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Nekros 418th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(2):SFxT new rumors" , posted Wed 22 Feb 03:53    
quote: Interesting rumors. Not farfetched either. I'm not upset with how the DLC is planned. Just wish the costume packs were cheaper. I'd certainly buy some if they were.
News about SFxT are this collection of mumblings (may be actual fact, have sense), regarding not only the game itself, but also dlc contents and future games by Capcom. What do you think?http://irgt.tumblr.com/post/17735596021/a-present-for-those-who-are-present-interesting
Little update: some rumors are confirmed, some proves to be wrong. The Vita version of SFxT will be released in fall 2012 but will have 12 addictional characters (I presum the console versions will get these as dlc: Lars, Alisa, Brian, Christie, Lei, Jack, Cody, Guy, Elena, Dudley, Sakura and Blanka). Funny that Ono hates Karin so much and love SF2 chars as hell that paired Sakura with Blanka. I'm so sick of this love for SF2 (forcing to include the entire cast in every game), I'll buy only the set with SF3 chars :P
Grave 1433th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):SFxT new rumors" , posted Wed 22 Feb 05:48    
quote: Why is Alex the new perceived pariah of games? The guy's been in five games, one of which came out after the fighting game resurgence.
Those five games are the SF3 series, Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution and TvC. Hardly what you'd call great mainstream exposure there. Only one of them is available on a current console that has real netplay and real controllers. One of them is arguably the least interesting fighting game Capcom has released since SF1, so there's that too.
A lot of it comes from him supposedly being the main character of the SF3 series - in a way I think he represents them pretty well. When SF3 characters started showing up in SF4 I thought he'd be in for sure. Nope. For SFxT it'd be fun to team him up with Abel. Oh well.
Would I rather see Oro? Definitely. Urien or Q? Maybe. But it seems like Alex is an easier choice. The TvC thing, though - almost there, but not quite MvC3, not UMvC3, not SFxT, not SSF4AE - seems like a really lousy consolation prize. "Oh stop whining, Alex was totally just in a game no one plays on a system no one cares about!"
Regardless, even if SFxT had a good roster I wouldn't be sure about these play systems and it'd still be as ugly as shit. I'm curious to try it out but considering pretty much everyone I wanted to be in it is DLC (if at all) I'm not really in a hurry to spend a dime on it.
Maou 2307th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):SFxT new rumors" , posted Wed 22 Feb 06:42:    
quote: Those five games are the SF3 series, Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution and TvC. Hardly what you'd call great mainstream exposure there.
Actually, that there is probably the very reason you will never see him again. Ironically, his star debut did not make him a star...the very reason we know of Alex is an at-the-time obscure game that got a boost years later when people noticed that third version of said game was hot. If a mainline SF game, III, was not enough exposure to make Alex (or the series for that matter) famous, nothing is.
Like, the joke is that we remember Alex because of Third Strike, at which time Capcom had long since realized Alex was no star at all. Alex is "supporting cast" in 3S to The Most Beautiful Version of Chun-Li Ever Made as well as a bunch of other folks. Sorry, Alex.
Besides, Q is the true hero of SF III all Capcom games the world.
...not that I have anti-star prejudice. I still bet I'm the only person on this board who's ever masqueraded as a Justice Gakuen character one time.
[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 22 Feb 06:46] |
karasu99 850th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(9):SFxT new rumors AND MORE" , posted Wed 22 Feb 07:34    
quote: Alex woes
It's not that I don't sympathize, but there are plenty of characters we'd all love to see return, but I think popularity ultimately wins out. Plus the game we're talking about is Street Fighter X Tekken, and if you think for a second that people wouldn't shriek even louder if, say, Chun Li didn't make the cut since somebody wanted Alex in, well...
To be fair there are some decent oddities in SFxT already, like Hugo and Poison (my future team of choice, I'm sure). I'd love to see more weird choices (mainly Haggar, since they very nearly have his model SFxT-ready) but I guess I've made my peace with Capcom's inclusion practices. It's still better than trying to sell me BlazBlue with one more character, the DLC characters I already paid something like $21 for, and some balance adjustments for $40!
