Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations - Forums

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"Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Mon 12 Sep 06:00post reply

I have to travel alot for work - I'm usually out of town 3 to 4 nights a month. I get a per diem for meals during these trips and since I a) don't eat alot and b) am frequently bored I've taken to spending some of that money on a graphic novel to pass the time. Thing is I don't know too much about comics and generally have no idea what to buy.

I tend to veer away from traditional superhero stuff and have a greater interest in more indie offerings (apparently). I've bought/read Scott Pilgrim, the Walking Dead, Kick Ass, and something called Luna Park. I'm pretty much out of ideas now on things to try.

Does anyone here have any recommendations? I used to only consider stand alones but I'm okay with series provided they don't require outside knowledge to get the full effect (i.e. whatever else is going on the Marvel/DC/whatever universe).

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"Re(1):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Mon 12 Sep 07:53post reply

I would seriously recommend either Preacher or Y the last man, I consider those gems amongst the sea of graphic novels, also worth mentioning is Ex Machina, scott pilgrim is ok in my book and maybe worth a read, but the ones I mentioned previously are a MUST READ.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Mon 12 Sep 07:59post reply

I don't read many graphic novels outside of manga, so me recommending something might be like asking your mom if there are any good video games out and she says "Farmville" or "Brain Age". goes...

I've been reading The Amazing Screw-on Head pretty much every day since I got it. It's not much of a read in terms of overall content, but it's one of the few books I've been inspired to read over and over again.

Also, a friend recently picked up a comic called Blacksad that looks amazing and came highly recommended. I was turned off by the animal people at first, but when I saw what it looked like and heard the concept, I changed my mind.

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"Re(2):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Mon 12 Sep 15:21post reply

Hey Polly, have you seen this?

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"Re(1):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Mon 12 Sep 17:28post reply

I'd personally recommend the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (there was a movie, but you can safely ignore that) - basically Alan Moore writing crossover fanfic starting with victorian-age public domain characters (Captain Nemo, Jekyl and Hyde, etc...), and over later volumes stretching to other ages in time (previous volumes have covered more ancient versions of the League back to Gulliver's times, while a recent new volume covers the 60s so there's more dancing around copyright, but you still get to see references to things like Dr Who and Harry Potter).
Work surprisingly well, as as far as background knowledge goes, you don't need much, but being familiar with some classic (and a few more obscure) works of fiction helps - but there's at least one guy online, Jess Nevins, who's bothered to keep track of all references and even published books listing it all.

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"Re(2):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Mon 12 Sep 18:37post reply

Seconding Y: The Last Man.

I'd recommend the collected editions of The Immortal Iron Fist, five volumes all in all. It dives into the whole mythos of the Iron Fist thing, and remains relatively insulated from the convoluted continuities of the mainline Marvel Universe.

People also say that Nextwave's good but I haven't read any of that.
Hmm... oh, Watchmen's a classic, you should try it if you haven't.


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"Re(3):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Mon 12 Sep 21:12post reply

If you are a fan of weird Sci-Fi in general and epic space operas in particular, you should go for The Metabarons without a second thought.

For those familiar with Jodorowsky's failed Dune project in the 70's, this is what it would have looked like if finished. This series, along with The Incal (to which is partially connected), is one of the best sci-fi stories ever made in this medium. I'd go for any European edition (mainly the Spanish or French ones) though, as some nudity scenes seem to have been censored in recent US releases.

In case you are into bizarre, violent and black humor-laden cyberpunk stories, go for Ranx (Ranxerox), you'll have some good laughs reading this superb italian comic.

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"Re(4):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Tue 13 Sep 00:13post reply

There is a collected volume of Scud the Disposable Assassin, which may contain some outdated pop culture references, but is tremendously entertaining to just look at. It's not a deeply plotted, dialogue-driven narrative that carefully invokes particular classic comic styles and tropes in a package that revolutionizes the genre like the Watchmen. Instead, it's a high-energy, loosely plotted bunch of violent, gory, madcap adventures filled with a bizarre sense of whimsy.

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"Re(2):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Tue 13 Sep 01:10post reply

I've been reading The Amazing Screw-on Head pretty much every day since I got it. It's not much of a read in terms of overall content, but it's one of the few books I've been inspired to read over and over again.

HOLY CRAP, how have I ever missed this?

Wow, that was pretty much an instant buy for me.

My taste is not for everyone when it comes to graphic novels/comics, but that won't stop me from suggesting Top Ten, which I found to be well written and to not particularly rely on cliche as comics often do. Go for the first two books; you may want to avoid the temptation of the second two, which I didn't enjoy as much. Think 'interdimensional police drama'.

