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hikarutilmitt 550th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(1):Random Thread, Remember me?" , posted Tue 31 Aug 12:46    
quote: So essentially, Other M is Sakimoto's Killer 7?
The whole fan debacle going over this game is crazy, but I guess it's no different from that "What is Castlevania?" question we had in the previous Random Thread. Essentially, fans have come to regard a series based on the defining hallmarks established by its releases so far, but when a director/producer shakes things up considerably, they get displeased. It reminds me of what happened with Tekken 4.
I'll give my impressions come Tuesday.
I see a lot on both sides form fans and people, like me, who were turned off by Prime. I rather like the idea that it's a Team Ninja game done with Metroid. It's something fresh or at least different from what we've been getting, something Zelda needs again to rekindle my interest in that long-in-the-tooth series.
 PSN: hikarutimitt XBL: hikarutilmitt
KTallguy 1247th Post

PSN: Hunter-KT XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):This is a Random Thread to Remember, FI" , posted Tue 31 Aug 23:36    
I think Other M is a bold experiment, but I really really really really prefer the desolate feel of Super Metroid and the original Metroid games. I never really cared about Samus as a character, or her comrades, or the politics of interstellar space detachments. I liked Samus as a bounty hunter in armor, because then I could just play as if it were me.
I won't knock Other M because I haven't played it, and I'm sure the game has good gameplay, but Metroid was never about flash for me.
And from what I've heard of it, the localization is horrible.
Although the G4 review goes a little bit too off the deep end, I do agree that not using your special abilities because someone says so is pretty dumb.
Play to win... or to have fun too! :)
sfried 563th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(3):This is a Random Thread to Remember, FI" , posted Wed 1 Sep 08:56:    
quote: I think Other M is a bold experiment, but I really really really really prefer the desolate feel of Super Metroid and the original Metroid games. I never really cared about Samus as a character, or her comrades, or the politics of interstellar space detachments. I liked Samus as a bounty hunter in armor, because then I could just play as if it were me.
I won't knock Other M because I haven't played it, and I'm sure the game has good gameplay, but Metroid was never about flash for me.
And from what I've heard of it, the localization is horrible.
Although the G4 review goes a little bit too off the deep end, I do agree that not using your special abilities because someone says so is pretty dumb.
I've played a couple of hours of Other M, and so far, it really feels like Metroid Gaiden.
I won't comment on G4's review because I don't watch (nor care about) G4 (not to mention they murdured my favorite television channel TechTV, but that's yet another story, too). But I will say this game feels very much remenicent of Metroid Fusion in that some guy dictates you to go a certain direction and your progresswill feel pretty linear, but I feel this game is criss-crossing some thats in order to form a complex web of a layout. I'm not sure since I've only beated the first boss, but the multiple areas I keep "scanning" on that mention "Speed Boost" are numerous.
Music is lowkey like Fusion, although at times I can't help but think the atmosphere combined with some of the tracks make it feel like Metroid Gear Solid. Even some hallways remind me of the stale corridors of Shadow Moses island, but the "holodeck" areas feel very nice especially with the effects.
The whole idea of making the FMVs seamless with the gameplay seems to be working. At times its hard to tell which is rendered or which is prerendered (as they purposefully make the framerate match the FMVs during cutscenes). The only distinguishable time you know you can interact is if it returns to 60fps.
Dunno about the localization being horrible, as I haven't found the dialogue bothering yet, aside from "Adam my father figure we were so close" near the start.
Edit: A little further in the game. While it's clear this is no Super Metroid, I'm happy to say that shinesparking is in the game and there is indeed a hefty amount of backtracking needed to gain items, although I'd say the layout of the Bottle Ship is really streched out, but there are cases or each segment of the sector interlocks.
Although Adam letting you authorize to use weapons is somewhat idiotic, it doesn't take long before he starts unlocking all of your gear.
Once again, combat is hefty and all of the enemy encounters are built around the sense move and overblast/lethal strike finishers. Yes, you can still beat them the traditional way, but it will take longer, not to mention dodging lets you dish out quick successions of fully charged beams, although the overblast attacks are much more effective. And before someone says the combat can get repetitious, Team Ninja did an excellent job of keeping it from being stale by mixing it up as you progress.
