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Maou 2190th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "SC V: welcome back to the thread of history" , posted Thu 12 May 06:04:    
New Soul Calibur 5 thread, you say? Okay.
quote: put it back on the spotlight
The stage, really. Of history.
17 years in advance...this means that Talim can now be the new voluptuous late 30's woman, to the surprise of all. Despite the series going into the future, here's hoping that the wretched system is instead plunged into the past. Unlike other games, I never know who really designs the mechanics of my favorite games, so I have no idea if the people to make the good Soul Caliburs (1,2) are even still around. Certainly, the people who started putting bad things in (Necrid, guests, near-total elimination of low attacks and good 8-way run moves) are still leeching off, but...
I am thoroughly impressed that the new logo at least is even more tacky than Soul Calibur 4.
[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 12 May 06:07] | | Replies: |
maese 629th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(1):soul blubber" , posted Thu 12 May 20:56    
Let's flesh out the thread with some info from the developers. Here the project's producer talks about the new & old features we will find in SCV. And here the same producer makes me wet with his remark of SCV being actually the true sequel to the old Soul Edge.
And now, let the character rants & speculation begin!
quote: ...... are you ready for saggy Ivy?
Or Cervantes in a diaper?
I wouldn't worry about that. Cervantes is an ageless zombie and Ivy is an adept alchemist, so either she would have found an eternal youth elixir by the time of SCV or she would send her youthful yet equally voluptuous daughter to fight for her on the tournament.
The thought of a saggy Taki is what worries me most... then again, knowing how well japanese ladies tend to age, maybe we would be plesantly surprised.
Oh, and there is some speculation around the net about Pyrrha, Patroklo's sister, appearing in he game in an antagonist role. Judging from his portrait, Patroklos could very well be a bad boy type of protagonist, a la Kazuya in Tekken, and Pyrrha would be the true inheritor of Sophitia's heavenly sword style and would try to get her temperamental brother in check. Thus we'd get our share of familiar drama in Soul series as well.
Oh well, we'll see.
BONUS TRACK: sketches directly from the designer's desk. Maybe that languid looking lady is actually Pyrrha?
Maou 2190th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):soul blubber" , posted Fri 13 May 02:23    
quote: gameplay that is more continuous – you don't need to wait as much between moves.
The blurb about how SC5 will be "lighter, sharper, and more elegant" also intrigues me.
Ish, this interested me, too, the bit about more "continuous" gameplay. It's hard to tell in translation here if this is what they mean, but I hope it's this: one of the most interesting things about returning to our beloved SC2 with my master last weekend after years away was how FAST and FLUID it is. SC3 and 4 are like wading through molasses or playing soccer in a swamp.
And what's important is that SC2's fluidity and speed are highly technical---it's full of variation of highs and lows, 8-way run, precise moves, and variable ending to multi-hits. This is all the more glaring after 3 and 4, which are willfully sluggish because it doesn't matter, since 95% of attacks are mid-high and there is no good 8-way run. After 2, SC 3 and 4 feel about as 3D as Tekken Tag.
Olivier Hague 158th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):soul blubber" , posted Fri 13 May 05:00:    
quote: there is some speculation around the net about Pyrrha, Patroklo's sister, appearing in he game in an antagonist role. Judging from his portrait, Patroklos could very well be a bad boy type of protagonist, a la Kazuya in Tekken, and Pyrrha would be the true inheritor of Sophitia's heavenly sword style and would try to get her temperamental brother in check. Thus we'd get our share of familiar drama in Soul series as well.
But Pyrrha couldn't survive anymore without Soul Edge, in SoulCalibur IV, so that makes her a likely heel candidate...
quote: BONUS TRACK: sketches directly from the designer's desk. Maybe that languid looking lady is actually Pyrrha?
It most probably is Salia: * *
quote: Odashima had an interesting tweet that originally he wanted to call the game Soul Edge 2, but that idea was rejected. While I can imagine why it was rejected, I have to wonder why he would want to go back to the series' old name in the first place.
