Random Thread Noel Edition - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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600th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 9 Dec 12:31post reply

Let's start with a video of the intro to Earth Seeker.


1291th Post

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"Re(1):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 9 Dec 14:06post reply

It reminds me of Monster Hunter.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

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"Re(2):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 9 Dec 14:15:post reply

It reminds me of Monster Hunter.

It reminds me of Phantasy Star Online.


[this message was edited by TheRedKnight on Thu 9 Dec 14:16]

370th Post

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"Re(3):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 9 Dec 15:33post reply

It reminds me of Phantasy Star Online.

Indeed it does! From the music to the setting to the outfits to the energy weapons right down to the very Del-looking enemy. This is a wonderful thing. I need more PSO in my diet - PSO2 can't come fast enough for me. Speaking of which, any word on that?

5200th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Fri 10 Dec 02:33:post reply

So, that Crimson Viper thing was actually real!?

Also, Dissidia will dread us with Laguna's presence

Also, Blaz blue will get it's next DLC By mid summer..... Considering that it's summer down here, does this mean that it should come soon? .... Wait, when the heck is summer in Japan?

Oh, and who are we fooling??? We already know that for this thread and the world itself random means Castlevania Kyo kyo kyo. And thus we can't truly consider any thread "complete" without any type of relevant info, such as an article Promoting new "beautiful" design illustrations for Lord of Shadows. Now, if that game would only drop from the 100$ us dollars mark from where I'm standing, tche.

Hmn? Ah, Preorder bonuses for Catherine~~~~~~~~ time to brace our wallets

Oh, and making a play on Maou's theory that Disgaea was in the path of becoming the new permanent "new port" aberration that will eternally haunt us with the memory of what once was our favorite game; you might enjoy deluding yourself in this web comic starring Maou (Moonrun warning, I suppose?)

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 10 Dec 03:25]

3948th Post

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"Re(5):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sat 11 Dec 04:16post reply

Hmn? Ah, Preorder bonuses for Catherine~~~~~~~~ time to brace our wallets

At some point I stopped reading previews on Catherine. I already know I'm going to buy it so I want to experience the game's goofiness as I play instead of in articles.

In other news, the people in charge of FFXIV have been replaced. I have to admire Squenix's dedication to making this game work no matter how many lives are lost in the process.

2059th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sat 11 Dec 15:06post reply

I think FF14 is in the "too big to fail" boat... they've simply sunk too much time and money into it to just abandon it. I think they also realize that there's still tremendous potential for money making in online gaming in Asia, and just because WoW has like 3.5 million subscribers or whatever ridiculous number like that in China, doesn't mean that there aren't millions of other people in Asia that wouldn't pay for some online game.

They've got their work cut out for them in just trying to make FF14 not suck, though...

2060th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sun 12 Dec 08:56post reply


It's practically a Rock'em Sock'em Robots movie, featuring Hugh Jackman Wolverine as a coach.

How could I NOT be excited for it?

3949th Post

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"Re(8):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 13 Dec 16:15post reply


It's practically a Rock'em Sock'em Robots movie, featuring Hugh Jackman Wolverine as a coach.

How could I NOT be excited for it?

The problem with most boxing movies is that no matter how well made they often feel like they follow the same story arc. Will combining the boxing movie genre with the radio controlled car movie genre make for something new?

In other news, the game Love Zombie not only looks like fun but has the best name I've heard in ages.

601th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 13 Dec 16:31post reply

In other news, the game Love Zombie not only looks like fun but has the best name I've heard in ages.

I'm a little intruiged about how that game works, much like how a horror game can work with a Balance Board.

365th Post

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"Re(6):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 13 Dec 19:35post reply


In other news, the people in charge of FFXIV have been replaced. I have to admire Squenix's dedication to making this game work no matter how many lives are lost in the process.

I'm sure that much like FFXI, in about 4 years or so after the initial release it'll be in a much better state than it is now. For now, many FFXI player say that FFXIV was the best thing that happened to XI, since a lot of developers that came up with boring grindy and frustrating content got moved to the newer game (and some like Tanaka were now apparently dropped from even that), since more recent XI developments have nicely covered some recurring issues with the game.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

9203th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 13 Dec 20:25post reply

I'm sure that [...] in about 4 years or so after the initial release [FFXIV] will be in a much better state than it is now.

Indeed, being stopped and forgotten would be a huge improvement for everyone involved.

5202th Post

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"Re(8):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Tue 14 Dec 02:00post reply

I'm sure that [...] in about 4 years or so after the initial release [FFXIV] will be in a much better state than it is now.
Indeed, being stopped and forgotten would be a huge improvement for everyone involved.

And as a bonus, if Squarenix doesn't repeat the mistake again we might have that their stocks won't drop dead again, har har.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

372th Post

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"random thread: FF4 again, again!" , posted Tue 14 Dec 02:38post reply


Weeee!! The fact that Final Fantasy IV has gotten so much love this decade has truly made me a happier man. I remember even before the whole wave of VII fans sprung up, I didn't know anyone else in school who had played IV (of course, EVERYBODY had VI).

481th Post

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"Re(1):random thread: FF4 again, again!" , posted Tue 14 Dec 03:27post reply


Weeee!! The fact that Final Fantasy IV has gotten so much love this decade has truly made me a happier man. I remember even before the whole wave of VII fans sprung up, I didn't know anyone else in school who had played IV (of course, EVERYBODY had VI).

Speaking for myself, I only ever tried VI because I had enjoyed IV so much.

I'm not the world's greatest FF fan, and I find it slightly ridiculous that so many FF games just keep getting re-released over and over (sort of like the situation with Namco Collection about a decade ago), but I also really appreciate the care given with the PSP releases of FF 1 and 2-- the sprites are just gorgeous, and reason enough for me to buy the game again.

5203th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):random thread: FF4 again, again!" , posted Tue 14 Dec 10:25post reply

I would certainly would like to interrupt what everyone is doing and point out that Wikipedia has a list of Tougeki winners.

That was a big wtf for me, seriously. Just the other day one of my pals was complaining that he couldn't reference Wiki on physics or something because the articles weren't complete enough.... So this is why....

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

2676th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):random thread: FF4 again, again!" , posted Tue 14 Dec 13:35post reply

I still love FF4. I didn't think the DS remake was too good (better than the FF3 one at least) but I still bought a Wii just so I could play The After Years.

It's cool that they're redoing the graphics of the original to look more like FF6 (I guess) but that will probably ruin one of my favorite little nostalgia trips from After Years:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Even though the After Years sprites were done in FF6 style, occasionally there were flashback scenes where the graphics would be in the classic FF4 style, and some were even playable.

End of Spoiler

I still look forward to it, though. I'm curious about this extra chapter now.

2132th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"ode to SaGa" , posted Wed 15 Dec 13:13:post reply

Speaking of Square, I thought Iggy and maybe the two dozen 10 5 several other fans of the SaGa series would get a kick out of this appreciative article on Unlimited Saga by one of my favorite English-language writers about games.

While it does nothing to reduce the deep-seated terror I feel towards the series, it does at least remind me that even if I hate Kawazu's stuff, I simultaneously have enormous respect for his artist's soul in spite of his very evident madness.

And of course I listen to the perfect Hamauzu soundtrack constantly.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 15 Dec 13:15]

9205th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):ode to SaGa" , posted Wed 15 Dec 22:40post reply

Speaking of Square, I thought Iggy and maybe the two dozen 10 5 several other fans of the SaGa series would get a kick out of this appreciative article on Unlimited Saga by one of my favorite English-language writers about games.

Someone told me about a tutorial for U:S on Youtube, that I would watch with a good cup of tea if I had the time.
In the meantime, a very gifted French bloke wrote a great write-up about the game here in an educated and civilized language.

2133th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):ode to SaGa" , posted Thu 16 Dec 10:53:post reply

a very gifted French bloke
I, I feel like I know this guy! Hope to read more when I'm not on the move.
J’aime beaucoup les musiques de Hamauzu, mais il faut reconnaître que l’on n’est pas tout à fait dans le même trip…


I can actually see some Saga fans having a problem with Hamauzu---I adore his work (even his soundtrack for something as boundlessly stupid as Dirge of Cerberus is great), but Frontier II and Unlimited must have felt awfully hollow without Itoken's sounds.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 16 Dec 10:55]

319th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Duodecim Videos" , posted Thu 16 Dec 18:43post reply

Idiot Laguna fighting Lightning at the Orphan's Cradle: http://www.youtube.com/user/ishaan#p/a/u/2/2BfNSR7jJS4
(the theme for Laguna is Boss Battle from FF8)

Stupid Vaan fighting Tifa at Zanarkand Entrance (or it was Blitzball Stadium?): http://www.youtube.com/user/ishaan#p/a/u/1/wrsLESL-OL0
(theme for Vaan is... something from XII I presume, did not play the game. Also, his final boss will be Pedobear for sure.)

374th Post

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Silver Customer

"Duodecim Alts" , posted Fri 17 Dec 03:14post reply

I know these are mostly old news, but don't think they've been posted here yet.

Onion Knight and Cloud of Darkness

Squall and 'Ultimecia'

2677th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Fri 17 Dec 17:27post reply

Meanwhile, Sega still continues to find new frontiers for arcade machines.

364th Post

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"Re(1):Duodecim Alts" , posted Fri 17 Dec 20:41post reply


Squall and 'Ultimecia'

Ultimecia in an Edea costume. Wut?

2134th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sat 18 Dec 15:13:post reply

Meanwhile, Sega still continues to find new frontiers for arcade machines.

WOW! Amazingly, this one strikes me as so creatively awesome that I would gladly play it with none of the shame that came from Doki Doki Majo Shinpan or other such things. I can't to start drinking a lot of wulong tea to get ready!


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 18 Dec 15:13]

486th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sat 18 Dec 15:21post reply

Meanwhile, Sega still continues to find new frontiers for arcade machines.
WOW! Amazingly, this one strikes me as so creatively awesome that I would gladly play it with none of the shame that came from Doki Doki Majo Shinpan or other such things. I can't to start drinking a lot of wulong tea to get ready!

They are only taking a cue from Las Vegas slot machines! Not that I have been there that often to know all of the ridiculous places where slot machines are presented there.

320th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Duodecim Alts" , posted Sun 19 Dec 04:56post reply

I know these are mostly old news, but don't think they've been posted here yet.

Onion Knight and Cloud of Darkness

Cloud Of Darkness is basically cosplaying Yunaleska.
Onion Knight's outfit is from Kingdom Hearts, right?

5207th Post

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"Re(2):" , posted Sun 19 Dec 23:54post reply


Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

713th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):" , posted Mon 20 Dec 08:20post reply

Dammit Square Enix!

Give us an updated polygon remake port of Chrono Trigger already.

So Chrono Trigger fans everywhere will buy it, complain about it, and demand the original Super Famicom/SNES port over the polygon port.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

378th Post

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"Re(2):Duodecim Alts" , posted Mon 20 Dec 08:28:post reply

Onion Knight's outfit is from Kingdom Hearts, right?

Onion Knight is the unnamed Light Warrior from Amano's FF3 artwork.

Also, we'll never get a CT remake or another sequel. Quoth Yoichi Wada (I think) from some time ago: "If you wanted more Chrono, you should have purchased more Chrono!"

edit: might as well post the other revealed alts, for completion's sake.