On a lighter note, looks like the Persona 4 fighter is coming to the US!
sibarraz 362th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "VF5: FS Details" , posted Fri 2 Mar 00:59    
Well, I heard that actually, there are only 700 items, Just for El Blaze Samba de Amigo Custome I will buy it
Online Mode Up to 8 players, spectator mode included. Traditional options for room size, region, as well as to allow playable Dural
Customizable Costumes Because VF5FS is close to the maximum size allowed for DLC games, all items other than the defaults are not included in the game and are sold as DLC. Items will be sold separately and in packs.
Training Options for throw escapes, evades, rising attacks/speed and struggle from guard breaks.
Replays You can save offline AND online matches. Frame data, etc. will be included.
License Mode Tons of challenges as you fight the CPU. There's stuff like "all moves can be canceled", "half weight gravity" and "opponent health doubled", etc. Clear a challenge and get a special license.
Button Configuration You can set up the controller at the character select screen, and there's also a "button check" option too so you can check to make sure your buttons are properly configured and working!
Well, the bad news is that you must download the items if you want to see your opponent characters as blazblue designs, I hope to see a compatibility pack like the one that SF IV has
Overall, I think that SEGA made this port just to teach everyone how a fighting game must be done for a console
karasu99 863th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):Re(10):VF on Japanese PSN" , posted Fri 2 Mar 01:18    
quote: First off, I must thank the Professor for the updates to the updates to the main page. Seeing new info on MMCafe is always a thrill.
Seconded! Thanks Professor!
Second, the release plans for VF5:FS continue to roll along.
I'm pretty excited about this, actually. Inexplicably, despite years of playing 2D fighters and generally stinking at them competitively, I'm really pretty decent at the one game I hardly played during its early years because (and I quote) "it's boring looking". I can't really explain my strange love for Virtua Fighter! I don't even mind the DLC for once. And it's nice that when playing matches against the computer it actually customizes characters' looks, so that I can play against Akira with cornrows, a huge beard, and sparkles around him. Or something like that.
Oh, also, Taka-arashi is back, which counts for a lot!
Loona 526th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "VF in DoA?" , posted Tue 6 Mar 00:45    
Kasumi vs Akira - I don't know what's stealing the show the most: Akira sounding all loud and badass (VF guys usually feel so muted and wooden, Akira moreso), Kasumi's teleporting shenanigans, the stage or the crossover itself.
Also, Tekken's Facebook is running a poll on character for TxSF, which isn't ment to be binding, but it's surprising for the inclusion of SF1 character, Go Hibiki, Captain Sawada and even Tetsujin: current results - no Haggar though :( but Alex is doing well, and I'm most curious to see how Tekken would handle Oro (or better yet, Dhalsim).
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Ishmael 4329th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):VF in DoA?" , posted Tue 6 Mar 02:59    
quote: Kasumi vs Akira - I don't know what's stealing the show the most: Akira sounding all loud and badass (VF guys usually feel so muted and wooden, Akira moreso), Kasumi's teleporting shenanigans, the stage or the crossover itself.
I like how their clothes were getting muddy as the fight went on. It reminds me of how your character could get affected by the environment in MK9 without being as over the top.
quote: Also, Tekken's Facebook is running a poll on character for TxSF, which isn't ment to be binding, but it's surprising for the inclusion of SF1 character, Go Hibiki, Captain Sawada and even Tetsujin: current results - no Haggar though :( but Alex is doing well, and I'm most curious to see how Tekken would handle Oro (or better yet, Dhalsim).
Sawada is due for a comeback. Will he have a chance to return to the roster in the same way that Todoh did in CvS2? Probably not. But Oro would be a fun choice. How would a character who refuses to use one arm play in a game where each limb is mapped to a button?
