Random Thread Ninja Edition - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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627th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Sun 20 Feb 03:13post reply

From the people who brought you goth lolita danmaku shmups and crazy bee bosses with lots of shit blowing up comes...a completely wholesome action game featuring a ninja (that still has stuff exploding)?


385th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Sun 20 Feb 04:54post reply

Looks fun! But is it wrong if I'm bothered the main character has next to no actual animation?

629th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Sun 20 Feb 12:59post reply

Looks fun! But is it wrong if I'm bothered the main character has next to no actual animation?

Well I like how he actually looks and reacts like a shadow puppet, complete with the whole bobbing motion. Reminds me of Viewtiful Joe to some extent.

866th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Mon 21 Feb 04:47post reply

Looks fun! But is it wrong if I'm bothered the main character has next to no actual animation?

Maybe this is just an early version and they haven't completed the animation yet. The footage looks unfinished to me. That or they're trying to see how few art assets they can put into a game before anyone feels like something's missing. That seems to be a popular trend in 2d indie games of the last few years, make art direction choices that dramatically reduce costs while also registering as a bold stylistic decision.


2122th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Mon 21 Feb 05:30post reply

Looks fun! But is it wrong if I'm bothered the main character has next to no actual animation?

Maybe this is just an early version and they haven't completed the animation yet. The footage looks unfinished to me. That or they're trying to see how few art assets they can put into a game before anyone feels like something's missing. That seems to be a popular trend in 2d indie games of the last few years, make art direction choices that dramatically reduce costs while also registering as a bold stylistic decision.

One time I was playing Spectral vs. Generation (forgive me!) on a PS2 and it glitched weirdly with the modded PS2... the character sprites didn't display properly, but the hitboxes did!

Sometime later, I remember somebody on SRK proposing (somewhat jokingly) a fighting game that was just hitboxes.

Video games are kind of interesting in that from the beginning, they have been full of STUFF. Think about all the technology that goes into making a system that shows animated pictures and sounds and reacts in real time to user inputs, and does so purely with the power of some physics and chemistry and math. It's really quite amazing. Whatever the world's first painting was, I wonder if it could've been deconstructed. Tennis For Two, arguably the world's first video game, was played on an oscilloscope. There are no visible player avatars, the ball's movement has basic physics, and as a happy result of being on an oscilloscope, the ball has MOTION TRAILS. It's already a pretty minimalistic game. I don't even think it kept score. The sheer amount of stuff games take from other mediums and arts and the incredibly powerful information technologies we have now give it an astonishing ability to grow and to look at it itself.

I think about Earthbound and how it's full of little touches that are really quite unnecessary and easily missed. Things like riding the bicycle in the raining woods, or the sesame seed in the desert quest. While the need to get something done pushes for streamlining, I wonder if it wouldn't be possible for a game to be defined (in a good way!) by tiny, extraneous things.

630th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Mon 21 Feb 12:17post reply

I think about Earthbound and how it's full of little touches that are really quite unnecessary and easily missed. Things like riding the bicycle in the raining woods, or the sesame seed in the desert quest. While the need to get something done pushes for streamlining, I wonder if it wouldn't be possible for a game to be defined (in a good way!) by tiny, extraneous things.
You mean "attention to detail"?

551th Post

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"Re(5):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Mon 21 Feb 14:03post reply

Hey, this looks pretty well made, graphically, at least.

There have been so many 2d fighters announced of late by companies I have never heard of that I am having trouble recalling which one is which.

Hell, maybe I should make one too!

2157th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Mon 21 Feb 14:51:post reply

I wonder if it wouldn't be possible for a game to be defined (in a good way!) by tiny, extraneous things.
11 years later, Shenmue is still your one true savior

bonus : Karasu, you can actually delete a post by using the Edit function. History will never be the same! (because you will have eliminated it)


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 21 Feb 14:52]

553th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Tue 22 Feb 00:50post reply


bonus : Karasu, you can actually delete a post by using the Edit function. History will never be the same! (because you will have eliminated it)

Zehaha, I had never noticed that! Thank you for the instruction. Now my sloppiness can be eliminated instantly (will happen a lot).

2123th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Tue 22 Feb 05:40post reply

tiny, extraneous things.

You mean "attention to detail"?

I'm not really sure. I wouldn't exactly call the sesame quest "attention to detail". And "attention to detail" can mean so many things! Things like carefully made and useful UI (Tactics Ogre PSP rant in 5...4...3...) is definitely a result of "attention to detail", but I wouldn't call that extraneous at all!

A really good example of "attention to detail" that is also very not extraneous is in console and PC first/third person shooters. Very few (almost none) games re-tune the game for PC controls. Most console FPS/TPS feature enemy movement that can only be perceived as forgiving or odd because they are designed to accommodate the limited angular acceleration and velocity of the analog stick. One game which thought about this is Monday Night Combat, which made some significant tweaks to the game like reducing sniper rifle clip sizes by more than half in order to deal with the nearly unbounded capacity for aiming the mouse can provide. That's totally attention to detail!

tl;dr live DAYTONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is totally awesome

868th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Tue 22 Feb 06:13post reply

Hey, this looks pretty well made, graphically, at least.

There have been so many 2d fighters announced of late by companies I have never heard of that I am having trouble recalling which one is which.

Hell, maybe I should make one too!



2125th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Tue 22 Feb 09:54post reply

Hey, this looks pretty well made, graphically, at least.

It looks dreadfully uninspiring in motion, sadly.
On the other hand, it's kind of amazing that the team behind Super Cosplay Wars could actually turn themselves into a real commercial entity.

5281th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Tue 22 Mar 12:10post reply

Asagi (one of the few Nippon Ichi characters that I have enjoyed in every game) is coming as DLC to Disgaea 4, news by Dengeki. Supposedly NipponIchi put up together the DLC quickly for the case of the earthquake emergency and are going to use the DLC pay as means to support the revenue / reconstruction efforts.

Nippon Icchi 3DS efforts.... Bikkuriman?

OT : An out of date interview about Nippon Ichi that I haven't read

I post here since I don't want to throw out of track the music talk in the other thread, and because my Dog is a tsundere.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

5283th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Wed 23 Mar 16:24post reply

Gal gun received an update that "fixes" the camera angle.... It's scary to read the rest.

Marvel vs Capcom 3 got patched... Are they saying that they are going to modify everything until they can balance the game? Good luck with that

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

767th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(9):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Wed 23 Mar 20:47post reply

Wait, a thread in which we don't talk about SNK? Unthinkable!
I now have this at home. Those among you who know SNK hardware very well will notice I requested a custom panel.


4047th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Wed 23 Mar 21:41post reply

Marvel vs Capcom 3 got patched... Are they saying that they are going to modify everything until they can balance the game? Good luck with that

First people were screaming that Sentinel was an indestructible, team-killing wall that broke the game. Now people are complaining that everyone is picking on that poor widdle robot and that he never did anything to deserve such a health drop. Game players are weird.

Remember that Strider-esque game called Moon Diver or Necromachina or something like that? It's going to be released on 3/29.

28th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(10):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Thu 24 Mar 06:35post reply

Marvel vs Capcom 3 got patched... Are they saying that they are going to modify everything until they can balance the game? Good luck with that
First people were screaming that Sentinel was an indestructible, team-killing wall that broke the game. Now people are complaining that everyone is picking on that poor widdle robot and that he never did anything to deserve such a health drop. Professional Fighting game players are weird.

Remember that Strider-esque game called Moon Diver or Necromachina or something like that? It's going to be released on 3/29.

Fixed that for you, they always scream ''god this character is like godlike, any scrub could pick him in 5 minutes and beat everybody online, the game is broken'' only to later said ''the poor dork wasn't that good, you just need to learn how to fight him, but now, he is obsolete, the game is broken''

5285th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Thu 24 Mar 07:11post reply

Wait, a thread in which we don't talk about SNK? Unthinkable!

Everybody knew he was there since the cast was leaked after all, but now you can see a trailer of Kratos in MK

More (other) Disgaea 4 DLC

Kinda OT, but.... ha-ha-ha ha ha ha

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

280th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(9):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Thu 24 Mar 07:48post reply

Marvel vs Capcom 3 got patched... Are they saying that they are going to modify everything until they can balance the game? Good luck with that

Addressing freezing and removing infinite combos are pretty fair game for a patch, even if you aren't aiming for "balance." They aren't cases of someone being too strong. They are cases of the game not working as planned.

The Sentinel change is a different issue. It seems pretty early to make such a big difference (cut to 70%) in life.

2719th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Random Thread Katamari Edition" , posted Thu 24 Mar 08:11post reply

The King of Cosmos Learns Java

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on our beloved MMCafe here (or at least the frames on these pages might make it require some fancy extra step), but feel free to roll up the crappy text at your second-favorite websites.

5287th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Random Thread Katamari Edition" , posted Thu 24 Mar 15:27:post reply

A certain game's DLC came out today (was it today?) priced at $10 and with that we can fulfill the mandatory dose of you know what into you know what thread.

Part 1 Chapter 13 - 1.
Part 2 Chapter 13 - 1 (trial).
Part 3 Chapter 13 - 2 (1/2).
Part 4 Chapter 13 - 2 (2/2).
Part 5 Chapter 13 - 2 (trial).
Part 6 Chapter 13 - 3 (1/5).
Part 7 Chapter 13 - 3 (2/5).
Part 8 Chapter 13 - 3 (3/5).
Part 9 Chapter 13 - 3 (4/5).
Part 10 Chapter 13 - 3 (5/5).
Part 11 Chapter 13 - 3 (trial).
Part 12 (bonus artwork (the whole point of the game to me)).

.... I hated that the game only had one character (something that most Castlevanias usually avoided), now we have some of our quells satisfied, I wonder if they could include a full game mode with her (she'll need an actual move list for that though).

I remember reading that there it was another planned DLC mission pack but I don't remember where... I think that it was a totally unofficial source (like the developers speaking over the radio or something).

By the way, a certain Harmony of Despair added DLCs on February and they were 8bits version of Simon Belmont and Getsu from the glorious game Getsu Fuuma Den. On the same day they released chapter 11 as DLC and they officially stated that no more chapters will be added as DLC.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 24 Mar 15:38]

388th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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Silver Customer

"Re(10):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Thu 24 Mar 17:36post reply

The Sentinel change is a different issue. It seems pretty early to make such a big difference (cut to 70%) in life.

The amount changed seemed pretty bi to me too, but maybe they're thinking of making further changes later on as needed - so for now they make the current target of complaints much weaker to see whom else players gravitate towards for exploitable tactics, then fix that one while maybe giving Sentinel a bit of health back since he's no longer the problem - then continuously repeat the process until just about everyone's been covered.
Far-fetched, but sounds like an interesting way to identify and fix balance issues over time.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

281th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Fri 25 Mar 01:06post reply

The amount changed seemed pretty bi to me too, but maybe they're thinking of making further changes later on as needed - so for now they make the current target of complaints much weaker to see whom else players gravitate towards for exploitable tactics, then fix that one while maybe giving Sentinel a bit of health back since he's no longer the problem - then continuously repeat the process until just about everyone's been covered.

It just seems more sensible that if they felt they had to act this soon, that they should have done a more gradual drop, and do a further drop in another patch if it proved necessary.

I was going to say that it seemed like Capcom was still stuck in the arcade mindset that updates to fighting games are expensive and take time, and thus they need to take bold steps in balance, rather than being able to take multiple minor steps. But then I thought about it and realized updates are still expensive.

I don't know about full release titles, but I recall an XBLA developer saying that XBLA titles got one free patch, and they had to pay for anything beyond that first patch. Microsoft presumably wants patches tested as well, regardless of what kind of patch they are. So Capcom probably still can't do something subtle like drop Sentinel's health by 100,000 every few weeks. (Well, I can see a way to do it that would dodge the patching process, but it would only apply to online matches. Offline, if the machine was still connected to the net.)

And honestly, are more patches even guaranteed? Sentinel's health change was probably riding on the back of a patch that Capcom had already decided to make. If Capcom doesn't find more glitches to fix, they might not do any more balance updates at all? So, in arguable classic arcade fashion, Capcom seemingly overreacted in how much of a change it made.

9239th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Sun 27 Mar 05:39post reply

I made a secret personal bet that Iggy would pop out from the corner and would add a tentatively sassy comment to the conversation right after that comment.

Damn you vile Chilean monkey! Now I'm forced to apologize with some groovy tunes (in the correct thread, at least, muhuhu).

Also, I think Shuma cures both syphilis and baldness.
He's also damn good with a dead Chinese girl to back him up, and with most ladies in general. Haggar quickly resumed his long lasting relationship with Arthur, and I think they're here to stay. Ironically, my best character, Dormammu, doesn't fit very well in any of these teams. snap.

648th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Random Thread Ninja Edition" , posted Sun 27 Mar 06:59post reply

River City Ransom 2 for WiiWare

2138th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Dissidia duodenum" , posted Mon 28 Mar 04:17post reply

... is what I think every time I read the title.

Speaking of -denum, I am suddenly reminded of Tactics Ogre's Denam.

Anyway, after playing Dissidia 012 for a bit, I suddenly find myself incredibly interested in playing the FF games that I never finished, like 4, 5, 9 and 10. Dissidia is interesting and all, but it's quite surprising how much it's ignited my desire to go and play these games!

2140th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Mon 28 Mar 09:09post reply

... is what I think every time I read the title.

Speaking of -denum, I am suddenly reminded of Tactics Ogre's Denam.

Anyway, after playing Dissidia 012 for a bit, I suddenly find myself incredibly interested in playing the FF games that I never finished, like 4, 5, 9 and 10. Dissidia is interesting and all, but it's quite surprising how much it's ignited my desire to go and play these games!

One thing that does bother me is that not only is the Final Fantasy 1 hero completely unrecognizable from any of the original Final Fantasy 1 sprites, in pre-rendered cutscenes he has an utterly terrifying Michael Jackson nose:
he's more frightening than any of the villains.

2720th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Mon 28 Mar 14:55post reply


Anyway, after playing Dissidia 012 for a bit, I suddenly find myself incredibly interested in playing the FF games that I never finished, like 4, 5, 9 and 10. Dissidia is interesting and all, but it's quite surprising how much it's ignited my desire to go and play these games!

At first I was just going to silently nod and move on but then I noticed... your username... and you never finished FF4? All this time I thought it was in reference to the famous Woolsey-ism.

5290th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Mon 28 Mar 15:52post reply


At first I was just going to silently nod and move on but then I noticed... your username... and you never finished FF4? All this time I thought it was in reference to the famous Woolsey-ism.

But.... You don't need to see the end of the game to face such marvelous use of engrish. It also helps that spoony bard is something that goes beyond the simple walls that and FF4 SNES cartridge represents, Hmm, See?

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

2721th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
Wii: 80085

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Mon 28 Mar 18:09post reply


But.... You don't need to see the end of the game to face such marvelous use of engrish. It also helps that spoony bard is something that goes beyond the simple walls that and FF4 SNES cartridge represents, Hmm, See?

True, but after being allowed to savor an extravagant line like that, what more must a game throw at you to make you want to finish it?

2141th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Mon 28 Mar 18:45post reply


But.... You don't need to see the end of the game to face such marvelous use of engrish. It also helps that spoony bard is something that goes beyond the simple walls that and FF4 SNES cartridge represents, Hmm, See?

