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Gojira 2712th Post

PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: 80085
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Kazama Hag" , posted Fri 4 Mar 02:45    
quote: (Jack 5 took moves from the tree (actually 4) previous Jacks
Actually, five. Proto, Jack, Jack-2, Jack-3, Gunjack. Also I like the visual of Jacks growing on trees, since those things are everywhere in Tekken.
Edit: Harada found out that Ono was the one spamming his inbox with "bring back Jun" spam
..... Why am I filled with such a sense of pity.
I would like to use this opportunity to point out that there is no Jack 3 (though there are Jack girls!), and that A Picture of Santa Claus has been disclosed
Hmm, I thought that the Jack they added to TTT was numbered 3, and it seems I was wrong. I will now offer myself to the fire-breathing robot baby of Roppongi.
Toxico 5337th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Some Videos leaked + Interview" , posted Wed 18 May 02:20:    
quote: Is the rage system back? There are points when the life bar glows and the characters get red speed lines but it doesn't look to be the same system that was in T6.
I'm certain this has been explained elsewhere but I haven't been keeping tabs on this game as well as I should have. That's what I get for thinking it was going to be simply more of TTT1.
Well, that thing was in TTT1. It was called netsu back then (I can't remember the kanji for netsu though maybe it's the one from "fever"). Basically, after the front row character takes an X amount of hits the guy from the back row will get a power up when they tag in. The duration time changes depending on which version of the game you are playing. I played a beta TTT1 and the netsu lasted like 20 secs, in the latest version I played (ps2) the netsu total time was like 4 secs or something.
Looking at earlier tests, we can say that Rage is in the game, but it looks it can't be activated at the same time as Netsu, that means that if your back row has 100% life with netsu and your front row has 1% life we'll have rage won't trigger, so no. BTW the % damage increase for both Rage and Netsu was never disclosed, I think.
Direct feed vids in this youtube channel Generic techno music at it's finest. OT but from all of the footage that I have seen (everything, obviously), there is the marvelous quantity of 1 Zafina player in only 1 match and is in there in that channel; I remember that Goji-tan was asking for her at some point.
Player card As stated, it can store every character in the game (as opposed to tekken 5.1 ~ 6BR cards that can only save one guy at the time). It looks like every character has is own win / lose / rank data space
BTW, having Kazuya keeping his customized shoes on while transforming was odder to me than Jin walking out the stage while Devil Jin was walking in.
edit :
Live recording. Matches can be broadcast, huh?

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 18 May 12:51] |
Toxico 5338th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Some Videos leaked + Interview" , posted Wed 18 May 13:02:    
I was hoping to see at least a few of those special winposes that were shown the trailer, but I guess they still have yet to be implemented in the test versions.
Tekken has always been strong at skipping winposes and "unnecessary stuff" while fighting. I remember some friends complaining that "when they finally beat me" I could even skip their victory poses before getting back at them, so even if some victories are in there, they are likely to get skipped.
I recognized "Moonlight's Wilderness" theme for the destroyed castle... Wait, maybe it's that you are inside the castle that could be seen in the original "Moonlight's Wilderness" stage? that would be an oddly well placed detail. The Destroyed Cathedral also has it's old theme there, I couldn't spot it in there at first. The music for the Arena stage from 4 is also there obviously in the Aren stage.
more 50mins footage is popping up
more 50 mins part 2
more 50 mins part 3
Youtube channels that people might want to follow to see more of the game:
Tekken Crash channel, updated today with 1hr+ footage
Takes videos from Nico
South Korean user
Japanese user uploads tons of his own Tekken footage, TTT2 is no exception more than fights, this feels like a practice vs practice thing.
.... I'll add more things after sleeping some.
edit :
Another korean youtube channel
UK user uploads things from Ruliweb
More live monitor captures <- Mixture of reuploads.
Akihabara Arcade <- Mixture of reuploads.
more 50 mins part 3 (I added the vid up there as well, with part 1 & 2).
Someone created a TTT2 Vid channel but it has nothing on it yet
Misc Info : Jun Kazama is voiced by Noto Mamiko... While I hate having a 50year old hag sounding like a teenager; I kinda link Jun to the relevance of Himegami Aisa, so it seems like a proper choice. Xiaoyu's voice actress was changed to Sakamoto Maya and (as pointed out previously), Heihachi is now voiced by Ishizuka Unshou

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 19 May 11:16] |
Toxico 5342th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Some Videos leaked + Interview" , posted Mon 23 May 03:11:    
The beta test is meant to end today on the 22 (or the 22 is already over over there? I can't tell in my current sorry state).
This youtube channel has been updating with footage of the last day of the beta, you can tell that players are considerably better now than in the first days of the testing.
Paul with a tall hat looks surprisingly fitting. Specially when he does this
This is probably the last of the game that we are gonna see in a long time, unless japanese arcade audience start to gradually reveal captured footage between the loketest, like they did for XIII
Casual play, very good camera
New Korean channel created post beta.
quote: Have they toned down Lars any? He still looks a bit on the annoying side.
The overall feeling of the game is "everyone feels toned down" and "everyone has new interesting things", with the exception of Yoshimitsu, who feels a lot better than in vanilla 6 and BR.
As of right now, it looks like Namco is aiming to add things and add "tag" to the existent mechanics of 6br, so it seems that they aren't going to tweak something in an incredible way; and with the general consensus that the balance of 6br was pretty close to get everything right, I can guarantee you that whatever annoyed you of Lars in 6 is going to made the cut for Tag 2.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 24 May 10:49] |
Toxico 5350th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "!?" , posted Fri 3 Jun 12:46:    
There it has been some rumors about the Software conditions / configurations of the TTT2 boards... Tche.
To quote the article :
+ you must have internet connection for this game to work (the game cannot work offline).
+ you must have the game board charged via prepaid cards, ie, you buy charge cards which add "points" to your game board. Each time a player using the machine, 5 points are deducted.
+ If your game board has zero points, the game stops working
+ weekly/monthly live updates are given to the game board introducing new characters, venues, combo moves and more. These updates occur automatically without the need for the game owner to manually update their machines.
So basically.
-> the game requires a permanent internet connection in order to work to the new "global something TTT2 Namco network". -> "time release characters" are back. -> the game attempts to screw off the arcade owners permanently with no chance escape that.
