Scott Pilgrim made my day - Forums

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353th Post

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"Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Sat 14 Aug 03:40post reply

Fucking incredible! I've only read the first 2 volumes, but the flick was spot-on except for moving the Knives/Ramona fight to the end, and the River City Ransom rescue scene was entirely off-screen and only referred to by the characters. Seriously though, that movie is just entirely made of win, tailor-made for people like us. They don't expect most of the populace to get it, and that's fine.

"Hey, I learned the bass line from Final Fantasy II..." DAdadadaDAdaDAda DAdadadaDAdaDAda

2 thumbs up.


913th Post

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"Re(1):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Sat 14 Aug 06:57post reply

I've seen five or six critics call Pilgrim "Twlight for boys" or "Twilight for nerds", and it's exactly what it is - self-insert nerd garbage.

I wish "geek culture" hadn't taken over entertainment. Pilgrim makes it even worse. Now you go to the theater to watch videogames.

5th Post

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"Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Sat 14 Aug 15:22post reply

Aside from the differences from the comic the movie is very enjoyable from a gamer point of view as well as a film enthusiast, thought michael cera would butcher the character but IMO he did a decent job, I think this movie will definitively pave the way for a new kind of game movies, "good" ones.

If you enjoy video games you have to give this movie a chance, even if you don't end up liking it that much I bet you will enjoy the "borrowed" sound effects from certain games.

549th Post

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"Re(2):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Sun 15 Aug 12:54post reply

I wish "geek culture" hadn't taken over entertainment. Pilgrim makes it even worse. Now you go to the theater to watch videogames.

If the long MGS haters are to be taken at all seriously, we've been watching video games for about 12 years, now.

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491th Post

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"Re(1):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Mon 16 Aug 10:29post reply

Damnit, I've finished the books, but Scott Pilgrim's not showing here until November freakin 4. The hell's up with that?

If you guys haven't read the comics but found the movie enjoyable, you should give it a read. (Assuming the movie was good) ((Or at least faithful to the comics to some extent)).

I understand that Scott Pilgrim in general is as accessible to nongamers, but did you really hate the movie that much, beto? (I haven't watched the movie, so I really have no idea of its quality)


1235th Post

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"Re(2):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Mon 16 Aug 20:44post reply

I've only read a smidgen of the comic, but Cera seems way more effeminate than the comic book Pilgrim. The comic book version feels much more aggressive and confident. Maybe I'm wrong?

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492th Post

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"Re(3):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Mon 16 Aug 21:33post reply

Comic Scott Pilgrim is a confident happy-go-lucky slacker, and a bit of a dumbass.

The forums I frequent have mixed reactions to Cera, but more than half (guesstimate?) say that he does well as Scott Pilgrim in this movie.


9163th Post

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"Re(4):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Mon 16 Aug 23:26post reply

I have no idea about either the movie, the game or the comic book, nor do I feel like trying any of them, but I think I'll never see Cera beyound his character from Arrested development.

485th Post

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"Re(3):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Tue 17 Aug 01:08post reply

I've only read a smidgen of the comic, but Cera seems way more effeminate than the comic book Pilgrim. The comic book version feels much more aggressive and confident. Maybe I'm wrong?

I was very afraid that it would kill the movie for me... but he kinda pull it off in the end.
The only moment I felt he didn't fit as Pilgrim was the moment when he's in bed with Ramona... He's just too skinny and it wasn't how I pictured it... For the rest of the movie, I'd say he exceeded my expectations (which weren't very high, to be honest).
He particularly impressed me in the fight scenes, he was very believable as a badass geek, which suprised me to no end.

The mood, ambiance, etc. are SPOT ON! If you've read the comic and enjoyed it, you can't miss this for the world...

I understand some people's hatred, though... It's definitely the kind of movie/comic that you have to "get" to enjoy.