True, but after being allowed to savor an extravagant line like that, what more must a game throw at you to make you want to finish it?

I was only ever able to play the game on an emulator, and after losing the save file due to various reasons, I couldn't get myself to go through the rest of the earlier part of the game.

This is pretty much what happened with some of the other FFs I haven't beaten; save files get lost/deleted/whatever'd, and I just lose the will to restart. I think it's especially bad for FF4, since I don't think that was even very far into the game!

36th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Tue 29 Mar 02:57post reply

I had never played dissidia, but correct me wrong, this game will be like a ''virtual on meets final fantasy?''


651th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Tue 29 Mar 11:56:post reply

But.... You don't need to see the end of the game to face such marvelous use of engrish. It also helps that spoony bard is something that goes beyond the simple walls that and FF4 SNES cartridge represents, Hmm, See?

Don't forget this guy.

In other news, Disaster Report isn't just canned, it is outright killed. And I thought Namco Bandai asking retailers to raid and destroy those One Piece 3DS promotional videos was extreme...

[this message was edited by sfried on Tue 29 Mar 11:56]

2172th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Tue 29 Mar 12:04:post reply

In other news, Disaster Report isn't just canned, it is outright killed.
Alas, current sensitivity or no, years from now, people will never know its many delights!


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 29 Mar 12:06]

3011th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Tue 29 Mar 12:54post reply

I had never played dissidia, but correct me wrong, this game will be like a ''virtual on meets final fantasy?''


Hah! Koei deserves it! Is Konami next?

Dissidia is... a little like Virtual On, in that you run around in 3D and attack with a mixture of projectiles and melee attacks, but that's about it. The air battles feel like dancing...

Speaking of Dissidia...

Anyway, after playing Dissidia 012 for a bit, I suddenly find myself incredibly interested in playing the FF games that I never finished, like 4, 5, 9 and 10. Dissidia is interesting and all, but it's quite surprising how much it's ignited my desire to go and play these games!

I finally decided I was enough of a Tales nerd to get Radiant Mythology 3 and it's caused a similar reaction. It's a good "fan" game, but not a good Tales game. It made me think "maybe I should finish Tales of Rebirth", but then I groaned when I got ToR characters on my team and knew that was a mistake.

It made me order Tales of Graces F, though...even though I already played ToG on Wii. At least I know that one is good.

On a related note, Play Asia has a 48 hour sale (already half over!) with 20% off all in-stock stuff. Shame they didn't have Vesperia PS3 in stock...

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1362th Post

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"Re(7):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Tue 29 Mar 14:47post reply

That'd be enough to get Play-Asia off of my shitlist for the nonsense they pulled with the PS3 NGCD pad I preordered (and, of course, didn't get), but I'm pretty sure my game budget is nonexistent after I decided to buy a 3DS on a whim on Sunday! Er, not that I'm not going to buy Moon Diver tomorrow, but...

Loving the 3DS, though! Pleasantly surprised by its size - it's about DS lite-sized. I was expecting it to be much bigger. People who say the launch titles are nothing inspiring would be correct, but I have a new Nintendogs, a good Ridge Racer (which I'm told is nothing new if you played RR6 or 7, but this is my first since RRV...) and plenty of fun toys to play with. AR cards! 3D camera! Face Raiders! This is definitely the kind of toy that's enhanced by how interested your friends are in it. Seems very socially-oriented, but I guess only time will tell how that works out? Haven't been out with it but I wonder if StreetPass will turn anything up on my commute tomorrow.

As for the 3D effect, it's really impressive! I had no clue what it'd look like before I got it out of the box, honestly, and I'm very happy with it. It's a bit much turned up all the way, but 50%-75% is great. It hurt my eyes a little bit on the first day, but today it didn't bother me at all. Not sure what to think of that. It bummed me out to turn it off when eyestrain set in, though, it really is cool.

Anyone else pick one up? Thoughts?

652th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Tue 29 Mar 17:05:post reply

Anyone else pick one up? Thoughts?

...My order is still in transit via Amazon... :frown: Just wanted to avoid the tax, that's all.

Oh well, I got store credit for getting system plus a game so I used it to on that new turn-based tactical RPG by that X-Com guy.

[this message was edited by sfried on Tue 29 Mar 17:06]

390th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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Silver Customer

"Re(6):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Tue 29 Mar 20:47post reply

I had never played dissidia, but correct me wrong, this game will be like a ''virtual on meets final fantasy?''

Never having played Virtual On, I'dcompare it more to modern DBZ games - then again, I haven't played those either, but someone at SE must have, since the game leans a lot towards aerial battles (at least the original one does, in part due to a Good Bad Bug that resets your jumps when you dodge).

It has an interesting solution to the dilemma between having lots of moves but complex controls, or simple controls but few moves, by giving you access to more attacks as you level up, and you get to pick which ones (for a total of about 12 attacks: 3 ground Brave attacks, 3 aerial Brave attacks, 3 ground HP attacks and 3 aerial HP attacks - generally sepaking at lest, some character have fewer attacks, but may have gimmick like the option of linking an a HP attack from a brave attack) you'll actually use in battle, so you can stick with favorted attacks.

All that flying seems a bit crazy knowing the source games (BTW, it really inspired me into looking into FF5), but it seems like a decent comprimise when you're pitting guys who're good with swords against demi-gods.

My GF is thinking of getting Duodecim so we can play together, but I hear the setup to play with someone else is a bit convoluted, and considerin it's competitive only, I wonder if it'd be worth it...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

652th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Dissidia Hadouken" , posted Wed 30 Mar 11:18post reply

Oh, and if anybody's playing SSFIV3D:

773th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(8):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Wed 30 Mar 19:11:post reply


Anyone else pick one up? Thoughts?

In a nutshell: yes.

I hope you live in an area with a lot of Street Pass / Surechigai, though. It is the best feature of the console.

Motion controls are nice too.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 30 Mar 19:14]

1561th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Wed 30 Mar 22:23post reply

It made me order Tales of Graces F, though...even though I already played ToG on Wii. At least I know that one is good.

The after story part for the ps3 version was rubbish though! Hated that

3012th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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"Re(8):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Thu 31 Mar 04:04post reply

That'd be enough to get Play-Asia off of my shitlist for the nonsense they pulled with the PS3 NGCD pad I preordered (and, of course, didn't get), but I'm pretty sure my game budget is nonexistent after I decided to buy a 3DS on a whim on Sunday! Er, not that I'm not going to buy Moon Diver tomorrow, but...

I would say "that's quite the impulse buy!" but I remember, we're all adults here. It's not 6 months of allowance.

For me, if I got a 3DS, it would just force me to play games I don't want to play. I'm glad to hear positive reviews of the system, but despite the time and money I throw into video games, I only buy a system when it has a game I simply can't live without on it.

I wasn't really impressed with the Moon Diver demo. I think I liked Hard Corps better. I thought "maybe it would be better with 4 players, but then it would just get slowed down more with the super moves...

All that flying seems a bit crazy knowing the source games (BTW, it really inspired me into looking into FF5), but it seems like a decent comprimise when you're pitting guys who're good with swords against demi-gods.

My GF is thinking of getting Duodecim so we can play together, but I hear the setup to play with someone else is a bit convoluted, and considerin it's competitive only, I wonder if it'd be worth it...

I think they manage it well enough. The characters who can fly look like they're flying and the characters who "can't" are just...uhm... jumping and spinning an infinite number of times. When you dive or shoot across a pit, I like it that some characters look like they took an impossibly powerful jump rather than strictly floating. In Advent Children, everyone looked like they weighed about 5 pounds, even when they were hitting each other, so it...erm...makes sense?

I had a terrible time trying to play the first game with my friends. If your GF enjoys the competition and isn't into more complicated fighting games, it might be good, but with me it was a bunch of complications, poor balance and sore losers.

The after story part for the ps3 version was rubbish though! Hated that

Ironically, I had completely forgotten that existed! I guess that would've been a selling point before your admonishment. Hopefully, it won't make me retroactively hate the whole game?

I love how Namco has crowded up the PSN store with free skits from the game. So whenever you go to download a skit, you think "maybe I do want that Miku costume after all." I might have to get Malik's school costume, since he wore the swimsuit the last time I went through...(until it got too distracting)

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1364th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Thu 31 Mar 07:43post reply

I hope you live in an area with a lot of Street Pass / Surechigai, though. It is the best feature of the console.

On the days I've taken it out, I believe I got 4 hits on Tuesday and 5 today. Not too bad so far! One was a repeat and now his Mii is level 2 in Find Mii. It's kinda cool to depend on the people you live, work and travel near to help you advance or compete in games. This feature has so much potential that it's ridiculous, but I feel bad for those who live in rural areas. When adoption of this thing picks up it's gonna be awesome.
I would say "that's quite the impulse buy!" but I remember, we're all adults here. It's not 6 months of allowance.

I kinda had the same reaction. I've been doing this whole "being a grown-up" thing for a while but this is one of those times where I was like, "...can I really do this? Is this okay?" and I looked at my bank account and was shocking to find out that yes I could and yes it was! Weird.

I'm really bad at big purchases. I tend to deliberate over them for weeks and then regret them for more weeks when I made them. I had about ten minutes of "shit, I should take this back" and then a couple hours of "ooh 3D puppy "

I wasn't really impressed with the Moon Diver demo. I think I liked Hard Corps better. I thought "maybe it would be better with 4 players, but then it would just get slowed down more with the super moves...

I was gonna buy it. And then they made me use the analog stick. And then the level design was dull and the action kind of boring. I'll buy it when it's not $15. Hard Corps Uprising still has a lot for me to do! Really fun game.

2173th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Thu 31 Mar 11:08post reply


I'm really bad at big purchases. I tend to deliberate over them for weeks and then regret them for more weeks when I made them.
Grave, I totally get this, even now. I remember how I was supposed to buy a DS Lite in 2006 and accidentally (?!) didn't buy one until 2008. When I did, it was in celebration of a new job and it was March or so, so it was going to be part of "March Madness," until my friends and I realized, "woah, better not get carried away," so we decided to stick with "Moderate Madness." I think I got an unprecedented two new games at the time, though. Like woah.


654th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Thu 31 Mar 14:03post reply

Can't wait to get to work to StreetPass my Street Fighter. Too bad I'm a little sucky at the moment with input commands.

4058th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Thu 31 Mar 22:12post reply


I wasn't really impressed with the Moon Diver demo. I think I liked Hard Corps better. I thought "maybe it would be better with 4 players, but then it would just get slowed down more with the super moves...

I was gonna buy it. And then they made me use the analog stick. And then the level design was dull and the action kind of boring. I'll buy it when it's not $15. Hard Corps Uprising still has a lot for me to do! Really fun game.

Chalk me up as another person who was disappointed with the Moon Diver demo. I was hoping for a sword swinging super ninja game. Instead, the demo made the title feel like a grind-happy magic based affair that was saddled with clunky, convoluted controls and bland level design. I wanted the game to take its inspiration from Strider, instead it felt like Odin Sphere.

5292th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Sat 2 Apr 03:03post reply

People may have heard of "play for japan" before... Do yourself a favor and scroll to were "the artist" are listed.

Famitsu has some details of El Shaddai Here and Here .... The game looks.... just like one would expect (pfff )

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

4059th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Sat 2 Apr 06:17post reply

Bonus life for Nippon Ichi.

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"Re(4):Re(10):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Sun 10 Apr 07:45post reply

Yes, I do

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

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Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

2179th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Sun 10 Apr 08:19post reply


wait a second.

oh snap



2143th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Sun 10 Apr 10:32post reply


wait a second.

oh snap


Alright, the world really is ending on May 21st, I'm a believer now.

3019th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Fri 15 Apr 05:03post reply

You guys are playing the El Shaddai demo and taking your clothes off, right?

(Either I'm really bad at the game, or the enemies take too many hits.)

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

5308th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Continium Shaft" , posted Sat 16 Apr 08:53:post reply

You guys are playing the El Shaddai demo and taking your clothes off, right?

I like your thinking.

Moe-tan for quin's gait?

Every time one of these hits, an angel get it's wings, If you can't win with 4th batter Heihachi or Ace pitcher Reiko, then you can't win at all

So, no Sound effects nor anything for the early trailer, probably means that they are going to redub everything and change the music yet again for the final release, ah? I'LL MASH YOU LIKE POTATOES!

Asura's Wrath According to dengeki, the images are the most interesting thing to me from there.

Nippon Ichi remind us that we can burn money on them! How kind!


OH Wow!
... Wait, is it going to become Exodus' gallery of arcade cabinets?

I'd hit it.

edit :

Ok, so basically the forced patch forces the (un)balance changes into the game, but for everything else there is Mastercard (?); hence Pátinium and the others are still DLC. Pátinium will be available for auction with the 1.03 update (that sounded so wrong in my mind... Or rather, so right).

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 16 Apr 11:57]

3008th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Re(10):Dissidia duodenum" , posted Sat 16 Apr 10:30post reply


wait a second.

oh snap


OH Wow!
... Wait, is it going to become Exodus' gallery of arcade cabinets?

3020th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Continium Shaft" , posted Sat 16 Apr 14:24post reply


Ok, so basically the forced patch forces the (un)balance changes into the game, but for everything else there is Mastercard (?); hence Pátinium and the others are still DLC.

The word isn't UN-balance, it's RE-balance. UN-balance implies that it was balanced and they broke it. In this case, they've simply re-arranged broken pieces in a (ideally) more amusing manner. Or maybe it's more like repairing a finger, then breaking a thumb. Either way, I find the game a lot more fun now.

Complaining about not being able to play whichever version you like online is like expecting to have two cakes and eat both of them. Still, it's not nearly as silly as the people complaining about DLC characters offering an unfair advantage. I don't get internet rage very often, but that was really getting on my nerves.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1368th Post

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"Re(2):Continium Shaft" , posted Sat 16 Apr 14:26post reply

Complaining about not being able to play whichever version you like online is like expecting to have two cakes and eat both of them. Still, it's not nearly as silly as the people complaining about DLC characters offering an unfair advantage. I don't get internet rage very often, but that was really getting on my nerves.

Who said you can't pick versions? Every patch so far (that I'm aware of, anyway) allowed you to host rooms running a different version if you wanted to skip DLC chars or whatever. Is that not the case now? Maybe I'm hallucinating the whole thing? It's really hard to tell these days.

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"Re(3):Continium Shaft" , posted Sat 16 Apr 15:41post reply

BlazBlue stuff

End of Spoiler

I guess the people getting the portable versions are lucky as I hear it includes all the stuff included in this update.

4069th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Continium Shaft" , posted Sun 17 Apr 02:31post reply

Questions, questions, questions.

You guys are playing the El Shaddai demo and taking your clothes off, right?

So how is El Shaddi? Does it play well or did the game peak with that trailer everyone became mesmerized by?

Ok, so basically the forced patch forces the (un)balance changes into the game, but for everything else there is Mastercard (?); hence Pátinium and the others are still DLC. Pátinium will be available for auction with the 1.03 update (that sounded so wrong in my mind... Or rather, so right).
Why did it take Platinum so long to get released? Was the character designed to be an arcade exclusive?

Between the gender confusion and cool magical-item-based gameplay, Platinum will be a joy to play for both fans of cute adorable things and hardcore fighting game enthusiasts alike!

