, very unfortunate.

Tougeki is still in the regional preliminaries. The finals will take place simultaneously with the Tokyo Game Show on September 18 and 19.

That's a little over two months since the game's release. Given the franchises' record, I think its heat would've well settled down in the arcades by then and I'm not sure how enthousiastic arcade operaters would be, even if there was a patch.

It's not a bad thing. As far as I know, not that many people are actually complaining about the bugs as much as the Internet makes them sound out to be. The game balance may be an issue, but it's not as bad as XI, and it's not so much a problem as long as you don't go to the competitive scenes where everyone is using the top tiers. In local arcades, at least for now, people still play with a diverse selection of characters.

Then again, it *is* a bit undeniably heartbreaking to sometimes see someone come in with a K-Kyo-Liz team after they get beaten with their more normal characters. But it's always been like that for other games as well. Sagat Ryu Ken, Lichi Bang Ragna..

Hopefully with KOFXIII, SNKPlaymore will...

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 22 Aug 19:40]

2776th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Blog update" , posted Sat 21 Aug 19:33:post reply

Dune Videos from Seven island
Dune videos from Seven island 2

The first video shows the Maiden Masher escape bug. And... what it in the world is the second bug, a guard cancel C? Almost feels like the game's gone back to the AOF2 days.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 21 Aug 19:45]

265th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Blog update" , posted Sun 22 Aug 02:59post reply

That's a little over three months since the game's release. Given the franchises' record, I think its heat would've well settled down in the arcades by then and I'm not sure how enthousiastic arcade operaters would be, even if there was a patch.

I don't know the state of arcades in Japan, or SNK's current rep there, but could a decent patch be a means to revive a bit of interest in a title that is cooling down? Or is a bit too late for too little improvement? (It isn't like KOF doesn't have a history of bugs and unbalanced stuff in final releases, after all.)

2777th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Blog update" , posted Sun 22 Aug 11:38:post reply

More Dune Videos from Seven island
More Dune videos from Seven island 2

[edit] Egad, I hit edit instead of reply and wiped out my previous entry!

Gunsmith frames Daigo

The arcades in Japan are dieing but it's still doing better than most other countries. For instance, Tokyo has about a total of 50 arcades in the main 4 or 5 commercial areas, and plenty more inbetween them. (It's another question as to how many of them will still be around in another 10 years or so.)

Most of the arcades make money off prize games and fighter games are more or less secondary income. Some smaller arcades still depend on them as their main income though. Many of those places do ranking battles (ranbats) and other events to try and gain a consistant flow of regular customers. Some rare places even go as far as to specialize themselves to one title.

A patch will probably help out but I'm not sure as to what extent. It definitely won't lure back casual customers, but if there's a good balance patch, the hardcore players might try using other characters, which would extend the game's life. It's amazing how Tekken 6 still remains to be the top profitable videogame in arcades even as of now.

SNKP's reputation is not good. XI was unbalanced but it made enough profit despite of its short shelf life. XII however, was another story. I don't think I've ever seen a game disappear from the arcades as quickly as XII. Daemon Bride came close, but the price of the game was so different.

Personally, I like XII. It feels like an AOF game.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 24 Aug 19:40]

2778th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"4Gamer long interview w/pics" , posted Wed 25 Aug 16:40:post reply


Very thorough interview on KOFXIII at 4gamer. I've written a synopsis below but the site is very worth checking out, there's a lot of images. Development 3D model pics of K' and Mai, Yuri's special KO, some background cameos, slideshow of Mai's taunt, etc.

Btw, after reading this, I hope to dear God they're going to fix up the game balance, because the finished product is quite different from what they've tried to acheive. It's not a problem if you're playing against casual players that pick the average characters, but when someone comes in with the top tiers (they're in a league of their own), it ruins the game very quickly. It's not as bad as some previous KOF releases, but it's hardly at the balance of 98.

Article synopsis:
Anything in parentheses ( ) are personal notes.

- The fundamental settings, plot, and conclusion to the Ash storyline was already set seven years ago when the chapter started. On the other hand, the team storylines are made up during each of the game's development. (Note: KOFXI's Magaki storyline gives a good overview on the identity of the Kanochi gang.)

- After XI, SNKP made multiple prototypes for a new KOF and it took them quite some time to come up with XII. Some parts of XIII were developed simultaneously with XII.

- Hwa Jai was chosen in XIII for multiple reasons:1.He seemed like he'd be an interesting character /2.He's often appeared in previous Neogeo game's stage backgrounds and he's somewhat known /3.People wouldn't care if the developers played around with his creation, unlike other popular characters /4.With Raiden in Kim's team, Hwa seemed like the perfect extra teammate /5.They wanted a funny character that has impact. (Note: And it was easy to make him by using Joes sprites, but that of course wasn't mentioned)

- There was originally no hyperdrive meter and drive cancels used the power meter. But the developers dicided that adding a new meter would give more depth to the game and give more things for players to learn. Beginners and normal players can start off by playing with just the power meter, and learn to use the drives as they advance. (Note: Nice concept, and drive cancelings are fun to do. However, there's also the downside; the new system lets advanced players annihilate beginners very quickly even compared to previous KOF titles.)

- The developers balanced the game so that not all the characters would be "almighty". They purposely balanced the game in a way that each of the characters have certain opponents that they're strong against. That way, KOF's 3-on-3 system works well. (Note: In competitive play, everyone just picks the Almighties.)

-For instance, with team Japan, Kyo was developed as a shoto character who can shoot projectiles and do anti-airs, making him good at fighting from a distance. Goro on the other hand is a close-range character, and Benimaru was created to fight in mid-range. (Note: Kyo has no need to fight like a Shoto.)

-XIII uses the same rendering techniques as XII in which the sprites are made from 3D models. The developers had an easier time with XIII since they already figured out the methods. A Physics engine and inverse kinematics is used for their movement, but there's a lot of manual fixing by hand to make their movements look better. (Note: K's body isn't separated into 4 colors in his 3D model stage.)

-The 3D models are not nessesarily realistic in terms of body balance since it's for a game; for example, their size of their fists are large in comparison to their heads. (Note: Deforming on the body balance is quite essencial for games.)

-The 3D models are only for reference and details, such as the face and coloring, are done by hand. Also, the model only has diffuse reflection toon shadings; specular reflection highlights (the gloss) are added by hand.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 25 Aug 18:39]

3871th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):4Gamer long interview w/pics" , posted Wed 25 Aug 22:31post reply

Thanks for the article summary Professor, it made for good reading.

- After XI, SNKP made multiple prototypes for a new KOF and it took them quite some time to come up with XII. Some parts of XIII were developed simultaneously with XII.

That may be the most positive spin that SNKP could put on the content that had to be dropped from XII.

2782th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Blog updates with 'What If'" , posted Thu 26 Aug 16:40:post reply

What if Chang was in the game.. or Marin, or Momoko, or Ozwald..?

Today's entry is one of the most interesting so far, and it features exclusive character sprites that were drawn just for the blog by orders from producer Kukino. They aren't in the game, but that's what they could have looked like if they were.

The second half of the blog shows off documents for the Kanochi team, such as how they look like without their robes, and details on how Botan should look like. The small notes on Botan reads "puffy eyelids", "thick lips", "plump but not fat", "asian look", "leather costume", "ass showing out".

Next week's blog will feature the main illustrator Eisuke Ogura.

[edit] typo fixed.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 27 Aug 02:14]

5115th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Blog update" , posted Thu 26 Aug 16:56:post reply

Let's blame that on Rudra no Hihou
Nobody should ever be allowed to blame anything regarding Rudra no Hihou.

So, after purifying the air, the land and the sea...

Blog update

Suddenly, in an over use of Authority and almost in a violent tone the producer Kukino came out and said "How would this character look drawn in KoF XIII dotting style graphics", that's a daring plan.

- 5 months have passed since the start of this blog, there have been just so many difficulties but there is this deep feeling that something great was achieved.

With this summer intense heat has been really on season, specially with all of those heated battles of the Tougeki qualifers, Have you not fought on those? Even with that passionate feeling don't go there and forget to consume the right amount of water~.
Now, I wonder if it was just selfish from my part in the beginning and an extortion as an art director, "Everyone should see this character, why not draw them up a bit until they are completely cleaned up!" And even with that abuse of power, I also have been enjoying the results from this batch, and so this blog update took shape.
Now, let's check this exclusive footage.

[pic of Chang]

Already in the Malasian stage Chang Koehan has a cameo appearance in dot graphics, due to Raiden and Hwa he could not make it into this game, however if we would have selected him we would have been aimed to such Volume that the whole screen would have been filled with Chang. Wouldn't have that been tasty?.

<reference: Cameo appearance from Chang>

[In game pic of Chang]

Well, let's continue with Momoko and Malin

[pic of Malin and Momoko]

Malin and Momoko fans everywhere, are you happy right now?

