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Pollyanna 3062th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Fighter Musings" , posted Sat 25 Jun 12:58    
quote: Double weird! First, I'd forgotten all about DOA. Whereas I used to find it kind of shallow and dumb when we accidentally bought it with our new PS2 in our high school group, I kind of want it to succeed in some odd way now.
DOA seriously needs a visual reboot. New character designs, a new approach to the renders, less dated-looking costumes.
How did a game that started with like...12 costumes per character end up with no customization or redesigns after EVERY OTHER 3D fighter made huge leaps forward?
The 3DS game is fine. It's a portable port, so I didn't expect much, but I want a real sequel. It's ridiculous how badly the series has languished.
Somehow the merging of Tecmo and Koei fills me with distress on this. I understand that they still operate individually, but together, they seem to form "the two companies that refuse to innovate". I really resent Koei for turning from a decent company to a company that only makes ONE GAME over and over again.
quote: hitting people after they lose
I don't like this and I never do it to other players. Hearing those stupid screams over and over in Soul Calibur was a real nuisance. Still, there were some pretty hilarious things you could do, so I wonder how many people would miss it.
I think KOF: MI was the worst offender. I would get like, 20 hit combos AFTER the fight.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Olivier Hague 160th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(5):Fighter Musings" , posted Sun 26 Jun 21:06    
quote: This must be a new online generation thing then, because I did that in arcades and tournaments for years and nobody gave a damn.
When the other player is right there, it's probably easier to find that innocuous or even funny. But when you have no idea who you are fighting, you (well, "some", anyway) might end up wondering what's going on at the other end of the line... I don't know, I don't find it particularly surprising. If that's why things are changing regarding that, of course. I don't know.
(but I would probably miss it a little bit, in SoulCalibur, as I almost never play online)
Baines 293th Post
Copper Customer

| "Re(3):aqua something." , posted Mon 18 Jul 13:04    
quote: (I heard this game was royal crap and that nobody liked it)
The video did no favors for me. I don't know if it was the player himself, the size of the stages (too large?), the short time limit, or the incessant beeping on the flashing arrows, but it just didn't seem to come together into anything interesting. The fighting itself seemed less engaging than the various console DBZ games.
It looks like you dash around a lot, beat on someone, maybe you win, maybe you die, you beat on someone else, you try to take someone (anyone) out as the time runs out. In the meantime, rankings appear to shift constantly through the entirety of the match.
The YouTube comments though were fairly positive, but they may have been wowed by the idea of four-player Dragonball itself?
Ishmael 4151th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):aqua something." , posted Tue 19 Jul 03:01    
quote: The video did no favors for me. I don't know if it was the player himself, the size of the stages (too large?), the short time limit, or the incessant beeping on the flashing arrows, but it just didn't seem to come together into anything interesting. The fighting itself seemed less engaging than the various console DBZ games.
It looks like you dash around a lot, beat on someone, maybe you win, maybe you die, you beat on someone else, you try to take someone (anyone) out as the time runs out. In the meantime, rankings appear to shift constantly through the entirety of the match.
The YouTube comments though were fairly positive, but they may have been wowed by the idea of four-player Dragonball itself?
I don't know what exactly I would hope for from a 4 player DB arcade game but spending the entire match running around a gully planting seeds probably isn't it.
How many Gokus does this particular DB game have? If there's one thing that every DB game has, it's plenty of versions of Goku.
Ishmael 4155th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Ultimate MvC3" , posted Thu 21 Jul 01:24:    
Amazon spills the beans.
New characters are Strider Hiryu, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, and Firebrand.
A few new backgrounds, or variations on old backgrounds, have been shown.
Pre-order bonus is a costume pack of First Strider, Dr. Doom Doomwar, Classic X-men Sentinel, and Mechanical Akuma.
All this and a street date of Nov 15, 2011.
EDIT: Gameplay videos.
[this message was edited by Ishmael on Thu 21 Jul 01:31] |
Spoon 2210th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Thu 21 Jul 01:31    
quote: Amazon spills the beans.
New characters are Strider Hiryu, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, and Firebrand.
A few new backgrounds, or variations on old backgrounds, have been shown.
Pre-order bonus is a costume pack of First Strider, Dr. Doom Doomwar, Classic X-men Sentinel, and Mechanical Akuma.
All this and a street date of Nov 15, 2011.
Still 8 more to be announced, though among them is one that they repeatedly said they couldn't work into a fighting game... but they went and did for UMvC3? Who knows.
sibarraz 190th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Regular Customer
| "Re(2):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Thu 21 Jul 01:37    
quote: Amazon spills the beans.
New characters are Strider Hiryu, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, and Firebrand.
A few new backgrounds, or variations on old backgrounds, have been shown.
Pre-order bonus is a costume pack of First Strider, Dr. Doom Doomwar, Classic X-men Sentinel, and Mechanical Akuma.
All this and a street date of Nov 15, 2011.
Still 8 more to be announced, though among them is one that they repeatedly said they couldn't work into a fighting game... but they went and did for UMvC3? Who knows.
I guess than Capcom will gonna take us for a Ride
On their dicks
October 25 is the date!
Gojira 2761th Post

PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: 80085
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Thu 21 Jul 01:50    
quote: Amazon spills the beans.
New characters are Strider Hiryu, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, and Firebrand.
A few new backgrounds, or variations on old backgrounds, have been shown.
Pre-order bonus is a costume pack of First Strider, Dr. Doom Doomwar, Classic X-men Sentinel, and Mechanical Akuma.
All this and a street date of Nov 15, 2011.
Still 8 more to be announced, though among them is one that they repeatedly said they couldn't work into a fighting game... but they went and did for UMvC3? Who knows.
I hope it's Jill
nobinobita 963th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Thu 21 Jul 02:00    
quote: Amazon spills the beans.
New characters are Strider Hiryu, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, and Firebrand.
A few new backgrounds, or variations on old backgrounds, have been shown.
Pre-order bonus is a costume pack of First Strider, Dr. Doom Doomwar, Classic X-men Sentinel, and Mechanical Akuma.
All this and a street date of Nov 15, 2011.
EDIT: Gameplay videos.
Dammit! Firebrand!!! Now I have to play this game >:(
badoor 212th Post

PSN: BadoorSNK XBL: BadoorSNK Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(2):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Thu 21 Jul 02:43    
quote: Amazon spills the beans.
New characters are Strider Hiryu, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, and Firebrand.
A few new backgrounds, or variations on old backgrounds, have been shown.
Pre-order bonus is a costume pack of First Strider, Dr. Doom Doomwar, Classic X-men Sentinel, and Mechanical Akuma.
