Professor 3228th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 3 - Swimsuit Mai Editi" , posted Thu 8 Sep 15:10:    
Here's something interesting.
Apparently, SNKP is throwing in another bonus for the Japanese release. A set of 12 picture cards, including one that's newly drawn featuring Mai and Yuri in swimsuits.
There's no details whether this is a preorder bonus, if it's limited to certain shop(s), or whatnot. We'll probably know soon. It's most likely a shop bonus. Major game retailer Sofmap also announced that they'll have store preorder bonuses: newly drawn telephone calling cards with different artwork depending on whether you get the PS3 or the 360 version.
Also, here's a quick rundown of this week's official blog update. I'll skip on most of the game event at Hiroshima & Fukuoka.
KOF XIII will feature three varieties of Misson modes: Time attack mode, Survival mode, and Trial mode.
-Time Trial mode is pretty much straightforward: you challenge 10 stages and try and set a record for the time it took to beat them. The current stage number gets indicated below the time on the top screen. There's an online ranking for this: You can register your time and check how well you did against other players in the world.
-Survival mode is the same good old traditional thing since the NeoGeo days. You keep fighting the CPU to see how many you can beat, and you get a little life back after every battle. The number of enemies beaten shows up above your life bar.
-Trial mode lets you challenge various combos for different characters. Each character has 10 combos of ascending difficulty levels (Lv1-10), and they become harder and longer. There's BnBs as well as some hardcore stuff. You'll always be fighting against Takuma at the Kyokugenryu Dojo in this mode, because it's seriously like a martial art training. What's interesting is that you can do other attacks inbetween the moves that are ordered in the trial. It's fine as long as it stays as a combo, so you can create your own method of solving the trials. Additional characters such as Saiki and Flame Iori haven't been left out of this mode, so rest assured.
-Next week's blog update will be on story mode.
-The demo event at Hiroshima was bombarded with a hurricane. The trains had all stopped, but some people still came around and enjoyed the game to themselves. In Fukuoka, the people playing there were hardcore and they weren't playing around.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 8 Sep 20:47] |
sibarraz 273th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Copper Customer

| "Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 3 - Swimsuit Mai Editi" , posted Fri 9 Sep 01:02    
quote: Here's something interesting.
Apparently, SNKP is throwing in another bonus for the Japanese release. A set of 12 picture cards, including one that's newly drawn featuring Mai and Yuri in swimsuits.
There's no details whether this is a preorder bonus, if it's limited to certain shop(s), or whatnot. We'll probably know soon. It's most likely a shop bonus. Major game retailer Sofmap also announced that they'll have store preorder bonuses: newly drawn telephone calling cards with different artwork depending on whether you get the PS3 or the 360 version.
Also, here's a quick rundown of this week's official blog update. I'll skip on most of the game event at Hiroshima & Fukuoka.
KOF XIII will feature three varieties of Misson modes: Time attack mode, Survival mode, and Trial mode.
-Time Trial mode is pretty much straightforward: you challenge 10 stages and try and set a record for the time it took to beat them. The current stage number gets indicated below the time on the top screen. There's an online ranking for this: You can register your time and check how well you did against other players in the world.
-Survival mode is the same good old traditional thing since the NeoGeo days. You keep fighting the CPU to see how many you can beat, and you get a little life back after every battle. The number of enemies beaten shows up above you
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Glad too hear that you can combine other moves on the trials, I always found stupid that you can't combine them
kofoguz 931th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):KOF-i new stage !!!" , posted Sat 10 Sep 01:55    
From Frionel; Encore une fois les Français ont prouvé avec brio à SNKP que c'était impossible de faire quoi que ce soit de sérieux avec eux...
Mais à part un cerveau, je ne vois pas de quoi on aurait besoin pour comprendre que diffuser des infos pour lesquelles aucune annonce officielle n'a été faite, destinées aux revendeurs, n'est pas quelque chose à faire.
J'espère que les gens qui ont diffusé comprennent qu'ils viennent tout simplement de baiser les relations entre SNKP Japon et l'éditeur Européen (ainsi que les liens entre l'Editeur euro et le distributeur FR...)
Merci les gars, sérieux vous gérez grave!
Je me demande pourquoi je me casse le cul autant au final...
Donc juste pour calmer les esprits, ce qu'il ya sur le PDF montré est FAUX. C'est un mélange de trucs qui ont été très mal compris par la personne qui l'a écrit. Je vous demande d'attendre les annonces officielles pour en savoir plus.
... Une annonce officielle de l'éditeur devrait arriver la semaine prochaine pour démentir ces conneries.
Je peux vous dire un truc : les arts existent, mais l'auteur du document n'avait vraisemblablement aucune idée du pourquoi du comment.
Je peux vous dire de manière officielle que les informations relatives à ces persos et au prix qui a été donné sont totalement fausses.
Il faut attendre les annonces officielles avant de s'extasier.
Merci :) Translation; Once again the French have shown brilliantly in SNKP it was impossible to do anything serious with them ...
But other than a brain, I do not know what would be needed to understand that disseminate information for which no official announcement has been made, for resellers, not something to do.
I hope people understand that they have released are just kissing SNKP relations between Japan and the European editor (and the links between the euro Publisher and distributor FR ...)
Thank you guys, seriously you manage serious!
I wonder why I break your ass in the end all ...
So just to calm things down, what is shown on the PDF is FALSE. It is a mixture of things that have been poorly understood by the person who wrote it. I ask you to wait for official announcements to learn more.
Thank you.
An official announcement of the publisher is expected to arrive next week to deny that shit.
I can tell you one thing: the arts exist, but the document's author probably had no idea why and how.
I can tell you formally that the information on these characters and the price that was given is completely false.
It was not until the official announcements before rave.
Thank you :) This was from Sonictempest post from Orochinagi. Weird news all over. SNK would make a great money, if they made a conspiracy/thriller style movie about the production of KOF XII/XIII.
mbisonhatclub 382th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(7):KOF-i new stage !!!" , posted Mon 12 Sep 02:26:    
quote: Also full intro.
Sibarraz looks like this weekend you and I were the only costumers to the cafe. Weird.
Though the video was pretty much cell phone quality, it's really amazing animated work. I kind of wonder how they managed to afford all of this stuff with SNKP's supposed budget levels. And have such great talented music, unlike a certain other overripe group that makes fighting games with Gersploosh level shit. They must be taking out so many student loans on this.
