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Toxico 5200th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Fri 10 Dec 02:33:    
So, that Crimson Viper thing was actually real!?
Also, Dissidia will dread us with Laguna's presence
Also, Blaz blue will get it's next DLC By mid summer..... Considering that it's summer down here, does this mean that it should come soon? .... Wait, when the heck is summer in Japan?
Oh, and who are we fooling??? We already know that for this thread and the world itself random means Castlevania Kyo kyo kyo. And thus we can't truly consider any thread "complete" without any type of relevant info, such as an article Promoting new "beautiful" design illustrations for Lord of Shadows. Now, if that game would only drop from the 100$ us dollars mark from where I'm standing, tche.
Hmn? Ah, Preorder bonuses for Catherine~~~~~~~~ time to brace our wallets
Oh, and making a play on Maou's theory that Disgaea was in the path of becoming the new permanent "new port" aberration that will eternally haunt us with the memory of what once was our favorite game; you might enjoy deluding yourself in this web comic starring Maou (Moonrun warning, I suppose?)

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 10 Dec 03:25] |
Gojira 2689th Post

PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: 80085
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "random Nandai tweeting" , posted Sat 8 Jan 05:04:    
This weeks' Nandai Twitter randomness: Harada has been offering up a few nuggets of info on TTT2.
Characters will speak an even more diverse selection of languages. Christie and Eddy will speak Portuguese, Lili = French, Miguel = Spanish, and Leo = German. Zafina will still speak English, because she "speaks English to conceal her identity." Though it's more likely he just doesn't want to associate her with any specific country.
Second, Harada wants you to stop asking for bikini customizations. They're not a good fit for Tekken, according to him.
Finally, the arcade Tekken 6 BR has achieved the "best income award" for the second year in a row. Every arcade Tekken since Tekken 5 has achieved it, apparently. You can see some monthly numbers for other titles there too. Sadly, KoFXIII has been just barely in the top ten for the months it was out, and you can see the decline in 2k2UM upon its release.
Daishi has been talking a bit about Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny on his twitter. It's clear this guy doesn't really know what Twitter is for, but it's still fun to read his long blog posts divided in Twitter's character limits. Also he admitted before that he doesn't write English well, so it seems his tweets are being translated by someone else.
SC:BD was originally planned to be a downloadable content update for SC4, but that idea had to be scrapped for "business reasons." They had a number of new weapons planned for the title but these couldn't be implemented faithfully on the PSP. With Dampierre, rather than focusing on his weapon they designed him around his personality. There were many questions about whether he was right for SC, but they did the best they could. He says that he was not the director for the project, but it's obvious he had to be following its progress.
The fact that BD was originally planned to be downloadable but was somehow prevented from this is odd and discouraging, considering this is the approach that I think most fans would have wanted.
[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 8 Jan 05:05] |
Spoon 2082th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):random Nandai tweeting" , posted Sat 8 Jan 06:22:    
quote: Finally, the arcade Tekken 6 BR has achieved the "best income award" for the second year in a row. Every arcade Tekken since Tekken 5 has achieved it, apparently.
I'm kind of surprised that Gundam vs. Gundam isn't #1 (and the game is pretty large). Maybe the net amount of gameplay time per dollar (as in less of it per dollar) works out better for Tekken. It's pretty amazing that the Gundam Seed Destiny game is still not just up there, but at a solid ranking. Not only that, but for 10 months it had stable numbers even in spite of GvG Next alongside it for that entire time!
In another mech related thought, I'm surprised that Border Break isn't there.
Interesting that AH3's numbers really don't compare to MBAA's. Even at AH3's peak, AH3 is still significantly less than MB until the month that Current Code came out.
The dropoff rate for KOF13 hasn't been too steep, so I can't read too much into that. No idea what number it has stabilized at.
GGAC's stable numbers really reflect the game's place as a hardcore draw, even years after its release. I wonder if it's still the same crowd playing the game, or if there are actually some (a very small "some") getting into it to keep its numbers up.
Are music games categorized separately? The Vocaloid arcade game seemed to be quite hot for awhile.
[this message was edited by Spoon on Sat 8 Jan 06:37] |
Loona 373th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(2):TTGL, Daiguard and Votoms in SRW" , posted Mon 10 Jan 19:08    
quote: Loona, I am glad you have the Super Robot Love (or rather I guess you do since you posted this).
The fact that the SRW games manage to make such diverse series and settings work together fascinates me more than anything (I love me some good crossovers), although I'm fond of a few mecha shows - it's nice seeing Daiguard joining the SRW crew, as that show more than any showed me that anime can be about anything as long as they toss in a mecha and a monster of the week in it - Daiguard in particular seems to me a workplace drama + mecha, and works very well on both aspects IMO.
