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badoor 198th Post

PSN: BadoorSNK XBL: BadoorSNK Wii: n/a
Regular Customer
| "Re(2):E3 2011" , posted Fri 27 May 06:27    
quote: that new Shinobi game that nobody is officially talking about yet. I was really excited about new Shinobi, especially after watching that trailer (and the Shinobi Legions appearance)! But then I saw some other photos of it, and... urk, I can't believe I'm saying this, but the game art looks AWFUL. I don't know how else to put it! Maybe like some other stuff it will grow on me, who knows.
It's not exactly news, but I have really been enjoying Nin2-Jump, lately.
Yeah, it's another one of those "decent? in motion (and by motion I mean 1 second long edits), ugly in screens" games. Being the optimist that I am, I'm hoping that the game looks like that so that it can have a very steady 60 fps.
Ishmael 4103th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):E3 2011" , posted Sat 28 May 02:42    
quote: that new Shinobi game that nobody is officially talking about yet. I was really excited about new Shinobi, especially after watching that trailer (and the Shinobi Legions appearance)! But then I saw some other photos of it, and... urk, I can't believe I'm saying this, but the game art looks AWFUL. I don't know how else to put it! Maybe like some other stuff it will grow on me, who knows.
It's not exactly news, but I have really been enjoying Nin2-Jump, lately. Yeah, it's another one of those "decent? in motion (and by motion I mean 1 second long edits), ugly in screens" games. Being the optimist that I am, I'm hoping that the game looks like that so that it can have a very steady 60 fps.
I'm really hoping that this is one of those cases where screenshots presented out of context don't do the game justice. As it is right now, this new Shinobi looks like it hit every branch on the way down when it fell out of the ugly tree. Perhaps I'm being too rough but when I heard about a new Shinobi game I didn't expect it to look like a Playstation 1 title circa 1996.
Nekros 352th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):E3 2011" , posted Thu 2 Jun 18:01    
quote: Twitter strikes again. Any guesses, fellas? I'm thinking either Vampire or *groan* Killer Instinct. My guess is Soul Calibur 5. All the other games mentioned are probably known quantities -the zombie games are RE:RC and Dead Island and the Sony title might be Uncharted 3- so I doubt the fighting game is anything we have not heard about already. Then again, I'm often wrong.
No, you're right. Your prediction seems fair enough to be real. But "huge fighting franchise" is sad applied on SC5 when we have SF, KOF and Mortal Kombat...UNLESS....they're speaking about some Gear made Guilty. Ok, I'm daydreaming now.
PS: your sign made my day...Selena, I miss you. >implying KOF is bigger than any Soul Calibur game LOL.
As a franchise, yes. As a game, not today. But Soul Calibur is a overrated game in any way. The first 2 (the home port of Edge and the DC one) were very good games, but from the third episode is really a mess. Completely disliked the series since it.
Grave 1376th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(6):Re(10):E3 2011" , posted Sun 5 Jun 08:01    
For what it's worth, I agree with Nekros. I find every Soul Calibur to be more hideous and offensive than the last, which is depressing because I absolutely adored the first game and SC1. Everything since has struck me as completely distasteful. As for KOF, at least KOF XI was really great, KOF XII was beautiful despite being a turd and KOF XIII is... well, I'd like to find out, buuut...
quote: Speaking of Shinobi, has anyone here played the Saturn version? Is it worth tracking down? Somehow I completely forgot about it. I used to consider myself a fairly big Shinobi fan, but I don't think a "big fan" would completely forget about one of the games.
What a weird-looking game! I often forget it exists too, I've never ever seen a US copy in stores, and back when the Saturn was still something you could buy new games for I was keeping an eye out for it but it never landed in my path, nor has the Japanese version. I'd probably buy either if it was in front of me but it's not the sort of thing I'm going to go looking for.
Pollyanna 3042th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Re(10):E3 2011" , posted Mon 6 Jun 05:04    
Hey, E3 thread! How about that Shinobi 3!
quote: Go find it. I think it is severely underappreciated-- but keep in mind it's probably not the very best in the series (Megadrive Shinobi III is incredible). I think it's a fun game, It's also far from the best looking game with its weird digitized graphics, but I find it pretty enjoyable.