The gorgeous Mai, the cool Leona ~ Elisabeth ~ King, the sadistic beauty of Mature & Vice, the Cuteness of Athena ~ Yuri ~ Kula is what we got, but what with these two? (Malin & Momoko). Doesn't Momoko give a weightlessness feeling with that appearance, and does not Malin give that impressive agile expression with just looking at her?

And now with Oswald.

[pic of Oswald]

It's a cool Irish Stout Bill, with this design these draws almost become my life time career hobby. Doesn't it look like there is no thing in heaven and earth more stylish that those fingertips? How manly~
As we drawn these, we couldn't help but to wonder what would have happened if these characters would have made the cut into the game. Would you have liked to used them? Oh, well, that would end up as homework for some other time...

- We thank mister Kukino for his over use of power, even though it meant that he had to go at it on a full nighter and now suffers from severe pains in his whole body.
Well, that was a great threat, but there is still juice out for this article, as we can still review something of the demo movie, let's pass some request to mr Nishimura.


Ladies and Gentlemen, it's Nishimura here.
From now on let's take a look into the characters introduced in the demo movie.

[pic of the guys from the past in casual clothes]

They became an important factor in the plot development of the story, [those who come from his distant land] (* Here are some of them) (Let's keep it as Harekushi for shorts); here are in casual clothes. We had that in the demo movie most of these guys where on robes, but we have that the director also had ideas on how would they look in casual clothes and how would that would speak to some extent of their personality. Some of these guy appeared previously in our past work (KoF XI) in some endings, but even those fellows got a new costume design just for today.

[line art for Botan]

This one was among the core characters from the Harekushi "Botan" and her set of illustrations, her design was to keep into account the ideas of [well endowed] , [meat on her bones] and [asian beauty] (it's actually 「むっちり」 「ぽっちゃり」 「アジアンビューティー」, for those who can tell the difference). Within the movements of the lip on the movie we wanted to keep that ぽってり feeling, specially in the movement of her lower lips. We aimed to make her waist a representation of her and her to be bathed in positive comments due to that body part.

[line art of Rose, close up]

In this previous set we have illustrations for Rose.
We wanted to give a big time organizer feeling as this is one of those characters that can put up a large tournament. This beauty has fallen into the control of the Harekushi gang, just like the tournament itself was put together as a mean to achieve their own purposes. (we advise you to take heed on the game movie for those events). At the time of the creation of these sketches we had in mind to make her volume of her figure something terribly dreadful (they use 「縦ロール」 to describe her.... "important features")

[line art of Rose, full body]

The main morfit for her outfit is of course that of a rose themed get up. While her initial design was more or less inspired by red roses, with this new tournament sponsor design we wanted to capture more of a feeling of blue roses, and is exactly that roses the ones that can also be seen in the location meant for the final match and is where the base of operations of the Harekushi is implied to be located. We think that these outfits are both, elegant and beautiful.
When it comes to these usually minor characters we always want to make a really big difference in appearance from the playable cast, and those introduced in this episode proved a wonderful opportunity which we hope that everyone enjoyed.

- To express our thanks to Mr Kukino and Mr Nishimura as this exclusive double feature proved to be filled with treasure!!
For the next time it's finally the time for our illustrator Ogura to step up to the plate, and find out all of those amazing stories of strong inspirations and sources that produced all of those "beam of getting ideas" to which all the rest of the staff could do nothing but be left in awe each time he did something.
Do not miss the next episode.

Notes : Last week I was freezing my ass of at -2° C farming fire shoes from impish creatures on Rudra no Hihou, so I can only see irony on that heated summer tale...
And Weightlessness is an officially recognized NASA term.
Those Rose sketches look so
It's finally time for some Ogura, and dunno what kind of crazy stuff he couldn't include!

edit I agree with the professor, har har.

edit Fixed some stupid spelling mistakes ( ハルケシ vs はるけし )

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 19 as of 12/08/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 27 Aug 01:09]

2782th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Blog update" , posted Thu 26 Aug 23:29:post reply

Arcade Infinity has HD videos from their weekend tournament. Pity they only have two, I would've liked seeing how King was used by their players.

Toxico: That is one long translation, wow. It' must've taken quite a while to write it down!

Toxico: Typo fixed. Thanks.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 27 Aug 02:16]

5116th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Blog update" , posted Fri 27 Aug 01:09:post reply


Toxico: That is one long translation, wow. It' must've taken quite a while to write it down!

I took a sick leave More than typing it takes a while to search for those evil kanji that I haven't seen before... I'm actually gonna do the Saiki entry within the day (I'll probably edit this same post with it, but right now I don't feel up to it) (and I'm not looking forward to tracing back those kansai in jokes that they stuck up in there, yet my curiosity compels me to do so).


Next week's blog will feature the main illustrator Eisuke Ogura.

hyo hyo hyo

edit :

Matches :
game 41 part 1 (22 mins , direct feed) There is a good Duo Fish in the middle (by Mikamimo 4)

I don't think part 2 is available yet... perhaps tomorrow.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 19 as of 12/08/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 27 Aug 03:24]

858th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Blog updates with 'What If'" , posted Fri 27 Aug 13:58post reply

What if Chang was in the game.. or Marin, or Momoko, or Ozwald..?

If those are the first new characters that'll appear in the next game I look forward to it.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

5117th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Blog update" , posted Fri 27 Aug 19:34:post reply


I'm actually gonna do the Saiki entry within the day

So, while doing nothing "today" became both yesterday and tomorrow.... Talk about cat tuna Schrodinger's cat theory.

Original text

I'm skipping the the prolog as it does nothing but introducing the article while promoting tougeki with some summer tale stories (which happen to not interest me unless they posses the right amount of flash dance like inspiration)

- Just before his transformation he happens to don quite the handsome image, let's talk about 斎祀 (from now on Saiki), please comment about this.

The boss character of the Ash hen chapter, "relies more on transformations instead of one on one fighting, and as such relies on an a unique power" was meant as the setting. Reaching an agreement on "unique power" was particularly difficult.

- Nishimura san, was it really difficult to give life to Saiki on what special effects are concerned?

Special moves which characterized the use of a black fire was the whole point.
This character is meant as a "despicable person" ( noted as 「嫌な奴」 ), hence to complete his theme it was requested a character with "repulsive" abilities ( noted as 「いやらしく」 ).
According to what was requested, we worked on a character that handled fire differently from Ash and as such we reached a user which relied in a very viscous liquid looking flame.
Someone that entangles the enemy with that and then goes to beating them up repeatedly is a very despicable person ~~ is what we thought through development.
(Tox -> If you are head scratching right now, take notices of this : If you followed 2k3 development closely (I did) you'll remember that Ash flames where originally conceived as bubbles, but then they where later H4x3d into being fire (though they kept the bubble appearance). I loved this little tidbit because it takes into account the bubble look of Ash flames, thus they made a character related to him also being spongy where it counts).

It was difficult but we wanted a character which actions where to be described as "repulsive" ( again noted as 「いやらしい」 ), in addition to his effects we carefully worked on the appearance of the stage so that it can support that negative feeling.

<After experiencing his transformation, this is Saiki>

[tar man sketch up close]

- Oh, that's quite right. Then what about his special moves?

Development schedule was tight up to the last moment. "But of course that he has to have full screen attacks" (「全画面攻撃はやっぱりいるよね」) was always a point of reference while working. Considering the state of the stage of the battle it came as quite natural that he had a finishing move where he would create some type of underground magma eruption from the ground.

Well, when it comes to KoF series bosses there is always this point of "Having a full screen range attack is appropriate for a boss" that quickly became part of our opinion.

- Regardless, where other topics about the production?

Oh, there it where really some other things.... For the appropriate construction of a despicable person concept we wanted him with the ability to create fire in any place where he wanted to whenever he wanted to.

Certainly with all that black fire going around while some areas are so clear white, his whole nakedness gets even more noticeable, thus this comes as someone with quite the perverted character (laughs)

- Well, while this person is certainly an oddity when it comes to KoF character development. If you think about it a Boss character can be quite fun to beat up but the fact is that the boss is characters are a lot that you have to fight whether you like them or not. Of course it is the better to have them developed with a more refined and likeable essence. But... even with that they might become some that you just don't want to meet (laughs).

Saiki, 血の螺旋に狂うアッシュ (alias : Dark Ash) the movie story sequences that involve these characters are something that totally got us fired up and and contain a very heavy weight on the contents of the game story is as well.
Saiki's face prior to his metamorphosis is that the same as Ash, so we had Ash designer working around his concept. Saiki his a very "シュっとした" ※ and was drawn to look very smart with a very sharp silhouette.
※ 「シュっとした」 is a form of Kansai dialect that means "cool" "refined" ( 「カッコいい」 「あかぬけた」 ) in a sense used as praising. Those who are said to be are supposedly quite good looking.

<Saiki has he looks before his methamorfosis>

[Nonaish sketches of Ash looking Saiki]

From day one proved to be quite a huge struggle to design demo movies with HD worth quality resolution. Extreme attention was put on details and movement and expressions of the black flames. The part that depict where Ash goes berserk with the black flames and on a totally darkened picture the first thing we can see is his evil smile, that movie was completed after and endless amount of retakes.

