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karasu99 876th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Random New Thread: Mass Ninja Effect Gaiden" , posted Tue 20 Mar 17:14    
I thought I would take the initiative and move the last random thread on to the afterlife and start a new one, since on whatever the speed of the connection I'm on right now wants to take 5 full minutes to load the old thread.
quote: Karasu...I think you want to play ME2. ME2 is really, honestly one of the best games I've ever played. I have a top 10 list that shuffles, but this one is always very high on it. I have a few nitpicks about the game, but none of them spoil the experience. As a quick note, my favorite thing about the game is that it ends with a "we may not make it out of this alive" mission where every party member has a chance to die and through your actions, every party member also has a chance to live.
So just to be certain, you're telling me that ME1 isn't really needed to play ME2, right? Or should I just try it anyway, since it provides some background? Based on your glowing recommendation, I think I'll try it, especially since it can be had for super cheap (always a plus). Then again, ME1 is also super cheap. The drawback is that it looks like X360-only, which for some reason is a turnoff (non sure why).
All of these things definitely make me interested in the series. Thinking back, I'm not exactly sure what it was that made me not want to play these games-- maybe it was the bro-types at my former work who talked about nothing but it (and were fake-sick to stay at home and play it) while I was trying to get anyone at all there to listen to me about why Bayonetta was the best game I had played in ages (I can kind of remember the distant look of confusion in their faces after they watched some videos of it). I think that all happened around the time Mass Effect 1 came out. Thanks for the rant! On a side note, I appreciate your writing on topics like these, so please don't ever hesitate to rant.
So, that's 5 games now that I've somehow talked myself into buying! On a side note I happen to be in Europe now, right at the time that Saint Seiya Sanctuary Battle is being released here, with full English translation. It's tempting since it always looked strangely appealing to me, but I'm turned off by the price, which seems to be around $80US at the ludicrous exchange rate I'm experiencing right now-- odd, since I think I could get it from someplace like NCS for $65US including shipping. Has anyone actually played it? I don't seem to recall anyone talking about it except maybe the demo, but I'm curious if it's any good. I've also been trying to decide if there are any other European exclusive (or in-English versions of games that were never released in the US) releases I should look for that I might have forgotten about.
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Ishmael 4346th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Random New Thread: Mass Ninja Effect Ga" , posted Wed 21 Mar 00:51    
Wow, NG3 is getting withering reviews.
quote: That reminds me, though, I'm not pleased at how they introduces a male/male romance option. I appreciate that they didn't randomly turn a character gay, but I wish that Shepard had the option to feel more gay as a lifestyle choice rather than an option with one guy. What I mean is that female Shepard can flirt with girls outside of romance options. I don't want to see Garrus turn gay, but I would love it if male Shepard could hit on him. There could be all sorts of responses :"I like you man, but not like that", "I can hardly tell human males from females, but I know you're not my type" or "I got really drunk one time and kissed a dude, but I'm not going down that path again". I understand that the gay options are probably just made by men who want to see girl on girl and women who want to see guy on guy, so the argument is kind of irrelevant. Still, I really enjoyed the feeling that female Shepard was the biggest pimp in the galaxy, regardless of the gender of who she was hitting on.
Is this the first male/male romance option in ME? If so, that's sort of surprising since that option has been in other Bioware games since at least Jade Empire. Actually, being able to hit on anything that moved was a big part of Jade Empire's charm. Being heroic while also being a shameless flirt helped liven that game up.
Part of me enjoys having Shepard occasionally strut around like she's the love child of James T. Kirk and Jack Harkness. However, that extracurricular activity also opens up my biggest irrational worry when playing the ME game- the fear that the wrong person is going to fall in love with me. While I enjoy the ego boost from chatting up people I don't want someone to fall madly for me just because I paid them a complement. I wish there was a "Hey now, this isn't going to get weird, is it?" option on the conversation wheel.
Pollyanna 3211th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Random New Thread: Mass Ninja Effect Ga" , posted Wed 21 Mar 02:17    
I don't know why I never have the guts(?) to start a new thread myself, but I'm always grateful.
quote: So just to be certain, you're telling me that ME1 isn't really needed to play ME2, right?
ME1 is not necessary for enjoying ME2, no. The PS3 version has a sort of comic book thing at the beginning that summarizes it as well, I believe. Normally, I wouldn't recommend ME on PS3 specifically, but if you haven't played the PC or 360 version, you won't notice the difference.
I don't have anything against ME1, but most people I know started with ME2 (and were fine) and it's hard to recommend a trilogy of RPGs to someone who isn't bedridden for a month.
quote: bro-types
The cure for bro-ism in Mass Effect is to use female Shepard. Even if she's the less-used Shepard by a mile people who pick her swear by her. She's my favorite character in the game.
Speaking of which, holy crap some of the new character customization options treat her well in ME3. She looks totally amazing. I'm enthralled whenever I see her face.
quote: So, that's 5 games now that I've somehow talked myself into buying!
I think I've bought 9 games in the past month. Ridiculous. No regrets, though! I haven't gotten around to Tales of Innocence R yet, but I might be happier if Gravity Daze just went on forever. I'll probably buy the game again when it comes out in the US just to make DLC purchasing easier. Also, I feel strangely compelled to buy the game multiple times.
quote: Wow, NG3 is getting withering reviews.
My concerns about the game have been confirmed and although I'm disappointed, I'm also grateful to not have another game to play right now. I'm sure the game isn't terrible, but I still wonder what they were thinking. I'm curious about Vs mode, though.
Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to pass, since normally when a game I'm interested in gets a bad review, I say "Oh, so it's as bad as God Hand?"
quote: However, that extracurricular activity also opens up my biggest irrational worry when playing the ME game- the fear that the wrong person is going to fall in love with me.
I think that's why I enjoyed the fact that you had to take the offensive a little more with Garrus. Flirting with Tali even though you knew it wasn't going anywhere was fun too.
Bioware overdoes it sometimes with "romance". In Old Republic, I was going to like, have tea with some guy and we immediately knocked the tea on the ground and started making out like crazy. That is NOT what I had in mind.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
karasu99 878th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Random New Thread: Mass Ninja Effect Ga" , posted Wed 21 Mar 18:51    
quote: I don't have anything against ME1, but most people I know started with ME2 (and were fine) and it's hard to recommend a trilogy of RPGs to someone who isn't bedridden for a month.
Makes sense, and it's something of a relief to need one less game. I'll probably get the X360 version of ME2 anyway, since that seems like it was the 'primary' console.
quote: I think I've bought 9 games in the past month. Ridiculous. No regrets, though! I haven't gotten around to Tales of Innocence R yet, but I might be happier if Gravity Daze just went on forever. I'll probably buy the game again when it comes out in the US just to make DLC purchasing easier. Also, I feel strangely compelled to buy the game multiple times.
My problem is that I often jump my own queue and play a game that I've bought after two or three others, and subsequently neglect those two or three others, so I'm really trying to avoid stacking stuff too much. A real problem is that games often become hard to find (or expensive to buy second-hand) not long after they're released, especially if they're not AAA titles.
quote: My concerns about the game have been confirmed and although I'm disappointed, I'm also grateful to not have another game to play right now. I'm sure the game isn't terrible, but I still wonder what they were thinking. I'm curious about Vs mode, though.
It sounds from what I've read that the intent was to be semi-philosophical with the game, but that such intentions didn't cross over into the actual game play-- lots of 'what kind of monster am I', which is a little admirable I guess, but... well, he IS a ninja, after all. Plus, half of the fun of Ninja Gaiden is trying to get through it using different weapons, and everything I've seen indicates that they're holding those back as DLC, and you can pretty much only use the sword and shuriken.
Hey, and how about some actual news in a News Thread? I can't imagine that we didn't all see it coming, but Bayonetta is confirmed in Anarchy Reigns!
Pollyanna 3212th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Random New Thread: Mass Ninja Effect Ga" , posted Thu 22 Mar 00:49    
quote: Did they fix the problem with ME1 models not importing in ME3? I'm so mentally stuck on this that I can't buy the game, and I really hate that I'm stuck on this. I don't even like ME1 that much, but if I have to remake my Shepard from scratch it'll just take me out of the game, which I don't want.
I didn't even know you could import a ME1 save and not an ME2 save. At any rate, I don't believe the problem has been fixed. At least not last time I checked. Of course, I can't tell you how to feel, but the renders and customization options have been changed so that some things don't carry over anyway, and you'd probably be better off making a superior version of your original Shepard anyway.
again, I can't tell you how to enjoy your own game, but I think the more important thing is loading ME2 data so you don't miss out on a bunch of scenes/options.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Pollyanna 3213th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Ass Effect Continuum Shift" , posted Tue 27 Mar 09:35    
quote: However, I've never gotten around to playing through Nier, mainly due to lack of console availability. I vaguely remember Polly mentioning playing it and how incredibly ugly the protagonist of the game is, but I don't recall much else. Are there any interesting parallels that can be drawn? Or are the similarities mostly superficial?
They're both action RPGs with interesting worlds, but otherwise, I never would've thought to compare the two. They're opposites in quite a few (superficial) ways I can think of though. I'll use ME2 as a point of comparison.
ME2 is one of the best looking western games I've played and Nier is one of the ugliest Japanese ones. I will listen to the fantastic Nier soundtrack for years to come, but don't even like the ME2 soundtrack in the game. I couldn't stop playing ME2 until I won it, but I had to force myself to play Nier until I couldn't stand it anymore and quit.
Despite its shortcomings, I don't think anyone will fault Nier for its story, though.
Also, just for the record, I don't mind the protagonist's design (I even like it), but his render is appallingly bad.
quote: The Javik thing is ok but it could've done in a better way, more involving and less broish (). This game could have learned a couple of things from JRpgs like Xenosaga to have a better and original storywriting.
I like the idea that Javik is a dick, so it's like everyone built up Protheans in their minds only to find them kind of disappointing, but the fact that you have to pay extra money for him makes him a disappointment to me, too.
Although the dialogue and world building is top-notch in ME, I don't know if I'll ever see a story as uniquely interesting as Xenosaga again. Too bad the game was so horrible to play. Only Ep 3 was any good.
quote: Yesterday I stumbled upon a local Street Fighter tournament that was being held at a bar.