I've been keeping up with the threads, but Mr. Karate just really hit me hard that I didn't feel like posting a response:quote: I'm just wondering about this count of 3 console characters instead of 5 given to us by Frionel, and if it's just a current build count or what. On top of that, the 3 DLC character cap, if this is a final number. If it's adjustable further down the road through patches, then I can't really complain now, as it seems that might be the road BBCS is taking when it might find time to make Relius available in the console versions. Maybe, SNK needs to take a cue from Arcsys about this...and as well, be careful about using hype with words like "surprising" when it turns out the result isn't so "surprising", because I'm already seeing people complain about the results hardly being surprising.
It's like I was foretelling everything but I was in denial at the same time.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Mon 12 Sep 02:29] |
Iggy 9294th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):KOF-i new stage !!!" , posted Mon 12 Sep 08:07    
quote: Also full intro.
Wow. I really wasn't expecting anything of that quality. Too bad the video introduce so many characters that didn't make it into the game, but I'm curious about the scenario excuse for why Adel isn't there, after this intro. Anyhow, SNKP GJ.
My understanding of the extra characters was that Billy was in the game unlocked from the start, maybe Saiki as well but I'm even less sure, Iori was a download code if you buy the game new, and the other two... probably DLC? Or the 3 are preorder bonuses depending on the shop? I'm probably wrong anyway.
Anyhow. Obviously, I would have loved the game to have 10 more beautiful characters that wouldn't be copy and pastes and be balanced at the same time, but it's probably for the best that they didn't butchered some popular character with a hack job (or a port of old resolution sprite, which would have been so sad, and expected from Playmore of the old day). Instead, they asserted their resources, saw that they could draw only Billy in that time/budget frame (seeing how he looks OK, but a bit stiff, it was probably already tough), and resorted on only edits for the others, which is even more than could have been expected. The only hope I have now would be that the game wouldn't be too broken balance-wise (as I don't have high expectations for the online, and I found out it was easier to play KOF with real people in my living room than any other fighting game, so I'm fine with it). When you think of the history of the company, the end result is pretty astonishing.
Of course, some people live in a parallel dimension where everything is free and art appears on screen by its own will, and are legitimately outraged by the laziness of the port. But seen from the realm I live in, it all looks better than I could have reasonably imagined.
Toxico 5459th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):KOF-i new stage !!!" , posted Mon 12 Sep 08:36:    
quote: I really wasn't expecting anything of that quality.
My understanding of the extra characters was that Billy was in the game unlocked from the start, maybe Saiki as well but I'm even less sure, Iori was a download code if you buy the game new, and the other two... probably DLC? Or the 3 are preorder bonuses depending on the shop?
Ok, the situation is kinda confusing but after reading bits and bits of info here and there it appears that the business is for about as following:
- Billy and Saiki : Unlockable through the game (stated through development blog) (Billy seems to have a much easier condition than Saiki if we judge by one of the recent tournaments which had no Saiki for the audience).
- Flaming Iori has been announced as DLC openly and clearly several times (news sites, sites and trailers).
- Ok, here is the tricky part. Zipper Kyo and Honki Karate haven't been announced at all, what happened was that a magazine received the official art for them and proceeded to publish a completely bogus article with made up facts and irrelevant hopes and comments, thus everything besides the art that has been told about those two is clearly false. They do, however, fit in the place of the two well known and loved Green Slime Monsters who have allegedly already been labeled as DLC.
- From the bits that we have gotten about publisher information, the hint is that DLC surely is going to be present on all markets ( EU, US, JP, AS ), however what's different is that some sectors are going to pack up the DLC within their preorder bonus and some other zones are not going to do that, or have not said anything about it. In other words some zones might have more than 1 form of getting the DLC.
- SNK has made no announcement about those two, however Gunsmith theorizes that they are going to make an official statement that discredits the "fanmade" article from that french magazine (probably without "officially confirming" those two yet). Considering their behavior I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to keep quiet with the characters until after console release was out.
Bottom line? The current cast fits with the "36" which Yamamoto slipped in a interview. There is this rumor going around that there are still characters left to reveal; for what I have traced that Rumor comes from Gunsmith asking around a few weeks back then if the audience "could stand" getting Kyo - 1 and Kyo - 2 (or the like (sprite clones)) as an extra last minute bonus added to the cast. Even if we go positive with that way of thinking and say "hey, there are more guys in store for us", at best we are going to get something like Shingo, Kusanagi or another Kyo by-product or something.
Of course, some people live in a parallel dimension where everything is free and art appears on screen by its own will, and are legitimately outraged by the laziness of the port.
It still surprises me how people wanted like 3 new extra surprise teams or something. Once you collect "testimonies" about it, it becomes painfully obvious that the staff working on the console release is much less numerous than the staff working on the arcade release (release which already suffered from "short hands to draw stuff"). On what kind of magic do people believe now days?
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 12 Sep 08:55] |
sibarraz 279th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Copper Customer

| "Re(3):Re(10):KOF-i new stage !!!" , posted Mon 12 Sep 14:19:    
The iphone version as a clean version of the console intro right?
I hope than one day we could get a rip from that intro.
Still, this game seems to had a lot of detail, which like the professor said, is weird, since SNKP has spoiled us to products whcih are really poor this last time (Samurai Shodown Sen on consoles has less content that some SNKP XBLA games, and they even used the same interface)
The thing on why I think that KOF has such loyal fans, is that when SNKP wants, they really know how to make fan service, or hidden references without being to obnoxious with it, and specially with this game, they seem to care to please hardcore fans, but at the same time, approach to those who are not that familiar with SNK
I hope that this product with quality is the first of much other products in the future, at this point, I just want to play a game that I had been expecting since the release trailer from aou 2008
[this message was edited by sibarraz on Mon 12 Sep 14:23] |
Toxico 5463th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Re(10):KOF-i new stage !!!" , posted Tue 13 Sep 07:27:    
quote: Is EX Iori a fully new sprite or are his old clothes layered onto his existing sprite, in the manner of Yuri's hair or Takuma's mask? Can anybody who actually knows what they are talking about fill me in?
The process that SNK is following to create the sprites is roughly (by their statements) something like :
(Names completely made up by me) - Planing and Sketching (this is made on paper / talk, concept. No hardware work at all). - Rendering (they create a 3D "skeleton" of the character and their movements. Allegedly they said that this is the worst part of creating a character from scratch, as it includes shading and movement (this part of the process is why the fanmade XII style sprites looks like crap when compared head to head with the real thing)). (Think of these like a hired model which has to stand naked in the center of the room, for SNK to draw her in their computers). (If a character needs to be remade 80 times before finally getting to the end result, this is where those 80 times happen to occur). - Dotting. (The pixel work that goes into the character and color usage). (The actual work in drawing the model).
