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Ishmael 4065th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Best fighting game announcers?" , posted Mon 11 Apr 23:42    
My personal favorite is probably the announcer from Third Strike. The voice had a serious intensity to it that, for me, really fit a fighting game. It wasn't a spazzed out voice trying to make every second of a short arcade game as intense as possible. Instead, it was the voice of practice and focus, a voice of tier lists, frame data, and tournaments. It's not the voice of a short diversion but of a game that is to be played and studied for a long time. The Third Strike voice is the voice of what fighting games have become.
quote: Shin Samurai Spirits / Samurai Shodown 2. The announcer was so loud it sounded strong, it fits along perfectly with the sound effects, BGMs and Masaki Usui's or Kong Kuwata's super cheezy voice acting, it was just amazing.
More games should have referee systems as part of the background eye candy. Still, while I loved the Kuroko judges in SS they had a pretty easy job. Most of the time it was easy to tell who the winner in a SS game was because they were the player who wasn't dead.
Other random thoughts:
KoF has had some unique announcers over the years. While hearing things like "The winner is... Meester Beeg!" is memorable it probably wasn't memorable in the way the programmers intended.
RBS features the only announcer that I've ever wanted to punch in the face.
I don't know if it counts as announcing per se, but I always like the atmospheric voices in Vampire Savior. Hearing demonic cackling after a particularly good move fit the mood a lot more than having some off-screen guy scream "Counter hit!" or whatever. Having the game boo you if you won the match by being a cheeseball was also a nice touch.