I hope that your failure to clarify meant that it was a SF1 tournament, where any drunk person who could win the game in one credit would get a million dollars.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Nekros 428th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re: Epic Mickey 90's Continuum Shift" , posted Thu 29 Mar 18:38:    
quote: Double Post!
In Tokyo Jungle you can dress cows up in schoolgirl outfits. I didn't expect this game to make any sense but it has gone above and beyond the call of duty.
This is the most moronic thing you can do with an animal (pet or whatever), it's just so hideous that gives me the creeps...one step under furry-retarded sex scenes. The game is interesting, but only if not limited to a pomeranian gameplay. In any case, it's not a call of duty, so it's more than ok to me.
Regarding ME ost: the electronica tracks are very good (used to listen the map theme in a dark room with only an azure spot of light, or for the better if you have one of that star projectors use it with that song :P) and place in the right mood when encounter alien cultures in space. BUUUUUT is a western game, so it got ruined with all the orchestral pieces, as always try to imitate movie scores and resulting in a lack of personality and uninspiring use of instruments. Seriously, when listened to that "inception horn" I lose any hope that ME3 may have any interesting music to listen to. I have still to use my bonus dlc soundtrack code from LE, and probabily I'll never use it. Why western games can't have a soundtrack that remind you're playing a fxxxing game? This is a trend that is sadly imitated by Jap developers too. If there's something that Japan couldn't go wrong are still the soundtracks...maybe.
Enough with the rant, I'll save it for discussing with you ME3 ending XD Let's see some good stuff: Epic Mickey is a game that basically I won't give a damn...with 3D I stopped playing Disney games because they lost that "touch" that make them cartoonish and interesting in the beginning. The new version of Epic Mickey 2 for 3DS will not be a direct port of the Wii version but a completely new game that will be a follow-up to the 90s Sega games Castle Of Illusion and World Of Illusion. It was blowing: http://www.nintendo-master.com/xtnews/news-30159_details_et_images_pour_epic_mickey__power_of_illusion.htm (yes, it's sprite-based) If only Sonic, Rockman and Mario could have the same treatment ^^'
[this message was edited by Nekros on Thu 29 Mar 18:50] |
Nekros 429th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Re: Epic Mickey 90's Continuum Shift" , posted Fri 30 Mar 17:35    
quote: If Scrooge McDuck is an unlockable character I might have to pick up a 3DS.
Unfortunately not. It will be a mouse/rabbit flick, but Scrooge and other ducks are granted as guest appearences. Every stage is said to be inspired on a Disney animated movie (screens hints at Peter Pan plus Beauty and The Beast, and there are rumors about Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and even Tangled). I would prefer that have inspired to a certain theme (ie: classic cartoon level, Duck Tales level, princesses level, etc.). Hope not to see anything related to Winnie Poo(h) or Nightmare Before Christmas and focus mantained on classic animation or obscure cameos like Oswald.
About 90s games, well... I liked the Illusion series, but my fav was Quackshot: good gameplay, great theme, funny soundtrack...it had all a good game should have. A little flaw here and there but overall a very engagin game. Plus, no save feature, so it were all on players' skill.
Pollyanna 3215th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Re: Epic Mickey 90's Continuum Shift" , posted Sat 31 Mar 08:03    
I feel like I need to say, just like...for the record, that Gravity Daze really is quite possibly the best game ever made. It's like finishing a level in Mario Galaxy or beating a boss in Wander and the Colossus only it's more stylish and cool like... I don't know. Like the first time you played Jet Set Radio and you'd never seen anything else like it. Every time I put the game down I think "this is the best thing I've ever played."
The environments really are beautiful from every angle...and you know, because you see them from every angle. You soar above the trees, squeeze between the alleyways and slide beneath the guts of the city...and every pixel is perfect. Designing a beautiful backdrop is one thing, but creating a living environment that you can explore in 360 degrees that is as lovely as an illustration wherever you go is a monumental accomplishment.
I emphasize 360 degrees, because I feel like this is the first game that's really REALLY 3D. When you tilt the Vita to look in different directions, it feels like you're looking through a window into a tiny world.
The camera controls are surprisingly seamless. I would think that tilting a system to look around or change direction would be an obnoxious novelty, but it's actually mechanically useful as well (of course, fine tuning with the 2nd analog helps, too). Although you can't technically "fly" (rather you choose which direction you "fall" in by playing with gravity), the air-to-air battles are like nothing I've ever experienced before. Somehow, they created something completely new and got it absolutely perfect on the first try. I wouldn't imagine that a game that lets you flip around in every possible direction (so that you don't know up from down anymore) would actually work without being frustrating, but they pulled it off. And I would expect a game that lets you go anywhere to have lots of bad textures and invisible barriers (I'm looking at you Wander and the Colossus), but somehow they avoided that, too.
The comic-style cut scenes look great and the music is beautiful and I love the characters and the trials are surprisingly fun and I could go on and on...but the point is, this game far exceeded my expectations for itself and video games in general. It deserves every award and lots of awards that haven't been made up yet.
I only have one tiny frustration with the game that I can hardly fault it for. The game has shockingly little loading time. Even as you move from one giant, complex city to the next, there is no pause. However, when you load a trial, each time you restart, it has to load again. This is unavoidable and it's the amount of loading time I would expect, but the fact that the rest of the game has pretty much no loading whatsoever makes it a frustration when you're retrying the trials to get gold rank.
quote: Epic Mickey
Although I like the approach, I'm not really impressed with these screenshots. Maybe it'll look better in motion, but as it stands, it doesn't really look as good as the old Sega games that it's being compared to. Again, maybe it moves really well (the Sega games certainly did), but it looks like the 3DS is capable of better than that, despite it not being the strongest system on the market.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
nobinobita 1051th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(6):Re: Epic Mickey 90's Continuum Shift" , posted Sat 31 Mar 09:45    
quote: I feel like I need to say, just like...for the record, that Gravity Daze really is quite possibly the best game ever made. It's like finishing a level in Mario Galaxy or beating a boss in Wander and the Colossus only it's more stylish and cool like... I don't know. Like the first time you played Jet Set Radio and you'd never seen anything else like it. Every time I put the game down I think "this is the best thing I've ever played."
The environments really are beautiful from every angle...and you know, because you see them from every angle. You soar above the trees, squeeze between the alleyways and slide beneath the guts of the city...and every pixel is perfect. Designing a beautiful backdrop is one thing, but creating a living environment that you can explore in 360 degrees that is as lovely as an illustration wherever you go is a monumental accomplishment.
I emphasize 360 degrees, because I feel like this is the first game that's really REALLY 3D. When you tilt the Vita to look in different directions, it feels like you're looking through a window into a tiny world.
The camera controls are surprisingly seamless. I would think that tilting a system to look around or change direction would be an obnoxious novelty, but it's actually mechanically useful as well (of course, fine tuning with the 2nd analog helps, too). Although you can't technically "fly" (rather you choose which direction you "fall" in by playing with gravity), the air-to-air battles are like nothin
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
You sold me. I'm going to get a Vita now.
sfried 764th Post

PSN: My3DSFriendCode XBL: isdownbellow Wii: 279306128909
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(7):Re: Epic Mickey 90's Continuum Shift" , posted Sat 31 Mar 12:55:    
You guys, all I have to say is Kid Icarus Uprising has completely vindicated every 3DS owner out there. This right here is the 3DS killer app. From the first few levels to the final showdown, the game grabs you and won't let go. It's like Sakurai channeled the energies of Hideo Kojima, Suda 51, and Treasure Ltd.
For starters the flight segments are just breathtaking, and they're not all aerial vistas, either! I really don't want to spoil much of the setting the levels take in, but whatever they are they really feel vast, and you can really feel as if your approaching them. The 3D is really just icing on the cake of what's being rendered, you might actually question just how capable the 3DS really is after watching the game in motion. The backgrounds are alive with activity and surprises, and sometimes if stick close to the ground, Pit will actually stop flying and start running through the scenery seamlessly.
The ground segments then give some breather while keeping you at a great pace. Most games these days have tons of backtracking, while in Uprising, the levels constantly push you forwards by sometimes preventing you from going back, which is by no means bad, because you probably would want to get to the nearest hot spring when you can. The combat, for one, is frantic, but deep and varied. It reminds me of the best parts of Kirby Super Star: Your weapons have a neutral, forward, and side attacks, with charged shot variants. It goes well with the pacing I mentioned earlier. That's not to say there isn't any exploration: On the contrary, if you're brave enough to go for certain treasure chests, or crank the difficulty high enough to open certain Intensity Gates within the level, you may actually encounter certain enemy types and acquire certain items you probably wouldn't have the first time through. Replaying any of the Chapters feels so rewarding because of this.
I also have to mention the voice acting this game. After many people claiming travesty to Other M, Uprising's dialogue is a breath of fresh air: It's self-aware humor that embraces the fact that it's a videogame, but unlike No More Heroes, it celebrates the fact that it is a videogame (and not a movie) wholeheartedly. Whoever did the localization should be promoted because this game contains rather witty and well-written scripts for a videogame, and not just by Nintendo standards, mind you. In fact, it feels like a game not made by Nintendo considering the surprising amount of production values and voice work that went over this. Luckily, the rapid-fire dialogue comes at you on the bottom screen, keeping the action uninterrupted. Seriously, this is like a cleaver, real-time implementation of the Codec screen in the Metal Gear games complete with character reaction portraits.
There's also something unique about the artstyle and character animation. I can't quite put a finger on it, but it's something like a Japanese interpretation of Pixar, like the human character animations in the Kingdom Hearts games, which is fitting given the content.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Even a character or two's mannerisms that seems to be ripped straight out of a Dreamworks CG movies. Then again, it could just be incredibly good localization.
End of Spoiler
Not to forget about the soundtrack...My god, never mind the pedigree Sakurai got to score for this game (Motoi Sakuraba, Yuzo Koshiro, Masafumi Takada, Noriyuki Iwadare, & Yasunori Mitsuda): The music itself is memorable, and they're not just all orchestral bombardments, either! This has to be the most varied videogame OST I've seen in a long time, with rock, synth, jazz styles thrown into the mix.