"Whole new chapter"? A 17-year time skip would justify that...
quote: That was just some US trademark thing I hear.
Yup. Shouldn't be a problem anymore, but "SoulCalibur" is probably more evocative as a title than "Soul Edge", at this point...
[this message was edited by Olivier Hague on Fri 13 May 05:01] |
Loona 408th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(2):soul blubber" , posted Fri 13 May 19:26    
quote: Cervantes is an ageless zombie and Ivy is an adept alchemist, so either she would have found an eternal youth elixir by the time of SCV or she would send her youthful yet equally voluptuous daughter to fight for her on the tournament.
Ivy seems too resentful of her lineage to want to breed. She's a driven woman though - if she's still intent on destroying all things Soul-Edge-related, she probably could prolong her life to ensure she fulfills that task. Still, I kinda hope she gets a slight outfit shift, or at least option, that more armor or military based, some of hers in the past looked good and de-emphasized the character's sexualization in a tasteful way.
The thought of a saggy Taki is what worries me most... then again, knowing how well japanese ladies tend to age, maybe we would be plesantly surprised.
Taki's part of a clan (didn't someone in it get possessed or something in her SC3 ending?). I wouldn't be surprised if she were replaced by a male counterpart, with maybe a Cassandra-ish variation tossed in there too. While Taki gets to be a baddass matriach to that ninja clan or something.
Oh, and there is some speculation around the net about Pyrrha, Patroklo's sister, appearing in he game in an antagonist role. Judging from his portrait, Patroklos could very well be a bad boy type of protagonist, a la Kazuya in Tekken, and Pyrrha would be the true inheritor of Sophitia's heavenly sword style and would try to get her temperamental brother in check. Thus we'd get our share of familiar drama in Soul series as well.
Why not let the rirl be the villain? The series could use one to take Tira's place (I doubt they'll age her. I recall her attempt to take Sophitia's kids in SC3, but I didn't see the SC4 endings... I wonder if there was a follow up to that...
As for the short swords thing, the series already contemplated that before - at least in SC3 (again...), both Soul Edge and Soul Calibur changed shape (before the boss battle with Abyss in story mode) to match the character's type of weapon. If the plot moves away from Siegfired and Nightmare, so might the sword's standard look change accordingly.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Pollyanna 3038th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):soul blubber" , posted Sat 4 Jun 07:59    
quote: You mean, with bouncing physics as well? Ew... Fair's fair! Actually, Voldo has always been such a heroic counterweight to all the girls in Soul Calibur. Imagine if he were actually attractive!
Although I can't blame people for rolling their eyes at the growing breasts in the SC series, we must remember that breasts are not genitals. (unless you're referring to a different part of a man jiggling)
I think SC4 played "fair", seeing as the men had improbable figures and could be stripped in the character edit mode just like the women. Not that "playing fair" makes anything less distasteful...but my complaint with SC is how it assaults my eyes in a non-sexual way.
On a related note, the clothing damage system looked decent on the real characters, but the custom costumes just EXPLODED OFF OF YOU. It was ridiculous, but I'll kind of miss it if they don't bring it back. Kicking a man 3 times in the shins to make his PANTS EXPLODE was pretty incredible. I guess I'd prefer a little more dignity all around, but if you're going ridiculous, go all the way!
quote: 1st screenshot of Pyrrha and grey-haired Mitsurugi's back
I know it's early but this seems to look a lot like SCIV in term of lighting and color. And I'm not really digging Phyrrha's blank expression
The director specifically said they hadn't added facial expressions yet, so that's good!
I thought the trailer they released looked bad because it was obviously REALLY early, but I think it was altogether a little less gaudy than SC4. As in...it didn't assault my eyes.
But I am curious about all those who like Soul Calibur. How do you all manage to make all those movement without having conflict with the 3D environment? I played the 2nd part in game cube and I didn’t find any difficulty at all but how to makes the special movement.
