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Megane 518th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Marvel Versus Capcom 3 Stuff" , posted Thu 23 Sep 19:19    
Initial feedback from the MvC3 Fight Club:
quote: Heroic_Legacy @SRK wrote: Watched so many fights, Answers are here. Thoughts are in another thread.
Push blocking pushes them anywhere from half to full screen depending on if they were grounded or not.
Double Snapbacks knock both point and assist character off screen.
Assists are juggleable if you kill the point and the assist is still being hit by say an assist.
Skrull's HCB+A is a really fast close command grab. HCB+B is the mid range one. HCB+C is anti air. Cannot combo into any command grabs.
I have yet to see an unsafe special move that isn't Shoryuken.
Doom felt really good. But he isn't at all like his MvC2 counterpart. QCFbuttons for Photon Array. =/
Skrull Tenderizer is ridiculously good. It is safe on block and does so much damage/combo into super.
Doom/Dante's missles are overheads. And they are assists. So overhead assists. Hooray unblockables.
Leading team in the game right now is Trish Skrull Doom in that order.
Thor is god awful. The way push blocking is Thor will never get in.
Doom's level 3 is a hit. He puts you into a cylinder container and gets on his crunk chair and laughs at you as you lose health.
Chun level 3 is SA3 from 3S.
Dante's level 3 is Stinger. Repeatedly.
Trish's level 3 is an autocombo with Sparda. Does around 50 hits.
You can juggle assists if you can manage to launch them. You cannot OTG them though. I saw a super kill point and hit assist, 2 DHCs killed the assist. (Iron Man Chun Li Ammy methinks)
I don't think it was size related. Everytime I jumped in and got blocked I was fullscreen after 1 move. On all setups. For different characters.
Biggest IM strat of the night was IAD j.B overhead.
No guard breaking. They come in really low to the ground.
Tri jumps are all overheads.
Iron Man Trish Dante Chun DOOM (j.MP hits twice) Thor Ammy (Kinda)
All could tri jump into godlike overheads. Really fast too. And mix that in with an overhead assist or Ammy's ice shot assist (Takes up like half the screen in ice) and you've got yourself crazy mixup.
Dorm can tri jump but he has no good air to ground attacks. Same with Skrull.
--- d3v wrote: Question, if you snap the point out as their assist is coming in, can you kill the assist (like what Amir did to bbhood, when he snapped hood's IM, jumped over Doom's rocks then juggled Doom to death). If the assist starts the assist animation yes. But when they do their taunt after the assist they are invincible after that.
If the point dies while the assist comes out, they just go straight into their taunt. Nothing to be done.
Mit @SRK wrote: Bunch of event pictures and a small writeup on the event. Those monitors they had were indeed pretty neat. No borders around the screen. http://www.xboxpulse.com/2010/09/mar...own/#more-1912
Name says it all, really.
Simple mode footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=TdSCDo3gr0k
Few vids of people who can actually play a bit: http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=ZvH41trfzsc http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=-b_a2WHcPt8 http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=LDBue3cAwg8
Seth Killian opening speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=SjvI...eature=channel
Couple decent matches: http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=MXpE...eature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=pS2Z...eature=channel
Another decent match: http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=AAM_XcKgU6Y
quote: vpLarusso @SRK wrote: Best part of the night: Shortly after they began letting people in, a group of about 6 girls could be seen off to the right of the door. They looked a bit puzzled, but I think they could see the lights inside and heard the dance party music blaring. They were intrigued. Then they started seeing the crowd and slowly realized that this was not the dance party they were quite looking for. The look on their faces as they fled Dorkapalooza was priceless.
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Spoon 2026th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Marvel Versus Capcom 3 Stuff" , posted Mon 11 Oct 04:08    
quote: I think Killer7 was just published by Capcom, but I might be wrong. Harman Smith would be a great fit
Killer7 was developed by Grasshopper and published by Capcom. It was to be one of the "Capcom 4" that was supposed to elevate the gamecube to greatness (the other ones being PN03, RE4, and Dead Phoenix... though PN03 got panned, while Dead Phoenix got canned). As weird as Killer7 is, when a game features Amaterasu fighting MODOK, I think anything goes.
quote: moustache
Moustache bionic commando is a tough sell for me, because he has the preposterous challenge of trying to live up to fantabulous Shinkiro rendition of Rad Spencer. The ability to jump in the fully 3D Bionic Commando didn't feel blasphemous at all, but being able to jump in the classic setting will take me a little bit of time to accept. That said, the people that made BC ReArmed have such a fantastic grasp of how to make good levels in Bionic Commando that I'm not too worried.
Meanwhile, I'm wondering if Sentinel is going to be the crack-powered flying machine of MvC2, or if they're going to make him more like a TvC giant just to infuriate all the MvC2 faithful.
Iggy 9195th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Marvel Versus Capcom 3 Stuff" , posted Wed 17 Nov 02:42    
My brain exploded on Shuma Gorath. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.
As for the DLC, of course, it's a pity.... but for the particular MvC3 case, I really think that the current roaster (even before Shulk and Zero were unveiled) would have been enough for a full, enjoyable game, with plenty of intriguing characters and playstyles (I mean, as varied as the Versus Capcon system can allow characters to be). After all, the game already has more character than TvC, who got released twice in Japan. If on top of that, you can pay to get even MORE characters, well, fine, isn't it? You pay if you want them, and you don't if you don't (though I cannot imagine why anyone would NOT want Shuma<3). It would be the same for Yun/Yand and whoever else added as DLC to SSF4: the game without them is already huge, and for the hungry players who want extra-topping, there is some available. In the old days, you would have had to buy MvC3Extra for 30 bucks to have them. I call the DLC an improvement, in that aspect.
The real problem would be if half of the game was a DLC. Imagine if SF2 was being remade, but the lower half of the selection screen was DLC. THAT would be unacceptable.
Another problem would be the Civilization 5 scenario : the game is blatantly unfinished, full of bugs, HUGE unbalance issues, crashes randomly anytime you do any kind of action(including when you just launch the game and try to configurate a map to play on). And on top of that, one of the civilization has to be bought separately 5$. There are already 18(now19) free civilizations in the game, so it's not a roster problem, but more of a "try to finish your alpha-version game before milking it for more money, please" situation.
TL;DR: OMG SHUMA SHUMA OMG OMG SHUMA SHUMA OMG. Just think of the armies of Shuma-M.O.D.O.K. tags you'll find online. I'll definitely be one of them.
Iggy 9196th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Marvel Versus Capcom 3 Stuff" , posted Thu 18 Nov 00:17    
quote: SF4 was the first game in ages where claw vega WASN'T awesome! There's no telling how any of the returning characters will stack up in this new game!
Actually, I expected all the top characters of MvC2 to make the cut (since it's the tier-whore game per excellence), but if that list (and several others) have Magneto, Storm and Sentinel, Cable is MIA in almost all of the ones I've seen... Has he dropped in the tiers since the last time I bothered to check? I don't see how it could be possible, but then, Anakaris was considered middle-to-strong when I checked, so I'm determined to not be surprised by anything.
quote: Speaking of which, which person in this BBS was responsible for the quote, "That isn't news. Capcom has been fighting evolution for years"? I want to personally thank this person for a quote I use quite often
I would say... either Ishmael, or Juan, or me...?
karasu99 472th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(8):Re(10):Marvel Versus Capcom 3 Stuff" , posted Wed 1 Dec 02:29:    
The thing I find interesting is that some characters that definitely should be, if not in a game, at least in a popularity contest, are nowhere to be seen (namely popular characters from MvC2 and TvC). Why would Strider and Rockman(original) be out?
That is pretty strange, but maybe they were groomed from the data because they'll be in the game and just haven't been announced? Nah, that does not make much sense either. Or maybe everyone who voted expected they would be in anyway?
I'm glad to hear that the TvC team (or at least some of it) has been involved with this project. It's by far my favorite 3D rendered fighting game of the past decade or so, so that bodes well for MvC3.
As for the Marvel side, I am so far out of the loop with Marvel comics that I can't even begin to discuss it. My only hope is that whoever they add is fun to play as. Here is my one hope: Dr. Strange, since they already have Dormammu. Hopefully they haven't killed him off or something!
EDIT: Also, like I've said before, Iron Fist!
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Wed 1 Dec 02:35] |
shindekudasai 368th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(9):Re(10):Marvel Versus Capcom 3 Stuff" , posted Wed 1 Dec 19:30    
quote: Here is my one hope: Dr. Strange, since they already have Dormammu. Hopefully they haven't killed him off or something!