DS Cecil - slightly different shoulders, and colored like the DS FMVs

After Years Golbez (aka the Man In Black)

Dark Kain from After Years. EX Mode = Holy Dragoon

Amano Terra based on this image

Kefka based on alternate Amano art and colored like in-game sprite

Amano Cloud plus bonus Kingdom Hearts version if you buy the new PSP game

boring Sephiroth (note: his P1 outfit in the first game was based on Amano art, adding beads and changing the belt, etc. So his "imaginative" P3 outfit is the Nomura FF7 design. Laaaaaaame)

AC Tifa. EX Mode = Premium Heart Equipped

Galbadian soldier Laguna

Stripper Tidus. Note: his 2P outfit is now a duplicate of his FF10 outfit, as opposed to a similar colored version of his Dissidia outfit.

Amano Vaan (slightly different shoulder armor and pendant)

"Basch" Gabranth

Amano Lightning as seen here

Not pictured (but spotted at various demos):

Cloud of Darkness 3P EX Mode : invincible orange palette from FF3

Light Warrior: Fighter

Garland: "Cloudsea Jinn"

Frioniel and Emperor: Origins PSX cg render outfits. Emperor's 3P EX Mode is the Light Emperor form from GBA/PSP FF2's new scenario.

[this message was edited by shindekudasai on Mon 20 Dec 09:08]

2135th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Duodecim Alts" , posted Mon 20 Dec 08:42post reply

Quoth Yoichi Wada (I think) from some time ago: "If you wanted more Chrono, you should have purchased more Chrono!"

You forgot the important second part: "If you wanted more people who wanted more Chrono to purchase more Chrono, you should have made more Chrono that wasn't drek!" A miserable and convoluted Kato-piloted remake of an inane and irrelevant Satellaview game? How could it not be a smash hit?

Thankfully, the universe's sensible rejection of the fanfic-level "sequels" guarantees that the series will stay safely dormant, awoken (like the sleeping Nu at the Brink of Time) only by the occasional port, like Ys or Lunar. It's better this way.


378th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):Duodecim Alts" , posted Mon 20 Dec 09:14post reply

Dunno about you guys, but I loved both Radical Dreamers and Chrono Cross. I didn't get to play RD until long after CC (thanks to the wonders of emulation), but it called to mind playing old text-only DOS adventure games with my dad as a child, drawing out our own maps, etc. CC also had just about the best game soundtrack ever (or at least, the only one I can pass off as "real" music to nongamers).

2137th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Duodecim Alts" , posted Mon 20 Dec 09:33:post reply

CC also had just about the best game soundtrack ever (or at least, the only one I can pass off as "real" music to nongamers).

This is a fair asterix to add to my vitriol. The only thing I love more than entirely forgetting that Chrono Cross existed is remembering that I have this great soundtrack on my shelf. I sort of put it in my "Mitsuda's thematic albums" mental category together with Kirite and Sailing to the World so that I delete any recollection of Cross being a game.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 20 Dec 10:02]

155th Post

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"Re(4):" , posted Mon 20 Dec 21:42post reply

Dammit Square Enix!

Give us an updated polygon remake port of Chrono Trigger already.

So Chrono Trigger fans everywhere will buy it, complain about it, and demand the original Super Famicom/SNES port over the polygon port.

If I was high and felt very optimistic I might imagine that this mobile version would add an extra ending in addition to the DS version ending that linked to Chrono Cross. This new ending might tease us with some of the ideas and story for an upcoming Chrono sequel, possibly called Chrono Break.

379th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):" , posted Tue 21 Dec 17:44post reply

Wasn't Break debunked years ago? I remember reading something ot that effect on The GIA (or maybe it was already Gameforms at that point .. don't remember it THAT clearly).

156th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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"Re(6):" , posted Tue 21 Dec 21:14post reply

Wasn't Break debunked years ago? I remember reading something ot that effect on The GIA (or maybe it was already Gameforms at that point .. don't remember it THAT clearly).

Yes you are correct. The trademark that was registered expired in the USA and will expire in the next 2 years for Europe and Japan. Plus it was registered before Sakaguchi and others left Square.

489th Post

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"Re(7):" , posted Wed 22 Dec 01:58post reply

This is not exactly game news per se, but I thought it has a place here, and that there would undoubtedly be some interest:

Amano's 'Deva Zan'

5212th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):" , posted Wed 22 Dec 23:49:post reply

Dengeki has coverage on our new marvelous everybody's favorite game (because Nobi said so) Gal☆Gun

Final Fantasy XIII aims to become The KoF XII of the RPGs, that would be- a game were the discarded features were enough to build of a successful and complete spin off.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 23 Dec 11:47]

1017th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"On Deva Zan..." , posted Thu 23 Dec 22:29post reply

This is not exactly game news per se, but I thought it has a place here, and that there would undoubtedly be some interest:

Amano's 'Deva Zan'

Well, the film's synopsis makes it sound quite generic and cliched but, having Amano involved in it since the very inception of the project is a reason more than good enough to get my attention. We'll see what comes out of this...

2682th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Fri 24 Dec 13:27:post reply

Official site for TTT2 (nothing much there yet):

New second trailer featuring a lot of new footage, including a closer look at the younger, hairier Heihachi Mishima and a new female luchadore character (with no name?):

Edit: Also Harada promised another "present" tomorrow on his twitter...

[this message was edited by Gojira on Fri 24 Dec 13:34]

Burning Ranger
1681th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Fri 24 Dec 23:39post reply


New second trailer featuring a lot of new footage, including a closer look at the younger, hairier Heihachi Mishima and a new female luchadore character (with no name?):

Edit: Also Harada promised another "present" tomorrow on his twitter...

I always liked TTT, even though I was always outclassed when I played at the local community college arcade. That being said, TTT2 (TeeTeeTeeTwo! Titty Tee Too?) looks like it'll be a fun diversion where, if I enter online play, will get viciously dominated. Really digging Young Heichachi and Luchadora. Looks like this game will have an interesting feel and attitude.

So much to do so little time...

9206th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Sat 25 Dec 00:04post reply

I'm torn on the younger Heihachi... I hope to compensate we'll get an alternate older Heihachi in wheelchair.

And the Luchadora will be a perfect teammate for R.Mika in TvsSF!

5217th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Sat 25 Dec 00:46:post reply

I'm torn on the younger Heihachi... I hope to compensate we'll get an alternate older Heihachi in wheelchair.

While I do have a high esteem for Heihachi, I would never be completely happy until I'm able to use him In this costume.

The fact that Miguel seems to have a new default costume completely blew absolutely every other impressions about the trailer for me. We now have that Miguel, he who hails from Spain now enters Tekken for the sole purpose of teaching to the rest of the cast via fists the pleasure of changing clothes.
Let us all pray that his quest will be a successful one, and that many others can reach enlightenment.

It looks like Tekken Tag 2's "revealings" are going to be in the vein of Tekken 6's ones : Every "new" big announcement will be about a "new" male character and a "new" female character. And but of course that we can bet they are going to promote returning characters from Tag as "new".

edit : BTW, the music selection of the trailer was completely hideous. It doesn't convey absolutely anything to the situation, it should at least changed when the new character was shown. Heck, the trailer was better when I muted it.

edit 2: Baek is older than in 6. Does that means that Heihachi is now walking around and absorbing other people's life forces? Does that mean that the game is going to be granma's and granpa's fighting to get their life back from the true Tekken villain?

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 25 Dec 01:31]

157th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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"Re(3):New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Sat 25 Dec 01:15post reply

I'm torn on the younger Heihachi... I hope to compensate we'll get an alternate older Heihachi in wheelchair.

And the Luchadora will be a perfect teammate for R.Mika in TvsSF!

It's probably because of Daisuke Gōri's passing away that they went with the younger look of T1&2 but with extra greasy hair to improve ducking and evasions in order to create devastating counter attacks.

3960th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Sat 25 Dec 01:57post reply

Between the hair and the moustache young Heihachi has sort of a Groucho Marx thing going on. At least this answers the question of whether Heihachi's hair has always grown into two side wings or if at one point he had sported a single, giant fin of hair on his head.

615th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Sat 25 Dec 02:22post reply

I'm torn on the younger Heihachi...

OMG, a young Heihachi...!!!

I for one did not see this one coming, neither am I sure whether I like it or not. It sure blew my mind, but I've yet to decide if it was in a possitive or negative way.

The fact that this new rendition of the world's favourite evil grandpa seems the bastard child of these two guys does not help much...

5217th Post

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"Re(5):New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Sat 25 Dec 07:25post reply

Between the hair and the moustache young Heihachi has some sort of a Groucho Marx thing going on

Which reminds me that Heihachi's new Voice Actor is Unshou Ichizuka ( Goes by the real name of 石塚 運昇)...

So.... one of the Godhand, eh?

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

2066th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Sat 25 Dec 14:34:post reply

edit 2: Baek is older than in 6. Does that means that Heihachi is now walking around and absorbing other people's life forces? Does that mean that the game is going to be granma's and granpa's fighting to get their life back

if only there were a marvel vs. tekken, we could have Vulture and Young Heihachi for the ultimate youth-stealing battle

they would leave the dried out husks of all the tekken characters in their wake, with only mokujin and tetsujin to oppose them

but that's ok, since with mokujin and tetsujin together, they have all the other characters in the game inside them

actually this could turn into something stupidly awesome

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sat 25 Dec 14:36]

2682th Post

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"Re(5):New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Sat 25 Dec 18:17post reply

Harada has tweeted the other present, which was... uh... this guy.

Sure he might look unassuming and his hair is pretty funny-looking but this fellow's name is Daishi Odashima and he was the director of Soul Calibur 4, as well as one of the level designers of SC3. And with his pic comes his cryptic message: "SC is back!"

Dunno what it means though

Olivier Hague
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"Re(6):New TTT2 trailer + official site" , posted Sun 26 Dec 05:05post reply

It means "yay!".

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"Re(1):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 27 Dec 05:53post reply

Is SC coming back because they found some new, odd guest stars to put in the game? My guess is that it's going to be characters from either Mortal Kombat, Studio Ghibli or both. But whatever happens I hope they bring Miser back. I sort of liked her.

In unrelated random news I recently played the demo to Mass Effect 2. I'm so cheap I only play free demos nowadays. Anyhoo, since I don't have a 360 this is my first time trying out the series. Thankfully, all the Bioware quirks are in place. The silly morality system that always shows up in their games looks to be in full force. I can either be nice or randomly insult people to the point that you wonder why anybody continues to hang around you. Since the last thing videogames need is another bald space marine I'm glad that you can change the main character. I took Pollyanna's advice with the game and played with a female avatar. Since so much of the game is neutral it makes switching the main character's gender a lot more interesting than if more had been done to seperate the two sexes. By not drawing attention to the fact that the hero is female the game feels much more fresh than if it had constantly been addressed.

The demo helped me figure out what I wanted my heroine to look like and what sort of greasy hairdo she would have. What I couldn't decide upon was what sort of skill set my character should have. I was leaning toward the one that lets you turn invisible -not being seen by the people shooting at you is always a good thing- but I not certain if the other skills become more useful later in the game. When I poked around some discussions about the game all I could find were people endlessly going on about whether the PS3, 360 or PC version looked better. That's nice for those who only look at their games but seeing as I actually wanted to play the dumb thing it does me no good whatsoever.

