A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAST - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAST" , posted Thu 25 Nov 05:34post reply

With the impending American thanksgiving day fast approaching, let us share thanksgiving day thanks/thoughts/tales.

As a Canadian, I'm happy that I get legitimate reasons to enjoy roasted turkey twice in November.

One of my friends dislikes chicken (it was basically a poverty food for him), but loves turkey (because it was only served during happy gatherings), so even though the two taste almost the same, the powerful associations in his mind only let him enjoy one.

For those of you who are flying home for the holiday.


9198th Post

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"Re(1):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Thu 25 Nov 05:41:post reply

As a person working with American assholes in their cunt country and having to stay until 9PM in the office because these whiny bitches are too fat to wake up early, but still want answers the second after they've asked the question, I enjoy Thanksgiving because they won't be there to ruin my evening, as they will instead be stuffing more greasy shit into their filthy dumpster of a mouth that will lead them faster to their undoubtedly obese grave.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 25 Nov 07:13]

1283th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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"Re(2):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Thu 25 Nov 08:48post reply

As a 'merican living in Japan, I miss the greasy shit that I can shovel into my mouth. :(

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"Re(2):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Thu 25 Nov 08:50post reply

As a person working with American assholes in their cunt country and having to stay until 9PM in the office because these whiny bitches are too fat to wake up early, but still want answers the second after they've asked the question, I enjoy Thanksgiving because they won't be there to ruin my evening, as they will instead be stuffing more greasy shit into their filthy dumpster of a mouth that will lead them faster to their undoubtedly obese grave.

It's posts like this that I'm thankful for!

Oh, and I am also thankful that I won't have to travel this year for Thanksgiving!

1285th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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"Re(3):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Thu 25 Nov 09:25:post reply

I'm going home for Xmas!
Not looking forward to the TSA's new patdown rules.

Because I also work with the guys in the overseas office, my thanksgiving days are thankfully a bit slower than usual.

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[this message was edited by KTallguy on Thu 25 Nov 09:26]

2869th Post

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"Re(3):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Thu 25 Nov 17:27:post reply

As a 'merican living in Japan, I miss the greasy shit that I can shovel into my mouth. :(

The hardest thing yet was to find American Cheese.

Personally, I like turkey over chicken but it's pretty hard to find the bird unless it's purchased by the whole.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 25 Nov 17:34]

3941th Post

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"Re(4):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Fri 26 Nov 00:12post reply

I'm going home for Xmas!
Not looking forward to the TSA's new patdown rules.

I'm looking forward to it. During my next vacation will I receive welcome or unwelcome groping? Either way it should be memorable.

841th Post

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"Re(1):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Fri 26 Nov 04:40post reply

With the impending American thanksgiving day fast approaching, let us share thanksgiving day thanks/thoughts/tales.

As a Canadian, I'm happy that I get legitimate reasons to enjoy roasted turkey twice in November.

One of my friends dislikes chicken (it was basically a poverty food for him), but loves turkey (because it was only served during happy gatherings), so even though the two taste almost the same, the powerful associations in his mind only let him enjoy one.

For those of you who are flying home for the holiday.

I am thankful for good friends, family, awesome food and this little spot on the net that helps remind me of the good things in life.

Happy Thanksgiving you filthy animals!


1285th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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"Re(4):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Fri 26 Nov 12:31post reply

The hardest thing yet was to find American Cheese.

Personally, I like turkey over chicken but it's pretty hard to find the bird unless it's purchased by the whole.

I enjoy turkey (the bird!) a lot but really it's the whole thing, the family and all the different ingredients.

Going off your cheese comment, one thing I can't seem to get is a really good sandwich in Japan. I can find good hamburgers, but a high quality NY Deli style sandwich is pretty impossible. I used to work at a NY/Jewish deli as a teen, tasked with remembering the names of every exotic meat and cheese variety stored in the refrigerated counter windows. Sandwich culture has made a few inroads with some places like Subway, but harder breads are not popular here.

But I find that when I cook in Japan, I am pretty much forced to do "Japanese versions" of everything because the ingredients are hard to find, not fresh enough, or too expensive. And I still don't really know how to properly make Dashi. Oh well :P

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"Re(5):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Fri 26 Nov 18:02:post reply

Happy Thanksgiving! Cramberries yummy.

Going off your cheese comment, one thing I can't seem to get is a really good sandwich in Japan. I can find good hamburgers, but a high quality NY Deli style sandwich is pretty impossible. I used to work at a NY/Jewish deli as a teen, tasked with remembering the names of every exotic meat and cheese variety stored in the refrigerated counter windows. Sandwich culture has made a few inroads with some places like Subway, but harder breads are not popular here.

But I find that when I cook in Japan, I am pretty much forced to do "Japanese versions" of everything because the ingredients are hard to find, not fresh enough, or too expensive. And I still don't really know how to properly make Dashi. Oh well :P

It depends on where you live but IMO the best solution for sandwiches is to make your own. Fine bread is hard to come by but not impossible. Good French bakeries offer a variety, and up to a point, some Italian bakeries as well. From what I've heard , Osaka has a good store named Boulangerie Takeuchi, and Peck. For bagels, hit an importer, or go to a Costco for a fresh baked. Cold cuts may be harder to find but I think they can still be picked up for a price. Cheeses are easy.

Dashi... fish broth stock. Without going the easy way and using sachets?

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 26 Nov 18:39]

9199th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Fri 26 Nov 20:42:post reply

There should be a Pain Quotidien there at some point:

東京プリンスホテル ヴィラ

I don't know how expensive or fresh their products would be, but if it ends up on par with the level we have in Europe (and it should be, I mean, it's the whole point of franchised restaurants, right?), you'll get some of the best breads, jams, juices, and chocolated stuff you'll ever find.
And obviously, quality bread is priceless, and moreover in Japan.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 26 Nov 20:44]

1286th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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"Re(7):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Sat 27 Nov 12:25post reply


東京プリンスホテル ヴィラ

The pictures make it look pretty great!
Seems like it has a nice atmosphere.

I have found a few places that have high quality bread, but no cold cuts. I think I will have to specifically hunt for them.

And I was being a bit facetious with the Dashi comment. I can make Dashi with the little packets of katsuo but in general my ability to cook good Japanese food is kind of iffy. I can make Oyako-don, and things where you only use mirin, soy sauce and cooking sake are pretty simple. Anything more than that and I have to use a book.

And a belated Happy Thanksgiving!

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2871th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Sat 27 Nov 19:56post reply

There should be a Pain Quotidien there at some point:

Will be looking forward!

And I was being a bit facetious with the Dashi comment. I can make Dashi with the little packets of katsuo but in general my ability to cook good Japanese food is kind of iffy. I can make Oyako-don, and things where you only use mirin, soy sauce and cooking sake are pretty simple. Anything more than that and I have to use a book.

Lol, you'd be surprised at how many people don't even know how to make miso soup. It's horrible!

Turning back on the topic of bread, this magazine looked interesting.

1289th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):A GIANT ENEMY TURKEY IS APPROACHING FAS" , posted Mon 29 Nov 10:32post reply

Lol, you'd be surprised at how many people don't even know how to make miso soup. It's horrible!

Um, open the packet and pour hot water on it ? :)

Turning back on the topic of bread, this magazine looked interesting.

I first read パン・オ・ショック as "PAN O' SHOCK!"

Maybe I should take bread baking classes, but I'd probably just meet a bunch of 主婦 :) Better than loafing around at home though!

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