Considering it, TTGL and Votoms are the most often requested by fans of the series, I wonder what else will people start wanting really bad... Megas XLR comes to mind, bu I wonder if japanese mecha fans are even aware of it. It's like a love letter to mecha as a plot device, only done in the "wrong" country... Oh well, one can dream of Cyberbots and a recruitable Devilotte.
I might end up buying this one (maybe the follow-up too - I read something about SRWZ2 being a 2-parter), if for nothing else to encourage Banpresto to keep working on these instead of shifting completely to Queen's Blade games...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Professor 2904th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Arcade Infinity resuming operations" , posted Mon 17 Jan 21:22:    
The closing date for one of the last arcades to remain in the States came this weekend,
and things have taken a turn.
About 4 days ago, there was a public post made to Facebook by two contributors made, detailing things as follows.
AI is being saved by the owners of Diamond Plaza. After seeing all of the public outcry over the closing, and how active this particular event page has been since the announcement, they've worked out a deal with AI to significantly help their operating costs and keep the arcade open for an unspecified period of time. While currently the arrangements that the landlords have made with the city of Rowland Heights regarding AI's business license will only cover them for 6 more months, they're working out arrangements to extend it up to a period of 3 years. We'll know the outcome of this sometime in March when the approval is made or denied.
Either way, thanks to the landlords we get to keep AI for at the very least a few months longer. After speaking with Ken, the first action they're gonna be taking with this turn of events is to put some money into getting 4 Super Street Fighter 4 setups running, beatmania IIDX 18 RESORT ANTHEM (possibly in a new cabinet), DDR X2, pop'n music 18 SENGOKU RETSUDEN, and a few other titles that he's has his eye on for a little while.
Also just to clarify a bit on the closing of the arcade, while a good portion of it had to do with earnings (or lack thereof) the nail in the coffin was actually delivered by the city of Rowland Heights. AI's business license was to expire in December, and the costs that they originally wanted the Tao brothers to pay to keep things open was just completely unreasonable for how much money the arcade was pulling in. The landlords have since worked with the City to make their license renewal a possibility, and have secured them an extension.
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 17 Jan 22:17] |
Loona 374th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(2):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Wed 19 Jan 01:27    
Prishe is from FFXI (specifically the Chains of Promathia expansion) was kinda expected based on developer comment comments about the original Dissidia, but still an odd choice - she's primarily a monk battle-wise, so there's the risk of being too similar to Tifa (Zeid was less of a risk, being a Dark Knight - he might have a similar EX mode as Firion or the Emperor, but there have been rumors of Firion getting major changes... oh well).
She's actually dual-job in her plot battle, monk and white mage, but unlike Shantotto and black mages in general, the 2-hour ability for those jobs doesn't seem to translate well to Dissidia's system - the monk ability is Hundred Fists, which reduces the delay between melee attacks to almost nothing for a while (which allows for a big damage burst when your primary means of damage is auto-attack, but in Dissidia you perform moves one by one - I expect Prishe's regular ground attacks to consist on hand-to-hand weapon skills); The white mage 2-hour ability is Benediction, which fully heals the whole party and removes al of its negative status effects, and that doesn't seem to translate that well either. I figure her EX Burst will consist on her maybe using Hundred Fists and twiting FFXI rules to be able to pick several high-end weapon skills like Final Heaven, Ascetic's Fury and Victory Smite in sequence, not unlike Shantotto does chainspelling ancient magic in hers.
In the boss battle she's in in FFXI she has this shield-breaking move, Nullifying Dropkick - in Dissidia olbez has a move that breaks the opponent's Bravery while in EX Mode, I figure Prishe may adapt that move in this manner to further distinguish her from Tifa.
I guess the white mage factor will give her access to a Holy or Banish projectile, but that's still not a major difference from Tifa, whom has at least a form of Blizzard to attack at a distance...
Oh well, her intros should be amusing - she tends to be rather confrontational and calling people out on their bullshit, contradictions, insecurities, etc, as she's implied to be something of a mind/soul-reader
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - as a side effect of the same incident that made her practically immortal. Being a "mission girl" in FFXI is a bit of an occupational hazard, as most get themselves killed - Prishe just loses her immortality at the end of Chains of Promathia, the expansion she debuted and starred in. Yes, she's considered a bit of a Mary/Canon Sue.
End of Spoiler
Gilgamesh is expected but still good news, and assist-only characters are a nice surprise, we might still see the likes of Zeid and Sabin/Mash in this...
Includes Yuna gameplay (I bet a fight with her in Castle Pandemonium will be an even bigger mess than it already was in the orginal), fully-rendered Prishe talking down to someone (some say Warrior of Light, ome say Cid Raines from XIII) (typical, can't tell whom though), and portal/Gilgamesh addressing Bartz is also a fully rendered scene - well, at least it seemed so with all the blurring, but unlikely, since it was the Rift stage.