Also of note: the European version has a completely re-recorded soundtrack by-- of all people-- Richard Jacques! Not that I'm suggesting you track down both versions or anything.
If Shinobi 3 had Shinobi 2's soundtrack, it would probably be my favorite old-school action game. As it stands now, Dracula X edges it out.
I wonder if either of the soundtracks are good...? No Yuzo Koshiro either way.
It's worth it for an afternoon of cheap laughs. If however you liked Shinobi because "cool ninjas" not because "silly show for kids on Japanese TV with a shoestring budget", you might keep on forgetting it. The game itself was really forgettable as well. I have never been a huge fan of the series, so my opinion probably doesn't count though.
I'm more interested in Japanese children's shows than cool ninja, but I really just want another Shinobi game. The graphics don't bother me. I think it's a funny novelty, as long as it doesn't play like crap.
It's the relativity of your opinion that matters. How good is it in relation to Shinobi 2 and 3? If the answer is "incomprehensibly worse", then I'm not as interested.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Pollyanna 3046th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):The Third Strike y'all!" , posted Wed 8 Jun 01:13    
It seems like the Tecmo Koei merger makes sense, seeing as both companies like to release sequels that are initially indiscernible (to non-fans) from the previous entry in the series. There are few trailers that have excited me less than the Ninja Gaiden 3 one, but unlike the Musou games, which I have completely burned myself out on, I'll still probably buy it.
That reminds me of a time I was playing Ninja Gaiden 2 and a friend said "This camera is horrible. You can't see anything. How do you know where to attack?"
And I said "I just KNOW." I wonder if this is some clever design philosophy I don't understand.
quote: There has been a lot of news coming out of E3. So far the silliest thing I've heard is that Mass Effect 3 will have voice support. Who requested this? Was hitting the little dials on the converstion wheel too much work? Is the combat so intense that you need to shout out orders? I can only imagine how it would work if I played: "Garrus, take cover over there. Not there, over there you freakin' moron! Tali, summon up that ball thing. Bot? Droid? What do you call it?" Yeah, I don't think I'll be using that feature.
Microsoft touted "Kinect Support" for a number of titles, but I really do think it may be limited to things like this...making their presentation pretty damned awful if you don't like Halo. I was really hoping for some more Kinect stuff this year, since it came out with a bang, then came to a SCREECHING HALT, but somehow Microsoft got outdone by the Move this year. Kudos to Sony for adding meaningful Move support to several big titles when I thought the thing was dead in the water.
The great thing about the Mass Effect dialogue options is that Shepard will say something different than what you say. I guess that's better than him/her saying what you say in the wrong way. ("That's not how I meant it!")
I spoke too soon. I still like the video editing, but yeah, i gotta admit, the filter looks weird. So does the new interface and ... I've heard rumblings of redone portrait art. Oh Capcom. You troll me like no other.
Well, it was outsourced to a company I've never heard of, so who knows how many pitfalls are in there. I'm just confused that they were talking about how the budget was higher than HDRemix and they didn't bother including SF3 and 2nd Impact (or anything other than online, really) in the package. Either they totally broke the bank on that rap song for the trailer or the HDRemix guys REALLY got paid peanuts.
I've already bought 3rd Strike 2 times, and I'll buy it a 3rd time with no regrets, but I'm still disappointed after all the hype.
On the upside, SF X Tekken has been upgraded from "looks absolutely terrible" to "looks like it still needs a lot of work."
Nintendo conference now now now now now...
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Spoon 2167th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Wii U" , posted Wed 8 Jun 14:08    
Something Microsoft needs to figure out is how to make stuff that's as cool as what the hackers around the world are making with the Kinect. MS probably isn't going to suddenly start selling flying robot toys or VR office via the Xbox, but the Kinect's potential has been proven to go so vastly beyond just some nicer eyetoy for the 360.
What I see with the Wii U is Nintendo making the "you need 4 GBAs to play this game together" idea in the gamecube and making it a standard feature. Alternatively, you could say that it's the dream of the VMU finally realized with technology like storage capacity that's >2MB. I had actually thought that Apple would've tried for something like this, an integration between Apple TV and the iPad, with the iPad acting as a rich, extended interface to the television.
