Toxico 5411th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Japanese trailer + Site info + Blog update" , posted Fri 29 Jul 13:10:    
New stuff
Preview of game modes, how customization works and all 3 new chars are shown in action, Billy, Saiki and 98' Iori (the DLC (has his old costume)).
I suppose that another good DLC would be more popular palette swaps, such as NESTS Kyo with Old moves or a Shingo or something.
edit :
Site open
It even says new characters coming soon, so Saiki, Billy and Iori98 ain't all we gettin'.
Actually the guy said "DLC character, "Flame wielding Iori", coming soon. The download content of the site only shows Iori as of now.
OK : DLC section of the site : (rough)
"Jump to the online stores, additional content can be bought varying from Custom Themes (wallpapers), Games Icon, Additional Character, stages and BGMs will also be available".
Game mode section (what I cared of)
Customize : (rough) "Associated to your online profile, there it will be the available option of personally modifying your characters for combat and accessing them via online (with this I'm understanding that you can "transport" your customizations to other consoles as long as you have access to your profile). In addition to the default costumes there it will be 5 spaces for your own customized models, we encourage you to try these!".
Mission : (rough) "This mode will contain 3 different types of mission challenges, we encourage you to try your skills with these.
Time attack : Utilize 1 character to go through the 1p game, rankings can be updated online. Survival : Challenge the CPU with the restriction of having a single life bar, how long can you survive? Trial : Challenges exclusive to the selected character, not only will be oriented towards combos. This mode will incline players to learn advanced techniques by having a live example of how they are performed."
Blog reopened. Nothing that we don't know already was said, what caught my attention was that they were looking forward to add things that they thought of in the arcade version, but couldn't get into completion then.
The "Story" tab has a "Visual novel" header... So it looks that your options are going to affect the cinema displays that you are going to look at... I remember that back then, early in the year the novelist that associates with KoF stated that he was "gonna work" in something then (probably SNK related), perhaps this was it?
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 29 Jul 14:01] |
mbisonhatclub 338th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Bronze Customer
| "Re(1):Japanese trailer" , posted Fri 29 Jul 13:24:    
quote: New stuff
Preview of game modes, how customization works and all 3 new chars are shown in action, Billy, Saiki and 98' Iori (the DLC (has his old costume)).
I suppose that another good DLC would be more popular palette swaps, such as NESTS Kyo with Old moves or a Shingo or something.
edit :
Site open
It even says new characters coming soon, so Saiki, Billy and Iori98 ain't all we gettin'.
quote: The "Story" tab has a "Visual novel" header... So it looks that your options are going to affect the cinema displays that you are going to look at... I remember that back then, early in the year the novelist that associates with KoF stated that he was "gonna work" in something then (probably SNK related), perhaps this was it?
Which is kinda what Blazblue did. All I have to say, is I told you so. Now where's the 20 bucks I won in that bet!
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Fri 29 Jul 15:17] |
Toxico 5411th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Japanese trailer" , posted Fri 29 Jul 15:44    
quote: Which is kinda what Blazblue did. All I have to say, is I told you so. Now where's the 20 bucks I won in that bet!
Did I even made a bet? And if I did you probably misunderstood me, I only deal with newborn babies.
Gpara has an article about the game Pretty much nothing new on it. Gpara remind us again that the Preorder bonus is " 炎を取り戻した庵 / Flame Wielding Iori"
BTW, Iori DLC is called that, 炎を取り戻した庵 and Vanilla Saiki is called " 斎祀・変身前 / Saiki ・ Pretransformation "
About the Story bracket of the official site : (rough) A feature not available in the arcade version, a mode where you can enjoy the Ash Hen Climax to it's fullest is right here. In addition to the regular story, the perspective of the events will also be narrated from the point of view of Adel, Heidern and "Those from the past", with many history details not having been revealed before where all mysteries will come to light. Be sure to try all of the options to check the story created by these amazing slide demo scenes, with scenes created by the same methods that those of the arcade demo (unsure about this bit).--- Do look forward to these!
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
mbisonhatclub 338th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Bronze Customer
| "Re(3):Japanese trailer" , posted Fri 29 Jul 15:56    
quote: Did I even made a bet? And if I did you probably misunderstood me, I only deal with newborn babies.
Gaga googoo, gib me moneyz
quote: About the Story bracket of the official site : (rough) A feature not available in the arcade version, a mode where you can enjoy the Ash Hen Climax to it's fullest is right here. In addition to the regular story, the perspective of the events will also be narrated from the point of view of Adel, Heidern and "Those from the past", with many history details not having been revealed before where all mysteries will come to light. Be sure to try all of the options to check the story created by these amazing slide demo scenes, with scenes created by the same methods that those of the arcade demo (unsure about this bit).--- Do look forward to these!
Sounds awesome, and is something for those who want more out of the story but don't generally play against other people/online, even though apparently the arcade mode "already provided all the story". Apparently not!
Is there any preorder bonus for the US/Europe? Since they have the Japan preorder DLC character bonus, and all.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Kane317 52th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Evo console" , posted Fri 29 Jul 16:42    
I'll c&p my notes from Evo:
I'm sure more confirmations/edits will be made in the next few days but here is my preliminary report:
-Neomax in HD costs 2 stocks but 3 stocks outside of HD. -Liz's midscreen, 1 stock no drive 511 damage combo now deals 391 -Shen's gotten a slight damage decrease, I couldn't quite figure out where but Kunio's 799 (1 stock HD combo) now does 777 -Duo Lon's Ex f.AC now has more hit stun (or better recovery for DL) so that he can do s.C or s.D (before it was a near 1 frame that allowed only for d.A, and if you're close enough you can link that to s.C). -Duo Lon's NM has finally been normalized and now does 448 instead of his silly 400 he used to do. (Most characters are 450-500 in the arcade version). -Maxima's air vapor cannon now holds him in place for both version and then after he's done he either goes forward or drops down (I forget), but not backwards. -Maxima's damage has been decreased slightly. -Goro's dp+K, [DC] hcf P seems to only work in the corner now (WHY?). His NM has been buffed to 571, yup! -Kyo's hcb+K is no longer safe, is also does not build much drive or meter if it connects. It seems only useful for combos from now on. -Kyo has his air Ex Orochinagi -All characters that we tested all had aerial Ex DMs like Mai. -Kyo can do d.B, d.A, df.D [1hit], qcf+K midscreen now. -Overall, hit hitboxes have been adjusted and it's harder to cross characters up now. It was noticable as we couldn't get K''s j.B or j.D to crossup. -Chin is now top tier. -K''s hop no longer goes over a standing opponent. -K''s second shell (qcf+P.f+B) now juggles opponent higher and when preceded by an Ex qcf+P, allows the second shell to hit twice, and hence combo into his qcf x2+P DM like in the RS trailer. -Shen's fully charged qcf+P now only removes 50% of the guard gauge. -Mai has been buffed overall. Her air.d+B has faster recovery making it kinda safe, her air.qcb+P is also safer. -Mai's air DM now falls "natually" as she travels across the screen a la '95 Mai's hidden air DM. -Mai's air Ex DM also MaxCancels into NM. -Mai's Ex Ryuenbu has startup invincibility. -Mai's A Ryuenbu has a larger vertical hitbox acting like an anti air (assumingly it's like her beta version). -Terry has a d.A, d.C link which helps his hit confirmation a lot. Gave us an instant Fatal Fury "feel" to it. -Takuma's stun combo juggles are much harder to perform and the timing is real tight. -Joe's NM comes out FAST. Can pretty much punish air attacks on reaction. -Joe's NM when MC'd, will wait for the opponent to drop from the Screw Upper, automatically releasing it for you. It's a damaging MC. -Joe's Ex DM travels across the screen now. -Joe's D Tiger Knee now has startup invincibility somewhat similar to XII but not as extreme. B version is faster but has no invincibility. -Liz's Ex DM now does no pushback on blocked opponents -Liz's Ex counter only allows followups with specials, not normals. -Liz still can do the reset DM midscreen still (personally tested). -Beni's Ex Raijinken now holds the opponent in position allowing you to follow up. I believe CMD.Duc did (corner), Ex Raijinken (qcf+AC), A Raijinken, dp+K. Overall CDM.Duc says he's been buffed. -Ash's Ex qcb+P now juggles even grounded opponents. -Ryo's dp+A seems faster, his parries are faster, and his Ex hcb+K seems faster. -Andy's d.D is slower now and no longer as abusable, it still can hit anti-air but seems to trade more now. -Andy's Zaneiken is safe on block now, but he's also pushed back really far himself. -Andy's Ex hcf+K, d.D is harder to connect now mid screen. -Raiden's dropkicks have finally has its charge time increased. Despite initials reports, 1.1 did not change his charge time from 1.0. Personally, I must have charged ove 20+ seconds and I could not get level 3 to come out. If you land the DK midscreen, the opponent will fly away really far not allowing a follow up. His double DK shenanigans still work in the corner. -King and Hwa Jai's slide both cancel now by themselves. -King's NM has been fixed, it now goes further and when MC'd does full damage. -Mature's qcb+K has better recovery -Ralf's Vulcan Punch now knocks the opponent away after two hits. -Clark, sadly, seems unchanged. -Leona's HD combos have been nerfed slightly. -Kula's corner juggles seem harder to connect. -I was kidding about Chin, he seems unchanged. -Saiki is very strong from what I saw from No.17 and Oscar messing around with him. He feels very mid-boss in terms of damage but I may change my mind later. =)
Once again, I apologize if I misreport something or I have left something out. There were simply far too many changes to record them all let alone let my overstimulated mind process.
The wait was all worth it guys , my hats off to SNKP. The game feels like a HUGE improvement over a near perfect XIII 1.1. Speaking of labels, I dubbed the console version XIII.5 and Aram from Atlus seems to agree with me.
I want to thank Aram, Mike, and Yu (?) for putting on such a fine setup for us hungry fans; you guys are so awesome I can't really say it in enough.
Day 1 reports end but stay tuned as there are more announcements coming throughout this weekend. I need some sleep now.
Professor 3168th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(7):Evo console" , posted Sat 30 Jul 02:34:    
Saiki details from 17 and official site
  or    Same as Ash's 4B motion. Moves horizontally through air either forwards or backwards depending on stick direction. Opponent is left with hit detection if they're hit in the air. Can be canceled from Jump A, C or CD excluding short hops. 50 Damage.
Kiyoku no tsuki
   Projectile. A has no range, comes out relatively fast. Good recovery, about even when blocked done after a normal C in close range. Opponent is left with hit detection if they're hit in the air. C version goes Diagonally upwards, feels like a Raijinken that lasts shorter. Mainly used for combos. Both are 60 damage. EX version splashes ink-like stuff in front which is kind of like Magaki's shockwave, but with more horizontal range. Might hit about 6-8 times in full. Can't think of effective ways of using this at current time.
Hanetsurube no nata
   Flash Kick. B version hits once, comes out fast enough to connect from a weak but has no invincibility, can't be used as an anti-air since it only has hit detection on bottom at startup. D version hits twice, and holding on the button does an additional attack from warp and does good damage. Comes out relatively fast. Haven't checked if it's usable as anti-air. EX version is probably an anti-air but haven't checked.
Shichiri gake
   , , , A warp move. A = warp in front, B = same location, C= back. D button makes him warp in air and he can do a normal or a special from there as well.
Move name Unknown
   Looks like XI Ash's far D. Has good reach, hits crouching opponents. The opponent will fall on ground on a hit but they'll still have hit detection. B version is fast and connects from a weak. D version connects from a feirce and he warps in air if the button is held, can be connected to 4B at corner. EX version connects from feirce, causes wire damage when hit. D button can be held to warp in air but its location changes on distance and doing a good combo from there seems hard. All three are not safe on block.
Tokoyami no fune
    Multi-hit projectile that stops after moving forward a bit. Doesn't stop when it hits the opponent so it might not all hit if opponent is in close range.
Move name Unknown
    A 5-hit ranbu move that starts off from a weak flash kick. If it hits, Saiki attacks while warping and ends with him and the opponent trading locations. Has invincibility on startup but its hit detection is low.
Move name Unknown
   in Air 2 Hit move. Drops down from air like Seth's   motion after a short moment. Opponent falls to the ground if it hits, Saiki stops time and stomps them. Can be used to Max Cancel.
Kyoryuu no ori
    Command throw with short range, EX version available.
