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Maou 2196th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):The Right Hand" , posted Fri 20 May 11:40    
quote: Knowing there are users here who live in Japan... erm, l always been curious about why the comics are "backwards". I always thougth it is because the majority of the Japanese population is left handed, is that true?
Also, I heard that if you give the hand to someone you must use the right one because the left one is known to be used to clean themselves. I dont know well, but normally the right handed use their right hand to clean themselves...
Lady Y., I don't know left-handed stats, but you are aware that Japanese and many other languages are written right-to-left traditionally, right? That's still how about 95 percent of the books are printed in Japan, even if everyone reads both that way and in the Western direction, depending on the medium.
The anti-left hand bias is quite old, but that sounds more like customs I have heard from Africa or the Middle East as far the actual reason for the custom.
Oh my 15th Post

New Customer
| "Re(2):The Right Hand" , posted Sat 21 May 06:17    
quote: Lady Y., I don't know left-handed stats, but you are aware that Japanese and many other languages are written right-to-left traditionally, right?
No, i am quite ignorant about that, is just that i am left handed and even when I was teach to write from left to right, naturally, i did it right to left because it was the easiest way for me. Having that in mind I just assume that maybe the countries who use left to right writing it was because being right handed was dominate and the countries who writes right to left, well, being left handed is dominate.
quote: The anti-left hand bias is quite old, but that sounds more like customs I have heard from Africa or the Middle East as far the actual reason for the custom.
What, What, What, WHAT, i didnt think of that beacuse of... really? This sound kind of interesting and controversial, I always notice people kind of freak out when they see me using my left hand. I know lefties are known to be named as sinister and this kind of bad creepy stuff.
People say lefties are like a minority but I notice is kind of normal but people deny or feel ashamed of it. It have such a bad fame that even when my mom saw my sister using her left hand she did her best to force her use the right one but she wasn’t successful trying to switch me.
Other things that makes me think the majority of the people in jap is left handed:
I don’t know if anybody notice in Zelda, most of the times, they make Link left handed.
And, you know, in my country (Puerto Rico) people are very stupid about this Donald trump beauty pageant crap, a very smart way to make money out of the woman vanity and by that way get in the country government to make business, ah, miss universe. So, in the time Jap won for the first time, one of the things miss japan said about her good qualities was that she was able to write with her right hand, something she considered special.
Professor 3051th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(3):The Right Hand" , posted Sat 21 May 12:06    
First up, I'm sure you're just using it as an abbreviation and mean no harm, but abbreviating Japanese as "Jap" is considered to be strongly offensive and I wouldn't really suggest it.
To answer your question, most Japanese are right handed. There's a bias towards left-handers like in other countries, but less so in the modern days.
There seems to be multiple reasons why books read in the opposite direction. For one example, in the old days, people used brushes and ink in order to write. When they did, it was easier to write from the right because they'd have the ink on their right hand side. Less hassle, less mess.
If you read manga a lot, you'd notice the characters are more often facing left because it's more natural for right handers to do line strokes when they're facing that direction.
Zelda is a lefty because his creator is a lefty.
Oh my 16th Post