.... What's with these totally totalitarian conditions? Is this some medieval barbarian empire that's ought to conquer new plains and high culture ~ pacifist kingdoms? Are they trying to build up more the fact that Tekken is run by an evil enterprise conglomerate? Is this some type of vengeance from Namco since arcade operators forced their latest systemXXX hardware to flop ridiculously?
Perhaps they already projected a sales model were the board won't sell at all, and thus they need to scrounge up as much as they can from the poor bastards that do buy their products.
With such.... herm, ambitious arcade project I suspect that they are going to delay the console release for over 2 years for the sake of sucking off money from the arcade populace, like they did with 6.
As I said somewhere else, with Japan and Asia alone this "new business model" will bring incredible profits, the current mechanics take into account that 1.- Tekken is the most played fighting game in the world and 2.- People don't stop playing Tekken even if years go by.
Those 2 presumptions are not far fetched at all.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 3 Jun 14:14] |
Toxico 5465th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Re(10):TTT2" , posted Wed 14 Sep 06:01:    
Will the plot also explain how Jun came back? Or are the drugs from Phoenix Down Pharmacies that Heihachi is taking so powerful that they revive missing characters and fully destroy the already shaky continuity of Tekken?
The plot "only" mentions Heihachi, so everything else can easily considered as something that popped out from my hat. In fact the short story doesn't even give a reason of why the tournament is a tag edition (as, Heihachi was trying to measure his new found strength. Why would he team up with someone else to do so? (besides a Kuma fetish or something?)
4 gamer has a lenghty interview with Harada about the game The issue of Leo's gender was brought up. For what I cared about, it looks like Harada still kinda "avoided" making a true definitive statement on the subject (by the conversation, it looks like he kinda enjoys the controversy of the subject).
For the Record, TTT2 is out in the 14th on the arcade in Japan, that means that roughly in 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 hours more the game is actually going to be available to the populace. The webmaster from SDTekken is by coincidence place in Japan during these days and promised some day 1 comments about the game, in fact he is going to tweet from the arcades. Personally I'll stick to sunlight yellow and nico and 2ch, but having and eng report about the game can't really hurt anyone now, can it?
I thought he confirmed during GamesCon that Leo was short for Eleonore?
He mentioned that he made a "comment about it" in Germany and the comment itself spread through the world quite quickly. When the interviewer joked around with the possibility of doing a dual gender character via customization Harada jokingly stated that even with the costumization you are not going to know with what gender you are going to end up. In other words he didn't gave now a shot 少女です kind of answer even though he did so in Germany.
The few Qs and As about Leo are in the first page of the 4gamer interview (conveniently placed near the picture of Leo), knock yourself out reading about it first hand (you'll probably get more than I do, har har). The discussion stretched out a little and quite frankly, it was the only part that actually interested me about the article even though I'm not even into Leo in the first place... I guess the "sex controversy" deal did yield results (it was supposed to boost interest, Harada said so himself).
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 14 Sep 06:16] |
Toxico 5472th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):TTT2 + Prologue" , posted Sat 17 Sep 13:21:    
So now it's official that Jun and Unknown are the same person?
Even though we get to see something about it; nothings official and probably no statement will ever be made since Harada seems to like Unknown as "unknown", who would have thought. "But we got to see already than they are the same". So? No cannon, no explanation, no anything; is easy to just make your own story and fill the dots... For example, in TTT1 Unknown and Jun had different body build, different eye color, different shades of color in the hair, and other different. Since now Jun is identical to Unknown, you could argue that this Jun was Unknown in the first place making herself pass for Jun. Wanna hear something better? I bet that they are not even human in the first place and that it's just Miss Mokujin with a new face paint.
Bottom line is, after they retconned Kazuya's selling his soul to the Devil (D-gene? no thank you), things on Tekken are easy to tweak for no apparent reason as long as someone feels like it.
Arcade channel with Direct Feeds. The playing level is low, but hey; you can't go wrong with a fishboat stage in clear definition.
Korean user currently on japan uploading vids
Youtube user who is taking "Nico Douga" exclusive vids and putting them on youtube
Japanese user who tapes few seconds before being discovered and having to stop. It feels like gathering info in Metal Gear.
.... Now if you'll excuse me, it's Friday night and I'm scheduled to get drunker than what already am, all of this while rambling about pieces of decade old movies.
edit : another arcade channel updating here
Roulette only stage - Nico (Again)
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 18 Sep 03:26] |
Baines 299th Post
Copper Customer

| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):TTT2 + Prologue" , posted Sun 18 Sep 13:57    
quote: I wholeheartedly agree. Story on fighting games is just the icing on the cake: it makes everything much more enjoyable. Specially on Tekken series, following up with the characters' backgrounds and watching the silly endings is half of the fun.
I think story is a bit more important than that.
But the issue ultimately for me is, if characters are going to come back based on popularity rather than story, then why write them out of the story in the first place?
If you want 90% of your existing roster to be almost identical in your next game, then don't do a 20 year time jump.
If a character is such a selling point that you are willing to turn your sequels into prequels to justify her return, then don't kill her at all. Nakoruru being the example of resorting to prequels.
If you are willing to make time-based changes, then stick with them. And if you are going to put your game to a specific time, then realize the changes that it should mean. Street Fighter IV being an issue here, mixing kids from SFIII (set years after SFII) with kids from SFA (set before SFII), but keeping both sets as they looked in their original games. Why the heck is Sakura still in a schoolgirl outfit? (SNK did a better job establishing KOF as its own universe, where they could just throw whoever they wanted together. Heck, they even try to justify bring back characters. And a healthy recurrence of "dream match" games let them do a kitchen sink approach to rosters every few years.)
Just a Person 1510th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):TTT2 + Prologue" , posted Sat 24 Sep 22:37    
quote: For example, in TTT1 Unknown and Jun had different body build, different eye color, different shades of color in the hair, and other different. Since now Jun is identical to Unknown, you could argue that this Jun was Unknown in the first place making herself pass for Jun.