     Neomax. Does full screen attack after transforming to his red naked state. Does about 50 chip damage. Not too fast, goes well with QCFx2+K in Air move.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 30 Jul 02:38] |
Toxico 5414th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Eng port images." , posted Sat 30 Jul 03:10:    
edit : The images are pretty much the same that have been released to this point, but you can check some of the ENG text in case that you couldn't read the jp one... It is me, or are they flirting or something?.... No, I rather not think about it.
US site open
Thx Professor, you saved me a big job on that one. By the way that bit of "leaves the enemy on hit detection" it's probably more naturally phrased as "leaves the enemy vulnerable".
Hou, the site as gifs with the special DM moves, thus you can see the DLC and Dressed Tar man in action. Ash move names are wrong though, perhaps some other characters have wrongly named move sets?
edit :
Articles. Unfortunately all of them have info that comes from the press release, thus it's not anything that we haven't heard about yet. Pics are large, though.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 30 Jul 09:38] |
Digitalboy 750th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: JestingGenie99(automatednamecreatedbyXBL) Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(10):EVO to stream Console KOFXIII in One H" , posted Sat 30 Jul 16:01    
Too lazy to search if anyone else has posted this.
Amazon pre-orders are available for KOF XIII. The following quoted is from the website. I am NOT making this up. Check it out before they realized that it is the wrong features description.
quote: Product Features Platform: Xbox 360 Features - The Horrors of Love Vincent's waking fears, doubts, pressures, and growing guilt about commitment and fidelity now gleefully follow him into his dreams, manifesting as horribly disfigured monsters and a ticking clock Between a Rock and a Soft Place must navigate Vincent through heavy moral decisions; as in real life, hardly anything is black and white; what is the value of honesty; what is the right thing to do; either way, someone's going to get hurt; worse yet, someone could die The Nightmare of Your Dreams Under the watch of producer Katsura Hashino, acclaimed director of Persona 3 and Persona 4, famed character artist Shigenori Soejima and master composer Shoji Meguro create sights and sounds unlike anything else; as unforgettable and original as the game's narrative, Catherine's visual direction and musical score define and perfectly complement Vincent's terrifying ascent into the dizzying perils of love Escape With or From a Friend Local competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes, in addition to leaderboards, ensure that the many thrills and horrors of racing through twisted stages can be enjoyed by more than one player and add hours of extra game play to the overall experience
I don't know how to live But I've got alot of toys...
sibarraz 219th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(6):Re(10):EVO to stream Console KOFXIII in" , posted Sun 31 Jul 02:52:    
quote: When they did the update for KOFXII to "improve" the online, installing the game to your hard drive became mandatory. Since both PS3 and 360 have installation options, I'm hoping this will help with the loading issue.
KOFXII didn't bug me, but SNK really has had a terrible history with loading times. I hope I don't have to see that legacy return.
I installed XII on my xbox one year ago
I saw no difference with the loading times so I erased the game, at times some games doesn't seem to gain any advantage when you install (or worse, I had hear cases were loading times became longer when you install the game)
There where tons of thing that annoyed in XII, the second that took to see the pause screen once you pressed start, some little slowdowns and other things, you can tell that the game was made in record time
I hope that SNKP has learned how to develop better ports in this 2 years since XII was released
Btw, I hope than someone made my question with 98um fe for consoles, maybe will not, but one can dream
I really want to play that game, and since I heard rumours of a 2002 um fe, I thought that maybe releasing the game in a 2 x 1 pack could be a good idea
EDIT: No spectator mode
Someone asked for a sam sho vs soul calibur
No patch for the arcades
SNK tested with GGPO, but the results weren't good so they dropped it
[this message was edited by sibarraz on Sun 31 Jul 03:27] |
Toxico 5418th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):EVO to stream Console KOF" , posted Sun 31 Jul 08:34    
Gamespot matches
Initially I tried to not mention it since it didn't seemed important, but as I was watching I changed my mind: The game seems to have a ton of new voice samples, for example K' goes "don't mess with me" or "tche" when he doesn't roll recover, but to some other point it seems that SNK is going to use these to further expose character portrayal, as when Mai got knocked off by Andy, she said "Andy, that was unforgivable"...
I wonder how far they are going to take these; it seems that SNK took a page from Capcom and Arcsys, who long before realized that it was much easier to add work to the voice actors rather than drawing ingame sprites. If the new voice clips are "new", recorded for this game (XIII console port); then the chance of having voiced movie sequences wouldn't be 0..... If not, then; no dice.
What's stranger? Terry spoke on japanese. Once. It looks like SNK never realized that Terry never did such a thing in game outside KoF Kyo or bonus materials, to me that comes as pretty weird.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
sibarraz 220th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):EVO to stream Console KOF" , posted Sun 31 Jul 08:57    
quote: Gamespot matches
Initially I tried to not mention it since it didn't seemed important, but as I was watching I changed my mind: The game seems to have a ton of new voice samples, for example K' goes "don't mess with me" or "tche" when he doesn't roll recover, but to some other point it seems that SNK is going to use these to further expose character portrayal, as when Mai got knocked off by Andy, she said "Andy, that was unforgivable"...
I wonder how far they are going to take these; it seems that SNK took a page from Capcom and Arcsys, who long before realized that it was much easier to add work to the voice actors rather than drawing ingame sprites. If the new voice clips are "new", recorded for this game (XIII console port); then the chance of having voiced movie sequences wouldn't be 0..... If not, then; no dice.
What's stranger? Terry spoke on japanese. Once. It looks like SNK never realized that Terry never did such a thing in game outside KoF Kyo or bonus materials, to me that comes as pretty weird.
I'm sure that at least I had heard Terry saying something in japanese at least 1 time on my life, or maybe I got confused with english
I hope that Kyo and Iori exchange tons of insults while they play, I always love their dialogues
Pollyanna 3079th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):EVO to stream Console KOF" , posted Sun 31 Jul 11:38    
I installed XII on my xbox one year ago
I saw no difference with the loading times so I erased the game, at times some games doesn't seem to gain any advantage when you install (or worse, I had hear cases were loading times became longer when you install the game)
Ah, my ignorance. I only played it on PS3, where the installation was mandatory after the update patch. Honestly, I can't say if it made any difference, since I installed the game right off anyway.
In terms of spectator mode, that's a shame, but they're probably trying to limit anything that might slow down the connection. I'll have to see how good or bad the online setup is in general before I lament its absence.
quote: Is it just me or does the game seem to look even better than the arcade version? Something about the characters... they seem sharper and more vibrant. Maybe they're using a better filter or maybe they turned the filters off altogether? Whatever it is, I just feel really good looking at these videos.
I can't tell from the videos alone. I didn't even notice the original filter until I played the game in arcades. It was well-received, but I absolutely can't stand it. I guess the idea is that drunk goggles make something ugly deceptively more beautiful, but KOF is more than beautiful enough without them. I think I complained about this before, but the problem is really compounded by the fact that the backgrounds are NOT blurred, giving the impression that they're in focus and the characters are not. It's kind of visually confusing.
Here's hoping for several options like KOF 12. Most people who complained about the "jaggies" in 12 were pleased with the "super blurry can't see jack shit" video mode.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Toxico 5421th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Interview." , posted Sun 31 Jul 16:27:    
Yamamoto's voice is super weird, har har. It looks like he gets eigo. They addressed on how the game end ups looking better than XII but not that different from the arcade version.
Now "etc talk".
It looks like Saiki has some slight animation differences from Ash (his crouching animation is slightly different). That's good, since after all most of Ash animation kinda reflect his fruity and playful character. Saiki only has the fruity part, so some animations don't really fit him.
quote: Yeah I'm not a fan of upscaling filters for the same reason. If they do have new video modes I hope they have one where the game zooms way in like in KOF XII. I would LOVE that. It made me feel like I was playing as the sprites from a 16bit game intro. Or Buster Douglas boxing.
Considering that the game is meant to be played in several resolutions (you can technically plug 3 or more types of antenna to the consoles, all of them with different outputs), having selectable filters is the way to go.
About the blur filters, I remember playing a lot with the inbuilt configurations of my TV in order to get the necessary balance of sharpness and blur... And not even that could save Tekken 6 from pixel hell 
quote: FYI Terry's wakeup voice is recycled from his taunt. I have a feeling they may just be adding voices from stock and unused material.
I was 100% of that at first, but some character almost seem like they where re-recorded so.... It's easy to dream? Enthusiasm is clouding the innate negativity of my best judgment, how unusual.
edit : BTW, for those following it, here it is KCE vs Sisters Part 3 - Nico
It'd be great if they re-recorded additional voices. My personal assumption is that they may have had voices that weren't used in the arcade version. If Terry starts shouting "Mou Yosse!! Bastaa Wullf!", then I'll be hooked.
Well, as I thought that was initially my stance on the matter, but as I was hearing more and more some character have more than 2 or 3 extra quotes, and in fact they even groan differently, so that gets me suspicious of what level of make over the character had. Assuming that Ash VA got rehired is easy considering not from the perspective of the extra quotes but that another character that is voiced by him was added. NadjaMai, K', Iori and Billy sound "kinda renewed", but besides Iori I'm not inclined to say "re-recorded" just yet; Iori's VA has a good reason to be rehired after all... And everything besides that is... well, what was the saying? shooting at the air?
Kane added some vids
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 31 Jul 18:06] |
Professor 3178th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):EVO to stream Console KOF" , posted Mon 1 Aug 06:58:    
quote: Could someone translate what yamamoto said
I can't hear the translator well
The translator misses some of the translations and adds some own words, so here's a direct translation of what Yamamoto says.
1. The development is at 90% and it's mostly finished. 2. No, there's still about 10% left. We still have the last brushups remaining. 3. This time, there's going to be a lot of additional play mode elements. In comparison to 12, There's going to be about double the volume of modes added in, and lack of content will not be an issue. 4. First of all, we added a tutorial mode to introduce the game. This time, the game has about 36 characters.. er, 31 characters. So we've added a mission mode and training mode to introduce them, show how they can be played, and for players to practice them. Another addition is the story mode. Up until now, the story has only been partially told, so we'll be telling the story from the perspective of multiple characters. 5. It's based on the current version. 6. We haven't really changed any of the graphics (since 12). However, we took effort so that the borders (of the sprites) won't look too rough. We've kind of blurred it, made changes to make it look smooth. 7. 12 had various issues (in online mode), so we started off by solving them. The issue with our previous game was that we didn't really have time to refine the net play, but we spent plenty this time around. Another issue was the designs of the lobby, so we've improved that as well. The netplay issues that 12 had will not be happening again. 8. It will be released on Oct 27. We're doing the last brushups, and we should be able to make it even better than the current build. Please look forward.
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 1 Aug 07:32] |
Toxico 5423th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):EVO to stream Console KOF" , posted Mon 1 Aug 08:22:    
quote: so we have 36 characters so far, arcade version has 31 characters, Billy & Saiki sure they will be on disk, so we have 33, we still have more 3 characters because Iori will be DLC !!!
There is already 35 guys in the disk if you count bosses, but there is this chance that they won't be usable (has we already got alternative versions of them anyway).
For what I got, the comment was referring to "the hard work of building tutorial mode for each character", thus if flaming Iori has a tutorial he already counts within that number (100% sure he has one).
I am really confused !!! Rising Star Games said that the game will have 5 new characters never seen before in KOF & the producer said 36 in total, so if we count Iori with bosses from the arcade version it will be 36, so if we considered human Saiki one of the 5 characters it will remain 4, in total 40 !!!
But Rising Star website speak of King, Mai and Yuri as new character, thus they are speaking of "XIII" in general. Thus, we have characters in XIII (console + arcade) that have never shown up before? 1.- Hwa, 2.- Saiki (tarman) 3.- Saiki (playable) 4.- Dark Ash.
Heck, if you count Big Bear and Takuma, it would total to six. Heck MkII, the fact that only Rising Star has that detail already makes it sound suspicious; I wouldn't be surprised if that it's only the miss-usage of google translation.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 1 Aug 09:04] |
Evil Yagami 25th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(1):RSG corrects an error" , posted Mon 1 Aug 20:08    
quote: I emailed RisingStarGames to inquire about their "five characters never having been in KOF before" statement and this is what they had to say:Hi, Thank you for your interest in King of Fighters XIII. Raiden is not one of the five characters this is about - nevertheless, you are correct about the error in the text. It now reads, "... five characters not available in the arcade release". Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Regards, Tristram Defries Digital Communications Do with that what you will. Talk about initiative, that's something the army taught me! toobadtheydidnotteachmetostayin
Oh thanks for the info !!! so now we still have more 2 characters, Iori 98, Billy, Saiki, ?, ?