2069th Post

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"Re(2):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 27 Dec 06:06post reply

I was leaning toward the one that lets you turn invisible -not being seen by the people shooting at you is always a good thing- but I not certain if the other skills become more useful later in the game. When I poked around some discussions about the game all I could find were people endlessly going on about whether the PS3, 360 or PC version looked better. That's nice for those who only look at their games but seeing as I actually wanted to play the dumb thing it does me no good whatsoever.

For most of the classes, you can't go wrong with putting skill points into the passive skill and the class unique skill. The Engineer's drone is of debatable worth, and the Adept is probably better off maxing out Warp over Singularity.

But for the Infiltrator, the cloak and the passive upgrade are certainly worth pumping up first.

Part of the reason why people aren't so concerned about "skill builds" is that the game allows you to respec your character for a nominal fee. Since the game is also not terribly difficult, you really don't have to worry too much about screwing yourself over.

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"Re(3):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 27 Dec 08:53post reply


Part of the reason why people aren't so concerned about "skill builds" is that the game allows you to respec your character for a nominal fee. Since the game is also not terribly difficult, you really don't have to worry too much about screwing yourself over.

Thanks for the info. Good to hear that I can rejigger my character later in the game. I was worried that I was going to be forced to choose a way of playing at the start of the game before I even knew what the rules were. Oddly, I'm also happy to hear it's not that difficult a game. The space opera setting and ability to carry on rambling conversations while milling around hallways is what is making me interested in ME2, not the possibility of stat chrunching my characters.

2071th Post

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"Re(4):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 27 Dec 11:13post reply

The only skill that you may "need" to level is the passive skill, as that gives points needed for certain conversation options. It's entirely possible to go through the game without buying any equipment and without upgrading any other skills (I've had to do it a few times...), and doing so doesn't require tremendous insight into how the game works or superhuman skill. That said, the game is a lot less fun that way.

2073th Post

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"Re(5):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Tue 28 Dec 15:40post reply


This video strung me along with hype FOUR TIMES.

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"Re(6):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Wed 29 Dec 02:59post reply

On very important news (?) Konami has disclosed that LovePlus 3DS games Won't cheat on you.... Instead of marveling (?) to the technological advancement that the videogame industry has made so far I can do nothing step back and label something that can properly recognize and record my villainous facial features as nothing but a damned, strong cursed item.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

608th Post

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"Re(7):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Wed 29 Dec 14:26:post reply

Damn I forgot to post the UStream for The Last Story presentation when it was being broadcast. Thankfully it's been archived.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Iwata trolling their little charade was priceless!

End of Spoiler

On very important news (?) Konami has disclosed that LovePlus 3DS games Won't cheat on you.... Instead of marveling (?) to the technological advancement that the videogame industry has made so far I can do nothing step back and label something that can properly recognize and record my villainous facial features as nothing but a damned, strong cursed item.

Konami is at least localizing and marketing Scribblenauts in Japan, so that's something on taking technological advancement on a more positive (and wholesome) note.

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 29 Dec 16:26]

5221th Post

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"Re(8):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 30 Dec 00:12:post reply

Catherine DX Pack has started taking preorders since a while a go. Of course we can do nothing but droll at it's marvelous features and hope that we can get them later (though ridiculously overpriced).

A couple of Final Fantasy IV Mugen Collection in game pics.

More Pics of Queen's Gate along with the opening of it's Official site. I don't know for about 70% of the names in the cast, and considering the nature of the game I'm interested in keeping it that way.

Some details about Zombie ga Gotoku. The horror starts there.

The guy behind the Romancing Saga series desires to complete the 4th game before croaking. I do share your positivism. Do it for Brandon-tan's sake.

Galgun site has been updated.

Rough list of KoF 98 nesca live changes. To lazy to add it to the SNK thread

And.... I don't know? I really don't.

edit : Maou was the one that wined about not having Senogear for psn?.... well

edit : Zeong Flonne?

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 1 Jan 01:08]

3967th Post

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"Re(9):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sat 1 Jan 01:55post reply


Some details about Zombie ga Gotoku. The horror starts there.
The one thing I have wondered about this game is how any of it is going to be scary. In most horror stories a lot of the fear comes from the characters being powerless against whatever is coming after them. But when a bunch of manly men led by Kazuma are beating the crap out of evil there's nothing to be worried about. So I figured the game wasn't even going to try to terrify the player. I was wrong.

Against my better judgment I think that the latest attempt at redoing Tomb Raider isn't looking half bad. What I've seen so far puts me in mind of the movie Descent. Will Lara spend the game skulking around a cave and hacking things to death with a climbing axe? One can but hope.

608th Post

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"Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sat 1 Jan 13:50post reply

Against my better judgment I think that the latest attempt at redoing Tomb Raider isn't looking half bad. What I've seen so far puts me in mind of the movie Descent. Will Lara spend the game skulking around a cave and hacking things to death with a climbing axe? One can but hope.

Oh, for a second there you were talking about that 360 Degree shooter that I miss so much nowadays.

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"Re(2):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sat 1 Jan 13:56post reply

Not exactly news, but I found this to be quite interesting. If you follow through to the analysis, it is even more interesting.

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"Re(2):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sun 2 Jan 08:20post reply

Oh, for a second there you were talking about that 360 Degree shooter that I miss so much nowadays.

That game should have been called Sit'N Spin. Perhaps Descent makes more sense if -unlike me- you can get past the game's crazy sense of locomotion but in the little I played it seemed to be less about descending and more about disorientation.

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"Re(3):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Tue 4 Jan 12:21post reply

What if the Street Fighter cast were WWE characters?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

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"Re(4):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Wed 5 Jan 02:32post reply

New Sengoku Basara game soon. Oh wait, doesn't count since it's for PSP.

Also, it does not seem like it's only been five years for the series to have been in existence...

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"Re(5):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Wed 5 Jan 03:52post reply

From the ESRB files it seems that Saiyuki: Journey West is coming to the PSN. This is probably only of interest to me since I always found this SRPG to be very charming. So charming, in fact, that I still own the PSX copy. That means this post is for nobody.

9208th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 6 Jan 00:18post reply

Also, it does not seem like it's only been five years for the series to have been in existence...

We're actually entering in the 7th year of existence of the series. And surprisingly enough, the developers managed to release one Basara game each year, and just one, nothing more, nothing less (if you don't count for the Tactics-RPG thing on iMode).
The new PSP game is a huge let down for people like me who wanted a new PS3 game, but the series is really handed well and is trying very hard not going to be milked away like Musou, and they deserve a lot of credit for that.

At least the first PSP game had fun scenario compared to 3.

2980th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 6 Jan 05:57post reply


The new PSP game is a huge let down for people like me who wanted a new PS3 game, but the series is really handed well and is trying very hard not going to be milked away like Musou, and they deserve a lot of credit for that.

At least the first PSP game had fun scenario compared to 3.

A PSP sequel was inevitable anyway. I really liked the "dash cancel" (or whatever you want to call it) system in the first PSP one. I thought "I can't wait to see what they do with this in Basara 3!" (nothing)

I don't know if the game was actually that great, but as you said, the scenarios were fun, and something kept me playing it for hours and hours.

I've given up on being disappointed in games being on PSP vs other systems (although it still bugs me when they're on DS).

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

610th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Random Thread Post Noel Edition" , posted Thu 6 Jan 09:02post reply

New Earth Seeker screens.

5223th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 6 Jan 09:28post reply

I'd hit it

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

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Last update : Chapter 21 as of 15/10/10

2078th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 6 Jan 09:37post reply

I'd hit it

I'm amazed that they the trailer prominently features the line, "LOVE IS OVER"

And the latest in attempts at marketing the "Western RPG" to Japan:
Do you know FreeStyle RPG?

2138th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 6 Jan 13:56post reply

I'm amazed that they the trailer prominently features the line, "LOVE IS OVER"

That line may have sold me on the game, in fact, though cute Catherine might've done that, too. I really dig the sheepmen ("No, you look like a sheep to me; the only thing for sure is that if we don't run, we'll be killed!"). I'm getting a very 羊を巡る冒険/Wild Sheep Chase vibe...


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"TTGL, Daiguard and Votoms in SRW" , posted Sat 8 Jan 03:49post reply




Super Robot Wars Z2, for the PSP.

New series:

Armored Trooper VOTOMS
Armored Trooper VOTOMS: The Last Red Shoulder
Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Red Shoulder Document: The Roots of Ambition
Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Pailsen Files
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 1st Season
Shin Mazinger Impact! Z-Hen
Chikyuu Bouei Kigyou DaiGuard
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann The Movie: Childhood's End
Macross F Movie: Itsuwari no Utahime
Eureka Seven Movie: Pocketful of Rainbows

Returning series:

Invincible Super Man Zambot 3
Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3
Muteki Robo Trider G7
Space Emperor God Sigma
Space Warrior Baldios
Six God Combination Godmars
Combat Mecha Xabungle
The Super Dimension Century Orguss
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (TV?)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing
After War Gundam X
Turn A Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
Choujuu Kishin Dancougar
Juusou Kikou Dancouga Nova
Shin Getter Robo Armageddon
The Big O
Overman King Gainer
Gravion Zwei
Genesis of Aquarion
Macross F

Looks promising, considering some of those seemed like they'd never make it in.
I'm curious how it'll work in terms of scale, since a show like Daigard really like showin why big mechs are a bad idea in practice, and Gurren Laggan is notoriously over the top.

I kinda expected Ideon to show up too if GL ever did, since there's few that keep up to that level, but we'll see how it goes....

Still, holy shit.....

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(1):TTGL, Daiguard and Votoms in SRW" , posted Sat 8 Jan 03:58post reply


Super Robot Wars Z2, for the PSP.

Aw, I read the subject as 'Danguard' instead of Daiguard. Not that I'm complaining! Maybe this will be the second SRW game I actually play after buying?

Loona, I am glad you have the Super Robot Love (or rather I guess you do since you posted this).

2689th Post

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"random Nandai tweeting" , posted Sat 8 Jan 05:04:post reply

This weeks' Nandai Twitter randomness:
Harada has been offering up a few nuggets of info on TTT2.

Characters will speak an even more diverse selection of languages. Christie and Eddy will speak Portuguese, Lili = French, Miguel = Spanish, and Leo = German. Zafina will still speak English, because she "speaks English to conceal her identity." Though it's more likely he just doesn't want to associate her with any specific country.

Second, Harada wants you to stop asking for bikini customizations. They're not a good fit for Tekken, according to him.

Finally, the arcade Tekken 6 BR has achieved the "best income award" for the second year in a row. Every arcade Tekken since Tekken 5 has achieved it, apparently. You can see some monthly numbers for other titles there too. Sadly, KoFXIII has been just barely in the top ten for the months it was out, and you can see the decline in 2k2UM upon its release.

Daishi has been talking a bit about Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny on his twitter. It's clear this guy doesn't really know what Twitter is for, but it's still fun to read his long blog posts divided in Twitter's character limits. Also he admitted before that he doesn't write English well, so it seems his tweets are being translated by someone else.