[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 1 Sep 15:39] |
Professor 2798th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Taito's new DL arcade service / SNKP joining" , posted Thu 9 Sep 19:47:    
Today at the AOU show, Taito announced a potentially ground-breaking new service for videogame arcades, called NESiCAxLive.
In a nutshell, NESiCAxLive will be an online distribution service that lets arcade operators download games, similarly to how gamers can do so on their home consoles with the PSN or Xbox Live. What's more, arcade operaters will not have to pay for the downloads; the games will be charged on a "pay-as-you-go" method. Although exact details on the payment methods aren't clear yet, it may prove to be a potential savior for the shrinking arcade market and especially for small arcades that can't afford on buying new titles.
As NESiCAxLive is an online system, Publishers will also be able to distribute update patches and add-on contents with ease. All updates will be provided for free to arcades.
To use NESiCAxLive, arcade operaters will have to set up a client server system in their store and connect their Type-X2 machines to it. Multiple games can be downloaded, and different games can be set up on each of the machines. Therefore with the NESiCAxLive, operators will no longer have to go through wiring hasstles to switch games like they used to.
31 titles are scheduled by March 2011, which includes 10 current titles, 12 classic titles, and 9 NeSiCAxLive titles.
The first title to use NESiCAxLive will be Arc System Works' BlazBlue Continuum Shift II, slated for arcades this winter. The game will run with a new I/O board developed by Taito, which improves latency between the LCD screen and TypeX2 machine.
SNKPlaymore and G.rev are also amongst the nine participating third parties.
The service will also feature an IC card system called the NESiCA, which will allows players to record their rankings and whatnot of NESiCAxLive game titles on the servers. Unlike similar previous services, players will be able to use one NESiCA for all games.
Taito also announced its new Type X Zero arcade board, which will make its debut in the winter. Similarly to the previous TypeX releases, the board is based on PC architecture and runs on Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 with Direct X 10. According to Taito, the Type X Zero is more cost-effeicient than the previous releases in the Type X family.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 9 Sep 21:11] |
Pollyanna 2959th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Taito's new DL arcade service / SNKP jo" , posted Fri 10 Sep 07:02    
As announced on his blog (http://blog.livedoor.jp/akiman7/) Akiman has a new artbook coming out with all of his Gemaga illustrations. I haven't seen all of them, but there's a wide variety...Legend of Zelda, FF4, Gyakuten Saiban, etc.
quote: According to dustloop, the drive works in that you can hold the wehrwolf form but it will drain your wolf gauge and when that runs out, you have to wait until it reenergizes before you can use it again--also, the more of the gauge that's left while using the wehrwolf drive, the more damage you do per hit
Do you actually have to HOLD the button? I hope it's "tap on/tap off", rather than needing to hold down D every time you do a move as the wolf. I'm really awful at that.
ALSO, HOLY CRAP! I just read the list of rebalances, and it sounds GREAT! Seems to be wise decisions all around!
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Loona 341th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Bronze Customer
| "Re(3):Musou again , Dissidia again" , posted Tue 14 Sep 18:52    
quote: IMHO Kain would seem to imply popularity more than anything.
I recall mentions of the guy in charge of the game wanting to include Kain, and making sure he would in case of a sequel, as well as something similar for Prishe regarding XI.
In the 1st Dissida the starter characters/story modes with te easiest difficulty were Cecil and Cloud's, which probably has a lot to do with their popularity (or their games when compared to the whole series), but I don't see why Kain would be the exception as a 3rd character to represent one of the games in the series - both Cecil and Golbez (especially Golbez) had pretty unique styles and seem unlikely to be replaced.
I wonder what secretcharacters we'llbe left with then - in the 1st game, the villain characters for the 10 games were announced but had to be unlocked, but the Shantotto and Gabranth "secrets" didn't take long to follow the complete reveal of the main cast.
