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Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Odd Questions thread: Original Japanese names" , posted Sat 14 May 15:40    
Since I don't think there's an appropriate topic for such a small trivial question, but feel that the expertise in MM would be sufficient, I just wanted to ask something:
With regards to Japanese names, how do they come up with them without being accused for libel most of the time (and without having to always rely on the all persons ficticious disclaimer)? I mean, I know it's easier to just change a kanji or two to avoid the loophole, but still, it's not like there was Google back in the day.
Lets just say 原多真弓 can also be spelled 原多はらだ. Now I did a search on both, and the latter does appear as a used identity. It seems obvious to just keep the given name in kanji, but I've also had encountered exchange students who have their given names in katakana.
I also consulted my teacher once about kanji choice/meanings. He once gave me advice on certain names (いよみ), but I am not so well versed in a lot of kanji because I haven't been keeping up with my studies and I hardly had the time to memorize on'yomi of each character.
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