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Pollyanna 3003th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):MvC3 : Waste of Thread" , posted Wed 9 Mar 08:22    
From the last thread...
quote: My Arthur is here to cover up Haggar or Dormammu, not destroy by himself the entire opponent's team with just three moves. That's not how I'm going to improve.
When I play someone...not so awesome...I just take that time to learn a new character.
I'm unfortunately learning some bad habits through bad competition, though. For example, there's a particular strategy with Taskmaster I rely really heavily on. I finally played someone decent and found out that it was actually really easy to punish. Later, I was able to win against someone much better than me because they used the same strategy and had yet to learn that it was only effective on people who didn't know what they were doing.
quote: A couple of my friends locally use this team subbing Tasky for Sentinel. They start with Hsien-Ko on point. Match starts, Dark Force super, immediately tag out, free assists for the rest of the match.
Ugh. Super armor assist and Sentinel. That must be horrible to deal with. I catch people doing the dark force thing from time to time, but none of them actually know how to use Leilei. Snap her back in and they completely screw up.
She Hulk is my wildly unpredictable character. I have to build a team around her so she can get across the screen. Also, she totally stinks for tag in supers. I keep thinking "surely the drop kick can reach that far..."
Poor Jill still looks dull as dishwater. Hopping around and kicking people may be fine in another game but MvC3 already has plenty of characters who can do that in a much more flashy manner.
I'm a Jill fan, so I'm happy to see her on some level, but she was a bad decision. Between Chris and Wesker, you really have everything covered. Also, too much Biohazard 5.
At least she has that Rider Kick super...
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Pollyanna 3015th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):The April Fools joke 9 years ago . . ." , posted Tue 5 Apr 09:25    
quote: After I month I finally had MVC3, very funny game, I love to use spiderman, he seems to be more worthy than previous entries, is he considered a decent character?
He definitely isn't one of the best, but I feel like just about any character can be abused in some way. You're probably not aiming for pro level anyway, right?
Speaking of tiers and such, Sentinel still seems perfectly vicious, despite complaints about his nerf. I can understand the "it's too early to tell for sure" argument, but at present, he still seems to be top tier, just not in a tier of his own. If he had a less useful assist, maybe it would be a different story.
The new abusive thing to do seems to be Sentinel force assist combined with Taskmaster's spidey swing into spidey swing into throw/more Sentinel. I don't get angry at the people who do things like this, but I get angry at myself for being unable to stop it.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
sibarraz 43th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Rare Customer

| "Re(3):The April Fools joke 9 years ago . . ." , posted Tue 5 Apr 12:24    
quote: After I month I finally had MVC3, very funny game, I love to use spiderman, he seems to be more worthy than previous entries, is he considered a decent character?
He definitely isn't one of the best, but I feel like just about any character can be abused in some way. You're probably not aiming for pro level anyway, right?
Speaking of tiers and such, Sentinel still seems perfectly vicious, despite complaints about his nerf. I can understand the "it's too early to tell for sure" argument, but at present, he still seems to be top tier, just not in a tier of his own. If he had a less useful assist, maybe it would be a different story.
The new abusive thing to do seems to be Sentinel force assist combined with Taskmaster's spidey swing into spidey swing into throw/more Sentinel. I don't get angry at the people who do things like this, but I get angry at myself for being unable to stop it.
Thanks for the info, I don't know, I'm in a limbo between pro and casual level, but with university I don't had that much free time to train
It's weird how almost all my friends who are way better than me here are neets lol
Ishmael 4061th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):The April Fools joke 9 years ago . . ." , posted Thu 7 Apr 01:29    
quote: He definitely isn't one of the best, but I feel like just about any character can be abused in some way. You're probably not aiming for pro level anyway, right?
From what I've been able to tell MvC3 isn't about using the characters correctly but abusing the characters correctly. That's not a complaint since that philosophy seems to be what the game is designed around.
A few random MvC3 thoughts:
First, the nerf to Sentinel doesn't appear to make him any less potent, it simply fixed him so he's no longer stupidly difficult to kill. Since MvC3 is about inflicting constant damage a drop to his attack power would have done nothing but slow the pace of the match down to a crawl. That's Phoenix's job, not the job of the robot designed to anchor teams. Thanks to the change Sentinel is now a high damage character with a big hit box instead of being an SNK boss who somehow snuck into the regular roster.