Now a 3rd character is revealed from one of the games, and the game's use of the number 12 that proeminently in the title hints at the 1st 12 games getting that treatment, with Lightning being the newcomer exception as Shantotto and Gabranth were before her - maybe a FFXIV character too, although it may be hard to define this early on which will be popular regardless of plot relevance...
I'm kinda expecting Zeid from XI to make it as a 3rd from that game (an ally in the nation missions, a guide in dark knight quests and actual final boss in one of the nation mission lines), but being a Dark Knight, his EX Mode might work just like Firion and the Emperor's in the original Dissidia, recovering HP when using HP attacks... dunno if those characters would actually be changed to accomodate him...
EDIT: Clearer screens
Nice. The other scan's use of artwork in the exact same style as the original already hinted at some recycling of stuff from the original game, and it's clearly visible that the FF4 stage is the same in the Kain/Cecil screen.
The main difference seems to be the lowest bar - before it had these "token" thingies which made it easier to see how much HP you had (the Brave stat tends to be as important, if not more), but now is a 2-section bar... I wonder if there's a slight tweak in the mechanics... Lightning's using her Ex Burst (the Odin weapon/attack thingy? that's the one thing that comes to ming from when I saw a friend of mine play the game that far ahead).
Gaah, enough geeking out over this.
As for the Marvel MvC3 female, if they keep Trish's aerial invisible traps invisible (I haven't really keptup with the news on thegame), I'm hopin fo Susan Storm Richards.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Iggy 9174th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Hipster Dante now" , posted Thu 16 Sep 02:00    
quote: Thank you Capcom, you made my day. I feel young and full of hope again <3
Actually, it's a CC2 game. Finally, I can enjoy one of their stupidly fun games without the dumb franchise that goes along!
Also, Kamiya answered to the "what do you think of the new DMC?" comment. His answer is something along the lines of "well, Dante changes every time, and really, I only care about the characters in my game. Each time Amaterasu, Joe or Dante appear in someone else's game, I consider them as entirely different characters."
So much for people looking for drama, I suppose.
Nobinobita 806th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):Hipster Dante now" , posted Thu 16 Sep 03:15    
quote: The more I think about it, the more misguided it seems. American players aren't crazy about effeminate protagonists and Japanese players aren't crazy about western-developed games.
To me, Dante's new design says "this game is for girls."
Maybe I'm just out of touch with youth culture of today, but I imagine a large portion of the game-buying public is as well.
Maybe this game is secretly on point. After all, for all their complaints about Japanese pretty boys, Americans love beautiful too. Justin Bieber, those twilight dudes, Johnny Depp, that guy who played Legolas, Brad Pitt, young Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Timberlake, James Franco, James Dean. These are all pretty pretty boys(I'm slightly disturbed that I named Justin Bieber first. Curse you internet!!!)
Beyond that, Americans have traditionally loved "emo" heroes. For all his mincing and posturing, Kratos is the most emo hero ever. He is immeasurably indignant, a constant loner, he ignores the good advice of his elders who never the less continue to support him, he keeps an extra special diary and says lines like "stay out of my head!". Hell, he's got RAZOR BLADES CHAINED TO HIS WRISTS! He even kills himself by jumping off a cliff like a maiden. He's one loud cry for help. The God of War games are basically the story of a modern teenage girl with super powers in ancient greece.
For all the complaints you commonly hear about Japanese stuff being too pretty and emo, North Americans pretty much enjoy the same stuff in a different package. The most hated things in the world are hated for deep underlying similarities, not differences.
HAYATO 996th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "More Ashura's Wrath love rambling..." , posted Thu 16 Sep 04:21    
quote: None of the games that Capcom mentioned were actually developed by Capcom. I feel like this needs to be pointed out.
Which, seeing the utter disgrace of the latest Basara, is not necessarily a bad thing! Don't care much for DMC, but I for one am still in shock by Ashura Wrath's trailer. Never mind who's developing it, every single pixel is screaming "Basara" and "Capcom-style awesomeness" to me. Heck, even the title name is pure gold <3
As Nobita said:
Thank you Cyberconnect2 for rekindling my hope in games! Thank you Capcom for having the foresight to hire them for an original project! The hot blooded tone and the really well researched East Asian mythological setting are like a dream come true for me. Oh man, I feel like a kid again. Like I just read about an awesome new 32 megabit super game from Capcom. Too cool!