Unfortunately he's no longer Sorcerer Supreme, but just a normal dude (as normal as any other magic practitioner, anyway). The new SS was Brother Voodoo, I think, until he got vaporized in this month's New Avengers (or was it Secret Avengeres? They have 4 !@#$! titles out now and I can never keep them straight. I don't know why either - the only one that's even remotely interesting is the one with Ultron VS Kang and cameos by The Maestro. And for those exact reasons).
In fact, not to derail the thread or anything, but the only things Marvel's done to really keep me excited in the past decade were Exiles and X-Factor (and MAYBE the first 3/4 of Civil War). I try really hard not to give in to the fanboy wishlist disease, but if I had to beg for a character to be included it'd be anyone from those two series (I could see Capcom doing fun things with Morph, Mimic, Madrox, Longshot or Layla Miller).
mbisonhatclub 229th Post
PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(3):Storm and Viper reveals" , posted Fri 10 Dec 05:01    
quote: Sure Viper is not among my favourites. But speaking about marketing it's a stupid choice. I mean, SFIV has its female lead character (Juri) way more powerful and interesting than Viper, that has a lame design, a stupid moveset and the worst attitude to be placed in a VS game (a mother!? come on...)
Can't you tell that Capcom are trying to be "ground-breaking" and not include only popular characters like Ryu, Ken, and Akuma, possibly Cyber Akuma, Evil Ryu, Violent Ken, Dangerous Dan, Sadistic Sean, and Sensual Sakura? Why not give them credit where it is due? I mean, Capcom is not trying to fight evolution here, contrary to what some may believe.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
TheRedKnight 290th Post

PSN: no XBL: no Wii: no
Copper Customer

| "Re(4):Storm and Viper reveals" , posted Fri 10 Dec 05:45    
quote: Sure Viper is not among my favourites. But speaking about marketing it's a stupid choice. I mean, SFIV has its female lead character (Juri) way more powerful and interesting than Viper, that has a lame design, a stupid moveset and the worst attitude to be placed in a VS game (a mother!? come on...) Can't you tell that Capcom are trying to be "ground-breaking" and not include only popular characters like Ryu, Ken, and Akuma, possibly Cyber Akuma, Evil Ryu, Violent Ken, Dangerous Dan, Sadistic Sean, and Sensual Sakura? Why not give them credit where it is due? I mean, Capcom is not trying to fight evolution here, contrary to what some may believe.
You forgot Gorgeous Gouken!
Ah, Capcom is such a piece of shit company these days.
karasu99 479th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Storm and Viper reveals" , posted Fri 10 Dec 05:47    
quote: I mean, SFIV has its female lead character (Juri) way more powerful and interesting than Viper, that has a lame design, a stupid moveset and an enormous rack.
You're right though, Juri would have been perfect. Maybe she'll still be in it!
Can't you tell that Capcom are trying to be "ground-breaking" and not include only popular characters like Ryu, Ken, and Akuma, possibly Cyber Akuma, Evil Ryu, Violent Ken, Dangerous Dan, Sadistic Sean, and Sensual Sakura? Why not give them credit where it is due?
Ha, Violent Ken would be okay with me-- I always did love his crazy perm from Nona's SvC illustrations. Too bad it didn't make it into his sprite.
Seriously, I really can't fault Capcom for trying hard with the roster. One of my biggest issues with the whole VS era of 2D games was that they constantly recycled a handful of characters (even though yes, they did always include unique ones as well).
Overall I'm very happy with how this is shaping up-- I just had to poke fun at how they had included the one who is by far my least favorite character from the whole Street Fighter series.
Spoon 2058th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Storm and Viper reveals" , posted Sat 11 Dec 00:55    
quote: All kinds of opinions
quote: viper
In terms of how she plays, Viper is definitely an interesting addition! She has a pretend-FRC that allows for all kinds of interesting tricks, she has projectile that can let her get the jump on people without being a traditional zoning tool, she has some interesting air movements, and she was bizarre enough that she fluctuated up and down the rankings in SF4 as no other character really did. But truthfully, there really is nobody else in SF4 that plays like her... heck, there's nobody in the SF2/SF3/SFA series that plays like her. What we may think of her aesthetics is another story.
And doesn't Viper reference her child in some of her win/entry quotes?
quote: Hinako is a mess
Never expected anybody at mmcafe to say this. I thought she was one of the oddballs that this place loves! Then again, I was also surprised that there are people here that don't like R.Mika.
quote: F*** Storm
Let's not cast our judgement too early. For all we know, by the time we get to play the game, she'll have been pre-emptively over-nerfed.
Mosquiton 1767th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):Storm and Viper reveals" , posted Sat 11 Dec 12:13    
quote: Sure Viper is not among my favourites. But speaking about marketing it's a stupid choice. I mean, SFIV has its female lead character (Juri) way more powerful and interesting than Viper, that has a lame design, a stupid moveset and the worst attitude to be placed in a VS game (a mother!? come on...)
That's certainly a wrong opinion you have there! Well that's not fair of me to say, you're entitled to your opinion, but if you can't respect the cobra vs mongoose matchup of Viper vs Ryu in high-level play, you're not qualified to speak on power levels.
As for atiitude and playstyle, Viper vastly better than Juri for versus, anyway. Does Mahvel really need a flat-chested, oversexed, dive-kicking pixie spamming pinwheels and talking like goddamn Angelica from Rugrats (not a bad cartoon though, and did you know Peter CHung was involved?)? I rest my invincible case.
I'm surprised at the Viper dislike here in the cafe as well. Et tu Ishmael? Anyway a lot of people have a hard time using her effectively in SF4... but IMO she will be much easier to use in the versus series in the absence of highly technical gameplay that revolves around links and cancels. Why not give her a shot?
/ / /
Nekros 313th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):Storm and Viper reveals" , posted Sat 11 Dec 18:55    
quote: Sure Viper is not among my favourites. But speaking about marketing it's a stupid choice. I mean, SFIV has its female lead character (Juri) way more powerful and interesting than Viper, that has a lame design, a stupid moveset and the worst attitude to be placed in a VS game (a mother!? come on...)
That's certainly a wrong opinion you have there! Well that's not fair of me to say, you're entitled to your opinion, but if you can't respect the cobra vs mongoose matchup of Viper vs Ryu in high-level play, you're not qualified to speak on power levels.
As for atiitude and playstyle, Viper vastly better than Juri for versus, anyway. Does Mahvel really need a flat-chested, oversexed, dive-kicking pixie spamming pinwheels and talking like goddamn Angelica from Rugrats (not a bad cartoon though, and did you know Peter CHung was involved?)? I rest my invincible case.
I'm surprised at the Viper dislike here in the cafe as well. Et tu Ishmael? Anyway a lot of people have a hard time using her effectively in SF4... but IMO she will be much easier to use in the versus series in the absence of highly technical gameplay that revolves around links and cancels. Why not give her a shot?
Mmmhhh, your last sentence is THE point. The effectiveness of Viper not average among SFIV players, but she can do certain pretty stuff at high leves. I admit I was never interested in the char so I didn't check any match video or guide, simply disliked her since the beginning. But MvsC is about USA characters vs Japanese characters, it's a clash between two worlds and two different art styles, Viper is certainly "anime", but not as Juri, for sure. I don' find her a right choice in a roster plenty of many main favourites and fan requested characters. Sure Viper is more praised than Strider? Than Jedah? I seriously doubt.
Side note about Platinum: in the story mode of Continuum Shift I enjoyed the character and the design, but the whole moe crappyness that came with the actual playable character is keeping me from buy her from PSN....sure, her match with Detective Conan is something....creepy. I hope next installement of BB reserve us more surprises in the serious way and not more moe/doujin like designs. Come on, we got a Kaka with brain and one of six heroes is a moe majocco child? °_°
Burning Ranger 1679th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(3):Storm and Viper reveals" , posted Sun 12 Dec 01:45    
quote: I mean, SFIV has its female lead character (Juri) way more powerful and interesting than Viper, that has a lame design, a stupid moveset and the worst attitude to be placed in a VS game (a mother!? come on...)
I don't agree with Juri as the leading lady of SSF4. The leading lady of any Street Fighter game is and always will be Chun-Li (When she's in it). After that fact, it only becomes an issue of whether an SSF4 character is added. Personally, I would have wanted Abel or, for vs MODOK hilarity, Rufus.
There's also the issue of SF3 representation in the game. I really hope that Alex has a chance to make it into the game, but I think the Capcom grappler slot will probably just go to Zangief.
Also, wasn't Vanessa in KOF a mom?