Loona 528th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(2):VF in DoA?" , posted Tue 6 Mar 03:30    
quote: I guess you're not a fighting game unless you have some type of crossover.
Considering in this case both series share some hardware history (and some control-related algorithms, though I'm less sure about that one) and some control similarities, this can work well. And even in VF isn't in the public eye as much as Tekken, it does has a feel or respectability to it that would fit well with the less jiggly image Team Ninja is trying to bring to the franchise - I'm all for it, and at least visually it's working better than expected.
quote: Anyway, I feel like Kage would have worked much better than Akira (Maybe he's also in it) since he's a ninja and DOA & Team Ninja is all about ninjas.
People might end up getting him confused with Hayabusa - now Vanessa breaking some DoA faces, that's something that would really stand apart from the series' usual cast.
Still no idea if this will stop at Akira though, but if this game is making it to the PS3, I may just reward it for its renewed direction with my money, though I hope there's an option to tone down the stage and camera movement, it could get a bit distracting for the more competitive folk.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
sibarraz 368th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(5):VF in DoA?" , posted Wed 7 Mar 01:26    
quote: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We just want to see character X from company Y vs character A from company B and get hyped. BADASS.
When I look at the current fighting games I don't see them being any better than the ones made ten years ago*. So I guess it's all just fanservice now.
Do we really need to settle for that? I guess we do, because the majority of people prefer buying new things over playing games that are actually good. But I'm not mad at the companies who are making money. I just think that people who want to get hyped are fucking idiots. (maybe we could create a new topic about this if people want to discuss about the current trends)
*I've only played the demo of XIII, though.
It depends, at the moment doa 5 looks way better than doa 4, arguably there are lots of people who enjoy kof xiii and find it better than at least 2002, which also, has a way better version on 2002um
VF FS looks awesome, same with persona, and the list goes and goes
At least I can't find today games being bad or something, maybe are not as good as old games or maybe people need to get rid of the nostalgia glasses, but overall, I find the current build up of games fine
Loona 529th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(6):VF in DoA?" , posted Wed 7 Mar 02:18    
quote: I would say it's half/half? The problem is, fans tend to react poorly to change. I think that the fighting game genre needs a huge game changer, but everyone is pretty much afraid to do that.
On that front, Capcom at least may have already spent its ideas on SFxT - they knew that thing would sell regardless, so they felt free to be as experimental as they could, and reactions were all over the place...
I personally am enjoying some of the new fighting games that are out, but I still yearn for something more... creative.
On what front? Games that deviate from the usual formulas to varying degrees (from DoA to SSB, for example) get dismissed so readily by recurring consumers of the genre the it makes it risky to trysomething too different. I'd rather fancy, say, a way to customize a character moveset (think God Hand or Dissidia), but balancing that would be way too much trouble when you consider the relatively small game changer gems were supposed and how people reacted to it (seems to be calmnig down though), especially when taking into account tournament potential.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Just a Person 1515th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(5):VF in DoA? + a "killer" announcement" , posted Wed 7 Mar 23:25:    
Wow, it looks cool! Akira wouldn't be a character I'd choose to feature in Dead or Alive, personally (I guess Bare Knuckle's Axel and Blaze would fit better - thinking about it, I wouldn't complain if these two were inserted in the next Virtua Fighter game duly adapted to fit in this series, kinda like Tecmo did with Hayabusa in DoA), but this video makes it look like he fits nicely into the game.
BTW, I know most gamers don't like DoA as much as Tekken or Virtua Fighter, but I must confess I find it very entertaining. And not because of the "jiggly physics"; it's just somehow relaxing, easier to play (plus the beautiful graphics; DoA may not even have the best graphics out there, but somehow Team Ninja just makes it look beautiful).
quote: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We just want to see character X from company Y vs character A from company B and get hyped. BADASS.
When I look at the current fighting games I don't see them being any better than the ones made ten years ago*. So I guess it's all just fanservice now.