- Yes, it is amazing.... You can easily tell on that part where his head can be seen that it is was quite amazing in what direction is worth

Yuzuko san, it's not yet over as prior to Saiki's metamorphosis we wanted to tailor speeches where you can tell that he threats the others as "they aren't worth it" ( 「無能なのな」 ) even when it comes to the people that supports his activities. (laughs)
The lines of Saiki where all carefully constructed to transmit a that idea, even his speech on the Site (T -> the countdown one).

The image of the characters even when it comes to words is something of great importance, even on the NET some "foul language" ( 「汚い言葉」 ) has been researched for referral. The impression of "after all that crap" ( 「所詮はゴミだな」 ) is transmitted on the dialog. When all of those factors comes right in front of you, you just can tell that... He is a really despicable fellow indeed.

[line art of tar man]

... I'm skipping the closing words.... I also don't know what they meant for "KY"

Fun fact, even when it comes to international translations the game do contain some high level of research (all of that engrish comes from somewhere!). I remember that when 98 was brand new, and someone won with Benimaru he used some slangs from Chile on his victory screen quotes, at that exact time the whole arcade went like "WTF".

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 19 as of 12/08/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 27 Aug 19:46]

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"Re(10):Blog update" , posted Fri 27 Aug 20:35post reply

Isn't "KY" the hip slang for 空気が読めない?

2784th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Blog update" , posted Fri 27 Aug 22:22:post reply

By God, that's yet another long translation! I'm sure people appreciate it, but you must be getting bored with KOFXIII already, despite not even touching the game yet.

KY= Kuuki Yomenai / can't read the atmosphere


Two more videos from arcade infinity. The second video features Kane's powerful Chin mercilessly pounding on King in the corner. I guess the opposing player either didn't know what to do in that situation, or decided to keep the power bars for Kula since it's not a good matchup.

According to reports, Kyo's EX Orochinagi comes out faster than usual by holding on to its button for a very short time. The story goes further and says that, if it's done after the opponent escapes a throw, they can't guard it on time.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 27 Aug 23:04]

204th Post

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"Re(10):Blog update" , posted Sat 28 Aug 08:55:post reply

They keep bringing up the word "repulsive"/"despicable" with respect to Saiki, but I think they meant to say it in the context of "cheap SNK boss syndrome" rather than "GEEEEEEEEEEEESE"

It just makes me think of Yugioh The Abridged Movie with the promo line of "I am a throw-away villain, fear my generic motives!"

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sat 28 Aug 08:58]

859th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Re(10):Blog update" , posted Sun 29 Aug 02:55post reply

They keep bringing up the word "repulsive"/"despicable" with respect to Saiki, but I think they meant to say it in the context of "cheap SNK boss syndrome" rather than "GEEEEEEEEEEEESE"

They really mean that Saiki is a total bastard and is meant to be unlikeable. It has nothing to do with his game mechanics.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

868th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Re(10):Blog update" , posted Sun 29 Aug 06:10post reply

They really mean that Saiki is a total bastard and is meant to be unlikeable. It has nothing to do with his game mechanics.

He is. He killed Mukai just because.

I'm still wondering if they have time/chance/money/whatever to add botan and the shroom's team and 98 Iori and Billy to the console port?

205th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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"Re(3):Re(10):Blog update" , posted Sun 29 Aug 10:33:post reply

They really mean that Saiki is a total bastard and is meant to be unlikeable. It has nothing to do with his game mechanics.

Yes, I know that (as referred to in "GEEEEEEEESE"), but I was joking that he comes off to me as a generic overly bulky (in his boss fight, that is) stock badguy-with-evil-plans character, and that he doesn't have the awesomeness of past villains like Krauser or Geese Howard--he is pretty much just a plot device to develop Ash's character. But I'm just doing cheap dime-a-dozen literary analysis

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sun 29 Aug 10:40]

2785th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Hoard of top tier vids" , posted Mon 30 Aug 10:41:post reply

kofoguz: Very unlikely for Botan since she can't be recycled for a future release.

mbisonhatclub: Yes he's pretty much a one-timer, very much like all the other bosses after KOF96. But then again, they've all had their awesome cheezyness (Is this the end of lovable Igniz?), and Saiki is of no exception.

More videos from Togeki qualifier Dune and his comrades at the Seven Island arcade.

138 shows a no-drivemeter combo with Raiden and a match with Mai.
139 is a recovery check for Kyo's moves.
146 also shows Mai, and a little bit of Andy.

The rest are all matches with K', Kyo, Iori, Kula, Mature, Raiden, Takuma.
Interestingly, no Elisabeth.
The videos were taken in mid-August.

Dune Vid 138
Dune Vid 139
Dune Vid 140
Dune Vid 141
Dune Vid 142
Dune Vid 143
Dune Vid 144
Dune Vid 145
Dune Vid 146
Dune Vid 147
Dune Vid 148
Dune Vid 149

This month's Arcadia magazine apparently has some interesting tidbits.. I haven't been able to check it out yet.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 30 Aug 17:17]

8th Post

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"About Raiden's GCCD into two drop kicks combo" , posted Tue 31 Aug 18:46post reply

I need a favor to those who can read Japanese. Google translate isn't cutting it: GCドロップは、BD押した状態でGC狙うときだけCもおしておけばCDを離して押せばGCドロップになりますよ

I tried holding BD and pressing C when I'm blocking and it doesn't work, holding down C and release while block doesn't work, I can't figure out what they're saying. Anyone?


2787th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):About Raiden's GCCD into two drop kicks" , posted Tue 31 Aug 23:07:post reply

I need a favor to those who can read Japanese. Google translate isn't cutting it: GCドロップは、BD押した状態でGC狙うときだけCもおしておけばCDを離して押せばGCドロップになりますよ

I tried holding BD and pressing C when I'm blocking and it doesn't work, holding down C and release while block doesn't work, I can't figure out what they're saying. Anyone?

Oh yeah that thing, it's kind of a "psychological" tip for getting the GC dropkick out easily.

The way you'd normally do the GC dropkick is, you let go of D and immediately hit CD. It's as simple as that, but it has to be done very, very quickly.

So one person suggested that, if you're not too good with your fingers, you can just hold on to the C button too. That way you can just let go of CD and immediately press them again, which is easier to remember.

BTW Kane, they say that 1 frame attacks can hit the opponent after a throw escape. That means that Kyo's EX Orochinagi goes in when you use the quick-execution technique (hold the button for a short time).

[edit] egad, already mentioned it in a previous post

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 1 Sep 02:39]

9th Post

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"Re(2):About Raiden's GCCD into two drop kicks" , posted Wed 1 Sep 04:15post reply

I need a favor to those who can read Japanese. Google translate isn't cutting it: GCドロップは、BD押した状態でGC狙うときだけCもおしておけばCDを離して押せばGCドロップになりますよ

I tried holding BD and pressing C when I'm blocking and it doesn't work, holding down C and release while block doesn't work, I can't figure out what they're saying. Anyone?

Oh yeah that thing, it's kind of a "psychological" tip for getting the GC dropkick out easily.

The way you'd normally do the GC dropkick is, you let go of D and immediately hit CD. It's as simple as that, but it has to be done very, very quickly.

So one person suggested that, if you're not too good with your fingers, you can just hold on to the C button too. That way you can just let go of CD and immediately press them again, which is easier to remember.

BTW Kane, they say that 1 frame attacks can hit the opponent after a throw escape. That means that Kyo's EX Orochinagi goes in when you use the quick-execution technique (hold the button for a short time).

[edit] egad, already mentioned it in a previous post

Very cool, thanks for the translation! As for the throw escape, I dunno if my reaction time would be quick enough. I suppose you can constantly go for normal throws expecting a throw escape, that is kinda nasty hehe...


2788th Post

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"Re(3):About Raiden's GCCD into two drop kicks" , posted Fri 3 Sep 00:22:post reply

Weekly official blog update. This time around it's an interview with the main illustrator Eisuke Ogura.

Very rough synopsis, Ogura says he likes drawing heavyweights and old guys, while pretty boys and females gives him a hard time. On the other hand, he actually likes drawing Ash, one reason being that he became in charge of the series' illustration during Ash's chapter and he ended up working on the character more than Kyo or Iori.

Hwa, as a Muay-thai fighter, was drawn with a thin but muscular body. Ogura says it was fun to draw Hwa since he's one of the rare characters in KOF that looks evil. The developers for some reason kept telling him to draw Hwa's teeth small. Team Ikarai was also fun for Ogura, except that all of their costume details were really time-consuming.

This is part 1 of the Ogura interview. Part 2 will come next week.

Edit: According to Dune, Joe might be switching into a top tier; Rumors say that he might have an infinite.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 4 Sep 12:03]

5118th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):About Raiden's GCCD into two drop kicks" , posted Fri 3 Sep 23:36post reply


Oh yeah that thing, it's kind of a "psychological" tip for getting the GC dropkick out easily.