Uh... okay!

3021th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Continium Shaft" , posted Sun 17 Apr 07:00post reply


Who said you can't pick versions? Every patch so far (that I'm aware of, anyway) allowed you to host rooms running a different version if you wanted to skip DLC chars or whatever. Is that not the case now? Maybe I'm hallucinating the whole thing? It's really hard to tell these days.

Shows what I know! I need to get better at discerning the inane from the informative in Toxico's posts.

So how is El Shaddi? Does it play well or did the game peak with that trailer everyone became mesmerized by?

A bunch of short sentences:

It's so-so. Jumping in 3D is awkward. Combat could be fun or not so fun depending on if you get new stuff to do. You don't lock onto the enemies very well, so you end up missing a lot. The platform segments seem cool. It reminds me of Okami a lot. It looks amazing. The soundtrack might be good.

It's a curiosity. I think it's clear that it isn't a fantastic game already, but it might be a fantastic experience. I'll wait for the word on the street. If the plot is good and it's not too repetitive, I'm sold.

Why did it take Platinum so long to get released? Was the character designed to be an arcade exclusive?

I can't say why for sure, but it seems to make sense. One reason is to give the arcade version a little more time in the spotlight, as well as the portable ones (as Sfried said, they have everything in the update, and probably more in terms of extra content).

I suppose they could've launched Platinum on her own, but it gives the arcade update more
"punch" by waiting to release her at the same time.

If it was just a little change, I would say they were jerking our chains, but having spent time with the arcade version, I can say it's a fairly significant reworking. I don't think my bread and butter combo with any character except Makoto wasn't nixed or significantly altered. I've certainly played less-altered Guilty Gear updates, waited longer for them and paid significantly more, so I think Arksys is making a move in the right direction. Same goes with Capcom and SF AE.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(3):Continium Shaft" , posted Sun 17 Apr 09:19post reply

Who said you can't pick versions? Every patch so far (that I'm aware of, anyway) allowed you to host rooms running a different version if you wanted to skip DLC chars or whatever. Is that not the case now? Maybe I'm hallucinating the whole thing? It's really hard to tell these days.

Graveden, turn the game console off right now.

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

185th Post

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"Re(4):Continium Shaft" , posted Sun 17 Apr 10:42post reply

Pollyana El Shaddai rant

I pretty much agree with you. Attacks miss way too much, especially the "jump over, come from behind and attack" move. I wound up mostly using the projectile one more than the melee partially cause I'm not missing as much and also cause air dashing is fun.

But really the main seller is that like the story and the visuals. I didn't catch on to it when looking at the game but after playing it, it looks like one of the last few mission in DMC3, very abstract. But I think it could end up being too abstract and then all the levels just become very similiar looking and indistinguishable. I got confused for a second at one part whether I was repeating a section or was actually progressing or if it was one of those Super Mario Bros 1 Bowser castle style sections.

Oh and question:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Is Pyramid Head one of those classic "you have to die" bosses? Cause I died and then afterwards I still progressed.

End of Spoiler

2150th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Continium Shaft" , posted Mon 18 Apr 02:28post reply


It's a curiosity. I think it's clear that it isn't a fantastic game already, but it might be a fantastic experience. I'll wait for the word on the street. If the plot is good and it's not too repetitive, I'm sold.

NIER is the new meta.

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"Re(1):Continium Shaft" , posted Tue 19 Apr 17:37post reply

Moe-tan for quin's gait?

Good grief... I want to like this, or at least the SNK fan in me wants to, but the more news come out the more reasons come up to push me away from this...

Related, it seems SRWZ2 is already out, and at least the comments in the SRW thread in the Something Awful forums are looking very positive. They mention fun little touches like Kamina's glasses being a Morale boosting item that work particularly well on Simon, Daiguard's defense stat being 10 times smaller than Mazinger's, and the Daiguard and some other series pilots having an innate skill called Salaryman. Of all those series I've only watched Daiguard (I gotta get round to watching VOTOMS...), and not all of it, but I like what I'm reading...
Also, since the game's a 2-parter, it seems its saved data carries over to the upcoming 2nd part.

I just kinda skimmed that though, and got the impression that regular copies are almost sold out (some people ordered the special edition)... I hope I misread that... I was kinda thinking of waiting for Queen's Gate to order the 2 together...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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Bronze Customer

"To buy or not to buy?" , posted Tue 19 Apr 18:50post reply

was wondering about the recent lack of shumps in my life. Hey, I'm going to buy Mamonoro limited on PS3, it's similar to KikiKaiKai so it's a given to me.
But I also noticed Eschatos and Bullet Soul coming to 360 REGION FREE. Oh, the bless.
Oh, the fxxx! I don't have the money to buy all 3 at the same time, import goes strong here, we have to pay a lot of taxes so I ask you cafers what do you think about the 2 Xbox titles above.
Is there a game that is inferior to another or are at the same level? Have you played them? Are there similar to other titles or a completely new experience?

186th Post

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"Re(1):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Wed 20 Apr 18:02post reply

Skullgirls will have music by Michiru Yamane! I don't know who did the developers sell their souls to but this is just a fantastic out of nowhere surprise. I just hope they release the soundtrack in some way.

In other downloadable all girls 2D fighter news, Arcana Heart 3 is out on US PSN. I'm still busy with the excellent MK9 right now but I'm glad I can get into the series finally after the botched sequel.

584th Post

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"Re(1):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 21 Apr 03:31post reply

was wondering about the recent lack of shumps in my life. Hey, I'm going to buy Mamonoro limited on PS3, it's similar to KikiKaiKai so it's a given to me.
But I also noticed Eschatos and Bullet Soul coming to 360 REGION FREE. Oh, the bless.
Oh, the fxxx! I don't have the money to buy all 3 at the same time, import goes strong here, we have to pay a lot of taxes so I ask you cafers what do you think about the 2 Xbox titles above.
Is there a game that is inferior to another or are at the same level? Have you played them? Are there similar to other titles or a completely new experience?

I have a sense that this genre is not the most popular here, but I am personally a huge shooter fan. I've been thinking about Eschatos quite seriously since it includes Judgement Silversword which I've always wanted to try. Still, I just invested in a Japanese X360 setup to play Dodonpachi Dai-Fukkatsu and Ketsui, so I may hold off for just a bit.

ALSO: You neglected to mention Otomedius X, which is released this week! As a spiritual successor to Parodius, I've given it quite a bit of consideration as well. Plus Akai Katana Shin comes soon!

On a related note, I've always wondered why shooters for the X360 (Cave ones in particular) have such a high retail price compared to other games. Is it because there is a such a fanatical captive audience? Some of the individuals at the Shmups board appear to spend thousands on their setups. Anyone who is less clueless than me care to comment?

4072th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 21 Apr 04:38post reply

Skullgirls will have music by Michiru Yamane! I don't know who did the developers sell their souls to but this is just a fantastic out of nowhere surprise. I just hope they release the soundtrack in some way.

What a crazy coup that is! I don't know what the end product is going to be, but it seems that someone is trying to make sure that Skullgirls is more than just another all girl doujin fighting game.

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"Re(3):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 21 Apr 11:58post reply

What is it with all girl fighters/"panty fighters"? Is the one that at least has one or two male fighters in it? The only one I can think of is Melty Blood (and I'm not sure either if it should be labeled as such, but given the source material...).

That said, it surprises me how Skullgirls has gotten some recognition here. I'm wondering how the folks in Japan see this as, or will they merely brush it off as "kusoge" given the history of American-made fighting games (and what about the latest MK?).

397th Post

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"Re(4):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 21 Apr 17:33post reply

What is it with all girl fighters/"panty fighters"?

I wonder if someday we'll see enough of a backlash from these that someone will bother making and releasing a fighting game where all characters are male and aged 30+, roughly with a theme "this is what I wanna be when I grow up" instead of "characters to ****/cuddle with".

Then again, perhaps the more down-to-earth MMA and wrestling games have that covered...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 21 Apr 21:50post reply

I wonder if someday we'll see enough of a backlash from these that someone will bother making and releasing a fighting game where all characters are male and aged 30+, roughly with a theme "this is what I wanna be when I grow up" instead of "characters to ****/cuddle with".

Garoû Densetsu and Street Fighter ?

Then Mai and Chunli came and spoiled everything.

781th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 21 Apr 22:29:post reply

That is actually a pretty cool trivia question! Hmm, on the spot and not counting those MMA/Boxing/wrestling sims, the latest game I can think of is Buriki One in 1999, but let me think about it over the weekend.

[edit] What about the Wu-Tang / DefJam games?


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 21 Apr 22:59]

69th Post

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"Re(6):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 21 Apr 23:24post reply

That is actually a pretty cool trivia question! Hmm, on the spot and not counting those MMA/Boxing/wrestling sims, the latest game I can think of is Buriki One in 1999, but let me think about it over the weekend.

[edit] What about the Wu-Tang / DefJam games?

To be fair, old school games where because there was only one woman for sex appeal, and still they were designed so you can buy that they could beat the other guys in the roster

If im not wrong hokuto no ken has only one woman

4073th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 21 Apr 23:34post reply

That is actually a pretty cool trivia question! Hmm, on the spot and not counting those MMA/Boxing/wrestling sims, the latest game I can think of is Buriki One in 1999, but let me think about it over the weekend.

Just a guess here, but if an all-male game was built it would probably end up being designed to cater to those who prefer toned men over young girls. Different song, same melody.

As for the last y chromosome fighter was, Chaz may be right with Buriki One. Fighting games based around adolescent male power fantasy manga such as Hokuto no Ken and Yuu Yuu Hakusho had several all-male casts. By 1999, however, I think even the most shonen of series had started to let a token girl or two into the clubhouse.

What about that bizarre fighting/stripping game that never went anywhere? If I remember correctly that game featured male/female teams but only the men fought while the women waited off-screen to see if they got to keep their clothes. So the question here is... who the hell thought that game was a good idea? No, wait, the question is... does that game qualify as an all-male roster?

5311th Post

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"Re(7):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 21 Apr 23:45:post reply

So the question here is... who the hell thought that game was a good idea? No, wait, the question is... does that game qualify as an all-male roster?

I think that one of the bosses was female (and of course you know what happens to her).

Speaking of all male casts shouldn't one of the Chou Aniki fighting games count? Or were they depraved with a female character at some point?

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 22 Apr 00:45]

585th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Fri 22 Apr 01:15post reply


Speaking of all male casts shouldn't one of the Chou Aniki fighting games count? Or were they depraved with a female character at some point?

Unless I am forgetting a fighting game in the series, I am pretty sure they all include at least one female character.

I can't honestly think of a game other than Buriki One that meets this criterion (and I would have forgotten that one if Chaz had not mentioned it, really).

3023th Post

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"Re(2):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Sat 23 Apr 08:29post reply

Related, it seems SRWZ2 is already out, and at least the comments in the SRW thread in the Something Awful forums are looking very positive.

DUDE. I have been lukewarm on SRW for years, but I decided to get this one (after skipping out on a few) and BOY AM I GLAD. Although I haven't played every game in the series, this one is my favorite by a LONG SHOT. (Of course, I had problems with the previous games that SRW fans don't see at all, so maybe you should take my opinion with a grain of salt.)

Still, it's really blown me away thus far. The fact that it has so many of my favorite series is a plus, but I just feel like I offers a more "well-rounded strategy game experience" than many of the other games. I could go on and on, but I'll just say that any good press the game has received is well-deserved and probably true.

I actually liked Queen's Blade better than SRW, but this game is so good that it's killed my anticipation for Queen's Gate.


On a related note, I've always wondered why shooters for the X360 (Cave ones in particular) have such a high retail price compared to other games. Is it because there is a such a fanatical captive audience?

This is why I'm not into shooters that much. I play Touhou and that's pretty much it. I can't justify the price, because I just don't get that much out of a shooting game. I got Deathsmiles when it came out over here, and I got Ikaruga on 360, but I can't see spending $80 on a game that might not tickle my fancy for more than a few hours.

I'm sad that someone is talking about importing something and I have nothing to contribute, though...

In other downloadable all girls 2D fighter news, Arcana Heart 3 is out on US PSN. I'm still busy with the excellent MK9 right now but I'm glad I can get into the series finally after the botched sequel.

With MvsC3 still (somewhat) entertaining me, the BlazBlue update coming out in a few weeks and SF4AE a month after that, I don't know if I have "room" for Arcana Heart. It came at a pretty bad time, considering how relatively few 2-D (style) fighters there are on the market.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

588th Post

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"Re(3):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Sat 23 Apr 08:35post reply


This is why I'm not into shooters that much. I play Touhou and that's pretty much it. I can't justify the price, because I just don't get that much out of a shooting game. I got Deathsmiles when it came out over here, and I got Ikaruga on 360, but I can't see spending $80 on a game that might not tickle my fancy for more than a few hours.

I'm sad that someone is talking about importing something and I have nothing to contribute, though...

Hee hee, that's okay-- I can recall you lamenting the low number of importers here some time back. This and PSP games are about all I import these days. It's a niche interest, and I suspect that this is part of why the price is high: a small group of rabid fans.

I personally find Cave shooters especially enthralling. There is a lot to look at and discover and I can always seem to coax a few more points out of a game the longer I play it.

2731th Post

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"Re(6):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Sat 23 Apr 11:06post reply

That is actually a pretty cool trivia question! Hmm, on the spot and not counting those MMA/Boxing/wrestling sims, the latest game I can think of is Buriki One in 1999, but let me think about it over the weekend.

[edit] What about the Wu-Tang / DefJam games?

Well, if you're going to mention Buriki One, I'll have to throw out Garouden Breakblow: Fist or Twist as my guess. Though my experience with the game is limited to what I've seen of it on youtube, it seems fully testicular.

349th Post

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"Re(4):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Sat 23 Apr 16:50post reply


I personally find Cave shooters especially enthralling. There is a lot to look at and discover and I can always seem to coax a few more points out of a game the longer I play it.

Yes, Cave games are deep and have a very good gameplay based on hitboxes and score system for the most part. I find achivements pretty good to look after in these kind of games, they have sense because they're entertaining and challenging and because they improve the lenght of the game to you.
I buy only region free japanese shooters, because I can't stand 360 as a system and I don't want to buy another for a bunch of 3-4 games (altough very good ones!). It's sad that Cave stopped being region-free...

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"Re(7):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Sat 23 Apr 22:51post reply

That is actually a pretty cool trivia question! Hmm, on the spot and not counting those MMA/Boxing/wrestling sims, the latest game I can think of is Buriki One in 1999, but let me think about it over the weekend.

[edit] What about the Wu-Tang / DefJam games?

Well, if you're going to mention Buriki One, I'll have to throw out Garouden Breakblow: Fist or Twist as my guess. Though my experience with the game is limited to what I've seen of it on youtube, it seems fully testicular.

Also the Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix games and the Sakigake!! Otokojuku fighter on PS2.

For some reason I have spend quite a lot of time playing all of those!


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"Re(8):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Sun 24 Apr 02:34post reply

It's funny when people mentions buriki one. 2 years ago I thought that takato was a woman

maybe he was from San Francisco

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"Re(9):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Mon 25 Apr 01:00post reply

Question for those who has bought Castlevania Harmony of Despair

The game looks cool and all, but the fact that between the stages and now characters I will had to expend 4000 ms points really turns me off, those characters are not included with the new stages?