Do we really need to settle for that? I guess we do, because the majority of people prefer buying new things over playing games that are actually good. But I'm not mad at the companies who are making money. I just think that people who want to get hyped are fucking idiots. (maybe we could create a new topic about this if people want to discuss about the current trends)
*I've only played the demo of XIII, though.
Well, hype IS a big part of the entertainment industry (in which videogames are included), so it shouldn't be a surprise that a company will try to hype every new product it has to offer.
That said, I wouldn't say quality is being ignored by fighting game players. Hype tends to die shortly after the game is released; by then, the only thing that will make players stick to a game is its quality.
Changing subject, apparently by the end of March the next Official Xbox Magazine will reveal "a killer sequel". Could this be a certain fighting game series which had "killer" in its name and which hasn't had a new game in over a decade?
I hope so! And if it's indeed getting a sequel, I hope the gameplay and music in it are as good as the ones in the previous two games (and that it doesn't follow the Mortal Kombat route concerning depictions of violence).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Wed 7 Mar 23:34] |
karasu99 869th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):SF x Tekken" , posted Thu 8 Mar 02:36    
quote: Has anyone picked this up yet? I'm hearing the online sound bug is really bad
Tier chart maker is up.
I played a bit last night and found it to be very SFIV-ish in look and in gameplay. I'm surprised at how good of a job they did making the Tekken characters play like they're in a Street Fighter game! The animations and effects are nicely done, and the backgrounds look great, with good cameos and detail.
Prior to the game's release I studiously avoided the outrageous amounts of gameplay footage out there so that I would be a little bit surprised at how different characters play (And speaking of which, wow, this game was promoted more than any recent fighter I can recall-- even more so that MvC3, I think. Plus it was like Capcom distributed 10,000 copies of it weeks ago, so that it could be completely delineated on 'actual' release. Crazy!). Hugo feels a lot like his SFIII self to me, but I'm really no expert. Poison plays exactly like I thought she would-- lots of Final Fight looking moves and such. Also, her 'color 2' is Roxy! One thing that I'm puzzled by is that Pacman and Megaman appear to be locked to start with, and from what I read, they'll be unlocked by free DLC next week. I can't figure out why that would be. Toro and Kuro remind me of playing as Kobun in MvC2.
Pollyanna 3203th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):SF x Tekken" , posted Thu 8 Mar 04:35:    
quote: Has anyone picked this up yet? I'm hearing the online sound bug is really bad
I had heard about the sound glitch before I played, but I didn't expect to get it every single round. Actually, I didn't have a single decent fight, even with the "best" connections. Maybe it was just luck of the draw, but what I experienced was dramatically worse than SF4 or MVC3. The general inability to do anything properly resulted in time overs every single match in my case and with the people I was watching as well. I wish there was something I could try to figure out what's wrong.
I like the game itself, though. It's accessible without being shallow and the combo system is very intuitive. You still have your crazy links like SF3/4, but even if you haven't practiced for hours, you can guess that any character will have a chain->EX move wall bounce->juggle.
I'm delighted by the wealth of attacks that many of the Tekken characters have. As of yet, I don't play a single SF character. Having a fighter with so many completely new play styles is really nice and a lot of the Tekken characters are "my type".