New Customer
| "Re(7):The Right Hand" , posted Sun 22 May 04:34    
quote: First up, I'm sure you're just using it as an abbreviation and mean no harm, but abbreviating Japanese as "Jap" is considered to be strongly offensive and I wouldn't really suggest it.
My apology is just that the word Japanese is kind of long; I don’t have anything against them.
I forgot to mention about the clean themselves thing that maybe can sound offensive, is just that I am a leftie and as I know about the oriental cultures they are very strict about manner and discipline.
Hearing about this manner thing of: "don’t give your left hand because it is the one they use to clean themselves" gave me the leftie idea. I do everything with my left hand naturally even clean myself so I asked the rest of my family members, who are right handed, which hand they use to clean themselves and they answer me the right one. So I always asked myself, with my bad luck story: if I met a Japanese, and by ignorance, i give my left hand meanwhile my others family members gives their right one (lucky ones). Without knowing I am going to be the one giving the bad impression, like always, and my family gets the good ones without knowing that righties usually clean themselves with the right.
I always notice those anime and art related things in japan emphasize the emotions in a very characteristic way and, as i know, the lefties are supposed to be emotional: other thing that’s made thinks they were a left handed culture.
quote: You can be trained to a certain extent. I was born in one of those house holds were the oldest guy has this "I helped dictatorship reach it's current state with these own two hands" attitude. Coincidentally, he was ignorant enough to thing that right was right and left was, well wrong (in both politics and mythology); thus every time that I went to his house (which was every day) was forced to forego using my dominant evil sinister hand and use that dirty little excuse called right. As a result I'm extremely skilled with both hands to the point were people can't easily really tell that I'm lefty without me handwriting something.
I was raised in a catholic religion and OMG I felt weird that even when doing the cross signal thing they emphasize to use your right hand so I had to consider which hand I use to pray, FOR GOD SAKE. Sometimes I felt like if I were the daughter of the devil.
Even in college my prof. fear the way I use the scissors so when he saw me he just make other student cut. I never mind, it is true, but it concern me because it was a research and I CARED(past tense) about not being considerate because of discrimination
I was so stupid that I used to think that I was bad on math because of that so I tried to use my right one to see if my mind opens up to numbers because I saw other student good at it. But hello even my family members where bad at it. It was on quemistry I notice the problems in learning math.
For other people i where considered weird i even fear of myself bacause i am kind of cold and strict with myself even my housemates question my human nature but i always think it is bacause i have a strong will.
Even my emotional state get reflected in my phenotype in all aspect but it is caracteristic in all my fam and we are similar to each other, people find it weird.
I do think there are plp who can use both hands but is something natural depending on needs.Like my sister, a natular leftie forced to switch.
sibarraz 112th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Regular Customer
| "Re(6):The Right Hand" , posted Mon 23 May 21:24    
Not exactly related with the thread, but still had to ask
Why jap is an offensive word?
It was because for all the absurds connotations that allies gave on WWII? or there is a double meaning that I hadn't realized? I recall to read somewhere that lots of them really don't care, but well, it's not a recommended word just like any other one which in the past was used despective
At least when I speak spanish I refer to japaneses as ''japos'' but not with the intention to insult them.
About the thread, I'm an special case, I write with my right hand, but when I play football (soccer) I kick with the left, everybody is impressed with that since it seems that is not normal, I recall reading that there is an syndrome where this happens, but I can't recall the name (I recall that for some reason that I don't get, makes you write weird, which I already do lol)
chazumaru 793th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(7):The Right Hand" , posted Mon 23 May 22:06    
quote: Not exactly related with the thread, but still had to ask
Why jap is an offensive word?
It was because for all the absurds connotations that allies gave on WWII? or there is a double meaning that I hadn't realized?
Yes, it is a direct result of WW2. (Some) Japanese people know that "Jap" was meant as an insult at one point during History, and therefore, the word remains a potential insult, especially if it comes from an American mouth. It is not about whether you intended to be derogatory; it is mainly a question of being careful and respectful who you are talking to, even if the nature of the issue looks strange and misplaced to you. There is the same problem with "Paki" in England. The Weight of History precedes you!
Unlike traditional racial epithets and slurs, the problem will probably disappear in a few generations, when nobody old/educated enough is around to remember why "Jap" is deemed derogatory in the first place.
Very tough for French people because we had no direct confrontation with the Japanese during World War 2 and "Jap" is the most obvious abbreviation anyone would (and does) use for "Japanese", most likely in an affectionate manner. We would never think of shortening a word for derogatory purposes since, to be honest, it would betray a certain lack of imagination.
Oh my 17th Post

New Customer
| "Re(9):The Right Hand" , posted Wed 25 May 04:46    
Come on, one thing, I am the youngest from my fam, what I did was learning from my others fam members. In the moment my mom teach me how to write, I did it from right to left naturally. I remember the trouble she had trying to make me do it “the right way” and I will always remember it when I saw my hand writing on her cooks books. My dad is a lefty and i got it from him, but I don’t know why I am starting to think is hormonal related.
quote: Your professor was on to something though, scissors are surprisingly designed for right-handers, you need scissors that have the placement of the blades reversed for lefties to use them properly/comfortably.
Saddly, I always had lefty partners, strangely they where good at scissors, and they looked at me like if I had something wrong and usually “left” me behind. I always though they where pretending to be the most righties from the lefties. I knew I could use the scissors the “righty” way but my performance is awful. If my job were cutting I did it in the way that it could be the easiest and fastest. (I hold it downward).
My prof. was good but in microbiology there is a mix between skills and manic behavior to avoid contamination because of the materials, success of the research and the supposedly highly cost equipment, anyway that depend of the prof. personality.
One day he asked me to train a new student (a very bright one) because she was accepted without taking any microbiology course. I accepted and I taught her like the prof. in my lab course taught me, the way “the most powerful pharmaceutical company in the world do it “ and I have to admit is the easiest. When my prof saw me he starts with the” questionnaire”: “why you do this like that? Who taught you that and who is the professor” and I had to explain.
They know they can’t discriminate but if I had to face one obsessive compulsive manic perfectionist they will obviously notice my left hand.
quote: I scoured the Interwebs to see if I could find the official numbers by country for handedness ratio, and I found the following statement:
Is not so good on rely on these researches because it depends on the reason the person did it. One day I took a course, that the prof was so irresponsible she made us do a lot of work at the end and I had other classes who were my priority.
She made us do those stupid’s sex appeal test and questionnaire.I didn’t have time to go out, ask the people to fill those things, and then make those statistics calculus.
So I gave some questionnaire to some friends and they MADE UP EVERYTHING. FUNNY was when the prof. read it and found funny the questionnaire of a person who answer” boobs “in all the questions, thing I found it even funnier because I knew the truth.
If a person make a research just to get a Ph.D because he/she is family of a VIP or “sold its soul to the devil” in the university they can made up everything.
oh my 20th Post