5311th Post

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"Re(10):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Mon 25 Apr 02:45post reply

Question for those who has bought Castlevania Harmony of Despair

The game looks cool and all, but the fact that between the stages and now characters I will had to expend 4000 ms points really turns me off, those characters are not included with the new stages?

According to the wiki they are sold separately, but the retro guys are cheaper.

Random Stuff.

Rockman Dash 3, ah?

FF Reishiki?

Monster hunter with SF skins? (source) .... Yeah, I'm totally interested....

List of DLC things in Disgaea 4. Only the robot looks totally cool. セーブアイコン屋 ??

Detais on the game that everyone wants to play Tokyo Jungle. I would totally consume all humans, but too bad that there it doesn't seem to be any.

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3027th Post

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"Re(10):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Mon 25 Apr 05:36post reply

Question for those who has bought Castlevania Harmony of Despair

The game looks cool and all, but the fact that between the stages and now characters I will had to expend 4000 ms points really turns me off, those characters are not included with the new stages?

No, but you probably don't need all of them. I can say that Yoko is a waste of money, certainly. Also, I would recommend "winning" the game before you buy the new levels. Not that they aren't worth it (to me at least), but they're decidedly harder and you'll have enough to keep you busy at first even without them. After you got through the initial stages,it'll be easier to decide if the new ones are worth the money or not.

Orrrrr...you can wait for it to go on sale, I guess. They had a sale on it a few months back, handily right after I bought everything.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(2):Re(10):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Wed 27 Apr 02:08post reply

Ono, what are you smoking?... No. That amount of mental disorder and trolling can only be attributed to withdrawal symptoms caused by lack of drugs.

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"Re(3):Re(10):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Wed 27 Apr 03:14post reply

Ono, what are you smoking?... No. That amount of mental disorder and trolling can only be attributed to withdrawal symptoms caused by lack of drugs.

Finally, a DLC character for MvC3 we can all agree on!

Speaking of DLC, the big party pack of outfits for SSF4 came out today. Well, it would have come out today for PS3 users except PSN is still lying face-down on the mat. Here I wanted Sakura in a summer dress but I also wanted to be frugal and wait for the combined package. I chose poorly.

3018th Post

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"PSN issue, official statement" , posted Wed 27 Apr 14:12:post reply

It's all around the news so I don't think there's a real need to post this here, but just for the sake of things. PSN has been down and there is now an official announcement that the personal data of its registered users is suspected to have been leaked from illegal access. This includes user's real names, home addresses, birthdates, mail addresses, user ids, and passwords. Investigations are still ongoing and SCE is not sure if credit card numbers were also comprimised, but is issuing warnings just in case.


[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 27 Apr 14:18]

304th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Wed 27 Apr 16:14post reply

Ono, what are you smoking?

I just don't know.


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"Re(4):Re(10):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 28 Apr 00:46post reply

Today was released ninjump from cave

1) The game is very beautiful actually
2) I hate how cave games are not released here, first guwange and now this, I guess that I should buy some NA points

191th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):To buy or not to buy?" , posted Thu 28 Apr 03:06post reply

Today was released ninjump from cave

1) The game is very beautiful actually
2) I hate how cave games are not released here, first guwange and now this, I guess that I should buy some NA points

Best of all, its 400 space bucks = $5. That's like 2006 era prices we're talking about.

One problem though is that I find the screen to be quite blurry, like watching composite SD video on an HD LCD(or maybe the whole dark theater gives me that feeling). This combined with the simplistic mechanics and the very very short segmentation of the levels make it seem as though it was originally made for the iPhone but Cave decided to move it to 360 for some reason.

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"Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Thu 28 Apr 11:59post reply

Shigeo Komori and Shinichi Yoshiike's new RPG announced. Himukai is back as character designer.

Never played the Atelier games, but hopefully this one will have FOEs again.

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"Re(1):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Fri 29 Apr 01:59post reply

A new trailer for Binary Domain. It seems the killer army of robots were "secretly given ego and emotion." That was probably the wrong app to download. I'm still not certain what to think about having the game star some generic space marine guys. Then again, in another time and place the game would have starred some generic anime guys like the type found in Steel Gunner so I suppose this bit of casting is just a variation on a theme.

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"Re(2):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Fri 29 Apr 02:44post reply

Steel Gunner

BTW, someone else reminded me of this, but Aquaplaza or something revealed yet again another character. Honestly speaking from the whole cast I only know one name (name who I can't even confidently recognize from within the character portraits) and judging by the nature of the designs I'm interested in keeping things that way.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

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"Re(3):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Sat 30 Apr 01:04post reply

I just noticed that the censorship with the american version of Catherine starts with the cover. How far will it go? Only time will tell.

An amazing set of pics for Tokyo Jungle. I demand a Ribbon for the pet gator! (and mandatory Karate gi for the bear).

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4079th Post

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"Re(4):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Sat 30 Apr 01:32post reply

I just noticed that the censorship with the american version of Catherine starts with the cover. How far will it go? Only time will tell.

It seems there will be two versions: the true covers and the versions for those that prefer their sexy puzzle games to be a bit more demure. This means there will be at least four covers for Catherine. This seems like overkill but Catherine is forging its own path.

An amazing set of pics for Tokyo Jungle. I demand a Ribbon for the pet gator! (and mandatory Karate gi for the bear).

I can't wait for my under-leveled animal to be torn apart by a pack of marauding baby chicks.

I'm certain this has been mentioned elsewhere, but the countdown for the new Soul Calibur has started. What guest characters will overshadow the game this time?

4533th Post

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"Re(5):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Sat 30 Apr 01:39post reply

I'm certain this has been mentioned elsewhere, but the countdown for the new Soul Calibur has started. What guest characters will overshadow the game this time?

Darkstalkers characters, as Ono and Harada continue their wacky crossover escapades...

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"Re(6):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Sat 30 Apr 03:50post reply

Tri-Ace trying to make other developers look lazy in the presentation dept. I say "trying" because of their case with press media bullshots, but if this tech demo is any indication...

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"Re(3):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Sat 30 Apr 06:32post reply


BTW, someone else reminded me of this, but Aquaplaza or something revealed yet again another character. Honestly speaking from the whole cast I only know one name (name who I can't even confidently recognize from within the character portraits) and judging by the nature of the designs I'm interested in keeping things that way.

What's with all the 'all-female-cast' 2D fighters lately? I know that this is likely just a trend but it sure would suck if this is what the 2D fighter genre ended up being reduced to --not that I'm especially against all-female casts, but... sheesh, the aesthetic of these four is pretty crappy. Maybe the three that haven't been released will be fun to play at least.

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"Re(4):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Sat 30 Apr 09:41post reply

What's with all the 'all-female-cast' 2D fighters lately?
You might as well extend that to "what's with all of these all-female high school girl anime" lately? But I agree. As I've said earlier, there are way too many "panty fighters" coming out.

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"Re(5):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Sun 1 May 08:11post reply

You might as well extend that to "what's with all of these all-female high school girl anime" lately? But I agree. As I've said earlier, there are way too many "panty fighters" coming out.

You hit the nail on the head, since most of these games are aimed at otaku...two of them are even based on ero games/visual novels.

But it's a different market. I don't think it's fair to say "there's too many" because they're not being made at the expense of different fighting games. I'm watching plenty of anime and playing plenty of fighters to not have to complain about things that weren't aimed at me in the first place.

One game that wasn't mentioned was the Umineko fighting game:

Which has 3 guys at least

I actually played that one. It was okay for one of those games, but the character select song was pretty great.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(6):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Sun 1 May 08:16post reply

You might as well extend that to "what's with all of these all-female high school girl anime" lately? But I agree. As I've said earlier, there are way too many "panty fighters" coming out.

You hit the nail on the head, since most of these games are aimed at otaku...two of them are even based on ero games/visual novels.

But it's a different market. I don't think it's fair to say "there's too many" because they're not being made at the expense of different fighting games. I'm watching plenty of anime and playing plenty of fighters to not have to complain about things that weren't aimed at me in the first place.

One game that wasn't mentioned was the Umineko fighting game:

Which has 3 guys at least

I actually played that one. It was okay for one of those games, but the character select song was pretty great.

Hasn't been always like this? I recall seeing this a lot in lesser known consoles

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"Re(4):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Sun 1 May 11:21post reply


What's with all the 'all-female-cast' 2D fighters lately? I know that this is likely just a trend but it sure would suck if this is what the 2D fighter genre ended up being reduced to --not that I'm especially against all-female casts, but... sheesh, the aesthetic of these four is pretty crappy. Maybe the three that haven't been released will be fun to play at least.

That sort of thing's been around for years - Queen of Hearts comes to mind.

It's funny to see that Aquapazza features one or two characters (I only recognize Multi there) from this series of videos for fake SRWish crossover games - not my sort of aesthetics, but I have to admit these are nicely put together.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(5):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Sun 1 May 16:22:post reply


What's with all the 'all-female-cast' 2D fighters lately? I know that this is likely just a trend but it sure would suck if this is what the 2D fighter genre ended up being reduced to --not that I'm especially against all-female casts, but... sheesh, the aesthetic of these four is pretty crappy. Maybe the three that haven't been released will be fun to play at least.

That sort of thing's been around for years - Queen of Hearts comes to mind.

Pretty much, I remember all female cast fighters since the PC-Engine days.

Sony says that things are supposedly gonna go back to normal soon

Stuff for free?

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 1 May 16:44]

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"Streets Of Rage Remake" , posted Mon 2 May 01:48post reply

It's pretty awesome, and this is coming from someone who wasn't familiar with SOR back in the day. I was more of a Final Fight guy (PUN HAR HAR). This goes to show you that SEGA fans are more adept at making games than SEGA themselves. Shame about how SEGA pulled it down but it shouldn't be that hard to get.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Killing Cody and getting a 1up from him was hilarious

End of Spoiler

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"Re(1):Streets Of Rage Remake" , posted Mon 2 May 07:57post reply

It's pretty awesome, and this is coming from someone who wasn't familiar with SOR back in the day. I was more of a Final Fight guy (PUN HAR HAR). This goes to show you that SEGA fans are more adept at making games than SEGA themselves. Shame about how SEGA pulled it down but it shouldn't be that hard to get.

They should just pull a Valve and hire those guys.


I love SoR2, but always found it's only problem was the lack of things like the team moves from SoR1, and neat weapons like the breakable bottle.

This remake lets you play thourgh the original SoR1 and SoR2 paths with all the extra options from the entire series, and if you unlock enough stuff, with a SoR2 Shiva and SoR1 Blaze team. <3

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(5):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Tue 3 May 01:26:post reply


That sort of thing's been around for years - Queen of Hearts comes to mind.

Well, I more meant that there seems to be a particularly dense concentration of them-- there were certainly several all-female fighters that I quite enjoyed for the PC Engine-- not that all-female fighters are a new thing.

Looks like there is yet another 2D fighter (both genders) coming before long, this time for X360. And I thought sure that I would have my first chance to play as a person in a ballgown in s Gouketsuji Ichizoku game!


I love SoR2, but always found it's only problem was the lack of things like the team moves from SoR1, and neat weapons like the breakable bottle.

This remake lets you play thourgh the original SoR1 and SoR2 paths with all the extra options from the entire series, and if you unlock enough stuff, with a SoR2 Shiva and SoR1 Blaze team. <3

I came a little bit late to SoR in general, but I learned to love it pretty quickly-- this particular genre is one of my favorite time-wasters.

Fortunately I grabbed up the remake almost instantly. I always find it interesting what companies will and won't send a C&D over-- part of me wants to hope that it's more than just a legal move, and that they actually care about the games in question. But then they did cancel the Sega Ages Bare Knuckle compilation a while back, didn't they? Ah well.

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Tue 3 May 06:10]

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"Re(6):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Tue 3 May 08:11post reply


Looks like there is yet another 2D fighter (both genders) coming before long, this time for X360. And I thought sure that I would have my first chance to play as a person in a ballgown in s Gouketsuji Ichizoku game!

I juuuuuust posted something about that...in response to you, no less! It's not as bad as one time when the same news was posted 3 times in one thread within like...2 days, though.

Not that I'm not guilty of missing stuff too, though. For example, I never answered Badoor's question about the boss in the El Shaddai demo. I will answer it now: I put up a good fight a few times, but like everything else in the game, he seemed to take too many hits.


I finished Super Robot Wars on PSP. Truly a fantastic game. I didn't play the first Z, so maybe it was this good and I just didn't know. Still, it instantly became one of my all-time favorite SRPGS. I don't think it would be nearly as good if I didn't shoot for the SR points on ever level (really, that's the way to play!). For once, the team customization really came together, and it was great to think "what went well, and what needs work?" then tweak accordingly after every level. I was really proud of my team by the end.

I'm already rambling and I could go on forever, so I think I'll stop now, since I'm not sure many people are interested in the game anyway. Still, if you're on the line about SRW, I think this is game to play.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(7):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Tue 3 May 08:57:post reply


I juuuuuust posted something about that...in response to you, no less! It's not as bad as one time when the same news was posted 3 times in one thread within like...2 days, though.

Gah, not sure how I missed your post but I totally did. I apologize-- I didn't do it intentionally.

I finished Super Robot Wars on PSP. Truly a fantastic game. I didn't play the first Z, so maybe it was this good and I just didn't know. Still, it instantly became one of my all-time favorite SRPGS. I don't think it would be nearly as good if I didn't shoot for the SR points on ever level (really, that's the way to play!). For once, the team customization really came together, and it was great to think "what went well, and what needs work?" then tweak accordingly after every level. I was really proud of my team by the end.

I'm already rambling and I could go on forever, so I think I'll stop now, since I'm not sure many people are interested in the game anyway. Still, if you're on the line about SRW, I think this is game to play.

I would love to hear more about this. I've played a few games in the series mainly because I am a huge Super Robot fan, but I've been seriously considering this. Perhaps you have indeed pushed me over the edge.

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Tue 3 May 12:18]

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"Re(8):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Tue 3 May 12:55post reply


I would love to hear more about this. I've played a few games in the series mainly because I am a huge Super Robot fan, but I've been seriously considering this. Perhaps you have indeed pushed me over the edge.

Well, let me tell you where I'm coming from as a SRW pseudo fan, because it might put things into perspective. I played Alpha 1, 2 and 3, Impact, MX one of the SFami ones (don't remember which) and erm...I think the first OG one on PS2. Overall MX was my favorite, but I didn't actually finish any of the games. I enjoyed the robots and the theme songs and the systems, but I felt like the level design was incredibly poor. The extreme in and out of enemies (5 show up, 1 turn later 3 retreat, 30 come, 10 leave, 3 bosses come, 15 units appear, one of the bosses leaves, etc...) made it impossible to strategize. The levels bored on for far too long, sometimes just the wrong unit would die in an event you couldn't possibly anticipate and in general, it wasn't the least bit challenging. After I had already seen most of the animations, I was sick to death of the games.

Some of this may have been my fault for worrying more about winning and less about getting SR points, though.

Still, I feel like every problem I had with the previous games was lovingly ironed out in Z2. Even the usually erratic story worked out fairly well. The cost is that not every series is represented very much in the main story. You might get one scenario for a number of the series. For Gundam 00, God Mars, Gurren Lagann and Code Geass you get a lot. I stayed on Earth whenever I could, so it was mostly Gurren Lagann and God Mars for me. Anyway, the whole thing felt more focused with the main plot propelling the story forward.