 So much to do so little time...
Nekros 315th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):Storm and Viper reveals" , posted Sun 12 Dec 01:59    
quote: I mean, SFIV has its female lead character (Juri) way more powerful and interesting than Viper, that has a lame design, a stupid moveset and the worst attitude to be placed in a VS game (a mother!? come on...)
I don't agree with Juri as the leading lady of SSF4. The leading lady of any Street Fighter game is and always will be Chun-Li (When she's in it). After that fact, it only becomes an issue of whether an SSF4 character is added. Personally, I would have wanted Abel or, for vs MODOK hilarity, Rufus.
There's also the issue of SF3 representation in the game. I really hope that Alex has a chance to make it into the game, but I think the Capcom grappler slot will probably just go to Zangief.
Also, wasn't Vanessa in KOF a mom?
A wife for sure, but mom I don't remember it.
As for SF3 chars: Ibuki was hinted in a previuos list for TvC, if Zangief will be added sure not Alex for us and we'll got Ibuki instead.
Iggy 9202th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Storm and Viper reveals" , posted Sun 12 Dec 02:25    
quote: There's also the issue of SF3 representation in the game. I really hope that Alex has a chance to make it into the game, but I think the Capcom grappler slot will probably just go to Zangief.
As much as I liked Alex in TvC, I'm more than glad that that role is going to be held by Haggar. Enough Street Fighters already, they'll have SSF4 and Tekken vs to show up again. And who knows, maybe Alex will fail to show up there as well?
I'm surprised by the hate Storm is getting sometimes. Were people angry at Chunli for showing up, because she was so strong in 3rd strike she would probably break the balance? No matter if this is a totally different game, different engine, different rules, and 10 years after the game (out of the 3 Capcom she's been in) where Storm was over dominant? Some people really can't let things go. Plus, she looks good, which is not something you can say of Magneto from the current videos. And besides, everybody knows M.O.D.O.K. will be the real balance breaker this time.
It would only make sense that the 4 main characters of MvC2, that have been played non-stop for 10 years by all the people who supported the game and made this sequel possible, would at least be considered to come back. Cable's popularity is, if I understood correctly, totally gone, so he would be the weakest link out of the 4. But the others? You need to get the MAHVEL BABY! generation to abandon their game and get the new one. These people have played the same game for 10 years, I'm pretty sure they could go on for 10 more years.
Just a Person 1443th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):final roster leaks" , posted Thu 16 Dec 23:55    
quote: Someone fills our curiosity about the remaining characters. Via his twitter account (details on srk and major fighters resources) the guy claims to leak informations about them and other info regarding the game. So we have Jean/Phoenix (Dark mode activates is she dies at LV5 super), Taskmaster and Sentinel for Marvel and Haggar, LeiLei and Gouki for Capcom. More content (costumes for certain chars and new faces) will be announced as DLC during 2011. After Shuma and Jill there will be new characters but not so many (I bet 10 total: 5 per side).
The roster seems overall promising, altough they keep ignoring Street Fighter 3!
Well, Alex has been in both versions of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, so it's not as if SFIII was completely ignored from crossovers.
But I'm quite surprised with these choices, if they're true. Lei-Lei (who I love, BTW) over MegaMan (whichever version Capcom might have used)?? Taskmaster over Cyclops (I dislike Cyke, but let's face it: he's the actual top dog in X-Men and one of the best known Marvel heroes)?? Sentinel nowadays is irrelevant, although I can understand that many players would want their number 1 god-tiered character back again.
And didn't Niitsuma say that the game still had TEN characters to be announced some weeks before the reveal of Storm and C.Viper? That means this leak list should still have one more character from each side.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Baines 270th Post
Copper Customer

| "Re(3):New episode video" , posted Fri 17 Dec 16:27    
quote: Looks like Viper and Mags are neutral here. Speaking of Viper, I never did get if she's a double agent, a triple agent, or a double double babouble agent in SF4.
In current comics, I think Magneto's been a good guy again for a while, though there are hints that he may be up to something, or it is simply his arrogance and ego that makes him look evil even when he's trying to be good. Since Marvel has a say in the game, they might not want Magneto portrayed in a straight villain role.
As for Viper, I always thought she was supposed to be a double agent. Though kind of like the Magneto situation, once you've got a double agent who's being portrayed as mysterious, you start wondering if she's up to even more.
Megane 529th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Costumes! Cheevos!" , posted Thu 23 Dec 00:39:    
Featuring Mag-FUCKING-neto. And color schemes of Wolverine, Spidey, Iron Man, and Shulkie.
And, the list of achievements for the game (XBox):
quote: Passed the Field Test 20 Clear 160 missions in Mission mode. A New Avenger 40 Clear 320 missions in Mission mode. Welcome to Avengers Academy! 10 Clear 80 missions in Mission mode. Leading the Charge 30 Surpass the rank of Fighter. Combat Specialist 30 In Ranked Match, surpass the "1st" class rank, or fight someone who has. Comic Collector 50 Unlock all items in the Gallery. Back at 'Cha! 10 Perform 10 successful Crossover Counters. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Excelsior! 10 Perform 10 Team Aerial Combos. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Be Gone! 10 Perform 10 Snap Backs. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Mega Buster 20 Use 1,000 Hyper Combo Gauge bars. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Ultimate Nullifier 10 Perform 30 successful Advancing Guards. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Playtime Is Over 10 Surpass the rank of Amateur. Herculean Task 30 Beat Arcade mode on the hardest difficulty. Saving My Quarters 20 Beat Arcade mode without using any continues. Waiting for the Trade 50 View all endings in Arcade mode. Master of Fate 50 Unlock all achievements. I Buy the Issues 10 View one ending in Arcade mode. World Warrior 10 Earn 5,000 Player Points (PP). Brusin' Bruce 20 Land an Incredible Combo. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Charles in Charge 30 Land an Uncanny Combo. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Average Joe 10 Land a Viewtiful Combo. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Champion Edition Hero 30 Earn 30,000 Player Points (PP). Super Turbo Brawler 50 Earn 100,000 Player Points (PP). Big Bang Theory 30 Perform 30 Hyper Combo Finishes. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Brave New World 10 Participate in any mode on Xbox LIVE. Steel Battalion 20 Block 100 times. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Fate of the Satsui no Hadou 20 Decide who is the true master of the fist in a Xbox LIVE match. Copy This! 20 Put an end to this game of spider and fly in a Xbox LIVE match. Raccoon City Incident 20 Settle things between former S.T.A.R.S. members in a Xbox LIVE match. Passport to Beatdown Country 10 Fight in all of the stages. Need a Healing Factor 10 Win a match without blocking. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) School for the Gifted 15 Get a 5 game win streak in Ranked Match. A Hero Stands Alone 10 Win a match without calling your partners or switching out. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Full Roster 40 Battle against all characters in a Xbox LIVE match. Who Will Answer the Call? 10 Participate in an 8 player Lobby on Xbox LIVE. Duty and Deus Ex Machina 20 Make a match on Xbox LIVE between a national hero and a killing machine a reality. One Step Ahead 30 Land 50 First Attacks in a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Avengers Assemble! 15 Make a team composed of the Big 3 and win a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Turn the Tables 10 Land a Team Aerial Counter in a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Galactic Smasher 40 Perform 30 Crossover Combination Finishes. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Wreak "Havok" 10 Use X-Factor in a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Badds to the Bone 15 Make a team of three who have altered their bodies, and win a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Whose Side Are You On? 20 Bring about an end to the Civil War in a Xbox LIVE match. Fate of Two Worlds 20 Make a match on Xbox LIVE between the marquee characters for this game a reality. Female Flyers 15 Make a team composed of women who can fly, and win a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Darkstalkers 15 Make a team composed of those who dwell in the darkness, and win a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only) Weapon X 15 Make a team composed of Weapon-X test subjects, and win a match. (Arcade/Xbox LIVE only)
And... donuts?
[this message was edited by Megane on Thu 23 Dec 00:43] |
mbisonhatclub 248th Post
PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(3):Long live our mayor and personal savior" , posted Fri 7 Jan 14:11    
quote: Okay, where the hell did this one come from? I admit to being skeptical of the leak because of every other leak that came out, and the reason I wasn't fully convinced of lupinko, until now, was Megaman wasn't in his roster, and I was iffy on Phoenix and Sentinel in his roster. But to call me in denial is kinda unfair, man.