I don't have a problem with the 3D aspect, but I do have a problem with SC and Tekken (especially) because of the huge number of moves you have to memorize. There's often very little logic to the combos, so if I take a month or two off, I don't remember how to play anymore.
This probably wouldn't be a problem if I only used one character, but I use quite a few. I would say I was "respectable" at Tekken 6 when it came out, but I'm like "lower than button masher skill" now. BlazBlue is starting to feel like that, too...
quote: If a fighting game is nothing but the game itself it is accused of being bare bones. But if it has extras such as challenges, go-kart racing, hanafuda games or whatever it is accused of diluting the main game. Is there any sort of workable middle ground?
I feel like they should always shoot for extra content, not because I want it, but because lots of people do, and it makes the game look bad if it's lacking ("No proper whatever mode in this day and age!?"). I don't think it makes sense to say that extra modes "dilute" the game, because we have no clue how the game would've turned out had they not done extra modes. Maybe we'd just end up with a poorly balanced game with no extra content.
I'm not saying that you're arguing that point, I'm just arguing it against the invisible masses.
My personal point of contention is "no proper online mode in this day and age!?". There seems to be something horribly obnoxious about every online mode in every game I play. SOME thing that makes me think "Didn't you test this at all!?" SF4's random song player while you're waiting for a match is something that should've become standard in every game ever and has yet to be replicated (to my knowledge).
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Oh my 29th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(1):soul eyeliner" , posted Sun 5 Jun 03:22    
quote: Whether the AI is "good" or not doesn't even matter because the ultimate goal of fighting is to have a test of wits and mindgames with your human opponent.
In most 3D games you are locked in to facing your opponent so even though you can move around on the Z axis it's always going to be in relation to where the other character is. For example, I can't think of any fighting game where you can turn your back on your opponent and wander off to some corner of the arena. Since the game engine is built around the idea that most of the time you are standing toe to toe with your opponent exchanging blows the controls are more designed for attack than movement.
Even play with humans opponent with that game is stupid. I move up in order to jump and the character moves “north” then I move down to crouch and the character move” south”, its makes me have mild symptoms of Tourette and I start to get angry. It is like get lucky to see what moves you do while moving the joy stick like crazy. That’s the bad thing when I get used to play games like Street Fighter (my personal fave the EX series). At least with that game I know how to make the movements with no problems except with Guile.
I consider that the extra modes and challenges are a good thing in order to find the bonus,you know, find new weapons and unlock secrets or characters. Ah, and it makes you practice instead of play the game over and over until you get used to it, you know, practice makes the master.
In my opinion, the SC series are the perfect example that SEX SELLS, hello. Even thought the game got me because the graphics ARE AWSOME and it was the first fighting game with weapons that’s really, REALLY looks good (not like battle arena toshinden). But in gameplay, in my opinion(again), the game is not so good. I think the series is still alive because of that Sex appeal thing.
Come on, that game got everything for male and female audience. HA, that guy with the stick and the “mysterious dark I don’t know who” turn to be a SEXY HOT guy with a HUGE sword, FOR GODSAKE hahahaha. Anyway I think is entertaining, is just art. I got a female friend who really like that game for the story and the romantic felling it has.
Maou 2210th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "welcome back to the upskirts of history" , posted Sat 11 Jun 12:57:    
Hmm, no more comments on the Soul Calibur V E3 trailer mentioned above yet? Struck me as a little less garish than in still shots, as Polly said, so that's a start. No eyeliner, check. Pirate ships are old hat by now, but I'm surprised some of the nice choices from 1's stages aren't more common. Yeah, they were all just re-skinned square arenas, but the stormy level at sea and all of that seemed so cinematic, then and now. I'm also encouraged that Sophitia's daughter is boldly following in her mother's footsteps within mere seconds after being revealed in motion.