The way you'd normally do the GC dropkick is, you let go of D and immediately hit CD. It's as simple as that, but it has to be done very, very quickly.

So, by extension of "getting the drop kick out of block" without "really" holding the button down the whole time, you should be able to jump D or CD every time and not loosing your charge as long as you are quick enough with the button press ~ release..... In theory.


Toxico-- can you mail me?


.......Oh well, this thread was SNK focused anyway

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 19 as of 12/08/10

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"Joe Higashi Infinite & more vids" , posted Sat 4 Sep 12:04:post reply

Explosion punches> Hurricane Uppercut> Tiger Kick...
Also an exhibition of Kyo combos using 1-frame EX Orochinagi, and a crazy combo with Benimaru.

Dune vid 150
Dune vid 151
Dune vid 152
Dune vid 153
Dune vid 154
Dune vid 155

.......Oh well, this thread was SNK focused anyway

Aye, got it thanks.
That Minesweeper game, I swear I can recognize the artist...

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 4 Sep 18:38]

2791th Post

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"King combos & miscellaneous" , posted Sun 5 Sep 00:38:post reply

Posted a few vids here.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 5 Sep 11:46]

10th Post

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"Re(1):King combos & miscellaneous" , posted Mon 6 Sep 19:02post reply

Posted a few vids here.

Awesome vids, just curious, how did you get the direct feed?


2791th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):King combos & miscellaneous" , posted Tue 7 Sep 01:26post reply

Posted a few vids here.

Awesome vids, just curious, how did you get the direct feed?

Crappy analog recording, lol. I don't know of the details, but I believe the owner just used a splitter to output one end to the cabinet's HD screen and the other to a cheap down-converter and connected it to a recorder.

Either way, they're nothing as good as the HDs from your Arcade Infinity.
Thanks for the compliments though. I'll have a few more short vids, mostly background stuff.

11th Post

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"Re(3):King combos & miscellaneous" , posted Tue 7 Sep 08:19post reply

Posted a few vids here.

Awesome vids, just curious, how did you get the direct feed?

Crappy analog recording, lol. I don't know of the details, but I believe the owner just used a splitter to output one end to the cabinet's HD screen and the other to a cheap down-converter and connected it to a recorder.

Either way, they're nothing as good as the HDs from your Arcade Infinity.
Thanks for the compliments though. I'll have a few more short vids, mostly background stuff.

The reason I ask is our HD guy gets way too busy and he doesn't have the time to upload our vids (strange coz he offered to record us, but oh well) and we can't really force him to hurry up (the reason why you haven't seen the rest of the tourney vids, nor the orginal casuals we recorded).

So we're planning to do it ourselves.


2795th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):King combos & miscellaneous" , posted Tue 7 Sep 10:47:post reply

The reason I ask is our HD guy gets way too busy and he doesn't have the time to upload our vids (strange coz he offered to record us, but oh well) and we can't really force him to hurry up (the reason why you haven't seen the rest of the tourney vids, nor the orginal casuals we recorded).

So we're planning to do it ourselves.

Ahhh... humm.
I'm not sure how that comrade of yours is recording the HD. The required equipment for capturing in HD should cost in the hundreds and I wouldn't necessarily suggest it unless you can borrow the equipment from someone. Kind of explains why there's no other people with HD videos from the arcades.

If you want to do HD, it's probably best to ask him how he's connecting things. I assume it's one of the following..

- Record the VGA signal straight off the TypeX2's output

- Connect a converter to the VGA and output a D-terminal (D4) signal, record it

- Take off the small and easy DVI-to-VGA adapter that's on the TypeX2 by default, and record the DVI signal... or put an adapter on the DVI and record it as HDMI

Recording in low-res should be a lot cheaper and probably just offset you by like 40-60 bucks, but if you decide to go on that route, you should buy the scan converter from a store that accepts refunds, just in case.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 7 Sep 19:05]

52th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):King combos & miscellaneous" , posted Tue 7 Sep 14:57post reply


The reason I ask is our HD guy gets way too busy and he doesn't have the time to upload our vids (strange coz he offered to record us, but oh well) and we can't really force him to hurry up (the reason why you haven't seen the rest of the tourney vids, nor the orginal casuals we recorded).

So we're planning to do it ourselves.

More vids would be awesome, I myself am a huge KIM fan and have seen a couple good KIM players at AI. Would be awesome if you could get some good KIM footage. Either way- those other videos were still pretty damn good.

2797th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):King combos & miscellaneous" , posted Tue 7 Sep 23:07:post reply


More vids would be awesome, I myself am a huge KIM fan and have seen a couple good KIM players at AI. Would be awesome if you could get some good KIM footage. Either way- those other videos were still pretty damn good.

Yes, matches with characters aside from K'-Kyo-Liz-Kula-Raiden-Iori would be so wonderful.

More clips added to the channel... egh, I forgot to mention, most of these were taken in early August and I was fooling around with the England team using the remaining recording time after taking training mode footage with King. So it's mostly the three new female characters that'll be on the clips. ....And they're generally short, under 10 secs.

[edit] Agh, my eyes!

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 8 Sep 01:08]

5124th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):King combos & miscellaneous" , posted Thu 9 Sep 14:41:post reply

Ogura sketches again

That bonus art right at the end is priceless.
Before asking, realize just like the sprite thing, it was something like "what character would you have loved to see (and draw) in the game".... Too-- tired to type- anything-- more.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 19 as of 12/08/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 9 Sep 14:59]

Dr Orochi
540th Post

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"Re(7):King combos & miscellaneous" , posted Thu 9 Sep 14:56post reply

KOF...the live action movie. It was not the trainwreck I had hoped for. Just painful...dull...slow. It should have been called the King of Exposition.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
No King. No Ryo. No Athena. No Joe. No Andy. No Kim. etc. etc. etc. The characters that are in the film barely resemble their game counterparts in any way, shape or form....but don't worry, Mr. Big is in the movie and has what is most likely the most well choreographed fight in the film...at the very beginning......fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

End of Spoiler

2800th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):King combos & miscellaneous" , posted Thu 9 Sep 22:32:post reply

They should've used this for XIII. Too early though,too bad. Well, at least SNKP is a part of it.

On the Ogura art, considering that it's just practice art, that's quite some details he put into Ash's background. On the other hand, the female fighters looks like as though they've been cleaned up of all details and prepared for coloring...

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 10 Sep 00:53]

5126th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Mass damage list" , posted Fri 10 Sep 13:55post reply

Here's a scrunched list of the maximum combo damage that's currently known for the characters. Note that they aren't a good indicator for which characters are strong (most of them can do over 90% damage), and the combos may not nessesarily be practical in terms of meter usage unless it's the last round.

100% (1000 and up)
K', Kyo, Ash*, Iori*, Ryo, Takuma, Mature, Yuri*, Shen, Kim, Hwa, Raiden, Maxima, Athena, Chin*, Ralf

90~99% (900-999)
Benimaru, Terry, Andy, Robert, Kula, King*, Vice, Clark

80~89% (800-899)
Elisabeth, Goro, Leona, Kensou*, Joe

70~79% (700-799)
Duolon, Mai

KCE team made a small 100% combo vid, some of the combos are unseen previously (to my account) and are actually interesting (like the Yuri one)


Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 20 as of 09/09/10

209th Post

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"Re(2):Mass damage list" , posted Fri 10 Sep 14:17post reply

Here's a scrunched list of the maximum combo damage that's currently known for the characters. Note that they aren't a good indicator for which characters are strong (most of them can do over 90% damage), and the combos may not nessesarily be practical in terms of meter usage unless it's the last round.

100% (1000 and up)
K', Kyo, Ash*, Iori*, Ryo, Takuma, Mature, Yuri*, Shen, Kim, Hwa, Raiden, Maxima, Athena, Chin*, Ralf

90~99% (900-999)
Benimaru, Terry, Andy, Robert, Kula, King*, Vice, Clark

80~89% (800-899)
Elisabeth, Goro, Leona, Kensou*, Joe

70~79% (700-799)
Duolon, Mai

KCE team made a small 100% combo vid, some of the combos are unseen previously (to my account) and are actually interesting (like the Yuri one)


Wow, Leona actually making a video spot. Amazing. Would like to see some Kensou footage too, though.

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2800th Post

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"Re(3):Mass damage list" , posted Thu 16 Sep 18:16post reply

Though I don't think anyone anticipated on it, SNKPlaymore was a no-show at TGS and its overseas publisher Ignition Entertainment also didn't have KOFXIII pn display (They had El Shaddai and about 3 other games).

And it doesn't seem like SNKP updated their blog either, so I guess it's going to be a silent week?

870th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Mass damage list" , posted Thu 16 Sep 21:11post reply

Though I don't think anyone anticipated on it, SNKPlaymore was a no-show at TGS and its overseas publisher Ignition Entertainment also didn't have KOFXIII pn display (They had El Shaddai and about 3 other games).

And it doesn't seem like SNKP updated their blog either, so I guess it's going to be a silent week?