SC:BD was originally planned to be a downloadable content update for SC4, but that idea had to be scrapped for "business reasons." They had a number of new weapons planned for the title but these couldn't be implemented faithfully on the PSP. With Dampierre, rather than focusing on his weapon they designed him around his personality. There were many questions about whether he was right for SC, but they did the best they could. He says that he was not the director for the project, but it's obvious he had to be following its progress.

The fact that BD was originally planned to be downloadable but was somehow prevented from this is odd and discouraging, considering this is the approach that I think most fans would have wanted.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 8 Jan 05:05]

2082th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):random Nandai tweeting" , posted Sat 8 Jan 06:22:post reply


Finally, the arcade Tekken 6 BR has achieved the "best income award" for the second year in a row. Every arcade Tekken since Tekken 5 has achieved it, apparently.

I'm kind of surprised that Gundam vs. Gundam isn't #1 (and the game is pretty large). Maybe the net amount of gameplay time per dollar (as in less of it per dollar) works out better for Tekken.
It's pretty amazing that the Gundam Seed Destiny game is still not just up there, but at a solid ranking. Not only that, but for 10 months it had stable numbers even in spite of GvG Next alongside it for that entire time!

In another mech related thought,
I'm surprised that Border Break isn't there.

Interesting that AH3's numbers really don't compare to MBAA's. Even at AH3's peak, AH3 is still significantly less than MB until the month that Current Code came out.

The dropoff rate for KOF13 hasn't been too steep, so I can't read too much into that. No idea what number it has stabilized at.

GGAC's stable numbers really reflect the game's place as a hardcore draw, even years after its release. I wonder if it's still the same crowd playing the game, or if there are actually some (a very small "some") getting into it to keep its numbers up.

Are music games categorized separately? The Vocaloid arcade game seemed to be quite hot for awhile.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sat 8 Jan 06:37]

1703th Post

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"Re(1):TTGL, Daiguard and Votoms in SRW" , posted Sat 8 Jan 06:38post reply


This game is seriously the thing that's going to make me buy a PSP, and not even Peace Walker managed to do that.

That series list~

2083th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):TTGL, Daiguard and Votoms in SRW" , posted Sat 8 Jan 07:43post reply


Armored Trooper VOTOMS\x 4

It's like one series is providing the entire balance (aside from macross) of new real robots...

2689th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(2):random Nandai tweeting" , posted Sat 8 Jan 08:03post reply


Finally, the arcade Tekken 6 BR has achieved the "best income award" for the second year in a row. Every arcade Tekken since Tekken 5 has achieved it, apparently.

I'm kind of surprised that Gundam vs. Gundam isn't #1 (and the game is pretty large). Maybe the net amount of gameplay time per dollar (as in less of it per dollar) works out better for Tekken.

Aren't those cabinets huge, though? That might also have something to do with it.

2084th Post

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"Re(3):random Nandai tweeting" , posted Sat 8 Jan 08:19post reply


Aren't those cabinets huge, though? That might also have something to do with it.

No, that's the other Gundam game you're thinking of. GvG Next is just the current version of the usual 4 player Gundam arcade games.

612th Post

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"Re(4): More BlazBlue" , posted Sat 8 Jan 13:48post reply

PSP? Pfffttttttt....

373th Post

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"Re(2):TTGL, Daiguard and Votoms in SRW" , posted Mon 10 Jan 19:08post reply


Loona, I am glad you have the Super Robot Love (or rather I guess you do since you posted this).

The fact that the SRW games manage to make such diverse series and settings work together fascinates me more than anything (I love me some good crossovers), although I'm fond of a few mecha shows - it's nice seeing Daiguard joining the SRW crew, as that show more than any showed me that anime can be about anything as long as they toss in a mecha and a monster of the week in it - Daiguard in particular seems to me a workplace drama + mecha, and works very well on both aspects IMO.

Considering it, TTGL and Votoms are the most often requested by fans of the series, I wonder what else will people start wanting really bad... Megas XLR comes to mind, bu I wonder if japanese mecha fans are even aware of it. It's like a love letter to mecha as a plot device, only done in the "wrong" country...
Oh well, one can dream of Cyberbots and a recruitable Devilotte.

I might end up buying this one (maybe the follow-up too - I read something about SRWZ2 being a 2-parter), if for nothing else to encourage Banpresto to keep working on these instead of shifting completely to Queen's Blade games...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2086th Post

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"Re(3):TTGL, Daiguard and Votoms in SRW" , posted Wed 12 Jan 15:36post reply


You may remember mention of Phantom Breaker. Actually, you probably don't, because it looked pretty forgettable.

Evidently some former Asuka 120% staffs are on the game. What this really means is that Brandon is coming we now have a reason to care! Or at the very least reminisce about Asuka 120% and its various incarnations.

3979th Post

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"Re(4):TTGL, Daiguard and Votoms in SRW" , posted Wed 12 Jan 23:41post reply

The name of the new character in TTT2 is "Jaycee" or "JC" or something like that. So has Julia Chang made a career switch from kung-fu scientist to masked wrestler? Place your bets now.

2692th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(5):TTGL, Daiguard and Votoms in SRW" , posted Thu 13 Jan 02:34:post reply

The name of the new character in TTT2 is "Jaycee" or "JC" or something like that. So has Julia Chang made a career switch from kung-fu scientist to masked wrestler? Place your bets now.

The evidence was everywhere, lol

More importantly, from the scan it appears that Jinpachi will be a playable character, taking Heihachi's place as the requisite old man in pimp coat + adult diapers.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Thu 13 Jan 02:36]

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"Re(6):Changing to TTT2" , posted Thu 13 Jan 03:14:post reply

Okay, I did totally miss the fact that Heihachi will be young in this one. For as much reading as I do about fighting games, you might have thought I would notice!

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Thu 13 Jan 03:49]

5229th Post

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"Re(6):TTGL, Daiguard and Votoms in SRW" , posted Thu 13 Jan 03:28:post reply


More importantly, from the scan it appears that Jinpachi will be a playable character, taking Heihachi's place as the requisite old man in pimp coat + adult diapers.

I can only pray that Heihachi might have some Gōketsuji akin ability that would allow him to grow older and get a fundoshi while fighting after some passionate kisses.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 13 Jan 05:00]

1020th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Sonic 2 HD - fan game release announced" , posted Sun 16 Jan 17:51post reply

Hi-res teaser and wallpapers with the new logo can be found at its new website.

Expect the alpha release in the next three months (Q1 2011).

2904th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Arcade Infinity resuming operations" , posted Mon 17 Jan 21:22:post reply

The closing date for one of the last arcades to remain in the States came this weekend,

and things have taken a turn.

About 4 days ago, there was a public post made to Facebook by two contributors made, detailing things as follows.


AI is being saved by the owners of Diamond Plaza. After seeing all of the public outcry over the closing, and how active this particular event page has been since the announcement, they've worked out a deal with AI to significantly help their operating costs and keep the arcade open for an unspecified period of time. While currently the arrangements that the landlords have made with the city of Rowland Heights regarding AI's business license will only cover them for 6 more months, they're working out arrangements to extend it up to a period of 3 years. We'll know the outcome of this sometime in March when the approval is made or denied.

Either way, thanks to the landlords we get to keep AI for at the very least a few months longer. After speaking with Ken, the first action they're gonna be taking with this turn of events is to put some money into getting 4 Super Street Fighter 4 setups running, beatmania IIDX 18 RESORT ANTHEM (possibly in a new cabinet), DDR X2, pop'n music 18 SENGOKU RETSUDEN, and a few other titles that he's has his eye on for a little while.

Also just to clarify a bit on the closing of the arcade, while a good portion of it had to do with earnings (or lack thereof) the nail in the coffin was actually delivered by the city of Rowland Heights. AI's business license was to expire in December, and the costs that they originally wanted the Tao brothers to pay to keep things open was just completely unreasonable for how much money the arcade was pulling in. The landlords have since worked with the City to make their license renewal a possibility, and have secured them an extension.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 17 Jan 22:17]

253th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Tue 18 Jan 22:18:post reply

Didn't know where to put this, but Squareenix recently held a conference which was streamed live, and in it were previews/clips for:

·Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (DS)
·Final Fantasy Agito XIII (PSP) - think it was renamed to FFXIII Type-0? It will also be on two UMDs
·Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3/360) - Lightning in a new armor with a brief clip of her clashing swords with some other unidentified person
·Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3 only) - Kingdom Hearts style gameplay
·Dissidia 012 with hints of new characters, reveals Prishe(?), hints at Gilgamesh at the end of the trailer, a possible rival for Lightning? And what looks like WOL in the classic FF1 fighter outfit, red color scheme and hairstyle and all. Also, Aeris is an assist

I'm sure someone will have pictures/videos around on youtube that'll get taken down as soon as they're up, as there's already clips as I'm posting this

But the official site will have videos up on the 20th

I keep having to edit this!

FFXIII-2 aimed for North American and European market as well

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i'm not just the president i'm also a client

[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Tue 18 Jan 22:49]

374th Post

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"Re(2):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Wed 19 Jan 01:27post reply

Prishe is from FFXI (specifically the Chains of Promathia expansion) was kinda expected based on developer comment comments about the original Dissidia, but still an odd choice - she's primarily a monk battle-wise, so there's the risk of being too similar to Tifa (Zeid was less of a risk, being a Dark Knight - he might have a similar EX mode as Firion or the Emperor, but there have been rumors of Firion getting major changes... oh well).


She's actually dual-job in her plot battle, monk and white mage, but unlike Shantotto and black mages in general, the 2-hour ability for those jobs doesn't seem to translate well to Dissidia's system - the monk ability is Hundred Fists, which reduces the delay between melee attacks to almost nothing for a while (which allows for a big damage burst when your primary means of damage is auto-attack, but in Dissidia you perform moves one by one - I expect Prishe's regular ground attacks to consist on hand-to-hand weapon skills); The white mage 2-hour ability is Benediction, which fully heals the whole party and removes al of its negative status effects, and that doesn't seem to translate that well either.
I figure her EX Burst will consist on her maybe using Hundred Fists and twiting FFXI rules to be able to pick several high-end weapon skills like Final Heaven, Ascetic's Fury and Victory Smite in sequence, not unlike Shantotto does chainspelling ancient magic in hers.

In the boss battle she's in in FFXI she has this shield-breaking move, Nullifying Dropkick - in Dissidia olbez has a move that breaks the opponent's Bravery while in EX Mode, I figure Prishe may adapt that move in this manner to further distinguish her from Tifa.

I guess the white mage factor will give her access to a Holy or Banish projectile, but that's still not a major difference from Tifa, whom has at least a form of Blizzard to attack at a distance...

Oh well, her intros should be amusing - she tends to be rather confrontational and calling people out on their bullshit, contradictions, insecurities, etc, as she's implied to be something of a mind/soul-reader

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
as a side effect of the same incident that made her practically immortal. Being a "mission girl" in FFXI is a bit of an occupational hazard, as most get themselves killed - Prishe just loses her immortality at the end of Chains of Promathia, the expansion she debuted and starred in. Yes, she's considered a bit of a Mary/Canon Sue.

End of Spoiler

Gilgamesh is expected but still good news, and assist-only characters are a nice surprise, we might still see the likes of Zeid and Sabin/Mash in this...