I'm just sayin' in general, mang. Lots of people in other places were certainly distrusting of what Lupinko shared based on silly semantics. What I'm saying is, if you're STILL doubting it after this reveal, then you have issues. If you've changed your perspective, then welcome aboard.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Amakusa 866th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Long live our mayor and personal savior" , posted Fri 7 Jan 16:26    
quote: Okay, where the hell did this one come from? I admit to being skeptical of the leak because of every other leak that came out, and the reason I wasn't fully convinced of lupinko, until now, was Megaman wasn't in his roster, and I was iffy on Phoenix and Sentinel in his roster. But to call me in denial is kinda unfair, man. I'm just sayin' in general, mang. Lots of people in other places were certainly distrusting of what Lupinko shared based on silly semantics. What I'm saying is, if you're STILL doubting it after this reveal, then you have issues. If you've changed your perspective, then welcome aboard.
I look forward to the introduction of our Chinese undead overlord.
I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard. I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee. "Dink-a-dink-a-dink-a-do."
Megane 533th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(4):Long live our mayor and personal savior" , posted Fri 7 Jan 23:46    
quote: Okay, where the hell did this one come from? I admit to being skeptical of the leak because of every other leak that came out, and the reason I wasn't fully convinced of lupinko, until now, was Megaman wasn't in his roster, and I was iffy on Phoenix and Sentinel in his roster. But to call me in denial is kinda unfair, man. I'm just sayin' in general, mang. Lots of people in other places were certainly distrusting of what Lupinko shared based on silly semantics. What I'm saying is, if you're STILL doubting it after this reveal, then you have issues. If you've changed your perspective, then welcome aboard.
Ahh, alright, we cool. Yeah, people in denial at this stage have issues.
Anyway, regurgitating from another source,
quote: Lupinko wrote: hey dat twitterverse, shocking news, apparently dat 50sent and Leilei are unlockable characters as well, I don't know what to say but I know what to say about Jill and Shuma, they are real dlc and don't really exist yet
Hsien-ko info: For her item throw special of various miscellaneous items, there is a random chance that one of the items is a bomb and if it hits the opponent, it would result in a dizzy, but if it lands on the ground it would have a timer count down until it detonates For people familiar with Vampire Savior, basically they integrated Leilei's EX Special into her regular Special
Taskmaster Super 1: He shoots a massive barrage of arrows straight forward Taskmaster Super 2: It's a super counter
Oh right I confirmed that her EX Special, the one other than Tenraiha and Chuukudan is also in the game as a super Wasn't able to get confirmation on Tenraiha itself, sorry, but I assume it's probably there She still has her reflect, and can still run in the air as well her hopping teleport dash
Taskmaster's launcher is Stars & Stripes, when he throws you, he says "Judo throw!" and after doing that in his regular throw, he shoots you with a gun He apparently shoots his opponent when he's on the ground during his judo throw, like he's upside down with his back from the throw When he does his webswing, he uses a grappling hook obviously He has a lot of special moves, but only 2 supers In his taunt, he says "Is that all the moves ya got?" He's very hunched forward He has a New York accent, my source isn't too good with New York accents, but it's safe to assume it would be a Bronx one
The game also rates your playstyle during online play, for example, if you are a defensive player, offensive player, etc., This is represented by that circle graph of stats, it rates power level abilities too, you can also read the bio of all the characters Think comicbook cards, this was actually shown off awhile back I think on the Japanese MvC3 site as well, so I'm not sure if this is new
In the Challenge Mode, you can do any challenge, and you don't need to go in order, you get to fight in what looks like the Danger Room that's for the training level
Sentinel is pretty faithful to his older incarnation Sentinel apparently has regained COTA levels of detail/animation again Unfortunately my source was unable to confirm if Sentinel regained his bellyflop from COTA The move that is as ridiculous looking as Dudley's upside down uppercut
karasu99 509th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(5):Re(10):Long live our mayor and personal" , posted Thu 13 Jan 03:19:    
quote: That really sucks. I wanted MvC2 Jill, not another goddamn Trish. Fuck RE5. It wasn't enough to screw up the RE series, now it's screwing up the only character I liked in MvC2.
Yes, I will second this (EDIT: especially that I did not care for RE5), but I suspect that the heavy inclusion of RE5 versions of characters involves having models already available for use in the game, as opposed to needing creation from nothing.
Here is hoping that Frank West or Chuck what's-his-name from Dead Rising will be in the game, to at least add the zombie-summoning action.
After gnashing my teeth about buying so many games new at full price only to have them languish in the their boxes, unopened until their retail price drops or a greatest hits version is released for cheap, I finally broke down and preordered this last week, buoyed up by feelings of excitement about most of the cast (HAGGAR! ARTHUR! DANTE! to start with at least).
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Thu 13 Jan 03:22] |
Spoon 2096th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Cast complete" , posted Fri 28 Jan 02:09    
quote: it's not even a character, but a kind of character
Sometimes I wish the whole disposable nature of Sentinel was exploited more in the character design. Sure Sentintel can shoot mini-Sentinels around, but that's it. Q-Bee in VS (as opposed to Vs.?) had some animations that featured her dying after stinging the opponent, just like a bee. Just because individually they have no character doesn't mean that they have no character as a whole!
Still, Sentinel was really quite an amazing character in the gameplay department, and Capcom's rendition of him was very interesting nonetheless. If you look at the kind of power that the big four of MvC2 have, it's amazing that there's any game balance at all just among them! Magneto's rushdown is so extreme that it's a wonder that anything can stop him... but something can! Sentinel's... well, everything, is so extreme that it's a wonder that anything can stop him... but something can! Cable's ability to punish mistakes and prevent anybody from doing anything is almost outrageous, and yet his zoning can still be broken.
SRK is down for two days likely as a result of the storm of activity arising from the Sentinel/Hsien-Ko leak.
Loona 377th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(2):Cast complete" , posted Fri 28 Jan 19:08    
quote: Happy for Lei-Lei/Hsien-Ko, couldn't care less for Sentinel. Gameplay-wise it may be a great character (it was top tier in MvC2, wasn't it?), but in terms of personality or charisma I don't think Sentinel adds nothing at all... it's not even a character, but a kind of character (after all, there are many Sentinels in Marvel - or at least there used to be many of them prior to that Messiah CompleX event).
Well, Phobos/Huitzil (who might fit the over-the-toppness of this kind of game, but I haven't played in ages and can only remember the beams...) has pretty much the same kind of role, at least in the 1st Vampire/Darkstalkers, before they made him tag along with a kid. Maybe (t)he(y)'ll get a cameo in the Sentinel ending, at least...
Sentinels: "Destroy all mutants!" Phobos army: "Destroy all life forms!" Guy(s) in change of sentinels: "Oh shi..." *reprogramming the sentinel prime directive to fight the Phobos*
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Iggy 9218th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Final trailers" , posted Fri 28 Jan 20:59    
quote: Very happy about LeiLei, but I don't like her remixed theme. It lost its ghostly touch, so don't fit a kyonshi well imho.
I agree, it sounds like "generic happy chinese girl theme".
I'm a bit worried about Leilei in that game, though: her moves had a use in Vampire, but how useful will they be in a vastly different context? The jiraitô (the swords) were a "get away from me" move, but how useful is it in MvC where you just need the Morrigan assist to do that for free, and anyone can superjump over the swords? And the Tenraiha, which was used to do nasty things to build unblockable traps, just seems to be a combo finisher-OTG move...
The gong seems super good, though. A good answer to MODOK's shield.
Gimme Shuma ! Gimme Shuma !
Pollyanna 2994th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Final trailers" , posted Fri 28 Jan 21:54    
Gosh, I am dying to play Lei-Lei. I've been hungry for some Vampire Savior lately, but my PS3 broke (even after I repaired it) and I had to replace it with a slim. My PS2 was given to a friend, so I don't really have any means to play. C'mon Vampire Chronicles PSN release!
quote: Wow, she looks like a blast to play as, just like in the Vampires games! But hoo, her voice is pretty bad! Or is it just me?
A lot of the dub voices rub me the wrong way, but really, what would a good Lei-Lei sound like in English? I think it's just like SF4, where you have cheesy (but iconic) in Japanese with bad English, or cheesy in English with bad Japanese.
Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but it's more like "as good as you can expect."
quote: I'm a bit worried about Leilei in that game, though: her moves had a use in Vampire, but how useful will they be in a vastly different context?
This is (one reason) why these games have such poor balance. You want to keep the character's signature moves, but when you plug them into a completely different game, how can you expect them to work the same? It's not as bad as KOF MI, though, I suppose...