Finally the mutiplayer feels nice and rewarding, even if you start out a complete n00b. Light vs. Dark is like a Sakurai version of Team Deathmatch mixed with Kirby Air Ride's City Trial. Playing support is probably the best way to get the feel of things, and even starting out with weaker weapons benefits you since if you get taken out, your team's health gauge won't decrease as much as someone with a more powerful weapon.
Overall, I compelled to make this my personal GOTY, despite all of the complaints people had about the controls, which I will say: It's definitely not bad as people claim it to be. You just have to let go about having to need a dual-analog setup everytime you see a third-person shooting game. It just took me a few minutes to tweak the default controls, a few hours of play, and a bit of refined tweaking and I'm more comfortable playing with this setup than I am with any second analog stick. I don't even use the stand to play.
This has to be Sakurai's best work since Kirby Super Star, and a game that may even contend for GOTY. Yes, even with ME3.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Edit: Some people are already claiming this to be Gurren Lagann in videogame form. I guess that's a close approximation.
End of Spoiler
[this message was edited by sfried on Sat 31 Mar 13:45] |
Grave 1444th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(9):Re: Bravely;Default" , posted Sat 31 Mar 14:54    
Hey, I played some more games. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations Or Whatever The Fuck It's Called Very pretty, great roster... but once story mode's done I kind of lost all interest. The fighting's not that much fun once you've seen everyone you wanted to see and beat up some people with them. Granted, there's a lot of them! Will be taking this one back.
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Only reason I picked this up is because everyone's trashing it and I had to know if it deserved it! The last Capcom 3rd person shooter that got shat all over, Lost Planet 2, is easily among my top 5 (if not my absolute favorite!) games of this generation despite its poor reception. And I really, REALLY wish they handed a concept this good to that team, because Slant Six apparently has no idea what it means to ship a working product. Folks who've played their SOCOM titles weren't at all surprised when I told them how "rough around the edges" (an understatement, really) RE:ORC is.
Single player is completely ruined by the brain-dead AI that often shoots at nothing (sometimes the floor), runs headfirst into tripwire mines and fire and constantly refuses to help you out. Babysitting three vegetables with guns while you try to fight hordes of zombies, lickers, human soldiers etc. just isn't fun. At least, not until you unlock some of the decent weapons... which brings me to the next issue.
Weapon damage is completely and utterly boned. Rifles with scopes will barely ever kill anything in a single headshot, even humans and zombies with no head protection. The best pistol (Samurai Edge) headshots more easily than the majority if not all of the rifles you'll pick up along the way. Most of the low-level weapons are worthless and since you're always forced to carry a pistol, you'll constantly be switching between shotgun, SMG or rifle in your ONE WEAPON SLOT. The hell? Also, have fun trying to resurrect one of your partners if they die on a pile of weapons. It's hard enough to let the game know you want to revive instead of curbstomp, cuz it's the same button. But so is swap weapon! So you'll constantly get the two actions you don't want, even when you're holding the button to revive. That's just awesome.
Never mind the idiotic "boss encounters" with human targets that basically just involve rushing them, once you've figured out that they won't die after emptying an entire rifle's ammo into their face with no effect. Not sure what was going on there.
The worst part is that despite all these complaints, I think this game could be patched into something quite good, because it can be a lot of fun with the right people online. It needs a better dodge mechanic rather than the clumsy dive with the long recovery that lets the enemy you were dodging get right back on top of you, some real partner AI, some intelligent weapon balancing, maybe some control tweaks... okay, so it needs a lot of work. I wish I could keep it and say I'm confident that they'll fix what's wrong with it, but this is Capcom we're talking about. Regardless of Slant Six's record, I doubt Capcom gives a fuck as long as people keep buying it. So I'll probably get my money back for this as well. Oh well.
quote: blah blah Kid Icarus blah
And when I do take one of the above back, I'll be buying Kid Icarus because of sfried's gushing. You should be getting commission for that shit!
sfried 766th Post

PSN: My3DSFriendCode XBL: isdownbellow Wii: 279306128909
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re: Bravely;Default" , posted Sat 31 Mar 17:32:    
quote: I would not believe sfried if he told me he didn't work for Nintendo. Still, I'll be picking up Kid Icarus when I finally cave in and buy a 3DS. Really hoping for a new model with an added analog for the holiday season. I'll buy anything with good games on it, but the 3DS has a lot of strikes against it in my book.
Either way, sold on Icarus and double sold on Bravely Default.
And I really wouldn't believe it if you told me you weren't working for Sony, docking point unnecessarily just because it's the 3DS. Really, I don't see how you have to wait for a revision to enjoy these games. The CPPro is only needed for lefties and even then, the controls are configurable so you can use the face buttons for movement (some people actually find this setup better than using the Pad).
It's like your closing your ears and saying "Lala, 3DS doesn't have any good games, and if they do, they don't count!". The 3DS already has a more robust selection of great software on it.
In the meantime, enjoy listening to the awesome music until you cave. - Nico Luckily the tracks are not labeled so nothing is spoiled (much).
[this message was edited by sfried on Sun 1 Apr 00:19] |
Pollyanna 3218th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re: Bravely;Default" , posted Sun 1 Apr 06:58:    
quote: And I really wouldn't believe it if you told me you weren't working for Sony, docking point unnecessarily just because it's the 3DS. Really, I don't see how you have to wait for a revision to enjoy these games. The CPPro is only needed for lefties and even then, the controls are configurable so you can use the face buttons for movement (some people actually find this setup better than using the Pad).
It's like your closing your ears and saying "Lala, 3DS doesn't have any good games, and if they do, they don't count!". The 3DS already has a more robust selection of great software on it.
I know dude, I'm totally the most awesome Sony rep. That's why I likened Gravity Daze to Mario Galaxy in its level of greatness and told people that Mass Effect was probably better on 360. And also why I ranted and ranted about Xenoblade and Last Story. But hey, Sony lost a lot of money this last year, so I guess I'm the best they can afford.
Still, since I own every other system, I have my hands full enough already. I'm hoping for a 3DS revision because I have the luxury of waiting. You're absolutely right that I don't have to have a revision to enjoy the games right now, but I also don't have to enjoy them right now. For the record, I also waited on the second model before I bought a PSP. Prior to the Vita, I've never liked portable systems because I work from home and rarely get out.
I mentioned this before, so I'm sorry for repeating myself, but I'm also turned away by the region lock on 3DS. I import a ton of games, but I don't like being locked out of the region I live in, either. This is a major factor for me. And as I said, since I have the luxury of time, I'm hoping someone works around that. Not expecting it, but hoping.
Even with no region lock workaround, even with no new revision, even not liking anything in particular about the system, I will eventually buy a 3DS just like a bought a Wii and 2 DS systems, because some games just demand to be played. (I just happen to have a whole pile of them on other systems right now)
As a Sony rep vs a Nintendo rep, please be content in the fact that I've purchased a wide number of Nintendo products vs your presumably few Sony ones. If I preorder a Wii U, can we be friends?
EDIT2: I forgot to say, YES! The Icarus soundtrack is out of sight! Ironically, I might end up buying the OST before I get the game. It reminds me of the Yuusha 30/30 Second OST, which had a lot of the same superstars (and then some). I think they only posted the Icarus songs on the official site, like...a week ago? So it was like "Oh yeah, and how about THIS!?" at the last minute.
quote: Please don't do this anymore. I can't afford to buy a Vita but Gravity and Sumioni are games that I want to play once in my life. I'm looking forward to the system but I learned with PSP that is not clever buying any console on day1, especially portable ones. Probabily will get the game even without owning the actual console, but to me, Vita and 3DS are both too expensive and with a possible better version on the horizon (as always, I think at least a new 3DS with 2 analogs is on the way for 2013). I won't be cheated twice :P
Sumioni has a great concept, but it really does appear to be quite awful. On the upside, that means it's probably be dirt cheap after a while. Although I don't expect a new Vita MODEL any time soon, I can see holding out for a price drop or attractive holiday package. Seeing what the system offers, I can't imagine them shaving too much off the price without losing tons of money, but those memory cards certainly are a kick in the pants.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sun 1 Apr 07:38] |
Maou 2325th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re: Bravely;Default" , posted Sun 1 Apr 08:21    
quote: I know dude, I'm totally the most awesome Sony rep.
Sorry dudes (/dudette), I am the most awesome Sony rep. Since I haven't been bothered to buy a new system since a DS Lite, my gaming is all through friends, so my experiences are skewed based on the purposefully limited selection of fighting games and art games we played. Therefore, since (unlike Polly, I'm afraid), I loved Flower and I play a lot of SF IV, my experience with the PS3 is literally 100% positive. Buy one today, kidz!
Spoon 2295th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Re(10):Re: Bravely;Default" , posted Tue 3 Apr 02:37    
Sega can step aside and leave the Sonic fanbase produce Sonic games, eventually financing them or support them with marketing and economics.
The problem for me is that the Sonic fanbase is obsessed with the past. They have an enormous amount of talent and skill, but all of it is put towards making games that play exactly like Sonic 1/2/3+Knuckles. Sega made a ton of okay/mediocre/bad Sonic games and didn't seem to know at all how to make a new Sonic game that wasn't exactly like the old Sonic games but could still be considered a "Sonic game".
In the reverse case, Nintendo made Mario 64, and Retro Studios made Metroid Prime. I don't like playing either as much as their previous franchise entries, but there's no way that either can be recognized as anything but great games that fully capture the essence of their franchises while bringing all kinds of new things to the table.
I think Sega finally hit upon a reasonably happy medium with Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations, and even most of the Sonic fanbase recognizes that. Both games capture the colorful and fast nature of the old Sonic games, have long sections that play like the old Sonic games, have lots of references to the past, but bring in some new 3D things and are full of great looking art and nice sounding music. It's taken so many years to finally get to this point that it'd be a shame if it died along with the restructuring.
Nekros 432th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(8):Re(10):Re: Bravely;Default" , posted Tue 3 Apr 04:24    
Sega can step aside and leave the Sonic fanbase produce Sonic games, eventually financing them or support them with marketing and economics.
The problem for me is that the Sonic fanbase is obsessed with the past. They have an enormous amount of talent and skill, but all of it is put towards making games that play exactly like Sonic 1/2/3+Knuckles. Sega made a ton of okay/mediocre/bad Sonic games and didn't seem to know at all how to make a new Sonic game that wasn't exactly like the old Sonic games but could still be considered a "Sonic game".