Includes Yuna gameplay (I bet a fight with her in Castle Pandemonium will be an even bigger mess than it already was in the orginal), fully-rendered Prishe talking down to someone (some say Warrior of Light, ome say Cid Raines from XIII) (typical, can't tell whom though), and portal/Gilgamesh addressing Bartz is also a fully rendered scene - well, at least it seemed so with all the blurring, but unlikely, since it was the Rift stage.

Notable points from http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/01/18/square_enix_premier_live_blog/ :

18:15 -- Hashimoto reveals that PSP's Final Fantasy IV will have a product code for Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy.
(even more tempting)

18:28 -- Takahashi says that this time, they're going to be adding all the characters they can possibly add.

18:31 -- Yuna's voice actress is Mayuko Aoki.

18:32 -- She's also the voice actress for Yuna in all the other games where Yuna appears, in case you were worried about another Vaan happening.

18:33 -- FFXI's Prishe is also in Duodecim!

18:34 -- Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy Prologus is a paid demo. It's available today for ¥300.

18:35 -- Those who buy this paid demo will get Final Fantasy VII's Aerith as an assist character in the final retail version of the game.
(I wonder if this'll make it to the west... don't really care much about Aerith, but if the assist action's useful enough...)

18:36 -- The official name for the paid demo is Dissidia Duodecim Prologus Final Fantasy.

18:38 -- Prologus will also include an original short scenario, and arcade mode. There won't be any customization, though.

More info:

I, Garland, feel like cosplaying Nightmare, where's my Soul Edge at?
(actually based on Amano artwork, but Soul Calibur invariably comes to mind)

Warrior of Light likes swords

Duodecim Prologue video - only a few characters are playable, but apparently all can be fought (Shantotto isn't selectable, but fought at least); features XIII music and stage.

Apparently the Aerith assist only smacks around the opponent with her staff.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2905th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Wed 19 Jan 01:42:post reply

My apologies for going quite off-topic a second
Loona's aformentioned SquEnix exec Shinji Hashimoto, looked like this when he was young.
He was an idol of sorts for Japanese gaming kids.

FF Type-0 looks interesting! It seems like the developers have brushed it quite up from the original mobile game concept.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 19 Jan 02:21]

513th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):A gigantic Falcoon is approaching" , posted Wed 19 Jan 02:24post reply

My apologies for going quite off-topic a second

Loona's aformentioned SquEnix exec Shinji Hashimoto, looked like this when he was young.

He was an idol of sorts for Japanese gaming kids.

That's great! Those sorts of glasses are in style again, or so it seems. He's aged very well.

I just happened to see this, but sadly (?!?) no images are presented. It appears that Falcoon is still getting some work these days.

2905th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):A gigantic Falcoon is approaching" , posted Wed 19 Jan 03:00post reply

My apologies for going quite off-topic a second

Loona's aformentioned SquEnix exec Shinji Hashimoto, looked like this when he was young.

He was an idol of sorts for Japanese gaming kids.

That's great! Those sorts of glasses are in style again, or so it seems. He's aged very well.

I just happened to see this, but sadly (?!?) no images are presented. It appears that Falcoon is still getting some work these days.

Wow, he's.. oh my. 99 Nights Online is going to get some weird character designs. Hope you won't mind my copying this to the SNKP thread!

376th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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Silver Customer

"Re(6):A gigantic Falcoon is approaching" , posted Wed 19 Jan 04:58:post reply

In the Dissidia forums someone already got Prologue and messed around with a model viewer to see the 3rd outfits of th characters, even the ones not playable in that demo:

The Emperor's slightly less ridiculous new clothes
Based on: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/9/9a/Ff2psx_1.jpg

Firion: fight with every weapon, dress with every color
Based on: http://www.downloadost.com/ost/big-final-fantasy-symphonic-suite-ost.jpg

Kain - no idea what the main suit references, but the EX mode one looks fitting
Based on: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b45/Lycropath/MysteriousMan.jpg

Bartz uses a version of his default outfit before actually gaining the jobs in FF5
Based on: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070411213804/finalfantasy/images/9/91/V-bartz_sd.jpg

Exdeath as the dominant demon shape in his Neo Exdeath form[URL]
Based on: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070304232235/finalfantasy/images/0/09/FFV-NeoExdeath.gif

Cowgirl Tifa - Hell yeah
Based on: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080411084832/finalfantasy/images/thumb/7/7b/FFCCVII-Tifa.jpg/282px-FFCCVII-Tifa.jpg

Laguna as an older civilian
Based on: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090114013648/finalfantasy/images/2/26/Lagunaending.jpg

Zidane in a slightly more discrete outfit, no idea if he ever appears like this in FF9
Based on: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100922011216/finalfantasy/images/7/78/Zidane_-_Knights_of_Pluto_Costume.PNG

Kuja in black and white

Yuna the bride Feels odd if the one in the left is the default battle one, while the EX mode resembles main suit so much...
Based on: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SESD50uzzPQ/SLaJzMBBQDI/AAAAAAAAByk/OZOwbIGue60/s400/yuna.gif

Shantotto seems to be wearing a Black Cloak, a rather handy piece for black mages only with the hoodie down, and her EX mode seems like a reference to her apprentice and successor Ajido-Marujido, only without the stupid-looking hat.

Vaan wears something better-looking from FFTA2
Based on: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:0fqlpTWPpnvmqM:http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-08/art/ffta2-vaan.jpg&t=1

Lightling in her Guardian Corps uniform?
Based on: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101013222227/finalfantasy/images/9/9f/Guardian_Corps_2.jpg

Edit: added supposed bases for those alts as posted by the guy who provided the alt images.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

[this message was edited by Loona on Wed 19 Jan 05:25]

616th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Wed 19 Jan 07:14:post reply

Didn't know where to put this, but Squareenix recently held a conference which was streamed live, and in it were previews/clips for:

·Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (DS)

Correction, that's a 3DS game.

Edit: Speaking of 3DS, Yuji Naka just announced his fantasy game Tenkuu no Kishi Rodea/Sky Knight Rodea/whatever it ends up being called here.

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 19 Jan 12:33]

3986th Post

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"Re(3):Random Thread Paramecium Edition" , posted Wed 19 Jan 23:12post reply

For some reason scientists create games built around controlling paramecium.

514th Post

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"Re(4):Random Thread Paramecium Edition" , posted Thu 20 Jan 01:29post reply

This is older news, but seeing it again this morning made me smile, despite the prospect of today being pretty dreadful work-wise. Let's call it a coping mechanism.

2910th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Random Thread Paramecium Edition" , posted Thu 20 Jan 03:38post reply

For some reason scientists create games built around controlling paramecium.


494th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):Random Thread XIII-2 Edition" , posted Thu 20 Jan 03:50post reply

Now I will have to actually finish the first one...

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

616th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Thu 20 Jan 17:32post reply

Konami completely buys out Hudson

Kojima also digs up his closet, finds old design documents for proto-Metal Gear

Also Ghost Trick is awesome.

1296th Post

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"Re(2):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Thu 20 Jan 18:18post reply

I can't wait for Ghost Trick iPhone, simply because it's so much easier to pick up and play the iPhone for me these days. Unless it's subpar... but I'm sure they'll do a good job.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

3987th Post

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"Re(3):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Fri 21 Jan 01:35post reply

Having hit 100+ posts this thread might have run its course. But before some other thread comes along here's the latest trailer for Asura's Wrath. I still don't know what the game is about other than that the protagonist spends a great deal of time putting foot to ass. It looks lovely.

516th Post

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"Re(4):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Fri 21 Jan 02:25post reply

Having hit 100+ posts this thread might have run its course. But before some other thread comes along here's the latest trailer for Asura's Wrath. I still don't know what the game is about other than that the protagonist spends a great deal of time putting foot to ass. It looks lovely.

Ha, anytime gigantic temple statues are getting the stuffing beaten out of them is good fun! That's really looking nice.

Perhaps I'm very simple in my tastes, but I rarely dislike all of these games that are the spiritual children of Final Fight.

5231th Post

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"Re(5):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Fri 21 Jan 05:34post reply

People were speaking of mergers in the other thread, that fact made me realize that Konami is sexually assaulting Hudson, and Hudson will simply never be the same again after the big guy is done with it.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

617th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Fri 21 Jan 06:38post reply

I can't wait for Ghost Trick iPhone, simply because it's so much easier to pick up and play the iPhone for me these days. Unless it's subpar... but I'm sure they'll do a good job.

I know the iPhone version is out now on Japan, but the benefit of it being on the DS is that the pad controls actually work (if you hate the touchscreen).

So far, I'm not quite sure about ports to iPhone seeing what other have done on it. *cough*SecretofMana*cough*

519th Post

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"Re(4):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Fri 21 Jan 09:02:post reply

I can't wait for Ghost Trick iPhone, simply because it's so much easier to pick up and play the iPhone for me these days. Unless it's subpar... but I'm sure they'll do a good job.
I know the iPhone version is out now on Japan, but the benefit of it being on the DS is that the pad controls actually work (if you hate the touchscreen).

So far, I'm not quite sure about ports to iPhone seeing what other have done on it. *cough*SecretofMana*cough*

Har, that's right, Ghost Trick was just released on US DS! Well, that is one I've been looking forward to, especially since it reminds me a bit of Exit! (and its awesome PSP sequel, Kangaeru Exit), which I seem to be the world's only (and therefore biggest) fan of. I shall have to go get it immediately!

Oh, also, I was pleasntly surprised to see that these guys are still around, and are making a 3DS game! I fondly recall many of their US releases fro the late 80's and early 90's, as well as their ridiculously over-illustrated ads in EGM, etc.

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Fri 21 Jan 10:05]

1298th Post

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"Re(5):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Fri 21 Jan 10:25:post reply

Oh crap, I'm downloading the ... demo?
It was free but I'm betting it's a demo and then episodic. Which is fine. I'll buy all of it if it's good! :)

Edit: It pretty much feels like the DS version, except you are using your finger.
Looks really nice on iphone 4.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Fri 21 Jan 10:36]

3988th Post

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"Re(5):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Fri 21 Jan 23:27post reply

Oh, also, I was pleasntly surprised to see that these guys are still around, and are making a 3DS game! I fondly recall many of their US releases fro the late 80's and early 90's, as well as their ridiculously over-illustrated ads in EGM, etc.

Talk about a blast from the past. I honestly had no idea Culture Brain was still around. What the heck have they been up to?

This is sort of old news but I suppose it should be noted here as a matter of public record: There's a Metroid stage complete with Ridley hazard in the latest DoA. It's strongly hinted that Samus is going to be in yet another fighting game but that hasn't been confirmed yet. I don't know how a weapon-heavy warrior like Samus would work in the hand to hand world of DoA but the sight of Ayane kicking around the ball form of Samus would be good for a laugh.

5232th Post

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"Re(6):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Tue 25 Jan 01:59post reply

Zombie ga Gotoku has a dragon tumbler as a bonus for the DX pack.

Famitsu Yuna Dissidia pics

A lenghty interview about Gal☆gun in dengeki... I have been awkwardly aware of pretty much every promoting event that they have done for the game so far, and to be honest I found completely weird that they have been going so far to push the game... Then again recently it hit me : the world actually needs games where you can hunt and gun down a bunch moe loli characters. I do hope that this "genre" becomes something successful and that I can enjoy it in various degree of blood and internal body organ explosions. I only share this thanks to the fact that a member of the staff is being interviewed while donning a paper bag mask.