The game feels a bit like a mix of SF and KOF to me. Maybe it's the "weight" of the characters being lower than SF and the speed being a bit higher. The flow of attacks feels more "KOF-ish" to me, too. Still, since you can't roll, run or hop, projectiles and anti-airs are still effective.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Thu 8 Mar 04:38] |
Nekros 420th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(7):SF x Tekken" , posted Sat 10 Mar 22:43:    
Got the game early this week, but started playing seriously today. I really like it, for now. Gameplay flows well, not sluggish as SF nor bouncy like Tekken. It reminds me a lot the late 90s Capcom games, has bits of Justice Gakuen (crazy tags), Darkstalkers (chains) and Marvel Super Heroes (improved Gem system). Even the music is more retro-oriented than the usual (SFIV has very good remixes, but most tunes have a "modern" vibe), making most of the game a reminder of the golden era and a new product as well. Is clevery done, imho! I like how the Tekken characters are integrated in the gameplay and I love the graphic style on those characters, it's not "theirs" but fits them a lot in the same way. The game is very accessible and fun to play, is not immediate but you will get comfortable with it as soon as you play the training session, and familiarizing with mechanics and frames is very natural and not requires much study (at least at average levels). Single player mode have poor content but is long enough to keep you busy while learning (benkyo! mode) while online is challenging and fun as SSFIV's. I dind't find any major flaw till now, there are some roster choice I don't dig and I find Pandora Mode absolutely useless (but probably is just me that don't get to use it properly) but to me SFxT is a great game and one of the best fighters this generation.
Side note: not like so much the extra characters on PS3. The cats are fun to watch and have a very silly theme song but they're weak with a stamina that must be of Gouki's Grandma and are a pain to play online, even just for fun matches (even if the victory quotes of the characters fighting the cats are hylarious!). Cole is good to watch but not much interesting to play, is a zoning character on defence and a juggler character on attack. Quite strange, but have played him few times, maybe I had the wrong impression.
[this message was edited by Nekros on Sat 10 Mar 22:45] |
Pollyanna 3208th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Doll or Alive" , posted Sun 18 Mar 03:28    
I'll save my "you can't appreciate real beauty!" Hitomi rant after all the other characters have been revealed if people are complaining about less boob and more interesting faces (okay, okay, she's funny looking, but I love her). I hope we have one or two characters with super boobs (instead of everyone), but...
quote: Not very much bouncing, either, for better or for worse (probably worse).
The breast animation is the cheapest variety, with just sort of...wobbly clothing. I'm grateful for something more subtle than the previous games, but I'd like something more realistic, too. Here's hoping this gets improved upon. They could learn a lesson from SCV, where breasts of varying sizes are all represented fairly well in and out of motion.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Nekros 436th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Ono takes a break as SF producer" , posted Thu 12 Apr 01:16    
quote: There's also some artwork of the Vita/DLC character - is that Yun's sillouette?
Don't get too excited, the background is the same as a stage in-game that also features Yun, Yang and their girlfriends. I think it's a mere reference and nothing all. However, is rumored that SFxT will have more dlc coming after the Vita version, including a new set of costumes and alternate version of stages (similar to MvC3 --> UMvC3). But is also stated some time ago that MAYBE (take this as not true, please) there will be more characters coming (hinted at 2 packs: one with FeiLong, Alex, Leo and Lee and another with E.Honda, Karin, Jaycee and Dragunov, plus a rumored boss pack with Gill and Jun Kazama).
Nekros 446th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(1):Ono isn't really taking break as SF pro" , posted Fri 13 Apr 16:47:    
quote: I keep seeing this quoted and it's kind of irritating, but according to my friend Ono was chilling out in Rome at Capcom's Captivate last week and he was never really "stepping back" more than taking a few days off.
Apparently a poor translation is partially to blame here. I'm kind of surprised nobody else here mentioned this yet, but yeah, he appears to be doing fine at the moment.
I did know he was in Rome and apparently fine. SFxT is a game he produced so if he can support it in any way he's in charge to do it, because he's, well, the producer. It's uncertain if Ono will take this role in future games, I don't think Capcom would fire him. I personally think he's better than Inafune (that actually did NOTHING) while handling the fighting franchises. The thing I'm a bit puzzled is how we didn't know the reason why he was hospitalized. I'm in the health branch, and in similar cases where no info is shared is often a result of greater problems than just stress or fatigue. I mean, if it was really nothing serious, everyone should have known, for sure. And was Ono himself that tweeted that leaves the main stage for a while and the producer of SFxT Vita is now Tomoaki Ayano as seen at Captivate.
[this message was edited by Nekros on Fri 13 Apr 21:52] |