All this and a street date of Nov 15, 2011.
EDIT: Gameplay videos.
Dammit! Firebrand!!! Now I have to play this game >:(
Turning that MM Legends/DASH stage from a happy festive fireworks filled place into a dead-cold winter stage must be some kind of metaphor.
Anyway, this is just ridicules but I'll be happy about buying it if they added Jean Reno.
Nekros 370th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(3):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Thu 21 Jul 03:08    
A few new backgrounds, or variations on old backgrounds, have been shown.
Pre-order bonus is a costume pack of First Strider, Dr. Doom Doomwar, Classic X-men Sentinel, and Mechanical Akuma.
I heard about 8 new backgrounds, but can't confirm if they're totally new or something new + remake of the originals (or 8 new stages PLUS all stages from MvC3 reworked). And the nwe characters are 12, NOT COUNTING Jill and Shuma.
Also, preorder bonus are different: from gamestop you'll receive the femme fatale pack (Chunli, Storm, Morrigan, X23) and from another that I can't remember you'll have a bad guy pack (MODOK, SSkrull, Viper and another I can't recall).
ROSTER INCLUDES: Phoenix Wright, Nemesis, Frank West and Vergil from Capcom PLUS Dr.Strange, iron Fist, Nova and Rocket Raccoon from Marvel.
I wonder now if Amaterasu alternate outfit will be Akuroterasu...
jUAN 4552th Post

PSN: Buttermonster XBL: Prepaidpenguin Wii: rofl
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Tekken's Harada: GGPO is for jerks" , posted Thu 21 Jul 18:27    
quote: In a video interview, Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada makes a pretty interesting statement regarding GGPO and gives some explanation as to why their product won't be using the network code.
Also interesting is that, he says in the interview that "there's not many methods in utilizing GGPO".
I think what he meant is that, aside from 2-D fighting games, GGPO is not that great. That's the reason they gave during vanilla and super sf4 interviews. Specifically there is much more data in play in 3D games compared to 2D.
I hope they use something better for Soul Calibur 5 and TTT2, because what they used for the previous games is pretty terrible. I really wanted to get into Tekken but I DONT HAVE ANY FRIENDS TOXICO-CHAN
What Capcom is currently using for network code is pretty good as long as the other player is in your continent and they are not stealing the neighbor's wireless internet.
I smile whenever I see comments that we are getting milked dry with all the super and ultimate releases. Not much different from where we were getting sf2, ce, turbo, super, super turbo. Except we are getting the cvs1 Pros at the same time if not sooner than Japan.
People are eating up the abuse, which is good. Fighting games are making money again. We will see more companies making these games, and there won't be people playing mvc2 for 10 years with the same three characters.
mbisonhatclub 328th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):Poison" , posted Fri 22 Jul 02:22:    
quote: A woman that wasn't born that way, really. IIRC, officially for Japan she never had surgery on the genitals, but in the west she did. Pretty much the anatomic version of the Bison/Vega/Balrog issue or some other character region-based renamings.
The reason for this happening is due to the SNES version, but is often stated (incorrectly) as America viewing hitting women as bad. This was solely a case of Nintendo of America's intervention, not America in general. The only time Poison was ever "censored" was in the SNES release, and Yasuda, Poison's character designer, had tried to convince them to keep the characters in the game by suggesting that they were really male (whether in jest or just desperate attempt to retain Poison/Roxy). Eventually, it just became a thing to refer to them as trannies over at Capcom, and that's the real story.
Don't read into that SF Canon Plot guide because it messes up this detail for everybody SO MUCH.
I said I wouldn't buy anymore Capcom products until it was official that someone died and that precluded Capcom's inability to make updates to a game that was already out IN THE SAME YEAR NO LESS, and CHARGE 20 DOLLARS LESS FOR ON RELEASE FOR A STANDALONE CUMULATIVE UPGRADE VERSION WHICH COMPLETELY INVALIDATES OUR PREVIOUS 60 DOLLAR PURCHASE OF VANILLA, but if SFxTekken includes just three more characters (Kuma, Gief, and Karin) I might actually contemplate buying this out of sense of completion for myself! Otherwise
ADDENDUM In addition to Poison being censored on the SNES version, I have to at least add that she does exist in "Mighty Final Fight" as herself rather than being replaced by Billy/Sid, and the Sega CD version lengthens her shirt so there's no underboob. The Super Famicom version I believe simply removes one of her hit reaction frames. GBA version "Final Fight One" also features Billy/Sid in place of Poison/Roxy
Also, according to Capcom Classics Collection (Volume 1), Poison is the shemale and Roxy is a real female. They might have retconned all these details though because that's just the nature of Capcom. Have a pleasant day!
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Fri 22 Jul 02:35] |
Lugos 2th Post

New Customer
| "Re(5):Poison" , posted Fri 22 Jul 03:50    
quote: The reason for this happening is due to the SNES version, but is often stated (incorrectly) as America viewing hitting women as bad. This was solely a case of Nintendo of America's intervention, not America in general. The only time Poison was ever "censored" was in the SNES release, and Yasuda, Poison's character designer, had tried to convince them to keep the characters in the game by suggesting that they were really male (whether in jest or just desperate attempt to retain Poison/Roxy). Eventually, it just became a thing to refer to them as trannies over at Capcom, and that's the real story.
Just curious, but where did this information come from?
Poison and Roxy were always supposed to be newhalfs since day 1. If you look at the old animation sketches from the original Final Fight arcade game (which preceded the SFAM/SNES versions), they were labeled as "newhalf." Indeed, Poison's gender was never retconned as a result of American views towards violence against women; she was always supposed to be a newhalf.
While Poison has always been a newhalf, you're right in that the American version of Capcom Classics Collection v1 retconned Roxy's gender from newhalf to that of an ordinary woman. I used to wonder if that was a typo on Capcom of America's part, but then I seem to remember that Brandon (exodus) said that CoA carefully scrutinzed all of the information in that game. exodus, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Also, I thought that Akiman designed Poison and Roxy, not Yasuda?
mbisonhatclub 329th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Bronze Customer
| "Re(6):Poison" , posted Fri 22 Jul 06:06:    
quote: Just curious, but where did this information come from?
Poison and Roxy were always supposed to be newhalfs since day 1. If you look at the old animation sketches from the original Final Fight arcade game (which preceded the SFAM/SNES versions), they were labeled as "newhalf." Indeed, Poison's gender was never retconned as a result of American views towards violence against women; she was always supposed to be a newhalf.