I'm surprised they stuck to tradition SO much on the Marvel characters, too. I guess people really don't like it when you change things.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
mbisonhatclub 262th Post
PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Copper Customer

| "Re(8):Final trailers" , posted Sat 29 Jan 01:13:    
quote: Are you sure it cannot be performed as aerial too? Pretty useless if not.
I'm not sure of anything, since I just saw the same videos as you, but there really is a height problem. Compare with Magneto's Magnetic Shockwave. The sword only fill one screen. Also, the damage don't seem fantastic... I don't say it's totally useless, but I'd be very curious to know how the move is going to be efficiently used.
(ES) gong (midair) will be her usual tool for zoning, which then she can add to the pressure with Jiraito + assists if necessary to get in and crunch the opponent in
The only gamble is that her airdash and walkspeed are a bit slower than her NW/VS incarnation, but otherwise, she'll be pretty godlike from the looks of it
Only that she'll still have a bit of trouble breaking out of pressure herself, though maybe she can gong or if she has meter, or I'm not sure what the properties of Senpuu Bu are here and whether or not she can use it as a reversal despite its startup frames
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sat 29 Jan 01:17] |
Iggy 9220th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Final trailers" , posted Sat 29 Jan 01:51    
quote: (ES) gong (midair) will be her usual tool for zoning, which then she can add to the pressure with Jiraito + assists if necessary to get in and crunch the opponent in
I agree, it looks like we're going to cherish and love the gongs. The part of the video where she totally nullifies Arthur was almost sad. I'm still not convinced Jiraito would be any useful to control the screen, with all her other moves that seem almost as useful, but without being supers...
quote: Only that she'll still have a bit of trouble breaking out of pressure herself, though maybe she can gong or if she has meter, or I'm not sure what the properties of Senpuu Bu are here and whether or not she can use it as a reversal despite its startup frames
Maybe Jiraito has some kind of invincibility? There's very few supers with invincibility, so it could justify the gauge spent on on a defensive, low damage move... I'm not sure her great antiair from Savior will be half as useful, since it seems to also be her launcher, and that would be completely broken... Maybe strong ankihô ? Anyhow, there's not many weaknesses in the game that can't be covered with the right assist, I suppose.
karasu99 538th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(3):Tentacle Love" , posted Fri 4 Feb 09:12    
quote: Now we just need that chatty plant thing from Battle Circuit to make a comeback and we'll be set.
YES. Also, I thought Shuma would be be bigger. Is it just me?
quote: Random thoughts: Is the Haggar statue in the Metro City stage the same one that was in SSF4? For that matter when did Haggar decide to become the Mayor of New York instead of that vague, violent town he used to call home?
Metro City is hardly vague, although I think it was meant to be a game analogue of New York, given its look and feel. Don't know how I feel about moving him to NY. I suspect it's part of the game's 'story' to explain his presence in the game. 
quote: Also, is it me or is the RE representation in this game the weak link stylistically? Guns and some leaping kicks are great when you're dealing with a super virus but when everybody in MvC3 has it cranked up to 11 the RE guys look a bit subdued.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing, and also finding it strange that only two Street Fighters are in the game, while there are three people from RE. I'm liking Wesker's design and style, but I had hoped to have MvC2-style Jill or at least have Chris with some of her moves. Oh well, perhaps Frank West or that other guy will be another DLC character.
I'm actually quite excited about this game! I may even follow through on my constant claim that I will play against some cafe-ers online even.
Loona 379th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(5):Tentacle Love" , posted Fri 4 Feb 20:22    
quote: ... and also finding it strange that only two Street Fighters are in the game...
There are actually four SF characters now (Ryu, Chunli, Gouki, and C. Viper). Hopefully any future DLC won't add to that total
Technically Haggar too, according to Final Fight's text on the character. He probably ran for mayor of NY under JJJ's support, so people would stop looking to Spiderman to deal with crime in the city or something.
As for Shuma, I recall reading something about Capcom getting his color wrong in MSH, and correcting it in later games. Odd are that palette will still be around... I'm still surprised about those choices for DLC - Shuma has big fans, but I just don't see the mass appeal that would make people play extra to use him (or that version of Jill for that matter). Had Capcom put a price tag on Sentinel and Gouki instead, the boxed game would feel like a fresher experience and the DLC would have been a garanteed success...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
karasu99 540th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(7):Tentacle Love" , posted Sat 5 Feb 06:41    
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they're banking on the Megaman, Captain Commando, and Strider DLC packs to steal people's money. Come to think of it, the big DLC draws seem to be on the Capcom side. I've heard rumblings that Frank West and Elektra are the next set after Shuma/Jill. meh..
I'd love Frank West, myself! Elektra? I'm sure she's very different from the Frank Miller-era character I recall. I'd prefer Daredevil, honestly, but I don't know how much different he would end up being from Spiderman play-wise (or Jill, for that matter). And despite my griping in the past about DLC, this is one game I'll likely spring for extra content in.
Nekros 341th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(10):Tentacle Love" , posted Sun 6 Feb 02:48    
quote: I think the game needs another Capcom villain, and the one that comes to mind is M. Bison/Vega. The Marvel side has 6 villains (S.Skrull, MODOK, Dormammu, Doom, Maggy, Sentinel). All Capcom has is Wesker and Akuma. I was really hoping to play an awesome "Capcom Evil Team of Evil" Team. Maybe I need a magical golden ticket...
I think Jedah would be AWESOME. But knowing Cap...ehm, marketing, they end up chosing Vega or, into extremes, Pyron.
Ishmael 4012th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Tentacle Love" , posted Mon 7 Feb 01:57    
quote: I think the game needs another Capcom villain, and the one that comes to mind is M. Bison/Vega. The Marvel side has 6 villains (S.Skrull, MODOK, Dormammu, Doom, Maggy, Sentinel). All Capcom has is Wesker and Akuma. I was really hoping to play an awesome "Capcom Evil Team of Evil" Team. Maybe I need a magical golden ticket...
Poor Tron Bonne. She can loot entire towns but she's still viewed as nothing more than a lovable scamp.
While I would also like to see a few more Capcom villians make it in, I'm not surprised that the Capcom roster leans more towards heroes. Since MvC3 is a complilation the natural choice is to go with having the playable protagonist representing a game instead a CPU controlled enemy. For example, I would much rather have Strider in the game instead of that pirate guy he sliced up at the end of the Balrog stage in Strider 1.
Speaking of bad guys, I just realized that most of the Marvel heavies have been around since the 1960's. Now those are some punching bags with staying power.
Baines 274th Post
Copper Customer

| "Re(10):Tentacle Love" , posted Mon 7 Feb 12:51    
quote: I think the game needs another Capcom villain, and the one that comes to mind is M. Bison/Vega. The Marvel side has 6 villains (S.Skrull, MODOK, Dormammu, Doom, Maggy, Sentinel).
Kind of sad to see Super Skrull on the list of villains, considering he was turned a bit more heroic a few years back (during Annihilation). Still not a friend of Earth, but his values changed as did who he was willing to work beside.
Not that Marvel appears to be able to stand any of their established villains staying "reformed" for any long period of time. I'm sure Magneto will be back to being a villain in a few more years, too.
karasu99 546th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(4):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Wed 16 Feb 02:52    
quote: It is interesting to compare how games get promoted today in contrast to the past. Back then, we would get pictureless reports from people attending game tests sites. I remember when someone reported the appearance of Venom in MvC1- it was a written report and the writer was a little bit unsure if it was actually the character Venom. I remember when we got the first reports of Hugo, Urien and Akuma in 2I. People actually had to have good writing skills to convey the information back then. Now we rely on covert videotaping and photographing during game testing and magazine scans. Capcom still slips up and doesn't fully control how information is passed to the public (example: Evil Ryu and Oni in SSF4AE). Now that was a nice surprise to see that footage pop up suddenly on youtube.
It's also pretty amazing to see how Capcom and others (even companies I never thought I would see doing it, like Cave) have actually recognized how huge of a market they have in the US for their games-- and I don't mean 90's Nintendo style sanitation of Japanese elements. But that is another topic! I agree, it is quite nostalgic to think back to the days of grainy Gamefan previews and mailing list text files. Ah well.
In regard to Tai-Pan's comments about modern reviews-- yeah, I have noticed. I was trying to decide what version of Fallout 3 to buy a while back, and found that the reviews on the major sites for both the original and the game of the year editions for both X360 and PS3 were nearly identical, with only slight changes in text to address the different versions. In the end I had to rely on forum posts somewhere to find out what the pros and cons were to different versions.