Now, when doing a sprite edit from a character what SNK does is take the 3D skeleton of the character and "move it in different ways" and then dot it into something different that ends as the result. "Color changes" like Big Bear or Masked Andy are only changes on the dotting part of the character and not the 3D skeleton.
Now, what people is confused is that from Ash -> Saiki the 3D skeleton barely got some new moves and thus it looks only like a "head edit"; but according to reports Iori has many new other motions (like his neutral stance), and thus apparently from the skeleton phase he already got many changes and thus "feels new". Let's hope that Zipper Kyo Honki Karate suffer a similar fate and "look new", unlike Saiki.
For the record, pretty much all of the unused sketches from the mooks seem to be from the first "planning stages" and then dotted; same goes for Oswald, Chang and the others that where created for that blog article (hence, it's definitely not like "they are guaranteed to appear at some point because they are half away worked" on or something).
Also, for what I read 94' and 96' era sprites also included those steps, however the 3D models used as skeleton where more simple and the very same stages of work where much more lazy (in fact when I read that they used models as a base I couldn't believe it since most MVS era sprites are not that congruent on movement / proportions).
edit : Oh, I forgot. Combo vid, it's by the guys from the fluffy team. It's also on Nico Nico - Nico
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 13 Sep 09:03] |
sibarraz 280th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Copper Customer

| "Re(10):Re(10):KOF-i new stage !!!" , posted Tue 13 Sep 08:55    
quote: Is EX Iori a fully new sprite or are his old clothes layered onto his existing sprite, in the manner of Yuri's hair or Takuma's mask? Can anybody who actually knows what they are talking about fill me in?
The process that SNK is following to create the sprites is roughly (by their statements) something like :
(Names completely made up by me) - Planing and Sketching (this is made on paper / talk, concept. No hardware work at all). - Rendering (they create a 3D "skeleton" of the character and their movements. Allegedly they said that this is the worst part of creating a character from scratch, as it includes shading and movement (this part of the process is why the fanmade XII style sprites looks like crap when compared head to head with the real thing)). (Think of these like a hired model which has to stand naked in the center of the room, for SNK to draw her in their computers). (If a character needs to be remade 80 times before finally getting to the end result, this is where those 80 times happen to occur). - Dotting. (The pixel work that goes into the character and color usage). (The actual work in drawing the model).
Now, when doing a sprite edit from a character what SNK does is take the 3D skeleton of the character and "move it in different ways" and then dot it into something different that ends as the result. "Color changes" like Big Bear or Masked Andy are only changes on the dotting part of the character and not the 3D skeleton.
Now, w
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94-96 used models?
I always thought that SNK did their sprites just ''at the eye'' sans AOF 3, that's something new and interesting to hear
sibarraz 281th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Copper Customer

| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):KOF-i new stage !!!" , posted Tue 13 Sep 23:08    
The only characters that I think are missing are malin, oswald, momoko and adheleid, but that's just because I think that those characters introduced in the ash saga need to appear at least one more time, plus oswald must be one of the best designs from the last time
Actually, on perspective, I think that I really liked the design of the new hero team, ash was a bit hard to like at the beggining, but SNKP did a good job to make him a cool character. Same with duo, shen and elisabeth
Professor 3241th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):Full HD trailer now available" , posted Fri 16 Sep 01:48:    
Since Toxico seems busy doing something , I'll take the initiative again to do a quick blog summary.
-Blog has no story details in order to avoid spoilers
-The story mode tells the various stories that were too much to be covered in the arcade version, and it runs in a visual novel format. It consists of fighting game parts and visual novel parts.
-In the fighting game parts, you pick a team of your choice and take on the tournament. There's a 3-on-3 dialogue between teams before the matches with tidbits that's sure to please fans. And of course, the result of the match will have an effect on the storyline.
-The visual novel part tells the game's storyline from various character perspectives, mainly Ash, Adel, and Heidern. As well as ******, *******, and *************. (Names censored in blog, number of symbols mean nothing)
-Completed scenes can be viewed over again from the "Chapter menu" option. Producer Yamamoto says it'll probably take hours to check out all of them.
-Aside from the storyline itself, another thing that people can look forward to is the various illustrations drawn just for this mode. And cameo characters that appear place to place. (Duck King image.)
-When asked if there's "variations" depending on how the game is progressed, Producer Yamamoto's reply was vague, saying that "There's been a crazy amount of effort put into this story mode".
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 16 Sep 02:06] |
Just a Person 1506th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):Full HD trailer now available" , posted Fri 16 Sep 23:30    
quote: -The story mode tells the various stories that were too much to be covered in the arcade version, and it runs in a visual novel format. It consists of fighting game parts and visual novel parts.
-In the fighting game parts, you pick a team of your choice and take on the tournament. There's a 3-on-3 dialogue between teams before the matches with tidbits that's sure to please fans. And of course, the result of the match will have an effect on the storyline.
-The visual novel part tells the game's storyline from various character perspectives, mainly Ash, Adel, and Heidern. As well as ******, *******, and *************. (Names censored in blog, number of symbols mean nothing)
-Completed scenes can be viewed over again from the "Chapter menu" option. Producer Yamamoto says it'll probably take hours to check out all of them.
-Aside from the storyline itself, another thing that people can look forward to is the various illustrations drawn just for this mode. And cameo characters that appear place to place. (Duck King image.)
-When asked if there's "variations" depending on how the game is progressed, Producer Yamamoto's reply was vague, saying that "There's been a crazy amount of effort put into this story mode".
Does Story Mode cover solely KOF XIII or the full Ash Saga (that is, the story for KOF 2003, XI and XIII)?
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Toxico 5474th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Full HD trailer now available" , posted Thu 22 Sep 16:49    
Gah, it's been a while since my own schedule has fitted a blog update.
The translation is kinda.... abstract? Since the blog update wasn't that exciting it's not like I went out of my way to make everything sound better or better get things that I'm not sure of.
Now with the Tutorial
Good day everyone!
[ Talks about weather, odd of rain, typhoon and other stuff, thus I'm skipping this ]
Without further adieu to they we view the "tutorial mode". With us we have the always familiar "山P". Today YamaP's talk will be aimed to those who are a little green when it comes to it, so let's proceed immediately to the tutorial mode.
[ Tutorial menu image ]
Yamamoto P : This mode is there so that one can get familiar with the game and with the basic mechanics of KoF, either for those who play KoF for the first time or those who play fighting games for the first time.