Professor 3179th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(1):RSG corrects an error" , posted Mon 1 Aug 21:46    
quote: I emailed RisingStarGames to inquire about their "five characters never having been in KOF before" statement and this is what they had to say:Hi, Thank you for your interest in King of Fighters XIII. Raiden is not one of the five characters this is about - nevertheless, you are correct about the error in the text. It now reads, "... five characters not available in the arcade release". Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Regards, Tristram Defries Digital Communications Do with that what you will. Talk about initiative, that's something the army taught me! toobadtheydidnotteachmetostayin
Ah Cool! ... But I get the feeling that the arcade version's bosses are counted in there, humm. Logically speaking, it would be more natural for SNKP to hold back on new characters made from scratch, and to release them as DLC. It would be wonderful if some were in the game, of course.
Just a Person 1493th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):RSG corrects an error" , posted Tue 2 Aug 02:34    
quote: I emailed RisingStarGames to inquire about their "five characters never having been in KOF before" statement and this is what they had to say:Hi, Thank you for your interest in King of Fighters XIII. Raiden is not one of the five characters this is about - nevertheless, you are correct about the error in the text. It now reads, "... five characters not available in the arcade release". Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Regards, Tristram Defries Digital Communications Do with that what you will. Talk about initiative, that's something the army taught me! toobadtheydidnotteachmetostayin
Oh thanks for the info !!! so now we still have more 2 characters, Iori 98, Billy, Saiki, ?, ?
Maybe 2 popular KOF fighters who didn't make it into XIII? Mary, Heidern, Whip, Shingo, Kyo 98...
It seems this game keeps getting better! Something that could make its purchase even more appealing, since XIII is the last chapter in the "Ash saga", would be a special 2 disc edition, with the second disc containing KOF 2003 and KOF XI (the additional characters from the PS2 version are not necessary, IMO). I guess many KOF fans would love to have the whole saga contained in the same package, even if that makes the game more expensive (KOF is very plot-driven, after all; plus, I know that XI is still quite popular among KOF players, although I'm not sure if the same applies to KOF 2003...).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Professor 3181th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(3):RSG corrects an error" , posted Tue 2 Aug 03:14:    
quote: Ah Cool! ... But I get the feeling that the arcade version's bosses are counted in there, humm. Logically speaking, it would be more natural for SNKP to hold back on new characters made from scratch, and to release them as DLC. It would be wonderful if some were in the game, of course. In addition to this: Hi,
I can't give you the names of all five characters because they haven't been officially announced - I think three of the five have been annnounced.
I can tell you that neither "Dark Ash" or "Iori 98" are among the five.
Ah, thank you. Assuming the RSG staff understands that Iori 98 refers to the Iori with flames, this is sure to cause speculations amongst fans!
On an unrelated note, the main stage at Evo was reportedly laggy, most likely due to all the additional wirings. That might partically explain some of the bad results of the top players like Daigo.
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 2 Aug 03:29] |
Pollyanna 3080th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):EVO to stream Console KOF" , posted Tue 2 Aug 03:29    
quote: In regards to graphics, but I think in the case of KOF13, it was a vice of necessity in order to bring the game back to its original old-style KOF screen size. It'd probably look bad without it, although it'd be interesting to see that too.
I just assumed that they could scale things however they liked, since they had the sprites on the webpage at different sizes without any filters. When I played the game, I thought "false advertisement!" But hey, games aren't websites, I guess.
But I'm no expert on these sorts of things. I just though the 13 sprite size was the 12 sprites when they were fully zoomed out. Augh...well, here's hoping for some options on the home port that aren't "blurry" "blurrier" and "vertigo-inducing".
quote: Assuming the RSG staff understands that Iori 98 refers to the Iori with flames, this is sure to cause speculations amongst fans!
Sadly, I wonder.
I'd hate to have a character slot wasted on another Kyo, but this is one series where 2 of a character might actually be nice. I'd take Shingo over another Kyo any day, but in my head, I'm thinking "if the character appears in the background, they won't be in the game."
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
sibarraz 227th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(4):Remember bad allocations?" , posted Tue 2 Aug 08:57    
quote: Where did you get that?
From his mind. All of the allocation data from XII have already been put into use by XIII console. I think that the are something like extra 11 empty spaces there, but those are most likely there for rounding up bit data.
Furthermore Rimelo and Shroom aren't even SNK characters, they are characters created by Andy Setoh (I think it's him at least) and they don't even look like their source material (the manga has two adolescent girls, the game has a slim yet fruity man and a loli) (and the source it's KoF XI Brazil ending, I think)).
Blog upddate. Nothing about the game, just Yamamoto speaking about his overseas experience.
I always liked how tons of characters are treated as canon even though I had never read of them ever beside some obscure mangas
Still, I'm worried that the announces of RSG plus the whole expectations from the fans could totally backfire the game, because we don't know if those 5 new characters, how many aren't announced yet, plus how SNKP has so many potential entries that you will NEVER satisfy fans from KOF
I even believe that people will be less angry if SNKP announced 3 or 6 more chracters as DLC
Just a Person 1494th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(6):Remember bad allocations?" , posted Tue 2 Aug 23:00    
quote: I really would like to see DLC Teams.It would give a higher chance of crowded Ash Saga Reunion Dream Match.
But that would be quite hard to get in short term, wouldn't it? There are A LOT of fighters from KOF 2003 and XI who aren't in XIII: Ozwald, Momoko, Jenet, Gato, Tizoc, Yamazaki, Eiji, Kasumi, Malin, Whip, Chizuru, Mary, Ramon, Vanessa (and we know that any Dream Match with Vanessa and Ramon automatically needs Seth, too), Duck King, Hinako... the list goes on.
That's why I suggested the idea of a second disc containing KOF 2003 and KOF XI. That would allow players to have the full Ash Saga in a single package. The idea of a single game with all these characters is amazing, but now that SNKP is redoing each character from the scratch, that would take a really long time to accomplish...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
sibarraz 229th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(7):Remember bad allocations?" , posted Wed 3 Aug 03:00    
quote: I really would like to see DLC Teams.It would give a higher chance of crowded Ash Saga Reunion Dream Match.
But that would be quite hard to get in short term, wouldn't it? There are A LOT of fighters from KOF 2003 and XI who aren't in XIII: Ozwald, Momoko, Jenet, Gato, Tizoc, Yamazaki, Eiji, Kasumi, Malin, Whip, Chizuru, Mary, Ramon, Vanessa (and we know that any Dream Match with Vanessa and Ramon automatically needs Seth, too), Duck King, Hinako... the list goes on.
That's why I suggested the idea of a second disc containing KOF 2003 and KOF XI. That would allow players to have the full Ash Saga in a single package. The idea of a single game with all these characters is amazing, but now that SNKP is redoing each character from the scratch, that would take a really long time to accomplish...
My idea for get a crowded ash saga will be to exploit the sprites that we had now, and for the next saga (if SNKP is still in this) will be to make new sprites with higher resolutions for the new modern consoles
*Danger High Levels of fanboy wish listing next*
The first thing will be to release KOF XIV, it should not take more than a year since I believe than the actual system of XIII is fine, just make some justified tweaks that could work better, but who knows
I read somewhere that SNKP could create like 9-10 characters per year, so basically my idea will be to release 3 versions of KOF XIV
-Vainilla launch it for arcades. -Unexpected Match or some other word with U which could be used to exploit the UM series that has gained got recognizition imo. This could be released next year for consoles and maybe some kind of patch for the arcades, but priority is consoles. -KOF XIV UM Final Edition launch it for arcades and later DLC for consoles
I made a list with teams that made some sort of sense, to avoid edit teams (Even though will be impossible so I tried my best), put EVERYONE in the ASH saga (including those exclusives PS2 characters) and for personal Awesomeness, the roster will had like 34 new Characters though
Ash Crimson
Saiki Team
- Saiki - Botan - Whatever third member of all those guys could be
Japan Team
- Kyo Kusanagi - Benimaru Nikaido - Goro Daimon
Elisabeth Team
- Elisabeth - Duo Lon - Shen Woo
Iori Team
- Iori - Vice - Mature
Fatal Fury Team
- Terry Bogard - Andy Bogard - Joe Higashi
- Ryo Sakazaki - Robert Garcia - Yuri Sakazaki
Kim Team
- Kim Kaphwan - Jhun Hoon * - Chang Koehan *
Ikari Team
- Leona Heidern - Ralf Jones - Clark Steel
Assasins Team (or badass team if you wish)
- Gato * - Oswald * - Ryuji Yamazaki *
Women's Team
- King - Mai Shiranui - Hinako *
K' Team
- K' - Maxima - Whip *
NESTS team
- Kula - Nameless * - Foxy/ Angel *
I don't know which third character will make sense, but one could also change kula for whip since K'-Maxima-Kula must be one of the best trios in the whole series by how their three personalities play along. And I want to see more of nameless, his design is good for me to just be wasted in 2002um.
Masters Team
- Takuma - Chin - Tung Fu Rue *
Geese Team
- Geese Howard * - Mr. Big * - Billy Kane
Vintage Fatal Fury Team
- Duck King * - Raiden - Hwa Jai
Mark of the Wolves Team
- Bonne Jenet * - Hotaru * - Tizoc *
Anti Kyokugenryu Team
- Malin * - Kasumi Todoh * - Eiji Kisaragi *
Agents Team (Sorry Seth)
- Ramon * - Vanessa * - Blue Mary *
New Faces Team (isn't a dream match without them)
- Yashiro - Shermie - Chris
Chizuru Team (There is some story between those 3)
- Shingo * - Chizuru * - Saisyu *
KOF XI Good Mid Boss Team - Adheleid * - Gai * - Hayate *
KOF XI Evil Mid Boss Team - Shion * - Silber * - Jyazu *
As you will see, the problema is that there are too many characters that were used in 2003 or XI which will be very hard to see, plus some new faces top ut some new characters There is also the problem is that if I’m not sure if this business model with SNKP at least, there’s also the fact that my idea was that meanwhile, SNKP created a KOF or other game with bigger sprites in the case, that Arc System Works came with something more modern (And I don’t know how long will take until people start criticizing the sprites of bein too old, my plan will be that final edition should be released at 2014, so the sprites will had a decent life span, even at the worst case make the new saga with those sprites. I think that XIII game system should be exploited more, because if every KOF game changes too much his system, you run the risk to alienate your fanbase (like the whole mess that has been KOF between 99-2003)
But yeah, this is more armchair wishing without considering millions of factors, still, for now I think that I will be happy with the actual product that SNKP will gave us for consoles
kofoguz 920th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(7):Remember bad allocations?" , posted Wed 3 Aug 07:44    
quote: I really would like to see DLC Teams.It would give a higher chance of crowded Ash Saga Reunion Dream Match.
But that would be quite hard to get in short term, wouldn't it? There are A LOT of fighters from KOF 2003 and XI who aren't in XIII: Ozwald, Momoko, Jenet, Gato, Tizoc, Yamazaki, Eiji, Kasumi, Malin, Whip, Chizuru, Mary, Ramon, Vanessa (and we know that any Dream Match with Vanessa and Ramon automatically needs Seth, too), Duck King, Hinako... the list goes on.
That's why I suggested the idea of a second disc containing KOF 2003 and KOF XI. That would allow players to have the full Ash Saga in a single package. The idea of a single game with all these characters is amazing, but now that SNKP is redoing each character from the scratch, that would take a really long time to accomplish...
To be honest I'm a rapid hopelessly hopeful fan as much as sibarraz is but I was hoping moderately (?) less stuff. For example; Two DLC Team for KOFXIII. Pick two teams from Agents Team/Garou Team/Outlaw Team/ High School Girls Team. Then for the KOFXIV two or three more teams that one of them must be CYS Team. Put Ash Saga backgrounds, some extra stuff then may be more team/s for DLC. Well If SNKP wants to do it be able to do it and makes money from KOFXIII to hire more sprite artists.
Loona 443th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(9):Remember bad allocations?" , posted Wed 3 Aug 21:06    
Isn't anyone worried that the KoF numbering is getting rather high and silly and maybe SNKP would be wise to revise it?