While Poison has always been a newhalf, you're right in that the American version of Capcom Classics Collection v1 retconned Roxy's gender from newhalf to that of an ordinary woman. I used to wonder if that was a typo on Capcom of America's part, but then I seem to remember that Brandon (exodus) said that CoA carefully scrutinzed all of the information in that game. exodus, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Akira Yasuda IS Akiman. By the way, I know of these illustrations and what's to say these illustrations weren't provided to the public until after the fact? The bottom line is, nobody really cared until the SNES version. They were just generic thugs until then, and it's not like the arcade machine went out of its way to inform people the specific nuances between each thug. It would have been nice if it rolled a profile of each thug in-game like it did for the three heroes of Metro City, but unfortunately, we didn't get them or even Jessica.
As far as anyone is concerned, despite Akira Yasuda remaining quiet about it, Ono's the only one doing the talking, and this brings to mind the quote from Michael J. Fox in The American President and the response by Mr. Douglas.
Furthermore, did you know that there were female enemies in both Final Fight 2 and 3? If you only played the American versions, generally, you didn't! This evidence alone says that NoA had something to do with it, because in the PS2 and Sega CD editions of Final Fight, these "girls" were not replaced by Billy and Sid.
I'm not questioning what they are now, that's beside the point, it's a matter that people often attribute it to an American standpoint in general and not a past Nintendo of America policy.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Fri 22 Jul 06:10] |
Maou 2233th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Party in Metro City" , posted Fri 22 Jul 12:47:    
quote: Metro City Rampage.
"This is my town," as they're singing, must mean Metro City! What a gorgeous situation. At 1:53 I had a crazy fantasy that it was Rolento's pole bashing through the fence instead of Guy.
quote: Her fireball stays out there a long, long time.
Hur hur hur, you could say that...
But yeah, Poison in 3D is...challenging to one's senses, and delightfully daring. SSFIV bent all kinds of story to make it work, maybe her surgery never happened in this universe, tohoho. Edit: wow, look at the video's comments. 3D Poison has already accomplished the Greatest Good by redirecting the nerdy girlcraziness of the internet into a gender-confused "I'd still tap that." Excellent!
[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 22 Jul 14:27] |
Lugos 4th Post

New Customer
| "Re(7):Poison" , posted Fri 22 Jul 12:54:    
Akira Yasuda IS Akiman.
Augh! Completely forgot! >_<
Yasuda, Poison's character designer, had tried to convince them to keep the characters in the game by suggesting that they were really male (whether in jest or just desperate attempt to retain Poison/Roxy).
Again, what's the source for this story? I've never read about this anywhere. No offense, but without a published source, I'm gonna have to call shenanigans on this one.
Furthermore, did you know that there were female enemies in both Final Fight 2 and 3? If you only played the American versions, generally, you didn't! This evidence alone says that NoA had something to do with it, because in the PS2 and Sega CD editions of Final Fight, these "girls" were not replaced by Billy and Sid.
Actually, Final Fight 3 for the SNES did retain the female enemies from the Japanese version.
Damn you, Ono! Now we're gonna start seeing dudes cosplaying as Poison at conventions. And just when the world thought that it had seen the last on Man-Faye...
[this message was edited by Lugos on Fri 22 Jul 13:07] |
mbisonhatclub 330th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Bronze Customer
| "Re(8):Poison" , posted Fri 22 Jul 16:37:    
quote: Again, what's the source for this story? I've never read about this anywhere. No offense, but without a published source, I'm gonna have to call shenanigans on this one.
the only online source right now that i can quote is wikipedia entry based on final fight:
"When Final Fight was ported to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, an American playtester working for Capcom reviewed the content during the localization process with one of the Japanese designers, and objected to the protagonist hitting females. Akira Yasuda pointed that the "female" enemies were actually transvestites, and despite his objections,[7] Poison and Roxy were replaced with regular male punks named "Billy" and "Sid" in the English localization.[29] This change has been repeated with every English port to Nintendo consoles, including the Game Boy Advance version Final Fight One and the Wii's Virtual Console.[30][31] English versions of the Sega CD port censored the characters in a different manner, redrawing both with longer shirts and shorts, and covering the under-cleavage shown when the characters were struck.[26]"
now this can go both ways (with hindsight bias or attempt to adlib the fact) but these notions were only ever arrived at more intimately around the time of the snes port issues so it is very suspect
we can say that america had issues with hitting females, but what about things like streets of rage? double dragon? why does the sega cd version retain the character (albeit a sprite edit to avoid underboobage)?
why was the female enemy in final fight 2 edited into a male? is are they really men, too? why did the gba version preserve the substitution of billy and sid for roxy and poison which was released many many years after the sega cd version, and yet, the ps2's collection version keeps everything? did sega just have balls? why was capcom so lenient on the policy when it came to sega cd, and ps2 and xbox, but the gba still suffered a change stateside?
what about sonic blast man that featured female enemies in the original game?
quote: Actually, Final Fight 3 for the SNES did retain the female enemies from the Japanese version.
Oh yeah, you're right. Well, just FF1 and 2, then.
The bottom line is, back when I was about 9 or 10 years old, when Final Fight was first released in arcades, I wasn't approached by anyone who said, "Oh, by the way, you're hitting a guy, because hitting girls is wrong." The arcade's marquees don't say anything. They were just generic enemies, like Axl, Doug, J, Wong, Andore, and all the rest. There was no attempt at disillusionment or anything like that up until the SNES version, and it was more like, "WTF happened to the female enemies?"
And it wasn't up until maybe 1996, 97-ish that I first heard of this tranny/new-half theory, and I'm like, where did this come from? At the time, I just put two and two together (so I thought) and said, "oh, you're obviously thinking of the sprite edits that happened in the SNES version, because nothing like that happened in the arcade. Again, the US arcade game still has the sprites, the underboobs, and everything, and there's no marquee that lets you know that Poison and Roxy have dicks.
I don't really care if they end up having penises or not, but my main problem is that people act like there was some kind of bulletin board next to the arcade machine when it was first out that stated "Poison and Roxy are shemales, you're not really hitting women, so don't sue us, please!" It's a ridiculous and stupid afterthought that just became some kind of folk logic.
Had there ever been a real issue, they would have edited the sprite in the arcade version the same way from the getgo. Let's say the first game was just "lesson learned"...but obviously, they did not learn their lesson with Captain Commando, which was given to us two years later!
By the way, apparently, according to the casting director for dub voicework, Ono is quoted as saying that Poison "is female" but says it's not certain whether it's due to postop or some kind of retcon. But the ultimate reasoning is that a lot of people would still tap it, either way (☞゚∀゚)☞
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Fri 22 Jul 16:49] |
Mosquiton 1787th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(9):Poison" , posted Sat 23 Jul 03:29    
quote: Again, what's the source for this story? I've never read about this anywhere. No offense, but without a published source, I'm gonna have to call shenanigans on this one... we can say that america had issues with hitting females, but what about things like streets of rage? double dragon?
