Vanquish Demo - Forums

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Vanquish Demo" , posted Wed 1 Sep 14:05post reply

The Vanquish Demo came out today. Anyone try it out yet?

A friend of mine who is quite the FPS connoisseur swears it is the best shooter he's ever played.

Any thoughts?


146th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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"Re(1):Vanquish Demo" , posted Wed 1 Sep 16:39:post reply

The Vanquish Demo came out today. Anyone try it out yet?

A friend of mine who is quite the FPS connoisseur swears it is the best shooter he's ever played.

Any thoughts?

I played it on the xbox 360. I liked it quite much. The boost mechanic makes it feel quite different than other regular slower cover based shooters and makes moving around in large spaces quick and less tedious, which is why the large boss battles work here without feeling too scripted like in other shooters since you can circle around them for weak points or for evasion. The controls feels exceptionally good. Having the cover button and the roll button separate removes the usual "stickyness" problem with cover shooters like Gears or Uncharted where the game thinks that the player wants to get to cover when he/she just actually wants to roll away and vice-versa.

I still have some issues with it though I've only played the demo once but by the end of the session I found myself out of bullets, zooming around looking for ammo, though The quick style of Vanquish might have made me more trigger happy than usual. I'm a bit disappointed that the melee attack takes away a full AR meter and require some time to charge. Though I'd imagine zipping around the place meleeing people might be a bit overpowered (but still fun).

Aesthetically, the environment has a unique artificial look to them, even the essential "Cover Shooter Chest-high walls" that are usually interpreted in other shooters as rubble or sandbags or whatnot are just represented here as simply chest-high walls. Vanquish might also have the 1st "Hip-high walls" in any cover based shooter.

All in all, I'm looking forward to getting it when it comes out and I have nothing else to play.

[this message was edited by badoor on Wed 1 Sep 16:48]

1248th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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"Re(2):Vanquish Demo" , posted Wed 1 Sep 17:02post reply

I can't wait to try the demo tonight!!!

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

302th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Vanquish Demo" , posted Wed 1 Sep 18:21post reply

Agreed with Badoor.
Is quite different from gaijin tps: is fast, various and the suit can provide the right feel of movement, power and badassery to the player.

But it's a tps, a genre hat I can barely stand. Vanquish is not a bad game, is very well paced and fun to play, but to me is not worth 50-60 bucks for a shooter. We are plenty of shooters and I'm sick of them, even when they're a game like this.

So, this game is very good, but not will make a shooter-hater like tps or fps.

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"Re(3):Vanquish Demo" , posted Wed 1 Sep 22:15post reply

I liked the variety of ways you could attack. Being able to pick off the robots on the turrets and mobile gun platforms and then using those weapons on their buddies made for a nice boost to my firepower. Speaking of firepower, it seems like the game is built around the idea of jetting toward your opponent, going into slo-mo to empty bullets into them, and then finishing off the combo with a punch. That would be awesome if I didn't suck at the game.

I disliked the button to pick up ammo. Vanquish seems far too twitchy a game for me to be manually loading power-ups.

I'm indifferent to the QTE's. Hopefully they won't be as obnoxious as they became in Bayonetta.

I like the designated smoking button.

Here's to hoping the full game lives up to the promise of the demo. Between its P.N.03 aesthetic and crazy combat Vanquish has the possibility of being rocket powered sex.

1250th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Vanquish Demo" , posted Thu 2 Sep 10:09post reply

I liked the game but it's the very definition of sensory overload. I was too tired last night to really enjoy it fully.

I wish that you could use more melee than guns, that's my only complaint. I want to run up and punch everything but unfortunately there is a large recharge after every punch. I like flipping off guys and going into slow motion, but I hate that slow motion goes auto-on when you're near death.

Finding that balance between fully draining and almost fully draining your energy bar was fun.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

1101th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Vanquish Demo" , posted Wed 8 Sep 16:18post reply

The Vanquish Demo came out today. Anyone try it out yet?

A friend of mine who is quite the FPS connoisseur swears it is the best shooter he's ever played.

Any thoughts?

love it