One of the concerns with the Wii U is how it will fit in with the other console generations. It's raw computing power is on par with the current gen consoles of the PS3 and 360, but there's no doubt that the forthcoming PS4 and Xbox will have yet greater muscle. It might also be that this current generation will be extended by a few years since Nintendo isn't raising that technology bar, and the finances of Sony have been such that selling another console at tremendous cost isn't feasible. Who knows!
I was personally hoping that Syndicate would reappear triumphantly at the EA keynote, though.
Trivia: There were two guys playing ME3 on stage. One of them is Jesse Houston (bearded guy) and the other one is Corey Gaspur (shaved head guy). Corey's one of the combat designers, and he plays THawk in SSF4.
Iggy 9266th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Wii U" , posted Wed 8 Jun 23:42    
quote: On the downside, I was looking to buy this console on launch, which I have never done before. I don't buy a console until it has a game I really want on it, so I was hoping that Nintendo would have SOMETHING to show in terms of software. No such luck. I'm afraid we're going to get another "launches with nothing" like the 3DS, which may result in more trickling sales instead of an avalanche.
The thing is, contrary to the 3DS and its pathetic excuse for a DS retro-compatibility, there's good hope this will play the entire Wii(+VC) games perfectly on launch, with possible HD for Wii game. If I can buy this and immediately jump on Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 or Last Story in HD, then I don't need original games for a while. Also, I love the controller for one thing: finally being able to play my old games in my bed. Having the TV in the bedroom is not ideal from an everyday life point of view, and the PSP is nice but still a little too small. I wonder though there is more than me in the demographics of "People who want a portable console to play exclusively at home"...
Pollyanna 3049th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Wii U" , posted Thu 9 Jun 00:52    
Good points:
We don't know yet what user base the Wii U will get, so we could still see third party problems. The system is going to have to be expensive, just because of its controller. Will it retain the wider casual Wii audience? I think I've seen more hatred of the Wii U online than I saw for the Wii at its announcement.
And what happens a year or two after its release, when Microsoft and Sony promote their next systems?
Plus, what happens in the handheld market? The PSP was more of a challenge than Nintendo probably expected, the 3D aspect of the 3DS isn't the system seller than Nintendo probably expected, and the Vita promises around PS3 game quality with enhanced features (and does it at a price comparable to the 3DS.)
quote: One of the concerns with the Wii U is how it will fit in with the other console generations. It's raw computing power is on par with the current gen consoles of the PS3 and 360, but there's no doubt that the forthcoming PS4 and Xbox will have yet greater muscle. It might also be that this current generation will be extended by a few years since Nintendo isn't raising that technology bar, and the finances of Sony have been such that selling another console at tremendous cost isn't feasible. Who knows!
Me not groaning as much when a game is announced for a Nintendo console is (as far as I know) a fact. My hopes for 3rd party developers and the system as a whole are only hopes. I want Japan to have a "reliable" system to sell for like the PS2 was for them...that isn't a portable system.
I'm not concerned about the next generation being better, because developers have a hard enough time with this one. Higher poly counts make for higher budgets, which are already through the roof. Reaching "higher" in terms of rendering quality is going to require an insanely high level of time, money and artistry. Even today, years after the PS360 came out, what percentage of the games that come out really push the system to its limits?
As Iggy mentioned, just being able to play (certain) Wii games in HD would be a very big deal. The leap from SD to HD is huge. The leap from 720 to 1080 is not so huge. Jumping beyond that...if it's even sensible at all, would require new televisions.
By the time the next set of systems come out, the Wii U might be more of a "well-established less costly alternative" rather than something "old and dated."
I assume the system will do well because the market may be ready to buy a new system, even if a more advanced one isn't feasible yet. It could be a total disaster with no games, but that's what I thought the N64 was like and even that didn't bomb.
As for the portable market...I really wonder where things are going. I guess I'll still be groaning when a game gets announced for 3DS over Vita. Unlike Iggy, who wants a portable system at home, I want a portable system I can play on my TV. Is there a video out for Vita? I didn't notice. Perhaps they thought something like that would belittle its extensive PS3 connectivity that makes you buy the same game twice (?).
Hmmm...so we'll probably finally get a PS3 Monster Hunter (that isn't an HD remix), though it probably won't be the step forward it could be because it'll be scaled down for the Vita.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食