Wait, what were we talking about again? Oho, yes, MvC3! My copy should arrive today, so I will be able to discuss semi-intelligently later on. Or as semi-intelligently as I am capable of.
HAYATO 1026th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(5):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Wed 16 Feb 06:03    
This MvC3 doesn't make any sense at all. It's just chaotic (and I'm not talking about that Dark Phoenix vid):
- The Normal control mode comprises of 4 attack buttons (3 for attacks, 1 for air launchers) plus 2 additional ones for strikers/ char swapping, so forget any kind of punch/kick distinctions. This means total ruin for those who, like me, are used to the classic 6B system and its standard zig-zag (     )combo fare...
- This new, simplified system forced the game designers to modify the command inputs for many moves. The result: a huge deal of characters must be learnt from scratch, and leave veterans devoid of most of their hard-earned "wisdom".
- The combo system implementation is broken as hell: the delay window between animations is so short that even strong attacks can be comboed effortlessly (not to speak of light and fierce ones, of course). The overall feeling is one of great unbalance, the "mish-mash buttons to win" type which is, IMO, the worst one a fighting game can give. If my girlfriend was able to inflict some crushing defeats in "Marvel Superheroes" just by randomly mashing buttons, I bet she'd be able to win this year's EVO with a hand tied to her back.
Oh, I almost forgot!! There's even a simplified control mode, but I didn't even bother with it. I bet it's for those handicapped soldiers who got maimed in Irak or for those who have such severe disorders that can't even mash buttons by themselves.
- MvC3's endings are Capcom's laziest ones to date. They are so embarrasing to watch that nothing I could say to describe them would make them justice... Do yourselves a favor and skip them, trust me , you won't miss anything worthwhile.
To sum it up: a botched attempt of a game, unworthy of the name it upholds which cries for a huge revision, both in mechanics and character balance. I wouldn't hold my breath for it to happen though... Farewell, Capcom. Look for another gullible fanboy to milk with your devious by-products, I'm done with you.
Spoon 2118th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Wed 16 Feb 09:40    
- The Normal control mode comprises of 4 attack buttons (3 for attacks, 1 for air launchers) plus 2 additional ones for strikers/ char swapping, so forget any kind of punch/kick distinctions. This means total ruin for those who, like me, are used to the classic 6B system and its standard zig-zag (     )combo fare...
You're the first person I've heard of who has more trouble with ABC than zigzag! I'm not trying to be insulting by saying that; it's a genuinely interesting point, just like sfried and his complaint about abstractly mapping special moves to ABC.
Still, this is not a problem you can't do anything about. If you make your controller binding:
A C A1 B E A2
Then you can zigzag no problem!
- This new, simplified system forced the game designers to modify the command inputs for many moves. The result: a huge deal of characters must be learnt from scratch, and leave veterans devoid of most of their hard-earned "wisdom".
I'm curious about this. How different is it, and which characters is this especially tough for?
The endings do look a little simple, but some of them manage to be pretty awesome anyway. Wolverine, Joe, MODOK, and Tron all have endings that I found honestly funny.
Megane 539th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(6):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Wed 16 Feb 15:12    
If my girlfriend was able to inflict some crushing defeats in "Marvel Superheroes" just by randomly mashing buttons, I bet she'd be able to win this year's EVO with a hand tied to her back.
I highly, highly doubt that.
Oh, I almost forgot!! There's even a simplified control mode, but I didn't even bother with it. I bet it's for those handicapped soldiers who got maimed in Irak or for those who have such severe disorders that can't even mash buttons by themselves.
I actually like this feature. This allows complete newbies and non-fighting game players to pick up the game and enjoy it by being able to perform somewhat flashier attacks and comboes, instead of seeing them jab pointlessly in place. Granted, a veteran player will still hand them their ass, but at least this time they won't feel as helpless. In short, this increases the game's accessibility to fans who do not have the skill or time investment to enjoy the game, but still having actual experience and practice as assets to long-time players.
I'm somewhat with you with regards to the endings (what with the boast regarding the story and all), but then again, crossover endings aren't the most nuanced of the bunch.
When it comes to gameplay though, I honestly don't understand your beef.
An aside: Can anyone confirm if Ryu's Intelligence score in his bio is 4? I mean, that puts him in Spider-man genius levels. Baffling.
HAYATO 1027th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(7):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Wed 16 Feb 19:45    
quote: You're the first person I've heard of who has more trouble with ABC than zigzag! I'm not trying to be insulting by saying that; it's a genuinely interesting point, just like sfried and his complaint about abstractly mapping special moves to ABC.
Still, this is not a problem you can't do anything about. If you make your controller binding:
A C A1 B E A2
Then you can zigzag no problem!
I'll give this config a try, but I still think I'm getting robbed of freedom of action for the sake of appealing to the "casuals". An "AAA,BB,C" motion will never report the same gratification as "     " and all the variants. Plus, a single Launcher button seems akward and unpractical as Mortal Kombat's block and dash ones : why should I be forced to switch to further buttons when those commands could have been implemented on the normal set, as they have always been?
- This new, simplified system forced the game designers to modify the command inputs for many moves. The result: a huge deal of characters must be learnt from scratch, and leave veterans devoid of most of their hard-earned "wisdom".
I'm curious about this. How different is it, and which characters is this especially tough for?
Hulk is a mess: his " K" motion is now performed like a classic , but range and trajectory is determined by the strength of the button. That alone ruined the char for me.
Wolverine lost almost all his appeal as a combo maker, as almost every char can pull off the same amount of hits now (thanks to this new, "wonderful" button system) and many of the moves I used to start ground combos or lengthen my aerial raves on previous games (such as MSH or MvC) are now present only at the second touch of a button, rendering the ability to start any attack with the desired commands impossible to me.
Anyway, the same can be said about almost all the characters (I haven't tested all of them yet, but I could start ranting about Spiderman's and Doc Doom's changes till judgment day, so I'll save you the tedious speech for now...)
There's a notable exception to the rule, though: Iron Man, a highly demanding char in previous incarnations, is fun to play for everyone now. At least something positive, I guess...
What a triumphant return to the crossover affair, Capcom! To improve things even further, I'd suggest this button arrangement from now on. Casuals will love it (but throw in a simplified mode, just in case)!!!
HAYATO 1028th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(8):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Wed 16 Feb 20:54    
quote: A real Capcom fighting game enthusiast should be happy to see that the control scheme of Jojo, that pristine gem of the CPS3, is slowly gaining ground, first TvC, now MvC, next, THE WORLD!
Also, the punch and kick layout was useless for that kind of game anyway.
Stop confusing me with your sweet words of praise to JoJo, devious one!!
This was a perfect layout for such a fresh, new and unique IP like JoJo, but a huge step backwards in Capcom's classic vs gameplay. Sure, there are some precedents on what we are witnessing now (MvC2, for instance), but this case is even more aggravating, for SSFIV plays as any other mayor Capcom title and I was confident MvC3 would remain the same (or, at the very least, would include a 6B option for us purists)...
Ironically, the IP which proved the most suitable one for such a layout has been kept abandoned and whith no signs of a sequel for years. A certain case of "First, Za Warudo!, now nostalgia, next nothing at all"
Pollyanna 2999th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Tentacle vs Tentacle" , posted Wed 16 Feb 22:28    
Good for casuals AND girls!? I'm gonna clean up!
Ironically, the "purists" are cursing the game for being too casual and the "casuals" are still complaining that it's too complicated. If I was a purist, I'd say that the casuals were braindead, but as I stand now, I think the purists are just way out of touch.
quote: I'd love to weigh in on this game today but my copy isn't here because Capcom somehow managed to fuck up their online preorders and while stores were breaking street date left and right, the people who ordered direct from Capcom are left staring at the mailbox.
I have a long history of hating Capcom of America. Up until very recently, I've imported every Capcom game because I was certain that Capcom of America would fuck things up somehow. Now, I order MvC3 from Capcom like an idiot and this happens. If the game doesn't come in until August, I have to admit, I deserve it.
Oh well, I'm too busy with work to devote much time to the game anyway.
Somehow I just noticed the absurd number of green classic Spiderman villains. I understand that they have to do green/yellow to contrast his red/blue, but seriously: Doc Oc, Electro, Lizard, Sandman, Mysterio, Scorpion, Vulture, Green Goblin...that's off the top of my head and I don't even read Marvel comics.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Ishmael 4020th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Thu 17 Feb 00:57    
quote: You're the first person I've heard of who has more trouble with ABC than zigzag! I'm not trying to be insulting by saying that; it's a genuinely interesting point, just like sfried and his complaint about abstractly mapping special moves to ABC.