This... does make more sense, actually. And as you said, TTT and TTT2 are not canon. Still, Jun and Unknown could be the same person in TTT's own story (as in the regular Tekken series, Unknown doesn't exist anyway).
quote: If you are willing to make time-based changes, then stick with them. And if you are going to put your game to a specific time, then realize the changes that it should mean. Street Fighter IV being an issue here, mixing kids from SFIII (set years after SFII) with kids from SFA (set before SFII), but keeping both sets as they looked in their original games. Why the heck is Sakura still in a schoolgirl outfit? (SNK did a better job establishing KOF as its own universe, where they could just throw whoever they wanted together.
I wouldn't say that, considering KOF supposedly has a new tournament per year, meaning that at least ten years have passed since the first tournament; yet the characters haven't aged at all (damn, Athena is still a schoolgirl after more than ten years!)...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Baines 302th Post
Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):TTT2 + Prologue" , posted Sun 25 Sep 02:48    
quote: I wouldn't say that, considering KOF supposedly has a new tournament per year, meaning that at least ten years have passed since the first tournament; yet the characters haven't aged at all (damn, Athena is still a schoolgirl after more than ten years!)...
KOF never really pretended to have more than Simpsons time (where things change, major events can happen, and they've had 15-20 versions of each holiday, but no one really gets older).
While Street Fighter has a similar attitude within each set of games, Street Fighter tried to make a point of the time difference between each set of games (SF1 versus SF2 versus SFA versus SF3 vs SF4).
Rather than KOF, it is more like (but not quite as drastic as) SNK releasing a new Fatal Fury game set before Geese died, but with MotW-age Rock.
Gojira 2793th Post

PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: 80085
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):TTT2 + Prologue" , posted Sun 25 Sep 08:41    
To this day I still think SFA was nothing but a crossover title between SF1, SF2, FF, and SF manga characters, and people only wished it was canon. I just assume that SF4 is their first official appearance in story proper, in which case Sakura still being a schoolgirl isn't a problem.
As for KoF, they've reference the passage of time plenty already. Hell the intro to '96 starts with "As a year flew by from the excitement..." and other such examples. The current iteration is part of the Ash saga, which follows the NESTS saga and the Orochi saga, both of which have happened and are clearly referenced by the characters in-game. Those MotW characters have appeared in KoF even with all the old FF characters. Hell, Samurai Shodown characters have appeared too. And Mai appeared in Samurai Shodown.
The point is, just stop caring about this. Fighting game stories work like this: the current game is the current canon, and everything else not explicitly contained in the current game is a legend. Regardless of what happened in other games, you'll have to think of those games as a second-hand retelling of the story that may or may not be true.
Maou 2253th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):TTT2 + Prologue" , posted Sun 25 Sep 14:32    
quote: To this day I still think SFA was nothing but a crossover title between SF1, SF2, FF, and SF manga characters, and people only wished it was canon.
Hahah, the other way of looking at this would be to notice that for all intents and purposes, SF III was a random gaiden that no one saw (they didn't.), and that IV is the first appearance of Ibuki and Makoto and all of them. The Zero series has a more solid anchor in fandom, in a way, so I think it would conquer III's feeble hold on fandom and the collective (non-)memory. Or maybe I'd just like it to be that way because I still don't like block-parrying.
Toxico 5479th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):TTT2 + Prologue" , posted Mon 26 Sep 00:33:    
The Zero series has a more solid anchor in fandom, in a way, so I think it would conquer III's feeble hold on fandom and the collective (non-)memory. Or maybe I'd just like it to be that way because I still don't like block-parrying.
Ha.... Not at all. The Zero series really totally didn't aged well to their fans even before SF2²; the Zero's were already less played than the IIIs (tournaments for 0s were pretty much nonexistent, whereas tournaments for the IIIs happened worldwide all the time)... And after 2² was released I never once heard of anyone saying "I'll stick to Zero instead" (contrary to the huge several people that stated that they'll stick to III better).
So no. It probably has to do with the fact that the 0s never had a proper established identity and never stuck to one idea in particular, never figuring out what they were aiming to be; splitting fans in several titles. The IIIs all unified fans in one title, thus it did felt like a bigger community ever since the dreamcast died.
It's probably too early but has there been any word on when TTT2 might be heading to consoles?
Harada has spoken about aiming for a 2012 console release. The thing is that, everything that Harada states "unofficially" on his personal pages isn't that reliable compared to what he states on actual interviews (he has been know to be quite unreliable on several comments that where subjected to changes and whatnot).... So I personally wouldn't take it on him for that comment.
My verdict? it's going to be probably close to a year from the latest biggest arcade update (like it happened for BR and DR). It's the arcade update the one that is completely within shadows as we have no way of knowing when it's going to be, we only know that there is enough material left out of the game for a surprise update later, and since Namco is an arcade focused company we might see a big update or two as to boost sales, a la VF.
edit :
It looks like Chickens are back, it even looks like Chickens are upgradable (check the end of the vid). "The Chicken" was an icon that appeared there when a player didn't "engaged" the enemy often and thus played a mainly defensive and non contact type of game (And if you are wondering, I never had that problem, of course; since I always play a 皆殺し type of game).
Also, for the looks of it, it appears that since you are actually logged into the game, if you get a chicken and lose, the chicken sticks into your card even after that (defeats couldn't keep the chicken in the original, since; after the defeat you couldn't keep anything since you where out of the game).
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 26 Sep 01:52] |
Maou 2255th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):TTT2 + Prologue" , posted Mon 26 Sep 03:54:    
quote: Ha.... Not at all. The Zero series really totally didn't aged well to their fans even before SF2²; the Zero's were already less played than the IIIs (tournaments for 0s were pretty much nonexistent, whereas tournaments for the IIIs happened worldwide all the time)... And after 2² was released I never once heard of anyone saying "I'll stick to Zero instead" (contrary to the huge several people that stated that they'll stick to III better).
Toxico, my liege, we're not on the same side of an issue? Unthinkable! I'll agree that the tourney kids sort of rediscovered Third Strike (about five years too late to make any difference in saving it), but I mean the fans in a broader, "good, competent fighting gamers who aren't tourney level" sense of the word. The average person who likes fighting games has played and was at some point good at the Zero series, and the same average person does not give too damns about III, assuming that they have ever even played it (hint: they have not).