Like the previous games, the story splits at several points, but only for relatively short intervals, usually involving scenarios that introduce new troops. I never felt torn away from my favorite units for too long and it gave me a chance to try some new tactics out with other units. Since most of the SR point objectives are "do this within a certain number of turns", you're always working on ways to maximize the effectiveness of your team.

One thing I really liked is that units that weren't involved in a mission get to do things as well. Get money, PP, EXP or kills. They apply it retroactively, which is very nice. Like, you choose what they DID while you were on the mission and it gives you the bonus immediately. Not like you have to choose who you're not going to use and leave them out of commission.

I had fun prioritizing my favorites toward the end, after I had tried everyone out and built the team how I liked it. By the end, I only had about 7 aces (70+ kills...they get a bonus for it) and maybe 5 units that were fully upgraded. You get a special bonus (that differs from unit to unit) and your choice of another bonus after you upgrade a unit fully. Even though you have a high level of customization, I feel like the individuality of each unit shined a lot more than in previous games. Trying to find which skills to learn to bring out their best points was a lot of fun, and although there were some obvious winners in the bunch, I found a large number of "diamond in the rough" units that could be shockingly effective with a little massaging.

Admittedly, I'm a bit biased toward this game because it has so many of my favorites. I never thought I'd see Turn A Gundam, Gurren Lagann and King Gainer together. I was happy to see Zambot 3, Big O and Eureka 7 again, too...and God Mars, despite being a lame robot, was really well implemented and lots of fun to use. If they had Giant Robo, they'd have all of my favorites.

Some of my "B-rank" favorites like Daimos or the J9 series were sadly missing and I can't help but feel like we don't need Zambot 3, Daitarn 3 AND Trider at the cost of a potentially more unique super robot. Still, it's my favorite cast all together, even with all the Gundam W, Seed and X robots (in my opinion) stinking it up.

My complaints are all fairly petty. They avoid the constant in and out of units after the first 8 missions or so...which is very nice. It's more like Queen's Blade where you can expect 1 or 2 big intrusions every level, but not utter chaos.

The SR point objectives are usually quite fun, but there were a few exceptions that really got on my nerves. For example, the game will LIE to you sometimes, which is very frustrating. In one level, the SR point objective is "Kill all units within 6 turns." Fair enough. Then, (expectedly) some bosses show up. The objective then changes to "Kill this boss within 6 turns". That tells me that I no longer need to kill the other enemies. However, when I beat the boss, it changes BACK to "kill all enemies". That's just stupid! The objective never changed! You had to kill all the enemies all along, so why did they intentionally mislead you!? I understand that the objectives can only spill so much information, or it will spoil the fight. You have to think "I should pace myself because I'm sure bosses are going to show up." That's fine...that's fun, even, but there were a few instances where the game gave you intentionally false information. I would've preferred something vague, or the objective being hidden by question marks (which they did sometimes anyway) than an outright lie.

There is also an occasional balance issue. Assuming you're going for the SR points, I would say the challenge in the game is just about right. However, there are 3 truly difficult fights (regardless of the points) that are sometimes framed with stupidly easy ones. Having a unit that specializes in accuracy have a 0% chance of hitting a target is just silly. I understand that Mazinger is probably going to need a SP skill to hit a fancy boss, but Zeta Gundam should at least have...like... a 20% chance!? Not zero!

Still, the balance is tremendously better than any other SRW game I've played, with a much more enjoyable team dynamic as well.

Oh, one final note... although they have done this to an extent in previous series, in this one they did a remarkable job on preserving the effects of the respective series. Like...Gainax explosions look a certain way and they're (fairly well) reproduced in the game. 70s anime laser effects are very distinct and lovingly rendered. The animations are better than ever and some of the situational (battle) dialogues between unrelated series were really amusing.

I rattled off most of my opinions on the game, minus my rants about favorite units and what to do with them (unexpectedly, Fa was the backbone of my team), but if you have any other questions, as you can tell, I'm quite excited to talk about the game.

I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend it.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(9):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Wed 4 May 04:14post reply


Well, let me tell you where I'm coming from as a SRW pseudo fan, because it might put things into perspective. I played Alpha 1, 2 and 3, Impact, MX one of the SFami ones (don't remember which) and erm...I think the first OG one on PS2. Overall MX was my favorite, but I didn't actually finish any of the games. I enjoyed the robots and the theme songs and the systems, but I felt like the level design was incredibly poor. The extreme in and out of enemies (5 show up, 1 turn later 3 retreat, 30 come, 10 leave, 3 bosses come, 15 units appear, one of the bosses leaves, etc...) made it impossible to strategize.

Wow, thanks for being so detailed! Yes, I loved MX as well, and Alpha 3, and I played but did not care for Advance on the PSP and the one that I can't recall the name of that was on the DS. Plus I played at least one of the GBA ones, although I don't recall which one. My biggest complaints about the series are that the levels are often waaaay too long for no particular reason, and that too often they never include all of my favorite robots (Alpha 3 came the closest). Sounds like the average level length is better in this one though, if I understand you correctly.

I would be curious to hear what units you found to be the obvious gems and which were the diamonds in the rough. I'm always surprised at these last ones-- in MX it was the Dragonar team, which I would never have guessed I would enjoy so much. As far as the Gundams series go, I like that at least one of the includes ones is Gundam X.

As cheesy as the storyline usually is in games in this series, I'm still always a sucker for all of my favorites collaborating to fight the teamed-up enemies from several different shows.

Okay, while I have been typing this, I went ahead and ordered it . Damn you and your persuasive arguments!

3031th Post

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"Re(10):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Wed 4 May 07:31post reply


My biggest complaints about the series are that the levels are often waaaay too long for no particular reason, and that too often they never include all of my favorite robots (Alpha 3 came the closest). Sounds like the average level length is better in this one though, if I understand you correctly.

I would be curious to hear what units you found to be the obvious gems and which were the diamonds in the rough. I'm always surprised at these last ones-- in MX it was the Dragonar team, which I would never have guessed I would enjoy so much.

The pace in this game is VERY fast. There are maybe 4 or 5 maps that have many parts, or a ludicrous number of enemy units, but on the whole, the battles are quick and decisive. Some SR point requirements will be "finish in 2 turns". Then maybe a boss will show up and you'll have 2 more. Few fights go over 6 turns. As such, it requires a different sort of strategy...really trying to maximize what you can do in one turn or with your counters. Mobility is VERY important.

For example (and I hope my personal choices don't end up spoiling your experience of finding good units of your own), one of my favorite units was Gain (Emperanza). He's a sniper-type with all of his good attacks only coming from a non-moving position. I mean...you can't move AND shoot with him. He provides support fire, but his mobility isn't that great. I equipped him with "hit and away" (so he could move AFTER attacking-a great skill for battleships), items to increase his range and upgrades to up his crit rate. He never got hit and his damage was crazy for the type of unit he was... I just had to keep him standing in the right spot.

Cynthia, from King Gainer was great too, because she was totally invincible....hahaha. She and Gainer (not Gain) were kind of opposites. She burned out quickly and he built up slowly. I liked to think of it as "Gainer is hard to motivate and Cynthia gets bored easily". The order in which you make your units attack was really important, because you had to manage morale so much. Some units could strike hard early (Mazinger) and others were completely useless until you got their morale up. Switching up the order of 2 units could make all the difference in the world.

My most useful unit (excluding Big O for its ludicrous, non-EN dependent damage) was probably Fa, though. She gets a skill that lets her give SP to another pilot. Since she was totally unnecessary as a battle unit, I spent her PP on mobility and SP-up skills. I also gave her an item that rejuvenated SP. When you're fighting multiple bosses, it's really easy to bottom out on SP, so if I'm able to get two more of Big-O's tamashii-boosted 230000 damage attacks out, that's a big deal. As usual, a lot of pilots with big damage also have garbage accuracy, so they end up completely useless when they run out of SP.

I had some units that were just never that great, though. I HAD to use the Turn A units, but both Loran and Harry were just so-so. Harry was insanely reliable with high accuracy, good dodge rates, support fire and low EN consumption, but by the end of the game he just wasn't bringing in enough damage. Loran provided both support fire and blocking, but suffered the same fate as Harry. I think my mistake was using both of them. Either or might have made a great addition, but together, they didn't distinguish themselves.

I couldn't find a good place for Char and Kamille, either. I used them all the time, but they were just okay. Amuro distinguished himself immediately (with his double attack) without the need of any massaging.

One regret is that I switched to using Getter 2 a lot more than Getter 1 part-way through the game, so neither pilot ended up getting ace status. Getter Robo is a beast because of its 3 pilots, each one getting a Getter Change Attack without the use of any EN. Getter 2's dodge rate and crazy mobility make it obviously useful.

I'm really babbling here, but I'll leave with one possible suggestion: consider upgrading EN to max on a lot of units and dodge to max on dodge-type units. Up until the later fights, when they were absolutely necessary, I stayed away from using refueling units too much because the pace of the battle was too fast to bother. If you go that path, a LOT of units run out of EN very quickly. With the dodge units, well..some of them will be completely invincible with a high enough dodge rate, freeing up the necessity to upgrade armor or HP.

Oh, and in reply to what you said...I thought Dragonnar was really lame as a series, but you're right-they were super fun to use in the game. My irritation at being forced to use them passed very quickly. Another old favorite was the Dunbine units in Impact. That was my first SRW though, so my memories of it might be a little "off".

Oh oh! And question... what are your favorite series? And did you play Scramble Commander?

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(2):Re(10):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Wed 4 May 18:37post reply


The pace in this game is VERY fast. There are maybe 4 or 5 maps that have many parts, or a ludicrous number of enemy units, but on the whole, the battles are quick and decisive. Some SR point requirements will be "finish in 2 turns".

Nice, they seem to have taken into account this is for a portable - my major exerience with the series is with the translated SRW3 for the SNES, and things could slog a bit there. Then again, they've already had plenty of experience with portables by now.

I'm currently in the process of ordering SRW W, as I read good things about this - also, Nadesico, Voltron GoLion and tolerable originals.
Z2 is terribly tempting, especially considering how this release is meant to affect and 2nd part - I wonder when that will be... by the look of things, I may have to hurry up, as it might be sold out by the time Queen's Gate is released.

Still, I wonder how enjoyable it will be considering I can't read the language - I'll b missing out on all the dialogue, but I really feel like rewarding Banpresto for finally adding DaiGuard (he's so getting every upgrade I can get away with giving it).

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(3):Re(10):Etrian Atelier Odyssey" , posted Wed 4 May 19:04post reply


Still, I wonder how enjoyable it will be considering I can't read the language - I'll b missing out on all the dialogue, but I really feel like rewarding Banpresto for finally adding DaiGuard (he's so getting every upgrade I can get away with giving it).

http://akurasu.net/wiki/Super_Robot_Wars/Z2 has all the menus and such translated, along with a plot summary. Honestly, I don't consider the plot a major selling point, as most of it is just recycled scenarios from the original series. The overall plot is serviceable, but I still skipped through a lot of the scenes. Of course, I can't tell you what YOU want from the game.

Dai Guard is one of only 2 units that can refuel, so it's pretty invaluable later on, even if it's mediocre at everything else. Love that theme song.

I wonder what Kittan is good for, though...

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Robo Odyssey" , posted Thu 5 May 01:10:post reply

Oh, and in reply to what you said...I thought Dragonnar was really lame as a series, but you're right-they were super fun to use in the game. My irritation at being forced to use them passed very quickly. Another old favorite was the Dunbine units in Impact. That was my first SRW though, so my memories of it might be a little "off".

Oh oh! And question... what are your favorite series? And did you play Scramble Commander?

Gah, now I'm getting really excited! Fast pace and lots of great units! I have to say, I very nearly bought Z and the Z append disc as well-- I can get carried away about these kinds of things.

My favorite series are hard to narrow down, but at the top is Yuusha Reideen, followed very closely by Getter Robo and Getter Robo G. I also really loved having all three of the 'robot romance trilogy' robots in Alpha 3 (Combattler, Voltes, and Daimos). I ended up liking quite a few of the real robots as time went on, especially in MX-- as mentioned, Dragonnar was great, as was the G-Gundam crew. EDIT: I can point to the other end of my preferences as well-- I would be totally happy if SRW never contained Gundam Wing ever again. Not like that will ever happen!

Oh, and I've never played Scramble Commander. Should I?

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Thu 5 May 01:21]

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"Supa Robo Odyssey" , posted Thu 5 May 03:07post reply

The pace in this game is VERY fast. There are maybe 4 or 5 maps that have many parts, or a ludicrous number of enemy units, but on the whole, the battles are quick and decisive. Some SR point requirements will be "finish in 2 turns". Then maybe a boss will show up and you'll have 2 more. Few fights go over 6 turns. As such, it requires a different sort of strategy...really trying to maximize what you can do in one turn or with your counters. Mobility is VERY important.

Wow, thanks Polly. When I heard that Z2 was coming for PSP I really didn't expect them to actually reevaluate the pacing of the game. I was just wondering if Z2 feels like one half of a whole length wise.

I seem to have the same background with the series as most of you. My 1st was MX, and I LOVED it. I think that it's a great game to start out with. Great sprite work and arguably the best roster from a classics perspective. I enjoyed having so many fighting type Supers. ViKung-fu should be in every SRT imo. I played through A3, OG1+2, and W. Have any of you tried Super Robot Gakuen? It didn't look very promising to me.

3033th Post

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"Re(1):Robo Odyssey" , posted Thu 5 May 07:30post reply


Wow, thanks Polly. When I heard that Z2 was coming for PSP I really didn't expect them to actually reevaluate the pacing of the game. I was just wondering if Z2 feels like one half of a whole length wise.

I seem to have the same background with the series as most of you. My 1st was MX, and I LOVED it. I think that it's a great game to start out with. Great sprite work and arguably the best roster from a classics perspective. I enjoyed having so many fighting type Supers. ViKung-fu should be in every SRT imo. I played through A3, OG1+2, and W. Have any of you tried Super Robot Gakuen? It didn't look very promising to me.

Z2 IS shorter than other SRW games (partially thanks to the shorter fights), but it's not a short game and not one that feels incomplete. Personally, I found the other SRW games to be a bit on the long side. On the downside, the game ended right when I really felt like I had my team just perfect. Still, this is probably a good thing, because tweaking them is one of the greatest joys in the game (for me). I don't like games that go on for ages after you already have the perfect team/strategy and Z2 certainly gives you a few challenging levels at the end to put your experience to the test, but I think maybe...3 more maps would've made it perfect. There's one unit you don't get until the last level and another that rejoins you right at the very end.

I didn't try Gakuen, because I had all but given up on the series prior to Z2, and that didn't look like the game to bring me back.


My favorite series are hard to narrow down, but at the top is Yuusha Reideen, followed very closely by Getter Robo and Getter Robo G. I also really loved having all three of the 'robot romance trilogy' robots in Alpha 3 (Combattler, Voltes, and Daimos). I ended up liking quite a few of the real robots as time went on, especially in MX-- as mentioned, Dragonnar was great, as was the G-Gundam crew. EDIT: I can point to the other end of my preferences as well-- I would be totally happy if SRW never contained Gundam Wing ever again. Not like that will ever happen!