For example, since the KoF plot games are usually split in 3-game sagas, perhaps the next plot line games should use a naming convention like "KoF: <saga_name> #" - for exmaple, if the next one of about the whole Kensou/dragon power thing that's been hinted at for a decade, the next game could be something like "KoF: Rise of the Dragon", and its sequels could use numbers (ex: "KoF: Rise of the Dragon 2"). You know, instead of having KoFs XIV, XIV, XIVI and XVII, which sounds a lot like parody turning real...
The dream matches could then use their own separate numbering system and be more prone to DLC content, each individual game potentially lasting as long as its corresponding console generation does. For example, say after XIII SNKP releases a dream match game based on the new sprites (or, you know, something that uses _everyone_ from 96 to XI, since the sprites are already there, and the UMs for 98 and 2002 still didn't allow for every possible combination, not to mention their names make the games feel old to newcomers) - instead of calling it KoF XIV, it simply calls it "KoF Dream Match" and aims it squarely at the competitive crowd, with the expectation that patche and DLC will help keep the game balanced/fresh/relevant, possibly making characters introduced in later plot games available through DLC for this plotless game as well, and letting players buy stages and music from previous games that weren't available in the original release (I'm assuming a palette editing feature would drop the possibility of paying for those, that would be comparatively annoying). An example of how this could work is, for example, if you had KoF2002, you'd get the possibility of turning it into 2002UM via paid DLC, and could buy stages and music from previous games as well. An analogue situation from 98UM to 98UM Final Edition is trickier to figure out (afaik it was all balance fixes, so I tend to think "free mandatory/automatic patch").
A "KoF Dream Match 2" would only ever be released if the sprite styles were revised again, or for the following console generation, justifying a new boxed release, if that still exists by then. I tend to think about it like how the Tekken Tag Tournament series have their own (much shorter) numbering, dream match factor and rare releases.
The Maximum Impact games could have been a nice introduction to the concept, resetting the numbering and doing their own thing, although they've been dropped...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Toxico 5431th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Hey Hey Hey." , posted Thu 4 Aug 13:41:    
In today's blog update
I'll review it (and edit this) shortly, busy right now. Direct feed vids of him on it.
(rough, things that I don't get and maybe I sneak silly mistakes on things that I misstranslated but actually know). Rephrased some things for the sake of me dedicating less time to this. Kinda obvious, but unless the name of the producer goes before the paragraph, the one speaking is the interviewer.
About Billy Kane Good day everyone, this is yuzuko. It's so hot over here....
Now let's listed about the details of the console exclusive character Billy Kane straight from YamaP ( 山P , this goes to describe the main producer (Yamamoto))
Billy Kane, who's bandana and costume are tailored as his original Garou Densetsu get up! In order to control this character certain fixed requirements must be fulfilled first.
How come this character came to be chosen? Yamamoto P : Popularity, Fighting Style and to bring balance to the cast variety (T: as in, he doesn't break the originality mold that the cast balance has as of now). It is a fact that by Choosing Raiden, Hwa and Billy we can have an "Garou 1 rival / enemy team", we thought that allowing that was a good idea and many fans thought the same on their own before this character was introduced. For that instance, we absolutely had to go with his Garou 1 costume and appearance, even though we didn't go for his Long Pole stick but rather with his 3 part stick (T: Kinda unsure about the phrasing of the weapons).
The command attacks of this character, what are they like? Yamamoto P : 「Dai kaiten keri」 「Boutakatobi keri」 「Sao uchi」, it's these 3. Additionally we added a 「Sao uchi( )」 move. (This move takes inspiration in his dodge and attack move (from KoF 95')) His Dai kaiten keri ( ) move is where he jumps with his pole and then kicks. His Boutakatobi keri ( ) is his jumping kick will be equipped with some lower body invincibility since Billy actually is not in the ground while he does this move.
The special attacks of this character, what are they like? Yamamoto P : 「Sansetu kon cyuudan uchi 」 (  / ) 「Kaen Sansetu kon cyuudan uchi 」 (follow up to )「Senpuu kon」 ( Tap / ) 「Suzume otoshi」 (  / ) 「Kyousyuu hisyou kon」 ( / ), all of them will be available as EX modes. The commands are modeled after KoF Billy standards, we believe that people who have played before with the character will have no problem with that. The proper use of the 「Kyousyuu hisyou kon」 ( / ) will make it so that this character is very strong in the combo department. With no voids left, "complete" is the what we want to be said about this character (T: He uses "stronghold" ( 要塞 ) to describe the character, evading "spaces" ( 隙 ), this can be understood in other senses, but I'm not that familiar with jp game intensive terms; so who knows).
The DM techniques? Yamamoto P : The 「Chou kaen senpuu kon」。The NeoMax technique for him is the 「Dai guren rasen kon」, it's a flashy move where he engulfs the three section stick in a huge spiral of flame.
Combo 1 Combo 2 Neo Max
So, that how it is.
Everything is as it was already shown in the new iPhone 『KOF-i』. Thus, people can already get a glimpse of how Billy is played, since the mobility and techniques are the same. Be sure to take advantage of this and try it home in the wake of the domestic release.
For the next opportunity we will speak about "Saiki ・ Pre transformation", until then.
Tweaked a little because it's not longer 2AM and I don't have to focus in something else anymore. Used the romanizations out of KoF i instead of mine, just in case.
That was... Quicker than I thought. I win! kah kah kah kah.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 5 Aug 03:31] |
Toxico 5430th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Hey Hey Hey." , posted Fri 5 Aug 01:04:    
Besides Orochinagi,CX and DC is there any other big community website? KOF Union perhaps?
I can tell KoF Br, a community that I always perceived as big and long lasting. BTW most communities from these latitudes are "like that", they never aim to have "world wide" level of coverage but instead only focus on their own sector with their own news, that ends up that pretty much each country supports their own community and thus they don't really overgrow to huge sizes (Probably Europe is also like this, right? I know of KoF UK and a bunch of French only sites or German only sites).
Of course we have that there are these oddball guys that go to a community and they don't care about national borders, but most of the other guys just stick to the thing that's either the closest to them, or that has the better download links for them to leech about.
I also remember- One of my friends used to wine (since like 8 years ago) about how KoF Funeral was great with it's combo vids and whatnot (he compared it to KoF Union), but I personally never went there to look at how big the community was... Can't even recall if Funeral was the name, har har har.
quote: The arcade version can't be played on the home console. They want to make the arcade version's balance into the standard. Another reason is, they want to banish the pirated version of KOF 13 that's playable on PC. They realize of course that making the console into the standard will also mean killing the current arcade release.
That's a 12am type of induced typo, right? You meant console on that part, right? I wonder if that means that SNK would move on to the Nesica and other boards.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 5 Aug 03:22] |
TheRedKnight 320th Post

PSN: yes XBL: no Wii: no
Bronze Customer
| "Re(5):Hey Hey Hey." , posted Fri 5 Aug 05:20    
quote: supposedly there's still two left for reveal, who do you think they could be?
If I'd have to guess I'd say it's Eiji & Adel.
Those two are actually the ones I am hoping for. Also there are lots of SNK/ADK/DATAEAST characters I wouldn't mind seeing in XIII, like Jubei, Sokaku, Tung Fu Rue, Fuuma, Dragon, Brocken, Samchay, Mizoguchi or Ray, but I'm pretty sure the new characters will be the kind I don't even dare to think about.
Why I left my hobbies.
sibarraz 233th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(6):Hey Hey Hey." , posted Fri 5 Aug 06:07    
Weren't the data east characters just a one time thing, I think that this was to promote a mobile game, plus falcoon loved mizuguchi.
Still, if I had to pick a team, I want to see the anti kyokugenryu team, I love the idea to create a team just because you hated other team, plus kasumi and eiji are always fun characters to use, malin, well, I hadn't played with here that much
Pollyanna 3085th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Full scan of GSM (Green Slime Monsters)" , posted Sat 6 Aug 04:54    
quote: Gai and Hinako would make me so much happy.
If it was a perfect world, those are quite possibly the two I would choose. But in reality, I don't even dare to dream.
Adelheid is a good addition. I don't use him much, myself, but I'd be very happy to see him in the game.
I would really hate to see Eiji in the game as I don't like using him, don't like fighting against him and don't like his character, but I have to admit, it would be cool to have a character to finish out a team, so we would have Classic Iori, Billy and Eiji for some 95 action.
Seeing as there's nothing special about Billy that would make him a non-team character that gives a more "balanced" feel to the cast. It might encourage people to buy the DLC characters more if they allowed you to complete a team.
Still... I'd hate to see Eiji.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
sibarraz 234th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(6):Full scan of GSM (Green Slime Monsters)" , posted Sat 6 Aug 05:07    
quote: Gai and Hinako would make me so much happy.
If it was a perfect world, those are quite possibly the two I would choose. But in reality, I don't even dare to dream.
Adelheid is a good addition. I don't use him much, myself, but I'd be very happy to see him in the game.
I would really hate to see Eiji in the game as I don't like using him, don't like fighting against him and don't like his character, but I have to admit, it would be cool to have a character to finish out a team, so we would have Classic Iori, Billy and Eiji for some 95 action.
Seeing as there's nothing special about Billy that would make him a non-team character that gives a more "balanced" feel to the cast. It might encourage people to buy the DLC characters more if they allowed you to complete a team.
Still... I'd hate to see Eiji.
The anti kyokugenryu team ruled, I loved that the AOF team got 3 more characters to be their rivals.
Still, instead of malin, I would have loved to see some character from AOF 1
AOF1 = Lee Pai Long? as a rival of Takuma AOF2 = Eiji to Robert AOF3 = Kasumi to Ryo
Malin hating yuri seemed random to me
Spoon 2223th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Full scan of GSM (Green Slime Monsters)" , posted Sun 7 Aug 10:27    
At a glance I wasn't sure if the thing coming out of chest of the right GSM was a hand silhouette or a silhouette of a tie. I'd like to think that it's a tie and is actually Seth, because SNK is crazy like that, but the person doesn't seem to have the right body for Seth.
Then again, this is the new KOF, land of magic muscles, so who knows.
The one on the left is slender and makes me guess Malin, even though she's not tall enough to be the one on the left. I want to say "I would be happy if it's Whip", but then I remember all the times I played against Whip and how much I hated those times.
Now, if the one on the left is actually a completely redesigned Ryoko from FHD in modern casual streetwear, finally becoming the fashionable judo girl Yawara always wanted to be, then I would be impressed.
Professor 3190th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(1):Japanese players and console" , posted Mon 8 Aug 16:54:    
quote: Professor:
So we all know the general response of the balance changes to the XIII console is universal positive. I was also told that overall, console gaming for FGs in Japan is not that popular.
If that is the case, do you feel there will be a shift of players from arcade to console? Or will they still feel that the console version is inferior to the arcade version?
Console versions being unpopular amongst FG players in Japan is somewhat a thing of the past. I think there will be a temporary shift of players from 13's arcade to console, which isn't saying much since the arcade version is kind of dead to begin with. Here's a more detailed explanation.
Japanese players in general still like to go to the arcades like they've traditionally done, but for the most part, they also play online and they don't have anything against that. Many Capcom title players including top contenders like SSF4AE's Daigo and this year's champ, Fuudo, play online on console.
The situation is a bit different on the SNKP side since its game's netcodes up to date have been relatively... imperfect. And their latest fresh new title was KOF12, which was too problematic to be a big hit. 13 will be the true test for SNKP to enter the modern gaming console era. KOF players play on console too, but because of this, it's mostly for offline training and matches with friends. Don't make a mistake, it's not like they've been left behind in the stone-age: they might not play online, but some of the top players show off their skills by live-streaming offline games, like Shoki and Cap. And some others like Dune have already perfected their net gaming environment with optic-cable connection and CRT monitor.
These people are old-time gamers and they're used to playing at the arcades. The atmosphere, adrenaline rush, tough competition, meeting people, and tournaments just aren't things you can experience online. And that's probably why many of them would still go to the arcades even after a console version gets released. Another issue is latency, which of course the arcades don't have.
There's no question that the arcade's 13 will go dead with the release of the superior console version, somewhat like how Vanilla SF4 did. With new titles including Aquapazza, Koihime Musou, and Chaos Code now out, 13's existance in the arcades has already diminuished to begin with. The console release will be the final nail in the coffin, until it sucks some blood, powers up, and makes a ressurection.