They always update (if there's no early updates) after 17:00 in thursdays (for Turkiye time). So I think there is still time.

Also I think all the titles are released so its a due to a new one?

2803th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Mass damage list" , posted Fri 17 Sep 14:25:post reply

quick lunchbreak, notmuch time

Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 0
Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 1
Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 2
Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 3
Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 4
Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 5
Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 6
Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 7
Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 8
Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 9
Dune vids: The sisters vs. KOF Crazy Enc. 10

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 17 Sep 14:26]

566th Post

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"Re(4):Mass damage list" , posted Fri 17 Sep 14:27post reply

Though I don't think anyone anticipated on it, SNKPlaymore was a no-show at TGS and its overseas publisher Ignition Entertainment also didn't have KOFXIII pn display (They had El Shaddai and about 3 other games).

And it doesn't seem like SNKP updated their blog either, so I guess it's going to be a silent week?

Possible surprise announcement? SpaceWorld?

2804th Post

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"Tougeki" , posted Sat 18 Sep 13:18:post reply

best 4
ho kun xian (singapore)-- k', takuma, liz
cabbage-- k', kula, andy
gian-- k', iori, mai
oeppu-- k', raiden, mature

finals taking place soon, show running late

semis: gian won (vs xian), oeppu won (vs cabbage)
finals: oeppu won(vs gian)

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 18 Sep 16:57]

5139th Post

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"Re(1):Tougeki" , posted Sat 18 Sep 22:42:post reply

I like big threads.

semi 1

semi 2 <- Link got changed, har har.


Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 20 as of 09/09/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 19 Sep 07:28]

3895th Post

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"Re(2):Tougeki" , posted Sun 19 Sep 02:46post reply

Has there been any word on if KoFXII will receive any patches or updates? I still want to try the game but after watching K' obliterate everyone again and again it looks like it could get frustrating very quickly against random opponents.

2006th Post

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"Re(3):Tougeki" , posted Sun 19 Sep 03:47post reply

It's interesting that Kyo was not present in any of the final 4 teams!

Unsurprisingly, K' had a dominating presence... but to think that the one who'd take it home with meaty/throw tricks would be Raiden!

Raiden has the most stupidly awesome drop kick like ever, and I will be sad when/if that gets weakened.

2805th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"SNKP president steps down" , posted Sun 19 Sep 13:41:post reply

Given how small the company is, this was overlooked by the general during the TGS frenzy. I think that its announcement may have been timed on purpose to avoid media attention.

Effective September 16 (business day 1 of TGS), Soichiro Hosoya, president of SNK Playmore, has stepped down from his position. Taking over Hosoya's seat is Ryo Mizufune, board director & chief, corporate planning. Hosoya will continue to serve SNK Playmore as a board director.

Hosoya was SNK Playmore's chief of content division until his reign as president on October 30, 2008. He is the most publicly known executive in SNK Playmore, making most of the company's announcements during press events.

While unconfirmed, it has been said that Hosoya Soichiro produces game titles under the Alias Soimen, seen in the credit of many of the company's products.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 19 Sep 14:10]

346th Post

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"Re(1):SNKP president steps down" , posted Mon 20 Sep 17:56post reply

While unconfirmed, it has been said that Hosoya Soichiro produces game titles under the Alias Soimen, seen in the credit of many of the company's products.

Quite a mixed mag of games, but I'm glad none of them are of th witch-touching variety, at least that...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2806th Post

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"Ono intrv.: NESiCAxLive a double-edged sword" , posted Thu 23 Sep 00:05:post reply

I'm posting this here since it's SNKP related.

The original source of the article that Toxico posted here has more than just Capcom producer Ono talking about his upcoming arcade SSF4 release. He also gives his thoughts on the Taito NESiCAxLive. What's interesting is that Ono seems to have strong doubts about the new network service for the Type-X cabinet series, saying that it probably won't benefit neither arcades nor publishers. Though he didn't release specific details on the service's price model, he made these potentially valid points-

1. The model structure won't allow arcade operaters to price their game credits with freedom. Meaning that, if a certain game isn't doing well, they won't be able to reduce its price.
Personal thoughts- So as a possible scenario, to compensate, the arcade may switch the cabinet to a more popular game. If the NESiCAxLive price model is set in a way where there's no flat playment and publishers only get paid when their game is played, some of them can lose out big time.

2. Publishers won't have guaranteed sales, and if it takes an year or two to recover development costs, there'd be a huge haitus until they can start working on their next title.
Personal thoughts- especially if it's poor publisher without enough pooled money.

Needless to say, Ono isn't planning to release any titles for the network service unless it proves to be good. It's understandable, but it's also questionable if their bloated PCB prices are any good for arcades, either.

TRF, one of the well-known hardcore arcades in Tokyo that specializes in Street Fighter 4, recently announced via Twitter that they won't be buying SSF4 since its income is simply unpredictable.

In an unrelated note, rumor says that SNKP may be planning a free update for XIII; however, take this with a huge grain of salt until an official annoucenment is actually made.

Leaving aside the hardcore arcades like Akiba Hey, KOFXIII is already pretty dead, unfortunately. It's kind of funny to see schoolgirls playing on the Blazblue CS cabinets despite the game already out on consoles, while the XIII machines right next to them are totally ignored.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 23 Sep 00:05]

213th Post

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"Re(1):Ono intrv.: NESiCAxLive a double-edged " , posted Thu 23 Sep 00:22post reply

Free update for KOFXIII
That'd be nice if that update not only included just bug fixes, if you know what I mean. I mean, considering what Arcsys is doing with their update, and all.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Where the fuck is my Valkenheyn, Aksys of the USA inc ltd co

End of Spoiler

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2014th Post

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"Re(1):Ono intrv.: NESiCAxLive a double-edged " , posted Thu 23 Sep 05:26post reply

TRF says no

That's a pretty remarkable thing!

TRF's HnK match videos are more or less some of the best things ever, so it surprises me when an arcade famous for something so hardcore and so niche thinks that they are better off adopting a wait and see attitude on what ought to be one of the bigger hits in 1v1 fighting games.

Alternatively, maybe the way to go is to just invest money into whatever the next revision of Border Break is; that games seems to be getting a ton of play!

3900th Post

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"Re(1):Ono intrv.: NESiCAxLive a double-edged " , posted Fri 24 Sep 03:09post reply

Wow, I had not seen or even thought much about the possible pricing on NESiCAxLive before this. True, the current method is a potential gamble for the arcade owners but I can't see how switching over to a slow, game based method of paying will benefit anyone. At the very least the companies using this system would have to re-think the funding and profits for their games.

As for TRF, I wonder what their reasoning is behind not picking up SSF4AC. Is it because they are uncertain if it will be a money maker? Is Capcom charging too much for the game? Is it sour grapes over having SSF4 hitting the home market first?

Still, all this talk is akin to rearrainging the deck chairs on the Titanic since arcades continue to be a dwindling business. Watching a medium flounder because it can't keep up with the times is uncomfortable to watch. For example, although I enjoyed watching the games the laughably small character select screen on the arcade version of SF4 made me realize just how narrow the focus of SBO really is. In days gone by the arcade version would have been viewed as the full version of a game but now those rules are starting to feel anachronistic. Then again, I could simply be cynical over the changes in forms of entertainment after reading about how DC Comics moved to California and left the section that makes monthly comic books behind in New York to wither and die.

5148th Post

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"Sisters again" , posted Fri 24 Sep 09:41:post reply

しまい , er... きょうだい vs KCE version 2. Who will be the prettiest this time around? While normally it's the same old tier whore than we should be used to, we have to notice that there are some good tactics with some of those "more underground" characters down there.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

We can guarantee you that no Koalas where Drop kicked in the making of these vids. That reminds me, I should have less reservations about the 姉妹 team name, after all I used to lead a so called "port town geishas" competitive team back in my younger days.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 20 as of 09/09/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 24 Sep 09:44]

54th Post

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"Re(1):Sisters again" , posted Fri 24 Sep 14:19:post reply

しまい , er... きょうだい vs KCE version 2. Who will be the prettiest this time around? While normally it's the same old tier whore than we should be used to, we have to notice that there are some good tactics with some of those "more underground" characters down there.

Wow.....Thanks for the vids man!! Its nice to see a Kim holding up to the likes of K', which makes me think Kim is a good character- just harder to use. Those were some pretty nice combos going on. And the tactics were different- that was definitely a skilled Kim player right there. I might have to take notes. And Duolon? That was some pretty slick stuff there too.

As for the update- it would be nice to see SNKP releasing KOFXIII v.2 or something along those lines for the NESICA service; Now a little off topic- but how does the TAITO type X-Zero hold in terms of specs in comparison to the X2, which is the machine that runs SF4, BLAZBLUE, and KOFXIII? It would be awesome to purchase a TYPEZERO and have all three games loaded on the same set up. Would definitely bring back memories of the NEOGEO days with a bunch of classics in one interface.