PS: Ah, but we are back in the same boat on the Chickens issue! I remember when someone heard the Tekken Force "CHICKEN" call when playing a regular Tekken 3 versus match and getting freaked out...we thought it was a glitch until I learned here that they say that after dishonorable wins!
[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 26 Sep 03:59] |
Toxico 5488th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):TTT2 + Prologue" , posted Fri 30 Sep 00:02    
BTW, there is the rumor going around that the first update is going to happen this weekend (if it does, it's probably nothing more than extra clothes). Also in October 6 what looks like an upgrade kit comes out, I wonder what that would do.
Tekken hybrid comes in the same day that KoF XIII for the USers, but at a later(?) date in Asia; I really doubt that anyone would fret about and hype about this to the maximum.
How come? Does anyone even like the guy? Or is he simply overpowered and therefore an obvious pick to win Vs bouts?
Lars is basically on a complexity level where a mitocondria can win tournaments with him, he is very overpowered (in fact the second or something tier list that the japanese rolled out ranked him within the strongest people, but even if early tier list can't be taken seriously, he did had a strong impression right off the bat). Furthermore he moves a behave like a crappy metro-sexual Nomura like designs but like a Sentai edition, for some reason that kind of thing seems to be well received within the current young populace.
quote: Also, if someone knows, how does young Heihachi in TTT2 differ from Heihachi in T6?
He is actually one of the most tweaked characters in the cast (he lost a stance, gained things here and there, etc), however the change is not revolutionary nor that noticeable. To put it as an example is like he evolved 2 games instead of 1, but the change is nothing that will make you un-hate the game if you already hate it(?)
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
sibarraz 353th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(5):Trailer + Famitshu article" , posted Tue 21 Feb 12:28    
quote: Is there any sort of consensus among Tekken players as to what they think of this revision? I don't quite understand the appeal of dropping all the tag options in favor of going solo but perhaps they see advantages I don't. Or is everyone in Japan hyped about a 4 cabinet party mode?
Tekken is pretty much split up in 2 groups. The guys that have played from the first "fame" wave that the series had (3 + Tag) and the guys that have played from the second one (5DR + 6BR). Those very same groups can even be further divided on how engrossed the players are in the game.
The old players all have the consensus that Tag is better since there is more than the usual stuff, plus the obvious attractive of stuffing both of their favorites on top of each other.
The new players, the ones that aren't that much into the game are ok with anything, but there is this other part, that are really into the game, but in order to compete with the older and more skilled generation they could only do so by dedicating their souls completely to a single character; these players are the source of the complains that give birth to the option of playing a single guy in a tag game.
And as I mentioned, yes; Harada himself said in the interview that the idea of choosing "me and my right hand" groove was included because there it was a big faction of player wishing it, voicing things that "I lost because my side character isn't as good as my main".
edit : There is also the
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I had to ask, this will be like a ratio system?
For example, if I want, I will choose to just use 1 character against your tag team? or they will try to create 2 separate games?
The first idea could work with some sort of adjustments to had balance, but giving 2 options will create more troubles in the future imo
Pollyanna 3187th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Trailer + Famitshu article" , posted Tue 21 Feb 12:42    
quote: I had to ask, this will be like a ratio system?
For example, if I want, I will choose to just use 1 character against your tag team?
Yes, it's like a ratio system. The idea is that you can play however you like without alienating people.
My first response was to think "how can they advertise a new Tekken Tag where the only feature is that tag can be removed"? But really, Tekken gives you a lot to memorize. I enjoy using a lot of characters in every game I play, but in Tekken, having 6 "mains" is really not very practical. Tag makes it even worse because you have to not only consider two characters, you also have to consider how they will work together in combos.
I imagine many players that start 1P will make a move to tag eventually, but it's nice to not feel overwhelmed right off the bat.
I still need to shave down my list of characters, though.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
sibarraz 355th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(7):Trailer + Famitshu article" , posted Tue 21 Feb 12:57:    
quote: I had to ask, this will be like a ratio system?
For example, if I want, I will choose to just use 1 character against your tag team?
Yes, it's like a ratio system. The idea is that you can play however you like without alienating people.
My first response was to think "how can they advertise a new Tekken Tag where the only feature is that tag can be removed"? But really, Tekken gives you a lot to memorize. I enjoy using a lot of characters in every game I play, but in Tekken, having 6 "mains" is really not very practical. Tag makes it even worse because you have to not only consider two characters, you also have to consider how they will work together in combos.
I imagine many players that start 1P will make a move to tag eventually, but it's nice to not feel overwhelmed right off the bat.
I still need to shave down my list of characters, though.
mmmm, still, if I choose 1 character, I will had some advantage? I know that in TT you just need to kill one character to win the round but you still had 2 lifebars which will gave you more chances of winning, going solo will make my lifebar been more resistent? or my attacks will do more damage?
Another option could be that tag teams had to share one lifebar when you are against one player
[this message was edited by sibarraz on Tue 21 Feb 12:59] |
Gojira 2824th Post

PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: 80085
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Trailer + Famitshu article" , posted Wed 22 Feb 07:11    
You can be as optimistic as you want, but I'm still disappointed, and my mind is not changing. I just can't see this being a good thing for the game in any case, whether it gets more players or not. It's not really a matter of balance. The principle, the idea itself is self-deprecating.
Sure you can still tag even if the opponent chooses single, but it still takes more away than it adds. When a character gets low on life in TTT they're supposed to look for a chance to tag out. This is VERY IMPORTANT to the strategy of the game, because if you screw it up you lose, flat out. It's a vulnerability that's integral to the system, but take that away by allowing single characters and a player doesn't have to worry about that, ever. So even if I myself want to use a tag team, if my opponent isn't put through the same pressure, I would feel pretty cheated. Even moreso if they're afforded ANY kind of extra advantage like extended rage damage or more life, which they probably will. I simply can't appreciate this.
Toxico 5587th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Trailer + Famitshu article" , posted Wed 22 Feb 07:40    
quote: Sure you can still tag even if the opponent chooses single, but it still takes more away than it adds. When a character gets low on life in TTT they're supposed to look for a chance to tag out. This is VERY IMPORTANT to the strategy of the game, because if you screw it up you lose, flat out. It's a vulnerability that's integral to the system, but take that away by allowing single characters and a player doesn't have to worry about that, ever. So even if I myself want to use a tag team, if my opponent isn't put through the same pressure, I would feel pretty cheated. Even moreso if they're afforded ANY kind of extra advantage like extended rage damage or more life, which they probably will. I simply can't appreciate this.