Notable points from http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/01/18/square_enix_premier_live_blog/ :
18:15 -- Hashimoto reveals that PSP's Final Fantasy IV will have a product code for Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. (even more tempting)
18:28 -- Takahashi says that this time, they're going to be adding all the characters they can possibly add.
18:31 -- Yuna's voice actress is Mayuko Aoki.
18:32 -- She's also the voice actress for Yuna in all the other games where Yuna appears, in case you were worried about another Vaan happening.
18:33 -- FFXI's Prishe is also in Duodecim!
18:34 -- Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy Prologus is a paid demo. It's available today for ¥300.
18:35 -- Those who buy this paid demo will get Final Fantasy VII's Aerith as an assist character in the final retail version of the game. (I wonder if this'll make it to the west... don't really care much about Aerith, but if the assist action's useful enough...)
18:36 -- The official name for the paid demo is Dissidia Duodecim Prologus Final Fantasy.
18:38 -- Prologus will also include an original short scenario, and arcade mode. There won't be any customization, though.
More info:
I, Garland, feel like cosplaying Nightmare, where's my Soul Edge at? (actually based on Amano artwork, but Soul Calibur invariably comes to mind)
Warrior of Light likes swords
Duodecim Prologue video - only a few characters are playable, but apparently all can be fought (Shantotto isn't selectable, but fought at least); features XIII music and stage.
Apparently the Aerith assist only smacks around the opponent with her staff.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
karasu99 519th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(4):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Fri 21 Jan 09:02:    
quote: I can't wait for Ghost Trick iPhone, simply because it's so much easier to pick up and play the iPhone for me these days. Unless it's subpar... but I'm sure they'll do a good job. I know the iPhone version is out now on Japan, but the benefit of it being on the DS is that the pad controls actually work (if you hate the touchscreen).
So far, I'm not quite sure about ports to iPhone seeing what other have done on it. *cough*SecretofMana*cough*
Har, that's right, Ghost Trick was just released on US DS! Well, that is one I've been looking forward to, especially since it reminds me a bit of Exit! (and its awesome PSP sequel, Kangaeru Exit), which I seem to be the world's only (and therefore biggest) fan of. I shall have to go get it immediately!
Oh, also, I was pleasntly surprised to see that these guys are still around, and are making a 3DS game! I fondly recall many of their US releases fro the late 80's and early 90's, as well as their ridiculously over-illustrated ads in EGM, etc.
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Fri 21 Jan 10:05] |
Spoon 2094th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Wed 26 Jan 13:42    
quote: AH3
The meters have gotten quite the overhaul. In the previous AH games, you had the 3 homing gauges and a 9-level super gauge. Now that has been consolidated into a single 3-level gauge, which starts at 1 bar. Hitting the other guy and doing offensive things in general increase the maximum amount of bar you can use, up to 3 bars. Certain actions that make the bar go red prevent you from increasing your maximum gauge until the status clears.
This new meter system somewhat defeats my old scrub strategy of stocking up a ton of meters and then doing an endless march of Gier supers.
There are a few Arcanas that by design have utility with everybody, but every character has a few good Arcanas that are unlike other characters (or so it seems).
From how it feels for mere mortal players, I'd say that one of the biggest changes is how much damage short combos do, and the general cap on the loop combo madness of the previous games. AH1 featured loop combos that could go for like 30 ticks of the timer, meaning like 45s in real life. And unless you could do big loops, it felt like you weren't doing any damage at all. In AH3, basic chain -> special -> super cancel does respectable damage, though still not nearly as good as a "real" combo. But it's enough damage for rounds between beginner players to not last forever.
There is another gauge that is kind of like a merged Burst/RC gauge. Like Burst, it starts off filled and you can use it as a combo breaker, which empties it. Or you can burn the gauge for a brief powerup/speedup, and doing so instantly cancels whatever you are doing. Unlike homing cancel/RC though, this powerup can only be done while your character is grounded.
The new characters are kind of neat. One of them has reversed guts; where everybody else gets tougher as their lifebar goes down, she takes MORE damage as her lifebar goes down. So don't get hit :D
The game to me still has a slightly odd feel, in spite of all the good additions. It will take some time to get used to how "slow" the game feels, even though that slowness is necessary to accomodate the dizzying amount of offensive options everybody has. The characters also don't animate all that well. The music has improved since the highly forgettable tracks of AH1, not that I can remember any of the music anyway.
I guess all that is a really longwinded way of saying, "It's way better than AH1, but it's still AH".