[this message was edited by Chillypepper on Fri 24 Sep 14:23]

214th Post

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"Re(1):Sisters again" , posted Sat 25 Sep 02:54post reply

video links by Toxico
Intentionally skipping all the staple characters like K`, it's quite refreshing to see Kim and Leona being used. I don't think anyone can say "K` of Fighters" enough to illustrate the overuse of that guy. He's like the Ragna of KoF series and with just as easy combo setups, it looks like.

Honestly, though, even though KoFXIII looks fun to play, I still kind of yearn for some more gimmicky stuff, like, Kula actually being able to freeze opponents a la Sub-zero/JinKisaragi/Sasquatch/anyone else I'm forgetting*, instead of it just being something cosmetic.

*Rimururu and Gill were not counted because their freezing abilities were not gameplay-functionally significant

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2016th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Sisters again" , posted Sat 25 Sep 03:12post reply

video links by ToxicoIntentionally skipping all the staple characters like K`, it's quite refreshing to see Kim and Leona being used. I don't think anyone can say "K` of Fighters" enough to illustrate the overuse of that guy. He's like the Ragna of KoF series and with just as easy combo setups, it looks like.

Honestly, though, even though KoFXIII looks fun to play, I still kind of yearn for some more gimmicky stuff, like, Kula actually being able to freeze opponents a la Sub-zero/JinKisaragi/Sasquatch/anyone else I'm forgetting*, instead of it just being something cosmetic.

*Rimururu and Gill were not counted because their freezing abilities were not gameplay-functionally significant

While I was in Japan, I noticed that the one character everybody and their mother used in BBCS was Hazama. If people were playing BB, you could be guaranteed that there'd be at least one person playing Hazama. Ragna was not nearly as common.

Personally, I don't get why Raiden isn't even more used than K'. Raiden has too many strengths, his charged dropkick seems to break the juggling rules or something (seriously, he lands an AA jab on somebody that isn't even a counterhit, and he can juggle with dropkick! he has so much time to juggle on hit that he doesn't even need to use drive cancel!), does way too much guard crush, beats way too much stuff, does way too much damage, and is safe on block (if not better!), and travels with speed that few other moves in the game have. I'm not sure how anybody could've missed all of that in testing.

What was the last game that K' was in that he wasn't awesome in? For that matter, what was the last game Kula was in where she wasn't also pretty awesome?

I like how Leona is able to land V-slashers on anybody that dares to jump without a setup, but it saddens me that for all the meter she burns, she really doesn't do much damage.

871th Post

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"Re(2):Sisters again" , posted Sat 25 Sep 04:40post reply


*Rimururu and Gill were not counted because their freezing abilities were not gameplay-functionally significant

Frozen floor move says hi.

2809th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"TypeX, KOF, TRF, and.. stuff." , posted Mon 27 Sep 01:50:post reply

An interview between Dune and KOFUnion is being reposted all over the place. I kind of wonder how much of his original wordings have been lost in double translation, but just to clarify a few points,

1.It's well known, but there are lags in the current arcade setups due to the TypeX family interface and LCD latency in Viewlix cabinets. The upcoming hardware update in December is supposed to improve things, but as of up until now, it's present in all games.

It's usually not that big of an issue since the games are developed with the latency in mind. KOF98UM however, wasn't a game created for the system, so people were complaining from Day 1 that there was some lag. On the other hand, KOFXIII was developed with the latency in mind, but because of that, the game feels a bit different compared to previous KOFs. Nevertheless, the game's jump system remains the same as previous KOFs, which is where the problem arises. Many players are saying that the latency makes it hard to guard K's jumps in a nick of time, and that it also makes it hard to defend by hitting jump-ins with pokes compared to previous KOFs. (IMO, it's something that can be easily fixed.)

2. SNKP very obviously put a lot of effort into KOFXIII, but they're a small company with limited resources and limited connections. With the president switching seats, it's too early to tell what roadmap the company will be taking in the future.

3. Dune and his comrades are seasoned KOF players, so it's natural that they'd go back to play their old favorite games now that Tougeki is over. The real issue however, is that KOFXIII thus far has not achieved new young audiences. In comparison, Arksys has been working with an effective marketing strategy for the Blazblue franchise, spending money on top voice actors and running promotion campaigns through nicovideo.

TRF's HnK match videos are more or less some of the best things ever, so it surprises me when an arcade famous for something so hardcore and so niche thinks that they are better off adopting a wait and see attitude on what ought to be one of the bigger hits in 1v1 fighting games.

As for TRF, I wonder what their reasoning is behind not picking up SSF4AC. Is it because they are uncertain if it will be a money maker? Is Capcom charging too much for the game? Is it sour grapes over having SSF4 hitting the home market first?

TRF is a good arcade, but it's.. it's hard to call that place a store, since it's more or less just a small corner on the top floor of a mall with about 6 machines lined up. Nowadays they seem more or less broke and I don't think they have any new games? They're running everything on old CRT cabinets. Like most independent shops, they're modest. They only charge half of what other places like the Sega arcades do. As for SF4, the machines are on freeplay during daytime and you can play them with a small advancement.

Putting all of that into consideration, it's not hard to figure out why the place is considered a mecca for SF4, and it's also understandable why they aren't getting SSF4. To note, SSF4(AC) comes in a set of four pieces and it's priced at a whopping 2.4 million yen (28.5 thousand dollars).

To clarify and to make sure there's no confusion--- the current Type X2 can connect to NesicaxLive with additional hardware (control panel replacement). As for the Type X-Zero, I'm not sure what it's aimed for. It currently seems like a washed down/budget version of the X-2.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 27 Sep 02:36]

742th Post

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"Re(1):TypeX, KOF, TRF, and.. stuff." , posted Tue 28 Sep 12:37:post reply

The Smoai channel uploaded some new KOFXIII vids that have great Leona/Chin/Kim action! You can even see a rare King player as well.

Nasty Leona combo at 7:45

King can be seen in this one

drink from me and live forever

[this message was edited by Evenor on Tue 28 Sep 12:38]

873th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"SNKP is hiring again?" , posted Wed 29 Sep 01:23:post reply

What does it mean? I think they're hiring for game department.
So there is a hope?

Edit :Sorry the link.

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Wed 29 Sep 01:24]

817th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):SNKP is hiring again?" , posted Wed 29 Sep 02:19post reply

What does it mean? I think they're hiring for game department.
So there is a hope?

Edit :Sorry the link.

They're probably ramping up their eroge division.


2810th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):SNKP is hiring again? / NesicaxLive" , posted Wed 29 Sep 02:41:post reply

Well the recruitment page has always been there, but the requirements were so vast that the company must've decided that they needed to trim things down.

SNKP's reputation is unfortunately not that good, so it wouldn't come as a surprize if they aren't able to find good programmers. That would explain why their updated recruitment actually allows programmers from the indies field as well, and the requirements are now just to have experience in making games with C/C++ and Windows.

Also, I missed out on this but details on NesicaxLive were already out. In fact, preorders closed today.

NESiCA Server: 89,000 yen ($1,060)
NESiCA Client: 172,000 yen ($2,050) For Viewlix
NESiCA Client: 190,000 ($2,260) For non-Viewlix
NESiCA Cards: 26,000 yen ($310) Pack of 100
-The server connects to the Internet and is used for storing game programs
-The Client is the add-on hardware for arcade machines, which is used to connect to the server. One unit can be used for paired machines.

The service pricing is still a mystery-- some reports say 30 yen or 31.5 yen per credit (probably just differences with/without tax) but it's unknown whether even that refers to a 30% ratio to a model case of a 100 yen per credit, or a flat rate regardless of credit price. It's also unknown if the pricing is the same for all games, or if it differs between new and older titles.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 29 Sep 04:34]

2018th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SNKP is hiring again? / NesicaxLive" , posted Wed 29 Sep 08:52post reply

SNKP's reputation is unfortunately not that good, so it wouldn't come as a surprize if they aren't able to find good programmers. That would explain why their updated recruitment actually allows programmers from the indies field as well, and the requirements are now just to have experience in making games with C/C++ and Windows.

I always thought that:
1.) It's hard to find a job in Japan due to the economic climate.
2.) Japan has a large base of capable (video game) programmers.
How do job openings for programmers in Japan not get filled, like, immediately?

2811th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):SNKP is hiring again? / NesicaxLive" , posted Wed 29 Sep 18:41:post reply

SNKP's reputation is unfortunately not that good, so it wouldn't come as a surprize if they aren't able to find good programmers. That would explain why their updated recruitment actually allows programmers from the indies field as well, and the requirements are now just to have experience in making games with C/C++ and Windows.

I always thought that:
1.) It's hard to find a job in Japan due to the economic climate.
2.) Japan has a large base of capable (video game) programmers.
How do job openings for programmers in Japan not get filled, like, immediately?