Right now there is a bunch of set ups and things and corner combos that can only be escaped with Tag crash, with that in mind my very first evaluation of this system is that is going to completely crumble rather quickly because single characters can't escape high damage set ups in the corner or being weak against spike set ups...
Then again, even before discussing the inherent dumbed down faults of the system, I have this feeling of dread that this update is going to be pretty useless since it's not going to add anything relevant such as more characters nor a wide array of moves nor stages (the update is to come "soon", much earlier than console release, and right now it looks pretty much the same as the past game, even the CGs are the same), so I don't even want to think about this at all, har har.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
Iggy 9326th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Unlimited means limited" , posted Sat 17 Mar 19:31    
quote: Between this and SC5 Namco is going to aim to some incomplete but fun games award or something?
Wouldn't it make them (well, at least TTT2) the KOF98 of them? Short development, lots of copy and paste, focus on balance and fun game?
Fighting games really suck as a hobby. I really like SC5, a lot, more than any other recent game of the series, at least as much as SC1, and maybe more than it if you take away all the nostalgia attached to it and the era it represent. I like it much more than SFxT. However, since everyone around me plays the later, I feel forced to learn how to play the less enjoyable game (which also requires a lot of learning) to get along with people. It's like being back to middle school, where you have to pretend you like something you don't in order to fit it. At least my Bob/Hugo "Everything is cute about me" team is doing well, that's a relief. I really like Bob in this game. If only he was less execution-heavy...
Toxico 5598th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Unlimited means limited" , posted Sat 17 Mar 23:03    
quote: Wouldn't it make them (well, at least TTT2) the KOF98 of them? Short development, lots of copy and paste, focus on balance and fun game?
It's hard to say. If we compare it to an SNK or a Capcom game it feels more like a difference from an arcade version to a fancy console port; an "extra mode" of Tag, balance tweaks, new stages and 3 bonus characters; the amount of "reinventing" the same old game is way too little to be called a sequel; but since the chemistry is "right" and people have been asking for a TTT for over 10 years, everyone is going to support the game at 300%.
From a theory point of view, this game was their only chance to add everyone missing from the saga into a single game, and they didn't even care about such possibility. And of course it's funny, since that was one of the development points from the first one.
If I had to sum up my speech into few words, it feels like Namco needs like 6 months to pull of together a Tekken game, and spent 3 or less into this one; it looks like the rest & most of the development time went into coordinating their new board system meant to having arcades bleed money until they run dry.
quote: It's like being back to middle school, where you have to pretend you like something you don't in order to fit it.
I never bothered with that. Whenever an unpleasant topic was introduced I just put a face like this and things started going smoothly afterwards for some reason
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
Toxico 5617th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Harada Interview + Ingame screens" , posted Wed 18 Apr 01:22:    
Pictures over here , the only new thing is the CG for Combot and the jungle stage. Oh, and cover art
Famitsu article. There is a small interview with Harada.
Main points.
+ Cast of over 50 (that we knew), characters are to be decided at this point. The character selection is meant to be "an interesting present" from the development team. + Harada explains that he doesn't like DLC, there are 3 things that he finds worthwhile when adding to game, which are techniques (moves), music + stages and characters, he thinks it's unfair to charge for any of those. + Fight Lab it's an interesting mode and he encourages you with "you got to see the ending". + Combot : Combot methodology is that you need to hunt for equipable parts, the parts are the ones that determine which moves he gets-- Apparently parts can be obtained through any mini-game, not only in one like in 6, completing your own robot is supposedly pretty fun.
And, that's for about what I cared and think that I got.
edit :
Preview by someone that touched the game at global games. The Violet meme is back (known over her as "another person syndrome" obviously started by Quatro Vagina).
Eurogamer article. English
another one
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 18 Apr 06:20] |
Toxico 5636th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Atahualpa" , posted Mon 21 May 03:47:    
As for Kunimitsu's backstory, did she ever even have one? Other than 'Yoshimitsu's rival' that is. <waits for Toxico to correct>
Well, pretty much everyone in Tekken has a story, but has Iggy has stated they are fairly simple in content, but it's how it's narrated what's happening to the characters what's interesting (as in, tells things about the characters and etc). (Notice how I'm using Iggy's name to add credibility to my argument).
For the record the stories from pre 4 are almost impossible to find by normal means because 1.- pretty much every big website "wrote fanfics" about the characters and intended to pass it up as official stories. 2.- Namco's actual stories are translated like crap, and thus make no sense (Or do you happen to recognize a space pirate character within the cast?).
Well, going by "sunlight yellow" (the japense tekken site by excellence which mainly quotes official info and aims to be as complete as possible); Kunimitsu was basically a member of the Manji, but always broke that "Robin Hoodeske" vow of the Manji and worked for self gain, thus was eventually expelled of the clan. By the time she appears in the first game, she is still a thief and is working under Heihachi's orders to steal something from Michelle's mother, which apparently was currently with Michelle (more than being in league with Heihachi, she was probably lured in by a money reward).
In 2 her ailing grandfather who was swordsmith could never match the quality of the Demon Blade Yoshimitsu (the sword Yoshimitsu, not the character), so she enters the tournament for the sake of taking the sword from it's owner and giving it to her grandfather (the grandfather doesn't want the sword, but by checking how good the sword really is he should be able to do something better... or something? It's a deal of "he doesn't want to die without creating the finest blade", which to this point he hasn't been able to).
This post is mainly here because I'm bored in the morning and I felt like talking??? Oh, I also plugged tekken 2 & 3 last night and played some rounds with the lads of the gang.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 22 May 00:14] |
Toxico 5637th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Michelle's in too" , posted Tue 22 May 00:17:    
Michelle beating up the guy who keeps hitting on Julia.... I can't identify whom does Angel's style derives from, but I don't think I've seen the classic Devil version of character getting that interesting beam attacks options.
