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Professor 2816th Post
MMCafe Owner
| "Question regarding PS3 disc scratches" , posted Wed 6 Oct 23:41:
Since this BBS seems to have many long-term PS3 users, Just a quick Question. The Blu-Ray is reputed for its tough coating, but how hard or easy is it to actually get a small scratch on the disc from daily usage, and do they render game discs (which can't skip data unlike Bluray movies) into frisbees as often warned? Or do the discs seem to be really durable as boasted? If anyone can contribute their own experiences, that would be great.
I had purchased a slim console and a game about two months ago; I noticed the disc recently got 2 scratches. Given that it has been constantly handled with care, I am having troubles trying to figure out where it could have scratched. The drive may possibly be the culprit, but if it was, I would assume that it would produce the damage more constantly. Yet, given the reports that Blu-ray discs require exessive force for surface damage, it's hard to think of other factors.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 7 Oct 00:52] | | Replies: |
HAYATO 999th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):Question regarding PS3 disc scratches" , posted Thu 7 Oct 00:51
quote: Since this BBS seems to have many long-term PS3 users, Just a quick Question. The Blu-Ray is reputed for a tough coating, but how hard or easy is it to actually get a small scratch on the disc from daily usage? Do they appear from time to time, or are the discs really as durable as often cited? If anyone can contribute their own experiences, that would be great.
I had purchased a slim console and a game about two months ago; I noticed the disc recently got 2 scratches. Given that it has been constantly handled with care, I am having troubles trying to figure out where it could have scratched. The drive may possibly be the culprit, but if it was, I would assume that it would produce the damage more constantly. Yet, given the reports that Blu-ray discs require exessive force for surface damage, it's hard to think of other factors.
Right now, creating backups on the PS3's internal HDD is the craze. You know, no matter how durable an optical disk is, it is doomed to be scratched in the end...
I'd strongly suggest you to get a PS3 with 3.41 FW installed and go the pirate backup route. In case you upgraded the firmware already, then don't worry too much about it: IIRC, scratches on a BD aren't such an important issue, as data is engraed on a deeper layer than the one used on CDs or DVDs. So, pay no heed to them unless they are affecting to your gaming experience (choppy and laggy animations where there weren't any before, unreadable disc messages and such...)