In the reverse case, Nintendo made Mario 64, and Retro Studios made Metroid Prime. I don't like playing either as much as their previous franchise entries, but there's no way that either can be recognized as anything but great games that fully capture the essence of their franchises while bringing all kinds of new things to the table.
I think Sega finally hit upon a reasonably happy medium with Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations, and even most of the Sonic fanbase recognizes that. Both games capture the colorful and fast nature of the old Sonic games, have long sections that play like the old Sonic games, have lots of references to the past, but bring in some new 3D things and are full of great looking art and nice sounding music. It's taken so many years to finally get to this point that it'd be a shame if it died along with the restructuring.
You nailed it pretty well, but consider that most indie developers of Sonic Games have a love for the franchise that Sega, as a nowadays developer, can't develop or have at all. Sure, the fanbase is stick with Megadrive days, but something new and fresh can be made even using that engine again and again. When Sega gives us a Sonic 4 with a chunky physics, the fans give us this: . Just as an example of how can be done a PROPER Sonic 4 game (new animations, music and even the Chaotix sprites). I have more faith in those people than Sega, for sure.
Said this, I liked Colors and Generations and the path the series has taken.
Pollyanna 3218th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re(10):Re: Bravely;Default" , posted Tue 3 Apr 06:44    
quote: Therefore, since (unlike Polly, I'm afraid), I loved Flower and I play a lot of SF IV, my experience with the PS3 is literally 100% positive. Buy one today, kidz!
I make fun of you a lot for not playing new games, but every time, I feel this tiny sense of guilt thinking "What if he has some rare disease that costs a lot of money to treat and he can't afford new games?" I mean, for all I know, you have to eat diamonds to stay alive. I also thought for a moment, that maybe you've been in a coma for 10 years or so, and while you have some device hooked up to your brain that lets you post on the internet, it does not allow you to play games. You just debunked that by mentioning Flower, though I can't think of a better game for someone in a coma to play.
quote: Good: Dragon's Dogma suddenly looks really good.
I've been feeling like it's not worth buying games when they first come out anymore. Better to wait until the DLC settles and the price drops, but it's getting harder and harder not to preorder Dragon's Dogma. The fact that you can make your main character a child counterbalances the lack of multiplayer.
quote: Bad: Once again Sega admits defeat but vows to continue to publish Sonic games purely out of spite.
When I first read this on a different site, I thought they said they were cancelling games aimed at a Western market, but I'm not sure if I was just reading what I wanted to hear or not.
Either way, it's a shame, since Sega has pulled themselves out of the muck in my eyes. They were quite laughable for a few years there. Still, since the games I like usually find their way to the bargain bins very quickly, I don't know that being in favor with me is a good business decision. I worry for Platinum a bit now, though.
Sonic Colors and Generations were indeed good, but in such a way that I'm not really hungry for more Sonic right now. They'd have to pleasantly surprise me with some new ideas...and unfortunately, that's not their strong point.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Maou 2327th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Re(10):Re: Bravely;Default" , posted Tue 3 Apr 11:37:    
quote: for all I know, you have to eat diamonds to stay alive.
Hahaha, it is Metal Gear Solid: Diamond Eater all the time around here. Actually, my games of choice were always fighters and RPG's, and since fighters are always at friends' houses anyway, I just never got around to more than my DS, and even that I accidentally forgot to buy until two years after I originally planned.quote: Flower, though I can't think of a better game for someone in a coma to play.
Even though I think Flower is a fantastic experience (to have exactly once), this is too cleverly integrated a jab for me to possibly rebut.
Take heart, though. If I could ever remember to buy a Wii, I would do so based entirely on your/the Cafe's evaluations of Arc Rise Fantasia, Last Story, and Xenoblade as pretty great.
[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 3 Apr 11:38] |
Pollyanna 3219th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Re(10):Re: Bravely;Default" , posted Tue 3 Apr 15:28    
quote: I've been feeling like it's not worth buying games when they first come out anymore. Better to wait until the DLC settles and the price drops, but it's getting harder and harder not to preorder Dragon's Dogma. The fact that you can make your main character a child counterbalances the lack of multiplayer.
What do you think of the graphics/art?
I think very little of one and very highly of the other. Obviously, the designs for everything are super classic. Really nothing inspired. Of course, I'd rather have something like Berserk or Dark Souls that gets really creative with the western fantasy thing. This extends to the human and clothing designs as well as the monsters.
But...the renders are super great. The monsters have a fantastic weight to them and a lot of personality in their movements. They're "well constructed" like a living thing with real moving parts rather than a texture draped over a wireframe. The humans have great faces as well. I pick on Dragon Age (which I liked fairly well) and Elder Scrolls for being inexcusably ugly. People always say "it's not supposed to be pretty", but that's no excuse for getting facial proportions SO VERY WRONG. The people in Dragon's Dogma aren't pretty, but they look like people. The edited characters have a lot of personality and the difference in size and body proportions is really nice.
Of course, I haven't played the game. I haven't seen in on my TV, so it's hard to say how great it does or doesn't look, but my impression from videos is that its generic concept is overcompensated for in its fantastic execution. Even if the designs are boring, they're being rendered by one of the best graphics teams in the industry. A friend of mine put it this way: "Sure, that's a generic harpy, but has anyone ever rendered a harpy that well before? It's the perfect generic harpy."
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
nobinobita 1054th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(9):Re(10):Re: Bravely;Default" , posted Wed 4 Apr 16:52    
quote: I've been feeling like it's not worth buying games when they first come out anymore. Better to wait until the DLC settles and the price drops, but it's getting harder and harder not to preorder Dragon's Dogma. The fact that you can make your main character a child counterbalances the lack of multiplayer.
What do you think of the graphics/art?
I think very little of one and very highly of the other. Obviously, the designs for everything are super classic. Really nothing inspired. Of course, I'd rather have something like Berserk or Dark Souls that gets really creative with the western fantasy thing. This extends to the human and clothing designs as well as the monsters.
But...the renders are super great. The monsters have a fantastic weight to them and a lot of personality in their movements. They're "well constructed" like a living thing with real moving parts rather than a texture draped over a wireframe. The humans have great faces as well. I pick on Dragon Age (which I liked fairly well) and Elder Scrolls for being inexcusably ugly. People always say "it's not supposed to be pretty", but that's no excuse for getting facial proportions SO VERY WRONG. The people in Dragon's Dogma aren't pretty, but they look like people. The edited characters have a lot of personality and the difference in size and body proportions is really nice.
Of course, I haven't played the game. I haven't seen in on my TV, so it's hard to say how great it does or doesn't look,
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Well put!
This game is like the perfect case study in Capcom vs WRPG aesthetics. I don't mean this in a shallow "Anime" vs "Realism" sense. I mean like, I've never seen a Japanese company try so hard to match American design sensibilities and ... SUCEED so well!
The closest thing I can think of is are the Yukes WWF games. The characters are so very very American looking, but the execution is subtly Japanese.
It's like in the past, Japanese games that were hits in the US were like Yoshoku. They may have Western inspiration, but at the end of the day they are aimed at Japanese consumption. But nowadays there are so many Japanese run restaurants of every cuisine that are ultra authentic. I guess games are going increasingly in that direction too.
nobinobita 1056th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Remarkably Default Dragon's Dogma" , posted Wed 4 Apr 17:18:    
quote: Even if the designs are boring, they're being rendered by one of the best graphics teams in the industry. A friend of mine put it this way: "Sure, that's a generic harpy, but has anyone ever rendered a harpy that well before? It's the perfect generic harpy."
Thanks for sharing that. I certainly see where your friend is coming from, but I can't help but think ...
This is a classical representation of a harpy: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/56/Harpy.PNG/220px-Harpy.PNG
This is what most Harpies in recent games look like (bald, thin, veiny, lanky women + vulture (and give or take a smooth monster face): http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y101/cannibalcandy/GOW3/harpy-Izzy.jpg
This is a CAPCOM harpy! http://www.fightersgeneration.com/np7/char/lavia-warzard.png
Lavia is like, the COOOOOLEST take on a harpy i've ever seen for so many reasons.
She's got CRAZY proportions. She has very muscular shoulders, giant forearms, gigantic hands and feet, in many ways she's way more traditionally masculine than all those other harpies, and yet she projects voluptuous womanly beauty (because her exagerrated features read as more Avian than manly). Just one look at her and you can feel her strong personality, confident, vicious, condescending (much of this is achieved through her upright and symmetrical posture). Although she's obviously a harpie, she also references old Chinese folk tales about cranes being beautiful immortal celestial women who turn into cranes when they put on magical cloaks (which they remove when they bath--that's your chance to bag one!). You can tell because her avian features are very eastern in color and shape and because she's wearing Tang Dynasty under-garments.
I mean, it's taking me a really long time to fumble through the words to describe her, but the first time I saw her in Warzard, I just felt all that at once. That's how masterful Capcom's designers are, they can say so much with so little.
And she's just a minor character in the Capcom pantheon!
I guess what I want to say is that, I really really hope there's some elements in Dragon's Dogma where Capcom is just absolutely unfettered and reaches the crazy heights of awesomeness that I know them to be capable of.
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 4 Apr 17:24] |
karasu99 888th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):Remarkably Default Dragon's Dogma" , posted Thu 5 Apr 01:08    
quote: Harpy talk
I feel like I need to chime in here to, since we're getting into a subject that's pretty dear to my heart, Western mythological creatures. Even before video games were graphically capable of portraying monsters in a remotely legible manner, I was a schoolkid who was obsessed with Greek and Roman mythological creatures, and of course naturally Dungeons and Dragons.
Looking at Dragon's Dogma screens, I'm simply floored by how they get it all just perfectly. As an example, Capcom's Magic Sword, which I LOVE, has a bunch of pretty straightforward designs for the same kinds of creatures. Take for instance the chimera. In Magic Sword, it hews pretty closely to the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons era chimera design. The one in Dragon's Dogma, however, gets even more traditional in its appearance, and even closer to the actual source material (or here's one that's actually Greek, not Etruscan) in the story of Bellerophon.