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 8 Aug 18:21] |
Kane317 54th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(2):Japanese players and console" , posted Mon 8 Aug 18:27    
quote: Professor:
So we all know the general response of the balance changes to the XIII console is universal positive. I was also told that overall, console gaming for FGs in Japan is not that popular.
If that is the case, do you feel there will be a shift of players from arcade to console? Or will they still feel that the console version is inferior to the arcade version?
Console versions being unpopular amongst FG players in Japan is somewhat a thing of the past. I think there will be a temporary shift of players from 13's arcade to console, which isn't saying much since the arcade version is kind of dead to begin with. Here's a more detailed explanation.
Japanese players in general still like to go to the arcades like they've traditionally done, but for the most part, they also play online and they don't have anything against that. Many Capcom title players including top contenders like SSF4AE's Daigo and this year's champ, Fuudo, play online on console.
The situation is a bit different on the SNKP side since its game's netcodes up to date have been relatively... imperfect. And their latest fresh new title was KOF12, which was too problematic to be a big hit. 13 will be the true test for SNKP to enter the modern gaming console era. KOF players play on console too, but because of this, it's mostly for offline training and matches with friends. Don't make a mistake, it's not like they've been left behind in the stone-age: they might not play online, but
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
Thanks for the update Professor, I kinda figured that was the case but you confirmed it.
The next 12 months are going to be exciting for the XIII scene.
Toxico 5434th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Saiki Blog Update" , posted Thu 11 Aug 10:55:    
Yesterday I "studied" the possible interpretations for Saiki's move list kanji translation..... And any of that failed to get mentioned here.
Blog update
Konnichiwa. As previously stated, here is the home exclusive character Saiki ・ Pretransformation, let's listen to mister Yama P ( 山P ).
First seen in the arcade demo movies, now is finally a usable [player character], in this case as well special criteria needs to be met before controlling him.
Right off the bat, you can notice several similarities with Ash moves and animations, where are the differences?
Yamamoto P : The animation for the jumping D is "not the drop motion" that Ash has, the distance and angle for his D are different in comparison. Furthermore the command for the movelist are executed different. Also there is this technique from Ash, Floreal, that for Saiki is performed while in midair and can be cancelled from a C (T: I didn't put that much attention to this paragraph since I'm one of those "try it by yourself" types, so maybe something escaped me?)
So Like Billy, Saiki needs to be unlocked after clearing some conditions. I can't wait to use him!. Saiki ・ Pretransformation seems to be a pretty good characters from the previous description. Is Saiki a good character for beginners to pick up?
Yamamoto P : His fireball and his invincible anti air will be used easily by beginners as they are skills that everyone is used to. The impression is one of "Moves like Ash without charge time"
So its like that, any other note whorty point?
Yamamoto P : The Voice for Saiki is as the Same of Ash; played by Nagashiro Sounosuke san. Ash "make a fool out of people" tone is not quite similar; but instead Saiki uses a more of a "look downs on everyone" tone for speaking. The concept of "despicable guy" was where we wanted to make the major difference in their manner of speech. (T: I remember translating the Arcade Boss Blog Entry (say that 3 times fastly) and the concept of 「嫌な奴」 also popped up).
After hearing all of this we have that we are even more exited. While there are things that might or might not have been transmitted with the comment, we also offer you some short movies, why don't you check them out?
Combo 1 Combo 2 NeoMax
We have that in he NeoMax the screen is darkening away. The sequence itself even covered the character portrait and the life bar of the fighter. It's like it's crying (T: Ha?) It just scary with only the glowing eyes left.
This round ends here. Please look forward to the next time.
Half quicked and half assed translation. To me the main point of this one is that they didn't announced the contents of the next update, even though they usually do that; does that mean that the next blog will have new info? Even with miscellaneous info they told you what's going to be next.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 11 Aug 13:25] |
mbisonhatclub 352th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(1):PS3 console version showing in Japan on" , posted Thu 11 Aug 21:51    
quote: Toxico: That's quite a bit of translation!
Second update on the official blog. SNKP is finally going to open demo shows in Japan starting Tokyo on August 20, followed by 4 other cities. Additional locations will be added, and visitors will get a KOFXIII paper folder.
This might actually turn out to be the first time the PS3 version gets unveiled. SNKP seems to be preparing two versions of their paper folder for the two consoles. Either that, or it's the front and back (which is unlikely from reading the description).
Locations: 8/20 - Tokyo, Sofmap Akiba Amusement-kan 8/27 - Osaka, Sofmap Nanba Zaurus1 Soft-kan 8/28 - Aichi, Sofmap Nagoya Station Naka branch 9/03 - Hiroshima, Futaba Shoten Giga Hiroshima Station branch 9/04 - Fukuoka, Futaba Shoten Giga Tenjin
Hopefully they have something new to show off by then since those are somewhat distant dates and pretty close to publishing time--and I don't know what kind of publishing schedule they'd have in Japan to be able to cut and ship things out within a month and have it properly rated
I kinda wonder if they might try something with DLC updates like Arcsys seems to be doing with BBCS to keep the game fresh for a couple of years, it seems to work for Arcsys anyway since BBCS is still so popular (in Japan)
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Toxico 5435th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Saiki Blog Update" , posted Fri 12 Aug 05:57:    
quote: Part of it could be that Soul Calibur 1's quest mode was fun and new...the first time.
Yeesh, does anybody like grinding in a fighting game to unlock the full roster? Yes, I can understand the appeal of being rewarded with items or trophies or
whatever in order to keep a player engaged. But having slug through endless combo sessions or Tetris mode or whatever just so I can play the game I bought is a frustrating distraction.
From a design point of view, there is no reward to "extras" that compares to additional controllable characters to the player. Furthermore designing characters as unlockables from a bonus gives a certain "charisma" to both, the bonus and the character; specially if they are "exclusive add ons to a port"; those types of circumstance are really benefical to the games; I remember having right here a 280+ replies and a 240+ replies thread when people didn't know who was the last hidden face of '02 UM; that's "publicity" to the game, to some extent. So even if we hate it or love it, they are good for the game, to some extent.
Bottom line is that, pretty much absolutely every game in modern history has always had something to unlock, I really fail to see a reason for the fazing about the subject, and in this case it's not like half or more of the cast is locked unless you beat Nightmare Omega Lovable EX IggyChazuBrandonPollyMaru with the power of flames 30 times in a row or something.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 12 Aug 06:43] |
sibarraz 243th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(5):Saiki Blog Update" , posted Fri 12 Aug 11:17:    
quote: Part of it could be that Soul Calibur 1's quest mode was fun and new...the first time.
Yeesh, does anybody like grinding in a fighting game to unlock the full roster? Yes, I can understand the appeal of being rewarded with items or trophies or
whatever in order to keep a player engaged. But having slug through endless combo sessions or Tetris mode or whatever just so I can play the game I bought is a frustrating distraction.
From a design point of view, there is no reward to "extras" that compares to additional controllable characters to the player. Furthermore designing characters as unlockables from a bonus gives a certain "charisma" to both, the bonus and the character; specially if they are "exclusive add ons to a port"; those types of circumstance are really benefical to the games; I remember having right here a 280+ replies and a 240+ replies thread when people didn't know who was the last hidden face of '02 UM; that's "publicity" to the game, to some extent. So even if we hate it or love it, they are good for the game, to some extent.
Bottom line is that, pretty much absolutely every game in modern history has always had something to unlock, I really fail to see a reason for the fazing about the subject, and in this case it's not like half or more of the cast is locked unless you beat Nightmare Omega Lovable EX IggyChazuBrandonPollyMaru with the power of flames 30 times in a row or something.
My problem with unlockable characters in fighting games is that those could be really annoying.
For example the other day there was a local MK 9 tournament, where some guys brought the game, and others the console, Problem was that cyber sub zero and quan chi weren't unlocked.
The same happened with a 2002um, and here was worse because I play the game, and Ex Robert and Ex Takuma are 2 of my main characters
It's also a drag when you bring your game to the house of a friend and you can't play with those locked characters.
Plus, judging BB:CS and MK9, I could totally see that in order to unlock said characters, you must play story mode, will do it and get the 100% of it, but still could be a big drag for others
At least one system that is cool is that used in the arcades where the characters are unlocked after a certain date, it still brings the hype, and you don't had problems tht ''my character doesn't appear here''
Btw toxico, looking your avatar, I remembered how awesome were the endings in the NESTS saga, I still believe that the story there was better than the orochi saga, tbut the abrupt end of SNK killed the saga at his climax
[this message was edited by sibarraz on Fri 12 Aug 11:20] |
Toxico 5436th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "SvB" , posted Sat 13 Aug 02:13:    
edit : Gunchan is tweeting pics about the game, so be sure to check it out from time to time.
Edit: KoF XIII seems to be up for pre-order in - I'm tempted, but weren't there rumors of specific european pre-order bonuses?...
The EU preorder bonus is being "decided" as of now (actually, I think the japanese is in the same situation, it can't br just the DLC); about the EU one, they might speak about it this weekend since Rising Star games has a public appearance for the game scheduled (this weekend, I think?).
According to Orochinagi, that package is at 20% off, and that discount is probably temporary so "that's your choice now"; go to the extra mile to get the US version with the preorder you know, or wait to long and know the contents of a more expensive EU version.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 13 Aug 02:20] |
sibarraz 244th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(9):Saiki Blog Update" , posted Sat 13 Aug 10:33    
quote: For example the other day there was a local MK 9 tournament, where some guys brought the game, and others the console, Problem was that cyber sub zero and quan chi weren't unlocked.
The same happened with a 2002um, and here was worse because I play the game, and Ex Robert and Ex Takuma are 2 of my main characters I dont own the Ps3 but for 2002um isnt this problem avoidable by memory card? Unless it slipped my mind that 2002um is for PS3? Is it available for PS3?
The tournament was held on a xbox 360
This is why memory units are your friend. Buy an MU (they're cheap), move the profile on there and copy a savegame with everything unlocked to it. Then it can be used on any system.
I hear that on PS3 you can do a similar solution with a thumb drive, but I don't know much about that.
Well, I guess that I should bring my own USB to some tourneys, still funny since always those are held in PS3 lolololol
btw, a second machine of KOF XIII has arrived to chile, sadly, the price is high for our reality, and in 2 more months I will not had big reasons to play it (the other one is cheaper, but is far away from my house unlike this one which is at only 10 minutes walking)
Still, something that took my attention from this arcade and the pictures of SVB, or otakon and evo, is that people is really hyped with the game, it seems that unlike XII, this game brings the attention of people, which is good, I hope that does well and SNKP keeps making games (Their last 3 KOF has been amazing, XIII, 2002UM and 98UMFE, they should revive other sagas after they recover some position, from now, I'm fine with only playing KOF)
Toxico 5443th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Blog Update : Stages" , posted Thu 18 Aug 16:43:    
Here. Hou, it looks like The Professor is going to need to run a little update to the South Town map
BTW, this is the first part of the stages article (前編), meaning that the next update is likely to be the next part.
Good day. For this opportunity we want to take a two round length time to speak about the stages.
1.- Ash's Stage (Burnt Ruins) [pic]
This stage is somewhat mysterious, why is this stage here? what is it about? Can a clear answer of what was the image of making this stage was and what happened here?
Yamamoto P : Young Ash and Elizabeth lived in this castle. What, 10 years ago? But then everything was raced by a fire and is now in ruins. "How the fire rose from this place", I think about this as "an image". A lonely and deserted place that looks impressive, add the representation of the light of the clouds after the rain. A beautiful scene which depicts loneliness.
Behind is the statue of the Goddess of Victory, "Nike of Samothrace".
Yamamoto P : It was the preference of the person in charge. He is someone that actually knows about the beauty of Nike, as he is a former student of an Arts College (T : Escuela de Bellas Artes, 美大出身 ; how could I better phrase that at 4am?).
This is also an stage that couldn't be made at the time of the arcade release (T: unsure about this bit). Are some characters hidden guests in there? It's actually quite fun spotting them sometimes, could you please say something in advance?
Yamamoto P : No, nothing too strange is to be found here. We really wanted to go with the image of a formal residence for this stage, and characters from SNK might be found here that will suit that image. Like a certain character fencer who wears and iron clad of armor
2.- Saiki ・ Pretransformation Stage (Vessel Room) [pic]
Was this developed as "Saiki's stage", where the base of those who come from the past is located? What kind of place is this?