Oh, and I've never played Scramble Commander. Should I?

Argh! I forgot about Reideen! I kept thinking "other than Combattler V, there's an obvious omission here!" in Z2. G Gundam is another big favorite of mine, especially because of their morale power ups. G Gundam is actually the only non-Tomino Gundam I like. Still, they had too many of the "more powerful" modern Gundams in Z2 to bother squeezing them in this time.

Anyway, before Z2, Scramble Commander was probably my favorite SRW, although that's kind of like SFEX being your favorite Street Fighter. I can't say the game was great, but it had more focus than the other SRW games, even if the genre was completely different.

It was an exciting, if a bit clumsy, real-time strategy game. It was kind of the opposite of normal SRW, where the robots look perfect doing their special moves, but the levels themselves don't feel like watching an anime. Scramble Commander really put you in the situation. When your Evas suddenly went berserk and turned on your team, you were shocked and had to act fast. When Char snipes you and you chase him into the woods, you're really looking around and going "damn! Where did he go!?" When you're defending a base against a wave after wave of enemies, you're really sweating.

On the downside, the robots looked ridiculous in action and you only had so much control over them. In particular, I remember my own units dodging enemy fire straight into my super moves (which actually looked good). When you used a breast of fire, you had to make sure the area was clear.

I never played the 2nd game, though. It came out a bad time and I rarely go back to play something if I miss the bus the first time. Anyway, I recommended SC highly when it came out, but I don't know if I would say it's worth the investment these days, unless you're really curious and can nab it for cheap.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(2):Robo Odyssey" , posted Fri 6 May 00:59post reply


Argh! I forgot about Reideen! I kept thinking "other than Combattler V, there's an obvious omission here!" in Z2. G Gundam is another big favorite of mine, especially because of their morale power ups. G Gundam is actually the only non-Tomino Gundam I like. Still, they had too many of the "more powerful" modern Gundams in Z2 to bother squeezing them in this time.

I actually forgot one other as well-- Gaiking! He's been in many games in the series but almost always the ones I haven't played. Ah well, here is hoping that Z2 part 2 has some of these favorites. And Machine Robo!

From your description I'm not sure I would love Scramble Commander. One of the big draws for me (and I'm sure a lot of people, given how many 'encyclopedia' discs have been released) is, as silly as it may sound, the quality of the attack animations-- I even enjoy the bad guys' animations.

Also, I forgot to thank you for linking to that awesome resource page for Z2. I'm generally competent enough to play these games without too much assistance, but it's nice to have so much info in one place. Plus it has that nice handy cross reference of series-to-game!

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"Re(3):Robo Odyssey" , posted Fri 6 May 23:58post reply

Btw, thanks god for the deal of the week, today I bought Castlevania HD, with all the stages for only 1200, is like they gave me the stages for free!

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"Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Vocaloid)" , posted Tue 10 May 13:33post reply

What the hell Toyota? Prepare to have your ears raped.

On a more positive note (no pun), anyone with a DSi/3DS should get Mighty Milky Way. It's a pretty quirky and well done gravity puzzle on its own right (think Orbient from the Art Style GBA games), but that music.

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"Re(1):Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Voca" , posted Tue 10 May 17:31post reply


On a more positive note (no pun), anyone with a DSi/3DS should get Mighty Milky Way. It's a pretty quirky and well done gravity puzzle on its own right (think Orbient from the Art Style GBA games), but that music.

Can such things be downloaded on 3DS yet? I've extracted as much system update as I can from wherever Nintendo keeps this stuff and still the store icon just gives me that "coming soon!" message. I don't have a DSi so I just don't know what I can do.

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"Re(2):Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Voca" , posted Tue 10 May 17:55post reply

Can such things be downloaded on 3DS yet? I've extracted as much system update as I can from wherever Nintendo keeps this stuff and still the store icon just gives me that "coming soon!" message. I don't have a DSi so I just don't know what I can do.

You should be able to get it around later this month once the main firmware update commences that will open the eShop. Also don't forget the RockMan Dash 3/MegaMan Legends 3 "preview" that will have 10 missions for $2 when it launches.

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"Re(3):Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Voca" , posted Wed 11 May 01:05post reply

Soul Calibur deals with the important issues.

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"Re(1):Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Voca" , posted Wed 11 May 05:34post reply


On a more positive note (no pun), anyone with a DSi/3DS should get Mighty Milky Way. It's a pretty quirky and well done gravity puzzle on its own right (think Orbient from the Art Style GBA games), but that music.

Yes, I saw some info about that earlier today and it looks really beautiful! The marketing is a little off ("Are you ready to pulse some planets and soar through space? With a pocket full of planet candy and a heart full of ennui, green-skinned cutie-pie Luna needs your help to accomplish her secret mission.") but that's nothing new.

Hum, I may have to use this as part of a scheme to convince myself to buy a 3DS at some point.

626th Post

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"Re(4):Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Voca" , posted Wed 11 May 06:50:post reply

Soul Calibur deals with the important issues.

Now we're talking serious business.

[this message was edited by maese on Wed 11 May 06:52]

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"Re(5):Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Voca" , posted Wed 11 May 09:07post reply

Soul Calibur deals with the important issues.

Now we're talking serious business.

Har, good to see that SC is tasteful as always. It's funny how Ivy has hijacked the series in a lot of ways.

Also, wow, the new Vanillaware game is looking great!

1774th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Voca" , posted Wed 11 May 10:31post reply

Soul Calibur deals with the important issues.

Now we're talking serious business.

Har, good to see that SC is tasteful as always. It's funny how Ivy has hijacked the series in a lot of ways.

Also, wow, the new Vanillaware game is looking great!

I don't think it's fair to blame Ivy. Boobs in general have kind of derailed the game, as have other attempts to cater to fans. Namco has been focused on trying to create a feature-filled consumer products rather than a serious fighting game. I really hope the new SC is something different.

But hey, if Mortal Kombat can strike a balance...

/ / /

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"Continium Shaft II" , posted Wed 11 May 13:02post reply

The patch was released today, those who have Xbalds might be able to enjoy the pleasure of handling Patínium for a meager fee. PSN users would need to thanks Anonymous maturity & Sony's excellent decisions for the extra waiting time.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

2187th Post

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"Re(4):Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Voca" , posted Wed 11 May 13:06post reply

Soul Calibur deals with the important issues.

Haw, I'm no prude, though the quality of the series did sort of dip as the sizes increased...1 and 2 probably had about the right mix of sexy and perfect gameplay. Who is the x-ed out middle person? I don't even recognize these people, after having spent a full five minutes reminding my old SC 1 and 2 master to turn off 4 and play 2 again last weekend for the first time in several years. Heavenly.


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"Re(5):Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Voca" , posted Wed 11 May 19:04post reply

More Queen's Gate info:
- Noel from Blazblue now included
- another perv-factor feature :(
- they realized there's enough perv-factor in this portable game to justify an emergency screen concealment feature.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"SoulCalibur V: Mark Of The Wolves" , posted Wed 11 May 19:28:post reply


Just announced. Takes place 17 years after SCIV. Super-Milf (Gilf maybe?) Ivy confirmed?

In all seriousness, I really like this idea of moving on with the timeline ala MOTW/ Tekken 3 but It's strange to see that NOW when every other Fighting game series is trying to use nostalgia and harken back to it's nostalgia & glory days with fan favorite characters and such. The weirdest part to me is that this was announced in Dubai, just a fee miles from where I am which is just weirdly ominous.

[this message was edited by Badoor on Wed 11 May 19:31]

3034th Post

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"Gyakuten Saiban going film?" , posted Wed 11 May 20:40:post reply

The always contraversial Japanese site Hachima Kikou reports that a Gyakuten Saiban film is underway in Kyoto. The above URL features three photos taken from location.

The photos were reportedly taken at Takaragaike park where a scene is currently being shot with the film's director, Takashi Miike. Actor Hiroki Narimiya is speculated to star as Naruhodo and Nakao Akiyoshi will also play a role.

[edit] Larger images here.

Also from the same site, a trailer for an upcoming CG movie.
Tekken Blood Vengance

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 11 May 21:23]

628th Post

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"Re(1):SoulCalibur V: Mark Of The Wolves" , posted Wed 11 May 21:01:post reply


Just announced. Takes place 17 years after SCIV. Super-Milf (Gilf maybe?) Ivy confirmed?

In all seriousness, I really like this idea of moving on with the timeline ala MOTW/ Tekken 3 but It's strange to see that NOW when every other Fighting game series is trying to use nostalgia and harken back to it's nostalgia & glory days with fan favorite characters and such. The weirdest part to me is that this was announced in Dubai, just a fee miles from where I am which is just weirdly ominous.

Whoa, as an old guard Soul series fan, that news made my day. That's like the most sensible decision Namco has made in years. By the time of SC2 the old characters were getting a bit too weary already. The series was in dire need of something new.

Let's hope this timeline change will bring that much needed freshness to the series and put it back on the spotlight, where it belongs. And let's pray they don't forget to include some delicious milf Xianghua, Taki's tsundere kunoichi teen student and a Paul Phoenix style dirty old geezer Mitsurugi. Man, it's 1998 all over again! I feel so hyped about this!

EDIT: that Tekken CG movie looks quite sweet, a pleasant surprise indeed! And the Gyakuten Saiban movie rumour sounds promising but too fishy... Miike is directing? Nah, I don't buy it.

[this message was edited by maese on Wed 11 May 21:49]

4087th Post

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"Re(2):SoulCalibur V: Mark Of The Wolves" , posted Wed 11 May 22:48post reply

Wow, all sorts of things came out at once!

Let's hope this timeline change will bring that much needed freshness to the series and put it back on the spotlight, where it belongs. And let's pray they don't forget to include some delicious milf Xianghua, Taki's tsundere kunoichi teen student and a Paul Phoenix style dirty old geezer Mitsurugi. Man, it's 1998 all over again! I feel so hyped about this!
I'm also curious to see what sort of changes this brings to Soul Calibur. Time jumps in fighting games are a risky proposition but if there was ever a series that needed a kick in the pants it's SC. Still, much like the Tekken time jump I'm certain a number of characters won't age (exposure to Soul Edge helps to make women look remarkably young!) or will grow some facial hair to show they are older. Since Mitsurugi has always been a grumpy old man trapped in a young man's body this will be a particularly good fit for him. This announcement is a great way to get some excitement brewing for a new Soul Calibur game. So what inappropriate guest characters are they going to bring in this time to ruin the mood?

How long has a CG Tekken been rumored? I don't know if the film is going to be worth the years-long wait but the sight of Alisa and Xiaoyu riding around on the back of Panda lets me know that the film is going to at least be worth a look.

Speaking of films, a Gyakuten Saiban movie directed by Miike sounds crazy enough to be true. Miike will direct any movie that's not fast enough to get away from him so adding another video game adaptation to his resume sounds reasonable in an unreasonable sort of way.

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"Re(6):Re:French Space Odyssey w/ T-Rex (&Voca" , posted Wed 11 May 23:17post reply

- they realized there's enough perv-factor in this portable game to justify an emergency screen concealment feature.

As far as I remember, Queen's Blade 1 had an emergency screen too.

At this point, I'm hoping no other significant game comes out at the same time as Queen's Gate.

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"Re(7):Re:Wii Dragon Quest package!" , posted Wed 11 May 23:33:post reply

Hay! Just saw this! Hopefully it will make it outside of Japan-- although given the success of the DS versions of IV through VI I would not be surprised.

Exciting to see that both the Famicom and Super Fami versions will be on it!

Soul Calibur stuff

I should note that Mosquitron is right, I should not blame the series' decline on Ivy. To be fair, in its day the first Soul Calibur had weirdly complex boob physics on Taki.

Good to hear that they have decided on a big time skip. Here's hoping they follow the SFIII model and have one or two carryovers and a bunch of new, interestingly designed challengers... not holding my breath though.

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Thu 12 May 00:22]

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"Namco countdown site reaches Zero." , posted Thu 12 May 01:02:post reply

By the way, The count down site is less than an hour to reach 0, so we can guess more things are going to be stri- be revealed about the game. edit : The new lead (?) seems to walk that strange "El Shaddai" route....

Soul Striplibur trailer

Quin's Gait Noel Images

If you feel like burning money to have your way with little girls is the meaning of fun, you might be interested in knowing that Trouble Witches DLC is available now. SNK blog's also points this out. I wish they could add Sprites in there somehow, but I suppose that neither company wants to "marry" any external IP into Trouble Witches.... hoo well.

Virtual Console now includes Gangan. This is -of course- the most important news that we have had in the whole year. Soy el hombre más fuerte del mundo

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 12 May 02:30]

628th Post

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"Re(1):Namco countdown site reaches Zero." , posted Thu 12 May 02:50post reply

By the way, The count down site is less than an hour to reach 0, so we can guess more things are going to be stri- be revealed about the game. edit : The new lead (?) seems to walk that strange "El Shaddai" route....

Official site does not seem to work for me, but at least this bunch of frenchards was dilligent enough to provide us with some designs. Vive la France!

Huh, Soul Calibur is looking manlier than ever this time... By the way, wasn't 'Patroclos' the name of one of Sophitia's sons?

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"Re(2):Namco countdown site reaches Zero." , posted Thu 12 May 03:03post reply


Huh, Soul Calibur is looking manlier than ever this time... By the way, wasn't 'Patroclos' the name of one of Sophitia's sons?

So I read - it seems to also be based on a guy claimed to be Achiles' _very_ close "friend" in Greek myth...

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"Re(3):Namco countdown site reaches Zero." , posted Thu 12 May 03:47post reply

I've never been a fan of the Soul series, but I can respect the direction V is taking. So much that I think the game deserves its own thread.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Games that do not deserve their own threads:
Anything by Ono, anything by Ono and anything by Ono

End of Spoiler


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"Re(4):Speak of the Cao Cao..." , posted Thu 12 May 10:50post reply


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"Re(5):Guwahhhhh" , posted Fri 13 May 00:17post reply

Now that we have SCV in its own thread, I don't feel bad changing the subject.

The sprites are a little weirdly blocky, kinda muddy here and there, and somehow just beautiful. Also, some shots look as though a 'sketch' filter has been applied. Yes, I am yet another person for whom this is one of the most fondly recalled game of its era.

4089th Post

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"Re(6):Guwahhhhh" , posted Fri 13 May 02:00post reply

Fun Works has SSF4AE up and running? Humph, like I don't already have a long enough list of reasons why I would rather be in Honolulu right now.

The sprites are a little weirdly blocky, kinda muddy here and there, and somehow just beautiful. Also, some shots look as though a 'sketch' filter has been applied. Yes, I am yet another person for whom this is one of the most fondly recalled game of its era.

It's good to see Guardian Heroes making a comeback. Or at least I think that's Guardian Heroes underneath all that filtering. But no matter what it may look like I really hope they include an option to skip those rambling, momentum killing cut-scenes that the game was saddled with.

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"Re(7):Guwahhhhh" , posted Fri 13 May 06:54post reply

Fun Works has SSF4AE up and running? Humph, like I don't already have a long enough list of reasons why I would rather be in Honolulu right now.