Virtua Tennis 4, ah? The whole reason of me posting, and I'm only noticing this since a guy from my country got shafted up in there, har har.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

26th Post

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"Re(7):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Tue 25 Jan 03:56post reply

Arcana Heart 3 is coming to Europe

I really do hope it gets a US release.

620th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Tue 25 Jan 14:23:post reply

So, which would you like to see localized (first?): The Last Story OR Xenoblade? (That said, the link is more an Iwata Asks about the success of Japanese RPGs outside its native land. Care to translate Professor?)

[this message was edited by sfried on Tue 25 Jan 14:24]

525th Post

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"Re(8):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Wed 26 Jan 03:34post reply

Arcana Heart 3 is coming to Europe

I really do hope it gets a US release.

Anyone else pick up the Japan version? It's refreshing to see how nice it looks (despite the fact that allegedly it's still not as well animated than the arcade version), after the train wreck that was AH2 for PS2.

Honestly, language should not be the restriction for anyone who wants to play this-- even the main menu is in English, and the in-game menus take about 5 seconds for a non-Japanese reader like me to figure out.

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Rare Customer

"Re(9):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Wed 26 Jan 04:30post reply

Anyone else pick up the Japan version?

A couple of friends of mine have it and we put some time in every week. I didn't really like the flow of the other two, but I'm diggin' the pace of 3.

3996th Post

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"Re(7):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Wed 26 Jan 05:31post reply

A lenghty interview about Gal☆gun in dengeki... I have been awkwardly aware of pretty much every promoting event that they have done for the game so far, and to be honest I found completely weird that they have been going so far to push the game... Then again recently it hit me : the world actually needs games where you can hunt and gun down a bunch moe loli characters. I do hope that this "genre" becomes something successful and that I can enjoy it in various degree of blood and internal body organ explosions. I only share this thanks to the fact that a member of the staff is being interviewed while donning a paper bag mask.

I like that the interview goes on for six pages. That's an amazing amount of coverage.
Anyone else pick up the Japan version?

A couple of friends of mine have it and we put some time in every week. I didn't really like the flow of the other two, but I'm diggin' the pace of 3.

What is different in AH3? I've only played the first one so I'm not up on how the series has progressed, or if it has progressed at all.

Is the Arcana system more balanced now? While having an arcana for each girl was cute a number of them did not feel useful.

Is the combo, dashing, and fighting engine in general any different?

Does the boss still sit in a stinking rock? Fighting and possibly losing to a stationary rock was beyond annoying.

5236th Post

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"Re(8):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Wed 26 Jan 12:08post reply

I read this at orochinagi; it looks like platinium tan is preparing another game, only that this time around, it really sounds dubious.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

2094th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Wed 26 Jan 13:42post reply


The meters have gotten quite the overhaul.
In the previous AH games, you had the 3 homing gauges and a 9-level super gauge. Now that has been consolidated into a single 3-level gauge, which starts at 1 bar. Hitting the other guy and doing offensive things in general increase the maximum amount of bar you can use, up to 3 bars. Certain actions that make the bar go red prevent you from increasing your maximum gauge until the status clears.

This new meter system somewhat defeats my old scrub strategy of stocking up a ton of meters and then doing an endless march of Gier supers.

There are a few Arcanas that by design have utility with everybody, but every character has a few good Arcanas that are unlike other characters (or so it seems).

From how it feels for mere mortal players, I'd say that one of the biggest changes is how much damage short combos do, and the general cap on the loop combo madness of the previous games. AH1 featured loop combos that could go for like 30 ticks of the timer, meaning like 45s in real life. And unless you could do big loops, it felt like you weren't doing any damage at all. In AH3, basic chain -> special -> super cancel does respectable damage, though still not nearly as good as a "real" combo. But it's enough damage for rounds between beginner players to not last forever.

There is another gauge that is kind of like a merged Burst/RC gauge. Like Burst, it starts off filled and you can use it as a combo breaker, which empties it. Or you can burn the gauge for a brief powerup/speedup, and doing so instantly cancels whatever you are doing. Unlike homing cancel/RC though, this powerup can only be done while your character is grounded.

The new characters are kind of neat. One of them has reversed guts; where everybody else gets tougher as their lifebar goes down, she takes MORE damage as her lifebar goes down. So don't get hit :D

The game to me still has a slightly odd feel, in spite of all the good additions. It will take some time to get used to how "slow" the game feels, even though that slowness is necessary to accomodate the dizzying amount of offensive options everybody has. The characters also don't animate all that well. The music has improved since the highly forgettable tracks of AH1, not that I can remember any of the music anyway.

I guess all that is a really longwinded way of saying, "It's way better than AH1, but it's still AH".

528th Post

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"Re(9):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Wed 26 Jan 14:16:post reply

EDIT: Ooops, looks like Toxico-dono scooped me on this, and I didn't even notice.

Oho, a new game is coming from Platinum! And it's an 'an online action combat game with support for large numbers of players'. I'd love to think it's at least a little bit like Powerstone.

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Thu 27 Jan 03:45]

3997th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Random Thread Whatever Edition" , posted Wed 26 Jan 23:48post reply


The meters have gotten quite the overhaul.
In the previous AH games, you had the 3 homing gauges and a 9-level super gauge. Now that has been consolidated into a single 3-level gauge, which starts at 1 bar. Hitting the other guy and doing offensive things in general increase the maximum amount of bar you can use, up to 3 bars. Certain actions that make the bar go red prevent you from increasing your maximum gauge until the status clears.

Those changes to the meter and damage output sounds very encouraging. With AH1 I could never shake the feeling that unless I was going for some stupid infinite I wasn't playing the game right. While I'll probably wait for the domestic release I am glad to hear that the AH series not only managed to survive the PS2 port of AH2 but is actually improving.

In other news, the artbook for Valkyria Chronicles is being published in English.

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"Re(1):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 27 Jan 03:22post reply

As you can see, Niitsuma is a half liar (i say half because it's rather vague a case/translation)

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"Re(2):Random Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 27 Jan 04:13post reply

As you can see, Niitsuma is a half liar (i say half because it's rather vague a case/translation)

Haha, they really put the big 3 in?! His design looks to be in line with MvC2 as well. Surprising, since Marvel has their hands deep in the creative choices of this game. I'm out of date with the current X-Men happenings, do Sentinels look like this now?

2924th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Random Thread Aquaplus Edition" , posted Thu 27 Jan 07:22post reply


Talk about Arcana Heart 3, the series' maker is on to another females-based fighter, this time with Leaf Aquaplus characters. Last time anything was announced about it was December of 09' so they've very obviously been hard at work for the past year.

Slated for Nesica distribution in spring.

259th Post

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"Re(4):Random Thread Aquaplus Edition" , posted Thu 27 Jan 07:41post reply


Talk about Arcana Heart 3, the series' maker is on to another females-based fighter, this time with Leaf Aquaplus characters. Last time anything was announced about it was December of 09' so they've very obviously been hard at work for the past year.

Slated for Nesica distribution in spring.

>Multi in HD
All my money

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723th Post

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"Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Thu 27 Jan 17:22post reply

Too lazy to post the link from Engadget.

But what is everyone thoughts?

Just waiting for the opening for pre-orders for the ruddy thing.

Not because of the games.

Not because of the track pad/touch screen.

Only for the sole purpose of emulation for my soon to be dead dying home consoles.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1300th Post

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"Re(1):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Thu 27 Jan 17:30post reply

If I can play PS2 games on it, game set match.

Honestly though, looks too amazing.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

724th Post

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"Re(2):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Thu 27 Jan 17:36post reply

You can say that again.

There are so many PS2 games that I have not finished. I am looking at you, Beyond Good & Evil and so many others that I cannot think of right now.

If I can play PS2 games on it, game set match.

Honestly though, looks too amazing.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

725th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Thu 27 Jan 18:53post reply

But what is everyone thoughts?

1) Do not buy Sony shares in the foreseeable future.
2) Namco is not welcome to Sony's parties anymore.
3) Home consoles are dead in Japan.


725th Post

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"Re(2):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Thu 27 Jan 19:35post reply



Elaborate for my simple mind to understand please.

1) Do not buy Sony shares in the foreseeable future.
2) Namco is not welcome to Sony's parties anymore.
3) Home consoles are dead in Japan.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1021th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Thu 27 Jan 20:07post reply

Too lazy to post the link from Engadget.

But what is everyone thoughts?

Just waiting for the opening for pre-orders for the ruddy thing.

Not because of the games.

Not because of the track pad/touch screen.

Only for the sole purpose of emulation for my soon to be dead dying home consoles.

This (portable emulation FTW!!). Plus, there will be some blockbuster releases for this platform, that's for sure.

In conclusion: although I see this PSP2 mainly as an emulation investment, the new capabilities announced (2 analog sticks, touch screen, etc) will also grant us Sony consumers new gaming sensations...

Hype is gonna kill me!!!

726th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Fri 28 Jan 01:31post reply

I do not advise you to buy Sony shares on the stock market because offering exactly the same selling point five years later is most probably not how Sony will fix their current hardware predicament.

EA and Namco were surprisingly absent from the conference. Especially bizarre for Namco as they are the historical launch partner of Sony since PS1 days. It was an interesting sign of the current relationship between NBGI and Sony.

Home consoles are struggling heavily in Japan because handhelds have a strong advantage in this specific market. Especially since online gaming remains of limited appeal to Japanese consumers. Offering an experience which is very similar to home consoles in terms of visuals and controls might hurt the irefusetocallthisthingNGP in most markets because it does not differentiate itself enough, but it might very well be the exact opposite in Japan. The combined appeal of Nintendo 3DS (offering something you cannot see on your TV screen) and Sony's new Turkey Sandwich (offering you the same thing as a PS3 anywhere you want) might further marginalize their home console market.


Elaborate for my simple mind to understand please.


2095th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Fri 28 Jan 01:57post reply


When I first saw the press articles, my mind was going, "Sony is releasing the Neo-Geo Pocket? Is PSP3 going to be the Neo-Geo Pocket Color?" Is this unfortunate naming choice going to coincide with its sales?

Speaking of portables with the letters "GP" in its name, does anybody remember the GP32 and the GP2X?

shin ramberk
387th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Fri 28 Jan 02:10post reply

I'm impressed with the specs and technologies in the PSP2. I'm actually impressed with all of the initiatives unveiled by Sony. The Android/PS1 games store was particularly striking. I'm a total Apple App Store fanboy and this Android/PS1 games store scares me/interests me. Although, to be fair, is there really that big of a wow factor to being able to play PS1 games on your new phone? I guess you could replay some of your favorite classics on a device they were not intended to be on... Its better then nothing...

Having said all of that, the PSP2 seems like it has every single "feature" that every hardware designer/business executive/gamer/fanboy/etc wants. Is that dang thing missing anything? Well, it doesn't have a 3D screen or a dual screen. But it has EVERYTHING ELSE!? Even the software initiative by Sony has EVERYTHING (social software/location software/app store/everything).