Yamamoto P : This is located in the stage "Rose Stadium" where the finals take place and beneath the "Gate of Destiny". It is said that the purpose of Rose's construction of the stadium is to have a place to gather the power sources such as the one of Orochi.
So it's quite an OdoroOdoroshi stage? (T : That's like.... Errieochi or something??). What exactly is the red ball in the background?
Yamamoto P : It can be considered as something in the lines of "it's what absorbs the power of Orochi"? As the battle progress and "the energy augments" changes in the stage will be witnessed.
There it was a point of difficulty when doing this stage?
Yamamoto P : The red power that belongs to Orochi, just "what is it". In the first place, "how can we even express that"? It was difficult to share that feeling with others, It's like blood that flows, but that fact only complicated matters further. Remember that we have to respect the details of the setting and have the red liquid "to flow" "into" the center of the sphere between the rocks and the ground.
3.- Billy's Stage (Clock Tower)
The concept for this stage?
Yamamoto P : Begging with the issue, we have that this scene is here for Billy... And for us the most impressive scene of Billy was the one in GarouSP with all of those gears moving, and thus the keywords of the location in London was "Gears". Many different ideas about clockworks came about; elevators and a deck revolving around observation, and a huge laundry and factory. In the end we went for the image of as much English~looking possible Clock Tower.
Are more people in the background, besides the obvious presence of his sister Lily Kane?
Yamamoto P : In the background we have characters that are more or less closely related to Billy, please look attentively.
4 .- South Town [pic]
The concept for this stage?
Yamamoto P : Ryuuko no Ken's Micky Stage. With skyscrappers in the distance and the contrast of the rough streets we wanted to give an "early morning in the streets after a rainy night" feeling.
[Micky Pic] Any important points here?
There is a cat in the background hovering around, it's movements will be different with each round. The youth sitting in the middle was actually more of an elderly person before. Feel free to think of that as the effects of the ちょいワル effect (T : I obviously don't get the joke. Perhaps it references This? ). In the Iphone version you can actually see the old man sitting in the background.
It appears that some other characters are hidding in the background here.
Yamamoto P : It looks like the place where the people of Big might do some suspicious transactions. There is something in the poster as well.
How was it?
The experience meeting will start on the 20. A meeting centered in the showing of KoF XIII
Please look forward to try playing with us.
Then, we parts ways for now.
Whatever insult to the art of redaction perse I have committed with that crouped up text will be reviewed after I rest some and viciously kill people in my sleep.
edit : Atlus announced another public showing of the game in their site... Can't care for the link nor the place right now.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 18 Aug 18:36] |
Kane317 55th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(3):Blog Update : Stages" , posted Fri 19 Aug 14:33    
quote: Well, from dreamcancel I saw that the game will had 5 characters ON DISK and 3 dlc, and those DLC are maybe ex versions, but I didn't get that clear
It seems like a decent number of chars and DLC
Personally, I kept re-reading Shin's post from GameCon and I'm not so sure it was interpreted correctly.
so far, today, we learn and saw a lot of stuff : -RSG screwed up in their trailer by saying "5 new characters that have never been in KOF before" (it's 5more chraracters that the arcade version, ON DISC) - there will be 3DLC characters (we know only Iori 98' so far) (I heard somewhere else those DLC characters are supposed to be overpowered(at least a bit :p) ALT versions of chraracters already in the game (like Iori)) -ON DISC, 5characters more than the arcade version, so far we know Billy and Saiki.
If it said "there will be 3DLC characters also", then I would be convinced.
Professor 3204th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(5):Blog Update : Stages" , posted Fri 19 Aug 16:59:    
According what's being implied by freelance novelist Akihiro Ureshino who writes the victory quotes and storylines in KOF13, School outfit Kyo is one of the "addtional characters" in the console version.!/a_ureshino/status/100855864168157184
Comment by fan: Well, if they waste a character roster/slot with school outfit Kyo, I think they'll get punched by fans of the characters that aren't in XIII. It's aleady being reported that there's going to be five characters not in the arcade version... plus, Saiki, Billy, and Iori's been announced.
Ureshino: That's probably how fans would feel. I felt the same way too, although for me, it was more for a practical reason. In terms of text, the school outfit Kyo, there's nothing being re-used from the normal version of Kyo. It was hard, simply since I had to do double the thinking.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 19 Aug 17:02] |
sibarraz 250th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Copper Customer

| "Re(8):Blog Update : Stages" , posted Fri 19 Aug 23:09    
quote: According what's being implied by freelance novelist Akihiro Ureshino who writes the victory quotes and storylines in KOF13, School outfit Kyo is one of the "addtional characters" in the console version.
This sounds odd, as it seemed the school outfit was going to be an extra skin for the regular version like the ones for Raiden, Takuma or Liz... If that's meant as DLC, how much different could it look? I have no doubt a lot of people would appreciate access to the moveset of a 96+ version though...
They better add a dlc pack of "non-moe girls" that redesign the female fighters. :P
I saw the new stages: beautiful! I have a question about two of them: the ruins are from the last stage of KOF97 or from that temple in KOF03? Also, the purple chamber with the red orb is a new stage or a redesign of something we knew?
I had a feeling that the ruins stage was a tribute from the Pyramid Stage from 2000, at least that was the vibe that I got the first time that I saw it, and overall, and I knew that one day the mickey stage will get a tribute, that most be one of the cooler bg that SNK has ever made
Fuu 7th Post

New Customer
| "Re(4):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sat 20 Aug 01:18    
quote: Just because Kyo 96/98/whatever would be in there doesn't exactly qualify Shingo
And Iori 98 is also different enough from Iori XIII; yet, he's DLC and is not part of the five character set--according to information by RSG anyway, and it would be odd of them to not just do the same with Kyo 98, as then it'll bring to question what makes Kyo 98 so much more special compared to Iori 98?
Well, I'm not talking popularity or whatnot, mostly since I have doubts about how much they are willing to work to put together new characters, I think Shingo being a sprite edit of Kyo98 would be a safe bet. I doubt he wold sell as DLC, but i could see it on disc and then Kyo98 as DLC with bombastic MuShiki and all.
I mean, I want Vanessa and Yamazaki. But I am a pessimist, so.
mbisonhatclub 364th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(5):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sat 20 Aug 01:32:    
quote: I mean, I want Vanessa and Yamazaki. But I am a pessimist, so.
I know that feel
I'm just wondering about this count of 3 console characters instead of 5 given to us by Frionel, and if it's just a current build count or what. On top of that, the 3 DLC character cap, if this is a final number. If it's adjustable further down the road through patches, then I can't really complain now, as it seems that might be the road BBCS is taking when it might find time to make Relius available in the console versions. Maybe, SNK needs to take a cue from Arcsys about this...and as well, be careful about using hype with words like "surprising" when it turns out the result isn't so "surprising", because I'm already seeing people complain about the results hardly being surprising.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sat 20 Aug 01:48] |
sibarraz 251th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Copper Customer

| "Re(6):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sat 20 Aug 02:03    
quote: I mean, I want Vanessa and Yamazaki. But I am a pessimist, so. I know that feel
I'm just wondering about this count of 3 console characters instead of 5 given to us by Frionel, and if it's just a current build count or what. On top of that, the 3 DLC character cap, if this is a final number. If it's adjustable further down the road through patches, then I can't really complain now, as it seems that might be the road BBCS is taking when it might find time to make Relius available in the console versions. Maybe, SNK needs to take a cue from Arcsys about this...and as well, be careful about using hype with words like "surprising" when it turns out the result isn't so "surprising", because I'm already seeing people complain about the results hardly being surprising.
Problem with SNK fans, is that they came up with so many dream scenarios that went SNKP just don't fullfill those dreams, they will bitch because they didn't make choose the characters that they wanted, even though they never promised them
I still recall how all the hype was killed when the final characters of KOF XII were announced, even though those were logical choices if you analyze the situation better
mbisonhatclub 364th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(7):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sat 20 Aug 02:49    
quote: Problem with SNK fans, is that they came up with so many dream scenarios that went SNKP just don't fullfill those dreams, they will bitch because they didn't make choose the characters that they wanted, even though they never promised them
I still recall how all the hype was killed when the final characters of KOF XII were announced, even though those were logical choices if you analyze the situation better
Really? I thought having two fresh new characters that weren't edits of other KOFXII sprites was probably one of the better aspects of KOFXII. Some people were mad it wasn't Mai Shiranui and Yuri, granted, and I was confused that Mai had been left out of a big project like that myself, but I knew that KOFXI also did that which allowed the confusion to subside a small bit.
On the other hand, the only fresh sprite so far for the console version of KOFXIII is Billy Kane, and Saiki is basically a redrawn Ash. Iori is an EX version of another character already drawn into the game, though he has special moves which they obviously had to draw new frames for. The ad says, and I quote Professor, "Playstation Store's online shop allows for purchase of Custom themes and icons. Plus, surprising download characters!?" It's hard to understand the use of the word "surprising" when you don't actually surprise people, and allow them to say things like "Oh, I should have expected that of them like how I should have expected Capcom to release yet another version of MvC3 -_-;"
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
sibarraz 252th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Copper Customer

| "Re(8):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sat 20 Aug 03:08    
quote: Problem with SNK fans, is that they came up with so many dream scenarios that went SNKP just don't fullfill those dreams, they will bitch because they didn't make choose the characters that they wanted, even though they never promised them
I still recall how all the hype was killed when the final characters of KOF XII were announced, even though those were logical choices if you analyze the situation better Really? I thought having two fresh new characters that weren't edits of other KOFXII sprites was probably one of the better aspects of KOFXII. Some people were mad it wasn't Mai Shiranui and Yuri, granted, and I was confused that Mai had been left out of a big project like that myself, but I knew that KOFXI also did that which allowed the confusion to subside a small bit.
On the other hand, the only fresh sprite so far for the console version of KOFXIII is Billy Kane, and Saiki is basically a redrawn Ash. Iori is an EX version of another character already drawn into the game, though he has special moves which they obviously had to draw new frames for. The ad says, and I quote Professor, "Playstation Store's online shop allows for purchase of Custom themes and icons. Plus, surprising download characters!?" It's hard to understand the use of the word "surprising" when you don't actually surprise people, and allow them to say things like "Oh, I should have expected that of them li
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
I don't refer to the console characters, I was trying to say the ones that appeared on the arcades
mbisonhatclub 366th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(10):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sat 20 Aug 06:04:    
quote: I don't feel like the game is lacking in characters or content, especially with the added stuff on the home port, but I'm going to be kind of irritated if the green slime outlines turn out to be EX characters. Having people play a guessing game where the question is "Who are the new characters" and the answer is "characters who are already in the game" is just mean. If those two characters are new and not EX (making one on disc and one downloadable?), then I think that's a very fair amount of content to add, regardless of if it lives up to murky promises or not.
That's exactly what I'm saying. They shouldn't cocktease characters that are just EX versions. A lot of people I talked to have claimed to already drop their preorder based on "no spectator mode" and if other people feel like their intelligence is insulted by the use of green slime monsters to disguise only Generous Iori and Orochi Kyo, I'm going to have a really hard time trying to speak in defense of KOFXIII in places like 4chan especially. You can say that "it doesn't matter" all you want, but I bet I can better understand the more common people in the way they might react to things like that, mostly because I actually deal with these common people instead of raise my haughty nose at them as if I'm too bourgeois to realize they even exist. Someone needs to say to SNKP in Japanese what the common man over here might complain about, and I can't quite do that myself.
For instance, there's no need to tease us with silhouettes of Evil Kyo and Athena with new outfit, because it's not a very good idea to tease with simpler things like that. Americans react more harshly than Japanese or BRs to stuff like that. Someone could probably do their part and figure out what the breakdown in communication is between RSG and SNKP/Atlus on the Japanese side, and maybe make some suggestions to them.
On the other hand, I know for sure KOFXIII is already packed with loads more of content than what you're paying for and I haven't cancelled my preorder for anything. I just hope their business strategy doesn't hit them in the face.
