DCUniverse Online BetaKey less that 570 left - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"DCUniverse Online BetaKey less that 570 left" , posted Sat 18 Dec 11:12post reply

Link Here

Gotta register for this site.

Got a key, but won't be able to install it for a couple more hours.

Heard the game was good.

Just spreading the word


Hagen de Merak
1072th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):DCUniverse Online BetaKey less that 570" , posted Sat 18 Dec 14:44post reply

Link Here

Gotta register for this site.

Got a key, but won't be able to install it for a couple more hours.

Heard the game was good.

Just spreading the word

Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to check it out.

487th Post

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"Re(2):DCUniverse Online BetaKey less that 570" , posted Sat 18 Dec 15:22post reply

Link Here

Gotta register for this site.

Got a key, but won't be able to install it for a couple more hours.

Heard the game was good.

Just spreading the word

Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to check it out.

Gah! Too late!

Hagen de Merak
1073th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):DCUniverse Online BetaKey less that 570" , posted Sat 18 Dec 16:17post reply

Link Here

Gotta register for this site.

Got a key, but won't be able to install it for a couple more hours.

Heard the game was good.

Just spreading the word

Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to check it out.

Gah! Too late!

lol me too.

1667th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Impressions and general superhero game though" , posted Wed 22 Dec 08:39post reply

I've been playing this game rather constantly for the last 3 days and I have to say that I am having a blast. The only complaint I have to make is that this game seems to freeze far too often, but I know this is a beta so I expect this to be cleared up by release. But even then, this game seems to freeze on me every 20-40 minutes, which seems like a lot at this stage in the beta and it appeared to get worse with the latest update they released yesterday.

I was never a big MMO guy in the past. I really liked Ultima Online for about a year then fell out of it. I tried Ragnarok when it was still in beta and only did one week of a 2 week WoW trial.

But this game drew me in right away. I chose flying as my mode of transportation (as opposed to super speed or acrobats) and I don't regret it one bit. You really get a sense of scale of the HUGE cities of Metropolis and Gotham when you are flying about from one objective to the next.

If you are a hero (which I chose to be) you start out your game by escaping Brainiacs ship as the game teaches you about its mechanics. The level itself isn't too impressive but it gets the job done. Once you clear that, you go to one of several police stations in either Metropolis or Gotham, which serve as safe zones for heroes. This is the first time you see other people online I decided to not look around here right at the beginning, but chose to go right into a quest. From what I can tell, each major quest revolves around a major DC Villain.

My first quest involved

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Gorilla Grodd. You had to slowly fight your way through gorilla soldiers, take out transporters, save people from being transformed into gorillas and a couple of other things. Once you have performed all these tasks you got access to the villains hideout, which are analogous to dungeons. From what I can tell you go into hideouts by yourself unless you team up with someone ahead of time(like you have to both agree to the quest face to face before hand). Once you beat the villain you get a brief bio vid about them.

End of Spoiler

So far I have completed 3 major quests and there are still plenty more.

One of the minor quests I had to accomplish was to PvP 5 super villain guys who weren't more than 5 levels below me. It was kind of a rush flying around the city looking for villains checking out their levels and d taking them on. A couple of them were cheap kills I got at the top of buildings where I think they were AFK and didn't fight back.

There are also races for each mode of transportation though out the cities (and I think they added more with the recent update). They are nice distractions that also help you gain experience.

The fundamental gameplay is nice, it reminds me of X-Men legends in a way. Your special powers are marked by R2 and L2 plus a face button, similar to the Legends games. Basic attacks are square and long range attacks are triangle. At the character creation section you get to choose from hand to hand, guns, swords, magic or elemental powers to help you through the game. It isn't as mind numbingly repetitive as the Legends games as it requires a bit more thought as on how to use power ups and special powers.

I can't wait for this game to come out. I heard it will actually be released next month, but I don't think that is enough time for them to iron out all the bugs. I think I will wait until April or May to get it. I heard that the PC version has the offer of a lifetime subscription for $200 which I would be tempted to take if offered for PS3 users.

Is this what that non-licensed superhero game was like on the PC? Man, if it was then I was missing out.

Its GREAT to see that DC is finally getting some great games this generation. In fact, it seems to be a switch from the previous generations where DC was horrible and Marvel was good. Now its seems that Marvel games have dipped in quality (hopefully MvC3 is great).

The only good thing out of Marvel games recently was the Konami X-Men game released online on PSN. I hope Marvel can realize that the best games are those that aren't directly based on movies, but those that are allowed to prosper on their own (except for the Punisher PS2/Xbox game which was kinda based on the movie, but was great none-the-less).