[ Kyo Jumping at Raiden ]
"Moving forward", "Types of jumps", "Roll recovery" and basic descriptions as such are included in the BASE SYSTEM.
[ Kyo kicking Raiden ]
"Special moves", "Drive Cancel" and several other system that make use of the gauges which are divided in two modes explained on the GAUGE SYSTEM. The BASE SYSTEM will introduce a "sense of game" by making use of jumps and basic movements maneuvers while the GAUGE SYSTEM will present DRIVE CANCEL and other major forces for players.
[ Rose explaining Tutorial Mode ]
The responsibility of teaching everything about the tutorial falls into Rose-san. Incidentally the stage for this mode will always be the Kyokugen dojo, the player character Kyo and the enemy Raiden have also been "fixed".
Kyo is somewhat understandable, but why is Raiden there?
Yamamoto P : Having a prowrestler there, it's there for the aesthetic sense!
Somehow or another some sense can be made out of it... Either way, on this tutorial mode, are features there included for other than beginner players?
Yamamoto P : This mode is essentially a practice that is there to create a solid foundation of the actual combat for the beginner to use. "Such a basic thing I already now it!", even those who are already experienced in the basis might come into contact with something that they don't know.
I see, with my playing level I guess that it wouldn't hurt to touch the tutorial mode once I get the game.
With this the basic coverage of tutorial mode is finished; which was covered after a great effort. Next we have [Character customize], look at how "some little stories" can be made with it.
[ DaiMaou Andy ]
......... Makan *** Sappou!!
Yamamoto P : ....... ( heh! )
Leaving Yamamoto here with the evidence of the crime, it's time for me to part ways with everybody. Oh, also as someone might have noticed in the "Mission" review, some of the customs have been taken from popular characters, could you notice it?
See you next time.
Now, if you excuse me it's almost 5AM, I have some Shinryuu to kill.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
sibarraz 285th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Copper Customer

| "Re(5):Re(10):Full HD trailer now available" , posted Fri 23 Sep 10:20    
quote: Edit: Nevermind, Rising Star has it on their blog:
No info in the actual game's page or though...
Websites that sell games are usually the last ones to know the draft once new info pops up, since they aren't directly associated with the companies and don't stalk everywhere for info like we the users do.
I think that the "other" amazons carry the pre-order bonus, thus UK shouldn't be any different. If you want to be extra sure there is a thread about it at Orochinagi since they seem to be on speaking terms with Rising Star Games; though you are probably gonna get an answer of "order through us", har har har.
They aren't planning to make any trips overseas any time soon, at least during the current year. Dune apparently doesn't like planes. They should be going to Evo next year (if 13 is there of course).
うっそ,そんなばかな! (How LONG have I awaited to quote this part!). (I couldn't find it with ENG subs though... イカロスって). (There is this on English, but the translator cou
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This reminded me, here on chile 3 weeks ago there was a plane accident where 21 people died, including one of the most famous tv announcers on here, it was weird, since that event just made me afraid of traveling on a plane last week, even though I had doing it for lots of years, each turbulence was a hell, but then I realized that planes are safe considering that pilots are professionals unlike car accidents where almost any idiot could get a license.
But I could understand Dune fear.
Btw, I always had been curious, how long takes a trip from japan to the usa? which is the route?
Professor 3246th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(7):Re(10):Full HD trailer now available" , posted Mon 26 Sep 17:46    
Since KOF13 news is going slow despite just a month away, here's a review that hasn't been posted around by anyone as of yet.
"... battles are highlighted by impact sounds, cries of pain, and colorful explosions as fighters are hurled across the screen. Some female characters are dressed in revealing outfits (e.g., thong bikinis) that reveal large amounts of cleavage and portions of their buttocks; their breasts sometimes jiggle during combat. The dialogue references alcohol and drunkenness (e.g., “I'm used to being around people when they're hammered” and “Mai and Yuri just can't hold their liquor very well . . .”), and one wobbly character drinks from a bottle during matches, using a “drunken master” fighting style. The words “a*s” and “bastard” appear in dialogue. "
After reading the excerpt posted above, take a minute to think about what fan site, game site, or magazine it could have possibly come from. Then highlight below for the answer.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
It's the ESRB's Rating summary for The King of Fighters XIII. Who knew their explanations could be so colorful. Full summary can be read here.
End of Spoiler
hikarutilmitt 557th Post

PSN: hikarutimitt XBL: hikarutilmitt Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(8):Re(10):Full HD trailer now available" , posted Tue 27 Sep 03:27    
quote: Since KOF13 news is going slow despite just a month away, here's a review that hasn't been posted around by anyone as of yet.
"... battles are highlighted by impact sounds, cries of pain, and colorful explosions as fighters are hurled across the screen. Some female characters are dressed in revealing outfits (e.g., thong bikinis) that reveal large amounts of cleavage and portions of their buttocks; their breasts sometimes jiggle during combat. The dialogue references alcohol and drunkenness (e.g., “I'm used to being around people when they're hammered” and “Mai and Yuri just can't hold their liquor very well . . .”), and one wobbly character drinks from a bottle during matches, using a “drunken master” fighting style. The words “a*s” and “bastard” appear in dialogue. "
After reading the excerpt posted above, take a minute to think about what fan site, game site, or magazine it could have possibly come from. Then highlight below for the answer.
They're usually very descriptive in their... descriptions for the ratings. Sometimes they go a bit far, though, and post stuff that's got commentary in it (which shouldn't happen) like what happened with DOA Paradise:
quote: This is a video game in which users watch grown women dressed in G-string bikinis jiggle their breasts while on a two-week vacation. Women's breasts and butts will sway while playing volleyball, while hopping across cushions, while pole dancing, while posing on the ground, by the pool, on the beach, in front of the camera. There are other activities: Users can gamble inside a casino to win credits for shopping; they can purchase bathing suits, sunglasses, hats, clothing at an island shop; they can "gift" these items to eight other women in hopes of winning their friendship, in hopes of playing more volleyball. And as relationships blossom from the gift-giving and volleyball, users may get closer to the women, having earned their trust and confidence: users will then be prompted to zoom-in on their friends' nearly-naked bodies, snap dozens of photos, and view them in the hotel later that night.
Parents and consumers should know that the game contains a fair amount of "cheesy" and, at times, creepy voyeurism-especially when users have complete rotate-pan-zoom control; but the game also contains bizarre, misguided notions of what women really want (if given two weeks, paid vacation, island resort)-Paradise cannot mean straddling felled tree trunks in dental-floss thongs.
