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Freeter 4543th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Comic Con 2011 Super Turbo Turkey Punch" , posted Sat 23 Jul 23:26    
Went on Friday and saw the SFxT tourney. Most fell back on SF mains Ryu, Ken, Guile and Chun (who sadly got double teamed a lot), but a few brave souls dared to use some of the Tekken crew and even Poison. Hwoarang looks dope in this one, especially with his EX flying kicks that get a free wall bounce off a hit.
Tried out the demos for FFXIII-2 and Dragon's Dogma and wasn't really impressed with either. Rayman Origins was pretty sweet though.
Funny how last year, Sony was showing off the Move like their lives depended on it, and this year not a single Move game was on display. It was all Uncharted 3 and Ratchet and Clank from what I saw.
There was only one panel I went to this year, and it was the screening of the new Thundercats cartoon. Waited in line for a good hour and a half before it happened and I still barely managed to get in. It was worth it though, since they actually did a really good job with it and the atmosphere was insane (crowd went nuts when Liono did the classic chant).
All in all, I'd have to say this year's event was better than the previous one. Still wished I could have been at the SFxT panel though, because Ono is a riot to watch.