Now it all comes down to battery and price. I am not in the market for this device but I'm not convinced this is a 100% home run for Sony. The PSP1 struggled even though it was a big success. I think people are now more leery of spending a lot of money on a device that offers the same stuff they've been getting for 10-15 years. We'll see...

Good job Sony! I have mixed feelings about you and you are becoming more and more like Apple but these are very competitive moves.


2098th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Fri 28 Jan 02:15post reply

you are becoming more and more like Apple but these are very competitive moves.

The only way I see Sony being Apple-like is that they are trying to make their devices do everything. The iPhone actually did seem to do everything, but it had a carefully made design that was unified with Apple's whole product plaform. Sony's just seems like "throw everything into it and hope for the best!"

530th Post

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"Re(7):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Fri 28 Jan 03:32post reply

I will be interested to try out the experience of play while using the touch pad on the back. At first I'll admin it sounded a little dumb and non intuitive to me, but the idea of it is growing on me.

Also, it's beautiful, design wise. All of the mock ups that have been floating around for the last year or two have had the (I thought, at least) impractical slider mechanism, so I'm glad to see the nice clean one piece look.

622th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8): New Growing Pains" , posted Fri 28 Jan 12:28:post reply

I will be interested to try out the experience of play while using the touch pad on the back. At first I'll admin it sounded a little dumb and non intuitive to me, but the idea of it is growing on me.
Oddly enough this would've been the perfect solution for a touchscreen on the 3DS display.

While the tech is impressive I'm worried more about certain things like the 3G and Near "feature": I don't wanna be tracked while playing my games in the toilet.

I'll be surprised if they bite for the cost of the price and battery life. Then there's that issue with durablitiy. The slider (on the mockups) was convincing since it actually protected the nubs, but here it's sticking out in the open...

Edit: Just to let people understand, I'm not trying to troll the NGP. But the bare ergonomics of the two thumbsticks sticking out might not be suitable for my pocket. It's like I could break the damn thing...

On a related, but not too similar note, there's also an interesting thread I'm reading about battery sizes of most current handheld devices. Didn't know battery is what takes up most handheld space these days.

[this message was edited by sfried on Fri 28 Jan 12:55]

337th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Fri 28 Jan 17:28:post reply


Having said all of that, the PSP2 seems like it has every single "feature" that every hardware designer/business executive/gamer/fanboy/etc wants. Is that dang thing missing anything? Well, it doesn't have a 3D screen or a dual screen. But it has EVERYTHING ELSE!? Even the software initiative by Sony has EVERYTHING (social software/location software/app store/everything).

It's true, but do we need this seriously?
I used the web interface or the radio on PSP 1 TIME, never used Xbox360 to play movies or listen to music, never used that stupid channel things on Wii (except the forecast), tried to connect PS3 on a PC media library but the system crashed.
If we use the console as a gaming system, we don't need that social crap or the avatar or anything else that isn't really useful as a media station.
Sports channel on 360? Who cares.
Avatar Kinect? WTF?
Playstation Home? Boring.
Twitter/Facebook/I want to rape your privacy networks? Useless.
Achievements/Trophies? Virtual penis.
Hora Hora Hora? Muda Muda Muda!

Seriously, is cool and all but has a lot of applications that don't necessary fit a portable gaming system. Think a bout cellphones, they have lots of functions (some really useful) but most are not vital to a person's use.

[this message was edited by Nekros on Fri 28 Jan 17:33]

shin ramberk
389th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(7):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Sat 29 Jan 02:35post reply


But it has EVERYTHING ELSE!? Even the software initiative by Sony has EVERYTHING (social software/location software/app store/everything).

It's true, but do we need this seriously?

Oh, no, it wasn't my point to praise it for having EVERYTHING. I just think that the thousand features it has speaks to the mentality that a lot of hardware and software developers have when they think of how to compete. And it basically boils down to I want my product to have the most "features." Who cares if the features actually add value-- WE GOT TO HAVE THEM!

Likewise, will NGP users actually use all of the extra internet software crammed into the device? I can tell you this, I use my iPhone to help me exercise, play games, write emails, surf the web, buy stuff online, find stuff with maps... Its damn versatile. I don't use facebook but its there if I want it. As silly as it sounds, I can do more things because of my iPhone. Right there. The 3DS is already a winner. The PSP was a success. Will the NGP be able to compete with smartphones and tablets? That's its true competition now.

I lauded Sony for being more like Apple because of their software initiatives. But yeah, they are not truly Apple-like. They're not as focused and their platform is nowhere as cohesive as the ipod/iphone/ipad/itunes behemoth.

Regardless, things are getting more interesting. Kudos for Sony for maturing their services. More competition means better product and services for us consumers. Kudos for Apple for putting the fear back in Nintendo. I like that.

I hate Microsoft (and I own a 360 btw) but I can't help but be intrigued by the Kinect.


378th Post

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"Re(8):Sony PSP2 Codename: NGP" , posted Sat 29 Jan 04:09post reply

This is still the random thread, so here are new screenshots of Dissidia Duodecim, including its quest-making mode:


It's nice that you can use the classic sprite portraits, I wonder if that'll be extendable to absent characters.
Those pics of Cloud or Darkness and Onion Knight were available in the original, alone with everyone else's sprites and classic portraits, extending to lots of absent characters and monsters - it would be nice to be able to use them for more than a versus mode avatar... especially if player-made quests can be share online, and use by SE as a hint on whom to use for a sequel (Mash/Sabin and Zeid, of course, but further encouragement can't hurt).

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

622th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10): Pandora's Tower" , posted Sat 29 Jan 08:59post reply

Hey guys, what the heck is this? And will it still be unannounced for Western release like Xenoblade/The Last Story? And what's more, it's coming out this year (February?)

5238th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10)" , posted Sat 29 Jan 10:34post reply

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... So, it would seem that Arcadia is considering make Tougeki happen twice a year, source.

That marvelous news almost dispels the uttermost disgusting taste that Evo line up left in our mouths.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

34th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10)" , posted Sat 29 Jan 18:26post reply

Kirby shed his yarn so quickly.

4003th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10)" , posted Mon 31 Jan 03:46post reply

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... So, it would seem that Arcadia is considering make Tougeki happen twice a year, source.

That marvelous news almost dispels the uttermost disgusting taste that Evo line up left in our mouths.

Just a guess here, but I'm assuming Toxico is surprised by the fact that Mortal Kombat somehow made it to Evo. Either this means that MK9 is going to feature tournament level play that MK is not known for or this is an example of back room dealing that Las Vegas is well known for.

Does SNKP have a game at either of these tournaments this year?

2146th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10)" , posted Mon 31 Jan 03:51post reply

Just a guess here, but I'm assuming Toxico is surprised by the fact that Mortal Kombat somehow made it to Evo. Either this means that MK9 is going to feature tournament level play mashing that MK is not known for or this is an example of back room dealing that Las Vegas is well known for.
Choice B! Next up: Killer Instinct Evo!


2925th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10)" , posted Mon 31 Jan 05:45post reply

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... So, it would seem that Arcadia is considering make Tougeki happen twice a year, source.

That marvelous news almost dispels the uttermost disgusting taste that Evo line up left in our mouths.

That brings up another question: What ever happened to plans for an Evo Japan.

Burning Ranger
1687th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Re(10)" , posted Mon 31 Jan 06:45post reply


Just a guess here, but I'm assuming Toxico is surprised by the fact that Mortal Kombat somehow made it to Evo. Either this means that MK9 is going to feature tournament level play that MK is not known for or this is an example of back room dealing that Las Vegas is well known for.

I too was thinking the latter.

As for MK9:I'm interested in the way MK's reboot is inspired by SF IV (going back to 2D fighting, that is). Plus, it is a reboot, right? The game is basically a hybrid of MK1/MK2's story, right? At least, that's what I was led to believe...

So much to do so little time...

5239th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10)" , posted Mon 31 Jan 10:03post reply

famitsu notes that Catherine has a multiplayer element. Obviously an attempt to entertain me and my arguable less psychotic multiple personalities.

Oreno imo, a game based on a visual novel of the same name has launched a PSP game on 27 / 1 and supposedly the game offers a quite broad selection in the routes; like the possibility of the main getting killed trying to pursue the most psychotic girl of the story, or simply the chance of ignoring that underage harem and having him drive the George Michael railroad. That's what I call entertainment.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

2104th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10)" , posted Mon 31 Jan 13:40post reply

Oreno imo, a game based on a visual novel of the same name has launched a PSP game on 27 / 1 and supposedly the game offers a quite broad selection in the routes; like the possibility of the main getting killed trying to pursue the most psychotic girl of the story, or simply the chance of ignoring that underage harem and having him drive the George Michael railroad. That's what I call entertainment.

This sounds more interesting than what little I know of the actual source material.

Speaking of illustrated things, earlier this month the last volume of the manga シグルイ (Shigurui) was translated into English, and I'm almost sad to see this enormously conflicting tale end. I can't say I have much of a background in the actual history and culture of the period depicted, so I'm wondering if anybody here could enlighten me about that. Is its enthralling capability merely a result of my ignorance, or is it actually a well-researched drama?

2928th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 31 Jan 19:48:post reply

Oreno imo, a game based on a visual novel of the same name has launched a PSP game on 27 / 1 and supposedly the game offers a quite broad selection in the routes; like the possibility of the main getting killed trying to pursue the most psychotic girl of the story, or simply the chance of ignoring that underage harem and having him drive the George Michael railroad. That's what I call entertainment.

Like this? (spoiler alert)

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 31 Jan 21:19]

2106th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 31 Jan 23:02post reply

Oreno imo, a game based on a visual novel of the same name has launched a PSP game on 27 / 1 and supposedly the game offers a quite broad selection in the routes; like the possibility of the main getting killed trying to pursue the most psychotic girl of the story, or simply the chance of ignoring that underage harem and having him drive the George Michael railroad. That's what I call entertainment.

Like this? (spoiler alert)

Happy teen pregnancy!

535th Post

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"Re(3):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Tue 1 Feb 03:23:post reply

I'm not sure if this refers to a game we've already discussed, but Ecole is going to announce a new 2D fighter at their Hydra GP tournament this Sunday. Anyone who can actually read Japanese see any info out there about whether or not this will be a new Melty Blood or something else?

EDIT: Also--
Speaking of illustrated things, earlier this month the last volume of the manga シグルイ (Shigurui) was translated into English, and I'm almost sad to see this enormously conflicting tale end. I can't say I have much of a background in the actual history and culture of the period depicted, so I'm wondering if anybody here could enlighten me about that. Is its enthralling capability merely a result of my ignorance, or is it actually a well-researched drama?

After seeing you mention this, I found it and read the first dozen chapters or so, and... wow! It's quite good, if extremely brutal! Some aspects of it seem very realistic, but I am no expert on the history involved either. But thanks for mentioning it!

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Tue 1 Feb 04:19]

4005th Post

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"Re(4):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Tue 1 Feb 23:43post reply

Details about Dark Souls, the pseudo-sequel to Demon's Souls, are coming out. This game could be fun as long as there's not another swamp level.

Normally I don't pay attention to PSP games but this one involves stripping vampires.