412th Post

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"Re(4):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Tue 17 Aug 03:37post reply

I've only read a smidgen of the comic, but Cera seems way more effeminate than the comic book Pilgrim. The comic book version feels much more aggressive and confident. Maybe I'm wrong?

I was very afraid that it would kill the movie for me... but he kinda pull it off in the end.
The only moment I felt he didn't fit as Pilgrim was the moment when he's in bed with Ramona... He's just too skinny and it wasn't how I pictured it... For the rest of the movie, I'd say he exceeded my expectations (which weren't very high, to be honest).
He particularly impressed me in the fight scenes, he was very believable as a badass geek, which suprised me to no end.

He's actually one of the things that makes me hesitate about going to see the movie-- All of the art, the comic, the game, you name it, it all paints Pilgrim as a sort of tougher and cooler person than I can imagine Cera pulling off.

I think the reason he was cast is that he is the kind of actor who 'gets cast in this kind of movie' regardless of whether someone else would be better. I think he must sell really well to the 'sensitive quirky' crowd or something.

Eh, I will wait for second-run showings or rental. But then I make the same decision about a lot of movies, so no one should take my opinion seriously.

791th Post

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"Re(5):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Tue 17 Aug 04:22post reply


I think the reason he was cast is that he is the kind of actor who 'gets cast in this kind of movie' regardless of whether someone else would be better. I think he must sell really well to the 'sensitive quirky' crowd or something.

Eh, I will wait for second-run showings or rental. But then I make the same decision about a lot of movies, so no one should take my opinion seriously.

I think Michael Cera was cast because he's so sexually non threatening to both men and women. If they cast someone more handsome, then the audience might catch on that he's not a "loveable loser" he's a womanizer. It would change the whole tone of the story from "nerdy guy in over his head" to a typical good looking hero learning important life lessons.

shin ramberk
366th Post

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"Re(1):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Tue 17 Aug 06:37post reply

Speaking as someone who grew up on US TV/movies/comics and who read the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels before the movie had even been announced I just want to say that I really enjoyed the movie, I hope its a success but it was not perfect.

The good things: The style of the movie really emulated the books. The multi-frames, the video game special effects, the funny captions and special effects were really well done. The editing, the visuals-- it was all something that were special and combined in a well thought out way. It was a movie that was really well put together.

The bad: There's only two flaws to the movie-- Michael Cera and the dense plot. Because you have to cram in seven-plus "boss" fights into the movie, your gonna get a fast moving story. This stunts the ability to give depth to all the characters. It also makes you feel exasperated because you know that a boss fight is going to happen very soon.

I love Michael Cera in Arrested Development. I thought he was good in Superbad (although I don't care for that movie). I did not like Michael Cera in this movie. His acting was 1-dimensional. He didn't pull any emotions from me and he didn't really sell the idea that he could win a fight.

The two love interests, Ramona and Knives Chau, pulled more emotions from me. I felt Ramona's sadness, regret and toughness. I also felt Chau's hyper excitedness, naivety and ultimately her growth into a wise young woman. Scott grew and changed in the movie but Michael Cera just didn't make me feel any of Scott's sadness, anger or growth. In fact, Kim Pine, a secondary character in Scott's band emoted a lot better then Michael Cera's Scott and that actress had 5% of the lines MC had.

Regardless of MC's 1-dimensional acting to this role I was happy overall with the movie. I hope it becomes a cult hit and is remembered. Edgar Wright did a great job with this movie!

476th Post

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"Re(2):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Wed 18 Aug 01:21post reply


I did not like Michael Cera in this movie. His acting was 1-dimensional. He didn't pull any emotions from me and he didn't really sell the idea that he could win a fight.

Well he is a 1-Dimensional actor. He will never ever ever pull any emotion from anybody. I still don't understand why he is still getting roles.

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413th Post

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"Re(3):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Wed 18 Aug 01:48post reply

I played the game quite a bit last night, and I have to say that I think it's really well made and fun, and more than anything else it looks and sounds great. Ubisoft did a great job all around.