She had moves from Kazuya, Devil Jin and some of her own. Her basic stance kinda looks like Jinpachi but when she walks forward, is the same as Devil Jin, so he probably is the main source of her moves.
quote: Michelle and Angel.. talk about a blast from the past!
Well, yeah. Now we pretty much only need another Jack to have "everything" that TTT1 had into TTT2. Considered that I'm into robots, color me interested
Harada's twitter is getting hammered because the trailer says "DLC", har.
BTW, right now we have : Vanilla cast = 44 Combot = 1 DLC = 4 (Maybe) Violet = 1
That sums 50. The original estimate was "more than 50" and "some of the people hasn't been playable before" so we might have more, and that would mean that the first set of exclusive characters is actually the less exciting one.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 22 May 00:55] |
karasu99 930th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Michelle's in too" , posted Tue 22 May 01:40    
Thanks for the details about Kuni's backstory Toxico. Now that you mention it, I do recall the 'getting the sword' detail, sorta. She looks pretty fun to play as, at least as far as the video goes. A fire breathing attack too, hum. I'm not sure I care for shorter mask since the full-face fox mask was interestingly anonymous back in T2.
Check plus for Michelle's outfit. I never cared for playing as her, but her design is not bad.
Since I haven't played TTT arcade, I don't know if the stages shown are all new, but they look really nice-- even Ogre's nearly dark one.
It's odd that they announced all 4 at once since lately DLC always seems to be announced in twos. That makes me think that either this is all we're getting or that there will be 4 more. So what, P. Jack (here's hoping), Alex, and Dr. B are left? Couldn't they pretty much make Violet and Combot costumes for Lee and Mokujin? I keep trying to think about who could be playable who previously wasn't, since pretty much the only supporting cast is... well, nobody, right?
Maese 674th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(7):Atahualpa" , posted Tue 22 May 17:13    
Kunimitsu looks and moves in a way that resembles Sould Edge/Calibur's Taki a lot, which is a great thing in my book. You can never have enough scantily clad ninja ladies in your life, I must say.
Also, never knew about the girl's family connection with the sword forging scene, but I guess it kind of makes sense. After all, 'Kunimitsu' is actually the name of a well known master swordsmith with quite a few masterpieces to his credit.
Oh and, aside of the Taki remembrance, I have to thank Toxico for bringing a ray of sunlight to this gloomy, rainy afternoon. This comment here made my day, really!:
quote: (Notice how I'm using Iggy's name to add credibility to my argument).
Just a Person 1516th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):Michelle's in too" , posted Tue 22 May 23:07    
quote: Yeah there's not going to be any character DLCs/Unlocks for pay, which is the good thing.
Michelle and Angel.. talk about a blast from the past!
TTT2 wasn't released yet, right? So, it's cool that people won't have to pay for these DLCs, but couldn't these characters just be available from start in the game, instead of coming as DLC?
Well, the important thing is: Michelle is finally back, yay!! And may I say, she looks amazing, like if she were Julia's sister (and not necessarily the older one) rather than her mother...
I also love Kunimitsu's subtle smile in her trailer appearance.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Toxico 5639th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Atahualpa" , posted Wed 23 May 00:55:    
Europe seems to be getting the game earlier than other countries, being shipped at September 14. The "We are Tekken" edition of the game has been revealed, it includes a 200 pages artbook, soundtrack of the game, a new music CD that apparently has new renditions of classics themes created by the new team for this compilation alone and packs 2 DLC characters. Who those 2 characters are going to be depends on where you get the game, one place yelds Michelle and Angel, while the other has Kunimitsu and Atahualpa. There is also a behind the scenes DVD directed by Harada that has development details and whatnot (I wonder if he'll include how many times he has denied his own reveal of Leo being a kogal).
I might consider biting this one, while cursing out that SNK doesn't launch neat packages like this one
edit :
Universal DLC will be available after 90 days. That Kunimitsu description sounds like it was taken from this thread, har har. 
Oh, and since they are speaking that those 4 are preorder bonuses that means that whatever new character they announce would either be A.- plain vanilla non exclusive free DLC (ouch). or B.- On disk ready to use content (yay). Of course we need an actual announcement for things before taking sides. They actually need to announce more guys as well.
I wonder if Namco will do an arcade update like SF4 and include all of the new characters, or if they'll just be kind of novelty characters that aren't used outside the console world.
They have been telling us from the get go that TTT2 can be updated via Tekken.net with extra characters, the fact that they said that it can be done, means that from the start they were planning on doing it. And since connection is mandatory, no machine would be left out of the update.
Thinking about it, using the exclusivity of characters to sell the console port, and then update them into the arcade later to revitalize the scene sounds like a very Namco like ways of doing things (they get profit twice for a single round of work).
quote: So, it's cool that people won't have to pay for these DLCs, but couldn't these characters just be available from start in the game, instead of coming as DLC?
Because Namco is going after retailer deals. To a player there is absolutely no bonus to a game like characters. Cinema displays, pictures, pervy customizations, music and backgrounds; everything comes second compared to characters; thus Namco is using that "max appeal" of characters to have people pursue the limited edition of the game; they assure that everyone is going to get the same sets of characters in the end, but paying up earlier nets you exclusivity, exclusivity that might last 3 months or more, and that's a lot.
I can relate to that example. The games that I want, I usually get them from the get go, and my friends use a more "money saving" mentality and get the game 4 months or more later (after a considerable price drop). After the waiting is done, 4 months don't seem like a large time frame, but while you are waiting the "difference" with guys dropping in my house to check the game, or organizing meetings where I have to take the game to make things brighter and etc is very large. In other words, for TTT2 right now you are paying up for hype with the limited editions, and that's a strong push to compel people to get the game first.
quote: Oh and, aside of the Taki remembrance, I have to thank Toxico for bringing a ray of sunlight to this gloomy, rainy afternoon. This comment here made my day, really!:
(Notice how I'm using Iggy's name to add credibility to my argument).
For greater effects in an argument, one can paste Iggy's name or picture in our clothes before engaging in a discussion. For the case of a BBS, a large piece of ASCII art within the post would completely render people unable to retort.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 23 May 03:53] |
Loona 574th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(5):Re(10):Atahualpa" , posted Thu 24 May 22:12    
quote: I used to think Sebastian would be one of the added DLC characters of TTT2, but chances are it's going to be Sebastimon. Wait. Was there a Sebastian in drag in Queen's gate?