Just watching the trailers and videos for DD, I can't believe how close it gets to (at least my impression of) the source material. The harpy, as Nobi and Polly have mentioned, is less exaggerated , and the hydra, for the only time I can recall in any game, is just a huge, multiheaded snake, and its movements in the trailer are pretty accurately snakelike, I thought. Speaking of the harpy, traditionally they're carrion-eaters, like vultures (and the general consensus is that they were based at least somewhat on far-off views of the featherless heads of vultures or buzzards), so I had always thought that they should be appropriately scruffy and nasty looking. Capcom's design for Lavia, even though it flies in the face of this idea, is really cool and beautiful though.
I'm not saying I prefer this to any other particular interpretation though-- going back to Nobi's mention of Warzard, how can I NOT love its interpretation of a chimera, Ravange, which mixes in lots of Egyptian inspirations, and is very Anakaris-reminiscent? It's just refreshing to see some very back-to-basics deigns as well.
And of course this game makes me think of another AD&D-rooted Japanese creation which I remember fondly, Record of Lodoss War!
Huh, I'm not sure why I hadn't preordered DD already, but this talk has tipped me over the edge. I'm flat-out excited now!
Pollyanna 3220th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Remarkably Default Dragon's Dogma" , posted Thu 5 Apr 06:56    
Totally random, but I recently purchased Hori's SCV arcade stick, because it was $50 off. Before I was using the Qanba 3in1, which is a great stick with lovely PS3/360 compatibility. If you're looking for a dual-system stick, it's a good buy, but the Hori really beats it out otherwise. Some dude wrote a review if you want a more detailed look:
Of particular note are the added USB slots, so if you have a new model PS3, you can plug controllers into controllers to play 4 wired joysticks at once. Now all I need are friends!
Speaking of how lame I am, I have been getting destroyed on SFxT, but at least I never blame the controller!
quote: I that's one of the things that's impressing me about DD. There are not a lot of games that I can think of that haven't felt the need to put their own spin on fantastic creatures. By being so traditional DD actually feels fresh. Combining that with kinetic looking combat and magic that looks really cool has really caught my attention.
Wow. I think that spell sums up the game perfectly. It's not like you haven't seen a tornado spell before...not really a new idea...but you've never seen it look so GOOD.
By the way, I don't actually remember if the harpies look any good in DD, that was just the monster that came up randomly in the conversation. Probably better to use the Chimera as a point of reference.
quote: That's how masterful Capcom's designers are, they can say so much with so little.
It's unreal how many extraordinary artists Capcom had working for them. Well, I say "had" because they just hire some old favorites freelance now, but it's not like their design team is weak now, you just don't see their work as much. I would consider SF4 to be a fairly ugly game, but when you look at the illustrations and designs behind it, it's same old Capcom. That's why, even though SFxT is decidedly hideous, I'm excited about the artbook.
Monster Hunter also has a huge amount of fantastic traditional art behind it. I believe Udon released the big artbook that came out in Japan a few years back, but I hope they make another. I'd love to see the designs for Tri/3rd Portable.
Of course, I miss the days of "what you see on paper is what you see in the game", but I wonder if even "plain-looking" Dragon's Dogma has some fantastic illustrations behind it.
I feel lame saying "durr hurr, Capcom still has good art" after excited discussions about particular designs and source material and such, but hurr durr Capcom still has good art.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Nekros 433th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Remarkably Default Dragon's Dogma" , posted Sun 8 Apr 18:26    
Speaking of how lame I am, I have been getting destroyed on SFxT, but at least I never blame the controller!
Speaking about being lame, same boat here. I'm playing with a usb Saturn pad and hdmi (If I remember correctly, it implies some input lag) and never got over 200-300 points (returned always 0 after losing consecutively). The problem is, that in some way the game is taken too seriously and players that don't have at least 2 hours a day with the game are getting raped instantly by total pros (or fags, depends on your view). It also has an abuse of infinites and shoto's priorities (as every Ono game), resulting in playing against the same 4-5 character, especially Ryu and Ken that is easy to find annoying. Add to this those crazy bugs and online experience with SfxT is not as amazing as it could have been. Can't wait the patches in middle april to screw the infinites. In the meantime, I'll be glad to play the game with some of the cafers. I would have been better in the game, but never have time to learn it. Also, the point system, requiring mandatory victory, isn't encouraging for the less competent players (it woudld have been better with an experience points systems based on the fightstyle or giving much less points if you lose).
sibarraz 391th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(5):Remarkably Default Dragon's Dogma" , posted Mon 9 Apr 01:34    
quote: Speaking of how lame I am, I have been getting destroyed on SFxT, but at least I never blame the controller!
Speaking about being lame, same boat here. I'm playing with a usb Saturn pad and hdmi (If I remember correctly, it implies some input lag) and never got over 200-300 points (returned always 0 after losing consecutively). The problem is, that in some way the game is taken too seriously and players that don't have at least 2 hours a day with the game are getting raped instantly by total pros (or fags, depends on your view). It also has an abuse of infinites and shoto's priorities (as every Ono game), resulting in playing against the same 4-5 character, especially Ryu and Ken that is easy to find annoying. Add to this those crazy bugs and online experience with SfxT is not as amazing as it could have been. Can't wait the patches in middle april to screw the infinites. In the meantime, I'll be glad to play the game with some of the cafers. I would have been better in the game, but never have time to learn it. Also, the point system, requiring mandatory victory, isn't encouraging for the less competent players (it woudld have been better with an experience points systems based on the fightstyle or giving much less points if you lose).
1) About DD, is like skyrim or not? I hadn't seen so much about it
2) About SxT, I had how a single normal could lead to a bigger combo, I know thas is like in every FG, but here is incredible easy to do and works with almost every normal, at least in other FG you had to learn strict timings and other things to do those things
Nekros 434th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(6):Remarkably Default Dragon's Dogma" , posted Mon 9 Apr 20:07    
quote: 1) About DD, is like skyrim or not? I hadn't seen so much about it
Yes and no. It has the same generic middle ages fantasy setting, that I found uncreative, lame and virtually identical to any D&D/Tolkien inspired fantasy, but ehy, it's marketable as hell. But I would not confuse the game with Skyrim because the battle system is completely different (more towards action and co-op combos, imagine the classic board-rpg battling team) and the visuals are slightly more vibrant and polished. Skyrim has some heavy customization aspects, but in a way totally different from DD, including more the acting of your character with the environments that the actual progression in the game. Sorry for Karasu, but I stick with Warzard and NOT GENERIC monster design.
sibarraz 392th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(7):Remarkably Default Dragon's Dogma" , posted Tue 10 Apr 07:33    
quote: 1) About DD, is like skyrim or not? I hadn't seen so much about it
Yes and no. It has the same generic middle ages fantasy setting, that I found uncreative, lame and virtually identical to any D&D/Tolkien inspired fantasy, but ehy, it's marketable as hell. But I would not confuse the game with Skyrim because the battle system is completely different (more towards action and co-op combos, imagine the classic board-rpg battling team) and the visuals are slightly more vibrant and polished. Skyrim has some heavy customization aspects, but in a way totally different from DD, including more the acting of your character with the environments that the actual progression in the game. Sorry for Karasu, but I stick with Warzard and NOT GENERIC monster design.
Interesting, to be honest, I never found the Elder Scrolls Saga to be that interesting, I will see how the game progress
Nekros 435th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(6):Remarkably Default Dragon's Dogma" , posted Tue 10 Apr 20:21    
quote: Speaking about being lame, same boat here. I'm playing with a usb Saturn pad and hdmi (If I remember correctly, it implies some input lag) and never got over 200-300 points (returned always 0 after losing consecutively).
Since you're using a Saturn pad, I'm assuiming you're playing on the PS3. Why not team with someone online? It makes the experience a whole lot more fun, and less frustrating when losing too.
Humm, and the online patch is coming tomorrow. Wonder if that changed the netplay at all, because aside from sound, it's perfect right now.
You're right, with my poor time to spend at the game and my "lonely wolf" attitude I haven't considered to team up to improve my game skills (it's pretty new such a feature in FG).
As for the Elder Scrolls thing: I find Bethesda games heavily overrated. I played a lot of Fallout 3, finding it very interesting in environments, backgound and general ideas but poorly execued in terms of gameplay choices, graphics and filled with bugs and glitches in atrocious manner. Basically, a rpg series turned out to be a sort of fps/rts with statisics. Sure the story and character relations are totally up to you and your choices (you can even kill most of plot-relad characters), but in a way that is fixed to accomplish the story in same manner in the end. For what I've been told, The Elder Scroll games are pretty much the same (bugs included), with a fantasy world instead of a post-atomic one. They're games with a lot of work and ideas, but not as pleasant to play as they are on paper.
Pollyanna 3221th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):XSEED and I aren't best friends anymore" , posted Wed 11 Apr 07:33    
quote: While I always prefer a disc release and require it when a game is 10+ GB, if WotS4 is so compact this is nowhere near as hard to swallow.
With as many games as you play, you should really invest in a new hard drive. When my PS3 died and I got a new one, I got the model with the biggest HD out there. The huge amount of DLC and DL titles have made having an older model PS3 or 360 kind of debilitating. Still...yeah...10+ gig downloads are kind of crazy. I don't know how much a company saves by not making a physical copy, but it seems like a download that size would discourage a lot of people from biting.
quote: It also has an abuse of infinites and shoto's priorities (as every Ono game), resulting in playing against the same 4-5 character, especially Ryu and Ken that is easy to find annoying. Add to this those crazy bugs and online experience with SfxT is not as amazing as it could have been. Can't wait the patches in middle april to screw the infinites.
I've made it to 800 BP or so a few times, but I've been hit by the glitch that reduces you to zero SIX TIMES NOW. I just want to get to C rank. After that, no more Ranked Mode!
I'm usually a high-risk/high-reward sort of player, but this game seems to discourage that. In Ranked, many players will take no risks whatsoever, even if that means walking into the corner and not attacking for the entire match. I've seen people try to run the clock down at 40 seconds. On the upside, it's given me a firm foundation of what is and isn't safe. This makes the game especially frustrating in a lag environment, as one little network hiccup can result in really heavy punishment. Also, the new patch seems to cause a bit of input lag here and there?