Still, this is not a problem you can't do anything about. If you make your controller binding:
A C A1 B E A2
Then you can zigzag no problem!
I'll give this config a try, but I still think I'm getting robbed of freedom of action for the sake of appealing to the "casuals". An "AAA,BB,C" motion will never report the same gratification as "     " and all the variants. Plus, a single Launcher button seems akward and unpractical as Mortal Kombat's block and dash ones : why should I be forced to switch to further buttons when those commands could have been implemented on the normal set, as they have always been? ]
What did you think of MvC2? Was the four button attack scheme in that game just as bad?
Bear with me here since this is all coming from a guy who has viewed the vs series as slap-happy fun and not something that is interesting at a tournament level. But for me MvC3 is the first vs game where the control scheme makes sense. The classic six attack button layout works in SF, Darkstalkers and the like but the later vs games aren't designed to be played in the manner of those games. Having the six buttons set as three attack buttons, a "do something" button and two assist buttons spells out to me how I'm supposed to approach the game. This isn't a one on one battle, I'm supposed to have my team constantly jumping in to help or swapping out. The launcher button concerned me when I first heard about it but after trying it I understand the idea behind it. I'm supposed to be popping people into the air, swapping characters in mid-combo, and knocking my opponent back down into the dirt. The original control scheme felt like it was designed for a different game than what the series eventually evolved into.
Your concerns about the changes in characters brings up the problem I often hear about with sequels. If things are shaken up too much complaints come in that the characters aren't the same any more. If the characters are brought over in mostly the same form there will be grumblings that the sequel can be played in the same way as the previous title so why even bother with the upgrade? Where is the balance between being fresh and preserving what came before? It's a longstanding -and probably rhetorical- question.
While I haven't decided what I think about playing MvC3 I am happy about the images it gives me. This shot of Haggar lumped in with Katy Perry and Cee Lo amuses me to no end.
HAYATO 1030th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(9):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Thu 17 Feb 02:44    
quote: What did you think of MvC2? Was the four button attack scheme in that game just as bad?
I missed it completely. To this day, I've played just a couple of hours on a Dreamcast a friend of mine owned, and it looked to me quite awkward back then, perhaps due to the lack of buttons and that dreadful striker system we endure since XvsSF...
MvC2's striker system (i.e. XvsSF's on steroids) was as chaotic and abusive as MvC3's but I suppose it wasn't that bad when it gathered a solid fanbase back then... so solid in fact that it keeps demanding that gimmick even to this day, it seems.
Thinking about the button layout issues, merging LP/MP and LK/MK is affordable when you have a limited button set and you want to aglutinate so many functions (striker calls, combined supers, char swapping...) at the same time. Plus, you still retain punch and kick sets, zig-zagging capabilities and a considerable amount of freedom to start comboing the way you want, albeit slightly "crippled".
As far as I know, combos like these can't be done in MvC2, though (not to mention MvC3, of course):
Evidence 1
Evidence 2
And, just to put an end to this rant, I'll just leave this here. Many of the combos you'll see can't be performed neither in MvsC2 nor in MvsC3, due to the abridged layout. Special mention to Hulk's (01:30) and Magneto's (6:00), which accurately illustrate my point. Oh, and kudos to the player for being able to pull off something like Iron Man's (3:35). One must be really gifted to perform such a feat (the "I was born with some extra fingers" kind of gift)...
chazumaru 742th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(10):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Thu 17 Feb 06:08:    
I am not entirely sure I understand your question above anymore. The one about why they did not keep the 6 buttons format introduced in SF2.
It seems clear that MVC2 was by far the most popular fighting game from Marvel/Capcom's crossover series, especially on the North American market. And it dropped the classic 6 buttons set-up back then, which drew quite a lot of criticism in the first weeks but was eventually well accepted by a sizeable crowd of players. So they followed the logic of MvC2 for MvC3. Doesn't it make perfect sense?
It is the first time I see a "purist" complain about a button set-up for a brand new game. SNK/ADK series, Guilty Gear, Capcom etc. all introduced some unorthodox control set-ups over the ages. You might even claim that the 6 buttons would have been easier for beginners/light users who came back with SF4, rather than any "purist". I assume it would have been complicated to summon strikers and launch enemies. So with both newcomers and MvC2 fans in mind, the new set-up seems like a good balance on paper.
I am not saying you should embrace it. I just have a hard time understanding what you find so surprising and nearly disrespectful about this new set-up. If the game was a self-proclaimed sequel to the earlier Vs. episodes, sure, this would be weird. But MvC3 is clearly the sequel to MvC2, by the staff of TvC. If you haven't played these two games extensively, as you seem to indicate, it should at least make sense to you why you don't find your marks in MvC3.
[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 17 Feb 06:12] |
Iggy 9230th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Thu 17 Feb 06:13    
quote: I missed it completely. To this day, I've played just a couple of hours on a Dreamcast a friend of mine owned, and it looked to me quite awkward back then, perhaps due to the lack of buttons and that dreadful striker system we endure since XvsSF...
OK, so, you're basically saying you don't like the franchise, and then that you don't like the last entry in the franchise. Why don't you try a different franchise? I'm not going around saying how I hate the latest Call of Duty.
quote: MvC2's striker system (i.e. XvsSF's on steroids) was as chaotic and abusive as MvC3's but I suppose it wasn't that bad when it gathered a solid fanbase back then...
Do you come from the future to know that a new fanbase as solid is not going to aggregate around MvC3 as well? Is the game going to rot and die in 6 months? Will I be rich and famous? Please, tell us how's life in 2016!
quote: Many of the combos you'll see can't be performed neither in MvsC2 nor in MvsC3, due to the abridged layout.
And none of the combos in MvC 2 and 3 can be done in these games. Because they are not the same games. The fact that they released a new game doesn't mean you can't play the old ones, in the same way the ugly DMC is not going to erase from existence DMC3 or Bayonnetta, or that that horrible Marvel fighting game series that I loathed didn't destroy all my copies of Vampire Savior.
HAYATO 1031th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(2):Re(10):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Thu 17 Feb 07:37    
quote: OK, so, you're basically saying you don't like the franchise, and then that you don't like the last entry in the franchise. Why don't you try a different franchise? I'm not going around saying how I hate the latest Call of Duty.
I'm basically saying that I loved the franchise, until Capcom began adding overpowered, match-ruining striker systems and simplifying controls.
BTW, I missed MvsC2 much to my regret, and it's a game I'm looking forward to playing extensively up to this day.
Do you come from the future to know that a new fanbase as solid is not going to aggregate around MvC3 as well? Is the game going to rot and die in 6 months? Will I be rich and famous? Please, tell us how's life in 2016!
Well, now that you mention it, I can't hide the truth any longer: from the future I bring you the answer to all your questions!!
- The game will be a complete success (which won't make it any better) and the last online player will be kicked out on february 26th, 2015.
- Oh, but you already are rich and famous, my dear!! You are a celebrity here in the Cafe, or may I say "legend"? By the end of 2024 your post counter reached 99999 entries and your acount resetted. Nobody knew of you anymore and rumours about suicide, Cayman Islands sightings and the like began to spread around Internet...
- 2016 was OK, nothing worth of mention. But wait for 2023, when the Turkish invasion of France begins. The hype is gonna kill you!!
And none of the combos in MvC 2 and 3 can be done in these games. Because they are not the same games. The fact that they released a new game doesn't mean you can't play the old ones, in the same way the ugly DMC is not going to erase from existence DMC3 or Bayonnetta, or that that horrible Marvel fighting game series that I loathed didn't destroy all my copies of Vampire Savior.
Save for some minor tweakings on the engine, almost anything that can be done in MSH can be replicated with those chars present in the sequels, up to MvsC.
Maou 2156th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Thu 17 Feb 16:46:    
Actually, while I get Hayato's point (and future-reading capabilities), the fury around casual/pro for Marvel is interesting to me because my group always considered Marvel to be a (delightful) entry in the "mash" category, as in, "mash those buttons." When we collectively bought a Dreamcast (lovingly referred to as Cinnabon), both Marvel and Soul Calibur were acquired. Soul Calibur was for actual training and Street Fighter-level dojo practice, whereas Marvel was for downright hilarity. Maybe around Marvel 2, the series became less ridiculous, or at least more handleable, in the eyes of some, leading to varying expectations with 3?
It's: "lickety-split full contact puppetry, with shit flying all around. Maybe you're responsible for the shit, maybe not. Maybe the shit happens even if no controllers are touched - I'll test this today. Or maybe you just moved your hands according to the ancient ways, what our people once called a somatic component, and some measure of their magic is made manifest unconsciously."