According to the Digimon's wiki page for this game, Sebastian is meant to work as a "trainer" character, not one of the mons, and he's got a high-level angelic one of his own, while Lili has 2, but one of them is basically trash that any Digimon can degenerate into from neglect. The pics in the Famitsu article seems to support this.
I wouldn't be surprised if she'd gotten Sebastian to raise one for her and she steals it or something later on.
Now I'm kinda hoping Harada makes Sebastian playable, but I have no idea of what style he could possibly use - he'd fit a Dudley'-ish profile, but I wonder if Tekken can fit 2 boxers as well as it's handled other alternates before like the Kings, Williams and the capoeiristas...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Toxico 5645th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re(10):Atahualpa" , posted Fri 25 May 00:38:    
Preordering at GameStop nets you all early characters
Was there a Sebastian in drag in Queen's gate?
I don't thin there it was one (because, if it there is then my appreciation of the game would be rather high rather than the one that it is).
Now I'm kinda hoping Harada makes Sebastian playable, but I have no idea of what style he could possibly use - he'd fit a Dudley'-ish profile, but I wonder if Tekken can fit 2 boxers as well as it's handled other alternates before like the Kings, Williams and the capoeiristas...
You are making Roger mama cry. Also, in one of the earlier interviews Harada said that they are adding characters that styles fit existing characters that might not have a tag partner, so that people can play "a set team" of characters that right now don't have anyone. Atahualpa certainly fits this, by being "the other ogre", Kunimitsu by being the other mitsu, we have Michelle to Julia and Angel as apparently yet another Mishima....
Well, what I'm going at, is that the original example that Harada gave was "someone that fights like Lily", So I'm looking forward to seeing a 50 or so year old butler fighting with Ballet spins and acrobatic flip kicks.
edit -> Digimon game
Lilly will be voiced by Koshimizu Ami and her story is pretty much the same as Tekken, she gets totally hooked up with the Digital Monsters game, and at one point loses to the main character. Cue to her usual behavior of persistently chasing who defeated her, challenging him at all times regardless of anything. She calls her slime Digimon something cute and lovely (In Tekken she got hooked to the sumo wrestler, so that was no surprise). Would have preferred Rina Sato for the part as in Queen's Blade, but oh well, it's not like I'm ever going to touch either game anyway, har har.
Sebastian started the game at the same time that her. The images have him checking if the hero is a worthy rival of his Oujou-sama (please tell me that this mean that he is going to beat up Asuka in Tekken as well, har har).
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 25 May 13:44] |
Just a Person 1517th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(6):Re(10):Atahualpa" , posted Fri 25 May 00:39    
quote: According to the Digimon's wiki page for this game, Sebastian is meant to work as a "trainer" character, not one of the mons, and he's got a high-level angelic one of his own, while Lili has 2, but one of them is basically trash that any Digimon can degenerate into from neglect. The pics in the Famitsu article seems to support this.
I wouldn't be surprised if she'd gotten Sebastian to raise one for her and she steals it or something later on.
Now I'm kinda hoping Harada makes Sebastian playable, but I have no idea of what style he could possibly use - he'd fit a Dudley'-ish profile, but I wonder if Tekken can fit 2 boxers as well as it's handled other alternates before like the Kings, Williams and the capoeiristas...
Wow, I didn't know that the Digimon franchise was still active... I used to love the anime as a child (the games, not so much), but it's been years since the last time I heard of it. And it's cool to see it's also involved in some sort of crossover with Tekken!
As for Sebastian being a boxer, I don't see a problem; different boxers often have different techniques, even if their fighting style is the same. I'm still actually hoping that Michelle and Jun come back in Tekken 7, despite them having similar styles to Julia and Asuka (if Tekken can have Baek and Hwoarang, Christie and Eddy, both Kings and both Williams sisters, why couldn't these two characters be brought back, after all?)...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Toxico 5660th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Re(10):Project P-100" , posted Sat 7 Jul 00:34:    
quote: Alex, Forest Law, P-Jack and Tiger Jackson are in.
I probably shouldn't complain too much when it comes to a game that proudly announces that it has a boxing dinosaur in the roster.
After having so desperately having hoping for Tekken 1 P.Jack, seeing his TTT appearance (that's even different from 2) feels like a downpour. Let's hope that at least some of the customizations let our minds go free.
Thus, the remaining face in the select screen is probably Combot(??), then again, the 5th [ ? ] was in the DLC character flier, I doubt that Combot is DLC as you happen to build him in home.
edit : Trailer from conference Spain and France are my favorite stages as of now.
edit -> I can vow it because I don't have a soundcard right now, but supposedly Harada said in the conference that these 4 are on disk ready to use, just like the rest of the cast.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12
[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 7 Jul 06:45] |
Toxico 5666th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Bikini Trailer" , posted Mon 16 Jul 17:29:    
Famitsu articles about the comic con here and here
Harada hinted that the Japanese might not get preorder swimming suits, but for that purpose he wants to make them public for free pretty quickly, like a month or 2 after release.
He also spoke some about the netcode, basically he felt that it was pretty bad that for Tekken 6 they had to patch some designs faults and stuff about the code. Right now they have been aiming to get the players the best net experience that they can offer so that the player is left wishing for nothing else; for that reason they have been using input from the net modes and the code from Soul Calibur V (this has been stated before, actually).
Japanese news release is going to have to wait for the Tokyo Game Show, that's probably why no Japanese site has been talking about the latest 4 characters revealed.
Famitsu Bikini Article
Tekken tag online review Part 1 , Part 1
This feels a bit like elbowing into DoA's old turf, but at least the references to part artwork are a nice touch.
Nah, I doubt that it's about that. For this game Harada seems to be approaching the casuals market as much as possible, that's probably tied with his efforts to whore the game to the US. Between the things that casuals have been whining about the most, the top 3 are easily, "bring back Jun" , "bring back Kuni" and "Let XX have swimming suit customization".