I feel like the "entry level" on this game is actually pretty low compared to other Capcom games (or Arc Sys ones), where the gap between a relative rookie and an experienced player is impassible. I haven't had to spend hours in training mode, which is a big plus.
I like the game well enough, but Ryu really is ridiculous. Rolento is also quite bad in a lag environment, though he doesn't hold up as well against really skilled players.
quote: Why haven't we seen a Ryu/Ken v M.Bison combo video for SFxT using this yet?!
Memories! I probably watched that final battle scene 200 times when I was a kid. I used to listen to the song while playing the Dramatic Battle mode in SFZ too.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Grave 1449th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(9):Remarkably Default Dragon's Dogma" , posted Thu 12 Apr 01:16    
quote: Has anyone tried Skullgirls yet? Any thoughts?
Too early for me to say what I think of it as a fighting game but I played a couple hours or so last night and I did have a lot of fun! The characters are overflowing with personality and the presentation of the game is fantastic. Very, very interested to see how a tag game with a ratio system works once I'm more familiar with how the game works because it's a very cool idea!
I know they have a pretty long "to-do" list of features, including lobbies and an ingame move list, but right now what they're offering for $15 is a steal. A ton of work and a ton of love went into this game and I'm glad it's here. I'm off today so I expect to play a few more hours and get to know it better!
quote: Between the amusing distraction of ME3's mutiplayer and the unexpected news of Lost Planet 3 has made me think about the brilliant mess that was Lost Planet 2. While teaming up with others in ME3 is fun I find myself wishing I could make my character wear a funny hat or jump for joy after making it through a particularly difficult round. More games need to have the option of selectable dance moves.
The LP3 news was crushing to me. When I was playing Operation Raccoon City, all I could think was "Ugh! Why couldn't they do this like LP2? Why didn't they give this to the LP2 team?!" And of course, a few weeks later, they announce LP3... and they didn't give it to the LP2 team. I guess Capcom decided that since working with Slant Six went over so well, they should outsource another potentially amazing game idea to a bottom-rung developer that cranks out dogshit. Cool.
What I wasn't aware of until this announcement, though, is how much some LP1 fans despise LP2. LP2 was my jumping-on point, and good god that game did so many things right. It's easily one of my favorite if not my #1 favorite game of the generation. But it seems like it was an accident, and not one likely to be repeated. Even if LP3 does turn out to be good somehow, the focus has been shifted. This isn't an experience centered around co-op, so I'm probably not going to care.
Maybe they'll fix Operation Raccoon City and that can be my new LP2... no, probably not. Oh well. I guess LP2 will have to be my new LP2. Gotta work my way back up to extreme difficulty!
While we're on the subject of third person shooters, Binary Domain is a lot of fun and is surprisingly pretty un-generic when you get into it! And the voice commands? The voice commands are great fun, until it hears an in-game explosion over your headset, mistakes it for the word "shoot" and then your team charges into fire. Maybe I need to stop sounding so damn much like an explosion. No, this will never happen. I just unplugged my headset.
Nekros 438th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(9):Remarkably Default Dragon's Dogma" , posted Thu 12 Apr 01:35    
quote: Has anyone tried Skullgirls yet? Any thoughts?
Just came back after playing the demo. Not bad, but not as stunning as some players described. Sure, the game has personality. And colors. Two thing that I can appreciate A LOT, in every game (and where this generation lacks in a irritating manner). Yamane work is also great. The gameplay didn't convinced me. It's a bad breed of Marvel raping Guilty Gear but with choppy animations and a sort of Darkstalkerish control mapping. Weird, and not so enjoyable, in my opinion. Also, can't dig the characters completely, I'm not a fan of manga-wannabe design and the only character I find ok was that mess called Saya...err, Double. Not a bad effort, but speaking of doujin fighters I'll stick with Melty Blood, thank you very much :P
@Ishmael: ME3 multiplayer. Is so much fun? How is compared to modern day shooters? Is like Gears Of War/Halo etc. or a complete different game? I'm curious but usally don't give a damn about ANY multi in a game normally conceived for single player. Never touched the multiplayer in Assassin's Creed, for example.
@ Grave: Binary Domain is sci-fi. Specifically cyberpunk. Nothing can go wrong, is an instant win over that dudebro-mass-shooters that infect the market nowadays.
Pollyanna 3222th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):XSEED and I aren't best friends " , posted Thu 12 Apr 06:50    
quote: Too early for me to say what I think of it as a fighting game but I played a couple hours or so last night and I did have a lot of fun! The characters are overflowing with personality and the presentation of the game is fantastic.
Thank you. Now I don't have to type anything about Skullgirls...you did it for me. I'll add that it was worth the admission price just to see all the animations. The my opinion on the actual game is still pending.
And again...
quote: The LP3 news was crushing to me.
quote: Hm, the PxZ art isn't even close to the amazing art of NxC, and I have a feeling Yuzo Koshiro isn't doing the soundtrack but fuck it, I want and give plz.
Yet of all things, it had to be a region-locked 3DS import. /FML
Nintendo is trying to get me to buy their system twice when I'm still iffy on once. This is going to give me ulcers.
Did you play NxC? I don't remember. The battle system was great, but the battle layouts were poor, as was the writing. Still, it was good enough that I'm on board for the new one.
Added note... Tales of Innocence R is really good if you really want an RPG on Vita. The battle system isn't quite on the level of recent Tales games, but the story and characters are charming enough and the soundtrack is unusually good for the series (although nothing will ever touch Legendia). It's not like "go buy a Vita right now" good, but it's nice for RPG fans.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Loona 550th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(4):Re(10):XSEED and I aren't best friends" , posted Thu 12 Apr 17:39    
quote: The story I have no expectations for, since I've come to notice things like this tend to have awful stories anyway. I still haven't finished Cross Edge because it was just so offensively terrible (though that was in more ways than just a bad story).
I'm on the same boat regarding Cross Edge, though I disagree when it comes to the actual battle system - I found that fluid and fun, it's just that game's macro structure (grinding for new moves, gear, having to search the whole map for plot cupons with nonsensical names, some of them kinda secret but required for the best ending that require backtracking, etc...) and a lot of the dialogue didn't help, but at least the plot seemed to fit Jedah's VS plot like a glove at point I stopped it to focus on KoF XIII. That being said, that game's crossover factor was even more niche than NxC and it made its way here.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Mosquiton 1812th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):Re:Bioware and I aren't best friends" , posted Fri 13 Apr 13:38:    
quote: Which ending you choose? Did you liked it? I find EVERY ending to be disappointing, not as writing (it's poor and come out of nowhere without any real climax to climb on) but how's related with your actions in the story of three games. I sorta liked the concept of the ending I got, but the execution was terrible.
Totally leaving aside any controversies, conspiracy theories, and anything else, I think it's tough to argue they didn't kind of fuck things up.
The one thing I have to say about it is that to me the endings of ME1 and ME2 only became real to me when I carried them into the following game and made the choice to accept the results and build on that foundation.
After watching one ending and feeling quite unsatisfied, I played through the final sequence again to see the other two. But which ending did I really choose? What really happened in my game, to my Shepard? The obvious answer is none of it. There's no real follow through (at this point), just three hypothetical scenarios leading nowhere. Each has about as much gravity and weight of a one-page Marvel "What if?" comic.
After the epilogue you're actually encouraged to invalidate your choices by going back in time to where none of it ever happened in order to "continue building your legend by downloading DLC". Who wrote that shit? It's kind of insulting.
I almost hesitate to call it an ending at all. Game is still great in an objective, consumer product sense, though. I'm actually being completely serious... although who can be totally objective about something they really care about?
UPDATE! As a bonus I think I'll write those What if? Comics. Special! Three different versions of the conclusion to Spider-Man's career!
WHAT IF Peter Parker were to hang-up the Spider-Man suit for good and retire to Cuba?
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Panel 1: Spidey hangs his costume up in the closet. "Well, that's that." Panel 2: Peter's plane leaves as Mary Jane cries and blow dries her hair in the bathtub. Panel 3: Spiderman eats a strawberry ice cream cone.
Same as above, but the ice cream in the last panel is Blue Raspberry. Hey, that flavor was big in the 90's!
Same as Comic 1, but the ice cream in the last panel is mint chocolate chip flavor. The chips and the mint have fucking COMBINED to create the ULTIMATE ICE CREAM FLAVOR! WHOA!
BONUS FOR ALL VERSIONS! If you gently rub the back cover gently for an eraser for an hour or so, you'll reveal a picture of Mary Jane wearing a bathrobe and toweling off her hair. Phew! She's alright after all!
End of Spoiler
/ / /
[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 13 Apr 14:22] |
Baines 315th Post
Bronze Customer
| "Re(9):Re(10):XSEED and I aren't best friends" , posted Sat 21 Apr 01:29    
quote: This brings to mind a lot of pointless, rhetorical questions. Do the Yakuza games with their Japanese only language tracks fall into the "or something" category? Do Sony and the other console makers have hard and fast rules for what must be in a game posted somewhere? Or is it on a case by case basis, meaning that games can be rejected for arbitrary reasons? When one game makes it and another doesn't is there an explanation given or is it more of a "not tonight dear, I have a headache" brush-off? Questions, questions.
Speaking as a watcher of games, with no inside track, I believe the answer is "case by case basis, meaning that games can be rejected for arbitrary reasons".
Various comments over the years imply that each system has shown preferential treatment for certain partners, relaxing restrictions that are applied to other games. There have also been a few implications/accusations of overly negative treatment to disfavored partners, but those might be "disgruntled employee" situations.
And even "friendly" developers can seemingly randomly fall afoul of some hidden bureaucracy, or some pitfall that another developer appears to sail through without difficulty.
From my own personal belief, with no evidence to back it up, I think Sony believes keeping Sega happy is more important than keeping Koei happy, so Sega gets a pass while Koei doesn't. Of course, it could also be that whoever is giving approval for Sega titles is more willing to bend the rules than the person who was in charge of Koei. Or it could be that Sony saw the fan blowups in the past over Yakuza games, and decided its niche audience appeal warranted an exception, but sees the Warriors franchises as more casual mass market audience (and doesn't want to encourage Koei to take price-saving shortcuts). Or maybe it is that Yakuza is a system exclusive, while Warriors games aren't.
karasu99 909th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):XSEED and I aren't best f" , posted Sat 21 Apr 02:23:    
quote: The requirements for English-language dubbing wouldn't be so bizarre if A) it didn't cost more money and B) American voice acting wasn't so incredibly terrible. What a strange regulation to enforce, even if haphhazardly. Reminds me of early efforts to scrub any traces of "Japanese-ness" from games, television, etc.