The sprites are a little weirdly blocky, kinda muddy here and there, and somehow just beautiful. Also, some shots look as though a 'sketch' filter has been applied. Yes, I am yet another person for whom this is one of the most fondly recalled game of its era.
It's good to see Guardian Heroes making a comeback. Or at least I think that's Guardian Heroes underneath all that filtering. But no matter what it may look like I really hope they include an option to skip those rambling, momentum killing cut-scenes that the game was saddled with.

Speaking of cutscenes, what about that animated intro? Wasn't that one of GONZOs early works?

5335th Post

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"More Ono." , posted Fri 13 May 07:41:post reply

Cammy as come to bore us all

Kollection? , tche.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 13 May 10:35]

4092th Post

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"Re(1):More Ono." , posted Sat 14 May 01:17:post reply

Speaking of cutscenes, what about that animated intro? Wasn't that one of GONZOs early works?

I did not know that. Huh, you learn something new every day.
Cammy as come to bore us all

I figured Cammy was a given, just so she could be partnered with Nina for a team of blondes. This line of thinking also makes me believe Rufus will be in the game so he can team up with Bob for Team American Diet.

EDIT: Udon announces that it's no longer publishing individual issues. I wonder how long it will take before the monthly American comic book get fully phased out in favor of different publishing schemes?

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Sat 14 May 03:15]

52th Post

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"Re(2):Blonde Ono." , posted Sat 14 May 03:54post reply

I figured Cammy was a given, just so she could be partnered with Nina for a team of blondes.

I always wondered what was up with the 'blonde brainwashed assassin' stereotype in fighting games. Can any of you share some insight on it? Sarah Bryant feels left out.

2736th Post

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"Re(3):Blonde Ono." , posted Sat 14 May 04:19post reply

I figured Cammy was a given, just so she could be partnered with Nina for a team of blondes.

I always wondered what was up with the 'blonde brainwashed assassin' stereotype in fighting games. Can any of you share some insight on it? Sarah Bryant feels left out.

Regarding the assassin part of it, I think La Femme Nikita might have had something to do with it. The blonde thing though, that was probably just the 90's Japanese foreigner beauty trope in action.

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"Re(3):Blonde Ono." , posted Sat 14 May 05:08post reply

I figured Cammy was a given, just so she could be partnered with Nina for a team of blondes.

I always wondered what was up with the 'blonde brainwashed assassin' stereotype in fighting games. Can any of you share some insight on it? Sarah Bryant feels left out.

Maybe 2014 will be the year of Street Fighter x Tekken x Virtua Fighter?

2192th Post

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"Re(4):Blonde Ono." , posted Sat 14 May 05:18post reply

Maybe 2014 will be the year of Street Fighter x Tekken x Virtua Fighter?

Can you punch your way to the slowest Street Fighter ever? Only Virtua could make Tekken feel fast!


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"Re(5):Bald Ono." , posted Thu 19 May 03:42post reply

Sagat appears

possibly new projectile

410th Post

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"Re(6):Bald Ono." , posted Thu 19 May 04:29post reply

Sagat appears

Interesting way to get people to antecipate more news, instad of revealing pairs, one from each franchise, just revealing two from the same at different points, leavnig everyone antecipating news about the matching ones (I'd guess Paul and Julia/Michelle).

BTW, unrelated but unexpected:

A new SRW for the PS3 - but it's an Original Generation game.
The latest OG games haven't been localized though, so I'm weary of this one's odds of making it, although on the other hand it could be a DL-only title.
I guess I'd only care if it included the Valsione in there somewhere - it goes beyond the silly Super/Real notions by settling on Charmingly Silly.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(6):Bald Ono." , posted Thu 19 May 09:02post reply

I like how they are leaking the old SF characters that no one would get to excited about just to keep SFxT on the radar but are holding off on the new Tekken characters until E3.

Sagat appears

possibly new projectile

I had been thinking of having Sagat/Marduk for a bald, shirtless man team but this would be a much better combination.

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"Queen's Gate Rockman" , posted Thu 19 May 17:52:post reply

Queen's Gate's panic screen is more entertaining than what it's meant to conceal.
I kinda hope that's actually playable.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

[this message was edited by Loona on Fri 20 May 02:39]

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"Re(1):Cave news" , posted Fri 20 May 01:00:post reply

I know there are a few folks here who are Cave-lovers, so I wanted to make sure anyone who is interested knows: Cave has released Deathsmiles IIX in the US Xbox Live store under games on demand. Granted, Deathsmiles is far from my favorite Cave shooter, but it's a better start at getting their games into hands of western players, and at $30US it's a steal compared to $85US for the Japan version. It's completely untranslated, but that just means no more crappy valley girl dialogue.

EDIT: Also, for some reason I was thinking that might not be the only person here who will enjoy this.

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Fri 20 May 08:39]

890th Post

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"Re(2):Cave news" , posted Fri 20 May 17:17post reply

EDIT: Also, for some reason I was thinking that might not be the only person here who will enjoy this.

Yeah, you're right but for some reason I always thought that those sound intros were exclusive to Darkstalkers franchise.

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"Re(3):Cave news" , posted Sat 21 May 03:20post reply

EDIT: Also, for some reason I was thinking that might not be the only person here who will enjoy this.

Yeah, you're right but for some reason I always thought that those sound intros were exclusive to Darkstalkers franchise.

Ha, I had been thinking the opposite-- that there were many other games that used the jingle than the ones shown there.

Also, it reminded me how much I want to play Alien vs Predator.

3050th Post

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"Re(4):Cave news" , posted Sat 21 May 11:42post reply

Small trivia: For some reason, Cave is located in a government building. I guess they were looking for tenants, but it's kind of weird. Citizen services on one floor, waterworks department on another floor, then there's... Cave.

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"Re(5):Cave news" , posted Sun 22 May 03:24post reply

Small trivia: For some reason, Cave is located in a government building. I guess they were looking for tenants, but it's kind of weird. Citizen services on one floor, waterworks department on another floor, then there's... Cave.

That's very random lol

Well, from DS II X, I want to buy the game, but problem is that is only avaliable on the north american market place, and lots of times those games had region lock

About the Q sound intro, I like some of them, but in the majority sound just don't sound right, the MVS intro has less sounds but the variety has been better aplied

Btw, arcade edition will need the super street fighter IV disc or I could buy it as an stand alone game for games on demand?

3036th Post

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"Re(6):Cave news" , posted Sun 22 May 06:17post reply


Btw, arcade edition will need the super street fighter IV disc or I could buy it as an stand alone game for games on demand?

I haven't heard about it being available for Games on Demand, but I know they are launching a stand alone disc version a few weeks later.

Now I'm interested in this games on demand thing. I used to just have old Japanese 360 with a small hard drive, but I now I have an American slim as well...so that makes it a bit more viable.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Takahashi Meijin leaves Hudson" , posted Mon 23 May 20:07:post reply

And people on wikipedia are very sad about it

Though really that's expected. Hudson (or actually Konami) were trying to revive some of their franchises, the same way everyone else is doing, by giving them to western developers. But those got canned and they're going to focus on social network stuff. Maybe it's better he didn't become Takahasi Meijin, master of "16-spams a seconds".

EDIT: Wiki page got edited. But my post is saved by Chazumaru

[this message was edited by badoor on Mon 23 May 21:18]

792th Post

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"Re(1):Takahashi Meijin leaves Hudson" , posted Mon 23 May 20:48post reply

The page got edited but here is what badoor's post referred to.


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"Re(2):Takahashi Meijin leaves Hudson" , posted Wed 25 May 20:17post reply

I like how Konami now has the rights to "Takahashi Meijin". That means they could say that Kojima is "Takahashi Meijin". In that case, I think the real deal would have to thump Kojima in the forehead 16 times per second.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(3):Takahashi Meijin leaves Hudson" , posted Thu 26 May 15:40:post reply

"Ot" but I suppose how people have noticed how Arksys has been trolling the audience with that bit of "a new guilty gear some day" and all... Well.

It looks like Guilty Gear is now a license Copyrighted to Arksys. With Sega no longer having a hand on the deal, now a game will happen when Arsys wants to, contrary to "before" when the copyright was on Sega's hand and nothing could be done about it.

.... So we might actually hear Ishiwatari's horrible voice acting and stupid self phallic fantasy tale about being a unique indestructible prototype weapon that has overpowered secret moves with lame names and 2 frame introductory / victory poses.


Dragon Dogma (details from gpara).

Tokyo Jungle More animals to feed upon

Quin's Gait , ahh, I just won't bother anymore.

Zombie ga Gotoku has undead muggers. While I initially frowned on the idea of Yakuza + Zombie "yet again", this game has been just heading into all the right directions. Including the hideous hostess.

Gundam Extreme Versus... Wait, so I can finally play as Zabine in something? Good.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 26 May 15:42]

4102th Post

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"Re(4):Takahashi Meijin leaves Hudson" , posted Thu 26 May 23:36post reply

Dragon Dogma (details from gpara).

So I can set a guy on fire, have my partner hold him in place, and then shoot arrows into him? This game has promise.

Since we have gone days without a Castlevania reference, the 2D Bloodrayne Castlevania game has a trailer. I like that the official art looks like it came straight out of some crappy flash animation.

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"Kung fu Ono." , posted Fri 27 May 09:53post reply

Sagat appears

Julia returns to her roots. No JC, huh?

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

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Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

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"Gyakuten Saiban/Phoenix Wright film confirmed" , posted Fri 27 May 16:36:post reply


[edit] Also, I checked out the Koihime Musou fighting game beta test. The characters are rendered in 3D but it's hard to say whether they're pre-rendered or drawn in real-time. My assumption is that it's real-time.

To say the least, they aren't drawn over by hand like KOFXIII or Blazblue; they have distinct 3D-style gradients. But that's not to say the graphics suck, they move relatively smoothly and they're awfully high-resolution even in comparison to Blazblue.

Old-time fighting game players should have no problem getting into this game. Unlike SF4 where all the motions are smooth/tweened, this game moves like 2D pixel art.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 27 May 16:50]

2742th Post

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"Re(1):Kung fu Ono." , posted Fri 27 May 19:09post reply

Sagat appears

Julia returns to her roots. No JC, huh?

So now Chun Li actually has a thunder-thighed, panty-shooting kung fu rival on the Tekken side. Good for her.

I guess that means Nina's rival is actually Cammy. Which makes sense, since Cammy is from England and Nina is from Ireland.

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"Re(1):Gyakuten Saiban/Phoenix Wright film con" , posted Sat 28 May 02:51post reply


Is this the second movie based on a video game that Miike has directed? That puts him in some rare company. While he will never come close to the output of Uwe Boll if Miike keeps at it he could probably beat the number of game films Paul Anderson has unleashed.

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"Re(2):Gyakuten Saiban/Phoenix Wright film con" , posted Sat 28 May 03:12post reply


Is this the second movie based on a video game that Miike has directed? That puts him in some rare company. While he will never come close to the output of Uwe Boll if Miike keeps at it he could probably beat the number of game films Paul Anderson has unleashed.

Since Miike is directing it, does that mean that all the murders are going to be grindhouse gruesome?

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"Re(3):Gyakuten Saiban/Phoenix Wright film con" , posted Sat 28 May 13:13post reply

The website for the latest version of Melty Blood shows the new characters. Meh, I say, when can I play as Cornelius? * hugs vase which contains his webmaster's head *

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

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Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

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"My Little Pony fighting game?" , posted Thu 2 Jun 21:00post reply

The recent My Litle Pony fandom has been surprisingly productive, if you've noticed it in these past few months.

It has now reached the point where they've started working on a fighting game:


Ponies are becoming the western Touhou in terms of fandom activity?... If so, shouldn't take long to see a Super Pony Wars, with the Attack and Talk commands reversed...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(1):My Little Pony fighting game?" , posted Thu 2 Jun 23:01post reply

Has anyone checked on Okamoto recently?

Speaking of which, has anyone checked the status of character actor Abe Vigoda lately?

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"Re(2):NA Shooter again" , posted Fri 3 Jun 00:16post reply

Hey, another formerly Japan-only shooter is making it to the US! This time it's a boxed release unlike Deathsmiles IIX. Sadly, the limited edition comes with a pillowcase...

Anybody played either Otomedius game? It always struck me as Parodius, but with crappy character design.

1034th Post

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"Re(2):My Little Pony fighting game?" , posted Fri 3 Jun 00:26post reply

Has anyone checked on Okamoto recently?

Wow, this piece of news just rendered me speechless... I've enjoyed every single Game Republic game I've played so far (Folklore, Majin, Dark Mist... even Knight's Contract!) and knowing that this company is almost out of the business/ on the verge of bankrupcy makes me really sad.

Now that GR's famous pastel and watercolor-like hues and palettes are going to fade forever, the videogame world will walk another step towards the bleak, asinine dullness of Unreal Engine-powered, "space marine grey" tones domination...

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"Re(3):My Little Pony fighting game?" , posted Fri 3 Jun 07:25post reply

Has anyone checked on Okamoto recently?

Wow, this piece of news just rendered me speechless... I've enjoyed every single Game Republic game I've played so far (Folklore, Majin, Dark Mist... even Knight's Contract!) and knowing that this company is almost out of the business/ on the verge of bankrupcy makes me really sad.

Now that GR's famous pastel and watercolor-like hues and palettes are going to fade forever, the videogame world will walk another step towards the bleak, asinine dullness of Unreal Engine-powered, "space marine grey" tones domination...

That does suck. The number of independent Japanese developers who produce a lot of games for HD consoles is just slowly dwindling. I hope GR can at least downscale and work on smaller stuff for portables. I heard good things about Dragon Ball: Origns 1&2.

In other news, Ono shows us a picture of Akuma's 3S face with a quote "HD" filter. Nothing really surprising or out of the ordinary.

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"Re(3):NA Shooter again" , posted Fri 3 Jun 08:56post reply

It baffles me why anyone would want disgusting filters obscuring beautiful sprite work... but it also baffles me why anyone would want to play SSF2T HDR and go as far as to ask for more hideous abortions in that vein afterwards. I don't understand fighting game fans. Except for the ones I work with and the ones who post here. For you, all of the kisses. Every last one of them!
Anybody played either Otomedius game? It always struck me as Parodius, but with crappy character design.

I found the first game to be totally underwhelming. I'd be considerably less reluctant to pick this up for $30 if I couldn't scoop up the Platinum Collection release of Espgaluda II for just a little bit more. And I'd totally buy it for the "thanks for bringing this over!" factor, but I saw this video earlier today and now I just want Konami to go out of business as fast as humanly possible.

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"Re(4):NA Shooter again" , posted Fri 3 Jun 12:01post reply


I found the first game to be totally underwhelming. I'd be considerably less reluctant to pick this up for $30 if I couldn't scoop up the Platinum Collection release of Espgaluda II for just a little bit more. And I'd totally buy it for the "thanks for bringing this over!" factor, but I saw this video earlier today and now I just want Konami to go out of business as fast as humanly possible.

Hum, maybe I'll preorder it at some point if I have the spare cash. Hard to pass up a domestic release of a relatively expensive mediocre import

Espgaluda II, on the other hand is excellent, and I highly recommend buying it.

As for Gradius the Slot, I can accept similar things like the Castlevania medal games, but at least they still actually DO something with that franchise outside of said non-video game games.

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"Biker Ono" , posted Fri 3 Jun 12:29post reply

In other news, Ono shows us a picture of Akuma's 3S face with a quote "HD" filter. Nothing really surprising or out of the ordinary.