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"Re(1):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Tue 13 Sep 06:22post reply

Requiem Chevalier Vampire

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Tue 13 Sep 08:36post reply

Oh, I forgot about the Umbrella Academy. The art was just barely tolerable for me, but I liked the story.

Hey Polly, have you seen this?

I did! But long before I realized what I was watching. I can't believe I forgot about it, so thanks for the reminder!

It's pretty impressive how well they were able to emulate the art style, but there's something about the voice acting that bugs me...and the more material they added, the less amusing I found it. Though, if I had to make that much material from an incredibly short story that just barely made sense, I don't know if I could do any better.

On a side note, one of my favorite things about the original is that Emperor Zombie's girlfriend hardly spoke at all, and always fled immediately at the first sign of danger.

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"Re(2):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Tue 13 Sep 10:18post reply

Speaking of which: Wanted. Great comic, "meh" movie.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (there was a movie, but you can safely ignore that)

Any of the Sin City graphic novels.
Stray Bullets.
100 Bullets.

Cannot think of anything else right now.

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"Re(3):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Tue 13 Sep 17:55post reply

My taste is not for everyone when it comes to graphic novels/comics, but that won't stop me from suggesting Top Ten, which I found to be well written and to not particularly rely on cliche as comics often do. Go for the first two books; you may want to avoid the temptation of the second two, which I didn't enjoy as much. Think 'interdimensional police drama'.

The first 2 books are written by Alan Moore, after that some other writer takes over and it probably shows, as Moore shoes are pretty much the biggest to filin the comics business.
The interdimensional factor isn't as big a deal in the comic though - it's more along the lines of a police procedural in a city where everyone's some kind of superhero archtype, and it all evens out in a "if everyone's special, no one is", so the issues the characters coe across are pretty down-to-Earth with a twist - for a couple of background examples, a guy with laser vision works as a cook, and a group of time travellers run a delivery service.

There's also the Smax mini-series, which follows a couple of Top Ten characters to a fantasy setting and plays with that genre to good effect.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(2):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Tue 13 Sep 18:10post reply

I'd personally recommend the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Also Batman Arkham Asylum (great artwork from Dave McKean), Neverwhere, Hellboy and Quebrada.
Yes, I love Vertigo.

Just a Person
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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Thu 15 Sep 00:39post reply

Marvel recently has been releasing Noir recreations of their characters (usually in 4-issue miniseries), and from what I know, most of these miniseries have been collected in TPB or HC editions (so that you don't have to search for issue 2 or 3). I just read Spider-Man Noir and X-Men Noir so far, but both have been great reads.

And the best thing is: not only you don't need to know anything about the chronology of the original versions of these characters (i.e., you can read Spider-Man Noir without knowing anything about regular Spider-Man), but they are also not connected; that is, you don't need to read Punisher Noir in order to understand Daredevil Noir or vice-versa for instance, each miniseries is a separate tale, except for Weapon X Noir (sequel of Deadpool Pulp), Spider-Man Noir: Eyes Without A Face (sequel of Spider-Man Noir) and X-Men Noir: Mark Of Cain (sequel of X-Men Noir).


Other suggestion, but this one would be harder to get, is the trilogy of MSP 50 books in Brazil. Each of these books gather 50 different Brazilian artists (from comic strips to super-hero comics, manga-like comics, etc.) creating stories using the characters from Brazilian comics writer Mauricio de Sousa (I don't know if you have heard of him, but he's really huge in Brazil - and I know he's pretty popular in many other countries as well). Because of this variety of backgrounds for each artist in these books, you get very different kinds of story in each book, and in my opinion, all of them turned out to be excellent.

Lots of great artists have participated of these projects, like Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá (Casanova), Mike Deodato (Dark Avengers), Erica Awano (Holy Avenger), Ziraldo (O Pasquim), Luke Ross (Captain America), Ed Benes (Birds of Prey), among several others.

As I said, there are three of these books: MSP 50 - Mauricio de Sousa por 50 Artistas; MSP +50 - Mauricio de Sousa por Mais 50 Artistas; and MSP Novos 50 - Mauricio de Sousa por Novos 50 Artistas.

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"Re(1):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Tue 20 Sep 11:52post reply


Just a Person
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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Wed 21 Sep 06:05post reply

I just remembered another really good graphic novel. It was a book named "Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron", by Daniel Clowes. The whole story is very bizarre, and at first it may scare you, but eventually you will probably be curious to find out how it goes on, will read it again and most likely enjoy it.

Well, at least I enjoyed it in the end.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Comic/Graphic Novel recommendations" , posted Sat 26 May 03:52post reply

Look for Dorohedoro. It's about people that wear masks and cast insane spells. Streets are littered with blood, carnage, and mushrooms. It's a good read.