1304th Post

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"Re(5):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 3 Feb 08:39post reply

Dark Souls Trailer.
Basically they just changed the name but left everything else. It looks amazing:



Also Armored Core 5 will have team based online MP, 5 v 5, with one role being the commander.
Screenshots make it look very intriguing, like a mix between the slower team based Chromehounds and the faster AC style:


Both in 2011 and published by Namco.
I'm really quite surprised that I am going to buy two Namco published games this year...

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

1022th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 3 Feb 18:18post reply


Both in 2011 and published by Namco.
I'm really quite surprised that I am going to buy two Namco published games this year...

Counting Team Ninja's "Slaved:OtW", "Splatterhouse" and "Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom", plus the upcoming "Knight's Contract" and "Dark Souls", it seems this is going to be a hell of a wallet-ruining year for me. Thanks, Namco Bandai for helping me to get rid of those hard earned monies of mine!!

4008th Post

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"Re(6):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Thu 3 Feb 23:50post reply

Dark Souls Trailer.
Basically they just changed the name but left everything else. It looks amazing:



The news that you aren't going to be tied down to a particular class and will have a single, giant world to explore sounds like great additions. I just hope that the game is nice enough to include a compass or some other method of figuring out where you're going. Trying to navigate using nothing more than in-game landmarks doesn't always work when you're stuck in some dark dungeon, bog or whatever and can't see a fool thing.

1023th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Fri 4 Feb 01:32post reply

Dark Souls Trailer.
Basically they just changed the name but left everything else. It looks amazing:



I just hope that the game is nice enough to include a compass or some other method of figuring out where you're going. Trying to navigate using nothing more than in-game landmarks doesn't always work when you're stuck in some dark dungeon, bog or whatever and can't see a fool thing.

Yeah, and some more checkpoints/ save points or whatever they want to call it. I left "Demon's Souls" out of sheer frustration due to its high difficulty and lack of save points, when I died after struggling for almost half an hour to reach the goal. Then, I watched a tutorial on Youtube and realized that the point where I died was one fifth of the way to the Stage Boss... the first boss!!!!

1305th Post

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"Re(8):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Fri 4 Feb 08:41post reply

Apparently the new game will be harder :p

I think it's a combination of getting used to the controls and simply watching how people play on youtube.

Using a spear and magic with the occasional arrow sniping lets you stay relatively safe. The spear is really nice though, because in tight corridors it's easier to keep multiple enemies at bay, I think.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

165th Post

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"Re(7):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sat 5 Feb 09:59post reply


Counting Team Ninja's "Slaved:OtW", "Splatterhouse" and "Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom", plus the upcoming "Knight's Contract" and "Dark Souls", it seems this is going to be a hell of a wallet-ruining year for me. Thanks, Namco Bandai for helping me to get rid of those hard earned monies of mine!!

Well, all good things come to an end. And the end looks like an atrociously made CG trailer that unfathomably desecrates the franchise it's expanding on.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Ridge Racer: Unbounded. A horribly named western developed sequel that kills everything about ridge racer and replaces it with the lame gritty "extreme" street attitude.


2154th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sat 5 Feb 11:33:post reply

Ridge Racer: Unbounded. A horribly named western developed sequel that kills everything about ridge racer and replaces it with the lame gritty "extreme" street attitude.
Even without looking, I know I hate it due to the certain absence of a cute mascot girl if it's developed by Americans. Nagase Reiko circa Ridge Racer Type 4 for life.

edit: watched the video. That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Reiko would never kill random people and blast through traffic. It's such a stereotypically American take on it that it must be a joke, right? ....right??

And that's to say nothing of the PS1-era movement when she's walking. I swear I just time-slipped back to Tekken 3.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 5 Feb 11:51]

2108th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sat 5 Feb 11:46post reply


A horribly named western developed sequel that kills everything about ridge racer and replaces it with the lame gritty "extreme" street attitude.

So she's driving what looks like the car that's on the cover of the other recent game they've made, FlatOut.

And seeing as how she goes and smashes other cars, it looks like more FlatOut.

Now don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the Burnout games (loading times aside... destruction challenges on the PS2 were abysmal!), and FlatOut is purportedly just as good as Burnout, but neither of them are what I think about when I think of Ridge Racer.

The behind-the-times CG is damning, though. You'd think that Namco would've seen to it that at least that got done nicely. The Ridge Racer intros have always been lavish and stylish, and it's plain bizarre to see that not the case in this trailer.

4011th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sun 6 Feb 10:57post reply

Ridge Racer: Unbounded. A horribly named western developed sequel that kills everything about ridge racer and replaces it with the lame gritty "extreme" street attitude. Even without looking, I know I hate it due to the certain absence of a cute mascot girl if it's developed by Americans. Nagase Reiko circa Ridge Racer Type 4 for life.

edit: watched the video. That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Reiko would never kill random people and blast through traffic. It's such a stereotypically American take on it that it must be a joke, right? ....right??

And that's to say nothing of the PS1-era movement when she's walking. I swear I just time-slipped back to Tekken 3.

When you get to Hell tell them Reiko Nagase sent you!

I'm not up on my racing games but do Ridge Racer fans want the series to act like it's trying to be the most radical game of 1997?

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"Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Sun 6 Feb 23:42:post reply

I had no idea that Catherine was a box-moving puzzle game candied with animation and drama sequences. A demo for the game is available for PS3 and 360 (JP market).

Note: 4Gamer reports that its availability may end after the volume of downloads reaches a limit.

New fighting game from the makers of Melty Blood.

-Developed by French Bread & Ecole Software
-Runs at 1280x720
-10 character slots w/4 unveiled
-Currently 30-40% complete and slated for Winter 2011, playable exhibit possibly at AMShow in September
-Game was originally just a joke concept but it became a real project after Tsukihime writer Kinoko saw it. The article is vague about whether Kinoko is actually involved in its development.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 7 Feb 21:55]

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"Re(9):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Mon 7 Feb 22:35post reply

Since the weekend passed without anyone mentioning it, I might as well.

Ono wants to resurrect Onimusha. Which I guess is confirmation that the series was dead at some point.

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"Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Tue 8 Feb 03:11:post reply


Ono wants to resurrect Onimusha. Which I guess is confirmation that the series was dead at some point.

After gathering the necessary info, I think that I finally see a clue about who Ono really is.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 8 Feb 03:27]

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edit" , posted Tue 8 Feb 11:19post reply

After gathering the necessary info, I think that I finally see a clue about who Ono really is.

Oh man, Toxico, I was going with an entirely different assumption.


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"Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edition" , posted Wed 9 Feb 00:49post reply

Since the weekend passed without anyone mentioning it, I might as well.

Ono wants to resurrect Onimusha. Which I guess is confirmation that the series was dead at some point.

But was the Onimusha series ever really alive? Ono is quite right in that if Onimusha is to come back it's going to have to take some sort of new approach in order to justify its existence. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wasn't Onimusha developed with the idea of creating a more cinematic approach to games? With Oni 1 it felt like Capcom was trying to guess what sort of new gameplay experience would be popular on the then-new PS2 and XBox. Instead, Devil May Cry became the template for what would follow. In many ways Onimusha felt like an evolutionary dead end six months after it first came out.

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Noel Edit" , posted Wed 9 Feb 03:03:post reply

But was the Onimusha series ever really alive? Ono is quite right in that if Onimusha is to come back it's going to have to take some sort of new approach in order to justify its existence. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wasn't Onimusha developed with the idea of creating a more cinematic approach to games? With Oni 1 it felt like Capcom was trying to guess what sort of new gameplay experience would be popular on the then-new PS2 and XBox. Instead, Devil May Cry became the template for what would follow. In many ways Onimusha felt like an evolutionary dead end six months after it first came out.

While I'm sure it would not hold up to modern play, I quite enjoyed Onimusha 1 and especially Onimusha 2, and for a while I thought they were what the Resident Evil games might one day become-- action oriented, less fiddly control-wise, but still with puzzles and exploration. With 3 I suspect the limitations of the game and engine had become apparent to Capcom as well as us, but they went ahead and made Dawn of Dreams anyway, and it just exudes the creakiness of the whole business. I always thought it was a shame that Soki (or whatever his name is), a guy that was in what was arguably the worst game in the series, made it into Tatsunoko vs Capcom instead of Samonosuke.

Also, I love how random threads take a long time to die.

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Wed 9 Feb 03:29]

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Birth Ed" , posted Wed 9 Feb 04:09:post reply

Under Night In-Birth trailer

Looks pretty. I like how the biggest character is just as fast as everyone else. I've always enjoyed Raito's energetic tracks.

[this message was edited by Gieflos on Wed 9 Feb 04:11]

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Birth Ed" , posted Wed 9 Feb 04:41post reply

Under Night In-Birth trailer

Looks pretty. I like how the biggest character is just as fast as everyone else. I've always enjoyed Raito's energetic tracks.

Is that Nevada-tan?

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Birth Ed" , posted Wed 9 Feb 05:25post reply

This game is looks really awesome! I understand why some other fighting game sites bash this stuff as random animu game #23 but this game looks awesome in motion. Also I am very intrigued at the giant unknown black thing in the concept art of the cast. I never played MB because I haven't had the chance yet but I hope this is ported to a console (at least before KOF XIII )!

Under Night In-Birth trailer

Is that Nevada-tan?

Hopefully Linne will have a blue sweater color palette!

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Birth Ed" , posted Wed 9 Feb 05:45post reply

Under Night In-Birth trailer

Is that Nevada-tan?

If her stage is a class room with a bunch of victimized people lying around, then I'm sold.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(146): Ransom Thread Birth Ed" , posted Wed 9 Feb 06:21post reply

I never played MB because I haven't had the chance yet but I hope this is ported to a console (at least before KOF XIII )!
That won't be too hard, as KOF XIII will never come out on consoles

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"The Outfoxies!!" , posted Thu 10 Feb 12:39post reply

Didn't know where to post this, thank god for the random thread:

The Outfoxies!

WHY IS THIS GAME SO AWESOME??? Why have I never heard about it till now?

Smash Bros style gameplay w/nice sprites and an insane sense of humour. I gotta track this down!


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"Re(1):The Outfoxies!!" , posted Thu 10 Feb 17:50post reply

Damn, that looks like fun. So many of those early 90's Namco arcade only games have been forgotten. I remember Mach Breakers quite fondly. I also want to try out Knuckle Heads if not only to enjoy the tracks by Takayuki Aihara.

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"Re(1):The Outfoxies!!" , posted Fri 11 Feb 00:59post reply


WHY IS THIS GAME SO AWESOME??? Why have I never heard about it till now?

Yes, Outfoxies has some really beautiful spritework! I'd love to find a dump of the sprites somewhere to ogle them carefully.

I'm surprised you have never heard of it-- it was discussed at great length at InsertCredit many years ago, if I recall.

We should start a 90's sprite art thread to discuss these games in detail! I have a bunch to mention but without coffee I can't produce any names from the murky depths of my memory.

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"Re(2):The Outfoxies!!" , posted Fri 11 Feb 01:50post reply

In Outfoxies I can play as a dapper assassin chimp in a verses style game that looks like Elevator Action Returns? It turns out my favorite game has been around for years but I've never played it and only found out it existed today.

I would gladly top dollar to pick up some sort of compliation or download that featured Oufoxies. That game needs to be preserved for the ages. I would even consider picking up a comp that featured Knuckle Heads for the same reason even though Knuckle Heads was terrible.