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Toxico 5296th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Kof 2001 is addictive to me." , posted Fri 8 Apr 05:53    
quote: It's butt-ugly, but it has the most lovable female team in he series, no-charge Heidern is hilarious to play, Shorthair Athena is cute and I took the K9999 joke better than most people, apparently.
I remember that the oh-so incredible damage rates to which the game is subjected make anything but impossible playing the game that bit seriously. Having 80% of your life gone for eating a punch -> DM amoeba level combo wasn't there to make the playable experience something better. I remember many Uppercuts draining off 1/4 of the character energy. Due to that little detail, I remember that most of us played the game in single player and by rounds, that way you'll had the Maximum possible level of defense and you'll have more than a single try when going at it.... But not playing as a team "by default" was just boring.
2001 helds the unusual privilege of being the only game (along with 2000) that works in my ps2 when the console actually breaks down. For some reason absolutely nothing would load properly but these two games, and as such I remember long periods of my console being "down" for months and the only thing that I and those leeches that wanted to play ps2 could play was 2001 and 2000. Fine times indeed. If you are wondering, my ps2 is an almost 10 year old fatty that works properly, yet you need to clean & calibrate the lens every few years for the console to be on top form. Without that you'll be stuck in the 00/01 universe.
For the sake of the thread, here are some VS action for this game.
Korean fights (1)
Korean fights (2)
Japanese tournament kinda low level but 777 was paying. Uploaded by our most beloved Hikkikomori Gunsmith-tan (who has a bunch of random things in his channel, like a high level 2k3 korean(?) tournament).

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
sibarraz 46th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Rare Customer

| "Re(3):Kof 2001 is addictive to me." , posted Fri 8 Apr 07:22:    
777 makes all the KOF look awesome
the game per se isn't bad, but you had way better options strictly with kof
Still, it was a terrible disappointment after the wonderful KOF2000 and unlike most "experimental" episodes (94 / 97 / 99 / 2003), 2001 never got another chance with a revised edition one year later. Which is why I still don't understand the ressemblance between 2002 and NeoWave; one of them should have been the necessary revision of KOF2001.
I don't know, for me 2001 is no way an ''experimental kof'' at least I always saw 2001 as the culmination of the ''strikers saga'' where they took elements that worked in the previous ones, tried some news, but just didn't worked, with 97 is the same for me, I saw this game more as a revision of 96 than a beginning of a new experiment. At last I think that there is more difference between 95 and 96 than 96 and 97, with 98 as the culmination
I always wanted to discuss this, could be a very interesting topic
[this message was edited by sibarraz on Fri 8 Apr 07:33] |
bootation 597th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(4):Kof 2001 is addictive to me." , posted Sun 10 Apr 11:22    
quote: 777 makes all the KOF look awesome
the game per se isn't bad, but you had way better options strictly with kof
Still, it was a terrible disappointment after the wonderful KOF2000 and unlike most "experimental" episodes (94 / 97 / 99 / 2003), 2001 never got another chance with a revised edition one year later. Which is why I still don't understand the ressemblance between 2002 and NeoWave; one of them should have been the necessary revision of KOF2001.
I don't know, for me 2001 is no way an ''experimental kof'' at least I always saw 2001 as the culmination of the ''strikers saga'' where they took elements that worked in the previous ones, tried some news, but just didn't worked, with 97 is the same for me, I saw this game more as a revision of 96 than a beginning of a new experiment. At last I think that there is more difference between 95 and 96 than 96 and 97, with 98 as the culmination
I always wanted to discuss this, could be a very interesting topic
Ya i think 96 is more experimental but snk's middle name is "experimental". The controls are pretty tight in 2k1 I usually only play it one player though. They definately played around with new concepts but overall i think 2000 is stylistically better but 2k1 is alot of fun. I think it has better backgrounds than 2k2.
Colonize Space Now!
Just a Person 1467th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):Kof 2001 is addictive to me." , posted Mon 11 Apr 05:58    
I thought it was very interesting to choose whether you'd play with 4 fighters, 3 fighters and 1 striker, 2 fighters and 2 strikers or 1 fighter and 3 strikers, that seemed to give the game more diversity and strategy.
Unfortunately, yeah, it didn't look good, nor it played well. The console version was a good improvement over the arcade one, however.
Poor K9999 was the first KoF character to be retconned out of existence, right? I wonder, if SNKP's situation wasn't so bad, if one day they'd re-release KoF 2001 with Nameless replacing Tetsuo K9999 in the storyline (and with better looks and gameplay, of course)... Sure, it doesn't seem profitable, but it wouldn't be the first time when SNKP would make a decision like that...
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