Transformers '86 Movie original script - Forums

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"Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Mon 13 Dec 06:43post reply

Dunno if this interests anyone, but a group of Transfans recently bid for an early draft of the script to the original Transformers movie. Many differences from the production version, including (more) violent deaths for nearly all characters from the first season. Can be downloaded in pdf here:


1664th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Wed 15 Dec 12:27post reply

Dunno if this interests anyone, but a group of Transfans recently bid for an early draft of the script to the original Transformers movie. Many differences from the production version, including (more) violent deaths for nearly all characters from the first season. Can be downloaded in pdf here:

Wow, thanks.

Just skimmed it for now, but it was really different.

Ingestor was a really shitty name, good thing they got rid of it.

I didn't see any mention of Spike being Daniel's dad or any mention of Spike at all. Seems like they really wanted to cut ties with G1.

I'll try to read over it when I get more time.

373th Post

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"Re(2):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Thu 16 Dec 08:16post reply

LOL, glad someone got a kick out of this! I was starting to think I was the only Transfan here (which is kind of shocking, considering the worldwide proliferation of the brand). Yeah, Ingestor sucks, though I do dig the concept of him being a 'spirit' that 'possesses' the planet, Unicron. I also found it rather shocking who lives and who dies - Skywarp and Thundercracker being consumed instead of reformatted into Galvatron's minions (although which ones is a whole 'nother debate I'd rather skirt around); Wheeljack surviving and being called throughout the script; the gruesome deaths of Gears (who's death was confirmed in later episodes but left vague) and Windcharger (who's occurred differently, and offscreen); and especially, Blaster's guerrilla squad of surviving Autobot commandos (including Hound, Sunstreaker, and Trailbreaker, and possibly others). I'll dig around and see if I can find the storyboards for a draft somewhere between this one and final, where it shows even more deviation (including specific deaths for Smokescreen and Red Alert, etc).

145th Post

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"Re(1):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Fri 17 Dec 10:02post reply


Thanks for sharing. Bootation is also a Transformers fan but he's too busy sparring with bears in the French Canadian wilderness to post here. Damn that movie was traumatizing. So was the GI Joe movie where Cobra Commander was turned into a snake. I've owned the Transformers movie for nearly ten years and still haven’t watched it. I listen to the OST on a fairly regularly basis though. Makes me proud to be an 80’s child.

shin ramberk
383th Post

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"Re(2):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Sat 18 Dec 06:04post reply

I watch the original Transformers movie once in a while. It was very traumatizing when you watched it as a child. There was a lot of terrifying stuff going on in that movie-- from a child's perspective. I won't spoil it though.

Its a classic IMO, even though its still a kids movie and had its fair share of flaws. I'd love to have more of that G1/TF movie style stories. Please don't mention season 3 though. :)

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"Re(3):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Sat 18 Dec 06:28post reply

It was very traumatizing when you watched it as a child. There was a lot of terrifying stuff going on in that movie-- from a child's perspective.

I think this is the main reason why I haven't chimed in so far. I saw it in the theater when it first came out, and I haven't watched it since then. I'm a huge TF fan, although my appreciation trends toward the (G1 only) toys a little more than the show. I loved the Marvel comic from the 80's for some unknown reason as well.

Ultimately I've always been a little disappointed with the direction the toys took after the first few rounds. They got cheap, and the designs got loud, rickety, and simplistic.

375th Post

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"Re(4):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Sat 18 Dec 07:35post reply

Have you seen the new Classics/Generations/Universe/United/whatever the hell they call the line now toys? They're updated versions of the toys from the 84-86 characters, with really kickass transformation schemes and articulation. If you haven't search for the reviews on youtube to see what I mean - the new Hound and Scourge toys are perfect examples of the wonderful engineering. I haven't been this excited about the toys since Car Robots/Robots In Disguise (which, IMHO was the best of the anime sagas).

shin ramberk
384th Post

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"Re(5):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Sat 18 Dec 08:15post reply

Yeah, the Transformers line has large up and down waves in terms of quality of the toys. But there is something for everyone.

The Beast Wars cartoon is still the best Transformers cartoon IMO. The storyline is engaging and the characterization has depth. Superb show.

Like shindekudasai mentioned, the Classics/Universe toyline that has been in existence for a couple of years is a great "re-imagining" of G1. Its basically a toyline that takes G1 and makes it modern but with the retro style.

The other toyline that has been extinct for a while is Alternators/Binaltech. These toys literally look like model cars that transform into G1-esque Transformers. Superb line but these toys are less about playability and more about awesome design.

I still love the original G1 aesthetic to robot design. I like the boxiness and armor-like design to the toys. I grew up with the G1 cartoon so the characters and setting are near and dear to me even though 95% of the stories were absolutely horrid.

Ah, to be a kid again and just be insanely excited about transforming bricks and a cartoon with a paper thin plot. I miss that. :)

485th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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"Re(5):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Sat 18 Dec 08:32post reply

Have you seen the new Classics/Generations/Universe/United/whatever the hell they call the line now toys? They're updated versions of the toys from the 84-86 characters, with really kickass transformation schemes and articulation. If you haven't search for the reviews on youtube to see what I mean - the new Hound and Scourge toys are perfect examples of the wonderful engineering. I haven't been this excited about the toys since Car Robots/Robots In Disguise (which, IMHO was the best of the anime sagas).

<Goes and looks around...>
Okay, yeah, I see what you mean. The ones I looked at seem like an original toyline aesthetic (in terms of the vehicles themselves) but with an eye toward making the robot forms hew a little more closely to the animated series robots. Very cool! Thank you for pointing me toward them (although my video game budget may well suffer as a result-- THANKS A LOT ).

I may have to seek some of these out-- Thrust and Red Alert look pretty sweet.

146th Post

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"Re(1):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Fri 24 Dec 11:32post reply

The Original Old Snake. This should turn into a Chris Latta appreciation thread. You will never find a voice actor better than him. No one has that passion. Prove me wrong.

380th Post

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"Re(2):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Sat 25 Dec 05:21post reply

Whenever I read new TF fiction, I envision the old voice actors saying the lines in my head. This is especially fun with Welker and Latta's characters, since you really just don't find villains with those voices and personalities anymore (even when homaged a la Armada etc, or even when Welker reprised his Megatron for TF:Prime - it still comes out entirely different).

865th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Mon 3 Jan 03:27post reply

Whenever I read new TF fiction, I envision the old voice actors saying the lines in my head. This is especially fun with Welker and Latta's characters, since you really just don't find villains with those voices and personalities anymore (even when homaged a la Armada etc, or even when Welker reprised his Megatron for TF:Prime - it still comes out entirely different).

Welker's rendition of Megatron on TF: Prime is deliberately that way because the original way really hurt him when he used it.

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I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

381th Post

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"Re(4):Transformers '86 Movie original script" , posted Mon 3 Jan 04:06post reply

Hmm, wasn't aware of that. Though as a vocalist I can certainly relate, sometimes you have to change the way you perform if you want to continue performing (thus why I save the metal songs for the END of the show now!).