 PSN: hikarutimitt XBL: hikarutilmitt
Toxico 5486th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):SNK's Matsushita replies to KOF13 rumor" , posted Wed 28 Sep 23:01:    
quote: I was saying that today might be an odd day, and indeed things have been peculiar and a bit tiring.. and youch, KOFXIII's been officially announced for delay in Japan as well. Oddly, no official date. Just "within 2011".
There it was a blog update, "Release date postponed", it basically said.
- "This update happens to be before the scheduled blog release", with that I take it that there is going to be a regular "about the game" blog update. - "They have been working hard aiming to give the best experience to the public", sounds pretty and all, but with that they obviously didn't tell us why the game actually had to be delayed (knowing SNK, I figured they wouldn't tell). - "Well aim to continue to release info about the game through this blog", but of course! - "Well make an official announcement with the release date as soon as possible", it looks like the situation in Japan is not as clear as the one with the overseas publishers, on a positive thinking you can tell that it means that the game is not going to be as delayed there as it is here.
edit :
Is the game now 800 yen cheaper, or is it just me? (Well, I don't know what I have, but there is definitely no cure for it (☞゚∀゚)☞ )
EX Blog also points the delay
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 29 Sep 00:25] |
Toxico 5488th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "That day of the month....." , posted Thu 29 Sep 14:59:    
It's actually "that day of the week", Blog Update.
I'm half sleep, half sick, half starving, half rest deprived, I have to replace some light tubes on the house and something is dancing in my eye. In other words it's a half interested half worked one, should be less clear than google translate translation
Mision second part
Even after the announcement of the delay, we are still here to give information about the game you have waiting for.
This has been mentioned before, but now let's take the chance and go more indepth with the trail mode.
Let's proceed with Yamamoto P. There are even video demonstrations for us to observe!
Yamamoto P : The previous talk about Trial was nothing but a brief description, now let's look at this more indepthly, first let's go with the pause menu.
[pause image of Ash vs Takuma]
They are quite easy to understand, on the side of the player we have the following instructions : [NEXT] moves to the next trial [BACK] moves to the previous trial [DEMO PLAY] gives a demonstration of the current trial [TRIAL LIST] Shows the "recipe" of the currently selected trial. [TRIAL MENU] Shows all trials available.
The TRIAL LIST shows for about four areas that can be filled with a combo? what are those?
Yamamoto P : Normally one will suffice, but with later trials a bigger size it's needed to show the full combo, later we'll see an example.
[pic of Saiki with Trial menu]
Trial mode can be challenged from any level that the player might choose without needing to clear the previous ones. Quick on their hand players might enjoy challenging the high level trials from the get go.
Previously it was mentioned that one might cheat a little within these trials, what was that comment about?
Yamamoto P : One might include extra parts to the combo as long as it does fulfill the written conditions, for example Takuma; crouching B x 3, crouching A, Ryuuko Ranbu.
The issue.... [video that I can't watch since it's private]
As seen in the previous video, the "recipe" for the combo was not followed correctly. [crouching B x 3, EX Hienshipuu Kyaku, Crouching A, EX Zanretsuken, EX 極限崩撃 , Ryuuko Ranbu.
It becomes clear that as long as you keep the main content of the combo, you might even go into HD in the middle of it.
So, people with good hand might be able to transform a short combo into a long one.
Yamamoto P : Exactly, even if the time to fulfill a trial is not that much, thus I would like to see how long of a combo can players challenge themselves to create. A useful feature is that if one presses SELECT + Shoulder Buttons the characters return to their initial position.
Why don't we see one of those mentioned long combos?
Yamamoto P : Okay. Now, why don't we take a look at one of the actual advanced combos that can be found in the mode?
[Kyo combo]
This was Kyo Lvl 9.
Looks long and likely difficult. If this is level 9, then there is an actual combo remaining that is effectively higher in difficulty.
Yamamoto P : Yes, Level 10 basically involves a MAXCANCEL in a long combo and might inevitably become something difficult. When trying to clear all of the trials for the characters we expect you to have a pretty hard time to the point when you want to call it quits several times.
So as to clear them, there is no other way than to practice! In my case I even feel that it might be necessary to get some stringed fingers.
Give it your all to clear them, people! not only on Kyo's Level 9 but on all of the trials in there.
Thus, until the next time.
Fun fact, I needed a dictionary to read and write recipe... In all languages involved
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 29 Sep 15:19] |
Professor 3252th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Billy exclusive to PS3? Saiki to 360?" , posted Sat 1 Oct 21:22:    
Billy may be usable only on the PS3 version, whereas Saiki only on the Xbox360. That's what some people are assuming, after reading the latest issue of Arcadia magazine. The magazine is obviously wrong, but given that it's a major publication, it's definitely going to cause headaches to SNKP regardless of whether it's correct or not.
Text on top: "The Xbox 360 version and the PS3 version has different usable character(s), so be careful about that point as well."
Text on the side" "Billy is usable on the PS3 version. Just like his costume, he can use his classic moves from the past. And in addition, he's gained new normal attacks and EX specials, and these elements allows him to move quite differently from his past renditions!"
My personal assumption is that the build that Arcadia was using was the same as the demo at Tokyo. (Billy default on PS3 and Saiki needs unlocking, Saiki default on 360 and Billy needs unlocking). SNKP's official 13CS site says nothing about them being exclusive to a console.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 1 Oct 23:29] |
Kane317 63th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):Billy exclusive to PS3? Saiki to 360?" , posted Sun 2 Oct 04:10    
quote: Billy may be usable only on the PS3 version, whereas Saiki only on the Xbox360. That's what some people are assuming, after reading the latest issue of Arcadia magazine. The magazine is obviously wrong, but given that it's a major publication, it's definitely going to cause headaches to SNKP regardless of whether it's correct or not.
Text on top: "The Xbox 360 version and the PS3 version has different usable character(s), so be careful about that point as well."
Text on the side" "Billy is usable on the PS3 version. Just like his costume, he can use his classic moves from the past. And in addition, he's gained new normal attacks and EX specials, and these elements allows him to move quite differently from his past renditions!"
My personal assumption is that the build that Arcadia was using was the same as the demo at Tokyo. (Billy default on PS3 and Saiki needs unlocking, Saiki default on 360 and Billy needs unlocking). SNKP's official 13CS site says nothing about them being exclusive to a console.
Wow, it's unlike Arcadia to make a mistake like that. This year is the year of the cleanups, poor SNKP.
Professor 3256th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "No pre-release demo for KOF13 & Blog transl'" , posted Thu 6 Oct 21:09:    
European publisher Rising Star Games product manager Yen Hau has done a Q & A session with Spanish KOF community SpekSNK, and there's a bit of new info there. The full text can be read from the link, below is a quick summary.