I don't have any further evidence to offer for this story, but looking for consistency across other platforms/companies/games is completely pointless. Even other Capcom products (Street Fighter II for example) don't offer useful any useful comparison.
Corporate politics are anything but consistent, and the SNES era is full of weird and crazy stories regarding censorship, translations, things that slipped by, and so on. Videogame canon is even worse, it's usually an ex post facto fabrication and it rarely matters.
Anyway, whatever went down with the SNES version of Final Fight depends on whose watch it was at Nintendo for this kind of thing, who might have wanted to make a big deal of it, who decided it was easier to just roll over, who may have suggested sales would improve if we decide to let them beat women in the sequels, who had an agenda, who just didn't give a shit, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe the real story will come out someday, but even if it turns out that Poison was never really intended to be a dude, or it was a big joke, or whatever, I doubt that the "canon" would overwrite the legend.
Since Poison is a fictional character, the interpretation of the audience is the reality. The good news is you're welcome to have your own interpretation.
/ / /
mbisonhatclub 331th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Bronze Customer
| "Re(8):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Sun 24 Jul 07:28    
quote: ...Capcom seems to now have a beef against Mega Man in general
I sympathize with the fans to a small degree, even though I don't really care for Megaman. They're acting really nuts over it, and there was even the rumor that Seth Killian got punched over it but that was disproven. I like the chaos that's being created if only to spite Capcom, though S-Kill is pretty innocent and wouldn't deserve something like that. On the other hand, Capcom execs are dicks and it's surprising someone hasn't Dogma Boardroom'd them over it.quote: So will we probably see Posion and Hugo as DLC for SSF4AE?
I doubt it, though Ono really surprised me with Poison AND Hugo--it makes me wonder if Harada has something to do with the choices. Also reportedly is that the roster for SFxT will rival that of MvC3 if not UMvC3, which makes the game all the more enticing. Granted, they already have the fundamental base (SF4) to derive from so there was the headstart, but they still have to develop the models for Capcom characters that don't already have one as well as the Namco characters. Also, now it makes me wonder exactly how much creative control Capcom's execs and its investors are exerting on SSF4--which is partly why I'm avoiding feeding into the system, well that, and I think they should have charged between 70 and 80 dollars instead of 40 for UMvC3 or at least held it off longer, and there's really nothing in SSF4AE that I want.
I mean, now that I think about it, I've been pretty harsh in my words against Ono before and I know he would love to get R.Mika on the roster somewhere, but execs will tell him to save money and do something more economical like put more clones in SSF4, like Juni and Juli, or even Violent Ken (derivative concept, SNK can't completely own the idea) and Slutty Sakura.
I went over to Gamestop to try and sell MvC3 and they only offered 8 dollars--in STORE CREDIT. It's not a Madden game and it's already treated like one. I just don't have the money or interest to keep up with that; I don't spend money on a sports game every year like other morons do, and I certainly wouldn't do it for this, either.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Spoon 2217th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Sun 24 Jul 07:57    
quote: I just don't have the money or interest to keep up with that; I don't spend money on a sports game every year like other morons do, and I certainly wouldn't do it for this, either.
Remember back when new KOFs were annual events?
I'm almost getting to the thinking that at some point, SF and other fighting games are going to go into some kind of crazy free-to-play model, where only the SF2WW come free, and every other character is bought by MTX. Of course, that would make general system changes extremely costly if they didn't find some way to monetize that (V-ism is the new hotness! Pay $10 for it and it'll be unlocked for all your characters! Otherwise, you'll be stuck with just last year's fashions in A-ism!), but then again I'm not certain Capcom is agile enough to try for something quite that nuts.
I'd have thought, though, that companies with extensive arcade game experience would've had an edge in developing good games that have a drop-in play style. Instead, Sega is still Sega and Capcom is still Capcom.
Meanwhile, is Solatorobo really the Mega Man Legends successor that it seems to be, (even though it is really more a successor to Tail Concerto)?
mbisonhatclub 332th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Bronze Customer
| "Re(10):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Sun 24 Jul 08:36    
quote: Remember back when new KOFs were annual events?
Thank god for that actually, they don't have to rush it out, even though they did for KOFXII, which was probably for the better anyway--peoples' criticism of that lousy critical counter system gave them some time to rethink their strategy. I'm not really TOO keen on the Drive Combo system, but it's way better than the former.
quote: As for tradeins, my store offers $21 cash or $26 credit for PS3 MvC3 still, so I may take it while I can get it as well. Unfortunately the closest ones to you are in Philadelphia. :<
My brother said to try some store called Starland which is about a 20-30 minute drive from here so I'll give it a go. I'm sure if I do end up choosing to get UMvC3 it won't matter about having the disc since all it really needs is the save file if I am expecting bonuses for having owned it. Glad Strider's back and Phoenix is in, though I will miss Gambit and Rogue, and HuHAUGHclops, as I don't really have the familiarity with the other Marvel characters aside from less than a handful of them. It's really weird that Niitsuma couldn't get Wolfboy Talbain in considering it's his favorite Vampire character.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Iggy 9282th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Sun 24 Jul 18:22    
quote: I mean, now that I think about it, I've been pretty harsh in my words against Ono before and I know he would love to get R.Mika on the roster somewhere, but execs will tell him to save money and do something more economical like put more clones in SSF4, like Juni and Juli, or even Violent Ken (derivative concept, SNK can't completely own the idea) and Slutty Sakura.
It's not the execs who said "no" to Mika, it's the director of the game, meaning the person who actually does all the job and has real creative control over his game (and I suppose he's the same guy on SFxT?). Thinking that his job also requires to deal with Trollface Ono on a daily basis makes me shiver. The Mika case probably went "Hey I like that weirdo character, why don't you put her in? - She wouldn't fit well in the game - Really ? Oh, well, OK". After what Ono could entertain the audience about how he was denied his favourite character, and you see, I'm just like you, audience-chan, characters I like don't make the cut too.