I say, the game isn't going to be complete until I can play Kuma in a NASA spacesuit.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12
[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 17 Jul 14:03] |
Toxico 5677th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Kazuya gets naked." , posted Thu 26 Jul 13:45:    
At least, according to Harada. Well, it's all good as long as that Clay Fighter un-worthy Tekken Prolog model stays there.
Japanese version to get special summer dresses as preorder. I'd change all swimming suits sans fundoshi kind for those ones.
Also, there have been these talks about the game needing online pass (this choice has already meet some backlash from players). Since cute little Toxic is not among the current gen trend that thinks of fighters as MMORPG, I can't tell exactly how online passes work in detail, but supposedly Harada has promised that these are not of the kind of "one account = one pass", thus if people have several accounts in one console everyone can use it with no problem at all. I suppose that if you have 1 account in 2 consoles that may be a not go, but that's life.
I say, supposedly one of the main things of Tekken 6 was that the price dropped tremendously shortly after the release date with a bunch of used copies flooding the market very few months after release (In fact, I noticed that in 2~3 months the game at less than half price). With preorder bonuses and online passes, they are probably trying to fight off that oh so profitless situation for the company, gearing people to get the game on week 1.
4 gamer has updated the character stories.
Alex : Basically, he is an experimental sample made out of Roger's DNA + some Dino DNA extracted from an insect preserved on Amber (movie anyone?). It's combat strength is for about equal to Roger and his fighting style is "Commando Wrestling", he was obviously developed with military usage in mind, aiming to create the most ferocious and lethal fighting animal possible (a catch line that can currently only be used in Tekken).
Law : Son of MarsHall Law, from youth he has been studying for the sake of succeeding his father's business (dojo and restaurant?). His fighting prowess is rumored to be superior to his father. Has the habit of playing pranks with Paul's help (?). Style is Martial Arts, hails from America.
P.Jack : After Jack got many "version up" upgrades it was desired for P.Jack to also get some improvements as well. Dr. Bosconovitch decided to re-fit him geared with rotating hand and rotating body functions, furthermore he got an improved ability to fly. His sunglasses are already a trademark. Style is "leave it to power" (Chikara Makase), hails from Russia
Tiger : Shrouded in mystery this mans strikes the King of Iron Fist Tournament with an appearance that befits soul Music. His Capoeira abilities are similar to those of Eddy Gordo, however whatever relation there is between these two, it's a complete mystery.
Tekken's jp channel was updated with some short clips. we have the 4 short character clips and 4 clips for each new revealed stage.
The thing is that the captures are on pretty clear quality, even more so than the ones they previously released to the audience. For example now on the short clips is easy to tell that P.Jack's and Little Law's voice is different than their originals, something that couldn't be said for certain before. There are also some more differences between the characters accidentally shown, but nothing to dance around naked about.
Seeing Holland's Flower Clock adds insult to the injury of a Moai stage (I live 2 minutes away from that clock btw).
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 27 Jul 03:13] |
Toxico 5682th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Fight Lab Trailer (Lili gets naked)." , posted Mon 30 Jul 08:29:    
Unlike the previous footage, it contains images from beyond the "prolog stages", here
Tekken Official updated some of the characters stories. Some probably were always there, but I didn't notice them before now since... Well, you know, it's just me after all.
Combot : Combot is a general purpose humanoid robot created by Violet Systems
Initially, the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 was considered the perfect opportunity to do a PR test and thus Violet allowed the robot to compete, however during the tournament Combot suffered critical malfunction effectively causing his withdrawal in a rather embarrassing manner.
Not forgetting the scenario of public shame, Violet decided to get revenge with the new and improved state of the art "SuperCombotDX", which has within it all of the concentrated company efforts.
Jun : Mother of the current head of the Mishima Zaibatsu Jin Kazama and practitioner of ancient martial arts school Kazama Ryuu. Within her stare one can notice a certain air of melancholy.....
Heihachi : (I'm pretty sure I mentioned this one before). Narrative wise, the story begins with Old Heihachi and he changed "to new" within in.
Heihachi Mishima is the one who set the strong fundations for the Mishima Zaibatsu.
That Heihachi has been developing some studies in secret...
"To prevent the natural aging process, To regain a body filled with youth"
For the sake of the dream about eternal longevity, a rejuvenation drug was discovered after much study.
"Fufuffu, With this I have achieved eternal youth... Now"
A mere few minutes after ingesting; effects are clearly visible, ending in the figure of a young Heihachi with black hair standing tall.
"Oo, This overflow of strength, Extraordinary, certainly invincible".
Right in his hand there is now a power which the world has never even seen, timely a notice for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 happens to appear
"-Tag- is it? As in there is the necessity of participating with a partner... Oh, then 'that' can be used".
And thus an enigmatic curtain is open for the new Tekken Tag Tournament.
Also, most of the characters that appear in Tekken 6, have their stories copi pasted from Tekken 6. The "new" console characters stories have been mentioned already a few post above this and some other guys such has Ogre and Jinpachi I think that their stories haven't been revealed yet.
Tournaments thing
Recently there was this E-sports related Tekken Event in Korea labeled "E-Stars". It consisted in a tournament of 8 participants with all of them from all over the world. Since the event was more invitational than anything it doesn't necessarily depict the Tekken level worldwide, but there it were some pretty good matches. there it was 3 Koreans (Knee, Hao and Holeman), 4 people from Asia (1 from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and one from I think China). Europe / US could only muster one participant, who was from the US and who was apparently selected at EVO (yet both, Europe and US have like 1/200th of game experience in Tag 2 compared to Asia so we know how that's going to end up). Even Harada was at the event.
Some videos here. The matches aren't really labeled, but as pretty much everything else in youtube, the newest (and finals) matches are placed last while the newest are placed first. And I'm only mentioning this because the japanese logic of shota = strength is actually right when we are speaking of AO.
Also, last night (or the night before it?) there it was this Namco sponsored nico stream that had one of the top korean players (JDCR) vs several top japanese players on the arcade, it had some pretty well known japanese players such as Nobu, Mamba, Nobi, Yuu, Jackler and Kuroguro and some other guys who's name I can't even pronounce. I assume that you don't have a nico premium account to see the stream back up, and I'm only mentioning this because at one point everyone stopped talking about Tekken and starting doing Manzai when after I did some comments about it over the chat
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12
[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 30 Jul 14:05] |