So as not to spoil it for anyone who hasn't played yet, but wants to:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I'm liking a lot of the pieces, especially the 'pocket dimension' areas entered through some of the game's doors (complete with glitched-out overlays), all the different shops, and the Super Mario style overworld pipes on the main map.

End of Spoiler

I think the best way to describe it is this: finally, someone has made a game based on some other IP (whether you want to think of it as based on a movie or on a comic book) that's truly good an its own merits. I don't really give a crap (or HAVE to give a crap, let's say), ultimately, who the game's characters are-- I like the game entirely on its own merits. I know there have been other decent licensed games that aren't trash, but let's at least say they are few and far between.

Oh, and the soundtrack is great-- I like that while it's a 'chiptune' soundtrack, it has plenty of things games of the referenced era didn't have, like complex pans, fades, and layered audio. Am I wrong that Anamanaguchi supplied the OST? Hopefully it will be output somewhere at some point, because it's nice and catchy.

554th Post

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"Another 8-bit homage" , posted Wed 18 Aug 04:16post reply

Retro City Rampage

263th Post

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"Re(3):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Wed 18 Aug 07:13post reply

Well he is a 1-Dimensional actor. He will never ever ever pull any emotion from anybody. I still don't understand why he is still getting roles.

Michael Cera somehow became Hollywood's choice for teen acting jobs, and the inertia of Hollywood will keep him in these roles until he is too old, he takes a job that greatly breaks the typecast, or the next guy comes along.

It is similar to how Shia LaBeouf continued to get work. And how Uwe Boll became the go-to guy for videogame-based movie. And how Jeff Loeb keeps getting comics-based media work.

And Nobinobita is right about Cera being non-threatening.

493th Post

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"Re(4):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Wed 18 Aug 11:22post reply


Oh, and the soundtrack is great-- I like that while it's a 'chiptune' soundtrack, it has plenty of things games of the referenced era didn't have, like complex pans, fades, and layered audio. Am I wrong that Anamanaguchi supplied the OST? Hopefully it will be output somewhere at some point, because it's nice and catchy.

Yep, Anamanaguchi was behind the sounds. Paul Robertson, the guy who made the Pirate Baby Cabana Battle way back, was part of the design team.


1239th Post

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"Re(5):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Fri 20 Aug 09:00post reply

I am really really enjoying the Scott Pilgrim game.
It's almost exactly what I want from a beat-em-up like this.
I say almost because... I want 10x more volume!!

The game really comes into its own when you start to get the advanced moves. You can really do some Kunio-kun style combos, with enemies being flung up into the air, slammed down and into objects, and relaunched. 2 players is a blast.

I really wish there was online play, but even practicing alone is insanely fun.

The music is stellar. I love the subtly modern chip-tune sound.

There is a zombie survival horror mode too! The zombies sort of resemble the Metal Slug ones :)

Anyway enough out of me !!

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

4520th Post

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"Re(6):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Fri 20 Aug 11:28post reply

You can really do some Kunio-kun style combos

Angry Nintendo Nerd in the background was more entertaining than that guy.

I definitely see the potential though. Now to wait until someone competent enough can make a real combo vid without the inane banter.

1241th Post

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"Re(7):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Fri 20 Aug 12:41:post reply

I definitely see the potential though. Now to wait until someone competent enough can make a real combo vid without the inane banter.

Yea, I think I will set up a camera, I'm that dedicated :)
Give me a few days.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Fri 20 Aug 12:41]

336th Post

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"Re(2):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Fri 20 Aug 18:52post reply

I've seen five or six critics call Pilgrim "Twlight for boys" or "Twilight for nerds", and it's exactly what it is - self-insert nerd garbage.
I wish "geek culture" hadn't taken over entertainment. Pilgrim makes it even worse. Now you go to the theater to watch videogames.