Long story short : Ono is a producer. He's a vital part of the process of game making, but he doesn't have much influence on what's inside. Niizuma has to deal with both Marvel's execs and Capcom's internal drama, so he's in a different position.
sibarraz 197th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Regular Customer
| "Re(10):Ultimate MvC3" , posted Mon 25 Jul 04:23    
Remember back when new KOFs were annual events?
mmm, Imo there is a big difference
Every Year, all KOF games had notorious differences from the previous version, is wasn't just some rebalance and some chars (well, there were exceptions, like 97-98 for example)
But the key difference, is that this was in the 90's, there weren't DLC like today, were people expect to buy expansions for less money
And one final difference, Capcom didn't even waited a year to launch a new retail version, IMO the outrage wouldn't been as big if they expected a bit longer to release the game (maybe march of next year)
mbisonhatclub 340th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Bronze Customer
| "SFxTekken Final Roster (scoobydoobydubious)" , posted Sun 31 Jul 09:06:    
ryu, ken, guile, abel, cammy, chun-li, sagat, dhalsim, poison, guy, cody, fei long, e.honda, boxer, dictator, hugo, yun, akuma, kazuya, nina, king, marduk, bob, julia, hwoarang, steve, yoshimitsu, jin, heihachi, paul, eddy, law, lars, jack-6, bryan, ling
Sounds like a joke leak, since I recall hearing "we want to include more non-SSF4 characters" and here we are, more SSF4 characters.
But if it's true, I'll just wait on Super SFxTekken 2.0 Ultimate Edition or whatever they plan on calling it
EDIT: Nevermind, leak was indeed fake, according to my sources! According to that same source, Kuma was just announced. Maybe they have a brain afterall! Just two more, Capcom, just two more, and it's a sure day-one buy.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Karin and Gief
End of Spoiler
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sun 31 Jul 09:37] |
sibarraz 221th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(1):SFxTekken Final Roster (scoobydoobydubi" , posted Sun 31 Jul 09:11    
quote: ryu, ken, guile, abel, cammy, chun-li, sagat, dhalsim, poison, guy, cody, fei long, e.honda, boxer, dictator, hugo, yun, akuma, kazuya, nina, king, marduk, bob, julia, hwoarang, steve, yoshimitsu, jin, heihachi, paul, eddy, law, lars, jack-6, bryan, ling
Sounds like a joke leak, since I recall hearing "we want to include more non-SSF4 characters" and here we are, more SSF4 characters.
But if it's true, I'll just wait on Super SFxTekken 2.0 Ultimate Edition or whatever they plan on calling it
Is capcom never trust on their word
And lol, I was expecting to see scooby doo and shaggy on the roster, it will be something that I could see ono doing just to troll us
Pollyanna 3081th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):SFxTekken Final Roster (scoobydoobydubi" , posted Tue 2 Aug 03:46    
quote: I watched the live stream of the EVO tournmanet this weekend. It was for the finals for MvC3 and SSF4:AE. My reaction while watching this was, "I love this! I really love this!"
I had an absolute blast watching EVO this weekend, myself. Strong commentary made a big difference. It was nice having Seth Killian and UltraDavid on, especially. I always have to mute Japanese tournaments because the commentary is so insufferable. I'm surprised how much of a difference it makes in my enjoyment of the matches.
quote: I'm only listing characters that were seen, and not treated as background. Haggar appeared but only for a second, to get suplexed and then he's gone. Jin was mentioned by Kazuya, so he may show up eventually but there's no visual to speak of yet. Paul was also mentioned on the blog, but that doesn't mean he's in either. And to be honest I'm not even sure if I should mention Lili because I don't know the context of how she showed up. She might be fodder for someone like Asuka the way Dan and Haggar ended up.
I didn't think about that. We might be seeing Lili as part of an Asuka announcement trailer. That would kill my hopes for Lili/Azuka/Sakura/Karin.
I don't think our odds of having Zangief are great if we have Haggar and Hugo, along with Marduk and King. I won't count Kuma as a grappler, but that's another big, slow character. I mean, Haggar hasn't been confirmed, but even without him, the "grappler list" is looking kind of crowded.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Iggy 9284th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):SFxTekken Final Roster (scoobydoobydubi" , posted Tue 2 Aug 04:12    
quote: I didn't think about that. We might be seeing Lili as part of an Asuka announcement trailer. That would kill my hopes for Lili/Azuka/Sakura/Karin.
Maybe I'm being optimistic, but I cannot imagine the game not having those. The closest the game currently has to these characters (in term of image) is Julia, and... well, she's not really up there. If only in DLC or in the upgrade of the following year, the rich blonde chicks team (and the low-revenue sassy short-haired Japanese girls team) cannot fail us.
quote: I don't think our odds of having Zangief are great if we have Haggar and Hugo, along with Marduk and King. I won't count Kuma as a grappler, but that's another big, slow character. I mean, Haggar hasn't been confirmed, but even without him, the "grappler list" is looking kind of crowded
Indeed, even the current list of Marduk/King/Abel (and maybe Hugo) is impressive for a current roster of 20-or-so characters. With a roster twice as big, SSF4 ended up having around 5 grapplers, I believe ? I suppose the concept of the game is to have a fast character that gets in, starts his combo, exchanges, and the slower guy runs in and ends the combo with a heavy-hitting throw... I would imagine the game will have a lot of mobility options (like invincible moves, or Abel's roll) to allow Tekken characters to survive against all these fireballs, not counting Dahlsim and Sagat level of zoning. Maybe Capcom are sure enough of what they are doing to add tons of grapplers to balance things out, and on top of that add enough variety to them? Does anyone really wants to see in the same game all these characters, plus Zangief, Mika, T.Hakan, Hawk, Armor King and who knows who else?
And more importantly: after having been skipped for both MvC3 and all 4 versions of SF4, will Alex miss an opportunity to be in a major fighting game for the 7th time in a row?
sibarraz 239th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(2):Aquapazza" , posted Tue 9 Aug 07:12    
quote: Something interesting that I read
There is a rumour that aquapazza has already been dumped by some guy in 2ch, just like the other Type x2 games and that the game will be revealed soon
This is terrible since it will be the first nesica game to be dumped, meaning that the game doesn't offer any protection just like some people believed, but well, we had to wait until a confirmation of this
That's terrible if true, but also puzzling at the same time. I can't think of a likely scenario how it could've been done unless that person knew an arcade owner stupid enough to lend their machine. Btw, do you have a url address for that rumor?
It was a friend who told me that another friend who was a ''considerable resource'' spoke to him
Again, this is something really vague at the moment, but isn't something that I think he will joke or make up at the moment
We had to see what will happen on the next days, and yes, I still don't know how they did it
Nekros 376th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(2):SSF4AE2012" , posted Sat 20 Aug 18:34    
quote: Capcom to test the new version next week
That was fast?
Not really, since it will just rebalance the roster, right? There's no new content being added to this new version.
And overall, most characters don't really need a rebalance; Capcom just needs to tone down some of them (Yun, Fei-Long) and improve others (especially Hakan).
I know that just doing this is more complicated than it seems, but I guess they were already working on it since SSFIV:AE was released.