Second, I think I may be done with playing against random people on-line. With the SF4 games I could watch other people play, view old matches and do other things that made me feel like I was engaging with a larger community. Not only was it was fun but it made me constantly think about and adjust the way I played the game. In contrast, a majority of the on-line MvC3 experience is bouncing title cards and an endlessly looping music track. Yes, I understand that there are unexpected technical hurdles that are holding that aspect of the game back. But when MvC3 isn't able to meet me halfway it makes it hard for me to get jazzed about playing against the world.
Grave 1408th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "is mahvel again baybee" , posted Wed 16 Nov 15:27    
Did we have another thread for UMvC3? I don't know. I don't really care. Who got it?! I got mine this afternoon, I saw Polly playing for a little while I think, and a buddy of mine and mbisonhatclub's picked it up too. Played a bunch of offline and some matches with him earlier.
I wasn't a terribly good MvC3 player and I didn't get too deep into learning anything beyond casual play, so a lot of the game's balance changes are lost on me other than gut feelings I get about how some things work. A lot of moves definitely seem to have different properties, and some characters have been totally overhauled - Ryu, for instance, is actually interesting now! On par with MvC1 Ryu, even! Weird.
I'm completely enamored with the new characters. I thought they were great picks before we even saw them in action, and now that I'm playing with them I like them even more. Phoenix Wright is so much fun. I'm a little bit disappointed in Ghost Rider, but not enough that I won't force myself to play him. Firebrand is wonderful too.
Evenor 753th Post

PSN: missantroop XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):is mahvel again baybee" , posted Wed 16 Nov 17:17    
quote: Did we have another thread for UMvC3? I don't know. I don't really care. Who got it?! I got mine this afternoon, I saw Polly playing for a little while I think, and a buddy of mine and mbisonhatclub's picked it up too. Played a bunch of offline and some matches with him earlier.
I wasn't a terribly good MvC3 player and I didn't get too deep into learning anything beyond casual play, so a lot of the game's balance changes are lost on me other than gut feelings I get about how some things work. A lot of moves definitely seem to have different properties, and some characters have been totally overhauled - Ryu, for instance, is actually interesting now! On par with MvC1 Ryu, even! Weird.
I'm completely enamored with the new characters. I thought they were great picks before we even saw them in action, and now that I'm playing with them I like them even more. Phoenix Wright is so much fun. I'm a little bit disappointed in Ghost Rider, but not enough that I won't force myself to play him. Firebrand is wonderful too.
I am really tempted to go out and buy UMVC3 but I'm still bitter about there not being a DLC option(MVC3= 10 yrs of waiting,UMVC3= 10 months lol). Out of the new characters, I would really like to mess around with Hawkeye,Nova, and Dr.strange. I welcome the balance changes even though some characters who needed nerfs weren't even touched (Spencer). Felicia looks like a blast to play and I will probably pick this game up when it's cheaper/I'm sick of KOFXIII
drink from me and live forever
mbisonhatclub 400th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(2):is mahvel again baybee" , posted Wed 16 Nov 19:13    
quote: I am really tempted to go out and buy UMVC3 but I'm still bitter about there not being a DLC option(MVC3= 10 yrs of waiting,UMVC3= 10 months lol).
I'm just upset that they did this instead of held off on releasing MvC3 in the first place. All people have to say is "if they had put the new characters up as DLC, we'd be paying 12 * 5 = 60 dollars instead of 40 dollars!!!!" Except if they held off on it until they had the content that equated to UMvC3 (or even, its later iteration to come, UMvC3AE2k12), people wouldn't have had to pay the initial 60 dollars on top of the 40 dollars extra in the first place, because it'd all be on one disc save for the two already-set DLC characters, Shuma and Jill, so instead you'd pay maybe 60-70 dollars only. Don't try and tell me they'd charge nearly 50 * 5 dollars as the minimal price for that version of (U)MvC3 because as you can see, they don't really have a problem charging only a mere 40 for a standalone version of that very same content. It's a great bargain for those who didn't buy the original game, but it leaves a sting in my own mouth since I got vanilla and didn't really enjoy it much--I guess it didn't really help that I wasn't originally a fan of Mahvel, though.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Iggy 9305th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):is mahvel again baybee" , posted Wed 16 Nov 21:03    
I'm still upset that people think videogames are still a profitable business and huge games can be developed for years and just be sold at the end for a bargain price with AAA quality, without intermediate beta versions. Or, in the precise case of Marvel, that it's easy for any company to work with any other company, especially when Company B is a huge IP behemoth that has dozens of projects side to side and looks at the slightest change of tone in the yellow on the hat of character XYZ as a breach of contract. I know, I am part of one of these behemoths, and it's delightful to shit in someone's hard work by saying "how come you have put the logo of my product slightly on the left of this panel? This is unacceptable. How many times have I told you it should be 5% on the right? You didn't receive any email about this? You don't have the time to rework it on time? I-don't-even-care <3".