-European release date is November 25. Japan is the same. (Japan is probably 24th in this case due to time zone difference. US is 22nd.) -Netcode will be optimised for broadband and fibre optic connections, SNKP are still working on it. (Don't know when the interview was conducted, but it sounds rather recent) -No demo before release. -European version is slated to have a reversable sleeve. Aside on 4-disc preorder bonus, there's a reversable poster (art on one side, command list on the other) and art disc (includes artwork, wallpapers, videos and a visual story of the Ash Saga)
Also, I'll take the initiative to do the Blog translation this time around, give Toxico some breathing time from his usual hard chore. . . .
About Flame Iori
Good day everyone. ...Eh actually, it's pretty late already so it's more like "Good evening". (sweats)
Putting that aside, we've been doing a lot of explanations on the game modes so far. So for a change of pace, we're going to do something we haven't done in a while-- we'll talk about another additional character for the home console.
As people may already know from the PVs [Promo Videos], the third additional character [to the home console] is Iori with the power of flames, AKA flame Iori. He joining into the fight with his costume he wore back when he had his flames! In this article, we'll refer to the normal Iori as "Claw Iori" and the Iori with the power of flames as "Flame Iori" to make things easier to understand.
So let's get started and ask Producer Yama' about the charasteristics of Flame Iori.
Producer Yamamoto: To start off, in terms of direction attacks, he can't use the Geshiki Kui [3+C] that Claw Iori has, but he's regained his Geshiki Goufu In Shinigami [6+B], and he can use it instead.
Ah, so even his direction attack is different from Claw Iori.
Producer Yamamoto: Exactly. As for his specials, he has his old attacks such as Yamibarai, Oniyaki, and Kuzukaze. He also has his good old Aoibana as well, which can be used in the same way like before. Some of the EX specials have unique behaviors. For example, his EX Yamibarai stops the opponent for a limited time like his old Yasakazuki, and his EX Kototsuki is a different attack than his normal one. There might be other uses aside from hitting it regularly...
So that'll be something for us to find out when we use him. So next, let's hear about his supers!
Producer Yamamoto: In terms of his supers, he has his usual Yaotome and the Saika after-attack, and aside from that, he's also got back his Yamisogi. His Yaotome can be done as an EX attack, but it's important to take note that you can't do a Saika afterwards in that case. Also, the visual effects on his HomuraHotogi Neomax is really dynamic, so please try using it.
All the users are probably wondering whether "he's stronger" than Claw Iori. So what about that?
Producer Yamamoto: To be honest, neither of them is really stronger than the other. They both have different fighting styles so we hope people will pick them according to which style they prefer.
For example, Claw Iori's normal Yaotome doesn't allow opponent to recovery roll / Flame Iori's normal Yaotome can be recovery rolled after it hits Claw Iori's EX Yaotome can go through a Psycho Ball / Flame Iori's Yaotome will get hit by a Psycho Ball So even if it's the same move, it can have a different attribute, and it should be interesting to check them out.
Alright. Are there any other noteworthy points regarding Flame Iori?
Yamamoto: Flame Iori has his own stage, and it's a remake of the rival team stage from KOF95, which was Iori's debut KOF title. And in the background, "those three guys" are trying to find their chance to get back into KOF. Also, there's some tidbits that might make old Iori fans react like "Oh?", so please look forward to the game's release.
"Those three guys" sounds interesting, and so does that little tidbit. Can't wait to play the game. To wrap things up, here are the usual character introduction footages!
[ Combo Footage 1 ] [ Combo Footage 2 ] [ Neomax Footage ]
And that's all for now. Please try playing with Flame Iori. See you next update!
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 7 Oct 02:18] |
Loona 469th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(3):The next crossover by SNK poll." , posted Tue 11 Oct 02:05    
I'd rather have SNK crossover with Sega, they have so much in common they should get married and make some beautiful crossover babies, maybe becoming one single solid and respected company in the process, as both feel less than whole nowadays, compared to a decade or 2 ago.
Both companies are fondly remembered for their 90s games and for competition with a larger and more famous company.
Both are former first party developers with console icons that had very faint presences in games themselves (G. Mantle ans Segata Sanshiro).
Both did crossovers with the companies they tried to compete with, sometimes in genres outside their flagship titles (SvC Card Fighters Clash, Sonic & Mario at the Olympics).
Both keep peddling emulated versions of their older and fondly remembered classics.
Both had a healthy amount of craziness required to make and release stuff like crazy twists on established franchises (Typing of the Dead, KoF SkyStage).
Both released games that worked both as a love letter to fans and as reflections of the troubles they've been in (Segagaga and NGBC).
Both have rather large pachinko divisions that seem to be providing most of the companies' incomes.
The have so many titles that could work together it's not even funny: - Virtua Fighter and Buriki One (and toned down versions of FF/AoF/KoF). Maybe Fighting Vipers and the Fu'un series. - rythm games with Ulala and Athena - Yamazaki tearing stuff up in the Yakuza setting, or the characters from that one trying their luck at South Town - or, you know, sinc the city from Streets of Rage was never named, just have that take place in South Town, it would work too well.
And probably a lot more stuff I can't quite remember right now...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
kofoguz 941th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):The next crossover by SNK poll." , posted Tue 11 Oct 03:07    
quote: I'd rather have SNK crossover with Sega, they have so much in common they should get married and make some beautiful crossover babies, maybe becoming one single solid and respected company in the process, as both feel less than whole nowadays, compared to a decade or 2 ago.
Both companies are fondly remembered for their 90s games and for competition with a larger and more famous company.
Both are former first party developers with console icons that had very faint presences in games themselves (G. Mantle ans Segata Sanshiro).
Both did crossovers with the companies they tried to compete with, sometimes in genres outside their flagship titles (SvC Card Fighters Clash, Sonic & Mario at the Olympics).
Both keep peddling emulated versions of their older and fondly remembered classics.
Both had a healthy amount of craziness required to make and release stuff like crazy twists on established franchises (Typing of the Dead, KoF SkyStage).
Both released games that worked both as a love letter to fans and as reflections of the troubles they've been in (Segagaga and NGBC).
Both have rather large pachinko divisions that seem to be providing most of the companies' incomes.
The have so many titles that could work together it's not even funny: - Virtua Fighter and Buriki One (and toned down versions of FF/AoF/KoF). Maybe Fighting Vipers and the Fu'un series. - rythm games with Ulala and Athena - Yamazaki tearing stuff up in the Yakuza setting, or the characters from that one trying
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
That's a great idea. As long as we see diversity in the crossovers.