Oh god, I see the future now! New console version coming! Adding more characters (most from SFxT) and new balance, GGPO support, youtube features, more dlc shit costumes and new trials like the ones from TS Online. Will be released for PS360 and WiiU next summer or by the end of the year.
Pollyanna 3092th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):SSF4AE2012" , posted Sun 21 Aug 19:07    
I can't see complaining about the AE patch, since it's free and all. AE did a good job of putting the majority of the cast on the same level, it's just that the top needs to come down. If they can get rid of S rank and C rank, and move up...say...5 from B to A, that'll be pretty great.
I'm thrilled to see a fighting game revival and I'm thrilled to see Capcom make a relatively quick rebalance on this. I thought that sort of thing was limited to Arcsys, but I hope it can become the new standard. I'd like to be excited about AE tournaments for years to come.
On another note, I was both sad and delighted to see people arguing about SFxT being "for scrubs/noobs". The "scrub/noob" accusation is like the "hipster" accusation, where everything and anything is "hipster". That, in turn, is like the Red Scare, I guess.
Anyway, does anyone have any links to good SFxT matches? I've seen a lot of idiots play the game, but precious few people who had any sense at all. I've sifted through too many bad matches to keep searching.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Ishmael 4193th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):SSF4AE2012" , posted Tue 23 Aug 22:51:    
quote: On another note, I was both sad and delighted to see people arguing about SFxT being "for scrubs/noobs". The "scrub/noob" accusation is like the "hipster" accusation, where everything and anything is "hipster". That, in turn, is like the Red Scare, I guess.
I've heard that Capcom is considering splitting their fighting games into two branches; one that is more forgiving for the casual player and the more intense branch for those who really, really get into games. Perhaps SFxT is the first game in that divide? Then again, I don't think anyone knows the first thing about playing SFxT yet so it's hard to say. Plus, any game a person likes always has gameplay as deep as an ocean and is fine as wine while any game they don't like is scrubby crap so I can't take any preliminary game reports too seriously.
quote: The timing between "we're starting it" and "it's ready for test" was just comical, that's all. I guess they didn't want to mention it before Evo and risk having people feel like they're competing in a broken and outdated game. Which some of them probably felt anyway.
EDIT: Alternatively, since this is a short test period it's possible that they're taking an iterative approach to balancing rather than the usual all-in approach.
In a nice touch, Capcom is listing the changes. I don't know if any of these buffs/nerfs are going to shake up the game the way the switch to AE did but I've never been good at making guesses about how a game will play.
While the time from the news of the patch to the patch beta was small there's something to be said for not announcing things too early. On the other end of that spectrum VF5 Showdown has been announced for PSN and XBLA. Yay! The release date is summer of 2012. Huh?
EDIT: VF5 trailer.
[this message was edited by Ishmael on Tue 23 Aug 23:01] |
Pollyanna 3095th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):SSF4AE2012" , posted Wed 24 Aug 19:50    
quote: On the other end of that spectrum VF5 Showdown has been announced for PSN and XBLA. Yay! The release date is summer of 2012. Huh?
NOT COOL. I mean...awesome! I mean...damn it! Normally, announcing a game a year ahead of time is fairly normal, but I feel like I've been waiting SO long for a VF update that this seems like a slap in the face.
I was pretty much out of juice when it came to bitching about no home port, but now I have an entire year's worth of bitching to do about waiting so long. They could've been kind and reduced that to 6 months.
quote: I've heard that Capcom is considering splitting their fighting games into two branches; one that is more forgiving for the casual player and the more intense branch for those who really, really get into games. Perhaps SFxT is the first game in that divide? Then again, I don't think anyone knows the first thing about playing SFxT yet so it's hard to say. Plus, any game a person likes always has gameplay as deep as an ocean and is fine as wine while any game they don't like is scrubby crap so I can't take any preliminary game reports too seriously.
It seems to me that they could have it both ways, but fighting game elitists really have their heads stuck up their asses and think that accessibility =OMG SCRUB FEST. People are complaining that because the combos are relatively easy to do in SFxT, the game is shallow.
To me, the idea situation is where the average player can do pretty much everything the pros can, it's just that the pros do it MUCH BETTER. There is a huge world to explore in terms of strategy, mind games and understanding the intricacies of different matchups. You don't need execution to be an obstacle to appreciating those things.
Super hardcore gamers overestimate their importance. They bitch about everything, but they'll still buy a fighting game whether it's super elitist or not. Surely Capcom can create a tournament worthy game without a fierce learning curve. (And maybe SFxT will be that game...)
This execution barrier is a huge nuisance for me on Blazblue. I've played CT and CS for many many hours. A large number of those hours were spent in training mode. I can do adequately crazy combos, but not super crazy combos. I'm happy with that. But with CS2, I've had a terrible time finding decent BnBs that aren't frustratingly difficult to do. Even Guilty Gear had extremely simple, accessible combos for nearly every character that allowed players to step into the game without feeling alienated. I've probably put 100 hours into BlazBlue and -I- feel alienated.
These sort of combos aren't usually used by pros, so they don't "upset" high level play. I don't know why we can't have it both ways.
I am pleased with the changes in CS2 on paper, but the update still drove me away from the game. I like to be able to take a few months off from a game, come back, and still be able to play it. Blazblue and Tekken 6 do not allow for that. (although admittedly, it might not be AS bad if I didn't use so many characters)
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Grave 1388th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(7):SSF4AE2012" , posted Thu 25 Aug 00:25    
quote: Quick Q, has anyone picked up Third Strike:OE? I'm surprisingly not hearing too many praises about its netcode in Japan, maybe it's better for narrowband connections.
Surprised to hear negative experiences! Played for a few hours last night, the room was made of 2 in Boston, 2 in Virginia and one on the west coast - game played fantastic except for one person's connection getting laggy as the night went on. Nobody had parrying or combo timing issues - everything was really smooth.
There's really nothing about the port that's bad. Original presentation regained in-game, pre and post fight screens at a higher resolution with the original art (new artgerm art only appears in the char select circles), new menu and char select music can be restored to the original. No PSN DRM, no Backbone bad port shenanigans, no forced changes that throw you out of the experience, fun challenges and mini-achievement/stat tracking, though the latter can be distracting mid-match. Very happy with this port so far!
Spoon 2235th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):SSF4AE2012" , posted Thu 25 Aug 03:04    
quote: ranting
I mostly agree. There's a point at which dramatic simplification/streamlining significantly changes what you can do in the game, though: Smash Bros. is pretty much the best example of a game that everybody can play for a number of reasons, ranging from relatively simple controls (I still hate the tilt vs. smash thing, though!) to designing the game for more than just 2 players. However, I don't think anyone can argue that the deep 1-on-1 fencing game in Street Fighter that arises from the possible interaction of so many moves would be really limited by simplifying to that extent.