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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sat 20 Aug 06:05] |
nobinobita 980th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):Re(10):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sat 20 Aug 06:30    
quote: I don't feel like the game is lacking in characters or content, especially with the added stuff on the home port, but I'm going to be kind of irritated if the green slime outlines turn out to be EX characters. Having people play a guessing game where the question is "Who are the new characters" and the answer is "characters who are already in the game" is just mean. If those two characters are new and not EX (making one on disc and one downloadable?), then I think that's a very fair amount of content to add, regardless of if it lives up to murky promises or not. That's exactly what I'm saying. They shouldn't cocktease characters that are just EX versions. A lot of people I talked to have claimed to already drop their preorder based on "no spectator mode" and if other people feel like their intelligence is insulted by the use of green slime monsters to disguise only Generous Iori and Orochi Kyo, I'm going to have a really hard time trying to speak in defense of KOFXIII in places like 4chan especially. You can say that "it doesn't matter" all you want, but I bet I can better understand the more common people in the way they might react to things like that, mostly because I actually deal with these common people instead of raise my haughty nose at them as if I'm too bourgeois to realize they even exist. Someone needs to say to SNKP in Japanese what the common man over here might complain about, and I can't quite do that myself.
For instance, there's no ne
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
"Under promise, over deliver."
SNK needs to be really careful about setting up expectations. I really want this game to succeed and prove that there's still a future for great looking, great playing 2d fighters that don't have to have an all moe girl cast.
It takes way more time and effort to repaint a single 2d sprite than to remodel and reskin a 3d character. They're putting a ton of effort into this home port, they just gotta be smart about making people appreciate what they're already doing instead of trying to overhype it.
It kills me when great projects die cos of bad marketing!
Pollyanna 3089th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sat 20 Aug 16:26    
quote: While I'm also bummed about the lack of spectator mode I don't understand the crying of those canceling preorders over it - are they really fighting game fans at all? Were they ever going to buy it? Do they remember how long it felt like this would never come home at all? Do they remember what KOF XII played like comparatively?! It's ridiculous! Even though the online experience is more than likely going to be piss-poor, and at the very least it's going to be as boring as shit when you're not playing, everyone who loves KOF has a horse in this race. Will be buying day one at full price, something that's becoming rarer and rarer for me.
When it comes to internet complaining, I usually say "the weakest dog barks the loudest". Also, sometimes the biggest complainers are also the biggest customers.
But I think after KOFXII, SNK has a lot of people to win back, or a lot of wary customers to draw in. So anyone being angry about anything makes me nervous. This is one game where I want everything perfect, not for my sake, but for the creator's sake.
It reminds me of the situation with FF14. When it launched, it was pretty much the worst game ever. Now, it's tremendously improved. In 3 or 4 more patches, it might actually be a solid game. But its launch (rightfully) made it a laughingstock. I'm happy to see both Square and SNK trying to win back their customers, but I hope their mistakes of the past don't bury them.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
mbisonhatclub 369th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(5):Re(10):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sun 21 Aug 09:20:    
quote: Are you seriously trying to defend Arcs' DLC? They're even worse than Capcom! Colors, voices and the most expensive characters in any fighting game are the the DEFINITION of garbage DLC.
$12 bucks for COLORS! $15 bucks for VOICES! $21 bucks for THREE CHARACTERS! $5 bucks for EX CHARACTERS!
No fighting game company will ever have WORSE DLC than Arcs.
Nobody has to buy a single thing to keep up with the balances
Nobody has to buy the dumbass costumes for SSF4 either and those are pretty pricey as well
Both the colors and costumes are fairly cosmetic nonsense (except for the fact that somehow, costumes have reportedly affected hitboxes which is called: retarded programming) that, if you're into the feng shui thing or whatever, maybe your OCDness can worry about, but it's still an optional thing
Unfortunately, if I wanted to keep playing SSF4 with people these days, I'd have to shell out 15 dollars for four characters, neither of which I give a shit about, but let's say I don't think I'd like any of the three newish DLC characters for Blazblue, I don't have to purchase them, yet, I can still beat them up online--people say they need to learn matchups by having access to the characters, but that is frankly bullshit because you don't learn matchups fighting against the CPU, and I learned more fighting against other players
The only real issue is BBCS' gameplay which becomes a snorefest filled with hitconfirm into bajillion hour long combozzz
Your point is moot, go sweep yourself into a gutter
PS You can unlock the EX characters for free, blubberbrain
PPS I have to admit I forgot to mention that if you started out with SSF4AE disc option and knew Capcom was going to make several variations of SF4 from the beginning and thus skipped those, hell, you have quite a bargain! Considering changes to the core mechanics have been miniscule and tweaks are subtle but still topsy turvy, while the changeup from BBCT to BBCS was actually fairly drastic
PPPS Furthermore I'm not exactly a subscriber of DLC shit to begin with, but in this day and age people are trying to take advantage of this market for better or worse, and if anything I'd like to say the one approach I like the most is NRS' and their MK9 DLC stuff, but Arcsys in comparison is by no means the most terrible with their approach
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sun 21 Aug 09:44] |
Professor 3210th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(7):Re(10):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sun 21 Aug 18:36:    
Ok, about yesterday's demo event. Reasons why it was the most awful demo event that I've participated or ever witnessed.
1- By the time the event had started, the line was around 70 people. In 20 minutes time, they ended the line and that was it-- if you came any later, tough luck, you couldn't play. This was like a 5 hour event. A LOT of people came around after the first 20 mins, only getting dismissed by staff that it's too late to join.
2- The line moved at the speed of molassas. They made everyone play in arcade mode, which was the reason why it was so damn slow. In the beginning, they let participants play two stages/matches, but slashed it to one stage since it took like 15 minutes per person. (Do the math: 60mins/15 x 2 consoles = 8 people per hour!)
3- The line was hogging the sidewalk and a store clerk told SNKP staff that they needed to do something about it. So the staff took a post-it, started writing numbers and handing them out, telling the second half of the line to split and come back when it's their time.
4- The time written on the post-its turned out to be very wrong from the actual time, and you ended up waiting on line for another hour before playing.
5- The settings on the LCD TV for the Xbox360 must've been wrong, because the game's display was of all things, letterboxed. The PS3's screen wasn't anything to brag about either, since the sharpness was overly adjusted and it looked like motion jpeg in animation.
6- Having a demo like this in the middle of the sidewalk, right across the train station, on the main street that gets the most congested in Akihabara, and on a Saturday too, is the most stupidest thing to do.
7- The print quality on the souvenior folder is really ass and looks like some cheap pirated product.
[edit] fixed an explanation.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 21 Aug 19:49] |
Iggy 9288th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re(10):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sun 21 Aug 19:17    
quote: Unfortunately, if I wanted to keep playing SSF4 with people these days, I'd have to shell out 15 dollars for four characters, neither of which I give a shit about, but let's say I don't think I'd like any of the three newish DLC characters for Blazblue, I don't have to purchase them, yet, I can still beat them up online--people say they need to learn matchups by having access to the characters, but that is frankly bullshit because you don't learn matchups fighting against the CPU, and I learned more fighting against other players
Just to tone down the thing a little bit, you're not buying only 4 retarded characters, you're buying a global rebalance. If you want to play a viable Hakan or a good T Hawk, it makes total sense to go and buy it. Except for Yun, Fei and a few other oddities which hopefully will be cleared with the upcoming patch, the game is overall much better than SSF4 in term of balance, but also in term of character usage (OK, maybe Honda or Cammy users would disagree with me). So, yeah, it did deplete the pool of players of SSF4. But that was doomed to happen. And in exchange, regardless of the 4 characters, people who bought AE got a better game. Its has nothing in common with the DLC of BB, MvC3 or the costume packs of SSF4.
Programmed obsolescence? All the online games have that, SSF4 got his maybe a year before its term, but it would have ended like that anyway. Same way nobody plays NFL or FIFA or whatever sports 2010 when the 2011 version is released, I suppose. Except they charge you full price for that. And if you don't like the changes made to your characters ? Don't buy SF4 2011, or wait for the patch, or wait for SFxT, and be prepared to complain again when they release SSFxT the following year.
I don't know why I'm arguing anyway, as discussions about DLCs tend to spiral into mad trolling at the speed of light. I've seen Civilization boards become toxic waste because of the DLC of CiV. All that to say: If you're not fine with it, don't buy it. Personally, I'm waiting for the patch and will decide according to the patch notes.
mbisonhatclub 369th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(7):Re(10):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Sun 21 Aug 20:34    
quote: Just to tone down the thing a little bit, you're not buying only 4 retarded characters, you're buying a global rebalance.
And the update patch for BBCS wasn't? It made Tsubaki come up from being maybe 2nd or 3rd lowest tier to something a lot more viable for instance, and the only people who could really complain were maybe Tager players because for some reason some guy at Arcsys doesn't really want a grappler player to become Potemkin level. But there were a heavy amount of tweaks to the properties attacks and defensive properties along the way (even for Tager, his 6A for example) that rearranged the tiership in general. Yeah, in a way you're right: you're not buying a global rebalance for BBCS. You're getting it for free. It's just the characters that you may or may not want that you'd have to pay for (though people fileshare anyway, what else is new). But you can still play with people online who do choose to get those DLC characters, so you aren't completely weeded out, but it gives the people power of choice. Basically, you can get more value out of the money you paid for the original game.
The thing is, because this is the age of the online gaming experience, you have some pros and cons to it, and DLC is one of those cons, but you also have easier access to do bugfixes and the like which may otherwise impair the enjoyment of a game. We don't have either of these issues back in the console days where either you had to leave the problems alone or hope that your game was fixed in the sequel later down the road--but if you released the sequel on consoles too soon, you WERE going to get criticized, or people were going to start ignoring you if you got too repetitive. They could get away with this in the arcades because the player was still only going to pay 25 or 50 cents per play anyway.
Also, I don't have a guy come out and install my toilet, and it turns out the toilet was functioning improperly from the getgo, and then have him make me pay more just to fix what he fucked up in the first place. But I'd be more understanding if I had to pay to install some options on the toilet like put some spoilers and a dodge charger on it. That is to say, getting new things is okay, paying for maintenance down the road is okay, but paying to fix inherent defects is not.
Things wear out eventually, and after usage I'd have a plumber come and fix the things I did to my own toilet, but that's not the same as fixing something that wasn't my fault. At the very least, SSF4 gets more points for at least waiting a little longer before giving its imminent upgrade, unlike its MvC cousin, but it's still kind of sad that someone kept saying that such and such would be the last iteration of SF4.quote: All that to say: If you're not fine with it, don't buy it.
Which is exactly what I was saying in the end
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Professor 3212th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(10):Re(10):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Mon 22 Aug 14:29:    
Basic lowdown of the article, "foreigners are praising console 13". It's exerpts of your quote from here.
" I cannot even fathom where the scene we'll be 6-12 months down the line and I think with the console release, along with all the rebalances, will really make this an instant classic along with '98 and '02.
The console version was amazing, it far exceeded even my best expectations with the balances. Thinking back, I didn't know what to expect, I knew that we were privately invited to test the game on Thursday to see if it was fit for a tourney--at the time, all I could think about is that I hope Saiki and Billy weren't broken. It never even occurred to me that the entire cast was rebalanced.
I'm done with v1.1 for now--console is leaps and bounds ahead of v1.1 that it just doesn't feel right investing anymore time on it. The next 12 weeks is going to be "fun" waiting for it to come out"
FYI, Hachima is a blog that even game publishers tremble in fear when they get picked up because of its large reader base; negative articles from the blog causes a huge impact. Though people generally don't react as strongly to positive news, getting an entry like this is still very good publicity for SNKP without costing them a penny.
[edit] Ishamel: There's going to be plenty more demos taking place in other regions of Japan; I think Osaka is next.
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 22 Aug 20:47] |
Kane317 57th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Bets on SNKP's future" , posted Mon 22 Aug 15:45    
quote: Basic lowdown of the article, "foreigners are praising console 13". It's exerpts of your quote from here.
" I cannot even fathom where the scene we'll be 6-12 months down the line and I think with the console release, along with all the rebalances, will really make this an instant classic along with '98 and '02.
The console version was amazing, it far exceeded even my best expectations with the balances. Thinking back, I didn't know what to expect, I knew that we were privately invited to test the game on Thursday to see if it was fit for a tourney--at the time, all I could think about is that I hope Saiki and Billy weren't broken. It never even occurred to me that the entire cast was rebalanced.
I'm done with v1.1 for now--console is leaps and bounds ahead of v1.1 that it just doesn't feel right investing anymore time on it. The next 12 weeks is going to be "fun" waiting for it to come out"
FYI, Hachima is a blog that even game publishers tremble in fear when they get picked up because of its large reader base; negative articles from the blog causes a huge impact. Though people generally don't react as strongly to positive news, getting an entry like this is still very good publicity for SNKP without costing them a penny.
