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sfried 726th Post

PSN: My3DSFriendCode XBL: isdownbellow Wii: 279306128909
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Skyward Sword: Most non-traditional 3D Zelda?" , posted Mon 21 Nov 12:19    
After sinking about four hours of gameplay into it, I feel this is a huge departure. Whether it's good or bad is something I can't say at the moment. What I can say is that despite certain aspects of progression that might adhere to the formula, it doesn't feel like any other Zelda game I've played. And that included Majora's Mask.
For one, there's immediately a lot to take in: Apart from the Motion+ controls, there's a new Stamina system to take into account for both movement and combat (spin attack now takes 1/3 of Stamina), the Shield meter (shows how much damage your shield can take before it breaks), and then a forging system for weapons and items. Then there's the limited number of quest items you can take with you (which means Link can no longer carry a boatload of crap) to the point they even have a storage system a la Monster Hunter. It's like its trying to be maximalist in its list of customization, which is a little wierd considering the progression
I played a couple of hours of it and I've only beat the first dungeon, and I feel like this game picked up a lot of Okami-isms, particularly with regards to the focus on plot. So far it has been a somewhat guided experience. People concerned about the slow start and empty world that Twilight Princess had shouldn't, because it really doesn't take long before you're off on your bird skydiving into holes in the clouds. You also get most needed items fairly early: You already have a bottle once you jump out of Skyloft (the island hub) and I already have the Slingshot and the Beetle from where I stopped.
Still, I'm very hesitant to put a finger on this game yet as I feel I've barely scratched the surface.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - I also like the fact that most of the posted sign captions can be read by just trying to approach it. That, and Ghirahim punishing me for being too PREDICTABOO.
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Maese 663th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(4):Skyward Sword: Most non-traditional 3D" , posted Wed 23 Nov 00:14    
Hey, I'm glad to see a Zelda thread around here that has not been started by me!
quote: Speaking of which, this Zelda...HNNNNGGGGHHH~!
Welcome to the club, my friend! This time you can't help but actually caring about saving her from evil clutches. In fact, the thing that has impressed me most on this Skyward Sword is the emphasis on the characters and the storytelling. You can see there a level of love and care that only Nintendo can give.
I must say this game has made me regain my faith and love for the franchise after the quite dissapointing Twilight Princess and DS entries. It is not the 10/10 masterpiece some people claim it to be, sure, and I don't see it being a true ground-breaking, epoch making gaming experience as some of its forefathers were... but this Skyward Sword is a very solid game and a pretty good Zelda nonetheless.
Gotta love that colorful and joyful graphic style. And the music score has some of the most impressive tracks on the whole Zelda history as well.
I've spent a lot of time with this baby and I must say I've enjoyed every single moment (in fact this is the first Wii game, or current generation's game for what's worth, that I play thoroughly to the end). Some parts are better than others, but there are a handful of genuinely great moments on it. Certain scenes and boss battles went directly to my personal Top 10 of awesomest experiences ever playing a videogame. Special mention to the battle against the multi-armed sword-wielding giant robot and the breathtaking duel with the final boss. The stuff of legends indeed!
GekigangerV 1730th Post

PSN: gekijmo XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(2):Re(10):Skyward Sword: Most non-traditio" , posted Wed 11 Jan 03:24    
I beat the game a week ago, but haven't had anytime to get my thoughts together.
I really enjoyed the game. I don't see why some people seem to have some problems with the motion controls. I thought they were great. It made it seem like almost every encounter in the game was a puzzle in itself. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my save time was at 37 and a half hours and I didn't save after the boss so that I could finish up the gratitude crystal stuff.
Just some random thoughts I will spoiler tag just in case
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I took a week or so break when the trials started because I initially wasn't a fan of the back tracking and for some reason I really dislike game sections where I am being actively chased(it kind of creeps me out), but I was able to do all of them with no hassle.
Speaking of the backtracking, they really did a good job of making sure that each time you went back to one of the places it was a bit different.
Dungeons were fairly ok, not too memorable to be honest except for the ones involving time stones. I was really impressed with the way it was implemented in the sandship and using the bow to switch it back and forth. I also liked the concept of the final dungeon, it appeared to be a little homage to the original LoZ blocked dungeon design.
Boss fights were really great in this game for the most part. For the most part it was easy enough to identify the weakness and how to use the new item to defeat the boss, but it was implemented so well. I was only disappointed in the last two fights.
Demise was very easy for me and the ending seemed rather abrupt. The final form of Ghirahim was also the easiest, but maybe it was because I found the weakness the easiest to exploit. I just watched the seeing stone hints for the first time and was shocked to see how you were supposed to fight him the first two times.
The overworld was OK, I would have liked to have seen Skyloft been continuous with it though so you could dive directly where you wanted to. I also wish that they tried to make a deeper connection between Link and his bird. I don't even remember if it had a name, only that it was special because it was red.
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