I'm not sure how I should be answering this, but for one, SNKP doesn't have a good reputation, and it'd probably be the last place that a well-experienced programmer would think of working at. Plus, they'd usually have good enough connections to find a better place to work. The unemployed are usually crappy programmers, or good programmers that've burnt out.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 29 Sep 18:51]

215th Post

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"Re(4):SNKP is hiring again? / NesicaxLive" , posted Thu 30 Sep 08:32post reply

I'm not sure how I should be answering this, but for one, SNKP doesn't have a good reputation, and it'd probably be the last place that a well-experienced programmer would think of working at. Plus, they'd usually have good enough connections to find a better place to work. The unemployed are usually crappy programmers, or good programmers that've burnt out.

That explains more than it should have

Slightly off-topic, sometime recently, I acquired a copy of NeoGeo DJ Station 2: BOF Returns, but I can't really tell what's going on in it, and I only really got it because Shermie's voice actress (Nishikawa) sings on it, and I'm left under the impression that it's actually meant for Shermie's character despite how out of character it sounds, only because she seems to barge into Athena's radio show before singing it. Does anyone have a summary of this album?

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"Blog update (nothing big)" , posted Thu 30 Sep 13:05post reply

It's a tournament notice, nothing too special (people are probably familiar already with all of this "dueling" business). In site there it will be XIII, 02um, vanilla 02 & 98 events. No 98UM on it made me smile.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 20 as of 09/09/10

9183th Post

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"Re(5):SNKP is hiring again? / NesicaxLive" , posted Thu 30 Sep 19:58post reply

Slightly off-topic, sometime recently, I acquired a copy of NeoGeo DJ Station 2: BOF Returns, but I can't really tell what's going on in it, and I only really got it because Shermie's voice actress (Nishikawa) sings on it, and I'm left under the impression that it's actually meant for Shermie's character despite how out of character it sounds, only because she seems to barge into Athena's radio show before singing it. Does anyone have a summary of this album?

I happen to have it, and all I remember was Xian Fei and Hibiki being hired by Yamazaki to do... something, and Shermie having a few funny lines at some point. My favourite moment is when Xian Fei starts talking to Geese, only to be cut mid-sentence by the best DOUBLE REPPUKEN ever shouted by a human mouth.

2818th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Thu 7 Oct 14:07:post reply

According to multiple arcades, the KOFXIII update patch mentioned two weeks ago has arrived today-- others will receive it before the weekend. The update comes in the form of a replacement HDD. The title screen should say "ver1.1", so that players would know if they're on the new or old machine.

[edit] Updated.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 7 Oct 15:38]

55th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Thu 7 Oct 15:45post reply

According to multiple arcades, the KOFXIII update patch mentioned two weeks ago has arrived today-- others will receive it before the weekend. The update comes in the form of a replacement HDD. The title screen should say "ver1.1", so that players would know if they're on the new or old machine.

[edit] Updated.

REALLLY?? Any information on what is on this update? (Maybe bug fixes, slight rebalances, new palettes?). Either way- I'm intrigued.

2819th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Thu 7 Oct 15:58:post reply

It's still been under half a day since the update came out so there's not much details yet. I'm assuming that SNKP might make an announcement to the general public on their blog today.. if they're competent.

According to some early reports, the bugs and infinites have been taken out (say goodbye to the massive Mature population). The roll HD has reportedly been taken out. Players are saying that there doesn't seem to be any balance changes?

I probably won't have time for hands-on until the weekend.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 7 Oct 16:02]

12th Post

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"Re(1):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Thu 7 Oct 16:24post reply

According to multiple arcades, the KOFXIII update patch mentioned two weeks ago has arrived today-- others will receive it before the weekend. The update comes in the form of a replacement HDD. The title screen should say "ver1.1", so that players would know if they're on the new or old machine.

[edit] Updated.

Hmm I wonder what that means for people overseas, it would be so simple if it was a USB update that they can download, but if it's a HDD then it needs to be shipped (to AI in California).

Either way this is great news!

Not to derail the thread but if anyone wanted to keep up with our progress (it's not going to compare to KCE of course) then here:


2820th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Fri 8 Oct 20:30:post reply

SNKP hasn't made any public announcements, but so far from what's been reported by players, it's basically just a bug and infinite fix. Things that players have confirmed so far-

-Hwa Jai's outofscreen bug, Vice's throw glitch, and Ralf's NeoMax bugs are fixed. Throw escape bug for Mai is apparently still present.
-Infinites (Mature, Joe) are gone. However, infinites limited to character pairing (Kim vs Takuma, Iori vs Mai) are reportedly still present.
-Meterless EX for Goro and Takuma are fixed.
-Raiden's eats damage when his anti-air throw trades hits.
-Roll HD is gone.
-No character balance changes, meaning Raiden still has his drop kicks and the GCDK is present, K' still has his same Jump D, etcetc.

So basically, it just means that in terms of general gameplay, people will be dropping Mature and continue to use a teamup of K' & Raiden & (Liz-Kula-Kyo-whatever). For the hasstle of an HDD replacement, that's a bit of a pity.

Kane-- Nice Chin combos! Particularly the 1024dmg. You've really been polishing up.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 8 Oct 20:38]

13th Post

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New Customer

"Re(4):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Fri 8 Oct 23:28post reply

SNKP hasn't made any public announcements, but so far from what's been reported by players, it's basically just a bug and infinite fix. Things that players have confirmed so far-

-Hwa Jai's outofscreen bug, Vice's throw glitch, and Ralf's NeoMax bugs are fixed. Throw escape bug for Mai is apparently still present.
-Infinites (Mature, Joe) are gone. However, infinites limited to character pairing (Kim vs Takuma, Iori vs Mai) are reportedly still present.
-Meterless EX for Goro and Takuma are fixed.
-Raiden's eats damage when his anti-air throw trades hits.
-Roll HD is gone.
-No character balance changes, meaning Raiden still has his drop kicks and the GCDK is present, K' still has his same Jump D, etcetc.

So basically, it just means that in terms of general gameplay, people will be dropping Mature and continue to use a teamup of K' & Raiden & (Liz-Kula-Kyo-whatever). For the hasstle of an HDD replacement, that's a bit of a pity.

Kane-- Nice Chin combos! Particularly the 1024dmg. You've really been polishing up.

Thank you sir, I've had help with the creative side from a Japanese BBS (with the help of Google Translator).

I think the report is great news, of course many of us are disappointed that no changes were made to Raiden but at least it's a step forward. I'm REALLY curious why the decision to remove roll cancel HD; was it too abusive? The only person I can think of that benefited from it too much was perhaps K'.


Shin ATproof
1260th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Sat 9 Oct 17:19post reply

Hope that there will be a character balance patch...I just don't expect it until all the major glitches and exploits are removed.

Fact: Everything with Norio Wakamoto and/or JAM Project is awesome.
Sí mon con langosta y camarón!

15th Post

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"Re(6):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Tue 12 Oct 06:17:post reply

I have a question and maybe those who have access to v1.1 could help us out. What exactly does the patch do to Mature's infinite; do they fall to the ground quicker?

The reason I ask is over here at AI we're waiting for the patch but we don't know how long it's going to take. We have a tournament planned and we want to mirror the rules as closely to v1.1 as possible.

EDIT: Any word on Iori's DM bug; the ability to roll out of his DM?


[this message was edited by Kane317 on Tue 12 Oct 08:52]

2822th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Tue 12 Oct 17:34:post reply

I have a question and maybe those who have access to v1.1 could help us out. What exactly does the patch do to Mature's infinite; do they fall to the ground quicker?

The reason I ask is over here at AI we're waiting for the patch but we don't know how long it's going to take. We have a tournament planned and we want to mirror the rules as closely to v1.1 as possible.

EDIT: Any word on Iori's DM bug; the ability to roll out of his DM?

[edit] fixed explanation on infinite

I haven't been able to hit the arcades this weekend as planned but from what I understand, the last hit on her Death Row has either been taken out, or its hit detection lasts for only a very short time that it can't be used in a juggle. With Joe, there's mixed reports that either his weak Hurricane Upper has been slowed down just a little bit, or the rapid punches has been toned down so that it doesn't juggle as much (apparently the 3rd hit doesn't make it in). Iori's DM bug has reportedly been fixed.

Also, there's apparently a bug with Mai that wasn't discovered until now where she's left with an unblockable frame at wakeup under certain conditions- so far it's been found that she has it after being thrown face down to the ground. It's probably the reason why Iori has had an infinite against her.

BTW I'm surprised too that the roll cancel HD was taken out; I can only assume that SNKP just didn't want anything in the game that they didn't throw in by design.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 12 Oct 18:18]

15th Post

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New Customer

"Re(8):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Tue 12 Oct 18:01post reply

I have a question and maybe those who have access to v1.1 could help us out. What exactly does the patch do to Mature's infinite; do they fall to the ground quicker?

The reason I ask is over here at AI we're waiting for the patch but we don't know how long it's going to take. We have a tournament planned and we want to mirror the rules as closely to v1.1 as possible.

EDIT: Any word on Iori's DM bug; the ability to roll out of his DM?

I haven't been able to hit the arcades this weekend as planned but from what I understand, the last hit on her Death Row has been taken out. With Joe, his Hurricane Upper has been slowed down just a little bit. Iori's DM bug has reportedly been fixed.

