Songs that "inspired" videogame soundtracks - Forums

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"Songs that "inspired" videogame soundtracks" , posted Sat 10 Mar 23:15post reply

I thought it would be nice to gather all the songs from videogame soundtracks that were stolen/taken/etc from somewhere else under one thread.

I'll start off with a new find that had been bothering me for YEARS.

"Loose!" by Prince from the album Come VS "Chicago" by Yoshie Arakawa from Tekken

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"Re(1):Songs that" , posted Sun 11 Mar 02:39post reply

I always thought that the chords in this part of this Castlevania song sounded like the notes Michael Jackson sings at the start of the chorus of Thriller.

2320th Post

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"Re(2):Songs that" , posted Sun 11 Mar 02:57:post reply

Even though I thought Wild Arms was lame and derivative of FF VI, Estpolis/Lufia, and Lunar 2, I always loved the "Wayfarer of the Wilderness" map theme. But then, I realized that composer Naruke Michiko's love for American Wild West music was a little too obvious a tribute: Ennio Morricone's stirring "Ecstasy of Gold" from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (further clue: the Japanese title of another Sergio Leone movie, A Fistful of Dollars, is "Yojimbo of the Wilderness").


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 11 Mar 04:47]

1359th Post

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""Inspired"" , posted Sun 11 Mar 04:17:post reply

I have never seen The Rock (sad, I know), but apparently the MGS2 Theme even uses the same instruments!

Oh and this is an awesome orchestral version of the MGS2 theme, I just discovered it and had to share!

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[this message was edited by KTallguy on Sun 11 Mar 04:18]

421th Post

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"Re(1):" , posted Sun 11 Mar 05:13post reply

The aria of Children by Robert Smiles was actually used by SNK in the Rock Howard theme from MOTW.

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"Re(2):" , posted Sun 11 Mar 06:28post reply

The aria of Children by Robert Smiles was actually used by SNK in the Rock Howard theme from MOTW.

Oh yeah! I realized that only a few months ago when someone else pointed it out... I was pretty impressed at how almost all of it was note for note :)

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"Re(2):" , posted Sun 11 Mar 06:33post reply

Now whenever I see Elton John, I think of Mega Man, and vice-versa.

Even though I thought Wild Arms was lame and derivative of FF VI, Estpolis/Lufia, and Lunar 2, I always loved the "Wayfarer of the Wilderness" map theme. But then, I realized that composer Naruke Michiko's love for American Wild West music was a little too obvious a tribute: Ennio Morricone's stirring "Ecstasy of Gold" from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

When I made that realization myself, I stopped listening to the Wild Arms soundtrack and started listening to more Morricone. She has a few songs that are like that on the soundtrack, but I'm not complaining. It's a little "dirty" and I'd rather listen to the real thing, but when I'm playing the game a good soundtrack is a good soundtrack.

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"Re(1):" , posted Sun 11 Mar 13:37:post reply

I have never seen The Rock (sad, I know), but apparently the MGS2 Theme even uses the same instruments!

It's funny you should mention this, since they're both by the same composer. This interview may shed some light on that.

Oddly enough, IMDB only credits Hans Zimmer as The Rock's composer, but the soundtrack itself states otherwise.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sun 11 Mar 13:55]

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"Re(2):" , posted Sun 11 Mar 14:47post reply

The aria of Children by Robert Smiles was actually used by SNK in the Rock Howard theme from MOTW.

I Was going to post this as well, it is easily spotted.

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"Re(1):" , posted Sun 11 Mar 16:48:post reply

I have never seen The Rock (sad, I know), but apparently the MGS2 Theme even uses the same instruments!

Oh and this is an awesome orchestral version of the MGS2 theme, I just discovered it and had to share!

If you think that's a comparison, you should check this out

Everyone should know Blue Water Blue Sky (Guilty Gear X May's theme) was based on this

I forgot to mention that you should first listen to this
Then this

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sun 11 Mar 16:54]

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"Re(2):" , posted Mon 12 Mar 01:30post reply

I will always love the '94 Ikari theme, no matter how obviously it bites this.

I remember pre-MGS2 hype touting the fact that they acquired the composer of The Rock.