Also it's not that hard when you do SNK vs JOJO universe rather than SNK vs JUMP!, right?
Professor 3261th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Character balance changes part 1/4" , posted Thu 13 Oct 19:57:    
Welcome to the BBS, Bemanicub! Hope you enjoy it here.
SNKPlaymore has updated its blog and they're finally releasing official details on the character balance changes. They'll be revealed in random order in 4 weekly updates starting today.
This translation is a a bit rough since it's a damn lot of work. Don't sue me if there's any mistakes.
Asterisk * notes that the move is featured on the sample video.
On a related note to the video above, people have noticed that the power meter builds up a lot less now on block.
System Neomax only uses 2 power meters during HD mode (3 meters when not in HD)
Hwa Jai - All frames on Drink super have been changed (apparently, its recovery is faster) * Ground CD has changed. Moves forward and has invincibility to low attacks * Fierce Dragon Tail has faster recovery; can be connected to a normal move after it hits * Weak Dragon Backbreaker is now a 1F throw instead of a leaping throw - Weak Dragon Tail comes out faster and connects from a fierce - EX Air Dragon Kick now hits 3 times like its ground version and does 154 damage. - EX Dragon Tail chips less guard meter
Producer Yamamoto says: Hwa has a lot of changes, like for example, his Weak Backbreaker is a 1F hit now. The recovery on his drink is different so it might be usable in a combo.
Benimaru - Flying Drill has faster recovery, normal hit can connect afterwards * EX Raijinken is a single hit attack. On a hit, the opponent will be stuck in the air afterwards for a limited time. They can be attacked with another move, or even get pushed by running to the edge of the screen. * EX Air Raijinken lasts for a longer time. The timing in between the hits are longer than the arcade version. It now sort of works as a special that can be "placed" on the screen. * EX Collider hits less times. That means less scaling for the combo to come afterwards. * Neomax comes out faster, MAX cancel's timing is different. Invincibility runs out before the hit detection comes out. - Fierce/EX Super Lightning Kick does more damage. On a full hit, the fierce version's damage has been raised from 70>100, EX from 135>192. - Collider has faster recovery on whiff, can rarely be punished if blocked from a fierce punch. - EX Iaigeri > Handou Sandangeki does less damage, down from 263 to 219
Producer Yamamoto says: We've balanced him so that even the attacks that weren't being used in the arcades would be of use. The EX Collider and EX Raijinken should especially come to more use since the opponent can be hit afterwards. The EX air Raijinken should be fun to place around for an attack string. His Neomax has no invincibility but it comes out a lot faster, so it might be fun to think of ways in using it.
Clark * His Stepping (Forward+BD) is faster * Weak SAB has full-body autoguard but comes out slower than before - EX SAB>Flying Elbow can be MAX canceled - EX Gatling Attack's invincibility runs out when its hit detection comes out. Projectile invincibility doesn't, even after hit detection comes out. - If Fierce or EX Gateling gets blocked, the Afterattack throw won't come out any more * Vulcan Punch can be canceled with another move on startup. This allows for some new combos like close Fierce punch (2nd hit)>VulcanPunch>SAB
Producer Yamamoto says: He's a throw character so we've buffed his throws. With moves like his Weak SAB, his front step, and being able to do a super cancel from a 1-frame throw, he should be able to fight like a real thrower.
Mai - Kaschousen comes out faster, also has quicker recovery * Ukibane (down + B in air) has different trajectory than Arcade, recovery time has been changed * Musasabi(from ground) can be canceled to Floating attack * WK>FK is a chain combo. Can be used to connect into HD mode, and also gives Mai more damage on pokes * EX air Shinobibachi added in game. Invincible until hit detection comes out. - Crouching FP has more cancelable frames - Weak Ryuenbu has more vertical hitbox * Neomax comes out faster and freezes time when it reaches the edge of screen
Producer Yamamoto says: We've balanced her as a female ninja by giving her attacks that can make her fight more tricky from the air. Using Ukibane to trick the opponent and doing an attack string, or hit confirming from her crouching fierce punch have become effective tactics. Her Neomax has also been buffed.
Leona * Voltec Launcher chips less guard meter - Strike Arch (directon move) comes out faster * Fierce V-Slasher has different angle; weak travels short, fierce goes far. EX version is the same as the arcade. - Ground Saber has longer recovery when blocked. About even when fierce version gets blocked. - Moon Slasher has less hitback when blocked. All of them (weak, fierce, EX) are easier to get punished than the arcade. - EX X-Caliber comes out faster. Still can't be comboed from a normal or direction attack.
Producer Yamamoto says: Moves such as the Ground Saber and Moon Slasher are easier to get punished so be careful. We've balanced her so that she can do things such as attack strings with her EX X-Calibur, or break into the opponent with her Strike Arch. Her Fierce V slasher has been buffed, and she's a character that's good in various occasions such as air-to-air combat or against projectiles.
Takuma - Jump CD comes out faster - Stun value on attacks has been lowered * EX Kyokugen Koou comes out faster and has quicker recovery. Still can't be comboed from a normal or direction attack. - Fierce Ryuuko Ranbu comes out faster. It's still slower than the weak version, but it has invincibility until after the hit detection comes out. - Weak Hienshippukyaku's damage reduced from 70 to 50.
Producer Yamamoto says: He has less stun values than the arcade, but he's still easier to dizzy the opponent than other characters. Also, it's not written above but damages on his other specials have also been raised, and he's a character that can do high damage. He's been buffed in a lot of places like his air CD and invincible Fierce Ryuuko Ranbu, so please try using him.
Mature * Ebony Tears comes out faster. Can hit opponent afterwards * Weak Metal Massacre is a one hit attack * EX Deathrow correctly puts crouching opponent into hitback state on a hit unlike arcade version. If the opponent is crouching during 1-4 hits, a fierce Metal Massacre can still combo with a drivecancel. - EX Despair doesn't move Mature behind the opponent even if they're crouching
Producer Yamamoto says: Ebony Tears is a lot easier to use now. Weak Metal Massacre has been changed to a single hit and does less scaling, so it might be useful for fast paced matches.