Nekros 337th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(6):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Fri 28 Jan 17:28:    
Having said all of that, the PSP2 seems like it has every single "feature" that every hardware designer/business executive/gamer/fanboy/etc wants. Is that dang thing missing anything? Well, it doesn't have a 3D screen or a dual screen. But it has EVERYTHING ELSE!? Even the software initiative by Sony has EVERYTHING (social software/location software/app store/everything).
It's true, but do we need this seriously? I used the web interface or the radio on PSP 1 TIME, never used Xbox360 to play movies or listen to music, never used that stupid channel things on Wii (except the forecast), tried to connect PS3 on a PC media library but the system crashed. If we use the console as a gaming system, we don't need that social crap or the avatar or anything else that isn't really useful as a media station. Sports channel on 360? Who cares. Avatar Kinect? WTF? Playstation Home? Boring. Twitter/Facebook/I want to rape your privacy networks? Useless. Achievements/Trophies? Virtual penis. Hora Hora Hora? Muda Muda Muda!
Seriously, is cool and all but has a lot of applications that don't necessary fit a portable gaming system. Think a bout cellphones, they have lots of functions (some really useful) but most are not vital to a person's use.
[this message was edited by Nekros on Fri 28 Jan 17:33] |
shin ramberk 389th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(7):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Sat 29 Jan 02:35    
quote: But it has EVERYTHING ELSE!? Even the software initiative by Sony has EVERYTHING (social software/location software/app store/everything).
It's true, but do we need this seriously?
Oh, no, it wasn't my point to praise it for having EVERYTHING. I just think that the thousand features it has speaks to the mentality that a lot of hardware and software developers have when they think of how to compete. And it basically boils down to I want my product to have the most "features." Who cares if the features actually add value-- WE GOT TO HAVE THEM!
Likewise, will NGP users actually use all of the extra internet software crammed into the device? I can tell you this, I use my iPhone to help me exercise, play games, write emails, surf the web, buy stuff online, find stuff with maps... Its damn versatile. I don't use facebook but its there if I want it. As silly as it sounds, I can do more things because of my iPhone. Right there. The 3DS is already a winner. The PSP was a success. Will the NGP be able to compete with smartphones and tablets? That's its true competition now.
I lauded Sony for being more like Apple because of their software initiatives. But yeah, they are not truly Apple-like. They're not as focused and their platform is nowhere as cohesive as the ipod/iphone/ipad/itunes behemoth.
Regardless, things are getting more interesting. Kudos for Sony for maturing their services. More competition means better product and services for us consumers. Kudos for Apple for putting the fear back in Nintendo. I like that.
I hate Microsoft (and I own a 360 btw) but I can't help but be intrigued by the Kinect.
karasu99 535th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(3):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Tue 1 Feb 03:23:    
I'm not sure if this refers to a game we've already discussed, but Ecole is going to announce a new 2D fighter at their Hydra GP tournament this Sunday. Anyone who can actually read Japanese see any info out there about whether or not this will be a new Melty Blood or something else?
EDIT: Also-- quote: Speaking of illustrated things, earlier this month the last volume of the manga シグルイ (Shigurui) was translated into English, and I'm almost sad to see this enormously conflicting tale end. I can't say I have much of a background in the actual history and culture of the period depicted, so I'm wondering if anybody here could enlighten me about that. Is its enthralling capability merely a result of my ignorance, or is it actually a well-researched drama?
After seeing you mention this, I found it and read the first dozen chapters or so, and... wow! It's quite good, if extremely brutal! Some aspects of it seem very realistic, but I am no expert on the history involved either. But thanks for mentioning it!
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Tue 1 Feb 04:19] |
karasu99 543th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edit" , posted Wed 9 Feb 03:03:    
quote: But was the Onimusha series ever really alive? Ono is quite right in that if Onimusha is to come back it's going to have to take some sort of new approach in order to justify its existence. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wasn't Onimusha developed with the idea of creating a more cinematic approach to games? With Oni 1 it felt like Capcom was trying to guess what sort of new gameplay experience would be popular on the then-new PS2 and XBox. Instead, Devil May Cry became the template for what would follow. In many ways Onimusha felt like an evolutionary dead end six months after it first came out.
While I'm sure it would not hold up to modern play, I quite enjoyed Onimusha 1 and especially Onimusha 2, and for a while I thought they were what the Resident Evil games might one day become-- action oriented, less fiddly control-wise, but still with puzzles and exploration. With 3 I suspect the limitations of the game and engine had become apparent to Capcom as well as us, but they went ahead and made Dawn of Dreams anyway, and it just exudes the creakiness of the whole business. I always thought it was a shame that Soki (or whatever his name is), a guy that was in what was arguably the worst game in the series, made it into Tatsunoko vs Capcom instead of Samonosuke.
Also, I love how random threads take a long time to die.
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Wed 9 Feb 03:29] |