Doubley relatedly: quote: Polly: Mysterio
Holy hell, Mysterio!? You're serious! I can remember that guy from like the Spiderman collectable cards from around fifth grade or so, despite not ever really reading American comics. I have to play 3 just for the blast-from-the-past factor now.
[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 17 Feb 16:56] |
karasu99 547th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(5):Re(10):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Thu 17 Feb 23:58    
quote: Actually, while I get Hayato's point (and future-reading capabilities), the fury around casual/pro for Marvel is interesting to me because my group always considered Marvel to be a (delightful) entry in the "mash" category, as in, "mash those buttons." When we collectively bought a Dreamcast (lovingly referred to as Cinnabon), both Marvel and Soul Calibur were acquired. Soul Calibur was for actual training and Street Fighter-level dojo practice, whereas Marvel was for downright hilarity. Maybe around Marvel 2, the series became less ridiculous, or at least more handleable, in the eyes of some, leading to varying expectations with 3?
I remember being amazed a handful of years ago to see the vigor (and red-faced intensity) with which people were playing MvC 1 and 2. That's about the time I resigned myself to never being able to play these games against most of the population, since I'm just not remotely that good, and I don't find having my ass anded to me instantly to be fun or to be a encouragement to get better. After a few days to play the game now, I can say: It's really, really pretty. Capcom clearly has a respect for the comic book (and earlier game, like Makaimura and FF) material. As everyone has already said, there are lots of little touches, like the character specific intro speeches. Plus the Makaimura music remix is excellent! How does it compare with MvC1 and 2? Eh, can't really say-- it's not 2d. That's my expert answer
shindekudasai 384th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Fri 18 Feb 01:35:    
Finally got some hands on time with the game! We had a tourney last night at the local comic shop - nothing incredibly high-level, but interesting to see who got picked and who got snubbed. Mostly everyone played 'safe' characters (lots of Storm, Sentinel, Ryu, Akuma, etc) and a few adventurous souls who tried newcomers like Spencer, Amaterasu, Dormammu, Dante, Wesker, etc. Characters who weren't picked at all: Arthur, She-Hulk, Hsien-Ko, Trish, Tron, Viper, V.Joe, Thor, and Modok. Jill and Shuma weren't available.
- My teams: Morrigan, Spider-Man, X-23 (first bracket). Spidey, x-23, Phoenix (second bracket). I didn't win, but a buddy of mine got 3rd and got a sweet Haggar poster.
- Button layout: Let me state first that I love the Magic System and classic Capcom chains. My fave game in the series was MVC1. We already had to relearn buttons for MVC2. However, the 3 button + special button system calls to mind the Real Bout games and Last Blade for me, all of which had a chain system, so it's simply a matter of adapting and learning which chars have moves 'remapped' to the special button (like Spidey's old jumping roundhouse, or Morrigan's Shell Kick). Also, if you play TVC, you'll be right at home.
- X-Factor: The game-breaker. Using this in a clutch situation will decide who wins the match, period, end of sentence.
- Spidey: My most 'safe' char last night. Couldn't get the Ultimate Web Throw to connect for the life of me - is it an anti-air now?? Otherwise, Retains all his old strats plus gets some new ones with the 'quick line' (attack + special) to either zip away or stun and get in fast.
- X-23: Awesome character. Not a Wolvie clone, not broken, simply awesome. Great high/low game, skillful but not impossible combos. Will definately be Maining her.
- Deadpool: a bit funky, but a blast to play.
- Haggar: Nuff said.
- Super-Skrull: Didn't spend a lot of time with him, but he's got potential. Tons of range, decent damage output. Reminded me a bit of a quicker, more versatile Dhalsim actually.
- Dante: Great char, but I'll need more time to memorize which attacks are which buttons. Other than that, he seems to come directly from DMC3. Great combos.
- Phoenix: Utterly broken, but only myself and one other player tried her out. Traps/projectiles have lots of tricky properties and/or different angles. Teleport into air Special (long range fire blast angled down 45 degrees) into super = instant damage. Save her for last, and pick 2 good battery chars so you can activate Dark Phoenix. This plus X-Factor = win.
- Arthur: GARBAGE! Which makes me sad. His projectile/keep away game is great, but his mobility is gimped. In a game where you have to move around so much, a char who can't dash simply has no chance.
- Haggar: Nifty specials, love the stun on the pipe. Range is a problem (with so many keep away chars) but any Zangief vets will be able to get through the cracks and bust heads.
More later.
[this message was edited by shindekudasai on Fri 18 Feb 01:41] |
karasu99 549th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(9):Re(10):Tentacle Valentine" , posted Sat 19 Feb 02:36    
quote: Stop looking into my brain!
Ha! I'm glad you like Wesker as well. I should note that he is one thing that I like about RE5. And his level 3 super with the missile? Love it! Anyone know what the criterion is to have his glasses break? is it just to get hit?
As for Arthur, I like that he is just a simple keep away spam your projectiles character and is not very offensive with his weak combos. Hagger is awesome cause he's Hagger. And cause he is a grappler yet still has really good and very easy to do damaging combo. This is all ofcourse from the perspective of a mere simpleton in the game.
I recognize that he's not a great character for competitive play, but damn, they really crammed in a lot of his Cho Makimura attacks into him! I just with he had more magic attacks with his gold armor.
Honorable mention: Dante is crazy! I'm surprised they were able to put so much into him. As stated, practically all of DMC3 is here.
Yah, he's got a bewildering variety of moves-- he's like a Guilty Gear character in a game full of oversimplified moves. I like playing as him a lot, and I think he fits so well because the frenetic nature of his 'home' game matches well with the frenetic nature of a vs game.
After an evening of actual matches against a friend yesterday (how old-school! A LOCAL FRIEND actually came to my HOUSE to play a vs fighting game with me! What is this, 1997?) I had a chance to try out the game in a more real world situation. For one thing, I suck. He had never played it (or any other vs game) before and still ended beating me about 50% of the time. For another thing, I found that I'm actually pretty good with Zero!
Professor 2962th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "MVC3 Producer talks about spectator mode" , posted Sun 6 Mar 01:39:    
Article from 4gamer
Producer Ryota on MVC3's spectator mode:
Ryota: "We threw in all the elements including ranking match, free match, rankings and the lobby, but we couldn't add in a spectator mode.
4Gamer: "Was it because of technical issues?"
Ryota: "That's correct. This title is a 3-on-3 and the game speed is very fast, so the volume of communication data is larger than in SSF4. Even if we added in all those kinds of systems, they'd be no good if the matches were full of lags.
4gamer: "Looking at it from the outside, we'd assume that throwing in the mode would have been easy since you guys have already done that in SSF4, but it's apparently not."
Ryota: "No. But I thought so in the beginning too (laughs)." [*rest of article snipped*]
Producer Ryota on MVC3's DLC characters:
4Gamer: "On another question, are there additional characters asides from Jill and Shuma-Gorath planned for a release?"
Ryota: "Not at the current time. They're actually not hard to add in, but there's some things that need to be tweaked, like the way how they'd be treated in online matches. There's not much to be said at the current time."
The article is a good read. It also covers some additional tidbits such as--
1.MVC3's project actually started around the same time as SF4 about 5-6 years back, and it wasn't developed as an offspring of TatsuvsCap.
2.TatsuvsCap was developed with the system mechanics as the core balance of the game, like, all the characters have double jumps and air dashes. On the other hand MvC3 prioritized character developments with everyone having their own strengths, and the developers balanced things out from there. Everyone universally had double jumps and whatnot in the earlier stages of the game's build, but the developers realized that wasn't what MvC was about and redid things.
3.The X-factor was added in as something that can keep players motivated when they're losing. The developers took their time debating over how to feature the system, like whether it should be usable over and over or just once. Eventually they decided that once is good, but that players can decide when to execute it.
4.Marvel actually had their own requests that they wanted to see from Capcom's side, but some of them weren't possible due to copyright issues. (Personal note: what characters do Capcom not own? SFEX and Strider? Anything else?)
5.One of the reasons why Venom isn't in the game is because his design has changed so much since before.
6.Viper's popularity as a SF4 character is in par with the three others, but her looks fit the game perfectly when the developers tried throwing her SF4 model in there.
7.Jill was more or less a request from Capcom Europe.
8.Shuma was a strong request from Capcom and Marvel wanted other characters, but got the approval if he/it was to be released as a DLC instead. (This reconfirms developer leaks on the Internet.)
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 6 Mar 02:14] |