Namco would probably do well to stop embarrassing themselves in public by using American "actors" in their promo videos, but hey.
[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 11 Jun 13:10] |
maese 637th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(1):welcome back to the upskirts of history" , posted Sat 11 Jun 19:28    
quote: Hmm, no more comments on the Soul Calibur V E3 trailer mentioned above yet?
Actually I was very impressed by certain thing of the trailer and wanted to share it with you all, but didin't have the time nor the confidence on being able to put it in words... Well, what the heck, let's try.
Character models, backgrounds and etc. seem pretty much the same as in SCIV, which is kind of disapointing. But the reason of my excitement came when I saw some actual gameplay. I was surpised by the pace, the flow, the rythm of the combat. Namco guys seem to have taken the same approach as SFIV, a very wise step on my opinion. Now they move the camera a lot: they zoom in on the character when he/she is doing something cool, then it focuses again on the classic general view of the two combatants, then the camera goes crazy again with zooms and travellings when the pace of the combat itself demands it... If this approach becomes a trend and other games dig deeper into this concept, it could mean a (much needed) paradigm change in fighting games. A pivotal point similar to the revolution that SFII ("creating" the fighting genre) or Virtua Fighter (bringing on the polygon era) brought to the genre on its day.
I don't know how to say it, but this new paradigm I'm talking about is not so much about how many polygons you can mash up in one character anymore. Character models are already pretty enough, detailed enough. It is rather about the way you *show* those characters on screen and make them flash, make them appealing and awesome on the eyes of the player.
That new camera system on SCV is a new step on that direction, and that's a brilliant move in my opinion. I can't help but feeling that fighting games nowadays need a change, a profound and essential change to liberate them from theur niche and make them *really* interesting again, just as they were on their heyday. And I think this is the right direction for that change. Of course, I am reading too much into a mere trailer of an uncomplete game; Namco has still plenty of time to screw things up, but honestly I can see a very promising potential here. Please, Namco, don't dissapoint me!
kofoguz 898th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(8):soul eyeliner" , posted Sat 11 Jun 23:52:    
quote: Samurai Spirits guest character would be awesome.
This, so much - SS Sen borrowed so much from the SC template any character could be an easy fit. Pet character wouldn't work, and Haohmaru could be easily mistaken for Mitsurugi, so who'd be different yet fitting enough? Jubei, Hanzo?... Between 3 SS characters in an upcoming crossover game and S being in Harada's list of Facebook "likes" (mostly irrelevant, since SC isn't his thing, but one can hope), I'm not givving up on he possibility yet...
Nakoruru would be perfect pick, she's timeless, popular and Mamahaha might fit new super formula&gameplay.
EDIT: I agree with Maese if the camera effects could add a lot to Soire, that means it's working. But the part that doesnt work is if thw said move is too long and camera always choose the same angle for the same move it starts to look repetetive and tiring. So maybe random angles for each time you perform the move might overcome this problem.
[this message was edited by kofoguz on Sat 11 Jun 23:58] |
Maou 2233th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):website rebuild" , posted Fri 22 Jul 12:53:    
quote: I fully agree. She looks way better than she did in 4. I will accept her once again.
Yeah, it's the right balance again, like in SC2. It turns out that the sexiest look isn't always the maximum exposure. Hooray for lace, I guess. I'd complain about the new guy, but he's not substantially more flashy than Maxi was, when you get down to it. Who this wench is replacing Taki, however, is another story.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Bizarre hair aside, though, I guess she is already a better ninja than Taki was given that she has learned the stealth art of hiding her nipples in ways that Taki never quite mastered.
End of Spoiler
Too bad the CG art hasn't progressed. 1 is really the only time it looked nice, given the standards of the day. By 2 it was already embarrassingly inferior to the nice handdrawn art, and I see that SC5 is continuing the Soul Eyeliner tradition of 4...even though they were (and are still) trying for eyelashes!
[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 22 Jul 12:58] |