As for Ultimate, I'm also upset that one of the problems I had in Vanilla is getting even worse: there are just too many characters I want to play as. I feel like a wealthy kid in a candy store that realises that he only has one mouth for all these candies. Not only do I want to play as all the new guys (except maybe Hawkeye, I don't really feel him), but my old characters are still here, some characters I had dropped get some interesting buffs (Haggar, I'm sorry I left you, I'm sure we can work it all over), and even characters I didn't care about get these amazing costumes that make me want to play them. It's the first game I feel like playing Gôki in decades, and I didn't even like MSFvsSF! And I don't care about Marvel characters at all, yet I want to play half of them...
This games makes me want to be a brain in a tube, so I could focus on it without being bothered by anything such as love, food, sleep, work, or Oreshika and Basara3. Damn it, I really like the PSP Oreshika.
Iggy 9306th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):is mahvel again baybee" , posted Thu 17 Nov 00:18    
I'm actually very happy the NFT is not in KOFXIII: that way I feel slightly less bad about leaving the game for later... Damn.
I was not referring specifically to your comment, but to the general negative feedback about releasing UMvC 6 month later. Which, of course, as a customer, I fully understand. But as a part of an evil corporation myself, when you see the amount of money, and even worse, the number of different egomaniacs you have to get to work together to finish any kind of big scale product, to which you must add something pretty new, the insane hunger of the shareholder who are going to kill anyone who's doing something good for the company in the long term if it means less money at the end of this particular fiscal year... Yeah, it makes me put things in perspective.
Funny you mention Marvel's children playing card. Muahahaha, the amount of overpriced shit you can sell to people when you set up a strong IP... And on the other side, without that kind of thing, you cannot really build up anything remotely AAA, as not having overpriced shit backing up your main product would just be suicide at the slightest drawback. So... yeah, sucks to live in the 2010's. It probably won't last long anyway.
And then, of course, you have Mario made by a team of 30 talented people working less than 2 years to finish a product that would sell 5 to 10 times more than MvC3 (or, really, most any other games) in the long run.
Back to Leilei... I would really, really like a Tenraiha where the balls stay long enough to allow Leilei to put real pressure/self unblockables. Make it cost 3 bars, I don't care, if Felicia can have her Kitty helper, why can't Leilei have a real Tenraiha? Using this move as a simple combo finisher/OTG is such a waste... I'm still unsure whether Morrigan's buffs can balance the loss of guard during airdashes. At least, with my low execution level, things have become quite complicated.
Have we talked about Amaterasu's Gallon outfit? Or about Shuma's multiple eyeballs? That's pretty amazingly awesome. And Skeleton Arthur too, and.... raaah.
Grave 1413th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "First DLC releases are here. Dammit Capcom!" , posted Wed 23 Nov 13:28    
As in, "dammit, why are these so good?!"
I never mind paying for fighting game DLC as long as they make it worth my while. I thought the BBCS characters were fairly priced and I think Capcom did a good job (for once) with the 3S music pricing. So, what about the UMvC3 costumes, since there are so many of them...?
The Rising Dead pack is winners all across the board. 90's Jean Grey is absolutely fantastic looking, no-coat Nemesis is terrifying, Frank West in the MM outfit is trolltastic and Ghost Rider 2099, even though I won't use him over the original, looks really, really damn good!
The Evil Twin pack, which I didn't think was supposed to be out today, is kinda hit and miss. Cablepool is kinda funny, I guess... sort of... I dunno. Don't care. Same with Vergil's outfit, I'm not too concerned. But Lin-Lin was a must buy, and more importantly: SCARLET FUCKING SPIDER. I've wanted to see this in the vs. games for about as long as I wanted to see Ghost Rider in them, so: yup. Here's my money. Let's go.
I know the same people who won't pick up UMvC3 are probably rolling their eyes about me gushing over DLC, but when Capcom does fanservice right, they hit it out the park and a whole ton of care has been put into these costumes. Very enjoyable stuff IMO.