If we took 3S as an example, one of the execution barriers of the game is hitconfirm super. Players that are capable of doing it consistently hold a pretty substantial advantage over those that can't, and hitconfirming off of single hit pokes or 2 low shorts is not something you can get without a fair bit of practice (either in 3S or in other fighting games). It's hard for a number of reasons, too: correctly doing the manual action of it is one, and mastering that manual action so that it can be tied to a visual signal that you have very little time to process. The thing is, it'd be very difficult to make this much simpler without changing the game. For instance, if QCFx2 supers could be done by... QCF+HP+HK or something like that (actually problematic since LP+LK, MP+MK, and HP+HK are all universal actions but let's ignore that for now kkk), it would make certain moves that are normally extremely difficult or maybe even impossible to hitconfirm, hitconfirmable. Ken's cr.MK xx SA3 is very challenging to hitconfirm, and one of the crutches to help hitconfirm it involves keeping an eye on your meter; i.e. if you have just short of enough meter for a super and do cr.MK QCF QCF [piano roll kick buttons], if the cr.MK whiffs, you do not have enough meter for the super to come out, and no super happens. If the kick hits, you get the meter for the super, and the super happens. Pretty nontrivial!
Part of me isn't against that, simply because I'm always a fan of making things more awesome/powerful than more weak, but there's a point at which it just makes the game plod because so few actions are safe to do.
On the other hand, ironically I think parry is just the right balance of easyness/hardness. The manual action of doing it is relatively simple (unlike hitconfirm super), practice is required in order to parry certain specific things (e.g. multi-hitting moves), and incorporating it into your gameplay is almost limitless in depth. Plus, it can be done to a very wide variety of visual cues that have great variety in how much time you have to respond (e.g. fullscreen fireballs can be parried even by beginners), so it has applicability to all levels of play.
I still think Gleam of Force is the most interesting example of a game that was designed to be easy for beginners to play (e.g. deal big damage, able to make comebacks etc.) with a gazillion system things in it to try to keep the fight balanced over the course of the round (and by that, I mean make sure that, one player always has some chance to mount a real comeback, and with ways to mitigate combo damage) and yet in spite of all the patches released for it, it is still a game of extremely long 100% damage combos.
Gojira 2781th Post

PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: 80085
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):SSF4AE2012" , posted Thu 25 Aug 12:28    
quote: I don't play online, but looking at everything else, I'm disappointed in it. It's hideously rough, glitchy and unpolished. If this thing goes for even one month without several patches I will be either shocked or disgusted.
Please elaborate. I don't doubt you but my experience has been great so far, and I wonder if I'm all of a sudden so easy to please...? People have been crying about input lag and such but since I used to play PS2 3S on this same LCD with what was undoubtedly MORE input lag, it feels fine to me.
I'm speaking of the whole package. There are a number of polish issues that just grate on my nerves. Keep in mind I DO NOT play online, all of these happen offline and thus there should be no excuse for them. I'll leave out the less technical issues because those are just a matter of taste.
The control settings are half-assed. Sure it's nice that they let you press a button to set it, but that's only 50% important. The other 50% is being able to UN-assign buttons, or to set them to what you want. Why am I forced to assign my L2 and R2 buttons when I really don't want them doing anything? Why would anyone need a Px3 button in 3rd Strike and why can't I assign LP+LK, MP+MK or HP+HK to a button?
The menus can get to be pretty laggy and unresponsive. Hell even right at the start of the main menu you can practically see how low the framerate is, but if you need evidence, go to the gallery and try zooming any picture. I have never seen something stutter like that intentionally. And then there are random times when the menu just stops responding for no reason at all. No save icon or anything, it just... stops.
Another thing, I think the programmers use state loading in some modes without telling the player. Loading a state not only loads the state of the game but also the state of the controller input, so if you're holding a direction or button when a state is loaded, it no longer registers. Here's an easy test: go to advanced parry trial 8, and block Ryu's fireball. Continue to hold back and press X to try again. Notice that Akuma will not move or guard until you release the direction. It strikes me as sloppy, no pun intended.
Also I've noticed that the game drops sound effects during gameplay. I thought it was just my speakers or sound settings at first, but it turns out it just happens randomly. I hit a jumping MK, cr. MK with Makoto, both hit but neither of them made a sound; all I heard were the voices. Then I did another cr. MK and the sound came out. That's not right.
These may all sound like nitpicking, and they are. That's what it means when I say "rough and unpolished." Things that should work will work, but any self-respecting developer that lets a game to market without addressing these things is either in too much of a hurry or not even trying. I bought this game to replace my Dreamcast version of 3s since my DC died, but I feel like the quality just doesn't compare. The DC version felt like an arcade port with myriad features, while 3SO feels more like an unfinished, bare-bones emulator. Yeah it's still 3rd Strike but it doesn't make me want to play it.
Pollyanna 3098th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):SSF4AE2012" , posted Thu 25 Aug 20:46    
quote: 3rd Strike Online
I got it, but I haven't played it online yet. Gojira's complaints are true, but I wouldn't necessarily consider them a deterrent. For me, it was a matter of perspective. I would not notice $14 in my bank account, but I would notice 3S on my PS3. This is the 3rd time I've bought 3rd Strike, but it's the only legal way to play online, the only way that doesn't look screwy on an HD TV and the only way I can play it at all with my current setup. I imagine that applies to a lot of people.
As a side note, I wish they had a 25% scanlines option. I like scanlines, but in moderation.
quote: I still think Gleam of Force is the most interesting example of a game that was designed to be easy for beginners to play (e.g. deal big damage, able to make comebacks etc.) with a gazillion system things in it to try to keep the fight balanced over the course of the round (and by that, I mean make sure that, one player always has some chance to mount a real comeback, and with ways to mitigate combo damage) and yet in spite of all the patches released for it, it is still a game of extremely long 100% damage combos.
I imagine you have a tough time selling people on a doujinshi moe girl boxing game, but there's no budget on good ideas, I guess.
I think one of the big turn-offs on 3S and SF4 is that some of the most difficult things don't feel like a big payoff. As you mentioned, hit confirming is a very big deal, but it doesn't look like it in the game. There's no visual difference between a hit confirm and "just got lucky". Linking LP into LK doesn't look like anything either, but might take hours and hours of (extremely boring) practice to get right.
In contrast, although MvC3 isn't really my game of choice, there's no huge execution barrier on the combos and the payoff vs work put in seems reasonably fair and rewarding.