I also find it strange that I'm seeing a lot of fallout about Warriors Orochi on PSN NOT having an English dub. Maybe I'm just developing into the 'in my day' style of codger, but there was a time when English dubs in Japanese games were particularly reviled. I adjust almost everything to the JP language track if available, as I assumed most Japanese game aficionados did.
In other news, MvC2 is coming to iOS. Also, the recent rumors of Dragon's Crown being cancelled that I found too heartbreaking to mention here have been answered by the announcement that the publishing rights have been taken over by Atlus. Even though a US release seemed imminent, I'm breathing a little easier to hear that the 'release everything in the US' publisher is handling things. And finally, the kind of add-in this game franchise has been building up to for the last decade .
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Sat 21 Apr 02:30] |
Grave 1454th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):XSEED and I aren't best f" , posted Sat 21 Apr 02:25    
quote: The requirements for English-language dubbing wouldn't be so bizarre if A) it didn't cost more money and B) American voice acting wasn't so incredibly terrible.
Maybe I'm crazy, or maybe I'm just getting old and no longer put much stock in listening to something I don't understand for "authenticity", but I feel like B just isn't true anymore.
Granted, I'm sure I'd know more about this if I played more RPGs, but from my experiences over the past years I've enjoyed a lot of English voice tracks! I rather liked Odin Sphere and Grim Grimoire some time back, Persona 3 and 4 were fantastic, I thought, and if they don't get the actors back for P4A I'm gonna be bummed. Since I don't even know what the majority of Gundam characters are supposed to sound like in English, I played DW Gundam 3 in English as well. Outside of Domon and Kamille it was pretty good! Liked Nier, liked Asura's Wrath... only hit and miss thing I've played recently was Atelier Totori, in which I was forced to keep it in English because Totori herself was so endearingly voiced and I just couldn't listen to the Japanese version after it!
Oh, well, I guess the exception was Hokuto Musou, where I went straight to Japanese. I don't think I have to explain this.
I think it's been steadily improving as the years go by. When I'm at home, I always tinker with the SF4 voices, keeping most in Japanese cuz it's more familiar-sounding for a fighting game but there are a lot I like in English. When I play the 3DS version I barely even notice that it's all English. Guess we've come a long way from "DRRRAAGON! HURRICANE!"
Maou 2340th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):XSEED and I aren't best f" , posted Sat 21 Apr 02:41:    
quote: Granted, I'm sure I'd know more about this if I played more RPGs, but from my experiences over the past years I've enjoyed a lot of English voice tracks!
Even though I wrote that as someone who speaks both (many folks incorrectly assume that what they can't understand is better, but it just happened to be true for many years!), you're right, I'm probably just being mean.
I imagine that certain genres like RPG's probably fared better than others, too, in recent years---I guess Americans finally realized that the only people playing RPG's were people who liked stories, stories which stand to be impacted by bad acting. Then again, I am still literally embarrassed to be in the same room as someone playing a fighter like SF IV in English.
In conclusion, the entire Godhand cast should still get a gold medal. "I love it."
[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 21 Apr 02:42] |
Pollyanna 3225th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):XSEED and I aren't best f" , posted Sat 21 Apr 06:56    
In my opinion, English dubs usually get about half the cast right and royally screw up the other half. I can't think of an English dub in recent memory where SOMEBODY didn't suck. Though to be fair, I rarely play a Japanese game where I like every single voice. A big complaint with me and English dubs (of Japanese games) is the very shallow pool they draw their actors from. You get more variety in big name releases, but otherwise, it's usually the same 9 or 10 names. I am admittedly biased, since I work in Texas, but I wish more companies would outsource to Houston or Dallas. It would make for more variety and save money as well. Plenty of the California names started out here, anyway.
For the record, anime dubbing pays about $50 an hour and game dubbing $200. That's for the actors. The directors and sound technicians are added onto that, though they get more of a "regular job" kind of rate. If you have a game with a huge amount of dubbing like Persona, you can imagine how much that adds up. As a result, there is a tremendous value in getting things right in one take. That's why they use the same actors (because they know they can do it) and a lot of lines have a "good enough" feel to them. Maybe it's just that I have a trained ear for this sort of thing, but I often feel like "this is okay, one more take would've done them some good" when I'm hearing an English dub.
I could go on and on about this, but on the subject of One Piece, I recorded with Funimation not long ago, and there wasn't word of dubbing it yet. That might have changed in the past week even, but usually they dub things WAY ahead of time. I sort of hope they don't dub it, because they would have to cast characters way ahead of their anime dub appearance and stick with them later, even if it doesn't work out. Toei has to approve all the main characters in One Piece, so the studio will send them a "best 4" from auditions, and Toei will choose the one they like best. This can turn into a pain if the actor moves away, then Funimation has to pay to fly them in repeatedly.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
karasu99 910th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):XSEED and I aren't best f" , posted Sat 21 Apr 09:02:    
quote: In my opinion, English dubs usually get about half the cast right and royally screw up the other half.
Thanks for posting about this subject, since I know from many of your previous posts that you have a particularly good insight into the discussion. It's also really interesting to hear about the process of getting English voice actors! I feel pretty much the same way-- I understand that risk plays a big part in a localization of a Japanese game, but... yeah, I've been recognizing a lot of the same voices across the English versions of both games and anime, and it's discouraging, since I know there's got to be a ton of talent out there (plus some of the stand-bys are genuinely awful). There have been some great anime series dubbed into English over the years where I actually prefer the English version to the Japanese. But you're right, there's always somebody that sours the lot of it.
My perception as far as games are concerned is that the quality of dubs now is infinitely better than the first generation of PS1 RPGs to be localized, for example. Even something as potentially horrendous as a Dynasty Warriors game has a much better dub than back in DW3, for example. Friends of mine and I still joke about the terrible voiced, constantly repeated generic officer comment on their defeat: "WASN'T MEANT TO BE", delivered nice and deadpan.
PS: Polly, thank you also for suggesting Tales of Innocence R a little while back! I'm not too far in, but I've been loving it!
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Sat 21 Apr 09:06] |
Pollyanna 3226th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):XSEED and I aren't best f" , posted Sat 21 Apr 10:36    
I bitch about dubs a lot because I have my head so far up their butt, but yeah, they're dramatically better than before and pretty much totally listenable these days...even though I'll still import games just to have the Japanese track.
quote: PS: Polly, thank you also for suggesting Tales of Innocence R a little while back! I'm not too far in, but I've been loving it.
I'm so glad! I'm about 30 hours in, myself and it hasn't soured for me. The battle system gets much better as you move along! I'm not nuts about the hiougi (super) system, but I wonder if there's eventually a skill like in Graces that gives you a free hiougi if your combo exceeds 25 hits. That was reallllly fun.
But they went totally nuts with combos in this one. You probably haven't unlocked most of these skills yet, but they have things that let you cancel anything into anything, then "repeat" which lets you combo moves into themselves. Then you get dash cancels which let you well...dash cancel, so you can keep combos going after a knockdown or knockback. At this point, it's easy for me to get 40+ combos even without any help from the rest of the party. SUPER FUN!
It's also cool how many characters are usable, which seems to be a new trend in Tales games. Luka, Spada, Hermana and QQ are all equally great to use, and if you stretch it a bit, even Ange and Illia are somewhat useable. I don't think you can have a huge amount of fun with Ricardo or Conway (Kongwai?) but even they're not bad for their character type. They used to have a system where you could speed up/power up spells by doing a sequence of buttons (like a music game) while you were casting. I'd like to see that return to make the mage characters more fun, but having 4 combo happy fighters to use is more than enough.
They kind of went overboard with the skits, though. They seem to have something for me every time I stay in an inn (I had to do it 10 times in a row to "catch up") and some of the "hidden" skits are completely nuts. For example, I had someone make vanilla icecream while I was in a snow area and I got a skit where the characters were saying "It's so cold! Whose idea was this!?" Also, some of the flashbacks carry on unnecessarily long (Asura and especially Durandal's VAs kind of suck), though I can't really complain about too much content when I have the option to skip it.
I don't get to talk to people about Tales games very often, so excuse the rambling.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Baines 316th Post
Bronze Customer
| "Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):XSEED and I aren't best f" , posted Sun 22 Apr 01:13    
quote: In my opinion, English dubs usually get about half the cast right and royally screw up the other half. I can't think of an English dub in recent memory where SOMEBODY didn't suck. Though to be fair, I rarely play a Japanese game where I like every single voice.
I recall one of the Soul Calibur games hit a phenomena where have the English dub was pretty bad, but half the Japanese dub was also weak in comparison. I can't remember which one it was, but it was one of the most memorable cases where people were countering the standard claim that "English voices are terrible, Japanese voices are all awesome". (It was probably one that I owned, because I remember at least one where I wanted the ability to mix voice track options.)
As for the Warriors games, I do understand why people would want them dubbed. The games tend to have a lot of speech during combat. A lot of it isn't important, but some of it is. And subs during battle aren't entirely practical. Even if developers were to put them in, there would be people who wouldn't be able to fight and read them at the same time. (My brother doesn't even like to watch subbed action movies, because he has to choose between watching the action and reading the subs. He just doesn't have the talent for reading fast, or for split-attention reading.)
Nekros 447th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re:Capcom and I aren't best friends" , posted Thu 26 Apr 01:33    
quote: In other news, I received a solicitation for this, which I thought there might be some interest in around these parts.
Is that a work of yours? Sorry, I don't know much about any of you in real life so I don't get it excluding the interesting subject.
Speaking about Capcom and things I recently read about a Famitsu teaser showing only five characters and nothing more. Can I find scans of this? Is probabily going to be something not important/interesting to me (like some social or mobile game) but I'm curious to see.