My thoughts exactly. I wouldn't add a single comma to that statement.
Oh my... What an awesome trailer!! Not only does this game look impressive, it also looks like one which is truly fun to play, which is a novelty these days...
The game mechanics look fresh (albeit being the same 10+ year old QTE routines we are more than tired of), and the Asian, mythological setting counts as another strong point in my book.
But, what got me excited the most about this game was its visuals : the Terada Katsuya fan within me couldn't be happier with the designs and overall vibe of this production.
Well, another reason to buy a PS3 next month!!
HAYATO 997th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):More Ashura's Wrath love rambling..." , posted Thu 16 Sep 05:29    
quote: But, what got me excited the most about this game was its visuals : the Terada Katsuya fan within me couldn't be happier with the designs and overall vibe of this production.
YES!!! It's like Katsuya Terada's Monkey King, the game, but more Shonen (and probably less rape).
Yep, the fact that the main character looks like a generic, Miura Kentaro styled, macho hero puts me off a bit. Anyway, given the sheer amount of highlights this game is going to offer, I think I'll manage to overlook this little nuisance effortlessly...
BTW, for those Terada fans who don't know about it yet, Saiyukiden Daienoh vol. 2 is out at last!
Maese 606th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(3):FINE, dad" , posted Thu 16 Sep 18:15    
Speaking about rekindling one's interest and faith in videogames, Last Guardian's new trailer looks cuter than ever. Can't hardly wait to X'mas 2011.
Also, Ni no Kuni on PS3 looks more gorgeous than I could even imagine.
And, does anybody here remember Ni-Oh, that Koei brawler announced years ago, even before PS3 launching, with an scenario seemingly based on an Akira Kurosawa script and featuring a nanban samurai on the usual 16th century war-thorn Japan? Well, the project is still safe and sound, but Team Ninja crew are the ones rising it from the grave giving it the finishing touch. Not as spectacular a comeback as Duke Nukem Forever, but still.
The time to yield to Sony's charms and get a PS3 has come, it seems...
Ishmael 3891th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):FINE, dad" , posted Fri 17 Sep 04:47    
quote: And, does anybody here remember Ni-Oh, that Koei brawler announced years ago, even before PS3 launching, with an scenario seemingly based on an Akira Kurosawa script and featuring a nanban samurai on the usual 16th century war-thorn Japan? Well, the project is still safe and sound, but Team Ninja crew are the ones rising it from the grave giving it the finishing touch. Not as spectacular a comeback as Duke Nukem Forever, but still.
I don't remember this game at all, but since it was first announced during that weird period when they were trying to reconfigure Akira Kurosawa as a brand name that's not surprising. Still, I have a blind spot in my game playing habits that Koei hides in so I'm certain I'll be paying attention to any future news of this one.
quote: But, what got me excited the most about this game was its visuals : the Terada Katsuya fan within me couldn't be happier with the designs and overall vibe of this production.
Good call, it does have a Terada vibe going on in the design. Now I have yet another reason to look forward to the game.
quote: but more Shonen (and probably less rape).
...well, I guess I'll still like it.
MvC3 stuff: In addition to Laura and Tron it sounds like even more MvC3 characters could be announced soon. The orange guy could be Luke Cage, or Charlie or someone else entirely. The green character, however, has me flummoxed.
Iggy 9177th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):More Tekken" , posted Sun 19 Sep 06:38    
quote: But the trailer... wow, would it have been that tough to show some actual gameplay?
The entire involvement of Kojima in this game is 1) choose the VA for the Japanese version (meaning, the usual gang from Metal Gear, meaning probably no Wakamoto as Dracula) 2) make people talk about the game by Kojima's sheer presence 3) make this Kojima style trailer
, the answer is no. A whole bucket of GJ to the Spaniards responsible for the actual game, though. Even if the game ends up disappointing, they already outclassed everything Castlevania since 1997 (referenced on the webside as "The Iga Years", which, according to the site, is over. And nobody seems to regret it at Konami.