I've only read the 1st chapter of the comic (the movie's not availabl here yet), but it doesn't paint a very sympathetic picture of Scott - you can tell everyone he deals with disapproves of how he handles his life, or at least his relationship with Knives, and that Knives herself only seems to like him due to knowing that many guys (at least not of his age).

Still, when the movie comes, I'm not seeing it for the plot, which seems openly silly - at most, you could interpret the "ex-boyfriend boss rush" thing as symbolic of how one might need to surpass expectations froma loved one's previous relationships.

I'm seeing it to see how video game language gets adapted to a movie, after story-telling tricks from literature and moves/TV being used in games - it may not be the 1st movie to do it, but certainly seems to be the most open and flashier about it, and it should be interesting to see if this sort of imagery makes it to future productions and how well.

It's kinda funny that of all things, when thinking about this movie I also think about "Stranger than Fiction", due to the little visual details that reflected the protagonist's view of the world - he's a numbers-oriented guy, so you often see things like graphs drawn over liquid containers in the scenery (not drawn on them, think more like a very very toned-down "Terminator view") measuring thing like percentages. I found it an interesting way to show the character's thought processes, and it seems a movie like Scott Pilgrim will crank this sort of thing up to eleven - personally, I welcome that, and can't wait to see more of it in the future, if in a more subtle manner.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

1244th Post

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"Re(3):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Sun 22 Aug 12:35:post reply

OK, got a video up. Sorry for the sound, it might just be better to mute it.

I LOVE the confident feel that Scott has in the first few parts of the comic. But Micheal Cera just screams low self esteem geek... do people think that geeks all have low self esteem? His rating is "Awesome" after all.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Sun 22 Aug 12:57]

3869th Post

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"Re(4):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Mon 23 Aug 08:15post reply

OK, got a video up. Sorry for the sound, it might just be better to mute it.

I LOVE the confident feel that Scott has in the first few parts of the comic. But Micheal Cera just screams low self esteem geek... do people think that geeks all have low self esteem? His rating is "Awesome" after all.

Thanks for the video. While I really liked the demo I was uncertain how much more there was to the game. It looks like once you get a full moves list you can really go crazy.

Going from the video it also looks like you haven't figured out what to do with the summoned girl who burps "love" either.

465th Post

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"Re(1):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Mon 23 Aug 09:41post reply

I thought the movie was fairly enjoyable. I haven't read the comics but it did give Scott's character gave the impression of an adult manchild who couldn't hold a competent relationship with women.

Just as an average movie goer without reading or knowing of the comic, I thought it was a fairly fun movie. In my opinion though I didn't really think the video game stuff mentioned in the game was over played. However, on the commercials I thought it was a bit excessive. {As for expecting the river city ransom coin drops and points on the screen and so forth).

I enjoyed the game a lot but found it super easy when everyone was leveled up appropriately. I found Lucas Lee's stage to be incredibly fun and catchy theme stage music.

1244th Post

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"Re(5):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Mon 23 Aug 10:01post reply

Thanks for the video. While I really liked the demo I was uncertain how much more there was to the game. It looks like once you get a full moves list you can really go crazy.

Going from the video it also looks like you haven't figured out what to do with the summoned girl who burps "love" either.

The summoned girl (Knives Chau) is good depending on the character. For the Scott character, she does that LOVE thing, and when the cloud disappears every enemy on the screen is stunned for about one second. It can be useful in some situations, like a ton of guys on screen, but I usually save those "guts" points for health.

You see, if you have guts points left after you die, you will automatically revive and the guts points will be converted to health at a 1/2 point ratio. So it's more useful to save the points in general.

Other characters have better uses for her. For example, Kim and Knives will have a short makeout session (which of course heals her), and Ramona will be coffeed up and go into that super flashing mode. The other dude's version is an attack like Ibuki's SA1. :)

If you get the game, one thing to remember is not to get too leveled up. I have watched a bunch of vids online and one guy is so powerful that he just kills all enemies in one jump kick (I think this is even on hard difficulty). That's not fun. In my vid I put a lot of points into defense but kept my strength stat at medium to make the game a little more interesting. Luckily you can reset your stats at the menu and rebuild your character as you see fit (but you have to get the money to do so).