Speaking of, a red headed biker seems to be in TxSF... or was it the other way around? .

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

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"Re(4):NA Shooter again" , posted Sat 4 Jun 09:00post reply

Tactics Ogre fans, artbook fans, buy this:


I just wish they had the dialogue picture bigger. Sometimes they bring out little subtleties that the illustrations lack.

It baffles me why anyone would want disgusting filters obscuring beautiful sprite work... but it also baffles me why anyone would want to play SSF2T HDR and go as far as to ask for more hideous abortions in that vein afterwards.

This reminds me of a wound in my heart. All the hate that the graphics in KOF12 received really hurt me. It was like having the most beautiful daughter in the world who couldn't get a date to prom.

I can't stand filters like that myself. They're like censor bars for people who don't want to see pixels. It's like getting drunk and hooking up with an ugly person. That person still looks the same, you just can't tell any more! No wait...maybe it's more like stabbing yourself in the eyes, then hooking up with an ugly person, only the person isn't actually ugly, you just have really terrible taste.

I was saddened by the responses to the SF3 filter shot. Acceptable responses include:

1: I am dumb and hate pixels, so I'm glad I don't have to look at them anymore.

2: I am smart and I am going to turn that filter off.

Unacceptable responses include fury at the inclusion of a filter whatsoever and insistence they they should've done it just like HDR. I might be SUPER out of touch with the world, though, if there are a significant number of people out there who think HDR looks better than SF3.


Anybody played either Otomedius game? It always struck me as Parodius, but with crappy character design.

Awww... I think Mine Yoshizaki is very good at what he does! He's also very good at mascot characters, though, so I'd like to see some of those talents put to use in Otomedius. Actually, I'd rather it just not be polygons. I thought Deathsmiles looked awesome in its badness, but Otomedius just comes across as cheap-looking to me.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(5):NA Shooter again" , posted Sun 5 Jun 01:28:post reply

Awww... I think Mine Yoshizaki is very good at what he does! He's also very good at mascot characters, though, so I'd like to see some of those talents put to use in Otomedius. Actually, I'd rather it just not be polygons. I thought Deathsmiles looked awesome in its badness, but Otomedius just comes across as cheap-looking to me.

Well, I guess it's just not to my taste. Maybe I just shouldn't take it so seriously.

As for Deathsmiles I really wish it they had not gone with polys-- some of the ridiculous designs would look much better in pixels, but it's still pretty fun. OH and I just got Akai Katana too! I hear it's quite good but I literally just got it so I can't say for sure yet.

Ah, love the Tactics Ogre artbook, thanks for the link!

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Sun 5 Jun 01:29]

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"Re(5):NA Shooter again" , posted Sun 5 Jun 02:42post reply

Tactics Ogre fans, artbook fans, buy this:


Ooooooooooooooooh. Is that for me?

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"Re(6):NA Shooter again" , posted Sun 5 Jun 04:08post reply


Well, I guess it's just not to my taste. Maybe I just shouldn't take it so seriously.

As for Deathsmiles I really wish it they had not gone with polys-- some of the ridiculous designs would look much better in pixels, but it's still pretty fun. OH and I just got Akai Katana too! I hear it's quite good but I literally just got it so I can't say for sure yet.

Are you a big Parodius fan? I played Parodius 2 a lot, but the problem I have with it (and Gradius) is that you rely so much on powerups. If you're aiming for a 1 credit win, that makes sense, but I'm not good enough to win any shooter in one credit.

Of course, I'd love it if Deathsmiles was in 2D too, but the "stop motion animation" look does have its charm, particularly with Tyrannosatan. I don't see any charm in the 3D in Otomedius, though.

I'm interested in Akai Katana like any other Cave shooter, but I can't see myself paying import prices for it. Ah! Wait...I forgot...do you have a Japanese 360, or a modded one? Ironically, I didn't play Deathsmiles until I got a US 360 a few months ago...

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(7):NA Shooter again" , posted Sun 5 Jun 13:19post reply


Are you a big Parodius fan? I played Parodius 2 a lot, but the problem I have with it (and Gradius) is that you rely so much on powerups. If you're aiming for a 1 credit win, that makes sense, but I'm not good enough to win any shooter in one credit.

I love Parodius! The sprite work is perfect-- there's so much detail and so much care is obvious in it. My favorite in the series is probably Sexy Parodius, although the Super Famicom version of Goukujou Pariodius is great as well.

I know what you mean about the powerup dependence, but it's always been what encourages me to try and one-credit it.

Of course, I'd love it if Deathsmiles was in 2D too, but the "stop motion animation" look does have its charm, particularly with Tyrannosatan. I don't see any charm in the 3D in Otomedius, though.

I'm interested in Akai Katana like any other Cave shooter, but I can't see myself paying import prices for it. Ah! Wait...I forgot...do you have a Japanese 360, or a modded one? Ironically, I didn't play Deathsmiles until I got a US 360 a few months ago...

I'm still not sure exactly why the prices are so high for Cave stuff, even compared to other imports. That said, I love their shooters so much I just end up springing for them every time. I have a Japan region XBox360 that I got exclusively to play them, as a matter of fact. I'm not quite at the point where I would build a whole TATE setup though.

If you enjoy shooters though, you might want to spring for Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu (and/or Black label)-- it's far and and away the best shooter I've ever played. AND it's got a great soundtrack.

2201th Post

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"Shooterfest" , posted Sun 5 Jun 14:30post reply

the problem I have with it (and Gradius) is that you rely so much on powerups
Did someone say Graaaaaaaaaaaaaadius? Especially Gradius V, which I just played this afternoon?! What a wonderful experience (I had somehow never played it before), in the same way that Ikaruga is (though without the beautiful wabi-sabi simplicity of Ikaruga, I admit). I wasn't aware until a friend pointed it out that Gradius V was like a Konami-Treasure super-reunion with Treasure at the helm...no hard feelings in production, apparently, because it plays well. It's like if Square hired Sakaguchi to make a good Final Fantasy again!
Karasu: Sexy Parodius
Yes yes yes! I remember being quite young and having Sexy Parodius be one of the first games to catch my previously Mario-obsessed eye as, ah, "sexy!" It's such a blast. Speaking of sexy shooters, I forget, is there love at the Cafe for SENGOKU BLADE? It's tragically short but marvelous feudal sci-fi fun, especially with the back-and-forth banter in co-op mode. It's really cool when the cyborg ninja joins you after you win.


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"Witcher 2 is super awesome" , posted Sun 5 Jun 14:50post reply

.... even in spite of having bugs that literally make you lose control of your character in combat where you can die in a single digit number of hits.

It has some of the most believably arrogant and boorish characters I've seen in a video game. It takes awhile to figure out when you're going to get which attack animation (which is really quite important, since you can die so easily and all the attack animations take a significant amount of time), and while you can dodge cancel, dodges don't have invulnerability. It's a gory, violent game, but it isn't as comically in-your-face about it as Dragon Age was, where you could probably fight rabbits and come out of it looking like you were just in an out-of-control abbatoir. The facial animation is ok at best, but everything else about the game looks pretty great, even without a super-powered computer. It has an item named "Mail Enhancement", and it's not even a joke item.

You can also equip a soup ladle as one of your swords, and it makes every in-game cutscene look incredibly awesome.

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"Re(8):NA Shooter again" , posted Mon 6 Jun 05:28post reply

If you enjoy shooters though, you might want to spring for Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu (and/or Black label)-- it's far and and away the best shooter I've ever played. AND it's got a great soundtrack.

If only I could download it for $30. Speaking of which, is Deathsmiles 2 any good?

It's almost pointless for me to talk about shooters, though. It's like tlaking to a fighting game fan who never plays VS. I do enjoy shooters in my own way, but the only series I'm really into is Touhou, because it gives me really clear goals, like the old "3 continues to win it" system.

Speaking of sexy shooters, I forget, is there love at the Cafe for SENGOKU BLADE? It's tragically short but marvelous feudal sci-fi fun, especially with the back-and-forth banter in co-op mode.

This is one of those games I loved when I first played, but have no idea how well it holds up today. I have fond memories, though. I was always happy to play non-spaceship shooters... Keio, Robo Aleste, Lords of Thunder. (Hello Sega CD!)

I tried playing Lords of Thunder a while back and was so frustrated by the shooting blips drowning out the amazing soundtrack that I had to quit after only 2 levels.


It's a gory, violent game, but it isn't as comically in-your-face about it as Dragon Age was, where you could probably fight rabbits and come out of it looking like you were just in an out-of-control abbatoir.

I'm mildly interested in the Witcher, but I only recently played Dragon Age and it left a horrible taste in my mouth. I was able to "fix" the repulsive graphics with a heaping helping of mods, but the difficulty balance in the game was just shot to hell. The battles were grueling and monotonous...they just wore me down. And it would swing from absurdly difficult random encounters to impossibly easy boss fights again and again. I loved the dialogue, the relative freedom of choice and the characters, but the game itself was sloppy sloppy.

I like a challenge, but Dragon Age was challenging 1/3 of the time, boring 1/3 of the time and infuriating the other 1/3. With that in mind, how do you think the Witcher will fare (for me)?

This guy from Bioware gave it a 0! I can trust him, right? Maybe I should just play Dragon Age 2!


青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(9):NA Shooter again" , posted Mon 6 Jun 08:57:post reply

Dragon Age stuffs

I honestly didn't go through all of Dragon Age 1, though I did go through Dragon Age 2. Dragon Age 2 suffers from a similar balance problem in that it feels like every enemy that isn't a boss is trivial, with the exception of the Rock Wraiths because they can stunlock you from range. So I sympathize.

The combat in W2 is quite challenging at the outset. Think about how in God Hand, if you stopped moving even the ordinary enemies could kill you quickly, and bosses would annihilate you. As the game progresses, the combat steadily gets easier as your character grows more powerful, though there are spiky bits with some of the bosses. You are only in control of one character, so there is quite a bit more you do with him, and unlike most other RPGs where you can drink potions/cast healing spell/etc., the most you can do in this game is pre-emptively drink potions that very slightly increase your health regeneration. You can also cast a spell that makes you impervious to 1 or 2 physical hits, but you can't do that all the time, and tapping yourself out takes away your ability to block. I know you played ME2, so for comparison: in ME2, the game's difficulty felt uniform throughout; one of the oddities of the game is that for me, it never felt like it got easier or harder unless I didn't bother to assign skill points for many levels... which to me felt really strange, because it didn't make sense that an enemy soldier who looks and behaves identically throughout the game is just as tough when Shepard is level 1 as when Shepard is level 10. Just like in Resident Evil 5, there was also a scheme which scaled enemy durability and attack power up as you performed better, which I definitely think was a factor in that uniform feeling. In Witcher 2, plain old enemy soldiers are absolutely deadly when you are level 1, and are still quite capable of killing you at level 10, though it's noticeably more difficult for them to do so. The combat still has notable flaws (the ranged weapon targetting/aiming feels sluggish/clumsy, attack animations feel like they take too long when you are starting to play, the autotargetting can switch your target at really bad times if you don't lock on to somebody...), but that's a matter of clumsiness as opposed to balance. The game is also much shorter than Dragon Age 1, and I'm sure that the sheer length of the game made all the problems with the game just that much more irritating. The game makes it pretty obvious which are the things you have to do if you just want to push the main story along, and if you are so inclined, you can beat the game pretty quickly for an RPG if you just rush along that path.

Many of the characters are quite endearing, and while not all of them are complex, they are all very believable. The illusion of choice is much stronger in W2, even if the decisions are not all quite so grandiose as the ones in Dragon Age. Many of the goals of Dragon Age 2 in terms of story, setting, and design were very idealistic (e.g. make the game about a very particular place, make it intimately about a character and that character's actions as they are getting swept through the events of that particular place rather than about saving the world as usual against some big bad evil, make the combat fast/intimate/visceral/action-y, streamline....) were all achieved to varying degrees in DA2, but very successfully in W2.

It is not as astonishing in its unique design elements as Demon's Soul, nor does it encourage you to play it again and again purely for gameplay reasons. There are a few points where the game branches significantly and you will be in different places, with different quests, interacting with different characters, etc., but really this is going to make you play the game again once, maybe twice, as opposed to playing the game every day for weeks because you want to invade other people's games or go through the game in pure black world tendency with all the NPCs murdered using a barbarian.

Wow, that's a lot of text!

[this message was edited by Spoon on Mon 6 Jun 09:01]

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"Re(10):NA Shooter again" , posted Mon 6 Jun 12:23post reply

Wow, that's a lot of text!

Thanks for the extensive reply. I'll probably pick up the game when it goes on sale...or if I have a lapse in work or games to play.

My only remaining concern from what you said is that it might get too easy as it goes along? This is a big problem for me in games, where I enjoy the learning process, but when there's nothing else to learn, the game becomes boring. End of Eternity did this to me, where it demanded that I get good at it...then made me get so good that it became boring. The whole second half of Lost Odyssey was terribly boring as well for the same reason.

I think SMT3 did it best, where I felt invincible only by the end. Eventually, I was like "You have thrown everything you could possibly thrown at me and I've done it. Whatever is next, I know I can handle!"

But if you're likening it to God Hand...yeah, that was like...terrifying at first, then (in my opinion) perfectly balanced. I don't need "hard", I just need "consistently engaging". You make it sound like the system is exciting enough to keep you interested regardless of if it's difficult or not.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(9):NA Shooter again" , posted Tue 7 Jun 00:28:post reply


If only I could download it for $30. Speaking of which, is Deathsmiles 2 any good?

I would not be surprised to see DDP DFK made available in the same way as Deathsmiles 2. Apparently Cave has made a killing on it on the iOS app store.

D2 is... not bad. I bought it to see if they had addressed the difficulty (lack of it, that is) issues from D1, as well as to support Cave's efforts in the West. They have not-- I was able to beat it with a credit the first time I played it, and I was tipsy at the time. I should note that I'm not some insane twitch master or something-- I find many of Cave's games to be genuinely hard.

Speaking of sexy shooters, I forget, is there love at the Cafe for SENGOKU BLADE? It's tragically short but marvelous feudal sci-fi fun, especially with the back-and-forth banter in co-op mode.

Love love love Sengoku Blade! Love love love Psikyo games in general, especially Gunbird! I am apparently a shooter fan rarity in that I enjoy the entire breadth of the genre's history, all the way back to Space Invaders (which I played Saturday night, as a matter of fact). There are some games I like more than others, but even more that fighting games, shooters are my favorites. I get a strange sort of solace from playing them, and if they look wonderful (like Snegoku Blade does) all the better!

Speaking of looking good, I played Akai Katana, finally, this morning, and... WOW. It's simply amazing looking! The system will take some getting used to, but it's got that same weird semi-antiquated militaristic look as Progear and Battle Garegga-- the bosses (the ones I got to, at least) are people like in Espgaluda, but they... well, for lack of a better way of describing it, they 'summon' battleships and bombers and warships that emerge from portals, shoot at you, and then disappear. VERY stylish. VERY beautiful. VERY difficult, at least so far. I recommend it.

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Tue 7 Jun 00:39]

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"Re(10):NA Shooter again" , posted Tue 7 Jun 01:11post reply

After the previous announcement of Kyo and Ragna in Lord of Vermillion Re:2, now it's Iori and Jin's turn

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"