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"Re(1):Impressions and general superhero game " , posted Wed 22 Dec 19:36post reply


If you are a hero (which I chose to be) you start out your game by escaping Brainiacs ship as the game teaches you about its mechanics. The level itself isn't too impressive but it gets the job done. Once you clear that, you go to one of several police stations in either Metropolis or Gotham, which serve as safe zones for heroes. This is the first time you see other people online I decided to not look around here right at the beginning, but chose to go right into a quest. From what I can tell, each major quest revolves around a major DC Villain.

So if you choose to create a villain, eventually you may get quests like invading the Batcave or Fortress of Solitude?

I'm not too inclined to pick this up, as FFXI keeps me busy enough as it is, but it's always interesting to know how an established extended franchise goes on to adapt itself to the inclusion of several new fan-created characters to make everyone interact.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2679th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Impressions and general superhero game" , posted Wed 22 Dec 23:57post reply

Not to derail this thread too much, but I think the reason Marvel is falling behind DC is because Marvel has always tried too hard to be hip and modern while DC preferred to be iconic and timeless. Whenever the generation changes, Marvel has to struggle to establish a new connection with their readers while DC just continues to do what they do. Not that DC has never had growing pains, but in the end if they screw with something too much, the fans usually make them bring it back to basics.

On topic, this is probably the only MMO game I've ever been remotely interested in and it does sound interesting, though the video I've seen has the presentation coming off a bit bland and cheesy. I suppose that's just how these MMO games are, though.

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"Re(3):Impressions and general superhero game" , posted Thu 23 Dec 07:35post reply

I've been playing the game since last week and I'm level 20 and all I have to say about the game that it's awesome!


1669th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"More Keys" , posted Sat 25 Dec 07:29post reply


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):More Keys" , posted Sat 25 Dec 08:50post reply


In like Flynn! Thanks for the alert.

1106th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):More Keys" , posted Sun 26 Dec 06:48post reply

been playing this on the ps3, its not bad for a console mmo, the only thing that sucks is the missions are the same for all the characters regardless of which mentors you pick.

3963th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):More Keys" , posted Mon 27 Dec 05:09post reply

Since I've put in some time on this free game I figured I should make a comment or two about it.

Not all builds are equal. I expected there to be some give and take between the abilities but some options seem to be very useful while others don't appear to do much of anything. For example, the heroic flying psychic guy with an axe that I made has no problem pounding the bad guys. But the evil wall-crawling archer guy I made is constantly getting clobbered since he's not that strong at any range and he has a tough time getting away from a bad situation.

The menus feel as if they were built for the PC. Trying to navigate all those screens with the PS3 controller is clunky. It doesn't help that the beta is sometimes sluggish when it comes to switching screens.

Once again, creating and dressing your character amuses me far more than it should. Too bad that the game almost from the get-go starts giving you much better equipment that changes your look. What's the point of creating a full outfit if I have to change my pants on the battlefield in order to up my defense? At least the color scheme you initially picked carries over when you swap out gear.

The MMO convention of having battles continue on even after you did your part amuses me. At one point I was supposed to save X number of people. After I finished there were still people in danger but I merrily flew off and left them to die. Sorry buddy, I got my quota!

Speaking of MMO's, I haven't figured out if I can join a gang to take on a mission or any other method of interacting with those in the game. My inexperience with MMO games and the clunky menu system is vexing me.

Although I probably won't get the final game I am enjoying the title for what it is doing.

1108th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):More Keys" , posted Mon 27 Dec 20:02post reply

Since I've put in some time on this free game I figured I should make a comment or two about it.

Not all builds are equal. I expected there to be some give and take between the abilities but some options seem to be very useful while others don't appear to do much of anything. For example, the heroic flying psychic guy with an axe that I made has no problem pounding the bad guys. But the evil wall-crawling archer guy I made is constantly getting clobbered since he's not that strong at any range and he has a tough time getting away from a bad situation.

The menus feel as if they were built for the PC. Trying to navigate all those screens with the PS3 controller is clunky. It doesn't help that the beta is sometimes sluggish when it comes to switching screens.

Once again, creating and dressing your character amuses me far more than it should. Too bad that the game almost from the get-go starts giving you much better equipment that changes your look. What's the point of creating a full outfit if I have to change my pants on the battlefield in order to up my defense? At least the color scheme you initially picked carries over when you swap out gear.

The MMO convention of having battles continue on even after you did your part amuses me. At one point I was supposed to save X number of people. After I finished there were still people in danger but I merrily flew off and left them to die. Sorry buddy, I got my quota!

Speaking of MMO's, I haven't figured out if I can

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ps3 and pc players will be playing together on the same server, the pc beta guys complain the interface is too geared to the console and vice versa, compromises had to be made i suppose

grouping is the 3rd button from the right on the start menu