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

466th Post

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"Re(6):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Mon 23 Aug 10:09post reply


If you get the game, one thing to remember is not to get too leveled up. I have watched a bunch of vids online and one guy is so powerful that he just kills all enemies in one jump kick (I think this is even on hard difficulty). That's not fun.

Yeeaah thats where I am at right now with Scott. I haven't touched the other characters but played them briefly. I did that one thing where you pay off scott's late rental fees and it opens up a bunch of buffs available for 4.95 a piece and they pretty much help you max out your stats.

Have you gotten Nega-Scott or the Striker Mr. Chau Ktall?

496th Post

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"Re(2):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Mon 23 Aug 11:23post reply

Knives does the following:

Scott - low damage to everyone after a short delay.
Kim - heals her, and (I'm not sure) very low damage to all? I haven't seen anyone try to knock Kim out of this.
Ramona - hypers everyone.
Stephen Stills - good damage to a line in front of Knives.

Some dude at GameFAQs made some computations, and he determined that the album Kupek, available at the Music Store in the Shopping District, gives the best bang for the buck stats-wise. (+2 to all for 14.95, I think?)

On multiplayer, the only cost I'm seeing in reviving downed teammates is money (couldn't check how much, but not that much), so it's a good way of prolonging your lives. One tactic we've resorted to when we're low on health is (with no enemies on screen) knocking out the other person via thrown objects then reviving him/her.


1245th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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"Re(7):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Tue 24 Aug 00:37post reply

Have you gotten Nega-Scott or the Striker Mr. Chau Ktall?

I haven't, I need to play more. Too busy. :D

I want to know who the other secret character is.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

467th Post

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PSN: blitzrush85
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"Re(8):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Tue 24 Aug 01:04post reply

Have you gotten Nega-Scott or the Striker Mr. Chau Ktall?

I haven't, I need to play more. Too busy. :D

I want to know who the other secret character is.

Yeah I wanted to see if I could accomplish everything in the last few days I had before my last semester of college and on total lock down.

But I think those are the only two characters mentioned far as I've seen online.

421th Post

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"Re(9):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Wed 25 Aug 04:44post reply

Lots more background/extra/bonus crap has been posted.

Some pretty cool stuff, and info about things that were planned but had to be cut.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3673th Post

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"Re(2):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Wed 8 Sep 09:58post reply

I understand that Scott Pilgrim in general is as accessible to nongamers, but did you really hate the movie that much, beto? (I haven't watched the movie, so I really have no idea of its quality)

you forget! beto is mmcafe's resident emo. hell, he was emo before emo was named emo! isn't that right, emo? i mean, beto!

i've played the game, read the comic, and watched the movie. i could write dozens of thoughtful paragraphs about what i loved, what i hated, and what i felt needed improvement. but at the end of the day, if you have any appreciation for nerd culture (and you probably do if you're on this board), then any piece of media with the Scott Pilgrim name on it is simply fun

502th Post

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"Re(3):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Wed 8 Sep 11:45post reply

Heheh. I didn't know beto was emo before emo sold out.

I've heard that the Bluray/DVDs of the movie will contain DLC Codes of Knives Chau, 17 years old the 6th playable character in the game, and that they'll be available in November...ish.

I've finished the game solo in Easy and Medium difficulties already. The last boss(es) didn't really put up much of a fight, maybe I overlevelled? The Counter system has a timing similar to Parrying, and now it made me try to finish all the bosses by CROSS-COUNTAH. So Ridiculous.


Juke Joint Jezebel
3674th Post

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"Re(4):Scott Pilgrim made my day" , posted Thu 9 Sep 07:04post reply

i found this today. they really brought the comic to life. would absolutely love to see more of this