New Customer
| "Re(6):Re(10):The Right Hand" , posted Thu 26 May 05:53    
Come on, without knowing I am making a research thing. HERE IS A GOOD TEST!!! using the DS and Metroid Prime Hunters. I played vid games since I had 5 years old and I consider myself not a bad gamer and I never got problems. And you know, there are something’s that if you are lefty you can get used to do it like righty for example, the school chairs. When I seat on a lefty design one I felt like in other dimension.
So I thought that if I was used to move with the directional bottom using my left hand, I could have problems in the moment I had to move and use the pen at the same time, but I gave a chance.
One day my sister played MPH and got stuck. So I wanted to help her and when I got that game, oh my. I tried to play it the righty way because it was the way I used to play with the control pad, but I couldn’t my performance was awful and I got dizzy, I played like a retarded who doesn’t know about dimensions.
I switched to left mode and experienced for the first time to use the command bottoms as directional and I played like normal.
The problem was when I played and turn the game off, and other fam. members wanted to play. They got mad every time they notice the controls were switched and start to complain. I had to take too many considerations. DAMN
If someone is left handed and is a good gamer there is no way it can play that game using the right mode.(wow a research and promotion, how can i get paid?)
Oh my 21th Post

New Customer
| "Re(8):Re(10):The Right Hand" , posted Sat 28 May 04:41    
quote: The DS and Wii each utilize unique manual stimulation and it can be pretty obvious that we are the minority.
Don’t said that, I feel like a freak, even more that I am having conflicts lately, people have been telling me what’s wrong with me, even this topic is weird…...
I am not too experience with the Wii because it never got my attention (compared to the other systems) but the time I got the opportunity to play the only problem I had is the sensor thing. I like to be fast and there are some instructions of how to move but I look some way to make it easier. I don’t know it is because I am not precise but I think is the sensor.
quote: Is it "Oh my" or "oh my"? I'm confused..
I dont know, i am confuse too, who am i, i dont even know who i am, Oh my. (There are suppose to be 4 sinistrals, where is the 4th in order to rule the world, that damn Maxim is going to ruin the plans, we need more sinistrals)
quote: I can write with both hands to an extent, but I'm much more practiced with my left. I default to the left hand for taking notes or drawing.
YOU ARE A SINISTRAL, Mosquiton, try with which hand you can play "Metroid Prime: Hunters" like an expert.(well, if you like 1st person shooter)
Moo 34th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(8):Re(10):The Right Hand" , posted Sat 28 May 14:44:    
quote: All my life I have been used to navigating with my left hand via the d-pad. Now all of a sudden I'm relegated to pointing and
That's interesting, too. I'm used to controlling movement with my left. I mainly play games on PC keyboard, and I'm also used to using gamepad D-pads with my left... but I'm noticing a lot of PC games have default controls using right hand movement. Some of them aren't configurable and I even prefer to cross my hands over each other just so I can control movement with my left hand. I can still use my right for directions though, it just doesn't feel as comfortable. I grew up using those long joysticks and those funky ones you held in one palm and wiggled the stick with the other. I'm pretty sure I used my right hand to control the directions on those. With Wiimotes, I use my right hand, but I use my left sometimes for fun... not like most Wiimote games require precision anyway. I just think it's whatever you're most comfortable with using for specific activities.
On a semi-related note, my left wrist/finger joints hurt quite easily, but my right hand usually doesn't hurt at all, even though it's moving the mouse most of the time (although, it does hurt after drawing because I hold pens incorrectly). I think it's because I don't twist my left elbow as much as my right, so my left wrist takes more damage, or because I'm always having to hit hotkeys and ctrl/alt+whatever shortcuts on my left.
All this left/right hand talk/thought keeps reminding me of that Aria chapter where Alice punishes her left hand for being useless.
[this message was edited by Moo on Sat 28 May 14:54] |
Oh my 26th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):The Right Hand" , posted Thu 2 Jun 03:35    
quote: I dunno about that, I have a 125-145 word per minute typing speed and it's been like that for a very long time.
Wait, you are evaluating yourself like a robot, oh my.
I have more trouble with piano keyboards, and I only recently figured out why.
Remember, piano is not like a computer or a game, is making music. Instead of thinking of how you use your hand, try to think in the music you want to play, the sound of the keys you need to play and a little bit of imagination and the hands “will move on its own”. There is no need to be so technical the bad thing is maybe you will get nauseas for thinking too much
The other weird thing is even though my left wrist hurts, I don't think it's carpal tunnel because there's no tingling, it just aches.
Wait, I didn’t meant that and I didn’t want to sound like a mental terrorist. Obviously, if you use your hands a lot, its hurts. This is so out of the topic, but I know a very good remedy using Epson salt in hot water for joint pain. (WOW I sound like a granny)
And SHHHHH because lately I am writing too much and I am noticing a weird over bone growing in my beautiful left hand wrist.(this has to be ironic)