In terms of parrying, ah...I don't know. Hahaha...I haven't played 3S in years, and before I was absolutely terrible at parrying no matter how many hours I poured into the game. But I was generally awful at most fighting games back then (whereas I'm mediocre now), so my opinion on it might change. Now, I feel like parrying is one of those systems that seems simple enough on paper, but is frustrating to try and do...much like a number of "BnB" SF4 combos.
As a side note, I think the KOF games are very accessible. It does devolve into a hit-confirm poke fest at times, but on the whole, I think it's easy to get into, with a very easy learning curve on combos and tactics. The only thing that makes the games obtuse to me is that they tend to have really odd hitboxes on a lot of moves.
Oh, and as for Smash Bros, as much as I love it, it's just not a fighting game to me. I wonder if there will ever be a mid point between it and a game like SF (that doesn't suck).
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
sfried 704th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: 8963437745913552
Red Carpet Regular Member
| ":Re:SSF4AE2012...OnLive?!" , posted Sat 27 Aug 14:25    
Hey, I use the service myself but...what?
Come to think of it, since my laptop runs it under 50fps average even at the lowest serttings, I wouldn't mind nabbing this in their $5 Friday deals.
But still, I know many people who are still skeptics to the service. One of them included me, but was surprised at how smooth it ran on my computer. Based on the experiences on other people, I think it has something to do whether or not you have something like Verizon FiOS for your internet connection.
The OnLive streaming has gone under a couple of improvements ovr the last few months, down to reducing the packets for 2MB connections. That said, if they get it to run smoothly enough for something like SSFIVAE2012, that would be a big win for them.
Nekros 385th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(3):Persona 4 Fighting Game developed by AS" , posted Wed 31 Aug 22:13:    
quote: Persona 4 + Arc System Works = Wut Da Hale? Sweet, and it will feature characters from P3 as well!
The fighting game, the home console version will have a story mode and of course online mode in addition to the usual arcade mode, vs mode, and score attack mode. Yukiko and Kanji are on the select screen so there's 4 more characters if the game only has 10 slots.
Also, Personal 5 is reportedly in development as well too. Same main staff as before- director Katsura Hashino, composer Shouji Meguro, artist Soejima Shigenori.
This is cool. They have sure a very good concept and art direction from original team to make a game nice to both Persona and BB fans. Hope the treat this project with the love it deserves. I'm intrigued, even if I was bored as hell with P3 and didn't like P4 chara design (never played it, because is too similar to P3).
PS: shoryuken has posted some scans (low quality) but all seem right: anime-oriented style with very colorful backgrounds. Nice!
My hope for a character is that shiba inu from P3, but I know it won't happening at all...maybe a guest bonus from the anime as well. I think the arcade will end up having 12-13 chars, and the console version near 15-16, like the first BlazBlue.
[this message was edited by Nekros on Wed 31 Aug 22:15] |
Nekros 388th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(7):Re(10):SF X Tekken" , posted Sat 3 Sep 19:31    
quote: I don't know if you could possibly mean this one
Wow, that would be REALLY nice. My two favorite SF characters (Makoto and Karin) and every single Tekken character I use (Xiaoyu, Alisa, Lars, Lili, Asuka). Plenty of my B-listers, too.
It hasn't been disproven yet and it plays out well with the teams, so I'm going to hold onto this (probably ridiculous) hope until they announce someone not on the list.
Shoryuken maintains that that pic is just a wishlist, made by someone from Capcom-Unity.
Sadly, I think is something leaked but for Capcom's sake is keep in doubt since the roster's finalization (they don't want something like UMVC3). I'm not too glad if the list will be the final roster (Mika over Alex, too much FF hints) but at least is something new to the usual "use as much SF2 cast as possile". And I'm the only one who finds Dhalsim REALLY out of place vs Tekken characters?
Professor 3224th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):Persona 4 / Quick Q&A guide to Tougeki" , posted Thu 8 Sep 07:24:    
quote: On another note, Just something I've whipped up. Missing any good Questions? Please feel free to make any remarks, thanks.
Pretty cool.
1# The Citibank tip is actually outdated! Japan finally improved the cash dispenser issue for foreigners in recent years. Any post office will allow most international credit or debit cards (ex. Visa or Mastercard) to get some cash. Moreover, Seven-Eleven is now part of the Yokoso!Japan campaign so their ATM accept many foreign cards. But indeed, it remains a potential trap.
2# About connections. NEX is not the only option in Narita anymore; the new Skyliner going through the Sky Access route is very effective as well and quite useful for people staying in the northern part of Tokyo (like Nippori, Ueno, Asakusabashi etc.).
3# About connections again. The route to TGS via Tokyo station is pretty effective because you can just follow the crowd and you should easily recognize people going to TGS (especially the foreigners) which will reassure you that you are going in the right direction(s) and leaving the train(s) at the right stop. However, if you want to avoid the crowd and get a seat, there is a nifty alternate route which is also quite useful if you live in the North (especially if you are on the Chuo-Sobu). Take the [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%AB%C5%8D-S%C5%8Dbu
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Aha thanks, I've added them in! Can you check the Narita explanation to make sure there's nothing wrong with it? I've never used the Skyliney yet.
The Nishifunabashi route is something I use when I'm in a rush, but it's kind of hard to explain since it's actually Musashino line and you need to look up the time schedule for a direct line to Kaihin, so I'm going to leave it out for now!
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 8 Sep 08:58] |
Maou 2248th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Tokyo travel" , posted Fri 9 Sep 06:38:    
quote: Just something I've whipped up. Missing any good Questions? Please feel free to make any remarks, thanks.
Hi Prof, a few notes on Haneda and Suica that visitors may find useful:
1. From Haneda, you can also take the Tokyo Monorail, 470Y, barely more than Keikyu and possibly more obvious to find because it's advertised clearly in both languages as Monorail. Has plenty of spaces for baggage, which is helpful. Goes to Hamamatsuchou right on the Yamanotesen.
2. Suica: the Skyliner may be cheaper from Narita now, but the Narita Express Suica deal and the Haneda Suica deal are pretty cool. Foreign passport owners can go to JR's Midorinomadoguchi's and buy a round-trip ticket to Tokyo, and it comes with a Suica and savings...very signiciant savings in Narita's case, and just a little in Haneda's case. Having a Suica right away would be very helpful to visitors so that they don't have to buy individual tickets or figure out which line is owned by whom.
3. Visitors (and residents) can find all-system train travel sites like Hyperdia (JA/EN) useful since they can find you various routes, on various lines, at various prices, at exact times, between stations throughout the country.
[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 9 Sep 06:46] |