Cool stuff, I didn't recognize what I wrote at first; I'm glad it'll help out the scene, now if only SNKP will send me a early beta copy for helping them out =)
mbisonhatclub 371th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10): Re(3):Re(10):Re(10): Re(" , posted Tue 23 Aug 00:57    
It's very good to know that KOFXIII (console) is receiving very positive attention! Sorry to hear about this Bala thing though, as he is a very good player but my family is notorious for beating people up if they had attitudes like that. Hopefully, that hasn't detracted from the appeal of KOFXIII console. I was watching the side tourney matches and they were just too fun--way more fun than MvC3 and AE, and maybe even at, if not moreso, EVO MK9's level of fun, which is a very high rating.
Nevertheless, apparently the likes of people like the dancy Juicebox and PoongKO showing some interest in the game may in fact cement KOFXIII's place in next year's EVO, which is very hype indeed, and I might even watch just because.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
nobinobita 982th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(7):Re(10):Re(10): Re(10):Re(10): Re(" , posted Tue 23 Aug 15:47:    
The only real issue right now is that SNKP/Atlus need to be more active and loud in their promotion (without being too exaggerating). But they probably can't afford it right now, and are also being humbled by the likes of Capcom. That's too sad, because KOFXIII looks way more playable!
I think Atlus has a really great chance to turn KOF into a sleeper hit. Maybe not a top seller like SFIV, but enough that SNK and Atlus get rewarded for their efforts to bring back this kind of game. I have full confidence in Atlus. In an age where Japanese games are "irrelevant" they turned Demon's Souls and Catherine into small hits.
Unlike KOF XII, XIII will be a legitimately complete and polished experience. It's a great game, Atlus just needs to get people talking about it. I think that's why Catherine was Atlus's most succesful launch ever. They sold it the right way to the right crowd and fed them enough information through direct and indirect means to make people talk about it. I'm pretty sure that just by discussing the game on Facebook, I convinced at least 3 of my friends to buy it who otherwise would have passed on it. And they loved the game so much, and talked about it so much that they convinced people outside of my social network to buy it. This kind of grass roots stuff can make a huge difference for smaller titles.
I really think KOF XIII can be a success!
quote: I'm also hearing there's an option to turn on KOFXII level zoom, but this was some kind of observation made at either DC or NeoGAF. I'm not a fan of this zoom, but I know there's a couple of people who said they wanted something like that.
This pleases me greatly >:D
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Tue 23 Aug 15:48] |
karasu99 722th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(8):Re(10):Re(10): Re(10):Re(10): Re(" , posted Wed 24 Aug 01:44:    
quote: I think Atlus has a really great chance to turn KOF into a sleeper hit. Maybe not a top seller like SFIV, but enough that SNK and Atlus get rewarded for their efforts to bring back this kind of game. I have full confidence in Atlus. In an age where Japanese games are "irrelevant" they turned Demon's Souls and Catherine into small hits.
I really think KOF XIII can be a success!
Atlus has done a great job with bringing oddities to the US market. These days, unless it's an extremely weird title or in a genre that's pretty obscure, I feel like Altus will manage to bring it to the US, and usually in a way that's sensitively translated. EDIT: I know, that's probably hopelessly naive, and I'm sure most people would find one example where their translation/localization has been handled ridiculously, but I'm speaking in general. Twenty years ago a game like Catherine would never have made it to the US, and if it did, the dub and localization would have been a complete hack job.
I agree though, I think KOFXIII will do well-- hopefully as well as something like MvC3. SNKP deserves it, given how hard they appear to have worked on it. Wouldn't it be great if this represented an SNKP renaissance?
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Wed 24 Aug 02:34] |
Toxico 5447th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Blog update -> Stages (part 2)" , posted Thu 25 Aug 12:56:    
There are some things that I thought that where phrased oddly so I might have not gotten them right or something? If you know me at this point you should know that you should doubt everything 
Stages follow up =Final part=
Well well, after the report of the pubic demonstration of the game, let's continue with our review of the stages! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. パオパオカフェ(Pao Pao Cafe)
[pic of Billy]
Which iteration of Pao Pao Cafe are we speaking of?
Yamamoto P : The first one. Just as in Garou 1 the inner place is quite loud, the second floor is also completely filled with costumers; do you believe that does mean that the business is still going strong?
[Richard pic]
What's the stage BGM that we would hear in this place?
Yamamoto P : Halemaa-Kyou Capoeire-ha tatakai no uta (Believe that we would reuse it) (T : ハレマー教カポエレ派戦いの歌 , Richard's FF1 song), would be; however KoF XIII BGM is dependent of the character and not the stage, however I believe that many fans of the company will support this (T: kinda half unsure about the whole paragraph).
Are there characters hidden in the background?
Yamamoto P : But of course there are. Because there is not a lack of people, please try to attently find where they are. In this stage there are just 2 people, where could they be..?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. スカイノア(Sky Noah)
[pic of Saiki]
The Stage concept is?
Yamamoto P : It's the Sky Noah 2003 stage. You can compare them and understand about the stage perfectly. We can see that the black panther Guan has grown up quite nicely.
[pic of 2003]
Any note worthy point?
Yamamoto P : Rose changes her behavior with every round. In 2003 she only got the chance to play the piano, but now she can also have the chance of drinking black tea. Now there are five rounds for her to take activity, so please take notice. Just as when Rose becomes completely angry, what could have possibly caused that...? Also please take notice of Rose costume design. The idea of it came from something that is shown to the public.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. 極限流道場(Kyokugenryu Dojo)
[Kyori pic]
The kid with glasses from Marco's ending in MotW can be spotted here, does this mean that there is a dojo branched stretched out there in Brazil?
Yamamoto P : Exactly, the dojo references exactly the one that was shown in that ending in MotW
[Marco ending pic (inside)]
[Marco ending pic (outside)]
If one notices closely, there are some patching up done to the destroyed, beaten up floor; what kind of harsh management conditions are those?
Yamamoto P : The stage also has marks of broken glass windows. The stage pretty much gives the idea about what the management conditions that is run in. But that also kinda shows the amount of blood and sweat where put into that place... Who wouldn't agree?
Is there a mustached children character near the middle? What kind of kid is that?
Yamamoto P : No, that's and old man who looks like a kid. The perfect circle that are formed in his eyes show nicely when he is nervous. ※BTW we have adjusted some of the colors in his mustache to give him a sense of nice style.
What character have been hidden in the background?
Yamamoto P : Eiji, Kasumi, Malin, Hayate. XI's Anti Kyokugen team have apparently dropped by to check how their enemy team is doing. Hayate appears quite solemn as if he is trying to incorporate something of the Kyokugen that he is seeing into his Fuu'un Ken Karate.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. 遺跡(Ancient Ruins) ( T : 遺跡 (Iseki) -> Ancient Ruins, Relics, Remains)
[Clark pic]
Total Desert wilderness. The sight of one person can not be seen. This stage is also quite tasteful, have you created something special to give a special feeling to the stage?
Yamamoto P : Many articles and photos where used as references mainly with the inspiration of the Dir'aiyah (ディライーヤ) of Saudi Arabia. Since there are already many locations with residences, house and night time scenery we tried to focus for this stage the feeling of a clean, sunny deserted location.
Is there truly no character hidden in the background here?
Yamamoto P : Now, is it? If there are or there aren't please be sure to check that while playing.
And with that we finish the second round of the stage review. Please, once you are playing do your best to find all of the characters hidden.
He didn't say a "goodbye" this time around, I suppose that that would mean that there are going to be more blog updates this week, probably with their other public showings of the game.... Or maybe I'm reading to much into it? Bah.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 25 Aug 13:18] |
sibarraz 261th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Copper Customer

| "Re(2):KOF XIII at PAX" , posted Mon 29 Aug 13:34    
quote: Well, ATLUS had a stand of the game in the PAX event, it seems that this version didn't had slowdowns, even though Saiki and Billy didn't appeared
Some impressions and pics or videos Uh, yeah it did have Billy, they did not unlock Saiki, though, and there was no Iori with Flames.
just view this thread to see the videos of it and color edit mode and trial mode
My bad
Well, it seems that this is an advanced version, with more bugs fixed, and better loading times (the game was installed on a PS3 and was fine, I hope that if the 360 version has loading times problems, those could be solved installing the game)
Professor 3217th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(5):Atlus site update" , posted Thu 1 Sep 22:24:    
Since Toxico hasn't posted translations yet, I'll take the initiative for this round.
For some reason, SNKP isn't calling it "color edit mode". They're calling it "character customization". My guess is that they consider it more than just the usual color editing, since you can make characters look like they've got bionic arms and stuff. Anyways, I'll summarize the points.
Character Customization
- This time, you won't be changing the RGB values. Instead, you'll be picking out of a selection of colours. - You can save up to 5 presets per character. - There's going to be a lot of parts that can be colored. Take for example the case of Terry. He has a whopping 21 parts that can be changed, like his shoelaces and belt buckle. - By default, there's 10 selectable colors per part (the same colors as that of 1P - 10P). In the case of skin color, it'll be a bit different: the left-top color in the selection window will be that of the 1P color, and the rest are shared amongst all characters in the game. - You can unlock additional colors every time you play with that character. The additional colors are shared between all characters and all parts. (That's exactly what it says in the blog. Make sense? Not completely to me.) New colors have a star icon on them. - During the customization screen, you can change the character pose by pressing start, which switches the character between three poses: front, back, and misc. The misc pose is different between each character and it basically lets you see places that are usually hidden. - Example screenshot in blog features Kim and Takuma with Kim Jae Hoon and Khushnood Butt colored costumes. It also features a Doraemon colored Benimaru and Ronald Mcdonald Maxima.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 1 Sep 22:36] |
Toxico 5452th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Atlus site update" , posted Fri 2 Sep 01:24:    
quote: Since Toxico hasn't posted translations yet, I'll take the initiative for this round.
щ(゚Д゚щ)!!! But there it was nothing there when I went to bed! It's a trap! A conspiracy! I'm being framed!!!
Well, since Prof already accurately surmised what's worth it from the customize article, I'll name a few things from their public events :
Basically, one was in Nagoya and the other one was in Osaka. To make long story short, the Osaka one was held in SNK headquarters and the Nagoya one was held in a local where one of the previews for KoF XII was held; thus the places where much more crowd friendly and pretty much for both events for about the same amount of people that showed up in Tokyo could be found; they are kinda of exited about the support that they are getting.
Now, as a personal note if you are asking me it looks like they weren't interested in over spending when promoting the game or something; the place for all of these events was "set" from the start we have that Tokyo had to do with a very cheap and uncomfortable location, and the other cities got good places not because they where thinking about the size of the audience, but because it would be cheap to do something there.
Also, about the customize deal, I remember reading that they told us that "parts" for the characters might be available (such as a "with moon" or "without moon" for Yagami's back); I suppose that they are calling it that customization to be more hip and all? Also using a new name for it instead of the old one kinda looks like they are advertising changes to the system instead of keeping it as it was.
" she's looking for parts" is a hint for Kula is trying bring back Candy?
Her profile has been stating from 01 that she has been doing that (hunting for spare parts) to rebuild Candy. It looks like he hasn't gotten anything good with that hobby though.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 2 Sep 10:43] |
Professor 3218th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Anti-Aerith on console 13" , posted Sat 3 Sep 09:08:    
Since there seems to be some questions on how the Anti-alias(AA) on the characters will look on the console version of KOF13, here's a few full-HD screenshots. And no, there's no bluriness from Jpeg compression; compare the characters with the HUD and background and you'll see the differences. All in all, it doesn't seem to be too different from the arcade version.
Character Select UK stage China Stage PaoPao Cafe
quote: Some of those preset colors are locked and need to be unlocked by playing the game. ↓ Unlocking one preset color with one character (or team of characters) will make that preset color available for all characters in the game.
They probably wanted to clarify that you are not forced to unlock each color with each character individually. The Last Story on Wii works the same way; you can buy and find new color sets throughout the game to customise your equipment.
In other good news, the AM Show will be held at Makuhari, co-jointly with TGS. This is great news and makes the whole trip much more rewarding.
Humm, that makes sense actually, thanks. Yeah, they're doing it simultaneously just like last year, and Tougeki too. Considering how much the events have downsized, I think it's a good idea. But with Vita and everything this year.. it might turn out to be a bit crazy!
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 3 Sep 09:30] |