Ishmael 3899th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):forklift revival" , posted Thu 23 Sep 22:48    
quote: Hey Ish, I know you love killing zombies as much as the next guy, but are you sure that what you're most excited about isn't the ability to break out your fishing reel controller for the new fishing segments?? It's been a long time since Sega Bass Fishing, as I recall...
I also liked what I'm sure is a Shenmue tribute...look at about 6:30 or so---he is totally driving a forklift, just like my Shenmue part-time job in the good old days!
Good call on the forklift, I didn't make that connection. Here I thought Yakuza's slow appropriation of the Sega fishing series was a happy fluke. Now, however, I understand that the RgG games are going in incorporate every good idea Sega has ever had into one title. It looks like they are well on their way since in this latest game I can go fishing, drive a forklift and then take a hostess out on the town for an evening of zombie killing action. Now that's a game!
In other news, I'm beginning to suspect that there's a gas leak in the offices of Capcom since they are once again making insane sales estimates. They are shooting for 4-5 million copies sold for DmC? Really? I understand that Japanese companies rarely seem to have the resources and/or mojo to make the massive blockbuster titles that are seen in this generation of consoles but I seriously doubt Dante 2.0 is Capcom's ticket to the big time. I wonder if the sales figures on Red Dead Redemption are sticking in Capcom's craw.
Pollyanna 2966th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Y so much talking" , posted Mon 27 Sep 15:43:    
quote: Actually, didn't she bring it up already? Or maybe I can just intuit her (well-crafted and helpful) opinions/tastes at this point. The word on Ys 7 for a good while has been that it's fun to play but filled with the detestable modern RPG malaise of Too Much Talking paired with a bad script. This is unfortunate since I have learned from these boards that the point of Ys was never to have a good story but to have a good time, and if the former obstructs the latter...
I don't even need to post anymore! I've yammered so much that my opinions have been absorbed into the collective consciousness of the board!
Yes, Ys 7 had too much talking. Although I can't say I've ever played a Ys game with a really fantastic story, the early games knew better than to waste your time. The stories were simple, but grandiose...less about words and more about ideas.
The characters in Ys 7 really, honestly don't have a damned good thing to say, and the game keeps you running around towns far too much (thankfully, you run fast). Ironically, the good points of Ys7 actually make this WORSE, as you're always dying to make it to the next fantastic boss fight with screaming guitar and crap flying everywhere. The system in the game is great, it's just plugged into a kinda crappy shell.
I don't know if Oath in Felghana is really the better game, but I still consider it my favorite, because it gets straight to the point. The soundtrack tips things nicely in its favor, too. Although Ys 7 has a stellar opening and a few great boss tunes, the soundtrack in Oath is so good that the game only needs to provide you with something to occupy yourself while you listen to the music.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, in defense of Ys7, when you get out of town, you haul ass, flip around like crazy and wreck shit. You have super moves, too. It's as crazy as it looks in the trailers.
quote: Sounds like all the inane chatter in the glorious wonderful Mario Galaxy.
Yeah...although I don't know that there's actually a WHOLE lot of dialogue in Mario Galaxy, I can't help but think that the game doesn't really need ANY.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Mon 27 Sep 15:47] |
Iggy 9188th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Rockman Dash 3: Vote for the new heroine" , posted Mon 11 Oct 05:40    
As if the idea of a new Rockman Dash wasn't awesome enough, they asked to 9 historical Rockman designers to draw the new game's new female character, and now we can vote for the one we like best!
(There's probably an English version on Capcom USA's site, but I wouldn't know where to look for it.)
I think my favourite is Ishikawa's (the first one). He worked on Rockman 7, 8, Rockman&Forte, Dash 1&2, and various spinoffs of the PS1 era, so that was a no brainer. She looks like she's already pissed about something YOU did, and her strange police uniform + apron + boots costume is strangely appealing. The little girl with her helmet is also terribly cute, though a bit too EXE, maybe... The last one has a good Nausicaa vibe that fits with the word of Dash, but she's showing too much skin... WHY IS IT SO HARD TO CHOOOOOSE !!!