Also, there's apparently a bug with Mai that wasn't discovered until now where she's left with an unblockable frame at wakeup under certain conditions- so far it's been found that she has it after being thrown face down to the ground. It's probably the reason why Iori has had an infinite against her.

BTW I'm surprised too that the roll cancel HD was taken out; I can only assume that SNKP just didn't want anything in the game that they didn't throw in by design.

Great, I use Mai. So when's patch 2 :)


2823th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Tue 12 Oct 18:15:post reply


Great, I use Mai. So when's patch 2 :)

I'm guessing that the players at AI are polite enough not to abuse bugs, but against those who aren't, just be prepared to throw escape against some certain characters like Kyo, Andy, Robert, Takuma, etc.

Also, I updated the infinite fixes in the previous post, there were a few explanations missing.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 12 Oct 19:29]

9189th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Tue 12 Oct 18:36post reply

BTW I'm surprised too that the roll cancel HD was taken out; I can only assume that SNKP just didn't want anything in the game that they didn't throw in by design.

Just out of curiosity, what was the roll cancel HD?

2823th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Tue 12 Oct 19:25:post reply

BTW I'm surprised too that the roll cancel HD was taken out; I can only assume that SNKP just didn't want anything in the game that they didn't throw in by design.

Just out of curiosity, what was the roll cancel HD?

In Ver1.0, dash rolls could be canceled with an HD activation. It could be used in combos for some characters like K' and Iori and it was pretty useful (although not to an abusive level) since you could activate it in the middle of a juggle = no need for split-second hit confirmations.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 12 Oct 19:42]

5155th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Fix for XIII now arriving at stores" , posted Tue 12 Oct 23:18post reply

You might know of it, but there is this site that has been compiling post and pre patch differences (we have nihongo and eigo links, though the english reading is arguably shorter).

.... BTW I assume we won't have a second patch too soon, since from what I understand SNK had to give away HDDs with the fix and ship them for free.... If that's so, then it's simply a steep price to pay for not knowing how to properly "program" a patch without extra hardware.

Update 22 as of 27/08/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 20 as of 09/09/10

2824th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Fix for XIII now arriving at sto" , posted Wed 13 Oct 03:53:post reply

I'm kind of amazed that this hasn't been mentioned, but one thing about Ignition Entertainment, the overseas publisher of KOF12.

As mentioned last month, Ignition Entertainment didn't have KOF13 on display nor did they make any announcements during TGS. All they basically had was their new original title named El Shaddai, so it was assumed that the company's booth would be lacklusting.

The interesting turn took place right after the end of TGS. El Shaddai, with its oddly surreal trailer, took on a life of its own and exploded into a huge viral internet phenomenon throughout the Japanese side. Probably not something that the company was expecting. As of now, the game (or at least its one-lines) definitely has more familiarity to people than KOF13 in the country. In fact, the lines are being overused and it's getting a tad annoying... more vids

[edit] cripes, someone compiled a collection of store ads that have nothing to do with the game

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 13 Oct 04:52]

873th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Re(10):Fix for XIII now arriving at sto" , posted Wed 13 Oct 06:52post reply

I'm kind of amazed that this hasn't been mentioned, but one thing about Ignition Entertainment, the overseas publisher of KOF12.

As mentioned last month, Ignition Entertainment didn't have KOF13 on display nor did they make any announcements during TGS. All they basically had was their new original title named El Shaddai, so it was assumed that the company's booth would be lacklusting.

The interesting turn took place right after the end of TGS. El Shaddai, with its oddly surreal trailer, took on a life of its own and exploded into a huge viral internet phenomenon throughout the Japanese side. Probably not something that the company was expecting. As of now, the game (or at least its one-lines) definitely has more familiarity to people than KOF13 in the country. In fact, the lines are being overused and it's getting a tad annoying... more vids

[edit] cripes, someone compiled a collection of store ads that have nothing to do with the game


2031th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Fix for XIII now arriving at sto" , posted Wed 13 Oct 07:39post reply

I'm kind of amazed that this hasn't been mentioned, but one thing about Ignition Entertainment, the overseas publisher of KOF12.

As mentioned last month, Ignition Entertainment didn't have KOF13 on display nor did they make any announcements during TGS. All they basically had was their new original title named El Shaddai, so it was assumed that the company's booth would be lacklusting.

The interesting turn took place right after the end of TGS. El Shaddai, with its oddly surreal trailer, took on a life of its own and exploded into a huge viral internet phenomenon throughout the Japanese side. Probably not something that the company was expecting. As of now, the game (or at least its one-lines) definitely has more familiarity to people than KOF13 in the country. In fact, the lines are being overused and it's getting a tad annoying... more vids

[edit] cripes, someone compiled a collection of store ads that have nothing to do with the game

I have to wonder what kind of message Ignition is getting from this... make crazy new things? Ditch KOF and never look back?

219th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Fix for XIII now arriving at sto" , posted Wed 13 Oct 11:08post reply

I have to wonder what kind of message Ignition is getting from this... make crazy new things? Ditch KOF and never look back?
One can only hope. I don't want someone who doesn't care about properly porting something stateside touching anything.

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2825th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Re(10):Fix for XIII now arriving at sto" , posted Wed 13 Oct 17:17:post reply

I have to wonder what kind of message Ignition is getting from this... make crazy new things? Ditch KOF and never look back? One can only hope. I don't want someone who doesn't care about properly porting something stateside touching anything.

Ignition might be thinking "Hey, we might not have to rely on licences to make money they way we've been doing".

It's really weird though, I've never heard of a mass-scale production that started up because the corporate group's president had a personal love for an artist and wanted to make a game with his art. I've also never heard of an artist ending up working as a game's director because of that.

According to the game's producer Masato Kimura-- a former employee of Capcom, the game is currently in development with a staff of 120, mainly consisting of other members from his previous company whom have worked on a number of series including Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, and Okami. The artist Sawaki Takeyasu, is also an ex-Capcom worker.

On a different note, amongst players that are still playing KOFXIII, things are starting to take the same path as they did back with the awfully unbalanced arcade version of KOFXI. That is, the players are proposing ratio styled rules for tournaments, meaning that if you pick the stronger characters, you'll need to chose the weaker characters for the rest of your team. The latest proposal for the ratios via Shitarababbs was this. It probably needs some more tuning though.

Alloted Maximum Ratio = 5

Ratio / Character
5 K', Raiden
4 Kyo, Elisabeth, Takuma
3 Andy, Iori, Shen, Kula
2 Robert, Chin, Yuri, Maxima, Leona, Ash, Benimaru, Kim
1 Duolon, Goro, Terry, Clark, Hwa, King
0 Joe, Kensou, Athena, Ralf, Ryo, Mai, Mature, Vice

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 13 Oct 17:22]

874th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Re(10):Fix for XIII now arriving at sto" , posted Wed 13 Oct 20:23post reply


It's really weird though, I've never heard of a mass-scale production that started up because the corporate group's president had a personal love for an artist and wanted to make a game with his art. I've also never heard of an artist ending up working as a game's director because of that.

Personal love for his art or just the artist?

2825th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Re(10):Fix for XIII now arriving at sto" , posted Thu 14 Oct 01:26post reply


Personal love for his art or just the artist?

You... never know.... they said that the president flew all the way to meet him...

On another note, for anyone wondering what the Ratio looked like for KOFXI, it was really an eyesore. If players decide to finalize one for XIII, hopefully it won't be this complicated.

Max = 11
7 Gato, Kula
6 Ozwald, Ryo
5 Terry, Kim, Duck, Yuri, Ralf, Clark, Eiji, K'
4 Ash, King, Mary, Maxima, Kyo, Iori, Adel, Gai, Silver, Jazu
3 Shen, Liz, Benimaru, Jenet, Griffonmask, Vanessa, Ramon, Marin
2 Duolon, Whip, Athena, Kensou, Kasumi, Shingo
1 Momoko, Hayate

220th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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"Re(5):Re(10):Fix for XIII now arriving at sto" , posted Thu 14 Oct 14:47post reply

Alloted Maximum Ratio = 5

Ratio / Character
5 K', Raiden
4 Kyo, Elisabeth, Takuma
3 Andy, Iori, Shen, Kula
2 Robert, Chin, Yuri, Maxima, Leona, Ash, Benimaru, Kim
1 Duolon, Goro, Terry, Clark, Hwa, King
0 Joe, Kensou, Athena, Ralf, Ryo, Mai, Mature, Vice

I'm so going to use unlimited Joe's

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

827th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):Re(10):Fix for XIII now arriving at sto" , posted Thu 14 Oct 15:43post reply


I'm so going to use unlimited Joe's

I started searching for a Facebook "like" button after reading this comment. WHATS HAPPENING TO MY MIND???


2828th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Move To Next" , posted Thu 14 Oct 19:29:post reply

The game is now into its third month, and this thread with 200+ posts is getting just a way bit heavy on load. The heat's not yet over until the home release comes out, so let us continue on to a New Thread.

Move To Next Thread!

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 14 Oct 20:00]