And yes, I indeed quite enjoyed Dragon's Dogma demo. Good renders, fast action, combos, timing and big bosses. More like the D&D arcade games than a Elder Scrolls action game. But the good ends here: not many moves, not co-op gameplay and a tremendous tearing (especially during cutscenes) ruined it all. Adding I can't stand middle ages fantasy IN ANY WAY (finding two exceptions with The Witcher and Berserk) I call quit with the game. But to me, DD is a good direction in action game with rpg elements, hope I will find the same gameplay with a more original setting in the years to come.
karasu99 915th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):Harlock and I are best friends" , posted Thu 26 Apr 04:41    
quote: Ye gods, why have we never had a proper Matsumoto Leiji universe game? If my RPG party had Harlock and Emeraldas in the same place, I might actually buy a game made after 2007.
Only if their scars can be made with those great Matsumoto-style ones, not boring real life style scars.
I've still yet to try the demo (tonight, perhaps) but Ishmael's comment has made me think that DD allows for the creation of the last discriminated-against type in a lot of create-your-own type games: average-looking, non-supernatural ugly people.
quote: Is that a work of yours? Sorry, I don't know much about any of you in real life so I don't get it excluding the interesting subject.
No, I was just reporting it. Somehow I got hooked into a mailing list for such things.
quote: That looks great! Looks really fun and good hearted, like I'm reading Game Fan!
Out of the million Kickstarter-ish things like this that I've seen, this one seemed to have some real merit. Hopefully it will be good!
Also, aw nuts!
Nekros 449th Post

Gold Customer
| "Sony tries to be nostalgic" , posted Fri 27 Apr 16:24:    
So, Sony has officially announced its Smash Bros ripoff. I'll try to not be rude on this, but there's a big difference on what have Sony and what have Nintendo. A Sony Smash Bros, especially if you're an old school bitch like me, sounds very stupid considering how market around Sony consoles evolved. If Sony had mantained strong exclusives like FF, DMC, Tekken, MGS like in previous generations we sure have plenty of characters to choose from that had a strong impact on the industry and the players. To me, a game featuring only recent brands and fairly obscure ones (Fat Princess and Twisted Metal aren't exaclty like Metroid and Pokemon) doesn't sound too appealing. It's sure aimed to younger audience (OMG Kratos! OMG Drake! OMG Radec!) and Sony fanboys (OMG Sly! OMG Sackboyz! OMG Ratchet!), not the same players who enjoyed the concept behind Smash Bros. It also has that gritty "realistic" tone enjoyed by westerns, that's ok on some characters but out of place for others, while Nintendo mashes the pace in a more cohesive form (not perfect, but better than Sony's). They've announced third party characters but in the end I don't think we'll get more than 3-4 guests from exclusives that Sony lost (Crash Bandicoot, surely Ezio/Altair because he's in every game, maybe Snake, maybe FF7 Cloud).
Maybe I'm pushing too hard but I don't think Sony deserved to be considered like Nintendo, even if tries to imitate them in every form. Sony consoles made history, not Sony games (although some are good) and for sure not Sony characters.
[this message was edited by Nekros on Fri 27 Apr 16:33] |
karasu99 917th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Harlock and Bayman are best friends" , posted Sat 28 Apr 00:49:    
quote: So this guy who likes Silent Hill way too much released a new game in March that seems awfully intriguing:
This is a pretty great game! The protagonist's weird twitchy animation is oddly disturbing. I really think it achieves an incredibly spooky vibe-- especially when playing it in the dark! The whole VGA-monitor effect is a bit quaint but still nice.
quote: So, Sony has officially announced its Smash Bros ripoff.
I think your point about console exclusives is an extremely important one-- these days there are very few exclusives compared to a decade ago. I guess my real feeling about the game is if it's fun, it's worth getting, regardless of how half-assed the cast is. But yes, definitely, it's no Smash Brothers, and it will undoubtedly be compared to Smash Bothers, so hopefully Sony is making sure that the gameplay will be good enough to make up for where the cast fall flat.
In other news, Bayman and Christie are in DOA5, not surprisingly. I haven't been overly excited about this game, but Bayman is my second favorite character from the series, so his inclusion makes me happy. Plus, holy crap the crashing helicopter in the video looks fantastic!
Also, new characters continue to be revealed for Anarchy Reigns. Honestly, they had me at Bayonetta. Is it just me, or is the schedule they're using for the release of new info really strange and extended for this game? It feels like we get some tiny bit of info every few months.
EDIT: DOUBLE ALSO! I'm sure I'm not the only fan of La Mulana here (in fact I have some recollection that someone here at the Cafe first told me about the game years ago), but the developer Nigoro apparently has no idea when the long-promised US and European localizations of the Wii version will come out, which is weird since I could swear it was announced years ago, and the Japan version has been out for some time. In any event, a PC version of the update is coming soon, which is great news, since this is a fantastic game.
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Sat 28 Apr 00:59] |
Nekros 449th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(5):Harlock and Bayman are best friends" , posted Sat 28 Apr 16:17    
quote: Bayman and Christie are in DOA5
Yay for both (I think nearly all previous characters will made it into DOA5) but Bayman... seriously, wtf? He went to being mercenary from full fledged war-bro for marketing and his stage also appeals Americans for sure. The last thing I want to see in a JAPANESE FIGHTING GAME is a URBAN WARFARE SETTING WITH BOMBS, ELICOPTERS AND EXPLOSIONS*. There are plenty of games with that. God I miss Nash's stage in 02, that was cool. Imagine that thing in 3D, fighting in a hangar with departing crafts at night...
*It's very similar to the first MGS4 setting, or the Binary Domain Arabian mission but without mechs. Apart the rant over the concept, I like Bayman's stage; it's very well done, especially light and particle effects (fire, dust, etc).
Loona 555th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(5):Sony tries to be nostalgic" , posted Sun 29 Apr 11:43    
The guy from Sonic Hurricane is working on it? That's surprising since it doesn't look like that execution heavy of a game.
They did mention level 3 supers, while IIRC SSB seems to only have a couple of buttons for normals ("jabs" and the ones that can actually push you), 1 for throws, specials modified by held directions, and 1 kind of super at least in Brawl, but I don't recall how the command for that one is like other than requiring an item.
It would fit the Playstation's iconic 4 buttons for the game to use all of those, preferably all as attacks - I just hope the multiple level super system won't involve pressing more than a couple at once, odds are the dev team was given indications to make this easy to pick up and not as complex as the kind of games Maj is known for analyzing, considering what they're trying to compete against.
If I heard one of the videos correctly, Sly Cooper will only be ale to turn invisible instead of blocking like everyone else... I haven't played his series, but I wonder how that'll turn out, especially with 3 other characters all aiming for him...
While I'll bet that Sony Smash Bros. or whatever it's called will be a fine game it still seems like a big jamboree fighting game is an odd choice. Yes, I know Sony has their rea$on$ for making the game but they don't have the established franchise characters that you usually find in these sort of game. Whether it's Shonen Jump heroes hopping around the battlefield or Nintendo's well cultivated roster, these games usually feature characters that are tied to a particular brand name. But Sony? Are we going to have Kratos fighting an old Walkman? We shall see how this pans out.
The thing I'm antecipating the most is the news on who'll get to be the final boss for this - Crash Bandicoot would almost fit, as one of the earliest, if not the first, attempt at giving the Playsation a mascot, but maybe he'll be announced later or made an unlockable or DLC - then there's Dr Neocortex from his series. But Mario would make the most sense, really, unlikely as it is.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Nekros 452th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Sony tries to be nostalgic" , posted Mon 30 Apr 16:49    
quote: So, Sony has officially announced its Smash Bros ripoff.
Automatic Fail because it's not a Sega game and I can't play as "Hornet."
A Sega Smash Bros would be EPIC. I wonder how much we have to wait to have this instead of Superstar Racing-Tennis games.
mmm, I had to make a roster using 30 characters, I will put
Sonic Tails Knuckles Dr Eggman Shadow (I'm being realistic, you know that SEGA will put those 5 no matter what) Alex Kidd Ax Battler Blaze Amigo Ulala Akira Pai Kazuma Kiryu Ryo Hazuki Sakura Bayonetta Hornet Robo and Mobo Alis Opa Opa Nights Space Harrier
And I Know that I'm forgetting someone, maybe more Virtua Fighter Chars or I don't know
But I will love to see a dream match of sega not involving karting or tennis
I don't know if Bayonetta is legit. Most people claims that the character is a Sega trademark when is Platinum's and Sega only published the game. I don't think the own Bayonetta as IP (it's like as Project Zero 4 being a Nintendo title). And you miss Julius Thunderhead, Azel/Orta, Shion, Joe Musashi, Pepperochau, Pulseman, Vectorman, The guy from Comix Zone, Ecco, ToeJeam & Earl, Eternal Champions and Fighting Vipers characters, Shining Force characters, Soleil protagonist, Phantasy Star characters, Sakura Wars girls, Astal and Arle from Puyo Puyo (she's in Superstar Tennis). Also, I'll personally put the black guy from HOTD: Overkill, or G to represent HOTD franchise.
Baines 317th Post
Bronze Customer
| "Re(6):Sony tries to be nostalgic" , posted Tue 1 May 01:05    
quote: They did mention level 3 supers, while IIRC SSB seems to only have a couple of buttons for normals ("jabs" and the ones that can actually push you), 1 for throws, specials modified by held directions, and 1 kind of super at least in Brawl, but I don't recall how the command for that one is like other than requiring an item.
Destructoid had a preview up on the 27th.
Left stick or d-pad for movement. Right stick for throws. X for Jump. Other three face buttons for attacks. L1 to block R1 to pick up items R2 for super move
No life bar. No Smash Bros damage percentage either. Victory by score, where you gain points by knocking out opponents and lose points for being knocked out yourself.
From the sound of the Destructoid piece, you can only knock someone out with a super? The video at Sonic Hurricane implies the same, with enclosed stages and the only knockouts shown being done by a super.
So the main reason to attack is to build super meter? Or to steal super meter from other players, as apparently some attacks can do that.
Destructoid piece raised the concern that the game may end up being about the character with the best level 1 super. It mentions that even by the end of the preview, people were using Parappa because his skateboard super meant easy knockouts. (The only knockouts in the video at Sonic Hurricane are also by that super.)