Shen * Gekiken Fakeout has faster recovery. It'll fail if the kick button is pressed too soon. Gekiken maxed out will chip half the opponent's guard meter * Danken(throw) comes out slower. Neither weak nor fierce has invincibility. However, it can be Drivecanceled. * Danken(reflect) builds up meter on a success. No drive meter buildup. * EX Fukkogeki>Kouryuugeki has slower recovery when blocked. Completely punishable
Producer Yamamoto says: We've did a lot of adjustments to his Danken. The throw version is no longer 1F, but it can be drive canceled for additional damage. Gekiken's feint has quicker recovery so it can be used to lengthen attack strings.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 13 Oct 21:42] |
Professor 3261th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "KOF96 Tier list for PSN's sake" , posted Sat 15 Oct 04:32    
Since KOF96 is out on PSN and seems relatively popular, here's the game's tier list by good-old Gamest.
77 Chin 70 Iori 48 Clark 47 Mature 44 Choi 40 Goro, Leona 37 Kyo, Mai 35 Ryo, Kim 34 Benimaru, Chang, Geese, Big 32 Robert, Kensou, Krauser 26 Joe, Ralf 22 Terry 17 Kasumi 16 Athena 15 Andy 14 King 12 Yuri 8 Vice
TheRedKnight 333th Post

PSN: yes XBL: no Wii: no
Bronze Customer
| "Re(1):KOF96 Tier list for PSN's sake" , posted Sat 15 Oct 06:49    
quote: Since KOF96 is out on PSN and seems relatively popular, here's the game's tier list by good-old Gamest.
77 Chin 70 Iori 48 Clark 47 Mature 44 Choi 40 Goro, Leona 37 Kyo, Mai 35 Ryo, Kim 34 Benimaru, Chang, Geese, Big 32 Robert, Kensou, Krauser 26 Joe, Ralf 22 Terry 17 Kasumi 16 Athena 15 Andy 14 King 12 Yuri 8 Vice
How can Andy be so low with those AWESOME BOOTS?!?
Why I left my hobbies.
Toxico 5500th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Console footage." , posted Sat 15 Oct 07:07:    
By IGN (more vids in the site)
Online mode, unfortunately, it really doesn't show anything since we can tell the input delay and stuff like that. Actions seems congruent with what's happening, so that probably means that they don't have to foresee their own move by 4 seconds in something, like what happens in XII online.
Recent footage from Europe
quote: How can Andy be so low with those AWESOME BOOTS?!?
His amazing gallant pajamas drag too many attention, so they hard to notice.
The list is obviously outdated and the fact that lists Athena as a weak character is completely atrocious. I think that in Occident (aka sudacas) the overall consensus was that Terry was the weakest guy in the crew because he had average normals + half of his move list leaves him vulnerable if it hits, and his whole move list leaves him vulnerable if it's blocked. The other "low tier" places was supposedly fought between Vice & Benimaru (people tied Goro, Kensou & Clark "to the lowest" as well), but in the end people really didn't bad mouthed the grapplers since they are kinda fun to play even though the game is not nicely geared towards command grab usage (pretty much every attack in the game can out prioritize command throws, instead of the other way around (which was the staple between 97' and 03')).
The "most broken" spot usually switched between strong characters, because they are broken like hell and every new discovery could force them to switch places and whatnot. Then again, coming from 94' and 95', playing a broken fighter was no new news at all. Heck, some people even enjoyed this one more than the previous ones, because besides not only being broken as hell, the stun was harder to achieve and guard counter reversals where gone for good.
Fun times.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 15 Oct 11:00] |
Kane317 66th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):KOF96 Tier list for PSN's sake" , posted Sun 16 Oct 06:22    
quote: Since KOF96 is out on PSN and seems relatively popular, here's the game's tier list by good-old Gamest.
77 Chin 70 Iori 48 Clark 47 Mature 44 Choi 40 Goro, Leona 37 Kyo, Mai 35 Ryo, Kim 34 Benimaru, Chang, Geese, Big 32 Robert, Kensou, Krauser 26 Joe, Ralf 22 Terry 17 Kasumi 16 Athena 15 Andy 14 King 12 Yuri 8 Vice
Haha professor you've exposed me, but in my defense I've always liked Chin--I'm sure most would agree. Lol @ our Krauser vs. Chin moment.
Professor 3264th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):KOF96 Tier list for PSN's sake" , posted Sun 16 Oct 08:04:    
quote: Haha professor you've exposed me, but in my defense I've always liked Chin--I'm sure most would agree. Lol @ our Krauser vs. Chin moment.
Well, I started using Iori to tie up the score which was pretty damn evil. Sleeping Chin brings a lot of chuckles. Overall, the jump CDs and some attacks are too good in that game, especially when there's lag.
Characters most often seen being used by Japanese players- Leona, Clark, Ralf, Athena, Kensou, Chin, Ryo, Robert, Iori, Mature, Kim, Chang, Choi
Characters rarely seen being used by Japanese players- Geese, Krauser, Big, Kasumi, King, Mai, Yuri, Vice
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 16 Oct 13:04] |
Kane317 68th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(3):KOF96 Tier list for PSN's sake" , posted Sun 16 Oct 13:05:    
quote: Haha professor you've exposed me, but in my defense I've always liked Chin--I'm sure most would agree. Lol @ our Krauser vs. Chin moment.
Well, I started using Iori to tie up the score which was pretty damn evil. Sleeping Chin brings a lot of chuckles. Overall, the jump CDs and some attacks are too good in that game, especially when there's lag.
Characters most often seen being used by Japanese players- Leona, Clark, Ralf, Athena, Kensou, Chin, Ryo, Robert, Iori, Mature, Kim, Chang, Choi
Characters rarely seen being used by Japanese players- Geese, Krauser, Big, Kasumi, King, Mai, Yuri, Vice
I agree about the j.CD, that's why I msg you about it right after our matches. It's pretty ridiculous. It's so funny how you *knew* what to do once we did Chin lined up with Krauser. Also lol at you getting the backward running thing to work, I couldn't get it to work.
PS, check your email quick!
[this message was edited by Kane317 on Sun 16 Oct 13:07] |
Kane317 69th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(3):Re: new iOS thing" , posted Tue 18 Oct 03:38:    
quote: To me this seems amazingly useless, but hey, IT'S NEWS. Ugh, I guess since it's free, I'll download it to see what it's all about. Stand by for what I'm sure will be exciting news about it.
EDIT: AVOID. It doesn't really seem to have much to recommend it, PLUS it has in-app ads, which are always irritating to me. Ah well, maybe I can ransack the app bundle for some interesting graphics or music.
...and they have money to make ^this. Baffles me when they could have ported an Android OS version instead which they could have charged and I, among many others, I'm sure would have gladly supported.
Shoutouts to The Professor for taking time out of his weekend to help translate the Dune interview on elive!
[this message was edited by Kane317 on Tue 18 Oct 03:45] |